#//maddox my beloved
rinisbowen · 2 years
okay but like- can we take a second for maddox’s comment about val and ej? because that was so crucial for me this episode truly for her character.
like- she talks about how they have this amazing longstanding bond from when they did the sound of music together when they were little and they’re like permanently attached because of it... and like- to me? the way she’s so in awe of it and so happy when she talks about it to gina?
it’s very much maddox wishes she could have that with someone coded. 
and i think with her whole little talking head about being lonely- this just adds a lot to it and i think that’s great. 
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natjennie · 1 year
yonderland is objectively hysterical because it's like what if there was a fantastical land of mythical people who were the weirdest most fucked up useless sillybillies that ever lived, and the chosen one, the regular ass person tasked with fixing this land's drama was just a completely normal middle-aged mother of twins. and she simply doesn't put up with anyone's bullshit. but also they don't really know what she was chosen for. she doesn't really do anything huge, shit just goes wrong in increasingly ridiculous ways and she happens to come up with a, usually very mundane, solution. and then she goes home to her Normal Husband and Kids. it's great.
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ellis-ofwoolworth · 2 years
if there's anything the six idiots love, it's the name maddox and impromptu songs that are not strictly necessary to the plot
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madmaddoxfuryroad · 2 years
tag yourself in this episode. i am that person who yells “i love you gadget!” every time Maddox is on stage
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litrallytyrus · 2 years
YAY Ash but what about big red :(
YAH i think just cause ash realizes she likes girls doesn’t mean she can’t stay with big red! n i’m sure big red will be very accepting and happy that she understands herself better when she tells him :-) (which hopefully we get to seeeee!!!)
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hsmtmts-arrows · 8 months
A warrior nun AU with Beatrice!Ashlyn and Ava!Maddox perhaps??
MY WORLDS ARE COLLIDING !!!! !!!! !!!! !!!! !!!! !!!
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mayzie-grobe · 10 months
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because horse ranch just came out (circa a month ago 💀), i wanted to try doing a little "spin-off" gen before starting immediately in on generation 4 im not sure if im going to be posting gen4 alongside this, but i know that the first half will be mostly story posts, so this lets me keep some gameplay to offset it lol.
gen 3 start | >beginning< | next
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lesbianladybutton · 2 years
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I think Ho-Tan can have a little crush on Debbie, as a treat
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rinisbowen · 2 years
i cannot possibly be more excited for all of the maddox stuff that goes on in this episode- she’s literally so precious and i’m so excited for her reunion with madison aka jojo siwa and the heartfelt scenes saylor talked about with them, and i mean maddox taking kourtney’s hand to comfort her when she’s doing her song... and the fact saylor said maddox gets a nice moment where she like- really and truly finds her people at the climbing wall which is so full circle for this sweet girl who felt so alone at camp... despite being surrounded by people... and like- her and jet making up and everything it’s going to be amazing and perfect and oh my gosh i LOVE maddox hsmtmts who needs a last name next season with my whole heart. this will be her episode actually. 
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Do we get to see your edits?
I didn't realise anyone cared about my edits fjjf I know that sounds bad but 🤷‍♀️ dkdjsj anyway I am so bad at posting edits its not even funny anymore I'm sitting on so many that are either finished or close but just haven't been posted yet, so I don't know which one you're talking about but I'll list the ones I'm close to finishing and you lmk and I'll work on it rn
ashlyn and gina (completely finished like a year ago, I'm planning on posting when I next turn my laptop on)
portbowell one (close to finished, I've just forgotten how to add a flicker thing fjfj)
ricky and ej one (I didn't realise I've technically finished it I just have to change one thing)
ricky sad one (finished)
main four romantic ships one (finished kind of just had some trouble with the audio and its such a nightmare to fix)
s1 funny (close to finished)
ricky and big red one (I've been sitting on it for ages but I think I may be able to finish it once I can download this ep, which means it won't be done for a little while,,, its not my fault the show refuses to have steady footage dhfjd)
funny/dramatic nini one (its literally been finished for like a year fjjf)
some other fandom ones
also an a-lan from zombies one fjjf (finish one thing then it's done)
I've been busy trying to write and getting ready for uni lately so I haven't had as much time for it and posting edits is something I always forget to do fjfj anyway let me know and I'll post it/try and finish it
(also if your asking for my account it is here)
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psychokineticism · 2 years
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maddy sketches
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graveboywalking · 4 months
can I request emo npts?
YES OF COURSE !! Guys I will take any requests, just as long as they are SFW Gonna make a scene one too for you scene peoplez :]
★彡[ᴇᴍᴏ ɪᴅ ᴘᴀᴄᴋ]彡★
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Luna ⛤ Celeste ⛤ Raven ⛤ Cyrus ⛤ Silvia ⛤ Alice ⛤ Blythe ⛤ Bellatrix ⛤ Ebony ⛤ Octavia ⛤ Zade ⛤ Willow ⛤ Zyair/Zaire ⛤ Marceline ⛤ Sash(a) ⛤ Ash ⛤ Lyxzen ⛤ Phoenix ⛤ Sonya ⛤ Iris ⛤ Raine ⛤ Sparrow ⛤ Jade ⛤ Ivy ⛤ Ivory ⛤ Jasper ⛤ Opal ⛤ Kat ⛤ Sapphire ⛤ Zircon ⛤ Gerard ⛤ Ronnie ⛤ Mika ⛤ Nina ⛤ Aisling ⛤ Lapis ⛤ Pixie ⛤ Erin ⛤ Maddox ⛤ Lexie ⛤ Madeline ⛤ Ayesha
It/Its/Itself Ey/Em/Emself Dead/Deads/Deadself Cata/Catatonic/Catatonics/Catatonicself Quiet/Quiets/Quietself Black/Black/Blackself Red/Reds/Redself Ev/Evs/Evself Ghost/Ghosts/Ghostself Cat/Cats/Catself 2000/2000s/2000self Rawr/Rawrs/Rawrself Nya/Nyan/Nyans/Nyanself XD/XDs/XDself Mew/Mews/Mewself Pixel/Pixels/Pixelself ?!/!?/?!self 6/666/666self Cry/Crys/Cries/Cryself Emo/Emos/Emoself .exe/.exes/.exeself .net/.nets/netself .txt/.txts/.txtself Bone/Bones/Boneself 3rr0r/3rr0rs/3rr0rself Si/Silent/Silents/Silentself 🖤/🖤s/🖤self 🐈‍⬛/🐈‍⬛s/🐈‍⬛self 🕸/🕸s/🕸self Video/Game/Videos/Games/Videoself/Gameself 3ds/3ds/3dself Stick/Stickers/Stickerself Spi/Spider/Spiders/Spiderself Vamp/Vamps/Vampself
Emogender ⛤ Vampiregender ⛤ Emocatgender ⛤ XDgender ⛤ Neoncoric ⛤ Neongender ⛤ Nyanmemegender ⛤ Cringecoric ⛤ Weirdkidgender ⛤ Awkwardcoric/Funkygender ⛤ Edgycoric ⛤ Emocoric ⛤ Corpsegender ⛤ Blackcatgender ⛤ Blackgender ⛤ Redgender ⛤ 2000sgender ⛤ MCRgender
Me And The Devil ⛤ (Band) My Beloved ⛤ Dinosrawr XD ⛤ Cringe The Emo ⛤ (Un)Dead Being ⛤ (Name) The (Color) ⛤ The Blackest Cat ⛤ I'm Not Okay ⛤ (Name).exe / (Name).net / (Name).txt ⛤ (Name) Is A Vampire
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heartfullofleeches · 1 year
Yandere Grim Reaper [He/They] + Cursed Reader [G.N] Blurb
Summary: A Reaper mourns the lost of their beloved and pays them a visit
Warning: Character Death (sorta)
A matchstick strikes against the wall of a gravestone-
Kindling a candle burrowed in the grey sand devouring the stone. Bold letters engrave the same name nine time over on different slabs; the dates below just a year apart. The same headline marks each grave, luminated by ice blue as the remaining wicks are ignited.
Fighter. Friend. Lover.
No matter the age, the last word is always crooked. Disturbing the dead is the one sin in their heart. The hands that write can never make it truth through words alone. They promised their beloved they would no longer cry for them, but the flood of emotion drags the once heartless being underneath; their striking blue tears the only ounce of color in the monochromatic land.
Time does not move for them. It hides within glass and leaps from period to period, no comfort to be found in between. The reaper clasps their hands in prayer, offering its meaningless script in thanks to the cruel hands of fate for allowing their love to walk the earth another year. Their laughs remake them. Their tears destroy. Its a cycle they'd never tire of- till that dream came home.
"They're dead."
The sand figurines by the reaper's knees crumple into ash.
"Will you do your job this time?"
"They have one life left."
The stagnant air grows denser. "They should not have had more than one to begin with. The hand they were dealt is unfair, but the same goes for all mortals. Your foolishness and naivety are your only shields else you would be erased by now."
The reaper continues their prayer. The graves rattle in their plots, falling still when no reaction is given.
"Fine. Go to your mortal. It is clear you plan to make them one of us so balance with be restored once they perish for good."
Once again the reaper is left alone. They're always alone. Alone, alone, alone - but not for long.
Your right leg hangs out the window as you perch upon its sill. The height from here would kill you if you landed properly, but you've already had your death for the year and the morgue was so stuffy. Good thing you died in a pair of presentable pajamas, shame about your gloves though. Your body was in peak condition, so explaining the see through fingers would be pretty hard.
The lights flicker. An indigo glow rolls from the smoke cloud billowing from the empty cabinet in your little corner of the wall. Your heart rams against your ribcage as the smog blackens from the shadows and maneuver up an invisible frame to form robes wrapped around a skeletal body. Fear is the least possible aggressor for your increased heartbeat; the organ fluctuating along with the pulsing blue orb in the being's exposed ribcage. It steadies as the reaper joins your side, and takes your hand.
You collect yourself, clutching your shirt as you squeeze their hand for support. "Hey, Mad. Still get excited when you see me?"
"I'm sorry..."
"It's alright. It's the one thing I've gotten used to over the years, minus the mini heart attack."
Maddox picks their eyes off the floor and looks at your hands. Every digit is transparent except for your index finger. The first one to touch them when they first came to you.
"Did it... hurt?"
You shake your head. "No... It was a fire this time. They managed to put it out before it got to my door, but the smoke already reached me. I died in my sleep."
Maddox looks back to the ground. You stand up and onto your toes to make them face you.
"It's alright. Better than getting hit by a bus or falling down some stairs. I have the worse luck don't I?"
Luck is one way to put it. For crimes against humanity your ancestors were punished thousands of years after their own deaths. Every second child in your family was cursed to die on the birthday when life truly began for them. This decade was your turn, and your time came nearly ten years ago. You would've died that day, had the only one who ever cried for you not come to aid.
"I had a great birthday though. Cake, and I even made it twelve hours before I died. I wouldn't have made it nearly as long if it weren't for you. This is the last year, right? Once I die again, you'll take your heart back - and I come with you?"
For once, Maddox is thankful for their lack of facial features. "Yes."
"Hm. That sucks- but since I've taken good care of your heart, I know that whatever I'll be in good hands. Can you stay with me? At least for breakfast? I'm starving."
Maddox nods, hood masking his face. It still smells like ash, but it works well to hide their leaking eyes; shame dripping down their bones for the sins they have committed. The lives they've taken when they could've enjoyed the time you had, just to get you home sooner.
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acidbathcat · 2 years
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or instance, Lori Maddox, or the ‘baby groupie,’ had brief relationships with Jimmy Page and David Bowie. In 2015, she revealed that she lost her virginity to David Bowie. Later on, in the book ‘Led Zeppelin: The Biography,’ Maddox stated she had a relationship with Page when she was 14, and the guitarist liked young girls.
On the other hand, Aerosmith’s Steven Tyler adopted Julia Holcomb when she was 16. He then became Holcomb’s legal guardian but continued his affair with her. At some point, Tyler even got Holcomb pregnant, and he forced her to have an abortion as he wasn’t interested in a long-term relationship.
In her Instagram post, Courtney Love talked about the documentary ‘Look Away,’ which is about the groupies used and abused by famous rock stars.
I was around and a victim, and I can attest that every word of this is true. Lori Maddox lost her virginity at age 11. She doesn’t say to whom; he’s beloved, so google it. I knew another girl that Steven Tyler also adopted as his ward from her mom at 13. She did not make it and overdosed on smack. She worked the 7th veil with me.
“Go watch ‘Look Away’ now. I can’t help past Jackie Fuchs and all the abused, raped victims, how glamorous Lori/ Miss Pamela, the Runaways, and Kari were being sold to me. I was writing Kim Fowley letters to ‘make our my phony band demo tapes’ in 4th grade. I thought the above images were so glamorous. If having to give out sex at 12 was the price for rock & roll? Fine. I’d do it. I did do it.
Moreover, in the documentary, a woman named Sheila Kennedy talked about her experience with Axl Rose. In the late 1980s, Kennedy was known as a Penthouse’s ‘Pet Of The Year.’ According to her, Axl Rose physically and sexually abused her by grabbing her hair and dragging her before the intercourse.
(link to her instagram post in the article)
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ailendolin · 5 months
Happy 800!
Ho-Tan, Vex/Ho-Tan; Touch, Candle
Thank you so much! I hope you enjoy your prompt fic (and that you don't mind that I included the Youngers so prominently)! I had a lot of fun writing it and finding ways for our beloved Yonderland residents to confuse some Christmas traditions from Debbie's world ;)
Explanations for the Youngers' names can be found in this post.
List of prompts is here. Filled prompts are here, here, here, here and here on AO3.
Prompts are closed.
The Surprise [AO3]
Ho-Tan knew it was no secret that Debbie’s world fascinated her. She had, after all, written the best-selling tome Birmingham and Beyond – Customs and Traditions from the Chosen One’s World. Debbie had been kind enough to allow her to visit several times so she could conduct her research there which, Ho-Tan was proud to say, had actually included a trip to the local library. She could have spent hours there, lost among the books – and gladly would have if Debbie hadn’t reminded her that time flowed differently in Yonderland and she’d be gone for days if they didn’t leave as planned. The thought of her Youngers and Vex worrying themselves sick about her had ultimately been enough to convince Ho-Tan to pack up her notes and hurry on home.
Vex had laughed when she told him all about it, and with a very sweet kiss to the tip of her nose said, “You can stay in Deb-beh’s world as long as you like, love. We know how much your research means to you.”
“But not as much as you and the children,” she’d whispered before she’d pulled him and the Youngers close.
It had taken her months to turn her endless pages of notes into anything even remotely resembling organised chapters, and even longer to edit it all properly. But after almost a year of hard work, her book had finally been ready for publishing, and to her complete and utter surprise, it became an instant hit. Even though Debbie was no longer going on quests as the Chosen One, the people of Yonderland still considered her their saviour and seemed to be rather curious about her life and the world Nestor of Maddox had entrusted her to when she was but a baby, causing her book’s first edition to sell out within a week.
The Elders weren’t quite so enthusiastic when she gave them their own copy.
“Why are there no pictures in it?” Pressley wondered aloud as he leafed through the 300 pages with a frown on his face.
“There’s a map of Debbie’s world right at the back?” Ho-Tan offered helpfully.
The smile Pressley gave her looked a little forced.
Vex didn’t even pretend he would read it. “Sorry, love, but you know the words become confusing after a while and make my head ache.”
“I still want you to have it,” Ho-Tan smiled, not surprised and certainly not angry. How could she be when Vex put it so carefully on his shelf and she knew he would treasure it for the simple reason that she had given it to him?
She hadn’t planned on giving the Youngers a copy, figuring they would be even less interested in what was, essentially, academic research than their parents were. But then she saw young Sepal reading his father’s copy one day and realised how foolish that thought had been. The Youngers had always embraced things from Debbie’s world, be it her Krismas carols or the annual Easter Egg Hunt. She should have known they would embrace this too and be eager to learn more.
So that evening, instead of a bedtime story, Ho-Tan read to them a chapter from her book. They listened with wide eyes as she talked about the geography of Debbie’s world – “Great Britain is the centre, see?” – and wasn’t surprised when the other Elders joined them the next evening for the second chapter. Just like that it became a family thing, and Ho-Tan wished she could put into words how happy it made her to have everyone she loved together for an hour every night. Their lives were so busy these days what with having to restore order to the other realms – a process that would take years, she feared – that moments like this had become incredibly rare in the last few months. It didn’t help that the Youngers were slowly but surely growing up as well. She knew it was only a matter of time until one of them would declare himself too old for bedtime stories, and Ho-Tan dreaded the moment that day came with all her heart.
“You worry too much,” Vex told her one night, two weeks into their new routine. As gentle as the flutter of butterfly wings, he took the brush out of her hands and began to untangle her hair for her. “It doesn’t matter how old they get. They will never stop needing you, love.”
Ho-Tan met his eyes in the mirror. “I stopped needing my parents. So did you.”
Vex paused his gentle touches to give her hand a squeeze. “That was different.”
“I know but–“
“No, Alfie,” he said. “Our children are growing up more loved than we ever were. They will always be glad to come home to us. I promise.”
He kissed her then, softly, and it was only when he saw a smile pulling at her lips once more that he went back to brushing her hair.
Ho-Tan knew he was right but a part of her still couldn’t help feeling just a little sad at the thought of her sons growing up and possibly going their own ways soon. Neither of them had yet expressed the wish to take on the role of an Elder one day, and just the idea of Alvin travelling the Seven-and-a-half Seas on his own and Irk collecting plants in some jungle far beyond her reach made her want to hoard every laugh and hug like a dragon hoarded its gold. She had always known they would not stay little forever; she’d just thought she’d have a little more time before they grew up she’d have to let them go.
Over the next few weeks, Ho-Tan tried her best not to show how melancholic that thought made her. If the Youngers noticed that she hugged them a little tighter than usual or lingered at their door after she’d kissed them goodnight, they didn’t show it. She was pretty sure Vex had noticed but he didn’t say anything either. He simply held her a little closer at night, his way of silently reassuring her that he was there and that everything would be okay.
It didn’t even cross her mind that he and the Youngers could be planning something to cheer her up until she woke up to soft kisses behind her ear on a Sunday morning four weeks before Thanktival. A glance towards the window told her it was still early – so early the sun was not even up yet and Vex would normally still be fast asleep. Amused and just a little curious, Ho-Tan turned around in his arms and greeted him with a proper good morning kiss. “You’re up early.”
Vex made one of those noises she found incredibly endearing before he said, rather mysteriously, “Well, today is a special day.”
Ho-Tan frowned, trying to figure out what he meant. She was quite sure it wasn’t one of their important days – she’d never forgotten one of those. But what else could it be?
Seeing her confusion, Vex laughed and pressed another kiss to her lips. “Come on, let’s get you up and out of bed, old girl.”
Ho-Tan let him pull her to her feet, still wondering what he was up to. After they got dressed, Vex helped her with her hair – an intimate way of spending time together she’d always loved but rarely allowed herself to indulge in these days. His touch was gentle, ever loving, and she closed her eyes in contentment as his deft fingers skilfully created the braids she had worn all her adult life.
“There, all done,” Vex whispered softly into her ear.
Ho-Tan opened her eyes and, seeing the butterfly hair clip in her hair, smiled up at him. “Thank you.”
Smiling back at her, he took her hand and led her out of the room towards the kitchen. Usually, the kitchen was still dark and empty when Ho-Tan got up in the morning to get breakfast ready. Today, candlelight was spilling out into the hallway in flickering, golden hues when they rounded the corner. Confused and just a little suspicious, she turned to Vex. “What’s going on?”
He merely continued smiling and squeezed her hand. “You’ll see in a moment.”
When the sounds of excited whispers – the Youngers, if Ho-Tan wasn’t mistaken – echoed through the hallway, Vex not so subtly stomped his foot to alert them of their presence. The whispers stopped at once and Ho-Tan bit her lip so she wouldn’t laugh. It was clear Vex and the Youngers had planned something for her – a surprise breakfast, perhaps? – and the last thing she wanted was to ruin the fun.
“Ready?” Vex asked when they were almost at the door. Ho-Tan nodded and let him guide her into the kitchen.
“Happy Advent!” the Elders and Youngers cheered in unison when she walked through the door. They were all there, waving at her with bright grins on their faces or pointing excitedly at what could only be an advent wreath sitting on the middle of the table. Ho-Tan’s vision blurred as she took it all in. It was only a few weeks ago that she’d read them the Krismas chapter from her book. At the time, she hadn’t thought anything about the curious questions the Youngers had asked her about it the next day but now, looking at the beautifully decorated wreath, it all suddenly made sense.
“Did you make this yourselves?” she breathed in awe.
The Youngers nodded.
“Everyone made their own candle. Look Mum, this one’s mine!” Irk said and pointed excitedly at a green candle that had different kinds of leaves all over it. Leaning forward to get a closer look, Ho-Tan felt her heart warm with more love than it could possibly contain when she saw the personalities of her friends and children reflected in all the candles on the wreath, be it in the quill and inkpot on Sepal’s or the pub sign on Pressley’s.
“They look beautiful,” she whispered.
Irk grinned and wrapped his arms around her waist in a hug. “We have one candle for you too!”
Alvin stepped forward and held a plain, dark blue candle out to her. Ho-Tan turned it over in her hands, wondering how she could personalise it, when Vex gently tapped her on the shoulder and held up a golden scroll and apple blossom made of wax. “I hope you don’t mind but I made these for you.”
It was only then that she noticed his own candle, burning brightly in the back of the wreath with a blue butterfly attached to its side next to a glass of sherry. The butterfly looked just like the one he had put in her hair only moments ago.
With shaking hands, Ho-Tan took the scroll and blossom from him. When she struggled to attach them to her candle, overwhelmed as she was, Alvin and Irk stepped in to help. “You’ve got it, Mum.”
She smiled at them through her tears and, together with them, finished the candle and placed it in the empty spot next to Vex’s.
“Light it, Uncle Choop!” Alvin said. Choop grumbled about being ordered around by a child but pulled out a box of matches anyway. A moment later, Ho-Tan’s candle flared to life and added its own glow to the warm light illuminating the kitchen.
“Perfect,” Irk breathed.
It really is, Ho-Tan thought as she looked at the twelve candles burning merrily on the wreath, symbolising not only every one of them but also the twelve realms and, of course, the Twelve Days of Krismas. Ho-Tan wasn’t quite sure if Debbie’s tradition demanded they be lit all at one – Debbie wasn’t quite clear on that – but it really didn’t matter. What did was that her family had made this for her, just because they knew she needed some cheering up and loved the traditions from Debbie’s world. It wasn’t even Thanktival yet, and yet she couldn’t imagine getting a better present this year.
As the others began to pull out plates and mugs from the cupboards to set the table for breakfast, she quietly turned to Vex. “Did you organise all this?”
“Maybe.” He winked at her before he reached out to cup her face. “You know I can’t bear seeing you sad, Alfie.”
Ho-Tan leaned into his touch and smiled when his thumb brushed a stray tear away. “Thank you.”
Vex looked like he wanted to say more but then Irk and Alvin began tugging at her hands, wanting her to move. Laughing through her tears, Ho-Tan let them pull her to her chair.
“We have another surprise for you, Mum,” Alvin said, his eyes gleaming with excitement. “Mr Bojangles helped with this one.”
That was all the explanation she got before he and the other Youngers started singing The Twelve Days of Krismas for her. Delighted, Ho-Tan looked at Vex and found him already smiling back at her, a serene look on his face. He reached for her hand and briefly brought it to his lips to place a kiss upon her knuckles before he gave the Youngers his full attention. Smiling softly to herself, Ho-Tan turned to look at the Youngers too, and as she sat there in the warm glow of the candles, surrounded by the people she loved most in all the realms, she knew she didn’t need to worry about the future. Whatever changes it would bring, her family would always be with her and find a way to make her smile.
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