#//sorry this is bad im really rusty at her but i wanted to rp her
harmoniesandhijinks · 23 days
"Hey, look at this weird kid I found!"
-- one of the twins, probably Heya! Welcome to whatever this is, lol If you know me, then you're either someone who checked puyo tumblr a lot during 2018-2023, or one of my followers/friends on my main [in which case, hii!! hello!!! The voices won.] In any case, welcome one, welcome all! I'm Phione, aka the person running this blog, aka a clinically insane professional dummy, aka one of the few HarmoKnight fans that exist, aka--ok you get the jist. I have roleplayed on Tumblr before, but that was a LONG while ago, so i might be a little rusty on this! [im more used to discord tupperbox roleplays,,,] So apologies if I make any mistakes! If you're interested in interacting, check out the read more below!
In any cases, here's the rules! 1. No NSFW interactions or ANYTHING of the sort. While I may be 18 now, the Twins and Tempo are minors. Plus, that sort of stuff creeps me out and makes me VERY uncomfortable! So please refrain from doing that! 2. No fetish interactions. I'm not someone who you can push your weird fantasies upon. Plus, I had to cut ties with someone earlier in the year who would do just that, so stuff like that will make me uncomfortable. 2.5. However, I WILL allow magic anons, as those tend to be fairly harmless. Just not too many at once! [or back to back] 3. Please don't send any kind of slurs! I'm sure both Puyo fandom and HarmoKnight fandom are smart enough to not do that, but I'm putting that out there! 4. I have the right to say no to what's going on. If I ask you to stop, I mean it! And if I say no to an ask or rp, PLEASE don't push me to do it! 5. More rules will be added when I think of em. So be sure to check back here regularly! 6. Any violation of these rules will result in a block if taken too far. [However, violating rules 1 and 2 will result in an instant block.] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Some Misc. stuff: Please don't be nervous to send an ask or RP invite into my dms! As long as you use common sense, you'll be fine :D I tend to be a little silly sometimes, so do expect some laughs and giggles here and there! I also tend to get nervous really easy however, so if you want to do something with me, please come to me and ask about it! I'm TOTALLY fine with mutliverse RPs! I mean, that was kinda obvious since this is literally an RP/Ask blog with two different games, lol. So long as the source material isn't anything bad [COUGH COUGH coaall COUGH COGUH] we should be fine! I am aware that there is another puyo ask/rp blog that technically also as the twins, and to that I don't mind! Unless it makes the op of that blog very upset in which case I'm really sorry. I don't mind doubles, but if it makes the OP of the other blog upset then I'll stop. Totally fine with AU roleplays though! As long as the origin of the AU isn't from a problematic source, then it's a-okay!
Socials!!! @phioneplatinum - Main, check it out if you wanna see what I do on a regular basis! @melodiafunfacts - A HarmoKnight fun facts blog I run! Check it out if you wanna see what obscure facts I can dig up from an even obscurer game! phioneplatinum - Discord tag if you wanna be friendos! [Or see my full power with Tupper Rps, lol] I'm not quite caught up on the more recent internet stuff [ex: pronouns, fictionkins, stuff like that], so PLEASE forgive me if I make a mistake!! Speaking of pronouns, I go with She/Her pronouns! I see Elle with She/Her pronouns, but if you want to go with They/Them, be my guest! I see Jay with He/Him pronouns, but if you want to go with They/Them like Elle, go ahead! Tempo goes with He/Him pronouns, for those unaware about HarmoKnight! [and also thought he was a girl] Annnd I think that's it! I hope to see you around! Stay safe! :D [I'll probably make a caard with character bios and rp info, so be on the lookout for that!! :D]
[note, i tend to shorten harmoknight as rhhk [Rhythm Hunter: HarmoKnight] as to not confuse it with HK/Hollow Knight, so if you see those four letters, assume i'm talking about HarmoKnight!! :D]
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liersymphcny-a · 6 years
@helldevoured (for anyone, but I had Gennai in mind~) ♡’d for a starter.
Muse: Nanami Chiaki. (at the request of them uwu)
— Chiaki had her eyes trained to the screen as she played the game in front of her, seemingly only half of her attention truly devoted to it though. At hearing the door open to the rec room, the game was paused and half-lidded eyes looked over to it. She wondered who had stepped in, and frankly, she needed the distraction from her game.
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“Oh, hey.” She sounded more disinterested then she meant to, even with the small added wave to add to it, “It’s just me here so if you're looking for someone else... they’re not here.”
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auralaet-blog · 8 years
Human!Elly x Zen
So my friend @love-elizabeth-the-3rd posed me the question of how human!Elizabeth the 3rd and Zen would end up together. Now before I go into this, it started out because she’s trying to rp as Elizabeth. But as I’m sure you can predict, it’s REALLY hard to do anything significant in an rp as a cat. So we started fleshing stuff out. Here’s a bit of our conversation:
And Seven's like teaching Elly all these things like how to game
And how to do all of these silly things
And then he sweeps Elly away from Seven
"Elizabeth, you need to stay away from Seven. He's nothing but trouble. True, he is exceptionally talented, but he's also completely out of line! Young ladies like you shouldn't have to be doing things like this! If you wanted some entertainment, I or V can take you to the theater. Amusement parks aren't proper for young ladies!"
>w<Im loving this kldjfakdfja
You write it so on point omg
lol That's just how I'd imagine human!Elly universe
Like... I don't want to change things too much from the canonSo I just adjust a little of it
To fit her being human
I think that Jaehee dislikes having to "babysit" her because she's so naive and just innocently curious so she's always prying into things.
And it's so distracting to Jaehee
looool omg poor Jaehee, at least she doesn't have to deal with cat fur
lol Yeap. I haven't decided if I'd incorporate something else in there instead. 
Maybe Elizabeth doesn't really know how to deal with perfume so she douses herself with it because she figures if a little smells good, then a LOT will smell fantastic. 
And because of that, it's just ALL OVER JAEHEE'S HOUSE
 Like... you can track Elizabeth through the house by that perfume
 And maybe Zen's allergic to the perfume
And it drives him nuts because he sees her as just another Jumin
And doesn't realize that she's just ridiculously innocent and naive because Jumin is so overprotective
So that’s where we started... and then she asked me about human!Elly x Zen. I’m putting this below because I started and it just grew to huge proportions. Keep reading if you’re interested. Apparently she found it entertaining and asked me to post it, so here we are!
lol Zen x Elly is hilarious Because they'd literally get together because they keep being thrown into contact with each other And there's so much miscommunication at first And Elly just wants everyone to like her And then there's Zen, who is nice to everyone (except Jumin, wth?) And for whatever reason, he avoids her like the plague And finally she corners him and asks him about it And he explodes And then they end up so mad at each other So she tries to not talk to him But at the same time, she can't help but be drawn to him He's so lively and energetic So different from the cold world that she's used to Somehow whenever they're in the same room together with a crowd, they end up near each other. As for Zen At first he thought she was just another Jumin Stuck up trust fund kid But Jaehee asks him to help her out and escort Elly to something because she needed to get some work done And being sympathetic because the trust fund kid overworks Jaehee, he agrees But Elly chooses to go to an orphanage and spend time there with the kids Then she drops by a food bank And then she stops by a community center And Zen is just CONFUSED THIS IS NOT WHAT HE EXPECTED WHERE IS THE RICH GIRL!? Their last stop was at an animal shelter Elly remembers Zen's allergy and tells him that it's fine to stay outside And he's just like... wat? You remembered that?
And then she looks at him confused like, "Yes? Why is that unusual?" Then goes into the shelter Zen's just sitting there in the car really confused and rethinking his original assumptions And then she comes back out of the shelter in a completely separate change of clothes, just as designer as her outfit earlier. And Zen's like, "Oh. I'm not wrong. She's still just a trust fund kid" And he makes a snide remark about her not being able to handle getting her clothes dirty And she gets mad at him as they're driving back Because she changed clothes because she didn't want the fur on her clothes to cause him to start sneezing And so she tells him off and then stomps out of the car, heading back up to her apartment And he's just stunned She was THAT worried about him? And then he starts making efforts to start seeing her more often He's so confused But she's not having ANY of it She doesn't want to see him She doesn't want to deal Because the last time she tried to be nice, he gave her crap He keeps throwing these labels onto her without even knowing her Finally, Zen manages to convince Seven and Jaehee to help him out because he just CANNOT get her out of his head Jaehee took a lot of convincing But Seven was down because anything to get Elly out to have more fun and freedom was good for him! Besides the challenge of breaking past Jumin's security was great Jumin had noticed that Elly had become a lot quieter and wasn't as bright And logically he concluded, based on Zen's constant questions  after her, that it was Zen's fault. FINALLY, Jaehee asks Zen to help her go pick up Elly from a charity ball that she'd gone to. Zen, determined to impress, puts on a nice suit and shows up at the ball to pick her up. Only he's stunned when he gets there He'd always thought she was a princess, but he'd meant that as in she was spoiled But this? She's stunning BEAUTIFUL
And just like that, any reservations that he may have had before is gone. He's in love. Done. Only... she thinks he hates her and she hates him for all of his original presumptions What does he do? He wants to be by her side. The time where she was avoiding him just felt dark... He doesn't want that. Elly hates to admit it, but she kind of misses Zen He seemed to understand more of these emotions that Jumin and her parents felt were childish She'd enjoyed that day out with him. He'd been good company... until the end there. That was exactly the problem though. He thought she was just a spoiled little rich girl. That she was so one dimensional. He never even gave her a chance. It wasn't worth her while So she's waiting to leave the charity ball and one of her father's coworkers came over and stood by her, flirting with her. She tried to politely decline, but he just wouldn't take a hint And that's when Zen finds her At first he's stunned But then he sees the guy hitting on her And it drives ALL of his protective instincts NUTS He charges in there and tells the guy off and drags Elly away, guiding her into the car And just driving away He's so frustrated and annoyed and he just drives Elly's so confused by his actions, but can see the tension rising off of him
So she's quiet because Zen just seems super volatile. And finally the car stops.
They're in Zen's special spot
And Zen gets out of the car and is just pacing like CRAZY
He doesn't know what to say, but he's gotta say something
But come on
Be smooth!
You're Zen!
No problem!
Yeah. He blurts out that he's in love with her and he's sorry that he was such a jerk
Real smooth, Zen
And then he's just EMBARRASSED
Because he meant to show her that he was someone she could rely on
But all she's seen are the bad sides of him
But she comes over and hugs him
And tells him that she's been feeling the same way, but she can't do anything about being rich.
Her family just is and she's not going to throw it away when she could be using her high profile name to get attention to these societal problems
And Zen confesses about his family, how hard it's been
How much he misses them
Wants them to accept him and his dreams, but they just wanted a perfect lawyer or doctor son
They end up spending the entire night there, just sitting on the car and talking.
lol Up there all dressed up fancy
And in the morning, he drops her off at her apartment, kissing her hand and asking if she'd be willing to go out with him, to give him a chance.
She's a princess and deserves the world and he's just a flawed and rusty knight in shining armor, but would she PLEASE just give him a chance
And of course, she says yes.
After that, they start dating
Of course, right off the bat, they have to deal with Jumin
Elly has to intervene and tell Jumin that this is HER life to live and that she loves him like a brother but that doesn't give him the right to control her life
V just wants her happy
Because now, Jumin's not going to tell her that she has to watch over Elly like Elly's a child
And Seven and Yoosung are stoked because now they have the freedom to drag Elly to ALL the fun places
Jumin was not amused
As for Zen and Elly? It took a while and there were more misunderstandings and it was weird to mesh their lives together since they were such high profile people
But they managed
And now, Jumin comes over to visit his "niece" and Zen tries to deal with it, but every so often just kicks Jumin out of the house
And their daughter is just the darling of the RFA
She has white hair from her parents
And the most unique purple eyes, a combination of Elly's blue and Zen's red eyes
And she is the sweetest and most understanding girl in the world
They teach her that money is power, but it's power that you can and should use for others
That you can look good, but you still need to be kind and giving
And every day, Zen is determined to prove to Elly how much he loves her. His armor is less rusty now. It's shinier
And now covered with hearts drawn on by his daughter and wife
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