#//ngl i kind of regretted the top at first but this pattern kind of saves it actually
mechahero · 6 months
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just-a-creep-babe · 3 years
Commissioned by @folliaght tysm babe 🥰❤️
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Masterlist: x
I match you with: Jane the Killer
With how madly in love Jeff was with you, there was no way in hell you would’ve been able to get away without some kind of outside help
Jane, knowing and loathing Jeff after being one of his many (many) victims, knew what it would take to save you
She was able to free you & give you a safe place to lay low for a while, which is actually how your relationship began c:
After spending time with you every day, she started seeing why he was so enamored with you
But, of course, knowing what you’d just been through, she was reluctant to make any moves
Homegirl wanted to give you all the time you needed to heal, after all
So she kept her distance—pretending to ignore the way your smile made her heart flutter & the way your lips always seemed to draw her attention
Without realizing, she ended up overdoing it
She wanted to spare you both from her developing feelings, but in her attempts, she ended up being way too cold & aloof
It’s only when you confronted her about avoiding you all the time that she finally came clean :”)
She made sure you didn’t feel any pressure at all to be with her + made it abundantly clear that she just needed to get this confession off her chest
She‘s, admittedly, surprised and absolutely elated when you tell her you’re ready for a new relationship
She’ll take things at a ~snail’s pace~ from the very beginning to make sure you’re comfortable with everything
She’ll also make sure she knows all about your boundaries so she doesn’t accidentally cross any of them :”)
Highkey drinks her respect women juice every 👏single 👏day 👏so you can bet your tush she’ll give you all the space you need when ya need it
She’s a great listener too—always super attentive + great at empathizing & validating your feelings <3
She’ll do her best to fulfill your needs to make up for all of the bad relationships you’ve had to deal with in the past
*Cough* Jeff *cough*
She just thinks you deserve way better than what you’ve been given & wants to make it up somehow, y’know? 🥰🥰
She fucking adores how soft & sweet you look in the clothes you wear
Loves the mix of delicate and feminine with that classic, natural tone to it ☺️👌
You just have such a cute style—every time she sees you she has to resist smothering your face in lovely little kissies uwu
She admires how, after everything you’ve been through, you’re still not afraid of being yourself & experiencing vulnerability/emotional depth
While she typically listens to rock & heavier types of music, she’ll try to get into classical music for you—and whenever she’s too worked up or stressed & you’re not there to calm her down, she’ll put on a track that reminds her of you & it’ll immediately soothe her
You’re just so lovely, she loves you to bits 🥺✨
Loves lazy days where she’ll prepare some tea or hot chocolate and snuggle up w/ you on the couch under a big warm blanket while you play animal crossing
Because of how attentive she is, one way or another, whether you tell her or she finds out on her own, she’ll learn about your past with your eating disorder
She trusts that you’re much healthier now & can look after yourself, but she’ll still watch out if you start showing signs that you might be re-experiencing some symptoms
And she loves cooking healthy food with/for you so she can make sure you’re nice & full of them good nutrients ^^
She’s a pretty decent cook, but she does mess up sometimes, so she’ll either come to you for help, or y’all will just order takeout while watching some old-timey cartoons :3
It’s actually a Sunday tradition for y’all to wake up & enjoy breakfast while watching cartoons ^^
It’s a super comforting ritual; the stress of the week just melts away & you can both enjoy each other’s presence in peace <3
And after that, she’ll take you downtown to scour second hand shops & y’all will spend the day window-shopping/exploring out & about :>
If anyone dares to make misogynistic comments or try to flirt with you while you’re together, she will end them
Not in your presence though, ofc
No, while in front of you, she’ll just as easily shut them down & humiliate them so bad they’ll immediately regret it
Homegirl’s got some claws and she’s not afraid to show them, especially when your comfort is at stake
She wants you to be as happy & carefree as possible; even if she knows you can handle yourself & are mostly unfazed by what other people think, there’s no way in hell she’s gonna let others try to bring you down
She’s sUPER protective of you tbh
Although she can’t always hang around & watch anime w/ ya sometimes because of how busy she is, she‘ll always make time in her schedule to participate in some of the hobbies you enjoy ^^
She gets way too frustrated trying to sew and it’s actually kind of cute & funny when she tries lmfaoo, but like I mentioned, she enjoys cooking/baking & she also really likes drawing
Seriously, she loves art & is pretty skilled at it too!
She makes for quite the teacher ;)
And even though she’s got a personal vendetta against sewing, she’ll still encourage you by looking up cool patterns & designs for clothing inspiration to try out
Wants 👏to 👏see 👏you 👏flourish 👏
She’s sO damn proud of the progress you’ve made to get to the point where you are now
She knows things haven’t always been easy, which is why she’s always there for you & gives you as much time & attention as you need
She also does everything in her power to keep Jeff from finding you again
And if it ever came down to it, she’d fight tooth & nail to make sure you safely got away from him
Y’all honestly have bonded over similar traumas & bad experiences
She also hasn’t had it easy, so she understands what you’ve been through & can empathize really well to your experiences
Appreciates & admires your strength, bravery, confidence & optimism so damn much, you have no idea :”)
Overall? Best gf 🥺💞💗💖
As I’ve mentioned, Jane takes things as s-l-o-w-l-y as need be to make sure you’re feeling alright before going any further
Sex is definitely not at the top of her list of priorities
She values your comfort & safety above all
So it actually takes a decent while until y’all get together in bed, especially if you don’t typically initiate things
And she’s extra careful, extra caring & extra attentive to your needs all throughout
Reassures you ~multiple~ times that you don’t need to go all the way & can stop anytime you want
She takes care of all your needs before even considering her own
Seriously just wants to make it the best experience she can for you <3
When she finds out it’s your first time with a woman, she can’t help but get some devious ideas for the future 😈
Wants to show you how much better than men women are at pleasuring ladies~
Ngl, she can get a little cocky about her skills in the bedroom, but it’s a well-earned attitude 👀
The more y’all sleep together, the less afraid/reluctant she’ll be & the more confident she’ll grow with the way she touches you
And if you wanna experiment with anything? She’ll gladly take suggestions uwu
You might have to do a bit of convincing before trying anything too rough though, because she doesn’t wanna hurt you
But, ya know, she also wants you to be satisfied with your sex life, so she likely won’t flat-out say no to anything
There will be safe words however
Also if you ever wanna do penetration, she’s killer with a strap-on, just sayin 👀💦💦
Highkey leans towards being dominant cause she likes the control
And also,, being too vulnerable isn’t her fave, y’know?
She would totes make an exception for you if ya wanted to be on top, but she knows you’re pretty submissive, so it works out perfectly 😘
She loves how cute you look all panting & flustered beneath her~
She gets a lot of pleasure and satisfaction from making you feel good, so you definitely won’t find her complaining if you’re a bit of a pillow princess 😉
Her aftercare btw? Bomb af ☺️☺️
Like,, because she knows you’ve had bad experiences with past partners, she’ll put sO much effort into assuring your happiness & comfort at the end of everything
So she’ll bring you a glass of water, offer plenty of cuddles & praises—hell, homegirl will give you a back AND foot rub if you ask for it
Just wants her princess to be happy <3
Loves you w all her blackened heart 😘
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