#//note she has one blue and one green eye unlike the fc
writermuses · 2 years
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ultimavolatusrpg · 5 years
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21 years old, 91st Hunger Games, FC: Dakota Fanning
Wallflower, Ambitious, Fractured, Easily-Influenced, Detached
tw: extreme violence, abuse, death, mentions of prostitution
A complicated system of underground sewers and subways and tunnels, Margot’s arena was entirely underground. The Cornucopia was in the middle of the complex web, a large atrium where the tunnels emptied mysterious green sludge and the monstrosities they called mutts: oversized rats with poison bites, electronic flies that sucked blood. As a Career, Margot was mostly spared from crawling through the narrowest of the tunnels, opting to stay close to the Cornucopia until it was necessary to begin “hunting.” The lack of hiding places made for a relatively short games, leading to a week and a half of chases through the tunnels after an errant noise was heard echoing down the narrow passageways. 
Margot Novak entered into the arena with her boyfriend, Carian Vox,  though the two of them decided against playing up the “star-crossed-lovers” angle and only revealed an emotional connection to each other once in the arena itself. While in the arena, Margot gained her reputation for being strange in a slightly off-putting way: many watchers commented that the detached and calm way she watched the arena was one of the more memorable parts of the games. 
And what she watched? Her boyfriend going completely and totally savage.  Inspired by the crownless games that happened when they were too young to remember it, Carion wanted to show what the natural conclusion of the Career’s was: unprecedented blood and gore. 
Long before the 91st arena, he roped in Margot, whose ambitions had turned from winning the games to doing whatever Carian wanted. She would drop anything, do anything, spend any money, be any person if she knew it would make Carian smile. So, when he was sixteen and he was eighteen, they volunteered in tandem. Prior to the games, they seemed run-of-the-mill Career tributes, intense and tough but ultimately forgettable, forgettable, forgettable. Until. The bloodbath wasn’t overly fatal, ten deaths in total, but what Carian did before the Capitol could bring up their bodies was unspeakable. He went savage. Think tearing flesh, think cracking bones. Blood gets in your mouth. 
The Capitol liked their blood sports, but they considered themselves civilized: subjecting the entire country to unnecessary mutilation did not go over well with the gamemakers. The Career pack broke up and Margot and Carian received no more support from sponsors, which was a delight to Carian, since this meant it was working: he was disturbing the country. Maybe next they would t h i n k.
Margot had a total of five kills in the games, nothing to scoff at, but she kept the theatrics to Carian. She would be a silent, detached watcher as he shocked the country. Blue eyes looking but not watching. Sometimes, the blood would splatter, stain her pale smooth skin. 
Of course, they killed him. They had to kill him. They weren’t going to have a psychopath for a victor. But he had Margot looking out for him, Margot as his good luck charm, he said. She pulled him out of the way of falling pipes, killed mutts that seemed to lust after his blood and only his blood. But the gamemakers decide what becomes of the games, and luck doesn’t last forever. It ended with her, Carian, and a pair of allies from the outer districts. They were going to let them win. She and Carian didn’t want to win, that wasn’t the point. They had made their point. They were going to let them win. But they killed Carian first, and the girl laughed when she did it. She was so relieved, she killed him with a smile on her face, and something inside Margot S N A P P E D.
The plan was to not fight either of them, the plan was to stand defiant and proud, but instead Margot tackled the girl bodily and slit her throat quickly, kicking her aside and then going for the boy, even while her mind told her to stop, to let him live. She didn’t do that. A  knife through the boy’s eye, throat and chest, fifteen, twenty, thirty times. It was to be the icon of his games, Margot not stopping when the cannon went off, or when they started playing the song, or when the Gamemaker’s voice sounded over the empty arena. Margot Novak didn’t stop fighting. 
Until she did. 
It’s been five years since Margot Novak was lifted into the sky as she scraped at the empty air, desperate to stay on the ground. 
It’s been five years since Margot Novak had a clear purpose, a destiny. 
It’s been a long five years. 
Margot’s father, Abraham, had a simple enough job. He was a Peacekeeper, had always been a Peacekeeper, and was very good at his job. He rose through the ranks, and pretty soon his reputation precedes him.  That reputation, among those who knew him, was not unlike a hammer. When a district stepped out of line–low productivity rates, ripplings of uprising, low morale–he would take over as the head Peacekeeper for a short stint, remind the citizens of the district how good they had it. Cue the public whippings, the crackdowns on black markets, complete lockdown of the district. He was known for his cruelty. His youngest daughter Margot didn’t view him as cruel, though. More of a challenge. As with everything else he was and did in life, Margot’s father was withholding, strict, uncompassionate, and unclear about expectations or instructions. That had just pushed her to impress him. A warmer man wouldn’t have asked anything of her. Abraham asked the world, and Margot was determined to meet it with the sort of intensity found only in little girls. Small and wispy stature be damned, Margot threw herself into the rigorous training of the career academy, not letting anything distract her from her ultimate goal, no,d e s t i n y , of joining District Two’s storied victors. 
Well, almost anything. 
Carian Vox was two years her senior, with dark curls framing his face and cow eyes so sweet and sincere that had the unfortunate habit of making Margot feel like she was melting. It wasn’t the eyes she fell in love with, though. It was the head behind them. Carian Vox was one of the top recruits at the Academy, but he didn’t idolize the old Victors like everybody else. He didn’t want to bring glory to his District, or win riches for himself. He wanted to make a point. His heroes were secret, a hidden sign he held in his heart, the three-note song of the Mockingjay. Despite the overwhelming pressure building up around the country that sometimes seemed centered in Two, Carian believed in Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark. He was revolutionary-minded, smart and ambitious, with a big heart that yearned for justice, for freedom. 
He was also a bit  insane.  
(Poor Margot, she doesn’t even realize that now.)
Margot fell in love with his philosophies, his ideas, his dreams. She tied her’s to his. Carian’s dream was this: The Crownless Games showed Panem the cruelty of what happened to the tributes from the Outer Districts, who never even have a chance at anything: not love, not hope, not life. It took the Capitol’s methods to their natural conclusion. And that he did, dying in the arena for his display for gruesomeness. Margot had planned on dying with him, that was the plan that didn’t happen, and Margot found herself a Victor, alive when she hadn’t exactly meant to be.
It seems that Margot left her fight in the arena, at least where the Capitol’s concerned. Immediately following the games, she was questioned by the Gamemakers on what, exactly, was the point of all the violence: had she and Carian simply gone mad? Were the bloodthirsty monsters created by the training academies, or was there something else? Whatever the cause, they made it clear in no uncertain terms that any subversion of the Capitol’s will would not end well for her.
 Margot’s not an idiot, and she hasn’t gone insane, despite what some reports may claim. She’s weighed her options. She’s realized how good she has it. Carian talked of rampant poverty, of murdered children, of corruption, but none of that applied to Margot, not anymore. She lived in a big, beautiful house in the Capitol. She was waited on by avoxes, she never had to worry about money, about work, about anything. Sure, sometimes she had to “entertain” the occasional visitor, but that’s a small and managable torture. A revolution would be worse, and wouldn’t work–God knows Carian’s didn’t. It didn’t change anything at all. She’s chalked up that belief to the blind optimism of youth–her love for Carian was real, the only real thing she’s ever felt, but the dream is dead.
And with Carian dead, she feels like half of her soul has been ripped out at the seams, and she’s unmoored, unsure of her place in this strange new world where she is alive and he is not. She feels amputated and hemophilic, a wound that won’t stop bleeding, will never heal. 
And the Capitol has taken advantage of her passivity. They’ve turned her into a tool, a small weapon of war. After the arena, Margot just wanted to be protected, wanted to continue unbothered by change, after the first sixteen years of her life had been marked by it. They offered her protection, for a price: among the other activities expected of Victors, she has also become something of a little bird for the Capitol: nothing serious, nothing dangerous. But she’s surrounded by Victors, she’s one of them. They trust her, as much as any Victor can trust. So, when something seems off–a rogue comment or complaint, strange behavior–she lets the Capitol know. 
Maybe it made a traitor to her people. A coward. But it also made her safe.
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starscattered-blog1 · 6 years
;random ocs
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Full Name: Hanson Bernard Schuyler
Nickname(s): Hannie, Wolfy, Shortie
Title: None.
Age: 25
Birthdate: May 24th
Species: Werewolf.
Ethnicity: American & Japanese.
Gender: male (DFAB)
Preferred Pronoun(s): he/him/his
Sexual Orientation: pansexual & panromantic
Religion: agnostic theist
Occupation: none, searching
Status: alive
Fandom: n/a
Face Claim: Hibiki Kuze from Devil Survivor 2
Parents:  Yasuo Kuge (father, alive), and Hilda Schuyler (mother, dead)
Siblings: Lucas Schuyler (older brother, dead), Rebecca Schuyler (older sister, alive)
Family: some aunts and uncles that he isn’t too close with
Significant Other(s): none
Children: none
Closest Friends: none (yet)
Rivals: none
Enemies: none
Physical Traits
Eye Color(s): Blue
Hair Color(s): Black
Height: 4′10
Weight: 140 lbs
Body Build: slender, petite
Notable Physical Traits: His blue eyes.
Phobias and Diseases
Phobia(s): unknown
Mental Disorder(s): depression, generalized anxiety disorder, rejection sensitive dysphoria, borderline personality disorder
Physical Disorder(s): none
When was this diagnosed?: undiagnosed
Usual Mood/Expression: content
Moral Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Five Prominent Traits: empathetic, kind, extroverted, excitable, impatient
Compassion: 8/10
Empathy:  9/10
Creativity:  10/10
Mental Flexibility: 5/10
Passion/Motivation: 9/10
Education: 8/10
Stamina: 9/10
Physical Strength: 7/10
Battle Skill: 5/10
Initiative: 6/10
Restraint: 6/10
Agility: 8/10
Strategy: 9/10
Teamwork: 8/10
-Hanson has been dancing since he was a little boy. He knows certain types of ballroom dance, and even some street dancing.
-His mother was paralyzed from the waist down, due to a shooting incident that occurred when he was ten. A bullet struck her spine, and she’s been confined to a wheelchair. When Hanson was fourteen, however, she passed away because of an infection.
-His brother was killed in the incident. He, his sister, and his mother got away.
-His father left when he was born.
-When his mother passed, his sister cared for him until he decided to leave.
-His father’s Japanese, but he and his sister know little to no Japanese.
-He graduated high school but hasn’t enrolled in college.
-He’s learning Japanese, as well as some Latin & French.
-He has claws, but tends to wear long sleeves to cover up his arms & hands.
-His teeth are incredibly sharp.
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Name: Eunice Rothburn
Age: Actual age is unknown, physically is stuck at nineteen.
Gender: Female.
Middle/low/high class: Low class.
Occupation: None.
Status: Dead. Is a ghost.
Family: Jared and Ruth Rothburn (parents, dead), Enid Rothburn (older sister, dead)
Height: 4 ft, 10 inches.
Weight: Unknown.
Body type: Petite and slender; doesn’t have many noticeable curves. Is a 32 B cup.
Hair color/length/style: Sandy blond, to her mid back, usually always in a ponytail.
Skin: Light, light peach with freckles across her cheeks. Though has an odd faint green aura.
Eyes: Ash gray.
-Eunice is a timid person, not one for much social interaction. Around others, she gets rather flustered and panicked. This doesn’t mean that she doesn’t want friends, however. She’ll try to converse in conversation, but her stuttering does grow worse when this happens, and she gets rather light headed and dizzy.
-Whenever going out into public, she always thinks someone is murmuring something about her or staring at her. She’s terrified of being the center of attention.
-She’s very anxious and is a worrywart, always worrying about something.
-She rarely gets angry. Eunice does get upset easily, though. She’s extremely sensitive.
-She has a bleeding heart. Meaning, she can empathize with others…perhaps a bit too well. If she hears a sob story, she’ll most likely burst out into tears.
Eunice is terrified of falling in love, because she’s afraid she’ll end up letting her guard down.
Sexual Orientation: Pansexual.
Powers/abilities: She has the ability to see the future. Of course, these events are not always set in stone. Eunice cannot control her ability. When she was alive, she could also see and communicate with the dead.
-Eunice has burn marks on the back of her neck and along her wrists.
-She speaks with a stutter.
-She was born during the Middle Ages.
-When she was alive, she’d wanted to be a lady. Sadly, coming from a poor family and being a castle servant, it never happened.
-She was sentenced to hang, due to being thought of as a witch. This is how she died.
-due to being a ghost, she can phase through walls and such, as well as levitate above ground and float.
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Name: Chadwick Bartholomew Walker Nickname(s): Chad Age: 26 Date of Birth: May 11th Place of Birth: Loveland, Colorado Gender: Male Race/Species: Vampire Language(s): English (native), Latin (currently studying), French (very little)
Physical Description Height: 5′5″ Weight: 120 lbs
Body Type: Petite, slender frame, has some muscle but not much Eyes: Golden orange or sometimes maroon Skin: Olive Markings: Freckles along his back and thighs, oddly enough. Also puncture wounds on his arm. Hair: Platinum blond (dyed), naturally dark brown
Personality/Attributes Personality/Attitude: Chad is basically a jerk with a heart of gold. A bit of a joker and charmer, not to mention a flirt. Stubborn as hell, and opinionated. Unlike a lot of his frat brothers he isn’t very misogynistic and often reprimands them for being so uncaring. Because he’s in the closet, he’s… conflicted and confused. He doesn’t hate other homosexual people, but doesn’t want to interact with them either. He’s willing to overcome this though. He wants to understand. Willing to help the underdog, whoever they may be. A little cocky. A bit of a daredevil. Fears: being outed, never being able to be himself, arachnids, his sire Mental illness(es)/disorders: depression, PTSD, borderline personality disorder Sexual Preferences: Homosexual Homoromantic (closeted) Place/Type of Residence: The (vampire) fraternity house of Alpha Beta Alpha, located in midwestern California Family: Jaeren & Clarabelle Walker (parents), Sandra Walker (younger sister)
Trivia: -his fraternity just so happens to be his coven!
-he hasn’t told anyone that he’s gay.
-his sire was one of the professors from his university. However, his sire vanished a few days after turning Chad. For some reason if it’s ever brought up, Chad panics and will go completely silent.
-he drinks from animals or from people that are already dead. Gets blood by hunting animals or sneaking into the nearby morgue. Sure, the blood might be a little OLD but he thinks it’s better than murdering somebody.
-doesn’t eat; if he tries eating anything solid it immediately comes right back up.
-can drink other liquids though.
-he drinks alcohol and sometimes mixes it with blood. Ends up getting wasted.
-really likes carnival rides.
-wants to make friends. Please… he’s not a total dick, he really isn’t.
FC is Subaru from Star Like Worlds. SECONDARY FC is Miyasaka from Kimi Note.
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Name: Koda Ambrose Onassis
Age: Twenty-three Date of Birth: Unknown Gender: Male Race/Species: Demigod Language(s): English, Greek, Japanese
Physical Description Height: 5′2″ Weight: 120 lbs
Body Type: slender and petite Eyes: Punch pink Skin: Rose pink Hair: Bubblegum pink
Aesthetic: pastel goth 
Occupation: Spooky High Student
Personality/Attributes Personality/Attitude: Koda has a kind heart, but is closed off. Skeptical and wary of strangers. Flirty, but only around those he actually likes or finds attractive. Fears: being alone, death Mental illness(es)/disorders: borderline personality disorder, PTSD, depression, anxiety Sexual Preferences: Pansexual panromantic Place/Type of Residence:  Family: Ambrose Onassis (father), Aphrodite (mother)
His FC is Kazuki Heiji.
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Name: Artemis Vaso Nickname(s): Art, Arty, Birdy, Shorty, Drama Queen Age: 23 Date of Birth: August 19th Place of Birth: Unknown Gender: Male (he/him OR they/them pronouns) Race/Species: Avian/human hybrid Language(s): English, Greek (fluent)
Occupation: Student, theatre nerd
Physical Description Height: 5′1″ Weight: 110 lbs
Body Type: Endomorph, lean Eyes: An odd honey shade Hair: Black (with a blueish hue) Skin: Pale
Personality/Attributes Personality/Attitude: Creative, passionate, generous, warm-hearted, cheerful, humorous, arrogant, stubborn, self-centered, lazy, inflexible Fears: failure, drowning, small enclosed spaces Mental illness(es)/disorders: borderline personality disorder, rejection sensitive dysphoria, depression Sexual Preferences: Pansexual panromantic Place/Type of Residence: Lives in an apartment by himself Family: Adrian & Valentina Vaso (parents, deceased), Ira Vaso (older sister, alive)
-Artemis is a pickpocket.
-enjoys cheesy 80′s movies and romance movies.
-is in love with love.
-is a thespian through and through.
-name a musical, he’s seen it.
-he is petrified of cat monsters of any kind, so… he won’t go near Valerie (the shopkeeper).
-can be a little loud.
-eats a LOT, but has a fast metabolism.
-has claws.
-his wingspan is about fifteen feet.
-wears a lot of turtlenecks and sweaters.
-but also likes showing skin.
-competitive fucker.
-FC is Fang from the Maximum Ride graphic novels.
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Name: Ani Sarre Nickname(s): An, Ani Banani, Giant Age: 26 Date of Birth: Unknown Place of Birth: Unknown Gender: Female Race/Species: Demon Language(s): English, Latin
Occupation: Student at Spooky High
Physical Description Height: 5′10″ Weight: 133 lbs
Body Type: Pear Eyes: Usually all white, sometimes red Hair: Black Skin: Light gray
Personality/Attributes Personality/Attitude: Morbid, self deprecating, snarky, generous, stubborn, helpful Fears: bugs, not being wanted, enclosed spaces, public speaking Mental illness(es)/disorders: social anxiety disorder, depression, PTSD Sexual Preferences: Pansexual Panromantic Place/Type of Residence: Lives in an apartment with her roommate Family: Cade Sarre & Roux Sarre (parents)
-from a young age, was mentally abused by both parents.
-discovered she had the ability to see the future, when she turned thirteen. Of course, her visions are not set in stone.
-sometimes makes up visions just to fuck with people.
-dresses in the Gothic style.
-enjoys hanging out at the graveyard.
-dislikes being tall.
-has two large tusks protruding from the bottom part of her mouth.
-her VC would be Raven (Tara Strong) from T////een T////itans.
-her FC is A////radia M////egido.
Name: Iladyllci
Preferred Name: Glenda Age: Hundreds of years old, physically looks somewhere in their twenties Date of Birth: ??? Place of Birth: ??? Gender: Agender (they/them OR she/her pronouns) Race/Species: Unicorn, tends to take a more humanesque form Language(s): English, Latin Physical Description Height: 6′5” in human form, 4’0” in “normal” form Weight: Unknown Body Type: Slender, curvy? Wide hips, small bust Eyes: Pink Hair: Pink Skin: Blue, when in their normal form their fur is blue Personality/Attributes Personality/Attitude: Glenda isn’t as sweet as they look, though at first meeting they CAN seem that way. Manipulate and two-faced, they’ll do/say whatever in order to get what they want. Has a horrendous temper and is incredibly impatient. Bitter and a bit snarky. Fears:bugs, heights, being restrained Mental illness(es)/disorders: generalized anxiety disorder, borderline personality disorder, PTSD Orientation: Demisexual Demiromantic Place/Type of Residence: They’re a nomad Family: Unknown Trivia: -has incredible hearing -can seriously injure someone with their horn
-they can shapeshift, heal (to some degree), and can create shields/force fields with their horn FC is Erica from Kilala Princess
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Name: Finnegan “Finn” Lynch Nickname(s): Finny, Small Fry, Shortie, Red, Carrot Top, Weirdo Age: 21 Date of Birth: May 21st Place of Birth: Unknown Gender: Male (he/him OR they/them pronouns) Race/Species: Incubus Language(s): English, Greek (fluent), Latin (studying)
Occupation: Student, new member of the cheer squad, hopes to become an author or poet one day. (this is only in a Monster Prom verse)
Physical Description Height: 4′11 Weight: 120 lbs
Body Type: Endomorph, Triangle, (has wide hips) Eyes: Pink, green when feeding/close to feeding Hair: Red/maroon Skin: Very light peach (humanish form), light red when in his normal form
Personality/Attributes Personality/Attitude: Gentle, affectionate, curious, adaptable, ability to learn quickly and exchange ideas, nervous, inconsistent, indecisive Fears: spiders, failure, being completely and utterly alone, drowning Mental illness(es)/disorders: borderline personality disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, rejection sensitive dysphoria Sexual Preferences: Asexual Panromantic Place/Type of Residence: Lives in an apartment by himself Family: Ailin Lynch (father, incubus, alive) & Owena Lynch (mother, unknown species, deceased)
-can only “feed” on humans; his incubus abilities/powers do not work on other supernatural beings.
-usually pretty weak due to rarely feeding anyway.
-in his normal form, Finn’s skin is light red, he has two curved horns atop his head, has claws, and a long tail with a heart shape at the end of it. Also, his ears are pointed.
-he has pointed fangs.
-never knew his mother; was raised (mostly) by his father.
-hates the way incubi have to feed on people.
-finds most people aesthetically pleasing.
-is a romantic sap.
-hate being short.
-loves poetry and enjoys writing his own poetry and writing in general.
-loves animals, especially dogs and wolves.
-dislikes sports.
-loves Halloween.
-wants to help others, doesn’t have a very big mean streak.
-can be a little distant when upset, or around strangers.
-if in a romantic relationship it’ll take a little bit of convincing to get him to have sex.
-almost ALWAYS wears stuff that’s “pastel goth”. it’s his aesthetic.
FC is Matsuoka Rin from Free!
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Name: Gwendolyn Hattie Addington Nickname(s): Gwen Alias:  Age: Somewhere in the hundreds, physically stuck at 22 Date of Birth: Unknown Place of Birth: February 28th, year is unknown Gender: Demigirl Race/Species: Vampire Language(s): English, Serbian, Transylvanian
Physical Description Height: 5′1″ Weight: 109 lbs
Body Type: Slender, hourglass Eyes: Very light blue Hair: Black
Personality/Attributes Personality/Attitude: Gwen is a spitfire with a sassy attitude, but is polite upon first meetings. If she doesn’t like someone she’s very vocal about it. Likes helping others out. Enjoys scaring ‘Normies’. Fears: Mental illness(es)/disorders: generalized anxiety disorder, depression Sexual Preferences: Pansexual Panromantic Place/Type of Residence: Is a nomad Family: Unknown
FCs: Raven from the Vampire Kisses manga & Ksenia Solo
Voice Claim: Erin Fitzgerald (Abbey Bominable from Monster High)
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Name: Thorne Brooks Nickname(s): Fairy Boy, Shortie Age: 27 Date of Birth: Unknown Place of Birth: Unknown Gender: Male Race/Species: Faerie/Fairy Language(s): English, Gaelic
Occupation: Spooky High Student
Physical Description Height: 4′6″ Weight: 127 lbs
Body Type: Slender, pear shaped, wide hips Eyes: Light blue Hair: Light blue Skin: Extremely light peach
Personality/Attributes Personality/Attitude: Thorne is polite around strangers, and charming. Can be a bit of a trickster and prankster, though. Bitter around those he dislikes and will let it be known he dislikes them. Enjoys making others smile and/or laugh. A hopeless romantic but is terrified of falling in love. Doesn’t like violence, willing to stand up for the underdogs. Fears: falling in love, spiders, the pitch black darkness, being alone Mental illness(es)/disorders: borderline personality disorder, PTSD Sexual Preferences: Homosexual Homoromantic Place/Type of Residence: Lives in a small cottage somewhere near Spooky High Family: Unknown
-likes nature, but dislikes insects.
-has most abilities other fae do, and can control/manipulate water & wind.
-has naturally long eyelashes.
-has an 11ft wingspan. Wings are dark blue. 
FC is Anz from Charcoal(?).
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Name: Vivien Rosaro Nickname(s):  Age: 26 Date of Birth: Unknown Place of Birth: Unknown Gender: Female Race/Species: Werewolf (bitten, not born) Language(s): English, Italian
Occupation: Werewolf Hunter
Physical Description Height: 5′0″ Weight: 154 lbs
Body Type: Hourglass, curvy Eyes: Pink Hair: Dark, dark gray, almost black in color. Long, falls past the middle of her back. Skin: Olive tone
Personality/Attributes Personality/Attitude: Vivien has a strong prejudice against werewolves. Around strangers she can be a little on edge but will interact and be polite unless they give her a reason not to be polite. A bit of a pessimist.  Fears: being vulnerable, small enclosed spaces, not being good enough, failure Mental illness(es)/disorders: PTSD, borderline personality disorder, depression Sexual Preferences: Demisexual biromantic Place/Type of Residence: Small cottage near the edge of the forest Family: Unknown
-during a trip to her grandmother’s house when she was just seventeen, she was led astray by a handsome stranger. He was able to seduce Vivien and during their lovemaking, bit her and turned her into a werewolf. The reason he did this? Wanting to expand the werewolf bloodline. He made love to her and bit her in hopes that she’d get pregnant and bear a fullblooded werewolf child.
-when Vivien found out his plan, she was deeply hurt and upset. She didn’t get pregnant, and the stranger fled. 
-from then on, Vivien vowed to hunt down any/all werewolves. She didn’t care she was one of them now, she would get her revenge. 
FC is Mari Kurihara.
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Name: Lilith Quinn Age: 12/13 Date of Birth: October 31st Place of Birth: Unknown Gender: Female Race/Species: Witch Language(s): English, Gaelic, Latin (studying)
Physical Description Height: 4′7″ Weight: 100 lbs
Body Type: Petite, slender Eyes: Light blue Hair: Red Skin: Peach
Personality/Attributes Personality/Attitude: anxious, kind, stubborn, clumsy, ambitious, faithful, jealous, intuitive, secretive Fears: spiders, heights, large crowds of people, authority figures Mental illness(es)/disorders: social anxiety disorder, borderline personality disorder, PTSD, depression Sexual Preferences: Homoromantic Homosexual Family: Caden Quinn & Lena Quinn (parents), Keira Quinn (aunt)
-her parents are wealthy aristocrats who don’t approve of her interests.
-her aunt is a witch, like she is, but she hasn’t seen her aunt since she was a toddler.
-Lilith loves morbid jokes.
-she also loves musicals.
-can play the ukulele well and sings pretty well, too.
-practices magic.
-gets very shy around girls she likes.
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petrichorsouled · 5 years
;male ocs
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Name: Asher Brie Dulligan Nickname(s): Ash Age: 21 Date of Birth: Place of Birth: South Dakota Gender: Nonbinary (he/him or they/them pronouns) Race/Species: Snake/Human hybrid, was created in a lab Language(s): English, Japanese, Latin (learning)
Physical Description Height: 5′0″ Weight: 118 lbs
Body Type: Petite, slender frame, has some muscle but not much Eyes: gold Skin: fern green Markings: Scales cover their body, they’re maroon in color Hair:  pear green, shaggy, falls to their shoulders
Personality/Attributes Personality/Attitude: Ash is a kind individual if not a little shy. Once he gets to know someone, however, he’s a lot more open. Enjoys seeing others smile. Very eager to please, incredibly naive. Sensitive. Doesn’t anger easily but has a dangerous temper. Fears: not being wanted, public speaking, large crowds, being restrained, laboratories, scientists Mental illness(es)/disorders: depression, PTSD, borderline personality disorder, social anxiety disorder Sexual Preferences: Pansexual Panromantic Place/Type of Residence: They’re a nomad, traveling from place to place Family: None
-Ash was created in a laboratory somewhere in South Dakota. Was raised there since.
-he didn’t have a name. He was known as Subject 12.
-he managed to break out of the lab along with three other animal/human hybrids.
-he gave himself his name.
-he wants a family.
-they have a long, forked tongue.
-they have sharp fangs, and can inject others with poison.
-they have a fascination with pastel clothing and reality TV.
-has male genitalia.
-is able to blush.
-taught himself how to play acoustic guitar.
-his voice claim is Chris Colfer.
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Full Name: Hanson Bernard Schuyler
Nickname(s): Hannie, Wolfy, Shortie
Title: None.
Age: 25
Birthdate: May 24th
Species: Werewolf.
Ethnicity: American & Japanese.
Gender: male (DFAB)
Preferred Pronoun(s): he/him/his
Sexual Orientation: pansexual & panromantic
Religion: agnostic theist
Occupation: none, searching
Status: alive
Fandom: n/a
Face Claim: Hibiki Kuze from Devil Survivor 2
Parents:  Yasuo Kuge (father, alive), and Hilda Schuyler (mother, dead)
Siblings: Lucas Schuyler (older brother, dead), Rebecca Schuyler (older sister, alive)
Family: some aunts and uncles that he isn’t too close with
Significant Other(s): none
Children: none
Closest Friends: none (yet)
Rivals: none
Enemies: none
Physical Traits
Eye Color(s): Blue
Hair Color(s): Black
Height: 4′10
Weight: 140 lbs
Body Build: slender, petite
Notable Physical Traits: His blue eyes.
Phobias and Diseases
Phobia(s): unknown
Mental Disorder(s): depression, generalized anxiety disorder, rejection sensitive dysphoria, borderline personality disorder
Physical Disorder(s): none
When was this diagnosed?: undiagnosed
Usual Mood/Expression: content
Moral Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Five Prominent Traits: empathetic, kind, extroverted, excitable, impatient
Compassion: 8/10
Empathy:  9/10
Creativity:  10/10
Mental Flexibility: 5/10
Passion/Motivation: 9/10
Education: 8/10
Stamina: 9/10
Physical Strength: 7/10
Battle Skill: 5/10
Initiative: 6/10
Restraint: 6/10
Agility: 8/10
Strategy: 9/10
Teamwork: 8/10
-Hanson has been dancing since he was a little boy. He knows certain types of ballroom dance, and even some street dancing.
-His mother was paralyzed from the waist down, due to a shooting incident that occurred when he was ten. A bullet struck her spine, and she’s been confined to a wheelchair. When Hanson was fourteen, however, she passed away because of an infection.
-His brother was killed in the incident. He, his sister, and his mother got away.
-His father left when he was born.
-When his mother passed, his sister cared for him until he decided to leave.
-His father’s Japanese, but he and his sister know little to no Japanese.
-He graduated high school but hasn’t enrolled in college.
-He’s learning Japanese, as well as some Latin & French.
-He has claws, but tends to wear long sleeves to cover up his arms & hands.
-His teeth are incredibly sharp.
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Name: Chadwick Bartholomew Walker Nickname(s): Chad Age: 26 Date of Birth: May 11th Place of Birth: Loveland, Colorado Gender: Male Race/Species: Vampire Language(s): English (native), Latin (currently studying), French (very little)
Physical Description Height: 5′5″ Weight: 120 lbs
Body Type: Petite, slender frame, has some muscle but not much Eyes: Golden orange or sometimes maroon Skin: Olive Markings: Freckles along his back and thighs, oddly enough. Also puncture wounds on his arm. Hair: Platinum blond (dyed), naturally dark brown
Personality/Attributes Personality/Attitude: Chad is basically a jerk with a heart of gold. A bit of a joker and charmer, not to mention a flirt. Stubborn as hell, and opinionated. Unlike a lot of his frat brothers he isn’t very misogynistic and often reprimands them for being so uncaring. Because he’s in the closet, he’s… conflicted and confused. He doesn’t hate other homosexual people, but doesn’t want to interact with them either. He’s willing to overcome this though. He wants to understand. Willing to help the underdog, whoever they may be. A little cocky. A bit of a daredevil. Fears: being outed, never being able to be himself, arachnids, his sire Mental illness(es)/disorders: depression, PTSD, borderline personality disorder Sexual Preferences: Homosexual Homoromantic (closeted) Place/Type of Residence: The (vampire) fraternity house of Alpha Beta Alpha, located in midwestern California Family: Jaeren & Clarabelle Walker (parents), Sandra Walker (younger sister)
Trivia: -his fraternity just so happens to be his coven!
-he hasn’t told anyone that he’s gay.
-his sire was one of the professors from his university. However, his sire vanished a few days after turning Chad. For some reason if it’s ever brought up, Chad panics and will go completely silent.
-he drinks from animals or from people that are already dead. Gets blood by hunting animals or sneaking into the nearby morgue. Sure, the blood might be a little OLD but he thinks it’s better than murdering somebody.
-doesn’t eat; if he tries eating anything solid it immediately comes right back up.
-can drink other liquids though.
-he drinks alcohol and sometimes mixes it with blood. Ends up getting wasted.
-really likes carnival rides.
-wants to make friends. Please… he’s not a total dick, he really isn’t.
FC is Subaru from Star Like Worlds. SECONDARY FC is Miyasaka from Kimi Note.
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Name: Yori Inoue
Age: Early twenties Date of Birth: Unknown Gender: Male (DFAB, has had both top & bottom surgery) Race/Species: Siren, disguised as a human Language(s): English, Japanese
Physical Description Height: 4′10″ Weight: 122 lbs
Body Type: slender and petite Eyes: Pink Skin: peach (disguised) Hair: purple/black
Occupation: Pop Idol
Personality/Attributes Personality/Attitude: Yori comes across as a sweet and upbeat person, but his demeanor can change at the drop of a hat. Bitter and cold towards those he dislikes, he’s clingy and a bit… obsessive about those he cares about in a romantic sense. Dramatic and flamboyant, with a stubborn streak. Fears: being alone Mental illness(es)/disorders: depression, PTSD, borderline personality disorder Sexual Preferences: Pansexual panromantic Place/Type of Residence: A condo, he lives with his Shiba Inu named Hime. Family: Souta Inoue & Aoi Inoue (parents)
-he became an idol not long after his surgery (when he was about seventeen).
-his parents verbally and mentally abused him since a young age.
-hates it when people point out his stature.
-is considered a yandere.
-faceclaim is Ichinose Kai.
Voice Claim: Hiro Shimono / Derek Stephen Prince (Kokichi Ouma, Japanese & English versions).
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NAME: Phoenix Shea Nickname(s): None Age: 20 Date of Birth: Place of Birth: Ashland, Ohio Gender: Male (DFAB) Race/Species: Human Demon Language(s): English, Latin
PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION Height: 4′11 Weight: 99 lbs
Body Type: Slender, pear Eyes: Blue with red/pink pupils Skin: Pale
Hair: Black
PERSONALITY/ATTRIBUTES Personality/Attitude: Polite upon first meetings. Won’t hesitate to tell you if he dislikes you, though. Charming, two-faced. Puts on an innocent facade. Can be clingy to people he becomes attached to. Fears: dying, upsetting the ‘higher power’, being ex-communicated, being restrained, tight enclosed spaces Mental illness(es)/disorders: PTSD, generalized anxiety disorder, borderline personality disorder Sexual Preferences: Pansexual Panromantic Place/Type of Residence: Lives in a gated community with his cult, in a pretty decent sized house. Family: River & Storm Shea (parents, deceased)
-doesn’t pick up on social cues very well.
-his parents named him Phoenix because they believed he would help the cult rise and become successful.
-however, he was immediately rejected by his parents after coming out to them. So, he managed to convince the rest of the cult to sacrifice his parents to their god/higher power.
-made a deal with a demon; if he became a demon, he’d eventually become the leader of his cult. Deals with demons aren’t something to take lightly, but Phoenix was too eager. Now he’s a demon and the cult leader. He hadn’t even asked the demon what he wanted out of the deal. …oh well.
-very persuasive with his fellow cult members.
-believes his higher power is some form of horrid eldritch monster.
-really loves the idea of monsters being real.
-knows archery and how to use a knife. Carries a pocket knife around whenever he’s outside his cult community.
-besides that, due to his demonic blood, has demonic abilities.
-he is allowed to wear whatever he wants. The other members have to wear a specific uniform.
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Name: Desmond Baxter Cole Age: 24 Date of Birth: July 2nd Place of Birth: Unknown Gender: Male (DFAB) Race/Species: Human Language(s): English, Latin (studying)
Physical Description Height: 6′7″ Weight: 142 lbs
Body Type: Petite, slender Eyes: Emerald green Hair: Red Skin: Peach
Personality/Attributes Personality/Attitude: cheerful, happy-go-lucky, upbeat, enthusiastic, creative, loyal, sympathetic, emotional, energetic, stubborn, determined, a little obsessive Fears: being forgotten, his past, losing any of the campers, dying Mental illness(es)/disorders: generalized anxiety disorder, borderline personality disorder, PTSD, depression Sexual Preferences: Pansexual panromantic Place/Type of Residence: Lives at the camp he works at in the counselor’s cabin Family: Elias Cole & Delilah Cole (parents)
-he enjoys musicals.
-wants kids of his own.
-is a camp counselor and loves every second of it.
-his dad isn’t alive, his mother is. His father used to always call him by his dead name. His mother still calls him by his dead name.
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NAME: Mila Xylouris Nickname(s): None Age: 45 (technically immortal since he made some deal with a demon but he’s 45 and will forever BE 45) Date of Birth: Place of Birth: Gender: Male Race/Species: Human(?) Language(s): English, Latin, Greek, Russian
PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION Height: 5′7″ Weight: ???
Body Type: Endomorph; has a stocky build but has some muscle as well as a little bit of fat Eyes: gray (like a deep… deep gray, and purple bags always hang beneath them, and has crow’s feet) Skin: dark olive with dark brown freckles along his cheeks
Hair: shaggy, falls past the middle of his back in long black waves which is why it’s USUALLY pulled back into a messy ponytail… or a braid, but mostly a ponytail
Other features: small scar across his nose, and has a short beard
Style of dress: old (ratty) shirts, usually tee shirts, jeans (or yoga pants), combat boots, gloves with finger slits, and a duster.
PERSONALITY/ATTRIBUTES Personality/Attitude: Mila is known to be bitter, some think he’s callous but that’s not the case. He’s closed off a bit and skeptical around strangers. Lets his guard down around kids, however, considering that he adores children. Morbid, and a bit of a realist. Fears: dying Mental illness(es)/disorders: borderline personality disorder, depression Sexual Preferences: Asexual panromantic Place/Type of Residence: Lives in a small apartment with his French Bulldog, Odella.   Family (immediate): Hugo Xylouris & Marta Xylouris (parents, deceased), Noa Xylouris (sister, deceased), Lucia Xylouris (niece, alive)
-sometimes watches/babysits his niece (reason being his sister is an alcoholic and attends AA meetings). Is now his niece’s permanent guardian, due to his sister taking her own life.
-goes to PTA meetings for his niece. Therefore, meets PTA moms and absolutely loathes them all… especially the one named Brenda.
-he utterly adores kids.
-knows how to use various types of weaponry.
-usually carries twin glocks on him at all times, along with a quiver (and a bow) FILLED with arrows dipped in holy water (or other items that harm certain monsters).
-enjoys astronomy.
-dislikes religion.
-comes from a long line of monster hunters. Thinks he owes it to his parents to carry on the ‘tradition’.
-even so… he’s often reluctant about killing monsters, especially if he realizes they aren’t… really MONSTERS.
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Name: Milaan
Alias’: Laanie
Age: Well over 1,000, looks to be in his twenties
Gender: Nonbinary, goes by he/him/his pronouns
Species: Alien
Birthdate: ???
Occupation: None?
Title: Prince
Language(s): Latin, English, (some) Japanese, Korean, and (some) French
Native tongue: Latin
Religion: Agnostic Theist
Blood type: Unknown
Height: 4′2″
Weight: 110 lbs
Eye Color: Blue & black
Hair: White
Figure/build: Petite, ectomorph, has thick hips
Distinguishing marks:
-Tattoo(s): None
-Scars: None
-Piercings: None
Currently lives: Alone
Hobbies: People watching, whistling, dancing, playing the piano, stargazing, writing poetry, archery, sparring
Talents/Skills: Whistling, dancing, playing the piano, writing poetry, archery, a little bit of swordplay
Sexual Orientation: Pansexual panromantic
Dominant Hand: Ambidextrous
Diet: No
Virgin?: No
Drinker?: Sometimes
Smoker?: Sometimes
Drug user?: No
Other addictions?: No
Basic description:
Personality: Impulsive, flamboyant, charismatic, calming, spoiled
Likes: K-Pop, playing video games, electronica, people watching, dancing, stargazing, writing poetry, archery, making new friends, alcohol
Dislikes: spiders, fire, being misgendered, bullies, being mocked
Fears/Phobias: arachnophobia, cleithrophobia
Favourite quote:
-Parents: Iker & Lua
-Siblings: None
-Other close relatives: None
Pet(s): None
-ran away from home, now resides somewhere on earth. Due to this, he tends to don a human disguise.
-he cannot fly with his wings, though he can hover.
-the feathers on the side of his head act as ears and move with his emotions.
-makes chirping noises when happy.
-his RL FC is Choi Minki.
-his anime/manga FC is Akira from Love Monster.
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Name: Hideki Maeda Age: 21 Gender: male Species: Vampire (born)
Ethnicity: Japanese Hair color: Dark purple Eye color: Lavender 
Orientation: Homosexual homoromantic
Occupation: Former singer, currently working as a bartender
Personality: Unlike Hanako, Hideki is a bit more reserved and distant. Like Hanako, he’s introverted. A bit dramatic at times, as well as childish. Very protective over Hanako.  Parents: Atsuko and Chiyo Maeda
Siblings: Hanako Maeda (older sister) Likes: dancing, dogs, cold weather, people watching, hanging out with hanako Dislikes: too many things to count, vampire stereotypes
-he and his family were singers.
-he and his sister live together in a three bedroom place, and are trying to work to pay the bills.
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hefzyisback · 5 years
I like your character shes great. You write her very well. And I like that she has a different personality than I usually see in rp. But I do have one comment for criticism if you are willing to take it. I don't like playing with ocs that don't have a face that is different from major canon characters in game of thrones. And your face claim doesn't make sense to me considering the background you have given her in either. I would suggest having an alternate when writing in certain verses.
I appreciate that. There’s actually a fun story behind that
when i created her she had nothing to do with Game of thrones or ASOIAF. She was just another OC in the void. 
Actually her background like her original background well…the fc actually suited her. But turns out that most of the people that began to follow me had an ASOIAF setting and so i went like …okay let’s give this child a story there
and that’s how the ASOIAF verse was created xD And the fc was already there sooooo…yeah that was the thing.
I agree with you though. For her ASOIAF baratheon bastard thingie Alexandra Dadario always had this nice ring to her.  You know, dark hair, blue eyes (perfect boobs) But i’m in the point where she is Sophie in my head and yeah…i can’t help it
on a side note to this, i don’t really think fc’s are that important for OC’s though because well…they are OC’s so in theory you give them whatever face you want and it kind of …does not matter? Like there’s no model to follow? unlike canon characters on any given fandom (even when you decide to use one that’s different fc from the canon show you know what i mean? there are like…guidelines) but for OC’s…it is your kid. You can give it pink eyes and green hair for all you know, because you’re…creating it.
I DO wholeheartedly agree with the baratheon thing. She should be dark haired. Bur she wanted to be kissed by fire aye
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mckaytriarchy-1 · 8 years
Note: The following NPC bio contains mentions of rape. Trigger warnings apply. Kayma Verrin was born in 2369 (general age range in threads: 3 to 6 years) to Kayma Luru. He is the nephew of Kayma Tes and the first cousin once removed of Lupaza.  A Bajoran/Cardassian hybrid conceived through rape during the final months of the Occupation, his mother and his aunt initially planned to leave him at the Tohzat Resettlement Center on Bajor. After his birth, however, neither woman could bear to leave him behind. 
An inquisitive little boy who can be hard to handle, he has a loud, happy laugh--not to mention a rather impressive ability to sulk when he’s in a mood and doesn’t get his way. His bad moods are more common when his mother sinks into one of her depressions. As Luru struggles to come to terms with her assault and the resentment she sometimes feels toward Verrin, there are stretches of time where Tes acts as his primary caretaker. In turn, he sometimes appears to favor his aunt more than his mother. However, whenever Luru is “well” again, he’s soon dogging the heels of his beloved “Mama”.  He loves the sights and sounds of Deep Space 9, visiting the station’s aquarium, and exploring as many nooks and crannies as he can find. Verrin also enjoys coloring, spending time with Tora Ziyal, and finds the matching spoons and ridges of any visiting Cardassian to be fascinating. After all, not many people on the station look like he does!   At age three, he’s beginning to realize he’s different. Appearance: Unlike a full-blooded Cardassian child, Verrin’s brown hair is wavy instead of straight, and his eyes are green instead of the common “Cardassian blue”. He has his mother’s warm coloring. While his ridges and “spoon” are well-formed and quite obvious, he has equally prominent Bajoran ridges on his nose. FC- None. I’d welcome a pic if anyone felt up to drawing one!
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