#//like as an oc writer who really do have to break your back to accomodate canons and even then its not enough sometimes
idanazaldrizes · 6 months
i've been lucky with aerea so far but it is so so obvious when plotting/writing when someone just hasn't bothered to read your characters about, whether canon or original, or paid attention to any canon divergencies. like it really fucking sucks when you put your All into a character's bio, especially ocs, and tried to work them into canon as seemlessly as possible only for it to be completely tossed aside.
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har-rison-s · 6 years
what do you know?
part one; Roger Taylor x OC.
summary: Maria Alton, a famous british writer, and Roger Taylor, the also-famous rockstar, have been together for over ten years and Mr Taylor thinks it's finally time to take their relationship to the next level. Everything goes smoothly, until one late evening in their house in London.
warnings: mentions of sex and cheating, nothing graphic, sad things?
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It's already dark outside, and the temperature had decreased, as well. Maria's office light is still on, though, and she isn't done signing her legality papers. Her cup of tea is almost empty, but the only tea there could be is cold already. She glances into it and sighs. Then she glances at the clock behind the cup and her eyes widen a little. It's late, she should go home.
Maria stands up from her chair and puts all her papers in the correct order and a neat pile. She puts her pens in the holder and then takes a sticky note, writes “I'll finish these tomorrow :)” on it with a pencil and sticks the note on the pile of papers. Maria takes her bag and the mug, and puts the mug in the small kitchen next to her office. She puts on her coat and before shutting all the lights off, she thinks that she has to call Roger to tell him she's coming home. Then she decides against it, and shuts off all the lights and locks her office.
Roger had asked for Maria's hand in marriage just a few weeks ago. She, happy as ever, let him have her as a wife. They had already arranged a place and date on their wedding and now the pair had to think of all the details. Maria knew that Roger would be too lazy to organise anything, so naturally, she would take the wheel for most things.
Maria doesn't take a cab home, since walking to their house takes only half an hour or so. It's not too cold to be outside yet, nearing the end of September, so she won't catch a cold even if she tried. As she walks down the nearly empty streets of the city, Maria thinks about their engagement and the upcoming wedding. She looks at the ring on her finger and giggles excitedly. Just like when she was in school - when the guy she liked asked her to the dance. 
She feels exactly the same now, except it's not the guy, it's Roger. The love of her life, the most important person in her life. Since Maria's parents died in a car crash not long after she graduated high school, she hasn't known anyone as long as she has Roger. He was the sort of saving light for her at that time, when they met in university.
Their relationship hadn't started straight away, although Roger wanted it to. Maria kept denying him of dates or study dates or anything of that sort. Being the wonderful guy he is, Roger respected that and they stayed as good friends through out university. All through those years, Maria had wondered what these strange feelings were for Roger. And when he asked her to dance at their graduation party, she realised exactly what they were.
Maria felt as happy as ever when she was with Roger. He really made her remember what it was to smile, laugh and be care-free. He taught her to love and find love again without acknowledging it. She couldn't be more thankful to whatever or whoever it was who brought Roger into her life.
Maria's part in Roger's life is also huge. She means everything to him. Since the first day he saw that sad and serious, yet beautiful face of hers, he had wanted nothing more than to be the reason for her smile. Roger fell in love with her strong and well-grounded opinions, they way she wasn't afraid to speak up in front of anyone and how she corrected the teachers if there was a solid mistake that couldn't be looked at through your fingers.
Roger fell in love with her whole being, and he simply couldn't live if he didn't have her. The reason Maria denied him through out university was “I can't focus on my studies and a relationship, Roger. It's either you or university.” Roger had chuckled at her statement and brushed some hair out of her face as Maria was writing in her notebook. Her face remained serious and focused and Roger just sighed, looking at her in adoration. That's what he truly admires about her - she won't give up her work for any guy in the world, even him, whom she was madly in love with (without her even knowing). 
When Roger told Maria that he was in a band and wanted to play drums for a living, she was a little shocked, but not too much. She saw how music had taken its toll on him on the first year of university, and how he would always drum on the table with his fingers or stamp his foot to a random song's rhythm that was stuck in his head during their shared classes. One time, before he told her he'd started taking drumming lessons, Roger got so loud that a professor sent him out of class. Roger had gave Maria a cheeky wink before going out, and she had rolled her eyes at him.
After that, Maria always studied in an abandoned room of the university while Roger played drums in the same room. He wanted her to watch him play, he wanted her to guess the songs he was playing, he wanted to hear her opinion about his playing. Frankly, Maria's ears were tired of his loud playing and she in no way could give him an opinion on drum skills. She was no music expert, only maybe in rock groups. But she told him every time that he plays great, and that she'd love to hear more. And next time, she would regret ever saying that because of how much studying she needed to do for herself and Roger.
When Roger announced that he was in a band, Maria was ecstatic and wanted immediately to see him perform on a stage. She asked questions about his band, and he told her, not really seeing the point, though. On the night of their first gig at a near-by bar, Maria met his band mates Tim and Brian. Just like him—being regular university boys—they were big flirts. Roger had told them about his fancying of Maria, which meant they were even flirtier with her when Roger was around. It made Maria a bit confused, but the boys had a fat laugh about Roger's reaction.
Turns out that from not giving up gigs and a band that would—in the opinion of everyone else—lead them nowhere, they actually got pretty far. Many number one hits in America and Europe, new songs on the way, successful tours, loving fans... What more could a small student band from London want? 
It was hard, at first, to accomodate Roger's lifestyle, with all the interviews, horny girls, barely being home, parties, recording sessions. But Maria, being the responsible and practical person, managed both of their time so that her and Roger's relationship wouldn't fail. It was the most wonderful relationship anyone had the opportunity to witness, really.
They worked like a team and were so in love with each other that everyone wanted to be around them and talk to them. Roger and Maria were constantly holding hands or being near each other, it's simply how they worked. Despite their busy careers, the pair were happy together. 
Maria's writing career is the most important thing in her life, except Roger. She speaks out all her dreams, thoughts, fantasies and “lessons of life” in books. It's how she gets rid of all the bothering thoughts in her head, and how she can inspire others. Words are her thing, Maria knows how to speak to people, and which words to say at the right moment, also a favourite thing of Roger's about her.
Asking for her hand in marriage will always be the happiest moment of Maria's life. It was unexpected. Right after their “News Of The World” tour had ended, the band and their wives were having a little get-together at Freddie's house. They were all in another room, waiting anxiously and watching Roger propose to Maria. Once she said yes, they all broke out of the hallway and congratulated the freshly engaged couple. So much for a lovely private moment...
Maria is a best-selling author in London, and in some nearest cities in England. She's almost as famous as Roger, it's what they like to laugh about between them both. Maria's a very punctual and serious woman, she likes order and rules, but also likes to have her fun. She's always picking up after Roger, always cleaning his plates, throwing out his cigarettes, doing his laundry. 
Maria chuckles at a memory of Roger trying to do his own laundry just as she's pushing her keys into the slot. She's practically home, and she sighs in relief. Maria takes out the key once she has unlocked her door and pushes it open. What takes her by surprise is what she sees when her living room comes into view.
Her fiancée of three weeks is on the sofa, simply laying down as it seems at first, his back being embraced by a foreign pair of arms. Maria wants to check herself to see if, accidentally, she's the owner of those arms. And she's not. Giggles can be heard through out the room and once Maria spots another head of blonde locks, her bag drops down to the floor. 
Apparently, Roger and the blonde stranger heard the drop and both sit up in the sofa, startled a little. Maria's eyes only watch how Roger's face changes expressions in each second passing. She's currently in too much shock to say or do something. 
Roger stands up from the sofa and Maria watches him put his belt back in place while he stumbles towards her. He's drunk. “Maria, baby, I—” He starts to say, and that makes tears form in Maria's eyes. “It's not—”
“What it looks like?” She asks and her voice breaks. He's trying to lie through the obvious black on white truth. Really? Maria can't even look at him. Her gaze reaches the ceiling, and the wall behind him, the floor beneath him, anywhere but his drunken face and guilty eyes. “Then what is it?” She shoots him an irritated glance, crossing her arms over her chest. 
“I was, uh...” Roger tries to say something, waving his hands around. His head moves to the mysterious blonde on the sofa. Maria looks at her and if eyes could kill, she would be massacred. 
“Get out!” Maria shouts at her. The girl's face is twisted by fear and she immediately gets up from the sofa. She's young, Maria notes, and the fact makes her heart churn up. She grabs her coat and shoes, and starts putting them on. Maria's impatient. “Get OUT!” She shouts again, even louder now. The blonde takes her shoes in hand and runs out of the apartment. Maria shuts the door behind her.
“No need to be so rude to her.” Roger says. Maria scoffs and looks at him. 
“Really? I can't be rude?! And you can—“ She stops talking and looks away. There's no need for this. Roger's obviously lost interest in her in every way, and the young girl is certainly more interesting right now. No need to ask him questions, everything's laid out to see. 
Roger steps closer to her, and Maria immediately takes a step back. “That was nothing, sweetheart, I swear, she's only—” He starts talk, but the cold stare Maria gives him shuts him up in a second. Roger doesn't really know what to say to her to make everything better. There isn't a word, really, to make anything better about having another girl in their shared apartment. 
Maria looks at him and starts to tear up. Roger wants to wipe those tears and kiss the pain away. Maria wipes her own tears and then sighs. “I don't want to see you.” She admits. “Please get out of my apartment.” 
“It's ours, darling.” Roger says. 
“Get out, Roger.” It pains her to say those things, but she has to. Roger has to go right now, and Maria will figure the rest out after he's gone. Roger stands still in his spot. He either can't move or doesn't want to. “What's not clear, Roger?! Get out of my sight!”
Her eyes are furious and full of fire when they look at Roger's tear filled ones. He's slightly afraid of her, and afraid to say anything, but he has to. “Maria, love,” he starts to say, and his voice cracks, “I don't want to go.” Maria shrugs. “If you could talk with me, give me a minute, I will—”
“Explain? Sure! Tell me all about how you met...” She can't even say a word about the blonde, yet her mind is already writing angry letters about her. 
“Just give me a day. Any day, I'll be free. For you.” Roger offers with an extended arm. Maria's eyes don't reach his. She's tired and angry, and wants no one to touch or bother her. A few minutes later of Maria thinking, she has decided what to do.
“Meet me on Friday at lunch time. My office. I'll give you thirty minutes of my time to give me reasons why we should still... marry.” She says and looks up at Roger. “Until then, I want you out of my eyes.” 
Roger nods eagerly and a tear slips down his cheek. “I'll be there, I promise you, I will.” He says. You also promised to marry me and no one else, Maria thinks. 
She looks down at her hand and notices the ring. She takes it off her finger and tosses it to Roger, who catches the ring, despite his surprise. His eyes scan over the small object and then he eyes Maria with hurtful eyes. 
“Get out, Roger.” She says in full seriousness. “I won't ask you a fifth time.” Maria leaves the door open for him and walks further into their apartment, ready to take a shower and go to sleep alone. 
Roger watches as the supposed love of his life walks away from him and sighs quietly. He takes the keys of his car and puts on his shoes. A coat covers his cold shoulders and he walks out. Roger lingers for a while, looking behind his shoulder. 
A day-dream of Maria coming back to him appears before his eyes, and he blinks to make sure it's real. She's not running, she's not even there. Roger's head hangs down and he sighs in slight disappointment. He reaches his arm out and closes the door behind him. 
Perhaps, after all these years, it wasn't meant to be, Roger thinks when he lays down in a hotel bed. A voice at the back of his head disagrees with that and says it's a lie, but Roger doesn't hear it. He drifts to sleep soon after, having nothing but violent dreams about his inner pain.
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fyrapartnersearch · 5 years
M/M Fantasy OC's on discord or email
Hey! Y'all can call me Eyo or Eyofin, I’m a queer female, 26 years old, full time job and yada yada, been out of the rp game for a few months and looking to hop back in. I tend to be long-winded so I’m trying to keep this as brief as I can. 
About me & my writing:
CST Timezone
12+ years of writing experience
Looking to write OC’s, although I’m happy to take inspiration from established universes
Huge Overwatch dweeb, into anime, fantasy, art…the whole nerd package here. I like making friends and OOC chat a lot!
I tend to write 500+ words per post, 3rd person, past-tense. I have no length requirements so long as you give me something to bounce off. I’d like coherent grammar and spelling, but I’m not crazy picky.
Chill atmosphere. RP'ing is a hobby and isn’t worth it unless it’s fun for everyone involved. That being said, I can comfortably respond once a day, but I usually match my partner’s pace. I expect you to understand if I need to go a few days without replying, take a break, or go on hiatus. Real life always comes first, and I’ll happily extend you the same courtesy. Also, ditching happens. I get it. I don’t sweat the details.
Looking mostly for M/M, tho I’d be open to F/F too. That being said, nothing turns me away more than someone who only plays the submissive role, so if this is you, we’re not going to mesh. I’d rather not distinguish what position characters take in bed and let it flow naturally.
18+ only please. But preferably 21+ just because I find it much easier to relate to people closer to my age.
I really enjoy writing smut. I think I’m one of the few people that can pretty much just write PWP forever. That being said, I do still expect a story, and the level of smut can vary depending on what you’re comfortable with. I don’t have many limits at all, but my big, non-negotiable No’s are mpreg, A/B/O, underaged characters, scat, and vomit. I’m always happy to fade to black or accomodate your limits. We can discuss this more in private.
Email or discord are my preferred methods of writing
My characters tend to be very quirky. I like giving them extremes: making them particularly amazing in a few areas, at the detriment of being severely lacking in others. Flawed geniuses. I enjoy giving them pretty radical personality types and don’t do well playing mild, average characters.
What I’m looking for:
Genres: high fantasy, superheroes, supernatural, adventure, modern fantasy, monsters, apocalypse, etc.
Character-driven. Come at me if you have OC’s you’re craving to play! Traditionally, I play humans or humanoid-like characters, but open to playing against your monster boys, dragons, nagas, shapeshifters, etc etc. I have a soft spot for humanoid x creature pairings but it’s not a requirement.
I like both fluff and dark themes. Sickeningly sweet romance and then a dose of gore. Relationships that are sunshine and relationships that are twisted and messed up. I think it’s fun when a roleplay has tons of up’s and down’s, and I like all of it.
I’m cool doubling as necessary to carry the plot along
My plot ideas:
I’m actually pretty dry on plots at the moment, so if you have something you’re craving let me know! I’m open to most things. Here’s a few vague possibilities off the top of my head:
Kingdoms at war: Can be various types of kingdoms, but two individuals on opposite sides of a war end up in a situation where they have to depend on one another to survive: getting stranded, a huge monster attack, unexpected bigger enemy appearing, etc. They could be the leaders of each kingdom, the children of those leaders, or random soldiers.
Knights and monsters: A famous knight or bounty hunter ends up in an unlikely scenario where he’s paired up with the kind of monster he’s usually fighting.
Rebellion: Characters live in an oppressive regime. One character is gathering up a rebellion. The other, who could be anyone ranging from a poor nobody to a rich noble, decides to follow along with their cause.
Assassins/Bounty Guild/Mercenaries: Through a wild series of circumstances, one character ends up joining an elite group of assassins/mercenaries, and it’s up to the other character to train him. (I would love to play the experienced guy  in this situation!)
Superheroes: BNHA or Tiger & Bunny inspired. Characters join an organization to be superheroes. They could be classmates, assigned as partners, or, similar to the assassins plot, take on more of a mentor/student role.
Adventure: Characters are explorers tasked with reaching a specific location, chasing after some kind of legendary treasure in an incredibly hostile environment. They can be rivals or partners, or from various different walks of life all trying to reach the same goal.
Gladiators: Boys in an arena, either a fighter and his owner, or two fighters who have to duke it out for the crowds.
I also have a few pre-made OC’s, and I’d love to write any of them! Since this post is getting rather long, you can find them at https://toyhou.se/Eyofin. All the  art is by me. And yes, if we end up meshing as partners I’ll happily draw your OC :)
Thanks for reading through! If you’re still interested you can email me at [email protected] or Discord @Eyofin#2223. *Please don't message me on tumblr, I don't actually use tumblr anymore. But I know it's always been a great place to find fellow writers so here I am
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