#//if you write ocs you are stronger than god and i adore you
idanazaldrizes · 6 months
i've been lucky with aerea so far but it is so so obvious when plotting/writing when someone just hasn't bothered to read your characters about, whether canon or original, or paid attention to any canon divergencies. like it really fucking sucks when you put your All into a character's bio, especially ocs, and tried to work them into canon as seemlessly as possible only for it to be completely tossed aside.
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wromwood · 1 year
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💗 
Was tagged by @penny-anna​ to do this!
.... OK, I’m gonna be upfront. Since I’ve been focusing on my original work, I haven’t written/published an actual fanfic in a long time. All my fanfic is old, and since my writing has gotten a lot stronger since then, it’s a bit hard to share things. As a result, I’ll only share four fics, not five.
Still, let’s get started from oldest to newest!
Different Shoes (Doctor Who)
In which the Doctor and Jamie visit Victoria, along with three babies and some stories to tell. (Parent AU- Triplets, during season 6B)
Just reread this short piece and GOD I just flipflop in terms of who the narration is focusing on. I wish I could say I’ve improved since then, but according to my recent writing workshops, I might have just gotten worse. Anyway, I’m still very fond of this piece. It’s a little clunky in parts, but it shows off my three lovable parent AU OCs as adorable babies.
Dungeons and Dragons and Dad (Stranger Things)
Bob Newby is alive and well, but worried when he finds out that Will's friends have been ditching his Dungeons and Dragons campaign. What better way to cheer up his stepson than to play with him? 
Ohhhh, my “Bob Newby marries Will’s mom and becomes his stepdad AU”! Of all the AUs that I wish I had the time, dedication, and talent to fully write out, this one is certainly up there. I’m glad I was even able to complete this fic. I just HAD to manifest Will getting some attention and love from one of my favorite characters in the whole damn show. (You can tell I wrote this not longer after watching Season 3)
Still Hot (Lord of the Rings)
In which Sam bakes a pie for Frodo and has to keep it safe as it cools. 
There’s not much to say about this one. Sam baked a pie. It’s cute.
Mad Science (Doctor Who)
 “And we assumed...that, like myself, you had brought a donation.”
 “Well, I can’t see how you convinced yourselves of that,” the Doctor grumbled, “when I never had anything even like a donation-”
 The Doctor’s throat tightened; he swallowed around the words trapped there. He shivered, this time in fear rather than disgust.
 “Where’s Jamie?”
The Doctor encounters a horrific society of mad scientists that has gathered under the nose of a respectable biology convention. To make matters worse, he's lost track of Jamie, and this society does rather shocking things to lifeforms they see as lesser species.
... WELP. I forgot that my most recent and therefore strongest fic was a relatively hardcore smut fic. But at only a couple years old, it’s the closet to my current quality of writing, and I’m still pretty proud of it. It’s exciting, tense, and (according to feedback) it more than just gets the job done as “aliens made them do it” fic. Technically I didn’t “finish” it, but I just need to add an epilogue at some point.
Thanks again for including me in this game! Even though I get more sheepish about my past work with each passing day, it’s still cool to see both how much fun I had writing these stories in my early days and how far I’ve come since then.
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wiypt-writes · 3 years
Rock N Roll People In A Disco World
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Part 5- Nobody Dance On A Sad Disco 
Intro: Paul doesn’t react well when your logical and practical side suggests you postpone your wedding…
Pairing: Paul Diskant x Reader
Warnings: Bad language, Smut (NSFW, 18+)
Word Count: 7k
Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction and classified as 18+. Please respect this and do not read if you are underage. I do not own any characters in this series bar the reader and any other OCs. By reading beyond this point you understand and accept the terms of this disclaimer.
Rock ‘n’ Roll People Masterlist // Main Masterlist
Part 4
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"I just don't understand why you think this is such a big frickin' deal, Paul." You said with exasperation. This argument had been carrying on for a good twenty minutes and so far, the only thing you'd accomplished was going in circles like a NASCAR driver. 
“You don’t understand?” He scoffed, hands on his hips, “seriously? You don’t see why I’m slightly pissed off you wanna postpone our wedding?” "You can't continue to tell me that not pushing everything back a few months makes the most sense right now. In a month’s time we were supposed to be going away for our stags, and since..... since... you.... This is just what's better for..." 
"Y/N, you do still want to get married don't you?" He interrupted. The strain in his voice was evident from both use and emotion. 
"What kind of fucking question is that?" Now you were raging. The absolute audacity of him to even ask that.  “Well it's non-rhetorical.” “Of course I still want to get married, you fucking moron!” You growled.  "Then explain to me wh.." his voice cracked out and he breathed harshly through his nose. “That!” You gestured to him. “That is why!” "So it hurts a little, it's fine. For fucks sakes, I'm fine," his voice was entirely strained from arguing, his chords stretch to their limit. “No, you’re not.” You shook your head before you took a deep breath and pinched your nose. “Paul, I want our wedding to be a day we both look back on in years, decades even, to come and still love every minute of it...” "And we will!" “Right, okay, so your voice fails during our vows or your speech and you’re gonna be okay with that, huh?” You put your hands to your hips and waited for his reply.  "No. I mean, I don't know." "My point exactly." You flung a hand up in his direction.  “But it’s another eight weeks off, plenty of time, I might be fine.” He shrugged you off like he could make it happen. You knew it wasn't possible. It had only been a week since he'd said your sweet nickname as clear as day and while more and more words were stronger and phrases longer and more clear, you knew him better than that and you knew he wasn't ready no matter how much he wanted to pissingly argue with you that the two of you could move forward as if his shooting were nothing. 
"Might. Key word." You sighed, clearly frustrated to the point of tears as they welled and stung your eyes.  “Okay, fine.” His hands flew out to his side. “Have it your way, call the venue and cancel.” Gritting your teeth, you replied, “I don’t want to fucking cancel, Paul, I just want to move it!” “You know how long in advance we had to book that place, Y/N, it could be another year before they have an opening again.” “Then we wait another year!” You sighed dramatically, “in the grand scheme of things what does it matter? Today, tomorrow, twelve months, it all amounts to the same thing.” "It matters to me, Y/N." “Okay... fine. Let’s keep the date.” She shrugs. “Let’s just go for it and when you can’t speak and start to get frustrated we’ll write our vows on a pad of paper. Or, better still how about we learn sign language?” “You’re a sarcastic bitch.” “Yeah? And you’re a stubborn asshole.”
There was a long, angry pause between the two of you, harsh jabs and insults now floating painfully in the air. The two of you glared at one another. Both of you furrowing your brows and chewing on the insides of your mouths.  Then, you sighed, again with a harsh tone. "God damned it, I hate this. I hate that we’re even having to have this conversation but we are. You were shot! You were moments from death and-“ "And now it's my fault?" He shrieked at a higher pitch than his voice typically was.  “Oh for the love of- I didn’t say that!” You balled your hands into fists, your body visibly shaking. “So what are you saying?” “I’m saying that given everything that’s happened, pushing the second biggest day of my life back is the least of my fucking concerns, Paul.” Now you were tearfully arguing, your eyes red as was the tip of your nose. You blinked hard to attempt to show your strength, not wanting to back down. “Second biggest?” “Yes, the second. Because when you...I mean the...” you swallowed back the sob that threatened to scream from you, so you choked in it. “The first was when they told me you were going to live.”
At your words, Paul blinked a little, his mouth opening before it snapped shut again and you shook your head, continuing to talk. “I know you’re hurting and struggling with all of this and it isn’t what you want but it hasn’t been easy for me, either.” You sniffed, the tears now falling from your eyes. “I might not have been the one that took a bullet to the neck but I had to sit there and watch you, barely able to live but fight so hard to stay and all I could think about was the fact I might have to live without you and for that reason alone I’d have changed places with you in a fucking heartbeat.” Your face scrunched up with heavy emotion that you'd held onto for weeks. 
“Y/N....” he tried to take a step toward you, but the damage was done for the night. You were done.  “Seeing you there, in that bed, wondering if you were gonna make it or not, it was the worse time of my life. So, yeah, frankly I don’t care when we say I do, but it can't happen the way we want it to right now. You’re alive. That’s enough for me. And right now, well it should be for you too.”
You turned on your heel and quickly left the living room. You slammed the bedroom door shut and leaned your back against it whilst you allowed your exterior to fully collapse. You buried your face in your hands as you sobbed. This wasn't what you wanted, you'd expected a better reaction from him as you'd hoped he'd have seen things the same way as you, but you were wrong. 
Now, all that was left was to go to bed. You had no fight left, no drive and right now, you didn't want to make up.
Eventually, you crawled into bed and moved no further. Sleep weighing on you heavily. 
When he'd watched her go, Paul was floored. The things she'd said to him had gone unspoken since he'd been home from the hospital. He knew it had been hard on her, the both of them, what he'd gone through but he'd never imagined how she'd have felt given she was always such a strong woman and that was one of the things he adored most about her. 
In frustration, he rubbed his hands over his face and decided he needed a walk. He walked around the neighborhood and back, taking in the cool air, realizing the fall weather was upon them. Shit, fall, the holidays were creeping up on them and he'd hadn't even given it a thought. 
It didn't matter, what mattered was the incessant need to push their wedding back another year, was his best guess, and that killed him. It wrecked him and he found himself getting angry all over again. He wanted to marry her now, drag her down to the Justice of the Peace and take her as his bride the minute the courthouse opened. So now, why, all of a sudden did she not want to do even so much as that. Was it cold feet? Was it him? What had happened to him? Was she ashamed of him being unable to speak? She said it was nothing of the sort but it didn't stop the thoughts from weighing on him. 
When he got back to their apartment, he found Y/N fast asleep in their bed, her back to his side of the bed. He hated that they were going to bed like this. He didn't believe in it, and if he was honest with himself, this was the first time this had ever happened in the span of their relationship. He was a firm believer in his parents golden rule, never go to bed angry and always kiss each other goodnight. Tonight he didn't get to do either. 
With a sigh, he pulled off his T-shirt and tossed it in the direction of the hamper in the corner of the room but it didn’t quite make it. Instead, it dropped about a foot or so away, ironically right on the spot where he’d dropped to one knee that November evening almost three years ago…
She'd stood in the bathroom across the hall getting ready for their dinner date, listening to him chatter on in their bedroom about whatever it was as he dressed for the night. It was mid-week and they'd both managed to be off in time for a dinner date. Paul had wanted to make it fancy, something special.
"Do you know what today is?" He asked as he tied his tie in the mirror that stood in the corner of their room.
"Er, Wednesday," she replied, loud enough for her voice to carry. 
"Of course, but try again," there was a hint of humor to his voice, sarcasm at best.
"Date night," she giggled. 
"Nope." He breathed out a nervous, shaky breath. A full two strides and he stood in front of their chest of drawers, pulling open his sock drawer, reaching for the small box in the back. 
"I give up."
He chuckled anxiously and closed the drawer. "Our anniversary." He took a knee, opening up the small box and waited. 
"What? No, that's not for a few more months," she said with a smile as she walked across the hall and into the doorway of their room. Her hands were at her ear, adjusting her earring.
She gasped seeing him on one knee, his eyes smiling but his hands shaking as he held out the ring box. The lid open to show her what he was asking. 
"Also true, but no. At exactly this minute, twenty-one months ago," he checked his watch, "I responded to a call for backup and my life changed forever. I met this woman who I just couldn't let go and that same woman took her time in giving me a chance. But I knew from the moment she kissed me that nothing would ever be the same. I fell in love that night, and I knew I wanted to make her mine, to keep on loving her forever. That is, if you'll have me forever?"
He watched as her eyes began to pool with tears as her own shaky hands covered her mouth as he spoke, a nervous silence crossing the room as she seemingly processed everything he'd said. 
Tearfully, she replied, "yes, absolutely, yes!"
Tears welled up in his beautiful blue eyes as he stood, and pulled the ring from its box, slipping it on with jittery fingers over the knuckles of her ring finger before he crashed his lips into hers for a deep, happy kiss. "I love you so much, Sugar."
With their foreheads pressed sweetly together, they both cried a little. 
"Tell me about it, Stud." She smiled.
They were late to dinner that night, both of them showing up glowing. But his surprises hadn't ended there, no. He'd had both their parents waiting on them for their eight o'clock dinner reservations to celebrate their new good fortune. It was a night he'd never forget, not ever. 
Paul glanced down at the ring on his girl’s finger as she slept. Her left hand just close enough to her face so it wasn't obscured as she still lay with her back to him while her right lay tucked up under her pillow. The five raw cut diamonds were set in white gold, a center stone with two diamonds on each side. The center cut wasn't gargantuan and it didn't need to be. She knew how hard he'd worked to buy her the simple design with the small stones it held. 
He'd wanted to upgrade it the month he'd solved his first case as a detective but she'd denied him, explaining that it didn't matter how big or fancy it was, the first one was special because of all the thought and effort he'd put forth to even consider her as his wife.
With a sigh he bowed his head and turned to go wash up, before he climbed into bed, Y/N’s back still facing him and he lay awake, looking at the ceiling until finally, an hour or so later, sleep finally took him.
**** The next morning your alarm went off for the first time in weeks. With a groan you hit the button to silence it and cracked open a sore, tear swollen eye, it was still dark outside. You rose, heading on auto-pilot to the bathroom and showered quickly before you wrapped in a robe and headed in to make yourself some breakfast. Just as you were finishing up, Paul walked into the kitchen and you stood up and left the room, not speaking a word to him, you had nothing else to say.
Unfortunately, your bad mood soured what should have been a happy return to work, a sign that your life was getting back to some form of normalcy. Instead, you were off your game, and it didn’t go unnoticed.
"Yo, Panny, you come to work or just fucking off?" Rodriguez hollered from behind you as an entire clip of used bullets lay at your feet, still hot from firing. You slammed your hand against the button that brought your target to you, all but four shots missing the target. "Fuck off, Ro." "Y/L/N!" Captain Rogers shouted from the doorway. "Outside, now." With a grumble, you rolled your eyes and holstered your weapon, but not before changing out the empty clip for a new one. The tone of his voice was not comforting. "You got your ass handed to you on the mats in hand to hand, you couldn't even shoot a decent hand at sniper poker, and now my ace shot, a skilled and decorated marksman, can't sink a suspect in range." Your tongue poked the inside of your cheek as you drew a deep breath. “Sorry Cap, must be a little rusty.” He sighed and shook his head as it dropped disappointingly to his chest. "You're not ready, go home Y/N." "Steve...." "I pushed you too far. Go home, chill the fuck out, take the weekend." You groaned, “I don’t wanna go home.” The petulance evident both in your tone and body language as you folded your arms across your chest. “I'm fine. It's just a rough start." "Go the fuck home, Y/N. Or I'll send the Mrs. after you." You couldn't stand his wife and given your relationship with Steve, it was a credible threat. Karen Rogers was as green as Elphaba, the Wicked Witch of the West. "I'd call you an asshole but you're my sup so...." "Now, Y/N." “Fine.” You shrugged. “I’ll go back home. Wonderful.” "I didn't miss the sarcasm," Steve called out to your back.
You flipped him the bird as you kept walking.
**** Paul slammed the door to his mom and dad’s house, storming into the kitchen. It had been a shitty morning, with Y/N not speaking to him and then that damned fucking speech and physical therapy he had to endure twice a damned week.
“Who pissed in your cornflakes?” Big Jim looked at him, frowning a little. Paul ignored him and headed straight to the fridge, pulling out a soda.
“Paul, honey, what’s got into you?” Dot asked gently and he sighed, turning to face both his parents who were sat at the bar top, the remnants of a brunch on their plates in front of them. “Y/n wants to postpone the wedding.”
“Ah.” His dad leaned back in his chair. “And let me guess, you don’t?”
“Fuck, no.”
“Language.” His mother chastised and Paul rolled his eyes, as he paced slightly across the kitchen.
“And, you clearly discussed this in your usual, calm and rational manner?” His dad arched an eyebrow. Paul paused for a moment to eye his dad, before he resumed his movements.
With a sigh his mom spoke. “Paul, sit down for a second, quit pacing my kitchen floor.”
“I don’t want to sit down.” He shot back, petulantly.
“Paul Christopher Diskant, you sit your grown butt down, now.” His mother’s tone was sharp and with a groan he pulled a seat out from the breakfast bar, opposite his parents, and flopped down.
“Now, out with it, from the beginning.” His mother instructed and Paul let out another growl of frustration.
“I just told you. She wants to postpone the wedding. I don’t. There’s nothing else to tell you.”
“Don’t sass me!”
“I’m not sassing you, you’re just not fucking listening.”
“Hey, cut the shit. Don't talk to your mother like that.” Big Jim pointed at him, his voice stern. “You might be a grown man but I'll still kick your ass into next week, you little shit.”
Paul took a deep breath, his head hanging slightly. “Sorry Mom. It's been a really crappy couple of days.” At that he snorted. “Crappy couple of weeks one way or another.”
“Oh, Paul. I know it's not been easy.” Dot gave him a gentle smile. “But you're here with us and that's really all we care about.”
“I just feel like Y/N is getting cold feet. And that really sucks.”
“Don't be a dick.” Dot scoffed at his admission of feelings. “That girl has stood by you while you knocked on death's door.” “Mom, did you just call me a dick?” Paul looked at her, his brow raised and she nodded.
“She’s not wrong.” His dad interjected.
“What is this gang up on Paul day?”
“You’re acting like a spoiled child who just had his best toy taken away.” Big Jim looked at him. “Son, she wants to postpone, not cancel!”
“Well it didn't feel that way last night or this morning. She stormed out for her first day back at work all pissed off I wasn't agreeing with her.”
“And I refer back to my previous observation. Maybe you should have attempted to discuss the issue in a calm and rational manner as opposed to shouting and getting all pissy.” Big Jim observed.
"I’m not pissy, I’m just... look, we've waited twice as long as we wanted to because she loved the venue so much, hell, I loved the venue. That place means a lot to us and it's so perfect. Everything has been perfect until now." He sighed, his voice again weak.
"What was her reasoning?" Dot pressed.
"Me." He said sadly, frustration clearly featured on his face.
"Paul, I highly doubt it's just you."
"She doesn't think I'm ready. Healthy enough. Healed enough. There's till eight weeks, Mom. Eight weeks, I can be so much better by then."
Dot reached across the granite for his hand. He took it, and held tight, like a boy needing his mother.
"My sweet, love sick boy," she softly smirked at him and he rolled his eyes .”Y/N is only thinking about you. She knows how frustrated you get when you struggle to talk and how would you feel if that happened during the vows or speeches? Look, Sweetheart, you’ve waited years for this, what’s another couple of months?” 
“Mom, it won’t be a couple of months, there’s no way that place won’t be booked up for at least another year. I just... Is it so bad that I want to marry her right now as we planned?" His voice breaking and cracking. Too much talking.
“No, Son, it's not.” Jim cut in. “But listen to yourself, your struggling to talk now after this conversation. Y/N just wants to have the wedding you both have dreamed of, and spent so much time planning. Don't take that from her or yourself. You'll look back and think, I should have waited, when I was at full strength.”
Diskant looked at his father before he sighed and his shoulders sagged a little. “Seems like I’m out voted.”
"Not out voted, just...." Big Jim couldn't come up with a reasonable example. 
But Dot interrupted, "We just think you need to think about this a little more and be open to what's going on."
"Open to what? The fact I’m now not gonna get married for another year coz some asshole shot me in the neck?" 
He shrugged, "Whatever. Guess, I have some rearranging to do."
Automatically, he looked down at his phone and saw that Tom Ludlow was calling. If there were any better time to get off this hamster wheel of an argument it were now. "I gotta take this."
He stepped outside and took his call. An hour later, he was meeting Ludlow at their apartment, fresh bottles of beer in the fridge and two on the coffee table between them.
Ludlow filled him in on exactly what happened after he'd left the scene and Paul behind. He talked about how Biggs was using Ludlow to get to Wander, how Tom had killed his entire unit out of self-defence and in turn discovered all the corrupt shit Captain Wander had on Tom, the unit, multiple officers, judges, councilmen and other local politicians and prominent community leaders. He told Diskant about the stolen money, hidden in the walls of Wander's home and he explained how important Biggs seemed to think Tom was for IA and the department. 
It didn't surprise Diskant in the slightest that Ludlow's department was dirty. In fact, he'd half expected it and the realization hit moments before he was shot. The rest of Tom's story however was just insane, insane enough that he joked a movie could be made about it. 
That said, Paul trusted Ludlow from the start. And he’d clearly been right about the guy, even if helping him had resulted in him being moments from death. Painful memories aside, it was nice to see him too. They’d been through a lot, but Paul wasn’t dumb enough to figure this was a purely social call. He knew Ludlow felt guilty about what had gone down and that was partly the reason for his visit. But it was misplaced guilt, one Disco was happy to absolve him of.
"Listen, Paul, with what happened, I..."
"Hey, it's okay. Shit happens. I'm alive. I knew what I was getting into, the risks involved. You gave me an out and I didn't take it." His voice rasped a little.
"Felt like I took a kid to a gun fight." Tom sighed, tossed back some of his beer and shook his head with a slight shrug. "But you're one helluva kid. A fucking fighter. You're a good cop, even better detective and I'm sorry I pushed you so far."
“No hard feelings, man.” Disco took a slug of his beer and shook his head as Ludlow made to speak. “I mean it. I knew what I was signing up for the second the call came in. Our jobs are shady as fuck and twice as dangerous.”
“You can say that again.” Ludlow sighed. “Still, what happened was rough, I’m glad you’re through it.”
Disco gave him a smile as they clinked bottles and Ludlow’s eyes scanned the small living room, stopping on the photo on the small shelf above the television. Paul glanced at it, looking at his and Y/N’s smiling faces as they stood in his parent’s back yard, both dressed in casual jeans and t-shirts, taken a few months before he’d been shot. A time when everything had been simpler and his life on track.
“How's the Missus?” Ludlow asked and Paul took a deep breath.
"She's, uh, she's good,” he answered, deciding not to burden Ludlow with details of their argument, “first day back today, getting her ass kicked I'm sure. Rogers told her it was training day."
"That's rough. Rogers is a hard ass.” Ludlow mused before his eyes flicked down to the beer bottle in his hand. “She er, she due back any time soon?"
Paul shrugged, “I wouldn’t expect so. Why you ask?”
“Because I don’t intend to be here when she returns.” Ludlow replied. “She wasn’t very happy to see me last time.”
At that, Paul frowned. “Last time?”
“Did no one tell you I came by the hospital?”
“Well, yeah they mentioned it but-“
“Well your girl packs a mean right hook.” Ludlow ran a hand over his jaw, almost as if he was recalling the punch he was talking about.
“Wait, what? She hit you?” Paul leaned forward, deeply concerned and slightly proud.
Tom nodded, "then said that if you died, I was next."
“Dammed, she’s vicious.” Paul couldn’t help the smirk which flicked onto his face at the thought of his girl landing one on the man sat next on the small armchair opposite him. 
But the grin soon faded as it sunk in just how downright upset and distraught she must have been to do that. For all his jokes about her being a hard ass, she wasn’t one to throw punches around for no reason, in fact, given her job, she often did everything she could to avoid altercations in any shape, stating she saw enough of it at work without seeing it in her personal life too.
"Yeah, she is and frightening. But she's got good intentions. I don't fault her. I'd have popped me one too." Ludlow shrugged.
Paul took a deep breath as he pondered what Ludlow had said. His girl had that stupid nickname “Panny” for a reason, nothing much phased her. So for her to be rattled enough to sock Ludlow in the face just goes to show exactly how distraught she had been.
None of that was news to Paul, he knew all of this, and it had been pointed out to him again earlier that day by his parents. And then, in a moment of clarity, he realised that he might be being slightly unreasonable. Whilst logically, a compromise would be to perhaps cancel their current venue and forgo the huge day they had planned and book something smaller and less flashy for a few months down the line, Paul understood that she wanted this to be the best day it could possibly be for both of them. They had fallen in love with the Shutters on the Beach from the start, and had booked it with enough time to save for their dream day, even though they could have done something smaller and been married by now.
But that was a decision they had taken together, and hadn’t taken lightly, understanding that it would mean a long wait until they said “I do”, but that wait would be worth it. So, in the grand scheme of things, whilst he might not completely agree, she was right. Another year or however long made fuck all difference, even if he didn’t necessarily want to postpone, he understood.
And damned, now he felt like a right jerk.
You pulled up to the curb to your duplex and frowned as an unfamiliar black car was parked outside, one you couldn’t recall seeing before. Taking a deep breath, you closed your eyes, resting your head back against the seat as you gave yourself a moment, trying to rid yourself of the frustration of the day.
Rogers was right, you weren't ready to come back. Not yet. Or at least not after the argument you’d had. It frustrated you entirely that this one small thing had spiralled so much as to affect your job. Never, since you'd joined the force, not even since you'd been on S.W.A.T., had you been sent home for misconduct of your behavior. That angered and frustrated you more. And right now, that frustration was leveled firmly at Paul.
You knew he was angry and upset, but so were you. You were thinking logically, wanting your wedding day to be as perfect as it could be for you both, but Paul was blinded by emotion. You understood. Of course you did, it wasn’t like you wanted to postpone, hell you wanted nothing more than to become his wife but it wasn’t worth rushing if it meant that when the time came you could both make those declarations to one another without either of you worrying his voice would give out.
And it irritated you that he couldn’t see that.
Growling out loud and slamming your palms against the wheel, you shook your head. That was when you saw him, you saw the one person you unadmittedly blamed for your mood, your position and your current situation.
"What the... That mother fu..." you stopped yourself, downright pissed at seeing Tom Ludlow leaving your residence.
You waited until Ludlow pulled away before exiting your car, slinging your 'go bag' over your shoulder from the back seat. You didn't miss your fiancé tossing what appeared to be bottles into the recycling bin at the side of the duplex.
He saw you and smiled, but you did nothing to acknowledge his gesture, allowing the screen door to slam behind you.
“Babe?” Paul’s voice called after you as he followed you in. “Sugar, look, I’m sorry-“
“What the fuck was he doing here?” You dropped your bag to the floor of the small hallway and wheeled round to face him.
“Don’t play dumb with me! Ludlow, why was he here?” Paul sighed, "He called me while I was at my parents, wanted to come by. We talked for a bit, had a couple of beers and clearly you saw him just leave." There was a pause between you. "Which by the way I heard all about how you decked him in the hospital lobby." "The fucker deserved it. He's lucky you pulled through or I would have killed him. It would have been a clean shot too, non-traceable round. I'm not a marksman for nothing." Paul rolled his eyes, “you’re being ridiculous, this-“ he gestured to his scar, “- was not his fault.” "It was and you know it was. This is all because he didn't think you could do your job on your own." “Bullshit Y/N!” Paul shot back. "He gave me an out and I said no. He told me to go home, but I told him I knew what I was doing." You could see him flush with anger and, at his surprising admission, you were shaking in it. "He what?" "You heard me." "You fucking asshole. You stupid, stupid son of a..." you couldn't bring yourself to talk about Dot like that so you carried on, your anger raging as you railed into him. “How dare you throw that at me? You had every fucking chance to come home and let him take the fuck up on his own and you still went. You still stepped right into the fucking madness when, Tom fucking Ludlow of all the people in the entire fucking department, gave you a chance to come back to me?"
“Stop it Y/N! You know as well as I do, you don't take up the badge and go 'you know what, I might die today, imma sit this one out'!”
He had you there, he wasn't wrong. You literally growled at him, your chest rumbling. Paul sighed, and swallowed, looking down at the floor before he raised his head and licked his lips as he glanced over your shoulder for a moment before meeting your eyes.
“Listen, about the wedding-“
You groaned, “I can’t do this now.”
“Just listen to me, will you?”
“Why? So you can tell me again how you don’t want to change our wedding date? Because of your pride and..."
At that something flashed in his eyes and he took a sharp inhale through his nose.
"My pride?” His voice his voice strained harshly, "Okay, how about we discuss why you do want to change the date because you’re embarrassed. You're embarrassed of me."
His comment floored you momentarily and you frowned. “Is that what you really think? That I’m ashamed of you?”
"Feels like it."
"Pull your God damn head outta your ass, Paul."
“The only person round here with anything up their ass is you, a big fucking stick about Tom Ludlow paying me a visit.” He croaked back. “What, you want me to be sat at home, helpless, waiting for you to come back? Does that fit with the narrative of why you wanna call the wedding off? Poor Paul, he can’t manage much at the moment so-“
“Fuck you!” You screamed back. “Fucking fuck you!”
Your chest heaved, your nostrils flared. You. Were. Done. You moved to leave, but as you made towards the door, his arm shot out and his hand wrapped around your upper arm.
“Where are you going?”
“Anywhere you’re not!” You spat, wrenching your arm from his grasp.
He grabbed you again, this time by the waist and pinned you to the near-by wall. It wasn't painful or abusive, it was just enough roughness to keep your attention.
“Get off me.” You hissed, attempting once more to rid yourself from his grip.
“Fucking calm down!” He instructed, his hands pinned yours to the wall, his chest lifting away from your body. It reminded you of how he'd treat a suspect, enough force to maintain control but not to hurt.
His words were said through clenched teeth, his own hot breath from his nose flicking your hair a touch, he was so close. His blue eyes, full of fire, blazed into yours as the two of you stood still, chests heaving from the exertion of the shouting and anger.
He was the one to break first as he slammed his lips into yours. It stole your breath as he kept you pinned against the wall.
Eventually he pulled back and you glared at him. “Prick.”
“Shut the fuck up.” He hissed again, his voice breaking before his lips crashed back to yours. His hips ground into yours, keeping you pinned to the wall and it didn’t escape your notice that he was hard. The fucker was turned on.
But, in all honesty, no matter how pathetic it was, his display of dominance had you fluttering slightly but you were damned if you we’re going to show him that.
You felt him release your arms as his hands quickly moved to your work cargos. Your utility belt and flies were no match for his swift movements and you felt the release of their hold on you as the material flew open.
His chest and kiss kept you pinned to the wall as he undid the zipper to his denim and you quickly felt the head of his cock slip between your folds. “Seriously?” You whispered, making no attempt to stop him. “You think a fuck is gonna sort this out?”
He rutted up into you, stuffing himself right inside and jolting your body up the textured paint. The burn and stretch took your breath away, you weren’t as prepared as usual but it wasn’t uncomfortable.
"I said shut up." He growled as your arms swooped around his neck, trying to find purchase to grab and your fingers found the collar of his shirt. You gave a tug, no doubt stretching the collar but you didn't care. He thrust upward and used his hips to keep you in place as he leaned back enough to slip his shirt off, his built chest and less defined abs now on display, that necklace bouncing off his chest from the speed of his disrobing.
His eyes still blazed as you caught them in your own gaze. He looked down right feral, his skin flushed with anger. His hands flew to the hem of your navy uniform tee and in a wrench he had that over your head, his lips dropping to your collar bone and he nipped along the line, stinging bites that would no doubt leave their marks.
“Not so fucking mouthy now, are you Sugar?”
Your only reply was the 'fuck' that escaped your lips at a whimper as he spoke. The rasp of his injury mixed with the deep tone lust did to him had you fluttering in all the right places.
You weren't sure how he'd done it but your boots were unlaced and falling to the floor at his feet with a thud. You barely registered the way his fingers slipped under the hem at the leg of your cargos and slipped your socks away. He was rutting into you with such hard measure, his tongue aggressively and passionately dancing with your own. You felt a rawness against your back from the wall. He stopped kissing and fucking you long enough to tear down your pants and panties the rest of the way, leaving you in your sports bra, your nipples rock hard poking into the material. All whilst his body still pressed hard against you.
With a yelp, he lifted you and carried you the few short steps to the couch, dropping you on your ass and turning you to your knees. You caught just a glimpse of how he looked, chest naked and heaving, tattoos glistening with sweat, that look still raging in his eyes. You wagered you looked about the same because he looked how you felt. His cock glistened with your slick as he slipped right behind you, a knee on the cushion of the couch, the other boot planted into the carpet.
Without a word his hands grabbed your hips, unceremoniously repositioning you before he slammed straight back inside, jolting you forward a little as you cried out, your hands curling round the arm of the sofa, elbows locking to prevent you from falling face first into the cushions.
The angle change along your swollen walls filled you with a deep, rough pleasure and you groaned loudly as his hips rotated in a dirty grind as he bottomed out on one of his thrusts.
"Oh my... fuck..." you stuttered and behind you Paul gave a moan of his own.
“That all you got to say?” He panted, his voice cracking slightly, punctuated by his pants.
“Asshole.” You managed to whisper and with that, Paul grabbed that ponytail you sported and held tight, arching you head back towards him.
“Jesus Christ you just can’t stop can you?” His lips crashed to yours in a sloppy, filthy, tongue filled kiss before splaying his chest over your back, his hot breath against your ear as he made the most pleasurable grunts and moans, his hips pounding back and forth in a relentless rhythm.
He was close, you could feel it in the subtle rhythm change of his hips, his hand on your hip squeezing your skin, bruising it no doubt later.
"Do. It." You punctuated.
“Oh, baby girl , you should know by now,” he growled as his right hand moved from your hip, slipping around your belly and down between your legs, “not. before. you.” In no time at all his fingers had teased you to relief, your back arched as you cried out loudly, the heat and surge of your orgasm washing over you, the world spinning as you crashed over the edge.
He growled your name as he came, filling you but not stopping his relentless thrusts as if he couldn't help the automated way his body had taken over, taken you. You felt how warm your insides were at his spend, no doubt absorbing most of it. You fell forward onto the couch, his body lightly crushing you into the cushions.
As the two of you worked at recovering, his lips brushed over your skin in super soft kisses; along your shoulder, the back of your neck.
The only sound in the room were the two of you breathing heavily, a stark contrast to the screaming match you shared for the last two days. Then you felt his weight shift and a sweet kiss to the back of your neck.
"About the wedding...."
You groaned, after everything you just threw at each other and the most ridiculously, satisfying angry sex you had ever had, he wanted to start back up again. "Please don't. I don't want to argue."
He hushed you and your walls squeezed against him. He let out a low chuckle mixed with a moan. "I’m not." He kissed your shoulder. "Before you came in before like a buck shot grizzly bear, I was gonna say you were right."
You stilled and turned your head to look at Him. “I’m sorry, say that again?” You teased
He smiled and nipped at your neck, "don't be a dick."
He pulled out of you and sat down on the sofa. Your body was jello but you couldn't miss the chance to seize an opportunity to slip him back inside you and simply sit on his lap. He gave a grunt as you kissed him, soft at first, then lolled your tongue over his lips. "I'm sorry too."
“I never said I was sorry.” He playfully chuckled and this time you nipped at him, teeth grazing his jaw.
“Don’t be a dick.”
His hands moved to your hips and then up your back, pulling you against his tacky damp chest.
“You don’t really think I’m ashamed of you, do you?”
"It'd crossed my mind."
"Look at me," you sat up and held his jaw in your palms. "Never, in my entire life will I ever be ashamed of you. You are the absolute strongest, bravest person I know."
You kissed those sweet little moles on his right cheek by his nose and just below his bottom lashes. "I love you like no other, Paul Diskant."
His Adam’s apple bobbed as he swallowed and that gorgeous soft smile spread across his lips. Then you wrapped your arms around his neck and placed a kiss where you knew he'd feel and understand what you meant, what you felt. It was covered by a still healing scar, but he felt everything.
“I only want us to have the day we want, the day we deserve.” You whispered, sniffing a little as you blinked back tears.
"I'll call Shutters tomorrow. See what they can do." He whispered into your hair as he kissed your head.
“Thank you.” You lay your head on back his shoulder, his arms holding you close.
***** Part 6.1
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monako-jinn-stories · 3 years
Commander Sans X GN!Reader FanFic
Soulmate, True love
Oh my god, guys! I’m so excited to post this! Sans and General Jinn are both my OC characters and I ADORE THEM!! Especially Sans!! He owns my heart 😭 Making this was so amazing, because I got to use my characters. I got to chose their story, because they didn’t previously have one. Wow, I really hope you all enjoy this!! It was just so amazing to write!!
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AND LOOK AT THIS AMAZING ART OF SANS AS A KING BY @that-one-weeb-but-its-kny @that-one-weebs-art @that-one-weeb-but-starwars YOU’RE AMAZING!!<3💜 you inspired me to write this with your love of Sans so I hope you enjoy!!!
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None, I don’t want to spoil the story but it is SFW! There will be notes at the end as well!
Ever since the day he met you, Sans was in love. When you had walked into the room to meet the 17th battalion, your battalion, for the first time, he couldn’t take his eyes from you. When he’d heard your voice, he wanted nothing more than to fall asleep listening to your sweet tone every night while you held him. Everything about you had encapsulated him, drawing him in to never be released.
Of course, being the man he was, he was never shy about his crush. He constantly flirted with you from the start, taking any chance he got to try and make your cheeks flush. At first, it had worked, but soon you became immune to his words, much to his annoyance. But he didn’t let this stop him, he still kept shooting his shots, attempting to woo you into a date. Every time you playfully shot him down, and he would only be more determined.
The men under his command all teased him, but he didn’t mind, he even enjoyed it. Especially when Steele was the one poking fun at him. He took it lightheartedly and liked to try and convince them that he would win you over someday.
And your actions and affection towards him only made his crush stronger. You would show genuine love and care, always reminding him that you were there for him. That you loved him and would do anything for him.
His love for you was always growing, constantly. Every time you ran your fingers gently through his curls, holding him as he fell asleep on your chest, it blossomed. When you hugged him after being away for too long (too long usually meaning only a few days) and told him about how you’d missed him, (well, how you’d missed the whole 17th), his heart melted in his chest as you melted in his arms. When you took your clones on trips to your home, to Dohbar, and spent the evening watching the sunset and stars sparkle as you talked about nothing for hours, all he heard was your beautiful voice. He didn’t watch the same view you were. The sky was nothing compared to you.
And it was on another one of these trips that he made a decision. He was going to fully admit his love to you, because he desperately needed you to know just how much he truly did love you.
“Y/n,” Sans said, gaining your attention, “can I talk to you?”
“Of course,” you replied, standing up and following him out of the room. It was a beautiful evening, the sky painted stunningly with pinks, yellows, oranges, and purples, clouds dotting the horizon. The sunset had to be the most beautiful you had ever seen.
When you finally drug your eyes from the scene before you, your eyes met Sans’s gaze. It shocked you slightly. He had never looked like this before. There was so much love and determination in his eyes, and you could feel your heart beginning to break, because you knew what was coming.
“Y/n, I have to be honest with you,” he said, voice steady as he spoke. “I can’t keep this to myself anymore.”
“Please, y/n. I need to say this.” His eyes begged you to let him speak, and you couldn’t deny him that. Though it broke you, you nodded your head.
“I’ve been in love with you ever since the second I laid eyes on you. When you entered that room, I knew that I was done for. It’s like I haven’t looked at a single person other than you since you smiled at me. And every day, I’ve tried to show you just how much I truly do love you, but I don’t think I’ve ever meant it like I do now. Every time I fell asleep in your arms, I didn’t have those nightmares. I dreamt of peace, life after the war with you. I dreamt of us having our own family. Y/n, I’ve never wanted anything more than this, to be with you.”
Sans took a breath before he gently reached out to lift your face, which you had dropped down.
“I’ve never been more certain than one thing, and that is that you are my soulmate, y/n Jinn, my true love, whatever you want to call it.”
You drew in a shaky breath, lungs crushing inside you as you heard his words. You shook your head softly and dropped it down again. After a few seconds, you let out a small laugh.
“Do you want to know the funny thing about soulmates and true loves?” You asked, voice quiet and unsteady. You lifted your head again, your gaze meeting his as he saw your tears rolling down your cheeks. “Soulmates and true loves can be the same person, or two completely different people. Soulmates are the people who are your match, the very person you were meant to know in this galaxy. But true loves are the ones you’re supposed to fall in love with. Sans-“ your voice broke, and you took a breath to steady yourself as a sob threatened to take over. “Sans, you are my soulmate, and I know that. I’ve never been more sure of anything than that.”
You saw his reaction to your words. His eyes lit up, and a smile started to take over. It hurt you to watch, because your next words were going to crush him.
“You’re my soulmate, Sans. But you’re not my true love.”
You only looked at him for a second before you dropped your head and rushed past him. You could feel how intense his heartbreak was, and you covered your mouth to silence your gasp at how strongly you felt it. You nearly fell over from the pain he was feeling. It was so much that it was almost a physical pain, ripping and tearing at your heart. You let out your own sobs when you were alone. You never wanted to break his heart, never wanted to hurt him in any way. But you had to tell him. He deserved to know.
It all happened so fast. Just seconds before, you, Sans, Hex, and Steele had been joking, leading your men as you wandered through the meadow. Another successful mission about to be wrapped up once you were back on the venator.
Sans had his arm around you like normal, the pain of his heartbreak not enough to stop him from being flirty and affectionate with you, though you could feel how it sometimes hurt him to be this way.
Steele had just finished telling another crude joke, earning a scowl from Hex and causing Sans to lean into you as he laughed, clutching at his armored body, before you were interrupted by his comm.
“Hold on, mesh’la,” he said, catching his breath, “I’m getting a transmission.” His arm slipped from your side as he moved to answer it.
“Commander Sans,” the figure said, “execute Order Sixty-Six.”
Something in Sans instantly changed. It was like his mind clouded over. He couldn’t control himself, and when he turned to look at his brothers, they nodded. His eyes moved to you as you stood looking at them curiously.
“What was it, boys?” You asked. “Was the council making sure we weren’t up to any funny business?”
“General Jinn,” Steele’s voice came out robotic and unemotional. “The Jedi have committed treason against the Republic. They have attempted to assassinate Chancellor Palpatine. You are under arrest, and will be executed immediately for your actions against the Republic.”
Your blood went cold as he stared at you. You couldn’t see his eyes under his helmet, but you could feel how they weren’t his. They weren’t soft and loving, they were cold and threatening.
“Steele, don’t joke like that,” you said, though you barely managed to reach more than a whisper. The three clones, your Commander, Captain, and Major, simultaneously raised their blasters to you.
“Please,” you breathed out, tears coming to your eyes.
“Blast ‘em,” Sans said.
You didn’t even try to run from it, you knew you didn’t have a chance. You also refused to raise your lightsaber to them. You wouldn’t kill your men, not the 17th, and especially not your three closest friends. Your best friends, the men you would sacrifice yourself for. You’d do anything for them, and taking their lives was not an option.
You’d been shot before. You’d been shot by droid blasters many times, training blasters, and even a stray blaster shot from running in front of a clone. But these shots hurt differently. They seared with the love you held for them. They burned through your heart and soul as they met your body. All you could do was watch as the men you would lay down your life for took it from you themselves.
When your body hit the ground, Sans slowly lifted his helmet off. Silent tears slowly rolled down his face as he knelt next to your body. You had always been the most beautiful person in the galaxy to him, and now he’d never see that beauty again. He’d never see that sparkle in your eyes, or hear your lovely voice. Your fingers would never toy with his curls again as he fell asleep in your arms.
The shot from his blaster was right on your heart. The heart he had fought so hard to win. The heart that he had made stop.
“I love you, mesh’la,” he whispered as he closed your eyes, leaning down to press his forehead to yours in a keldabe kiss.
“Commander, we should go. We’re needed back on Kamino,” Hex said, speaking in the same robotic tone that Steele had used. They both stood on either side of Sans, but they hadn’t removed their helmets. They hadn’t shed tears, and hadn’t felt the way Sans did- at least not that they could express.
Sans slowly stood, replacing his helmet and turning to the rest of the 17th.
“Let’s go home, boys,” he said, leading them back to the transports to be taken to the venator, and then back home to Kamino.
So, y’all still happy that I wrote a Sans fic? I NEVER SAID IT WOULD BE HAPPY😂 no but I really just had to go the angst route with him, it only felt right
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@imabeautifulbutterfly @lightning-wolffe @namesmox @crosshairxs @tacticalsparkles @milppa @techssexythighs @ilikemymendarkandfictional @m-o-o-n-s-g-o-o-n-s @megafrost4 @darkangel4121 @hedahobbit98 @shuttlelauncher81 @rintheemolion @sleepy-tog @littlemisscare-all
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thegreatyin · 2 years
Tell us 1. Fun fact u know 2. Anything abt your ocs,, what you like about them, what you’d want fanart of, what you’re proud of,,, 3. TELL US favourite thing in any media you’ve consumed or made recently
also puts this under the cut bc. infodump
1) wild kratts is the objective best kids show of all time. this isn't an opinion this is an objective fact but it is also fun so therefore it's a fun fact. also squash and stretch in animation is incredibly fun and can make for some EXCELLENT smooth motion ALONGSIDE really funny freeze frames if you pause at the right moment
2) *slams a dozen folders on the metaphorical table* SO my favorite oc that i've ever made/owned ever is rigel, this information definitely isn't new if you've followed me for awhile and kept up with my oc bullshit. this would also normally be the part where i link a cool toyhouse profile or something for him but i don't have that so please imagine him in your mind. he's a bastard grey-haired white boy. thank you. oh and i can share actual art of him that too
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i'm also specifically proud of... a few things, really. please imagine me gesturing to The Whole Entire Rigel again thanks. i think i'm pretty decent at writing like... idk, complicated characters? gay idiots with a lot of personal issues. introspective character-driven stories that may-or-may-not involve smiting, denying, and/or killing god are my bread and butter.
also i'd be overjoyed at any fanart of my ocs but my current mood is fomal bc i'm writing him atm and he's so scrunkly. just. so very blorbo. very krispy kream bar that i wanna eat for lunch.
also also caeru, lark, and the aformentioned rigel make up a trio i like to call "the punching bag trio" because they're a trio of white men (by technicality in lark and caeru's case, both of them are utmv skeletons) that i like to use as go-to ocs to angst at any given moment. caeru especially. im sorry. you can make a whole infodump purely about caeru and rigel, both individually and together
3) ARKNIGHTS HAS ANGELS AND THE ANGELS HAVE GUNS. THE ANGELS INVENTED GUNS. ARKNIGHTS ANGELS INVENTED GUNS AND ALSO ALL THE GUNS IN ARKNIGHTS ARE CANONICALLY POWERED BY THE SETTING'S VERSION OF MAGIC (we know this because of an also-canonical crossover where "normal" humans got transported to gacha furry land and nobody knows what gunpowder is) AND THEY'RE BASICALLY LIKE SLIGHTLY STRONGER CROSSBOWS. also the sea in arknights is eldritch and sentient and wants to kill you and also also i think there's equally eldritch paint gods in the mountains somewhere? idk i wasn't playing during the event that revealed the latter. oh and speaking of the gun angels according to an event currently unreleased on the global server they're legally not allowed to shoot more than 5 bullets from their gun. under penalty of Something (probably definitely death). honestly as someone who adores angel aesthetics laterano scratches an inch that i can't describe but definitely exists
3.5) this is just a section devoted to sharing some of the sankta (angel) operators in arknights because they're all very shaped. good day
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cottoncandyjester · 4 years
How would all your yandere oc be like as monsters? Because this is for the monsterfucker here.
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As a fellow monsterfucker...I got you
Also damn now I wanna write a shit ton of stories with the ocs as monsters
This story contains: smut, monster fucking, talk of tentacles and big 🍆
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He definitely would probably be an elegant fox demon
Has all nine tails
You formed a pact with him so he works as your servant
Is mischievous in his own way
Likes to play sweet
But when it comes to doing the do he loves using his magic
Will tease you for hours
You're such a fragile human so it's only natural for him to tease
Loves rubbing one of his tails against your most sensitive areas
If you use your pact against him he will wreck you
Like force him to do something he doesn't want to do and he's sneaking into your room and fingering you until your sobbing
It's only proper punishment
Strong as hell
Big dick as always
Tsundere as always
"can't believe I fell for a lowly human"
God forbid you get hurt though
Will rip someone's head clean off
Drinks your blood daily
Drinking your blood makes him submissive..so he tries not to too much
Can and has gotten drunk off your blood
Turns into a whiny bitch
Like peg his ass and play with his nipples
Call him a dirty little bloodsucker
Make him eat you out do it all
Cause when he sobers up he's going to wreck you as payback
Sees himself as a royal so knock him down a peg a few times
God forbid you call him strong he will never let it go
"of course I'm strong I'm a pureblooded vampire! We are rare nowadays"
Guys, gals, and non binary pals..
Prepare for a thick cock with a knot at the end
Like you will get stuffed every damn night
He will use you during his heat like a fleshlight
This dumb dog of course loves to cuddle up to you..but he can't stop humping you to death
His cock is literally thicker than your arm
You might die..but it would be worth it
When he hasn't fucked in a few days his cum is thick
Like you will get a stack bulge just from his cum
It spills all out when he pulls out
Prepare to be covered in bite marks and stuff cause he has to mark you
Our beautiful naga boy
Would wrap you up with his lower half
Sex with him is downright dangerous
His venom is an aphrodisiac
You will be stretched out for sure
I usually picture nagas with the ability to implant eggs inside their darling instead of a normal birth...so good luck with that
On the bright side, good naps for you.
Harpy boy
Bird baby
He is so damn clingy it's insane
Sex in the sky
Also implants an egg into his darling so once again... good luck with that
Omg wait what if he got pregnant
That's probably will happen if he is with a male y/n
If you touch his wings he is gonna flip out
Like he can't handle it
Yuuji and yuuta
Octopus boys
Tentacles for DAYS
You would suffer their wrath
Every hole stuffed over and over with thick tentacles
There is no escape
They would definitely argue over who has what hole
Yuuta is more gentle but his tentacles tend to be a lot more slippery and lubed up
He likes to hit that spot that makes you just ahegao
His tentacles are better as far as going in deep
Yuuji... his tentacles are thick as fuck
Big boy
He wants you to choke
He has legit almost killed you many times from shoving all his tentacles inside you at once
His tentacles has more shorter but thicker
He can stretch you out soooo good.
Shark boy shark boy shark boy
Do you know what this means people?!
for some good double penetration action
He likes biting your shoulder and just leaving a huge shark bite
I'm not talking mermaid shark no I mean like legend of zelda Zora style
Incase you all were confused
He likes to dig his claws into you whole you fuck
Underwater sex.. yes
Will drag you under and fuck the shit out of you
Touch his gills and he is going to snap
If he smells some of your blood he's pouncing
Aka period sex is a go
Forgets that humans can't breathe underwater..soo you've almost died a few times
Touch his fin..please touch his fin-
He absolutely likes showing off his sharp teeth
Just likes to open his mouth and feel you touch them
Have I mentioned two dicks cause um..yeah
Can you tell I wanna fuck prince sidon is that clear yet?
Wants a bunch of babies with you
Like a lot of babies
I was just gonna say futa and call it a day
Is a witch a monster? No? Oh.
I'm gonna say fairy cause that fits
I'm not talking sweet fairy no she is evil as hell
Has a big 🍆 though soo there's that
Male, female, non binary you will get fucked if you enter her forest
Touch her wings I dare you do it and you will be punished
Wears skimpy clothes to entice you and it works
Uses her magic on you for sure
No matter which if you is pregnant she will still fuck
On the bright side she gifts you adorable gifts after courting you
Flower crowns, magical items, and all
Comes across as sweet and gentle...nope
Will wreck your shit
You have to be strong as hell if you wanna dom her
She will ride you til your hips break
Dangerous all around might wanna stay away.
Incubus of course
Give him that good sex baby
Will slip into your room every night and fuck you HARD
You can't resist him
It's impossible
Pull his tail though and he's nutting
He sees himself as this cool badass incubus but honestly..he's kinda a bitch
Like yeah he can fuck you all day but if you even press your tongue against his nipples he's weak
Also blowjobs are the death of him
The more times you fuck the stronger he gets so watch out for that
All I can think about is a slime boy
Like usually he's pretty solid but imagine..slime tentacles
Him riding you/ being fucked by you and it's like a votex
Sucking you so perfectly
On the other side of that spectrum getting fucked by him will be intense
He will absolutely wreck your shit
His entire body is made of slime
Aka he use his fingers and make them dicks
He would probably be flavored..not sure what flavor but it will be yummy
Super sticky if you would want that
Would make you a dildo from his slime
Use it and no matter where he is he would feel it and be able to control it
Slime boy rin is dangerous...he will fuck you dry.
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dahliax · 4 years
Goddess of the Sun
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Photo credit: Daniel Kordan - “Synchronous fireflies, Kyushu island.”
Description : Zuko x oc Dahila, Goddess of the Sun who was sent by the spirits crosses paths with Ursa, who changes her life forever.
Note : I started this fanfic for fun but now I like it. I haven’t posted fanfic in years but I thought it would be fun to start again. It’s obviously not amazing but I’m hoping to improve with practice. I’m also open to requests in my ask box preferably just Female!Reader x Zuko and some Sokka atm so I don’t overwhelm myself with too many characters (fluff, smut, oneshots, and headcannons are welcome). I will never specify skin color (so everyone can enjoy it) in my writing but occasionally specify hair color or eye color (at random) when it comes up. Let me know what you think so far and what you think might happen next! 🌸 (im real soft so pls try not to be too mean)
Warnings : fluff, angst, eventual smut (in aged up chapters).
꧁𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑂𝑛𝑒꧂
꧁𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑇𝑤𝑜꧂
The night was cold and Ursa didn’t have much time to waste. The only guard she trusted trailed behind her making sure they weren’t being followed. Trees lined the way to the witches house with fireflies illuminating the pathway. Ursa could tell she was in a spirtual place, letting her guard down.
The leaves crunched beneath their feet as they neared closer to the ominous looking cottage. Ursa looked to the stars but the storm clouds approching covered their beauty. She took her gaze to the moon shining a brilliant red, confirming the lunar eclipse blood moon. Her nerves were absolutely shot from dealing with Ozai all day. She didn’t know what had drawn her to see the witch again but she knew she was there for a reason even if she didn’t know why.
Seconds before she knocks on the door an infants crying echoed through the forest making Ursa jump out of her own skin. She looked to her left towards the sound. The baby wasn’t far. Her heart pumped fast as she dashed to find where the noise was coming from. Ursa didn’t care how loud she was now, she had to find this poor baby.
Not far from the cottage was a small river stopping Ursa in her tracks. She looked up the stream to see a basket cascading down the flowing water. Sure enough the baby was inside with a single dahlia flower and a note. Ursa frantically opened the note.
“𝑊𝑒 𝑤𝑒𝑟𝑒 𝑑𝑒𝑠𝑝𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑒 𝑎𝑛𝑑 ℎ𝑎𝑑 𝑡𝑜 𝑠𝑎𝑣𝑒 ℎ𝑒𝑟. 𝑊𝑒 𝑝𝑟𝑎𝑦 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑠𝑝𝑖𝑟𝑖𝑡𝑠 𝑔𝑢𝑖𝑑𝑒 ℎ𝑒𝑟 𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑜 𝑠𝑎𝑓𝑒 ℎ𝑎𝑛𝑑𝑠. “
The baby cried once more and Ursa took her into her arms looking into the baby’s beautiful dark eyes. Ursa’s heart sank realizing she had no idea what to do. Maybe the witch had some answers. She walked back to the familar door and knocked. Footsteps shuffled to the door and opened it creaking creepily as Ursa’s anxiety got higher the longer she held the mysterious baby. The witches eyes nearly popped out of her head at the sight of the baby.
“Your highness” the witch says while bowing, turning to let Ursa in. “That’s not Zuko, is it?” the witch questioned. “No. I just found her. I don’t know what to do” Ursa explained. “Hm let me see. Set her on the table.” This was no ordinary witch to Ursa. She was more like a friendly spiritual guide. The witch had a gift of telling fortunes and Ursa was her most prioritized customer. Anytime day or night the older witch would be there for the young woman.
Ursa set the basket on the low table taking a better look at the infant with the witch by her side. “She’s beautiful,” the witch said amazed. “She is. But what’s this?” the witch looked down at the baby’s hand. A small flower that looked almost like a tattoo was placed perfectly on the top of the babys right hand. “Emilia, who would tattoo a baby?” Ursa said mortified. A sigh left the witches mouth as she brushed her finger over the marking. “She was born with it. Tell me, where did you find her?” Emilia’s tone suddenly changed.
“The river not too far from here” Ursa replied. The witches jaw dropped with a realization coming to her brain. “It can’t be” she whispered. “Can’t be what?!” Ursa was alarmed. Quickly, Emilia ran to her book case searching for the right book muttering under her breath “oh my god, oh my god, oh my god”. Ursa was ready to explode as the day was weighing on her and now there were even more problems with this mysterious baby.
Emilia places the book on the table frantically flipping through the pages. She found the section she was looking for and read very carefully. Slowly she placed her glasses on the table and wrapped the babies hand around her pinky finger. “Is it safe to do a reading on an infant?” Ursa asked. The witch grimaced, “If she is who I think she is, she will be fine” as soon as she said that her eyes closed and she was pulled into the spirit world. Ursa was absolutely shocked at the sight. The babies tattoo shined in the dim lighting of the cottage. Now all Ursa could do was wait.
Emilia smiled at the spirit in front of her. “Spirit Shin, it is a honor” she bowed gratefully to the woman. “Spirit Guide Emilia, Ive heard many wonderful things about you” the ghostly lady replied. Emilia stayed quiet knowing small talk wasn’t the reason she was brought here. “Congratulations, you’ve found the Goddess of the Sun” and before she could say more she was back in the cottage with Ursa.
“What happened?!” Ursa shrieked but Emilia raised a calming hand to her friends shoulders. “No worries darling. We’ve found the Goddess of the Sun” Ursa’s heart dropped, how was this possible? “I thought there was no more living gods and goddesses? I thought they were all spirits” she questioned. “Something tells me the spirits sent her here and that you were meant to find her” the witch says.
“It’s mysterious to me. You have to protect her” she starts again looking at Ursa seriously. “How am I suppose to protect her? How-how will I tell Ozai?” Ursa said stumbling over her words and tears pooling in her eyes. The day had finally got the best of her. “Child. You are stronger than you know, this baby is special and there is no other being like her. And you are in a position of power to protect her”
“But what about Ozai? If he knows she’s a goddess he’ll just weaponize her and throw her into war!” Ursa cried and Emilia thought deeply about what she was going to say next. “Tell him she was left on the palace door steps and witnesses seen you take her. The public would be enraged if the royal family rejected the baby...”
“Do you think it could work Leo?” Ursa says turning to her guard behind her. “Permission to speak freely?” He asked “Always”
“Truthfully, I’m not sure. But it’s worth a try as to not upset the spirits” he said quietly. Ursa thought for a moment. She didn’t even think of the consequences of the spirits if they didn’t protect the baby. Ursa now knew in her heart she had to help the baby “I feel that we have no choice. What should we name her?” She said as she scanned her eyes across the beautiful basket the baby laid in, eying the flower the baby was grabbing in her tiny hands. “What about Dahlia? Looks like she’s fond of them.” Leo spoke up surprising Ursa. Regret filling his chest for speaking so casually to the royal.
“What a wonderful idea Leo. It’s the perfect name.” Ursa said picking up the baby and cooing to her in her arms. “I’m afraid you must be on your way darling. It’s late and you still have to talk to Ozai” the concerned witch said. Without hesitation Ursa collected her things and started her way to the door. “Wait!” Emilia said “Give her this when she’s old enough” placing a beautiful bracelet adorned with pink diamonds into Ursa’s hand.
Ursa walked up the steps soaking wet with Leo trailing behind her. It had started to rain halfway home. She couldn’t stop thinking about what she was going to say to Ozai. They had a fight before she left about who would eventually take Azulon’s place on the throne. But what Ursa didn’t know was that Ozai was planning to apologize.
She met Ozai’s gaze in the grand foyer of the palace swallowing her fear and standing tall. “I was looking for you. Who’s this?” He said softly which rarely happened. “I found her crying outside. A few locals seen I didn’t want anyone to hurt her..” she lied through her teeth. But Ozai was distracted by the baby’s face. She was adorable.
“We could change the course of her life forever Ozai..” Ursa trailed on. Ozai thought for a minute that a little good publicity wouldn’t hurt but he knew he could use this as leverage to get something he wanted. And then an idea popped in his head. “You can keep her if you give me another heir.” He said flatly. Ursa didn’t understand why Ozai was so hell bent on having a ‘spare’ even though he wasn’t next in line for the throne. But Ursa knew this would be the only way.
“Okay. I will do it” she said softly. “And if she’s a bender she could be a suitable match for Prince Zuko.” he said her heart dropped. She wanted her children to marry for love not for political gain. From that moment on she decided that Dahlia’s gifts would be kept secret to protect Dahlia and Zuko.
The whispers around the palace were getting to Ursa and the babies were a beautiful distraction. A soft knock came to her door, “Come in” she said softly. Iroh smiled as he opened the door. “I hear we have a new blessing in the palace” he said and Ursa sighed, “The council would disagree with you”.
Iroh came to sit on the bed next to Ursa to see the baby. “She’s beautiful!” he said as he grabbed her tiny right hand noticing the flower. “Is there something you’re not telling me Ursa?” He smiles brighter than before, “You know I have a connection to the spirits,” he added. Ursa threw her hands up in defeat, “Alright you caught me. But if I tell you, you must keep it a secret for Zuko’s safety” Iroh simply nodded amazed by the two babies before him.
“She’s the Goddess of the Sun. I have to protect her for the spirits. I know I found her for a reason,” Ursa blurted out. Iroh tried not to laugh at her outburst and said “Your secret is safe with me. I vow to protect Zuko and Dahlia for as long as I’m alive. I’m aware there’s not many trustworthy souls roaming the palace and I’m honored you’ve decided to share this secret with me. If you are ever in any trouble you know where to find me.” Tears welled up in Ursa’s eyes. Not many people were kind to her in the palace. Iroh pulled her into a hug “Don’t you cry little dove. You have to have strength for these children, they will be lost without you” tears starting to pool in his own eyes.
They pulled away to look at the peacefully sleeping babies. “Do you think they’ll be friends?” Ursa asked. “Absolutely. Think of all the adventures they’ll go on together.” Iroh said making her laugh for the first time in a long time. “You know keeping her here came with a price...” Ursa said quietly. Iroh looked to her for an answer, “He wants another heir,”
Please let me know what you think 💗
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grayintogreen · 3 years
I was not technically tagged, but at least two people on my dash were like DO WHAT YOU WANT NO ONE IS YOUR GOD, and you know what? They’re right and valid. 
1) How many works do you have on AO3?
96! And 90% of them are from just this year. Can’t wait to find out what the big 100 is gonna be. Any one of my WIPS could be Disney’s next 100th fic.
2) What’s your total AO3 word count?
455,024 (also mostly from this year...)
3) How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
In my entire life??? Since I was twelve??? I don’t even know, man. I wrote a lot of ooc crackfic and fic for cartoons when I was on FF.net, and then I was on LJ and wrote for a TON of different fandoms, but on AO3, I have written for Critical Role (so much CR), Yashahime/Inuyasha, Guardians of the Galaxy, His Dark Materials (TV), Steven Universe, Bleach, Alias, Supernatural, Dollhouse, Pushing Daisies (the last four were all transferred here from LJ, though)
4) What are your top five fics by kudos?
- turning wine back into water (Critical Role, de-aging fic with plot, 30457 words)
I STILL CANNOT BELIEVE HOW POPULAR THIS FIC IS. It beat out two of my super popular GotG fics that have been up since 2017 BY A LOT. Apparently, there was a market for the Mighty Nein being adorable cocktail brats and saving the world. Thanks, Liam’s Quest!
It is probably one of the most wholesome fics I will ever write too. I love it.
- Sunshine Came Softly (Guardians of the Galaxy, Rocket and Mantis friendship, 3188 words)
THIS FIC STILL GETS HITS EVEN TODAY. It was written right after I saw the movie so it hit hard and fast on the hype train. 
- Mine Is Just a Slower Sacrifice (Guardians of the Galaxy, Rocket-centric, 2248 words)
Anyway, this was written probably IMMEDIATELY after I saw the movie and had to process Rocket’s emotions during the last moments, because of who I am as a person. For what’s mostly a character study, it got some mileage on it.
- they drink dreamers up like brandy (Critical Role, 1625 words)
Back to Critical Role! I wrote this one when I was in a fucking blind post-finale haze and producing massive amounts of Kingsley content and I wanted to write a silly fic about Caleb being tiefling catnip. 
- if adversity breeds character (we’ve character enough for two) (Critical Role, Beau and Molly-centric, 1824 words)
I feel like most of my most kudos-ed CR fics are Beau-related, which is funny because I never really wrote her EVER. I guess I need to write her more often. ANYWAY, this one got jossed immediately after 141, but I needed to write Beau and Molly bantering and I couldn’t get her flipping him off after revealing her card is Rumor out of my head.
(Incidentally my sixth most kudos-ed fic is my Fjorester next gen fic, WHICH I WAS NOT EXPECTING AT ALL. IT’S A FIC BASED ON MY OC FANCHILDREN!! I’M VERY EMOTIONAL ABOUT THAT!!)
5) Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
Usually!! There are times when I forget and then it’s been so long that I never go back, but I like responding to comments. They make me so happy and I want to make sure the people who take the time to comment know that I see them and appreciate them. Especially if they give me long comments. You long commenters know who you are and I value you and also flail incoherently in your direction.
6) What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
God, probably this church takes no conversions simply because, like, the whole ending scenes are MISERABLE AND FULL OF ANGST and then it has the hopeful ending that is actually a bullshit lie.
But second place probably goes to what couldn’t i offer, what couldn’t i give, which is just misery porn in disguise as a character study. Sorry, Cree.
7) Do you write crossovers? If so what is the craziest one you’ve written?
Okay, so back in the day when I was a tineh fanbrat I wrote a lot of self-indulgent crossovers featuring my friends and I in true Mary Sue format being ~saviors of the world~ alongside our favorite fictional characters and after I grew out of that, I very rarely did it again, because as someone who can only write AUs if they’re high concept and can only write crossovers if the canon welding is pristine, it’s difficult.
I have ideas for some! I just haven’t written them yet. Or they’re sitting in Google Docs partially written.
8) Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Not to my recollection, which is insane, because I’ve written some things in my youth that deserved it, but also I was a kid, so maybe I definitely did not deserve it. Don’t send hate to kids!!
9) Do you write smut? If so what kind?
The first smut I ever posted on AO3 involved some fucking American Gods flesh horror shit, so that answers your second question.
Basically, yes, but I write smut to facilitate character development in a way that regular story beats can’t, mainly with characters who are in some way deeply fucked up and have unbalanced dynamics. 
So basically chances of me writing smut that isn’t Creecien or Lucigast? Very low. (I haven’t written Lucigast smut yet but I will. Inevitably.)
10) Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that anyone’s told me, but one time when I was a teenager someone ripped off an entire group messageboard RP I was in and tried to pass it off as a fic they wrote.
11) Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not that anyone’s told me!
12) Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I tried and it did not work out, because of (non-wanky) reasons, but it’s just not something I’d be very good at. I was the kid who wanted to work alone on group projects. I’m bad at group work.
13) What’s your all time favourite ship?
That I’ve WRITTEN??? Because that at least narrows it down significantly. Sesshoumaru/Rin hands down. It’s a good dynamic and they’re fun and sad at the same time. 
My self-indulgent ass does also enjoy writing Creecien though. I’m putting it out there because I want it.
14) What’s a WIP you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
GOD POOR SUPERNOVAS OF ALL SOUND AND LIGHT. THAT FIC COULD’VE BEEN A CONTENDER, but I unfortunately posted it RIGHT BEFORE the White Diamond episodes aired and it became so jossed by canon so fast that I gave up on life with chapter two half finished. I need to delete it but I can’t bring myself to bury my shame.
15) What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue and meta-narrative and character-specific stuff. I go into every story with CHARACTER FIRST mentality, which is how I end up writing so many damn character studies or why my word counts explode. I’m just out here naval gazing because I love character stuff SO MUCH.
I’ve been told I’m good at fight/action scenes too, which... Shocks me, but I think watching and playing a lot of D&D stuff has really improved how I write fighting and action sequences.
16) What are your writing weaknesses?
[whispers] too much naval gaze. dial it back, bitch. 
I get really caught up in character stuff and forget to do important things like ADVANCE THE SCENE OR DESCRIBE THE SCENE OR LITERALLY ANYTHING. I also don’t think my prose is all that great, but I’m pretty sure every writer feels that imposter syndrome bullshit, so /waves hands. All I’m saying is I have seen some writers on AO3 who are writing some fucking vivid imagery and stringing flawless sentences together and weaving introspection and description together like beautiful baskets and they are stronger than any US Marine and I salute them and wish to be them.
17) What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
Iiii try not to. There’s times where I want to throw in, like, a little Zemnian for Caleb flair, but I try to stick to things that are either untranslatable (like German compound words), common phrases (like please or come here), or insults/curses/ pet names. Things that I don’t think Google will fucking lie to me about.
18) What was the first fandom you wrote for?
I think it was a Sailor Moon crackfic about Haruka being forced to enter a beauty pageant which was just a blatant rip-off of Ms Congeniality and oh my god was it awful. I don’t even wanna talk about it.
19) What’s your favourite fic you’ve written?
this church takes no conversions, probably BECAUSE it’s my little red-headed stepchild of a fic involving so many things that are just never going to make it popular (backstory fic, fic that is almost 85% headcanon, doesn’t involve popular characters, etc.), but godDAMMIT I love that fic so much. It was fun and I use every bit of that headcanon in almost everything like it’s my job.
shattered stage is a close second, because it was such a crazy concept for a fic that I PULLED OFF SOMEHOW and is this wonderful mix of crazy plot and character and lore and my three favorite tieflings having to work together. And also Jayne Merriweather as the main villain. 
A lot of love went into both of those fics and they are my babies. this time next year we’ll see if I add Creedemption and shoot at fate to this list- probably. All of my epic long fics resolve to be my babies because I spent so much time on them, and I have to love them and cherish them because I raised them into gigantic wordy attempts to write a doorstopper.
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streets-in-paradise · 4 years
The Greek of New York
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American Gods and Percy Jackson crossover - Part 2
Word Count: 2794
Characters: Zeus, Eira ( Vanir demigoddess OC), Wednesday, Shadow.
Pairings: Zeus x Eira. Platonical relationships of Wednesday's crew.
Warnings: Mentions of smoking and alcohol consumption. Heavy flirting, no smut but some sexy teasing and sexual tension. Zeus being a classy hot shameless asshole. Mentions of cheating. There is age difference because she is statted to be young . Of course, she is +18.
Summary: The crew's expectations get crushed in their meeting with the misterious man while Wednesday struggles in his goal to make him join their side.
Disclaimers: Please, don’t take this nonsense seriously. It’s just a fun piece i wrote to satisfy my needs for Sean Bean as Zeus. @yerevasunclair​ is my big inspiration for this and encouraged me to post it. Otherwise i would had never done it because of my total lack of faith in my attempts of writing fiction. This is a translation to english so, i apologise for any mistakes. 
Thanks for reading and i hope you’ll enjoy it. 
The trip ended on the facade of an imposing New York City skyscraper. Whoever this Theo was, Shadow got the impression that they were messing with someone really powerful. He was surprised to consider Mr. Wednesday's vast network of contacts and the variety of strange places he was taking them. Within minutes they were inside a luxurious apartment on the top floor.
The man for whom they were received was exactly the opposite of what they expected.
" Wednesday!! I was waiting for you. I knew you were going to come since the first rumours started spreading. What took you so long? " he welcomed in a tone equally playful and imponent. 
" I had other concerns to attend to. I didn't wanted to come to you with empty hands, my friend" Wednesday replied
Shadow and Eira were stunned. Theo was not at all the old stranger they had imagined. He was a mature man, but not exactly old. Blond, tall, elegant, of a distinguished royal bearing and very attractive. They realized that they had been tricked again. 
" I see you didn't" they heard him reply as he looked at them with a playful smirk. He didn’t seem to be paying particular attention to any of them yet Eira couldn't help to get the feeling of his stare all over her. It was the first trait she noticed in him, the charming ways of his beautiful green eyes. Shadow was seriously regretting the bet he did with their boss. 
They were barely paying attention to Wednesday's attempts of formality. 
" Allow me to introduce you. These are my servants, Shadow and Eira. " 
Theo saluted Shadow with a strong, confident  handshake and kissed Eira's hand without losing eye contact with her for a single instant during the action.
 All she could focus on was the intensity of his gaze and she quickly forgot about Wednesday's warnings. 
" We know who you are. You don't need introduction." 
He was perfectly capable of noticing the strong impression he left on her and it pleased him. 
" Surprised, little one? I understand it.  You must have been expecting to see an eldery man of long curly white hair and a matching beard. That damn Disney movie keeps ruining the general perception of most people. It's a price I have to pay for refusing to join the new paradigm. Although, my wife likes it. It portrays her in a far better light. The motherly way in which she always wanted to be seen, it also does wonders for our relationship. Of course, it's not because Media wanted to be softer with us... Marketing choice. Disfunctional families, half blood bastards and murder in divine induced crazyness is not Disney s style. Not exactly kids friendly fun" he joked, trying to come out as friendly so she would be able to calm her nerves around him.
" She is one of my special maidens" Wednesday replied, taking away any chance for her to keep the previous conversation. “ I don’t have the original upline anymore but I had been thinking in rebuilding a new one for modern times. She’s the first I got so far but i’m making plans for more additions.” 
" Those beautiful horse rider angels, right? Your best idea regarding orders of servants. " 
Eira wanted to keep talking to him. Not only because he was handsome, a strange push made her feel unable to shut up. 
" Actually it was my mother's invention. She was the founder of the institution and it represents her partnership with Wednesday. That's why I got selected"  she told, adding more details to her boss's simple explanation. 
Theo seemed to be even more interested in her after hearing that. 
" I knew there was something special about you. At first i thought it was just your radiant beauty but now everything makes sense. You are a halfblood. " 
Shadow wasn't able to understand most of the conversation but the sweet, friendly attitude of that man towards her was pretty easy to get , as well as his intentions. 
Getting excited, Eira kept telling him details about her. 
" My mother's fields are love, fertility, beauty, witchcraft and she shares war with Wednesday." she told him like if it meant something for someone. 
"Interesting.... very interesting" he stated, looking at her in the eyes with a thoughtful expression. Since he didn't wanted to intimidate her, he changed his tone quickly " It looks like the nordics finally started to follow our business model... and they had amazing results" 
Wednesday was so annoyed that he didn't took a lot of consideration in his answer 
" Her mother decided to keep her at her side. It's not a common choice between our kind but what can you expect from a Vanir? It's the softer side of the family. The rest of us aren't opening summer camps" 
" You should. It ‘s  a wonderful business that keeps growing. Nothing is stronger than the blind faith of a child and it gets particularly better when a parent is involved. I don't even need to have my own, all the cabins of the camp have to put their faith in me before their parents because i'm their leader. Every year more and more keep joining and we have entire generations raised in our ancient ways." 
Shadow started to wonder if Theo was a cult leader instead of a mob boss. 
" Did you make a fortune with summer camps for children? How? " he asked. 
" It's a surprisingly profitable business, i told your boss long ago that it was the solution to all his problems but he still stands in disbelief. You can even adapt the format to your particular cultural tastes. Want some advice? Replace the whole “giant palace with thousands of rooms” thing with a hotel. It fits better to your tale than a camp. '' he replied in a very relaxed mood. He sat on a small , fancy couch like a king would sit on his throne and gave Wednesday a condescending  smile while lighting up a cigarette.  
" I don't have intentions of converting to the touristic industry. My business is war. " he stated, proudfully. 
"it's a shame. Time should have made you more pragmatic. "  Theo teased him after exhaling the smoke of his cigarette.  
Both of Wednesday's assistants were thinking about how different his way of smoking was to Czernobog . Instead of the usual disgusting smell and creepy vibe this man was classy, smooth and the smoke he left behind felt like a different perfume to each one of them. Both cases being pleasant smells they enjoyed. 
He offered a cigarette to Shadow first. He got used to that sort of socialization code in prison so it wasn't a problem to him. When Eira received the same offer she seemed to hesitate. 
" I don't smoke. I never got interested in the habit despite, or maybe because, I have a fríend who is a heavy smoker. " she said, slightly embarrassed. She feared her reply would upset him but he was smiling at her.
 It was like her answer was exactly what he was expecting. 
" There is always a first time for everything"  he teased her,  seductively. " Come here and let me show you"
The girl stared doubtfully at Wednesday, but she understood she wasn't able to deny his request even despite her boss's disapproval. As courtesy, she had to obey. She sat on the dangerously close spot the man indicated for her,  the arm of his couch. She had the impression that, if it wasn't for the presence of Wednesday and Shadow, she would had been on his lap. The idea didn't seem so bad. 
Meanwhile they sat in another less magnificent couch, they had to stand the whole thing. 
Theo put the cigarette between Eira's lips, he lit it , and told her how to smoke it. He wouldn't stop looking at her and he smiled pleasantly when she exhaled , laughing a bit when she coughed briefly. 
Nerves made her laugh as well and he caressed her cheek and jaw with one hand, reaching her lips and tracing them with his index finger. It was his way to show her how pleased he was. 
" Good, you did it so good. Not bad at all to be your first time, eh?" he told her, in a sweet but sinful tone. " You must understand, dear. I made you do it for a reason. Some like alcohol, some meat, others prefer blood. What pleases me is smoke. Since you are in my house, or at least one I like to use temporarily, you must smoke at least a little bit for me." he explained as he reached her waist with his arm. 
Shadow couldn't believe what he was watching. Eira seemed entranced by that man. 
"You are such a sweet girl, soo well behaved. Your boss must adore you. " he kept saying to her in the same casual and calm but lust driven way. For such an elegant man, that behaviour was openly shameful yet he didn't seem to lose his royal vibe. He was like a shameless king seducing the unmarried daughter of a noble friend in a feast. 
" Not really, I'm a disappointment. He picked me because there was no one else willing to do the job. " she admitted to him. 
" Don't say that, you are such a good girl" he emphasized the last two words. " Do you want to know something more? You have really pretty lips, it makes the gesture of the offering even better. Why don't you keep trying with that cigarette? I like the sight as much as I like the feeling. " 
Eira rushed to pick it again and keep smoking.
 Wednesday was done with their bullshit and interrupted them. 
" I would like to discuss our common problem instead of watching you degrading my servant." 
" She is a lovely creature. Is she entirely yours?" Theo asked as he played with the girl's hair. 
" She doesn't serve me in the ways you are suggesting. Our bond is only professional with hints of familiar feelings on her part. Her mother is an important member of my family. She sees me as an old uncle because of this , i really don’t care. "  Wednesday explained. 
Theo seemed even happier. 
" That's so sweet. You are adorable! " he said to her. " Aren't you more comfortable now? I don' t want you to shy away from me, pretty thing. This feels so much better"
" I had never seen her like that. Is she alright?" Shadow asked
" She is a bit overwhelmed. That's all. She is enjoying herself, you don't need to worry. I think she likes me as much as I like her"  Theo answered. He was in a good mood, ready to hear whatever they were bringing to him. " So, going back to our business. What do you want from me?" 
" War is upon us, sooner or later it will affect every single one of us. I expect to count with you and your family on our side. "  Wednesday stated. 
" We live in perfect balance with the new people. They don't touch our worshippers" 
" For how long? Can you trust in an impulsive, unstable young brat like the Technical Boy? Your children would be his if you weren't in the way. How much do you think he would be willing to wait if he hears about the existence of a camp full of bored kids untouched by his toys? " the norse insisted 
" Mr World knows we have territories they shouldn't trespass" the greek pointed out. 
" With all the respect, sir. No one is able to predict what the boy is capable of doing if he is angry or offended enough. " Shadow added. " I had been there, you don't want to be his target." 
" What do you think, darling?" Theo asked Eira. " Should i trust in their advice? " 
" The boy lynched Shadow on his first day of work because he wasn't able to get information out of him. He is unpredictable and he doesn't tolerate when things don't go his way. Based on what we know he can see the system you had created to deny him access to your kids as a personal challenge to him. Young people are his biggest fans after all, specially little kids and teens in the age range of your lands' ' she answered. 
" Thanks for your honesty. You sound genuine in your concern and your observation is fair. Still, it is not enough to convince me. The young brat doesn't scare me. He is nothing without my electricity, his wifi goes around my sky and his phones don't do well in bad weather. Your boss will have to do better. "  he mocked him, making her a participant of it. 
" If you don't join us now they will come for you later and you will not have a backup. Once they end with us you are the next one. They want the whole market. They don't care who they are stealing from " warned Wednesday
" I'll not risk my family in a preventive war against an enemy that hasn't offended me yet. All I can offer you for now is a team of our halfblood heros as a  contribution." 
" We don't have Donar. We need the strength of the thunder with us and you are the only one who can replace him. Even if the rest of your people doesn't join we could use the help of your bolt. "  
" You are asking too much and I don't see a benefit. I'm sorry, my friend, but i can't help you this time." 
Shadow was pretty lost but he had a small fear regarding the route the conversation was heading. 
" Please, don't tell me you are thinking of trading Eira for his acceptance of the deal." 
" Don't be ridiculous. Of course i don't."  his boss denied. " She is not enough. The minimum he would accept is the mother. " 
" That is so rude. Are you always so demeaning to her? She is a servant you should be proud of." Theo complained. " Actually, i got the feeling that she is the only one who really likes to be here. Don't you, Eira?" 
" I do. You are very kind "  she agreed
" Well, if he keeps being so mean with you consider leaving him to serve me. I will value you a lot more, I can assure you that." 
The girl smiled while hearing his sweet talking. 
“ I give you two months before your wife finds out and kills her. She knows better. We taught her better” Wednesday teased him 
“Don’t scare her off like that. We are starting to know each other!” the greek replicated.” Don’t listen to him, sweetheart. She is not aware of my every step and she will not bother us if i don’t want us to be bothered.” 
“I don’t wish to bring troubles on a married man, or to enrage his wife.It’s not my style. I don’t have the experience required to deal with that sort of situation.” she declined politely. 
“ So naive, my shy girl. I have plenty of experience. I would love to keep teaching you stuff.” he replied, losing the few glimpses of shame he could had left. “ If the Vanir lady is your mother  i’m sure you must be like a wolf in sheep’s clothing. All you need is a push in the right direction to make the wilder side come out” he assured. 
Suddenly and without even being touched, the girl lost the balance in her seat spot. She wasn’t able to explain what made her do it. She ended up exactly where she imagined before, exactly where he wanted her: spreaded on his lap. In any regular circunstance she would have been extremely ashamed but the irresistable charm of the man was stronger than her shame. From her new point of view she had an even better access to contemplate the magnificence of the god’s face and she couldn’t help to feel entranced by him again. 
“ Shadow, go to my kitchen and get us some wine. You can pick whatever you like. I would do it myself but now i have this princess getting comfortable over here.”  she heard him requesting to her co worker. 
 During the rest of his excharge with Odin Zeus kept Eira on his lap, encouraging her to drink a few sips of wine from his own glass and keeping himself entertained messing with her without paying too much attention. He told him he was going to consider his idea just to get rid of him but he wasn’t on board with it. 
He would had kicked him out far sooner if he wouldn’t had picked an interest in his girl. 
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aaetherius · 4 years
(Anon) ♥ use this to talk about whomever you want!
Send me a ♥ for me to gush about you || No longer accepting || This is the last one!
                                                       ★ ☆ ✮ ✯ ―☼ ― ★ ☆ ✮ ✯
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There are so many people I want to shower in love and compliments to be honest. Everyone on my dash is honestly wonderful, and I love all of you so very much, even those I haven’t spoken to yet because this dash is such a comfortable place to be and all of you contribute to that! 
But I decided to take this chance to talk about someone I love very much who I never really do for these things given that she’s my best friend, we met way back in high school when we took an awful graphic design program, and she already knows I love her dearly, but I don’t get the chance to gush about her often, so I’m going to take this chance to do so now so thank you anon for giving it me and I hope you have a wonderful year!
Evie, I love you so very dearly! We have been through so much together including, possibly, more or less, the worst time in both of our lives, but you’ve always been here regardless! We’re both messes. We’re both disasters. We both have no idea what we’re doing or where we’re going, but that’s okay because I have you and you have me and we have one another’s support! I don’t know who or where I would be in my life today without you. I can’t even imagine nor do I want to. You’ve always been there to support me. You’ve always had my back. You’ve always been willing to listen to me to vent when I need you. I know you know I’m always here to do the same for you, and will do so without hesitation. My life is better because you’re in it, and because you’ve been there for me. You are such a bright spot in my life, and you bring me so much joy. I can’t even remember, anymore, a time where we haven’t talked every single day. I love that we basically just live-blog our days to each other. It’s honestly great. You mean so very much to me, and I cherish our friendship more than I ever really get the chance to tell you. You are such a wonderful and kind and creative person. And you’re stronger than you realize! You’ve made it through so much, and you’re going to keep going! I know you can and I know you will! I have upmost faith in you, and I am proud of you for where you are with your own battle with anxiety and depression!
Also, do you even realize how funny you are? I know I tell you all the time, but god you kill me sometimes fdgfjys.   
Obviously, it goes without saying that I love your characters and your writing. We’ve been writing together for a literal decade now, so I’ve seen your writing change and grow over the years. You are an incredible writer and I will withhold cat cuddles from you if you try to tell me otherwise! I love your characters a lot. Your OCs are always a ride, I mean that in the best possible way, and I adore them. Mel is just a constant in my brain, you’ve infected both of us with her. I love all of them, and everything we’ve ever written and built together. I’m always happy to write the other half of your ship, or unintentionally craft the perfect man for you in the form of a massage therapist vampire. I love writing with you, and reading our threads and your replies to them! There’s honestly never a dull moment with our interactions and we always come up with the wildest ideas and even then our threads always go a million places on their our completely outside of our control.
It’s been almost a year since I’ve last seen you, and I know it will be sometime more before we can see each other in person again, and I miss you so so much, and I can’t wait to give you the biggest hug when we can actually get together again! And of course you can lay on the floor with my cats, but if you don’t hug me before you hug them we’re going to need to have a talk! I love you so, so much, and I am so blessed to have you in my life. I’m so proud to be able to say you’re my best friend, and I hope life brings you good things this year and that by the end of it you’ll be able to cuddle a cat again (preferably my cats as they are the best cats)! Regardless, I am always here for you and I love you so very much!   
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50 shades of kakuhida pt 1
A self imposed challenge in which I recommend 50 fanfics of my fav pairing. Can range from ooc as fuck to hardcore, it’ll probably be mostly mature in nature as I take to that more than fluff, but who knows? In no particular order so have fun choosing
1) https://m.fanfiction.net/s/10688020/1/More-Bitter-Than-Sweet Summary: Kakuzu has been in prison for five years and now he’s out. He’s got a lot of time to make up for and Hidan better be ready for it! PWP. KakuHidan. Oneshot
Kicking off this list with nsfw! As you can get from the summary, it’s a modern/prison type au. I remember really enjoying it my first read through, and mostly just smut
2) https://m.fanfiction.net/s/3201746/1/Say-Hello-To-Your-New-Partner Summary: Kakuzu was told he’d receive his seventh and final partner in a week. He wasn’t sure he liked the evil, conniving glint in the Leader’s eyes when he told him that his new partner would be special. Crackfic!
Not really smut as I don’t recall them doing the devil’s tango. But has violence and is a pretty good read. It was inspired by canon so they feel pretty in character
3) https://m.fanfiction.net/s/5345195/1/Kakuzu-and-Hidan-Alphabet Summary: Two adjectives for every letter of the alphabet that describe and unfold a story about Kakuzu and Hidan’s love. Yaoi. KakuHi. For Lecture, as a birthday present. Enjoy! M for implied naughties and Hidan’s mouth.
A pretty neat way of writing fanfiction, and a neat concept in general. Props for their creativeness and I liked reading it from start to finish wondering how the two adjectives would connect etc., Definitely a fun read
4) https://m.fanfiction.net/s/6495320/1/How-to-break-a-habit Summary: Hidan wants change. Kakuzu doesn’t. KakuHida. Warnings: yaoi pairings, explicit language, sexual themes, Kisame is very OOC, Tobi and Sasori are in the Akatsuki at the same time.
I absolutely love this as it’s pure smut. The writer even made the porn the plot! Brilliant
5) https://m.fanfiction.net/s/3777073/1/A-Stronger-Kind-of-Addiction Summary: The pain he gave him, the touches he received he hated himself for it, but he loved him still. [KakuHidan] [Kakuzu x Hidan]
A short pwp. Nothing to say except good shit I love a needy Hidan
6) https://m.fanfiction.net/s/6979182/1/Yuuwaku Summary: “About the only time losing is more fun than winning is when you’re fighting temptation.” -Tom Wilson. Kakuzu is tempted. Kakuzu x Fem!Hidan, very M.
I’m not usually one for genderbending characters as I’m a fujoshi at heart, but I rather enjoyed kakuzu resisting temptation, made the smut that much better
7) https://m.fanfiction.net/s/6918534/1/Blasphemy Summary: Convicted criminal Kakuzu is in Death Row. A certain Jashin priest is sent to give him spiritual advice in his last days on Earth. WARNING: pointless smut and a little bit of asphyxiation. KuzuHidan
Another kakuhida prison au. I remember liking this, but it’s been some time since I’ve read it, might have to reread this one
8) https://m.fanfiction.net/s/4598939/1/Gives-you-Hell Summary: Hidan, a successful writer, has to face a fate worse than death: meet his ex boyfriend at a high school reunion. But don’t worry, he has a plan… KakuHidan, AU
9) https://m.fanfiction.net/s/4135743/1/Routine Summary: Hidan loathed Kakuzu. Kakuzu thought Hidan was amusing. And whatever they tried to do, they just can’t keep from falling into their four-step routine of fighting. A particular incident in the gold vault. KakuHida
Might be oc since the author stated that they read the Chinese manga adaptation of the zombie combo
10) https://m.fanfiction.net/s/5257229/1/Matchmaking Summary: Deidara is fed up with Hidan and Kakuzu fighting all the time, and has gotten an idea to end all the fights
Although I don’t care much for crossdressing as it reminds me of my early days of yaoi *shudders* I liked this. A fun read with a funny ending
11) https://m.fanfiction.net/s/3827161/1/Persuade-Me Summary: [KakuHidan] Hopefully SOMETHING can make Kakuzu pay for it…
Sneaky lil shit Hidan is best lil shit
12) https://m.fanfiction.net/s/4152820/1/Glaring Summary: Short fluffy oneshot with Kaku/Hida. They’ve gotten used to working with each other, but there’s still something about Kakuzu that bothers Hidan
The smut is implied as it skips over the details, but I like the concept of kakuzu’s masks having a presence in fics
13) https://m.fanfiction.net/s/4955346/1/More-Than-Fifty-Cents Summary: Hidan is a editorial columnist. One day, Kakuzu, a reporter, implies that Hidan is not even worth fifty cents. Since then, Hidan spends more time with Kisame instead of Kakuzu and the latter gets jealous. Will Kakuzu humble himself and say sorry? AU
Jealous kuzu best kuzu. Also I ship pretty much every akatsuki member with Hidan so I appreciated the kisahida despite it being purely platonic, that’s how I like it anyways (kisahida and hidadei are brotps of mine)
14) https://archiveofourown.org/works/9369665 Summary: At an age where you’re too young to have control of your body (or your thoughts) but you’re old enough to act on them, Hidan finds his control slipping away from him. It’s Kakuzu’s fault, most things are. But, did the jerk really have to walk around like that?
Love how nonchalantly we roll into smut, and love how Hidan isn’t the typical uke type
15) https://m.fanfiction.net/s/13343494/1/Catkuzu
Summary: Hidan has been talked into adopting a cat, and it seems to hate him.
A little drabble about Kakuzu as a cat, turns out the last fic wasn’t the one I was thinking of, so I figured I’d change it to this one
16) https://archiveofourown.org/works/17391395 Summary: When you want someone to talk to your fellow Hufflepuff and his weird scary boyfriend about their – late night enthusiasm – who do you ask? A prefect, of course.
I just love this entire crossover series
17) https://archiveofourown.org/works/14873444 Summary: Hidan is a textbook sadomasochist. He loves the bite and the sting of pain during sex and finding Kakuzu was honestly a miracle because no one else could handle him. So why does he suddenly feel so jealous of Itachi and Kisame? The world’s most disgustingly adorable couple?
18) https://archiveofourown.org/works/1622795 Summary: They aren’t necessarily in love, but they’re the best they have
No smut at all, I don’t even think it’s implied. But I loved this
19) https://archiveofourown.org/works/18580348/chapters/44046472 Summary: Kakuzu, having killed yet another of his partners, is forced to tag along with Itachi and Kisame. While he’s less than thrilled by the frequent stops at tea shops, he has to admit slight intrigue when the owner of this one tries to sacrifice them all to his god.
(In which literally everything is the same except that Hidan runs a tea shop.)
Not really smutty either. But I love their form of flirting here and how Kakuzu always goes back
20) https://archiveofourown.org/works/14685198 Summary: There are strange moments between them, strange moments where things are almost gentle. —- Only 20 today as I need sleep and this is already long enough as it is
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staycatcher · 5 years
SKZ React to! Not Being Your Bias/Favorite
@staytion-nine‘s request: if you do reactions... skz reacting to the reader having a different bias please? and like if you can, make it really extra cuz skz is all about being extra! XD
Pairing: Reader x OT9 (different reader ocs for each member of course: ^P) 
Au: idol & non aus 
Genre: fluff and crack~👀🤠
Rated T for hella swearing, kissing and an oversaturation of dumbassery (as requested lmao)
Word Count: 4.4k (in total, so approximately 488 words per member~)
A/n: this one sure was challenging for me to write🥵🙈😂 So I’d love to hear any feedback or ‘reaction’ you have!!🤗 My reqs are open, click on the ‘request’ link if you’re interested~ I really hope I did you justice, Arya!! I love you to pieces!!💛
(P.S. The memes are stolen!~ don’t tell the meme police plz:~()
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Chan *+:。.。~
“You’re not my favorite, though.” You clarified nonchalantly, continuing to scroll through your phone, not looking up. That is, until you hear him take in a breath, clearly not expecting the unnecessary clarification. 
“Who is your favorite then?!?” Chan sounded offended, beginning to bounce his leg in lowkey distress, his unusually wide eyes studied your face to gauge your reactions. He was not expecting to care so much about something like this, yet here he is. Seeing his anticipation in the corner of your eyes is when you realize your mistake. Your natural directness fucked you over yet again. 
He sounded too affected, totally unlike him to care so much about something like this. It made you want to avoid the topic now. Just ignore, just ignore him. He doesn’t have to know. Pretend you didn’t hear him-
You totally~ didn’t hear anything at all, pretend that your dash is interesting and like you’re reading it, ‘oh wow how interesting! Totally have never seen a bunch of words before-‘
“Just tell me, I won’t be mad- I swear!” Chan practically begged, becoming antsier and antsier on the couch next to you. But you knew no matter how you answered it wouldn’t be good. You knew he was just saying that to get you to tell him. However, the atmosphere was getting heavier and heavier with each silent second, you couldn’t bear to not saying anything to him, especially when he acts this. Well... you’ve never seen him act like this. 
You took a deep breath and as you slowly inched your neck back up, instantly making eye contact with Chan. The two of you just shared a staring match for a little while longer before you finally gave in.
 “It’s… it’s baby Jeonginnie-”
That’s when you run. You fucking book it. Jumping out of the armchair, skirting around the coffee table and nearly slipping off your socks onto the linoleum floor of the kitchen. You, very surprisingly, regain balance with unexpected luck and book it down the hallway. Inevitably, your top speed and superb navigation of your apartment won’t matter for long. There's only so much of the apartment you could run to distance yourself. It’s only one level, with only so many rooms. 
When Cuddly Chan gets his prey you are done for. Never have you been so suffocated with affection in your life. An over-saturation of cuddles and tickles in the form of an attack. It was terrifying; terrifyingly cute. The cuteness just added to the suffering you endured at the hand of Chan. 
“How could you like a fetus more than me?!?” He whined when he decided he was done tickling you, switching tactics to snuggling into you and latching on tight like a vice-gripped koala. You don’t even like Jeongin like that, but if you get cuddles and tickles, what he doesn’t know won’t kill him right? It might kill you though.
“...Am I your favorite now?~”
“Hmmm… I don’t know!! I think you’ll have to cuddle me some more to help me make my decision.”
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Woojin *+:。.。~
“Honey bear~~ I’m home!!” You sing, before ripping off your worn sneakers and plush jacket before clumsily hanging it up on the hook by the door. You were still in full work uniform, apron and all, and reeking of coffee and sweets. 
Strangely, you’re met with silence. A rare response from him. Usually, you’re met with running your direction, a bear hug, and a kiss on each cheek. Perhaps he was upset? There’s no way he could be with you; at least, you thought. The two of you were all kisses and rainbows when you talked last. So, maybe, he's not even here like he promised?
 When you turn the corner is when you see him, and is also when he decides to greet you. 
“SEUNGMIN?? Why Seungmin?!?” Woojin grilled you upon your arrival into the living room, pacing around in front of your hand-me-down couch, hands thrown out in frustration. He actually looks distressed and you have no idea what’s going on. 
“What do you mean Seungmin?! ‘Why Seungmin’ what?!” You were now equally bewildered as him. Why was he so distressed all of a sudden about his bandmate? Even more confusingly, what was with his accusatory tone towards you on the subject?
“Why Seungmin and not me?!” 
“What are you talking about?! Are you drunk?? It’s 2pm on a Wednesday!!” 
“No I’m not drunk, I’m perfectly sober!! I just thought I was your favorite.” And then Woojin did something you’ve never seen him do your entire time of knowing him. He dramatically turns away from you, nose pointed up. The most bratty thing you’ve ever seen in your entire life. You fucking lost it; you shouldn’t have but you did. You laughed so hard you cried. Your stomach fucking ached. You could barely even see him through the tears. 
“What’s so funny?!?” 
You tried to breathe something out but only ended up letting out a wheeze, you decided to lean against the wall for support and try again. “It’s just- your reaction!-“
“But why Seungmin?!” Woojin poutily demanded, whiny like a little kid, coming up to you. His insistence only made your unattractive laughter stronger. You eventually answered him once the tears and wheezes left your body. 
This truly was too much. You couldn’t even get mad at Hyunjin for ratting you out. Hell, you might even take him and Seungmin out to get some ice cream, your treat. This made your entire week. 
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Minho *+:。.。~
“The hell- what ~is~ this!!?” Minho interrupts loudly over the music, bringing a halt to yours and Hyunjin’s spontaneous dance party. You quickly run to pause the music, getting an excuse to avoid eye contact with him. You knew from his tone you were in trouble. 
“...random dance party?!” You and Hyunjin somehow managed to reluctantly answer at the same time, even with your backs turned from each other. 
“With Hyunjin?!” Minho looked severely shocked and personally offended that there was dancing involved and he was not apart of the equation. What’s more; you were doing it alone with Hyunjin instead!
“...well. I just wanted to do it… with Hyunjin.” You answered softly as you slowly took your strides back to them, watching your white-turned-cream sneakers get close to theirs. There was no way you could get out of this, not that you’re making it any better. It already was a big hole, now it’s a hole made of quicksand. 
“Just with Hyunjin?!!”
 Welp, no going back now. You decided to look up now, catching a brave spark and riding with it. 
“Well.. yeah!” You tried to keep it lighthearted. Maybe you could get out of this easier if you acted like it wasn't that big of a deal, because it really wasn’t.
 Hyunjin just straight up gawked at the situation, eyes going back and forth between you and Minho. It was like he was watching a drama right before his eyes, a drama that he was involved in unintentionally. 
“Why just Hyunjin?! You think he’s a better dancer than me?!?” Minho shot out, advancing towards you.
“NO!!” It tore through your throat, forcing out of you like the angry stride you took forward towards him. 
 “Wait!! Are you saying I’m bad at dancing??“ Hyunjin gasped from the sidelines. 
“No!! Not at all!! It’s just. It’s different.” You screeched out in frustration. You didn’t know how to explain it. How to put it into words but you had to at least try. “Dancing with your boyfriend and then dancing with a friend you admire- wAIT THAT DID NOT COME OUT RIGHT-“
“Okay, this was fun but I think I’ll g-“ Hyunjin decides wisely to try and leave this sudden screaming match, but you won’t let him.
“DON’T!” You yelled. Please for the love of everything good, don’t leave me with an angry Minho. 
“LEAVE!” Minho countered. Hyunjin just looked back and forth between the two of you. There’s no way he’s having Minho be mad it him too, well, more than he is already. 
“Sorry!!~ Okay bye!!” And with that, Hyunjin was zooming out of there. Now you’re all alone with Lee Minho. 
When Hyunjin leaves is when Minho attacks.  Trapping you against the wall with an arrogant smirk. “Dance with him all you want, I guess. But I’m better at both.” He grins at you like the cheshire cat. 
“Both?” You couldn't follow where he was going with that. 
“Kissing and dancing.” That’s when Minho kisses you harder than he ever has before.~ 
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Changbin *+:。.。~
“Oh my god! Finally, it’s my favorite part!!” You cheered as Woojin came on the screen. 
Changbin gasped, startled that you would say that now and not during his part, that happened not too many seconds ago. He didn’t pause to think, instead, clicking on the spacebar to pause the music video. In turn, pausing the marathon of your boyfriend’s music videos. 
“This is your favorite part?!” Your boyfriend spun his body to face you, genuinely shocked, interrogating you. 
“But it’s Woojin’s part-“
“Yeah, I’m aware of that. His high notes and visuals are like a dream. Okay, now unpause-“ You were completely unbothered, speaking plainly as you always did with him; adoring to push his buttons. You leaned over to unpause it, only to be stopped midway with a screech and a hand smoothly grabbing at yours. 
“What about MY part?!” You jumped a bit at his unexpected screech after such a soft, romantic hand grab, blinking slowly, rubbing at your ears. Though, you weren’t entirely shocked. Your boyfriend was this biggest baby you’ve ever met and you were the oldest of your siblings.
“Your part was dope as usual, baby.~” You went all out with your baby voice once you recovered, even going as far as squishing his perfect cheeks together as you leaned over to kiss him. He was already pouting for you, perfectly squished like this. Your heart ascended! Squishy Bin made you blush and grin so hard it hurt. You just had to peck him once or twice more. 
“But babe-“
“Shhh, now let’s watch my favorite part-“
“YOU ALREADY ARE MY FAVORI- You already are a favorite. Stop being so selfish.” You quickly recovered, poorly though, anyone would admit it was a bad attempt at trying to not reveal too much. But you got him distracted again with your cute snort and planted kisses on his cheek before unpausing and snuggling into him. It was a few seconds before you heard Bin’s soft, pouty voice again. 
“...Your favorite what?” 
“I’m your favorite though, right?”
“Changbin!! Who am I dating?”
“So I’m your favorite?”
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Hyunjin *+:。.。~
“You’re fucking joking.” Hyunjin glared at Han Jisung, chopsticks stopping midway from his mouth. He was pissed, he couldn’t believe his smug friend in front of him. 
“I’m not! Y/n told me!” Jisung hit his hands on the table for unnecessary emphasis, but it was blatantly clear that he was also enjoying this as well. 
“My baby told you that you’re their favorite member of Stray Kids.” Hyunjin deadpanned and just rolled his eyes and brought his lunch to his mouth. Unbelievable. 
“I’m serious!!” Jisung nearly hit one of the staff with how dramatic he was gesticulating. He quickly bowed to them and apologized before continuing. “Y/n told me directly!!”
“You’re full of shit.” Hyunjin replied, though he was the one with a mouth full of shit. 
“Call her!! It’s true. Call her right now!!” 
“Y/n is probably sleeping right now, dumbass. We’re in a different time zone, remember?! In case you forgot, we’re on tour!! I’m not calling her.” 
“Do it! I’m not lying. I’ll call them myself to prove it!!” Though Hyunjin was refusing to be gullible for once in his life and not believe Jisung, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t still easily threatened. So he called you up. At five a.m. your time. On your day off. 
Ring, ring, ring. You didn’t pick up. Hyunjin glared at Jisung. Jisung just incessantly insisted again. So Hyunjin had no other choice but to click on heart-emoji-filled contact name again, but he did so with a deathly glare. Jisung was still completely unaffected, practically bouncing in his seat with excitement. 
“...h-hello?” He heard your gorgeous morning voice on the line, Jesus, he almost ascended into heaven. But he had to play it cool, Jisung was right at his ear. That’s when he begins to feel like a complete idiot for waking you up, and, out of all things, over one of Jisung’s stupid games.
“...Is Jisung your favorite member?” He squeaked out after a few seconds, facepalming immediately. He really didn’t give any greeting whatsoever, the realization had him cringing even harder. Of course, Jisung was having an absolute heyday, eyes wide as they could be with his face scrunched up in glee and vibrating with the kind of energy one would hope their caffeine of choice would bring. 
“Yeah?” You croaked, you’re like three-quarters asleep; completely unfiltered. 
“Owww!!! My ears-“ You and Jisung groaned at the same time, though you were startled awake and he was only a little bit slowed down. 
“What’s happening?!” You groaned, rubbing your eyes. 
Jisung just ripped the phone right out of Hyunjin’s hand in response and chirped, “You’re in trouble with your boyfriend!! Go back to bed, we love you.~”  then he hung up before you could even think of a response. 
Now, how in the hell are you supposed to go back to sleep after that?!
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Jisung *+:。.。~
“Listen! To this! Seungjeon! Ga!” Jisung heard your not at all deep voice, try to contort itself into a Felix level deep voice, as he walked into the kitchen. 
There you are, in your pajamas, scrubbing the dishes with your headphones on and blasted, lost in your own little world. He just stands and watches, all the while you hum along to his group’s song. He feels pride swell in his chest, shoulders rising up to the clouds, his love for you flying high, he’s free as a bird- Until then he notices…
You’re only singing Felix’s parts? You don’t even sing the chorus or attempt to hum the other member’s verses. All you’re doing is solely singing Felix’s parts in an adorably awful impression. You showed hardly any reaction at all to his parts, much to his ego’s dismay. Not even a cheer or anything, you just simply swayed along to the rhythm like you do to everyone’s parts. Everyones but Felix’s. 
Okay, this isn’t fun anymore.
 “Y/n~” he sang to get your attention. Nothing. Your music's too loud. 
“Y/N~” he cooed louder. Nada. No reaction at all. 
“Y/N!!!” He shrieked, making you shriek as well and jump about a foot off the ground in fright. Your fright instantly turned angry as you ripped the headphones out of your ears. 
“Han Jisung!!” You reprimanded, clutching at your heart. 
“Oh, you know my name now??” 
“...yeah? How could I not?” You weren’t following along, still scared half to death.
“I thought you only knew Felix~” he used an obnoxious childish bullying voice before does his take on a Felix impression, “Roll the dice, hunnid times-“ he couldn’t even continue because hearing him try his Aussie deep-voiced impression sent you rolling your head back in laughter. 
“No, idiot! It goes like this-“ you can’t even demonstrate before he flies over to you in a blink of an eye, attacking with tickles. 
“Why not try to learn your Boyfriend’s lines, huh??”
“Aishhh I’m doing the dishes! ‘Get the oops~ outta here’!”
“Wrong song!!”
“I know that’s the point!~” You giggled, shoving him away from you.
“Woowww, you’re so meannn, Jagi!!~” Your boyfriend whined like the little kid he is.
“You’re the one who’s dating me, that’s not my fault.~” You quipped back with a smug chirp before playing Victory Song again, but this time connecting to the bluetooth speaker, blasting it as you went back to work on the dishes. 
Let’s just say this ends with soap, water, and bubbles all over the entire kitchen and the both of your clothes drenched in dishwater. 
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Felix *+:。.。~
When Felix enters your apartment, he was not expecting, in any alternative universe, that you, his girlfriend, would be taping up a poster of Chan in your home. 
“Y/n, what are you doing?!” Felix was blinking like someone threw sand into his eyes. 
“What does it look like I’m doing, dummy?” You asked with pure adoration in your voice. 
“It looks like you’re taping up a picture of someone who isn’t me. Who is that?!” Felix played dumb like he wanted you to admit to your wrongs. But was what you were doing even wrong? You just ignored the ‘who is that’ question, it was more than obvious that it was the coveted Bang Chan. 
“You are correct, now help me! Look at it! I think it’s crooked!” 
“Yeah it’s sooo crooked!! Let me help you take it off!!” Felix giggles, but before he can continue, he’s  interrupted by a loud ripping sound. He fucking rips the poster in three when he tries to take it off the wall!
“....yes?” He looks up at you reluctantly with the eyes of bambi. The two pieces of poster in his hands and one remaining on the wall.
“Why would you do that?-” Your voice trembled. “I paid for that! You owe me a new one!” 
“You payed for a poster of Chan??” 
“Yeah and then you ripped it off the wall!!” You started to tense up, heat up. You really spent twenty five fucking dollars on a single poster only for your boyfriend to rip it up. “Did you do it on purpose??!?”
“I- no!! I didn’t do it on purpose!!” Felix genuinely didn’t do it on purpose and now he feels bad. He initially felt a bit of accidental accomplishment! He ripped the poster of his best friend off your wall, but now he’s feeling something not so good upon seeing your reaction. 
“Now I only have yours and the group’s to hang up!!” Some of your tears might’ve risen up out of its resting place. 
Now, this sounds like the opposite of a problem to most but you had this whole idea: Hang up Chan’s and then have the whole group in the middle and then have have the best for last, Felix. Your bias, the group and then your boyfriend. You spent too much money on it, and waited for weeks and weeks to get it in the mail because you wanted it all to be official, high quality merch. It was going to be displayed above your couch, loud and proud for the whole world to see- the whole world of like five people at most who would visit your house- but still!!
But then? Felix starts laughing? You’re about to scream at him before he pulls you into a hug. 
“Baby, it’s okay!! I can get you a new one. Hey, I can maybe even get you a real Polaroid of him if ya want!!~” He hummed at you, pulling you closer.
“But I wanted it to be all matching-” You sniffled, shaking your head at how easily you get riled up. “It’s okay, it’s okay. Let’s just tape it back together.” You sniffled again before nodding to yourself and reluctantly letting go. You hated being such an emotional bean sometimes but to him you were really too cute, too precious. He nodded back and gave you a smooch. 
“There we go!~ All better?!” 
“Yeah… I love it.” You said it with a little less enthusiasm than you normally would. Admittedly, you were still a bit sad at the now ugly poster. 
“But you love me more right??” It took you a second to understand what he meant, but when you did you giggled. 
“Oh my god you’re such a dummy!” 
“What?! Why??”
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Seungmin *+:。.。~
“Jagi!!~” Seungmin sings excitedly as he enters the dorm, completely ignoring the fact this is his group’s dorm, treating it as if you were the only one here or something. It made you turn strawberry red, losing your focus on the video game. When you look back at the screen Bin is ahead of you now. Shit. 
“Sunshine!!~” You choked back, though it was said with a troubled voice, frustrated that you just let Changbin ahead of you in Mario kart. You were just beating him! This is gonna lose your streak!! 
“What are you doing?!~” You hear his angelic voice come closer, his footsteps heading into the living room. 
“Well I was beating Beefcake but some ‘sunshine’ blinded me and now I’m behind!!” You whined, tense and focusing harder on the screen, you were so close to Changbin, so close, yet so far. It was the last round, he threw the bananas he’s been saving at you to put salt in the wound. He was getting away!!
“Stop, Bin!!!” You squealed. Of course your boyfriend has to see you fail and not when you’ve been beating him the two times prior. You were supposed to beat him three times in a row, triple crown status!!
 “Stop or you’re not my favorite anymore!!” You threatened Changbin with the only thing you could think of in the moment.
“WAIT WHAT?!” Seungmin then jumped in front of the tv at this, blocking your views from the game, his arms spread out so you couldn’t see. “Changbin is your favorite?!?” Seungmin gasped and looked at you with a face you have never seen him make before, ever in your life. If this was a sitcom, the record scratch sound effect would be played now. 
“Heh-“ you were caught red-handed, well actually red-faced. You damned yourself because of your bad threat. 
“I’m your favorite?!” This was also news to Changbin as he set the remote down slowly and turned to smile at you like you just handed him twenty dollars. 
“No one’s my favorite!!” You groaned. “Now get out of the way!! I have a game to win!-”
“SEO CHANGBIN?!? OUT OF EVERYONE?? Okay, I’d get it if I was your favorite and then like Jeongin was your second favorite because he’s so fun to bother. But CHANGBIN?? THE FAVORITE?” The Mario kart ending song starts playing, you could hear Yoshi’s dismay countered with the triumph of Boo. How applicable. 
“Okay this was fun, but I gotta go use the bathroom!~” You fibbed, trying to escape the situation. 
“You’re not going anywhere!! Your ass has some explaining to do.” Seungmin pulls you right back to him with a smirk. 
“Changbin help!”  
“Seungmin, your girlfriend said likes me!!~”
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Jeongin *+:。.。~
You could not, for the life of you, stop laughing at what Minho was saying at dinner. This dinner being the first one you had with all of Jeongin’s members. For some reason Minho’s humor tickled you just the right way to have you cackling, that and maybe you were a bit… okay, a lot sleep-deprived from studying for finals coming up and having to work on top of that. Either way, you more than once almost choked and spat, thankfully the stars were on your side and you didn’t actually; though who knows how long that’ll last. 
“Jeongin, is Y/n okay?! She’s losing it!!”
“I’m right here!!” You responded in your boyfriend’s place, waving your hand in front of Minho’s face, only to smoothly put it around Jeongin’s shoulders. You deserved points for how smooth that came across despite the amount of distress you were suddenly under.
“Y/n, are you okay?! Did they put something in your lemonade?!” Minho, this time, fake-asked you. 
You just snorted and shook your head. “I’m perfectly fine!! Superb actually!!” You turned and looked at Jeongin, smiling brightly at him. This day was going beyond great for you! You were so worried that the guys wouldn’t like you. 
“Wow?? Superb?” Jeongin laughs nervously, scratching at his neck. Even while nervous he was offensively adorable. “When have you ever used that word?!” He raised an eyebrow at you. 
“Right now!” You quipped back. 
“Jeongin, I don’t think Y/n is okay, nobody laughs that hard at Minho.” Seungmin whispered loudly to Jeongin, making eye contact with you, causing everyone to laugh as hard as you have been all night. 
“Yeah, what’s wrong with you?!” Jisung teased. 
“I’m sleep deprived alright. Besides! I’ve been waiting so long to actually meet you guys, so I’m really really happy!!”
“Yeah, really happy to meet Minho!!” Hyunjin snorts and begins clapping like an over-enthused seal at his own joke. 
You just rolled your eyes at him. And for once, you didn’t have the quick comeback you and Jeongin were known for. Because it’s true, you really did wanna meet Minho. You’ve heard so much about him and, quite frankly, he sounded the strangest, most unreal out of all the bizarre boys your boyfriend spends his time with. He was a topic of interest.
“Wow, she really has nothing to say back to that. I think it’s true!!” Felix cheered, wide eyed and began to laugh in shock. 
“Well- listen. Innie told me all the dirt on you guys, Minho's dumbassery sounded too unreal!! Of course I had to see it for myself!” You fired back. 
Jeongin laughs so hard his head flies back, the rest of them follows suit, besides Minho, obviously. Jeongin wraps an arm around you with a proud smile, he realized he had nothing to worry about. His pride still somehow managed to remain shy and adorable. Too cute to handle. You glowed at his reaction. Your heart practically bursts like a firework at this. He just wrapped his arm around you in front of his members!! 
“You guys are disgusting!” Minho pretends to retch at your very wholesome PDA.
“Yeah, says the most disgusting!” Jeongin jabs right back and it was then your turn to laugh proudly. Jeongin is happy to note that you actually laughed harder at this than anything Minho’s said all night. 
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emile-hides · 4 years
Drift Away
I am again writing vague emotion shit for @syalin-deerfox‘s OC, Elduin. Major story plot this time but, again, vauged emotionally.
Original (and canon) story beat HERE
In which the cycle begins anew.
It was an odd feeling; dying for the second time.
Hurt less than Elduin remembered.
Though that may be due to his first death being caused by being struck with hundreds of thousands of volts of lighting. Suppose comparing lighting to a slightly dullen human blade wasn’t exactly equal field.
Still. It did the job it was made for.
Elduin was dead.
The Lost engulfed what he could only assume to be is soul. The weight of their voices lessened, but not gone.
Elduin floated in them like the sea, without a form he simply drifted though them, like a jellyfish, he could never truly surface or control his direction.
His mind already began to ebb, as what little human memories he’d managed to hold on to quickly faded with the sounding tides.
He needed to speak. Add his weight to the call. Then and only then could he keep his memories.
What was there to say? What hasn’t already been spoken? The Lost speak of it all.
Besides, adding his voice would only worsen the weight of The Lost on his beloved. He didn’t wish that upon them, or whomsoever shall come after them.
He wished he’d broken the cycle. He wished he’d focused more on keeping Beauregard safe. He wished he’d shown his affection more openly to his net.
What was there to say to the newest in the cycle, the next Dark One, the God of the night?
There was really only one thing Elduin wish to say to his replacement.
“I love you,”
He couldn’t hear himself speak.
“I love you,”
His weak, hushed voice was easily drowned out by hundreds, thousands of strong voices.
“I love you,”
But still his spoke, in whatever mind he had left, Elduin could see his dearest before him. Smiling as they always had, petting his cheek, kissing his head, adoring him in ways he certainly didn’t deserve.
He’d cry if he had eyes to shed tears.
“I love you.”
His voice drifted in the waves.
He sunk deeper into the ocean of sound. The weight growing ever stronger as he sunk. His soul compressed, becoming like a stone he sunk lower and lower into The Lost.
“ELDUIN!” A sob broke though the lost. A light cut though the waves, shining onto Elduin’s form.
The voice hiccuped, piercing Elduin’s ears. Tears fell onto his cheeks,   forcing his eyes to flicker open. The smell of his own blood stung his nose. The cold of death gone from his mortal form.
Warm arms engulfed him, a feeling Elduin thought he’d never have the pleasure of feeling again. 
Elduin weakly gripped the arm that held him, he took a shaking breath and tried to speak, but his voice refused, instead making a pathetic whimper.
But that was enough. The God who held him perked up. They cheered and cried his name before slamming their lips to his own. They sobbed and apologized and begged him to never leave again.
Elduin simply rested weakly on his love, enjoying the sound of their voice, and the heart beating in their chest.
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cherryeol04 · 4 years
Action! | Ch. 4
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Genre: Humor, Romance, Slice of life?, Crackheadedness  Pairings: BaekRen, MinRon Work Count: 1.5K Summary:  From the moment he was casted, Ren wasn't sure if he had what it would take to be a pop idol. Losing faith in himself, he was going to give up the future he had always wanted, but one person stood by his side and renewed his faith. After a hot debut and rapid growth of stardom, Ren started to notice that maybe this person, his close friend, was something more. But how could a straight man even remotely think of a homosexual relationship? Warnings: Homophobia, some smut (chapters will be marked) A/N: I wrote this series back in 2012 and used OCs and over the top writing style for arguments. Whoops. Lmao it’s pretty decent though, so I hope you enjoy!
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Ren’s POV
~*~ 1 year Later~*~
Staring at myself in the mirror, I was kicking Noona so hard in my mind. Whose bright idea was it to dye my hair blond? Wasn’t it bad enough I looked feminine with brown hair, now I have to look even more girly?
“It’s what the fans want. They love feminine looking idols. They’re the ones with the biggest fan base. With this new look, you’ll be rocketed to stardom.”
God damn manager-hyung. I knew I shouldn’t have listened to him. I should have just declined. How can I go on like this? I’ll be a laughing stock. I’ll give my mom a heart attack if she sees me like this. Her precious son turned into a woman. I’m probably going to hell for this too. The others…they don’t understand. Well, Minhyun was slightly feminine, but not a lot. And he got to keep his hair the same. Dongho…his hair was blond now, but it made him look stronger. He didn’t look like the cute kid I hung out with during trainee days. He was strong, sexy…
That’s not gay to think right? It was okay to think of another man as sexy?  Not sexy as in ‘I want to date him’, because I certainly do not! But sexy as in I envy his looks and wish I could look like him. I feel the same with Jonghyun. He had this goofy feel about him, but he was sexy, especially when he was posing for pictures.
God, why can’t I be like them? Strong, sexy, handsome? I’m just some girl now. Growling, I swung my leg, kicking the top of the vanity, making make-up noona jump.
“Sorry.” I apologized, blushing. Anger Minki! Anger! I can’t believe how much I’ve changed and we haven’t even debuted yet. I can’t be like this, but I can’t be myself either. I want to be the goofy, happy, playful maknae that I am. But Jonghyun and Dongho, they already have that title. So what am I then? The silent one? The cold one? That’s not an image I want our potential fans to have of me.
Closing my eyes, I leaned back as the make-up was applied. I was so tired. We had been working so hard for the past few months. Our debut was only a week away and dance practice was getting longer and longer. Everything had to be perfect. Teasers for our debut had been released and YouTube was exploding already. All our potential fans were waiting so eagerly to actually see us, to listen to us. Oh, the pressure!
Opening my eyes, I stared at myself once more now that the make-up was put on. Cursing, I swung my leg again and hit the vanity, making others jump. Blushing, I bowed and apologized.  Damn it, now I really was girly. I don’t think I can do this. There was no way I could do this!
“Looking good Minki.” Aron spoke as he walked over. Aron, god I remember the first time I met the other. He hadn’t known a lick of Korean, and now, thanks to Dongho’s help, he was almost fluent. He still stumbled and made a fool of himself, but it was understandable. He was still learning, so we couldn’t hold it against him.
“Not really.” I said as I leaned in, fixing the hairs that fell over my eyes. I had to see it after all. I think they needed to be curled a bit more and lifted a bit higher, or cut shorter. “I look so damn girly.”
“Yeah.” Aron said like it was the most natural thing in the world. “You look good. You’re cute and adorable; you give us a lot of fame. After your teaser was released, the number of views for yours alone was crazy high. It’s going to be okay.” He said and patted my shoulder.
How was this going to be okay? I felt like screaming at the moment. None of them looked like me. I know I’m going to be hit on; it’s just going to be so ridiculous. “I’m going to quit.”  
“Don’t quit. Give it a chance.” Aron said. “Okay? You’ll be fine.” He patted my shoulder once more before leaving my side and I sighed heavily. This is not going to be alright, it’s not. I’m going to die of embarrassment, we’re going to flounder and no one will even know our name.
Leaning forward in the chair, I covered my face with my hands, though I was careful not to smudge the make-up. ‘Breath in, breath out. In. Out. In. Out.’ That was my mantra for the past few weeks now and it worked most of the time like it was now. I just needed to gather my thoughts and think positively. I can do this…I can do this…
“Everyone on set!”
Lifting my head, I stared at the staff member before looking back as the other members stood and headed for the set of our first music video. Following suit, I followed behind them, moving slowly, taking in the set. Staring at the chairs, the backup dancers, the lights, it was overwhelming.
I can’t do this!
Turning on my heel, I started heading back for the dressing room when I felt a hand grabbing my wrist. Stopping, I looked back, staring at the familiar smiling face. “Let go.”
“Where are you going?” Dongho asked.
“To take this make-up off and go home.” I told him, jerking my arm from him.
“Why?” He looked so confused and worried. That’s what I liked about him, he always worried about me. After making our alliance, we stuck close together. Eventually, Aron had been dragged into our small group because of his lack of Korean. We had three members then, and then it was just natural that my friend Minhyun and Dongho’s friend Jonghyun joined us. We were like a perfectly formed group, and the CEO thought the same thing. That’s how Nu’est was formed.
“I can’t do this. I can’t take this look and I know I’ll mess up the dance and what if my voice cracks when we debut?”  All these thoughts were rushing in my head. They were thoughts that I have been trying to repress for weeks now, but now, after seeing the set, they all came rushing back.
“Yes, you can.” Dongho said.
“No, I can’t. Dongho I can’t. This is going to be so easy for you. You have the voice, the talent. What do I have? A feminine look. That’s why I was casted.”  I told him. He started laughing. He was laughing at me, the ungrateful hyung. So I punched him in the arm.
“Ow!” he groaned, rubbing the spot. He stared at me and sighed, resting his hands on my shoulders. “Choi Minki, you have more than just a feminine look. Yeah, manger-hyungs are playing with that to boost our popularity, but you’re more than that.” He told him. “You have a wonderful voice, you can dance well. You were the one that learned all the routine the fastest. You are talented Minki.” He assured me.
Looking away, I shook my head. I can’t look at him, not when he was being so serious and compassionate. This was why Dongho was my best friend. He said the right things that I needed to hear when it mattered.  “Then why do I feel like I’m not?” I asked weakly, my eyes still averted.
“Because you don’t believe in yourself.” His answer was so simple and so true. I felt his fingers gripping my chin and forcing my head to turn, so I looked at him. It was hard, once I saw his face. His eyes, they were shining with such happiness, with such…belief.  “I believe in you Minki. You’ve got this.” He assured me.
“You think so?” I asked. I just had to be sure. I needed to hear the reassurance once more.
“If I didn’t, I wouldn’t say so. Besides, we got picked to be in this group. We rose high above all the other trainees that were fighting for this spot.” He said. “We were picked Minki. You were picked. You have what the company is looking for, what the fans want. You may look girly, but you’re very sexy.” He told me and I could feel my cheeks heating up. That sounded so gay coming from him, but it felt nice to be considered sexy when I didn’t think I was.
“Own it Minki. Own your new image. You’re not Choi Minki, the shy little maknae anymore. You’re Ren, the sexy, hot maknae with looks that has every woman green with envy.”
I smiled. He’s right. I have to own my new image. I can’t sit here and point out the flaws, or the flaws I think it has. I’m hot, I’m sexy. I’m Ren, and I’m going to blow them all out of the water. Dongho was right, he was always right and I was so thankful to have him by my side. I don’t think I could live without his encouragement.
“You’re right. I can do this.” I said with a firm nod.
“Great, now let’s go before we get fired.” He teased and headed for the main set, chuckling. Shaking my head, I followed after him. Taking in a deep breath, I calmed my nerves as I took my spot.
I can do this…I can do this…
I.  Am. Ren.
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Tags:  @straysrachaa​@lordseochangbin @channiesmixtape @starryseung @felixsanxchatbot @jisungsjheekies (if you want to be added to my tag list, comment here! )
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tricksheart · 4 years
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& Muse
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fill out & repost ♥ This meme definitely favors canons more, but I hope OC’s still can make it somehow work with their own lore, and lil’ fandom of friends & mutuals. Multi-Muses pick the muse you are the most invested in atm.
tagged by:  Stolen from: @niflheimqueen​ tagging:  Everyone else who hasn’t yet! You have been tagged!
MY MUSE IS:   canon / oc / au / slightly canon-divergent / fandomless / complicated. IS YOUR CHARACTER POPULAR IN THE FANDOM?  YES? / NO. IS YOUR CHARACTER CONSIDERED HOT™ IN THE FANDOM?   YES / NO / IDK. ( Have you went through his character tags? Every day I see a post that comments on Akira / Ren / the Persona 5 Protagonist and how good looking he is, with or without his glasses or in his Joker costume. And between the 3 wildcard protags: Minato. Yu, and Akira , everyone mostly agrees that my character is the hottest out of them ). IS YOUR CHARACTER CONSIDERED STRONG IN THE FANDOM?   YES / NO / IDK.  ( He becomes a freaking god / demon lord temporarily, defeats gods 3 times, the greatest control over his own personas and has stronger personas of protagonists from the past aka picaro versions. He’s extremely overpowered and has several METAs in his tags to back that claim up from the fandom’s point of view ). ARE THEY UNDERRATED?   YES / NO / IDK.  ( Actually he’s a little overrated. Probably will be until Persona 6. Mainly because he’s in so many games besides the persona franchise. He’s even in a SAO game for crying out loud and him being a playable character in Super Smash Bros doesn’t help either since a lot of people that can’t play persona get to see and like him ). WERE THEY RELEVANT FOR THE MAIN STORY?   YES / NO WERE THEY RELEVANT FOR THE MAIN CHARACTER?   YES / NO / THEY’RE THE PROTAGONIST ARE THEY WIDELY KNOWN IN THEIR WORLD?   YES / NO / IT’S COMPLICATED. ( He’s mostly known to the world as Joker / leader of the Phantom Thieves and of course the rumors about his reputation around the school as being the troublesome delinquent transfer student. Other than being somewhat infamous, he tends to blend in with his surroundings and doesn’t stick out that much. It’s in fact a ruse but a really good ruse to fool almost anyone. The only one that barely calls him out is Goro Akechi but mostly out of jealousy ) HOW’S THEIR REPUTATION?   GOOD / BAD / NEUTRAL. ( In most cases, his reputation is quite bad but it’s not really his fault. Getting falsely accused, having it get leaked by a teacher in his new school and having people generally spread rumors that aren’t true about him really hurt his social status. He’s not even allowed in the library in the beginning of the game and several people actually root for him to drop out of school completely. That doesn’t even compare when a few individuals call him actual garbage / trash. And he even can’t join any clubs at school despite wanting to join. He’s the only one of the wildcards that can’t join any after school activities. With his friends and confidants, it’s really quite neutral. Some people adore / rely on him ( ‘Kasumi’ / Sumire, Futaba, Ann, Ryuji, Yusuke, Hifumi, Shiho, Shinya ) and others initially don’t want anything to do with him  ( Sojiro / Iwai / Mishima / Kawakami, Takemi, and yes, even Goro but it’s more hidden away because he is capable of hiding it so easily). He’s had the most bad luck in game between the 3 wildcards. HOW STRICTLY DO YOU FOLLOW CANON?   —  ( I try to stick close to canon as possible but I’ve had Akira even before his game was released so a lot of things are headcanon’d but honestly, Akira is basically a self-insert as there is no set canon. Even his name isn’t permanent ( not counting all the names he has, why atlus why?? ). The great thing about persona protagonists are that you can use just the bare bones of what the game gives you and just run with it because everyone’s interpretation is different / unique.)
SELL YOUR MUSE! Aka try to list everything, which makes your muse interesting
in your opinion to make them spicy for your mutuals. —    ( He’s always fighting for freedom and justice, actually seeks out to destroy the injustice placed on the younger generation or the weak by rotten adults or people that just don’t care that bad shit is happening to others. He’s always looking towards a brighter future and sticks to his own beliefs and never wavers ( unless it’s a bad end AU or just fails to complete a dungeon on time ). He’s willing to rescue / help anyone in need, even if it’s harmful to himself and never sells out his friends, even under pressure. Plus, he’s pretty and has a smirk so devilish charming that you can’t help to notice that he’s a really handsome boy, with or without his glasses. ).
Now the OPPOSITE, list everything why your muse could not be so interesting (even if you may not agree, what does the fandom perhaps think?).  ( His anime counterpart is so bland when compared the game and manga series, mainly because it really doesn’t focus on him too much and mostly on the other characters that surround him. He’s also quite rude to some of his confidants and he can take deals that only benefits him ( like with the Demiurge and Maruki’s happy world reality ). He can be a little selfish and moody, cranky even and I don’t think some muses / people would find that appealing). 
WHAT INSPIRED YOU TO RP YOUR MUSE?   —  ( I guess it was how similar I saw myself in him. I actually relate to this protagonist the most. Isolated, away from home with no relatives taking care of him, few to no friends while in a strange place, everyone doesn’t care about his situation and told him to basically be complainant and not to cause trouble. Also what he represents and strives towards. I truly believe he is the best protagonist out there, with Maya Amano from Persona 2 right behind him. He basically inspires others which in return, inspires me to write this character. ).
WHAT KEEPS YOUR INSPIRATION GOING?   —  ( I actually have the most fun when writing him and those who interact with me and my character really seem to enjoy him and his characterization. Plus, I spend a lot of time and effort into him that it keeps me motivated ).
Some more personal questions for the mun. Give your mutuals some insight about the way you are in some matters, which could lead them to get more comfortable with you or perhaps not.
DO YOU THINK YOU GIVE YOUR CHARACTER JUSTICE?   YES / NO / I SINCERELY HOPE I DO? DO YOU FREQUENTLY WRITE HEADCANONS?   YES / NO / SORT OF? DO YOU SOMETIMES WRITE DRABBLES?   YES / NO / IT’S COMPLICATED DO YOU THINK A LOT ABOUT YOUR MUSE DURING THE DAY?   YES / NO  ARE YOU CONFIDENT IN YOUR PORTRAYAL?   YES / NO / SORT OF? ARE YOU CONFIDENT IN YOUR WRITING?   YES / NO / A LITTLE BIT. ARE YOU A SENSITIVE PERSON?   YES / NO. / SORTA DO YOU ACCEPT CRITICISM WELL ABOUT YOUR PORTRAYAL?   —  ( Yes and no. If it’s legit constructive by all means but if it’s met with ill content, I get defensive. If anyone doesn’t like my version of the protagonist then by all means block me and then go find another one. ) DO YOU LIKE QUESTIONS, WHICH HELP YOU TO EXPLORE YOUR CHARACTER?   — ( Yes, I do!! I love when people are general curious about my version of Akira, although sometimes I have to think about something a long time before I can answer them ). IF SOMEONE DISAGREES TO A HEADCANON OF YOURS, DO YOU WANT TO KNOW WHY? — ( Sure I’ll listen to their side. It’s great to hear different opinions since everything is up to interpretation. ) IF SOMEONE DISAGREES WITH YOUR PORTRAYAL, HOW WOULD YOU TAKE IT?  —  (If my portrayal doesn’t fit your idea of Akira / Ren / Persona 5 Protagonist / Joker then perhaps I’m not the Akira / Ren / Persona 5 Protagonist / Joker for you and the block button is always there. No harm done really. ) IF SOMEONE REALLY HATES YOUR CHARACTER, HOW DO YOU TAKE IT? — ( My rules state that all hate towards my character will result in a block and I am not afraid to do so if I get any sort of messages or downright horrible comments. Why even follow me if you hate my character, you know? ) ARE YOU OKAY WITH PEOPLE POINTING OUT YOUR GRAMMATICAL ERRORS?   —  ( Sure. Even if English is my first language, I still make mistakes here and there. If I do spell something wrong or the sentence doesn’t make sense, please let me know ) DO YOU THINK YOU ARE EASY GOING AS A MUN? — ( I like to think so. There’s not a lot that makes me mad or angry. I’m really chill for the most part ).
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fanfic-fangirl · 5 years
Chapter 1
Pairing: Hux/OC Reader, Kylo/OC Reader 
Takes place right after Episode VIII The Last Jedi
Rating: None for now
Word Count: 7526
Warnings: Swearing, lots of silliness, OOC characters, canon divergent
Summary:  Hux & Kylo, having just lost the Battle on Crait, leaving the planet, the encounter some kind of anomaly, the more power they used to try to escape it, the more of a hold it seems to have on the command shuttle. Giving the order to fly into the anomaly, Kylo finds himself waking up in a very unfamiliar bedroom, with a young woman, sitting atop him.
A/N: There aren’t enough Hux stories out there, so, of course, I had to write one! This is meant to be silly and fun!
I’m also testing the waters with this chapter, if there is more interest, I will gladly post future chapters! Also, sorry for any spelling and grammatical errors, there’s only so many times I can proof read my fics,
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“Mr. Solo! Mr. Solo, wake up! Come on, you were supposed to be getting ready, not napping.”
Kylo woke up to a woman straddling his waist, her hands on his chest supporting her and a bright smile across her face. He was confused and disoriented. Looking around, he didn't recognize his surroundings. There was light filtering in through a window, he could hear birds outside and feel a breeze rolling over him.
“Morning sunshine.” she said, the smile on her face getting even bigger.
“Come on, get up. We have to leave soon and you,” she said, poking his chest, “need to get dressed.” he watched her get off him, stand up, and offer her hand, that same smile on her lips.
“What did you do to me?” Kylo felt like he was waking up from some kind of drug induced sleep
“You did that all to yourself, Mr. Solo. I'm just doing my job and making sure you stay on schedule. But, if you don't hurry and get dressed, I'm sure Mr. Hux will have plenty to say and I know how you hate his monologing Now, come on, seriously, you need to get up, your fanboys await.” She laughed as she left the room.
Kylo sat up and looked around the room. He recognized nothing, not even the view out the window. Of course, the sun peeking in through said window was the biggest surprise.
“Where am I?” he groaned, swinging his legs off to the side so he was sitting on the edge of the bed, as he rubbed his eyes with the heels of his hands.
“Dude, seriously! You gotta get your lazy ass up, Mr. Hux will be here soon to pick you up and if I don't have you ready in time, it's my ass that's gonna get chewed out, not yours.” The woman said, a little more urgently as she came back in and started going through the drawers of the dresser sitting against the wall and pulling out various articles of clothing.
“What's going on? Who are you and where have you brought me?” Kylo asked, getting up to his full height and standing in front of the woman, trying to look as menacing as possible.
“Shit, are you serious right now? Jesus, Mr. Solo, exactly how much did you drink last night?” she asked, rushing over to him and holding his face in her hands, looking him in the eye, a look of pure concern on her face. “You're not running a fever. Oh god! Please don't tell me some crazed fangirl slipped you something last night. The last thing you need right now, is another possible baby scandal! Especially after last weeks incident. I swear Mr. Solo, you act more like a Hollywood celebrity than a New York Times best seller.” the woman sighed, setting his clothes in his attached bathroom.
Kylo was even more confused, but before he could question the young woman further, an all too familiar voice sounded from behind him.
“Is everything all right in here?” Kylo turned to see General Hux enter the room.
“Thank the stars you're here, Mr. Hux! Mr. Solo is claiming to not know where he is or who I am. I'm worried someone slipped him something last night.” Her worried look going from Hux to Kylo, back to Hux again.
“I'm sure it's nothing, my dear.” Hux said, leaning over and giving the woman a kiss on the cheek. Kylo noticed how it lingered just a little longer than was appropriate for acquaintances and how the girls face turned bright red at the attention. “Now, why don't you let me see if I can't refresh his memory.” Hux smiled down at the young woman. Before she left, he added, “and Jade, dear, how many times do I have to tell you to stop calling me that? Please, call me Armitage, or Hux, at the very least.”  she nodded, embarrassed that he had to keep reminding her to be more familiar with him, then gave one last concerning look to Kylo and left the room, closing the door behind her.
“I was wondering when you'd finally pop in.” Hux sighed, running a finger along the top of the dresser, as if he was inspecting for dirt.
“Hux, what's going on? Where are we? Who is that girl? Is she the one responsible for us being here?” Kylo demanded, surprised at how calm Hux was over their current situation.
“Calm down, she's no threat, no one here is. We're on some planet called Earth and as ridiculous as it sounds, we seem to be in a different reality.” he sighed.
“A different reality?” Kylo scoffs, clearly not believing Hux.
“Yes, like I said, ridiculous, but it's the only thing that makes sense. What's the last thing you remember, before waking up here?” Hux asks, turning to Kylo, his hands behind his back in his standard general pose.
“We had the last of the rebels trapped in an abandoned base on Crait, but they managed to escape. Something happened on the flight back to the fleet.” Kylo struggles to remember, he knows there's something else, but can't recall what it was.
“There's was some kind of anomaly and it seemed to have a hold on the command shuttle. The more power we used, trying to escape, the stronger the pull seemed to be, then you gave the order to turn around and fly into. Next thing I know, I'm waking up in a much too comfortable bed, a cat curled at my side and the sun shining in my room.”
“And you managed to stay calm and collected the entire time?” Kylo asked, skeptical the general was as calm about it as he says he was.
“Of course. It's not the first time I've woken up, somewhere I don't belong. I assumed I had been captured, but once I surveyed my surroundings and took in all the information around me, I realized that wasn't the case. My step-mother, had come over to visit, and after feigning a bout of amnesia after a heavy night of drinking, I was able to find out the basics. She claimed I was drugged at one of your parties, suggested I press charges against you, for,” and Hux couldn't help but chuckle at the thought, “reckless endangerment.”
Kylo was more than suspicious of Hux's oddly friendly behavior. It wasn't like him, they've never had a civil conversation in the entire time they've known each other. He's wasn't sure if he'd ever seen Hux give a genuine smile, let alone laugh at something.
“You're acting...... strange.” Kylo said cautiously, not sure what to make of Hux's odd behavior.
“I've been here for nine months, there's no war to bring order to the galaxy. No Snoke. My father is dead, and my step-mother here is more pleasant then the one from my childhood, though they are the same woman. I'm not in charge of an entire fleet of battle cruisers, I have no expectations to live up to. Making sure your books are released on time, is really my only responsibility. Compared to being General of the First Order, it's virtually stress free, so of course I'm going to be different.” Hux huffed, irritated that he had to explain his behavior.
“Then, what about me?” Kylo asked, a little enticed by the idea of a virtually stress free life.
“You are Ben Solo, a science-fiction writer and I'm Armitage Hux, your publicist and public relations manager. That lovely, young woman is Jade Dameron, your personal assistant and quite the little spitfire, I might add, though she can be quite shy and timid at times.” Hux smirked, looking towards the door, where the woman had left. “You're personality is pretty much the same. The public refers to you as a male diva of sorts. You throw lavish parties, you've been in rehab twice for alcoholism. The party you threw last night was, ironically, to celebrate your successful release from rehab, which, to no surprise, you got drunk at. Honestly, I'm not sure which version of you I like better. The alcoholic party boy, or the tantrum throwing Force wielder.” Hux sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose.
“Why can't I feel the Force?” Kylo asked, realizing, as Hux mentioned it, he hadn't felt it since he woke up. He sat back on the bed and stared at his hands, waiting for Hux to answer, while trying to digest everything he'd just been told.
“Because, the Force doesn't exist here, only in the books you and your mother have written. Which, are quite interesting and all too familiar. It's a series called Star Wars and is quite popular. There's movies, toys, cartoons, graphic novels and quite the impressive fan following. Which reminds me, your adoring public awaits, so please, get dressed and I will explain everything I know so far.” Hux said, walking around the room, looking at the photos that were placed on a book shelf along one of the walls.
Kylo did as Hux asked with no argument, much to Hux's surprise and relief. Hux did tell him more about his lifestyle and the Star Wars series, which his mother was responsible for starting, and he was now continuing. When asked about the books he had written, Hux said he would explain it all after the book signing, and to remember to sign his name as Ben Solo, not Kylo Ren.
“I will also warn you, people who used to be your enemy, are now some of your closest friends and family members. Most notably, the scavenger girl, Rey, she's your cousin, Luke Skywalker's adopted daughter, apparently.”
“Did you say that girl's last name was Dameron?” Kylo asked, the familiarity of her name, finally sinking in, Hux couldn't suppress a chuckle.
“Yes, younger sister to Poe Dameron and Rey's best friend. Dameron works for your father and your mother convinced you to hire his little sister to help keep your schedule straight. From what I've gathered, hiring her is the second best thing you've done since writing your first novel.” Hux sighed, turning around to look at Kylo as he walked out of his bathroom.
“What's my relationship like with my parents?” Kylo couldn't help but ask after the mention of his father and since Hux didn't say anything about them while explaining his current lifestyle.
“Normal, though you are some what of a mama's boy, as they say.” Hux smirked at Kylo when he glared. “You're close with your mother, though not as close as you were before your first stint in rehab, but you do still try have lunch at least once a week with her.”
“And my father?”
“You get along, again, it was better before rehab, you've never been as close to him as you are with your mother. Apparently, he wanted you to follow in his footsteps and become a pilot, but, you followed in your mother's footsteps, and became a writer instead. You also have a healthy relationship with Skywalker and the scavenger girl. All in all, a relatively normal family, who get along and like each other. So, I suggest you try not to act too much like yourself.”
“What about my assistant?” Kylo asked, choosing to ignore that snide, little comment.
“What about her?” Hux almost growled, it was like he remembered not to sound to accusatory in his reply, while he was answering. Hux was quickly growing fond of the woman, had even taken her out to lunch a few times, just the two of them.
“How is my relationship with her?” Kylo smirked, seeing the irritation on Hux's face and all to eager to irritate Hux.
“Professional, for the most part. You don't seem to like or dislike her, for that matter. You barely give her the time of day and more often than not, are quite short with her. You only listen when she's telling you about your schedule, or something else relating to your work. You only hired her as a favor to your mother, which you constantly remind her of when she does something not up to your ridiculous standards. I don't know how many times I've had to stop you from trying to fire her over the most ridiculous of things.” Hux huffed, he was trying not to grow agitated with Kylo's questions about her, but, he couldn't deny his attachment to the woman, and wanted to discourage Kylo from trying to get to know her as subtly as possible.
“She seems to like me.” Hux did not like the Cheshire grin, Kylo was giving him.
“That's because she likes everybody.” Hux scoffed.
“She seemed to really like my body this morning when she was straddling it.” Hux scoffed, knowing exactly what Kylo was trying to do.
“You seem to be handling this all a little too well.” Hux glared suspiciously, as he deflected their conversation away from Jade. He had expected Kylo to throw one of his tantrums and start destroying the room, which is why he sent Jade away.
“I handle everything well.” Kylo hisses back, to which Hux just scoffs.
“If you consider destroying control panels, handling things well.”
Kylo was about to retort, but was stopped by a knock on his door, before Jade entered.
“Mr. Hux, Mrs. Solo is here.” she said, her tone still tinged with worry. Then she looked at Kylo and groaned, apparently forgetting she was worried about him in the first place. “Mr. Hux, you were supposed to make sure he finished getting ready, not just dressed.” Hux couldn't stop the affectionate smile he gave her.
“Sorry, I was questioning him about what happened last night.”
“No possible baby scandal?” She asked, looking at Hux, eyebrows raised as she bit her bottom lip.
“No possible baby scandal. For once, he kept it in his pants and returned alone.” Hux chuckled, never taking his eyes off her.
“Thank the stars.” She sighed in relief. “I'll make sure he finishes getting ready, but Mrs. Solo is asking for you.” She entered the room and held the door open for Hux, as he made his way to exit.
“Thank you, Ms. Jade, we'll meet you both downstairs.” Hux stopped next next to her before completely exiting and bent down to whisper in her ear, “I'll save you a seat, right next to me.” Seeing the intense blush bloom across her face, gave Hux the biggest smile, flustering her had quickly become his favorite thing to do.
Jade was pulled back to her senses when she heard the door click behind her. Then she looked at Kylo and groaned again.
“Mr. Solo, you are not wearing the shirt you partied then slept in last night to this book signing.” she said as she walked over to him, then leaned in and smelled him. “And you really need to put on some deodorant and cologne, you reek of alcohol! Come on, into the bathroom with you.” Kylo tried to protest when she got behind him and started pushing him into the bathroom.
“I can walk myself!” he barked, jerking away and glaring down at her.
“Then do it, and I won't have to push you.” she bit back, again, pushing him towards the bathroom. “I'm sorry Mr. Solo, but we don't have time for me to put up with your diva shit this morning. Now pee.” She ordered, turning and busying herself with things at the sink.
“I can't go with you in here!” he snapped.
“It's never stopped you before, why so shy now?” she said, not even bothering to look at him, finished with what she was doing, she turned back to him and looked at the toilet, expectantly.
“For fuck's sake, Mr. Solo, either you go now, or you go in a bottle in the car. You haven't been late to a single thing since you hired me, and we sure as hell aren't going to start today! Now either piss, or get over here and brush your teeth, so I can brush your hair!” she ordered and Kylo was starting to understand why Hux liked her. He was also starting to think something had possessed her after Hux left the room, since this was the complete opposite of the girl that woke him up and definitely, not the girl who had just been blushing over what Hux whispered to her.
“Fine.” Kylo growled, walking to stand at the sink, and started brushing his teeth. Jade pulled out her little step ladder and set it up, grabbed the brush that was on the counter, climbed up, so she was just a few inches taller than Kylo and proceeded to brush the knots out of his hair.
“OW!” he snapped, when the brush snagged a knot and she tried to pull it through.
“Shut up and brush your damn teeth.” she snapped back. “We're running short on time.”
Kylo finished his brushing the same time she did, with only a few more uncomfortable tugs. He then, washed his face, after being told, while she put the stool away.
“Now take that damn shirt off, put your deodorant on and come out when you're done.” she said, walking out to the bedroom.
Angry and humiliated, Kylo slammed the door and locked it. He took the opportunity to urinate, before doing what he was told.
“I hope you washed your hands after touching that dirty thing!” she yelled, from somewhere in the room, when he opened the bathroom door. He was beginning to understand why he would want to fire her.
After washing his hands, he walked into the bedroom, seeing her standing by his bed, holding a shirt up, with that same smile she woke up him up with.
“I thought about it a little more and I think this shirt over this t shirt,” she said, holding up said shirt with her other hand, “will be a much more appropriate combo for the signing. This is just a small signing at Luke's bookstore, I think it's best if we do a more casual look. Besides the ladies love a casually dressed Ben Solo.” she teased, then pushed the two articles of clothing in his hands and went through another door, which he assumed was his closet.
He looked at the t-shirt, which said, “Join the dark side, we have cookies”, he was quite offended and was about to yell at her and refuse to wear it, when she walked out of the closet and saw him just standing there. He was frozen in place by the glare she was giving him and he had never been more thankful that looks couldn't kill, in his entire life. Her calm and level voice gave him chills when she spoke to him.
“Mr. Solo. If you do not put those on, right now, we are going to have a problem.”
Kylo could have sworn he saw her eyes flash yellow, for just a second. Not wanting to test Hux's theory, of the Force not existing in this reality, he swallowed the lump in his throat and got dressed. Then quickly put on his socks and shoes while she busied herself  gathering, what Kylo assumed, were random items and placing them in a bag. Once she was done, she turned to him and smiled, seeing him ready to go.
“Alright, lets go! Mr. Hux and Mrs. Solo are waiting for us downstairs, with the car.”
Kylo followed her out of the room, into what looked like his living room, then into a hallway and to an elevator.
“Now remember, you're not allowed to answer any questions about the film adaptation of your first book and no hints about the third book. The publishing company doesn't want you to risk someone stealing any of your ideas and claiming that you copied them. You're having lunch with your mom after the signing, I've already made reservations at the usual place under your usual pseudo-name. Then after lunch, you have a conference call with the publishing firm about a few international book signings they want you to do. Then you have a dinner date with some unknown actress, you met at last night's party. I don't remember her name, I'll have to check the schedule to see what it is.” Kylo just stared at her like she had two heads. He had no idea what she was talking about. He would have to find out from Hux later.
They exited the elevator and walked through the lobby in silence. His mind still reeling with everything that was going on, and how did Hux expect him to get through this book signing? He'd never done anything like that before, and he hated crowds. They made him nervous, especially without being able to use the Force to scan the crowd for possible rebel threats. Then he had to remind himself, that there were no rebel threats here. Hux gave him the impression that they led a peaceful life, no warring, no fighting. No purpose.
“See, Armitage, I told you she'd have him down here on time.” Leia said, seeing Kylo and Jade exit the building and walk over to the car.
“You're right, Mrs. Solo, I never should have doubted her.” Hux smiled at Jade.
“Armitage, you've been friends with my son for how many years now? You're practically family, now please, call me Leia. Mrs. Solo always makes me feel so old.” She laughed.
Kylo was frozen to the spot, it had been years since he'd seen his mother and he wasn't sure he'd ever seen her smile like that. He didn't want to move, didn't want to look away. He was afraid if he did, he'd wake up back on the Finnalizer or some other star destroyer and realize this had all been a dream.
“I've missed you, Ben.” She beamed, walking over to him with open arms and embracing him. “Let me get a good look at you.” she said, stepping back and placing her hands on his cheeks, then to his shoulders as she looked him over.
“I've missed you too. I'm so sorry, mom!” he couldn't help himself, he wrapped his arms around her and held her as tight as he could. Hux and Jade just looked at each other with wide eyes, surprise, not being a strong enough word to describe what they were seeing.
Kylo was overwhelmed with his emotions. Without Snoke and the Force to guide him, he didn't know how to resolve what he was feeling. Without Snoke, his chest felt lighter, he didn't feel all the hate and anger that usually flowed through him with the Force. It was oddly freeing.
Leia returned Kylo's embrace, one hand wrapped around his back, the other on his head.
“I'm glad you're home.” Leia said said, releasing Kylo and creating some distance between them.
“I'm sorry to interrupt,” Jade said in gentle tone.
“Then don't!” Kylo snapped, causing Jade to flinch back and stare at the ground.
“Ben!” Leia chastised, “You don't need to snap at her like that. She's only doing her job and trying to keep you on schedule.”
“Let's just go.” Kylo grumbled, refusing to apologize to his bossy assistant.
It didn't take them long to reach Luke's bookstore and Kylo couldn't believe the line of people standing outside of it.
“They're all here to see you.” Hux said, seeing Kylo stare at all the people.
“Finn, can you pull around back and let us off there? I think it's best if we go in through the back.” Jade said.
“You got it!” Kylo looked up to see Finn smiling back at them from the rear view mirror. “Good to see you again, Ben.” he nodded, Kylo mirrored the greeting.
Finn pulled around to the backside of the building, glad there weren't any fans lurking about.
“Looks like Rey was able to keep the fans from lurking behind the store. Speaking of the devil.” Finn laughed when he saw Rey come running towards them.
Jade was the first one out, she didn't even give Finn a chance to get out of his seat before she was opening the door and running over to greet Rey.
“Rey!” she yelled, running to her friend.
“Jade!” Rey laughed, as they embraced.
“I've missed you! We don't get to hang out nearly as much as we should.”  Jade said, giving her friend a fake pout.
“That's because your boss is an incapable asshole, who can't comb his own hair without you.” Rey teased, loud enough to make sure Kylo heard as he stepped out of the car.
“Well, you're not wrong there.” Jade giggled in a whisper to her friend.
“Rey, always nice to see you.” Hux smiled, walking up to the pair. He had only recently started to warm up to the woman he had known as the scavenger girl, the Jedi of the resistance and a thorn in the side of the First Order. But here, she was simply Rey Skywalker, future owner of Skywalker books.
It was only within the last few weeks that he was starting to let his guard down and warm up to the group of people who had once been his mortal enemies. He was finding his new life, much more to his liking, than he would have, originally thought. Without the war, he found, they were all very likable.
“Hey Hux, still as stuffy as always, I see.” Rey teased, giving his arm a playful slap. “You should find someone to take that stick out of your ass, you might find you don't stand quite so stiff.” she laughed, before running off to greet her aunt and cousin.
“I think she's been spending too much time with your brother and her uncle.” Hux sighed, even though he was getting used to her occasional crude teasing, it never failed to embarrass him in front of Jade. Which he was almost positive, is the reason she did it.
“Aunty!” Rey yelled, greeting Leia before embracing her in a hug.
“Hello, Rey.” Leia chuckled, returning the hug. “Dad didn't tell me you were gonna be here. OH!” she gasped, “Is this a double signing!?  OHMYGAWD! The fans are going to freak!”
“It is. I talked to him a few weeks ago about it, we agreed to keep it a surprise, since his store can't handle all the people that would likely show up for that.” Leia chuckled, not surprised at all, that her niece had come to the conclusion so quickly.
“I was wondering why you picked us up today.” Jade smirked as she and Hux walked over to Leia and Rey.
“I wish I would have known, I would have made sure we extra copies of your book as well.” Hux sighed.
“Don't worry, I took care of it.” Leia said.
“Hey Ben, nice to see you back with the land of the sober. You gonna stay this time or should we just go ahead and tell them to keep your room ready?” Rey said, crossing her arms across her chest, giving her cousin, a less then warm welcome.
“Rey!” Jade hissed. “Cut him some slack, he just got back the other day.
“Give me a break! He threw a huge party last night to 'celebrate' his recovery. Judging by the pictures I saw on Instagram this morning, he was tossing them back like he was a thirsty man in a desert.”
“I think you're being a little to hard on him, Rey.” Leia said, putting her arm around the woman's shoulder and guiding her back towards the bookstore.
“I don't think it's hard enough. Aunt Leia, he needs a wake up call.” Rey argued.
“That may be, but you can't force one on him.” Rey just sighed, knowing Leia was right, to which, Leia whispered, “Though, I think he may have gotten it this time. He was different this morning, less stand offish. He didn't try to push me away, in fact, he gave me a hug. He hasn't hugged me like that since he was a child.”
Rey just looked at her as if her head had just popped off, then took a quick glance back at Kylo, to see him following Jade and Hux, his hands in his pockets and the same scowl as always. She decided she would have to keep a closer eye on him and judge for herself.
The group walked into the back room of the book store and were greeted by Luke.
“What in the world are you wearing, Mr. Skywalker!” Jade laughed when she saw him. Kylo had to fight the urge to attack him, the memories of the night he was almost murdered, flooding back to him.
“They're Jedi robes. Rey take Jade, so you can both go put yours on.” Luke smiled, turning to his daughter.
“You got me my own Jedi robes!?” she squealed, throwing herself at Luke and practically choking him with her hug. “You're the best, Mr. Skywalker!”  Luke laughed as he watched the pair run off.
“I think you spoil them a little too much.” Leia laughed.
“No such thing, when it comes to those two.” Once the girls had left, he turned to the trio left behind. “Hux, I got an extra set, just in case you wanted to join in the fun.”
“That's quite all right, but thank you, Mr. Skywalker.”
“How many times do I have to tell you, call Me Luke. Mr. Skywalker was my dad.” Luke winked.
“You'll probably have to remind me a few more times.” he said, giving Luke a polite smile.
Kylo was practically disgusted with the way Hux was interacting with his uncle. Like they were friends, and he hadn't spent the last, almost decade, hunting him down under Snoke's orders. Kylo was finding it harder and harder to control the anger and hatred he felt for his uncle. He wanted to reach out with the Force and strangle him, or better yet, strangle him with his bare hands, so he could feel the life draining from him.
“Thanks for doing this Ben. It means a lot to Rey and me, especially after the way I handled things.” Luke said, his attention on Kylo, seeing him practically seething in anger.
“Luke, you don't....”
“No Leia, I do.” Luke said, not letting his sister interrupt him. “Ben, I owe you an apology. Not for calling the cops and turning you in, I don't regret that at all. But for the way I handled the situation.”
“I think this might be better talked about after the signing.” Hux said, seeing Kylo's rage and not wanting to escalate the situation any further. He then pulled Kylo to the side and whispered, “Remember, he isn't the same as the Skywalker you know. You need to calm down before you cause a scene and make things more difficult. Just remember, they may have their faces, but these are not the people we know. These are not members of the resistance and he is not the Jedi Master you knew.”
Before Kylo could say anything, his attention went to Rey and Jade, laughing and swinging, what looked like, light sabers.
“Dad, you didn't tell me you got us light sabers!”
“That's because it wouldn't be a surprise if I told you.” he laughed, walking over to the pair.
“Thank you so much, dad!” Rey said, giving him a hug and a kiss on the cheek.
“Yes, thank you Mr. Skywalker, you didn't have to.”
“Nonsense! Of course I did, you can't be Jedi without light sabers, can you.” He smiled. He loved spoiling the two girls more than anything and always found that he could never tell them no.
“No, but, who are the extra set of robes for?” Jade asked.
“I got them, hoping Hux would join in the fun.” He said, flashing a mischievous smile over at Hux.
“Really!?” Jade was giddy at the thought of having another person dress up with them. Hux felt like a deer caught in the headlights, when she turned and smiled at him.
“Oh, um, no, it's alright. I think I'll just stick with my suit.” He said, trying to sound as calm and collected as he always was.
“What? No! Come on, please!” Jade whined. “It's more fun with more people.”
“Yea, Hux! Come on, don't make dad the only guy Jedi.” Rey begged.
“Come on, Hux, you're not gonna leave Padawan Jade without a master, are you?” Luke teased.
“That's perfect, dad! I can be your Padawan and Jade can be Hux's!”
“I think Ben, would suit the role better.” Hux said, giving a nervous chuckle and not seeing the glare Kylo shot at him.
“He'll be too busy signing, plus, he doesn't like to do stuff like that. Please Mr. Hux!” Jade knew she sounded like a child, but she didn't care. She had always loved the Star Wars series and any chance she had to fangirl, she took it and she was always happy to take others with her.
Letting out a heavy sigh, Hux knew he had been defeated. After all, how could he tell her no, she was just too adorable when she looked up at him with those big doe eyes, and pouty lips.
“Alright, alright, you win, on one condition.” He said, quickly silencing whatever happy noise her and Rey were about to make. “You are not allowed to call me Mr. Hux for the rest of the day.
“Of course not, Master Armitage.” Oh, the things that did to him! He was suddenly, very glad he would be wearing loose fitting robes.
“Come on, I'll show you where you can change and Jade, we can put Padawan braids in our hair, while he's changing.” Rey said, leading Hux and Jade back to Luke's office, where the extra set of robes were.
This left Luke, Leia and Kylo, standing alone in the stock room. All of them feeling suddenly very awkward and Kylo, trying to control his anger.
“We've cleared a spot for the signing, the books are already set up. By the time they get to you, they will have already paid. Leia, I know you love to talk with your fans, but, there's gonna be a lot of people here and we want to try to get through as many of them as possible. And Ben,” Luke said, turning to his nephew, a teasing smile crossing his lips, “don't be afraid to smile at more than just the ones with a pretty face.” Kylo just rolled his eyes, and followed them to where he would be signing this book Ben Solo had written.
“Ben, I know you don't like crowds and large groups of people and Jade was very adamant that we accommodate that.” He said, stopping in front of a table with a Star Wars backdrop. It was near the front door, on the other side of the cash register.
“Meaning, she wouldn't agree to the signing unless, you did it.” Leia chuckled, shaking her head. She knew Ben hiring her would make his life a lot easier, and she was grateful the young woman was looking out for her son.
“Needless to say, even though the store will be overcrowded with your devoted fans, we've blocked off a nice open section, so you don't feel overwhelmed, and it has easy access to my office if you do start to feel overwhelmed and need a minute to breath.” Luke smiled.
Kylo wasn't sure how to feel about their consideration for his dislike of large groups. He looked at the boxes full of books, then at the line standing outside the store. He was starting to feel nervous. He didn't know who this Ben Solo was, or what these Star Wars books were about, so how could he interact with these people and be convincing. His anger was starting to feel more like panic.
* * *
“I look ridiculous.” Hux groaned as they joined the others. He thought it rather ironic, that he loathed the Jedi and tried to eliminate them, but, here he was, willing to dress up as one, for a pretty face. He was not thrilled to think about what Kylo would say about it later.
“No you don't, you look great! Doesn't he look great, Mr. Solo.” Jade said, her smile quickly fading when she saw the look of panic on Kylo's face. “Mr. Solo? Are you feeling ok?” She asked.
“I need to talk to you!” Kylo said, quickly grabbing Hux's arm and rushing off to the store room.
“Stay here, we'll be right back.” Hux said quickly, when he saw Jade try to follow them. He gave her a reassuring smile, when she stopped and nodded.
“I can't do this, Hux! I'm not this Ben Solo, I didn't write these stupid books!”
“You need to pull yourself together!” Hux snapped. “Do you know what will happen to you if you start spouting off that you're really Kylo Ren, that you killed Ben Solo to follow in your grandfather, Darth Vader's footsteps. To conquer the galaxy and bring peace and order, alongside with the First Order?” Hux gave Kylo a minute to absorb his words before continuing. “They'll think you've finally lost it and have you committed!” Staring at Kylo, not sure if what he was saying was sinking in, he sighed, then opened one of the nearby boxes and pulled out a book.
“Read the back of it.” he said, handing the book to Kylo.
“I don't see how this is going to help.” Kylo tried to argue, but Hux just shoved the book against his chest.
“Read the back of the damn book!” Hux hissed.
Reluctantly, Kylo did, his eyes only getting wider as he read the synopsis. The confused look on his face, said it all.
“In this world, our lives are a story. You're mother started them, she wrote the first six books, then passed the mantle to Ben Solo, you, to continue. Ben Solo based all the characters after people he knew, even gave them their names. This is the first book, the second book details everything that happened until you and I wake up here, minus the space anomaly that brought us here. So, yes, you are Ben Solo and you know exactly what these, damned books are about. We will get through this signing, and I will have Jade clear your schedule for the rest of the day.”
“I can't do this!”
“You can and you will! I have worked too hard the last nine months to fit in and to be prepared if you ever showed up and I will NOT! Let you ruin everything I have done!” Hux was letting his anger get the better of him, but he wasn't about to let Kylo invalidate everything he's endured since he woke up on this world. There was no way he was going to let Kylo ruin the lives they had.
“Now, you are going to stop acting like a spoiled child! You are going to suck it up! And you are going to go out there, smile at your fans and sign those BLOODY BOOKS!” Hux was panting now, he was so angry with Kylo, and with no Force or Snoke for Kylo to fall back on, Hux felt free to let loose his anger loose. And, damn! Did it feel good!
“Is everything ok, back here?” Jade asked, poking her head through the door. “I heard yelling.”
“Everything is fine.” Hux said, taking a deep breath, before straightening out his robes and fixing his hair.
“Are you sure?” she asked, looking between Hux and Kylo.
“He said, it's fine!” Kylo snapped, then stormed out of the backroom.
“Ben was just having second thoughts about today, that's all. He thought it might be too soon after his release from rehab.”
“But, he had that huge party last night, and he was ok with it yesterday.”
“I know, it doesn't make much sense to me either. In the mean time, I'd like you to clear his schedule for the rest of the day, including his date tonight. In fact, cancel all his dates this week, move the consultation about the book tour to tomorrow afternoon. Does he have anything important on his schedule for tomorrow?” Hux asked.
Jade pulled out her phone and began to check Kylo's schedule for the rest of the week.
“No, in fact, everything this week can be rescheduled or canceled.” She said.
“Then do it, but keep the the luncheons with his mother and add a family dinner night. Schedule the family dinner on a night when you'll be able to join us.”
“Of course! Is there any night that doesn't work for you?” she asked, waiting as Hux pulled out his phone and checked his own schedule.
“I will start having Mitaka forward my schedules to you. I have a feeling Ben is going to be taking up a lot more of my time.” he sighed, looking over his weekly schedule. “My evenings are free all this week. Let me know which night it is and forward it to Mitaka as well.” Hux pinched the bridge of his nose, now that Kylo was here, he knew his life was going to get a lot more complicated. With as stubborn as Kylo is, he knows he's going to be reluctant to accept this life and make things as difficult as possible.
“Hey, we could really use your guys' help out there.” Rey said.
“We'll be there in a minute.” Jade said, nodding to her friend, then turning back to Hux. “I'll talk to Mrs. Solo and see when a good night is, but I'm pretty sure she'll try to insist on every night.” she giggled. With the added stress of Kylo's appearance, Hux found himself even more thankful for her presence.
“Once the signing is done, why don't you take the rest of the day off, spend it with Luke and Rey.”
“What! No! Mr. Hux....”
“Ah, ah, ah, what did I say about calling me Mr. Hux, today.”
“Right, sorry. But...... Armitage.......” she hesitated, his name sounding odd coming from her lips. “I'm his assistant, I should be there to help him.”
“Nonsense. I think what Ben needs, is a good one-on-one with an old friend. I can always meet up with you later and fill you in, if you'd like.” Hux couldn't help but offer to meet up with her, he loved any alone time he got to spend with her.
“Are you sure?” She asked, clearly concerned oabout taking the rest of the day off.
“Absolutely. I know it's been a while since you and Rey have spent time together and we're already here. The both of you are all dressed up and I know how much you love the books.” He smiled, placing a hand on her shoulder.
“Yea.” Hux loved her sheepish smiles, especially when he knew she was pretending to not be embarrassed.
“Then it's settled, I will take Ben back to his apartment and you will spend the rest of the day here, what is it you say?”
“Amongst my own people.” she giggled.
“Yes, then I will meet with you later, fill you in on Ben's situation.”
“I don't know. I still feel like I'm pawning him off on you.”
“Nonsense.” Then, remembering the way they were both dressed, he got an idea. “Your Jedi Master, commands that you take the rest of the day off and spend it with your friends. I'm sure Master Luke won't mind having you under his tutelage for one day.” Hux had never felt more like a fool, than he did right then. But, if it made her smile, he'd play the fool everyday.
“Thank you, Armitage, you're the best!” she said, wrapping her arms around Hux's chest and giving him a hug.
“Yes, yes, young Padawan. Now, come, they require our help.” Kriff, He was such an idiot!
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