#//meta af but still kicking around the idea bc its too similar to aerith
ofmoonlily · 7 months
//eeeee rebirth is giving me good ideas for what I can make Yunie into. Nothing is changing. My initial idea was to put her duty from X into VII (which I usually do in all of my verses to keep her relevant to where she came from from in ffx) in order to help the planet via sacrificial lamb style. But idk if anyone would be interested in that.
She will very much be “half ancient” on her father’s side. He was the second to last person to know all the stories and secrets about his people which he hammered into Yuna before he was killed trying to save her. (Hojo looking for specimens to experiment on; the whole spiel.)
Hojo declared Yuna worthless to his subjections because her planet spirit guardian, Kimahri, kept interfering with his work when she was young. And since he obtained a “better” specimen, Aerith and Ifalna, he “let them go”, which was a ploy to subject them to one last experiment: a mutated SOLDIER and infantrymen to chase them down and kill them. Yknow for funsies.
Yuna and Braska were useless to him now, so why did it matter if they lived or died?
Sooo filler filler, Braska is killed keeping Yuna alive, smearing her pink palid cheeks in his blood to fake her death before he eventually returns to the planet.
Weeks go by. An older retired SOLDIER named Jecht stumbles upon a malnourished young girl clinging to a decomposing body for warmth. He takes her in, clothes and feeds her. She grows into a fine young woman, but her duty is calling to her… the planet is calling for her…
(She is more in-tune with her abilities, so she can still converse with, well, dead people, and the planet itself by simple concentration.)
One day Yuna leaves home leaving a note and implores Sir Jecht not to look for her. Unbeknownst to him, she is on a mission to protect the planet by way of giving up her physical form to unleash a hellish fury upon ShinRa’s mako syphoning reactors. It’s the only way she thinks she can save what was left of humanity.
So. She travels around as disguised as a healer and fiend exterminator (mixed with an unusual ability to conjure powerful aeons without the use of summoning materia.)
Hojo catches wind of this, and comes to the conclusion little Yuna didnt die that fateful day. Instead, he watches her. Oh how she has grown! And awakened a new ability, it seemed! Perhaps one bestowed to her by the planet itself? Ah! she is not so worthless afterall!
For now. He sends “eyes” to monitor her movements while running some “tests” in the background.
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