#//thank you for sending! and as always sorry for taking so long LKFJDSD
freeddead · 2 years
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〝   @multi-lefaiye​   ⟶   ❛  Laura, Max, and Kaitlyn for the Quarry asks!!  ❜
LAURA: would your muse put themselves at risk to protect the ones that they love ? are they obedient in the face of authority or more rebellious ?
Gerry would definitely put himself at risk in order to protect his loved ones tbh, to a downright stupid degree.  He tends to believe that everyone is more important than him, anyway, that everybody has more of a place / right to be here than he does, so he is very much on that self-sacrificial bullshit, viewing his own death as no great loss to the world at large.
Plus, he’s already died before, and as he puts it: “Dying’s not so bad, it’s staying dead that sucks.”  If he has to endure death again to make sure that somebody else avoids it, well, that’s not a problem for him.
As for authority, it does depend entirely on the authority.  With police officers and other “official” forms of authority, he tends to err on the side of being highly rebellious and not listening to a word they say.  He’s got no real respect for the police in any capacity, and a lot of his entire… [vague hand gesture] existence involves him operating outside of… any governance, for whatever it’s worth.
Like, he was framed by his mother’s murder by his mother and is assumed to have “faked” his death.  And even what he was doing in his first go at life, hunting down Leitners and other Entity-related shit, often saw him breaking the law for the sake of that. So, no, he doesn’t really like cops, and likewise, they don’t like him, ha!  There are still a lot of people on the London police force, now that he’s back, who think that he really did kill his mom and that it being a mistrial was complete bullshit.  So, he does what he can to avoid interactions with cops, knowing that there are plenty who are just like, “Give me a reason! 🔫”
However, when it comes to authoritative women outside of the realm of ‘official’ authorities, Gerry has a hard time saying ‘no’ because—something, something—mommy issues.  He is getting much better at it in recent times, at recognizing when people are trying to use him and pushing back against it, making some effort to defend himself.  But he still runs on an instinct to make himself small and quiet whenever a woman enters the room and clearly wants to take charge of a situation.
Trauma puts one hell of a damper on his would-be rebel image, whoops—
MAX: does your muse have a positive or negative outlook in life ? do they tend to ignore certain instructions or are they a perfectionist ?
I would say that Gerry typically tries to have a more positive outlook on life, the keyword being tries.  Certainly, when he was younger, or before his death, he was much more given to pessimism and negativity, not seeing any way out of the holes in which he found himself.  It kind of seemed like once he was out of one, he would slip right back into another, such as getting rid of Mary only to be picked up by Gertrude, who had plans to blow him up pretty much as soon as she met him.
Now that he has a second chance at life and a friend who doesn’t want to use him for everything he’s worth, though, he tries to look on the bright side of things, yeah!  He is doing his best to enjoy life as it comes to him, for the first time in ever, and he is not perfect at it all the time.  He is a work-in-progress, but he’s getting there, dammit!
And he has always genuinely believed that most people are innately good and worth saving.  Not all of his Leitner burning was out of spite for his mother.  So, there is that.
As for instructions, Gerry doesn’t ignore them so much as he just forgets them.  (Three cheers for 25+ years of undiagnosed ADHD!)  He certainly doesn’t intend to get sloppy with his work (although I wouldn’t say that he sets out specifically to be a perfectionist, either), he just tends not to do well with certain tasks unless he is given reminders about them.
His tendency towards forgetfulness caused a lot of problems with both his mother and Gertrude, who berated him for it incessantly.  As a result, Gerry has a lot of problems wherein he doubts his own intelligence and believes himself to be “just stupid” sometimes, instead of… y’know… undiagnosed neurodivergent.  Sighs.
KAITLYN: does your muse considers themselves a leader ? would they easily step into that position in a crisis ?
Gerry absolutely does not consider himself to be a leader.  While he is capable of going off and doing shit on his own, whenever there is a person that he feels comfortable deferring to, he usually does.  He considers himself to be absolutely abysmal at carving out his own path.  He’s a follower more than anything, first with his mother, and then with Gertrude, and most recently with Jon.  Jon is trying to get him to… not… follow him around so much, to middling results lmao
As for stepping in during a crisis, absolutely.  In fact, that is kind of all that Gerry ever does.  He sees somebody about to Get Got by one of the Entities and takes it upon himself to step in.  He understands by now that he will never be able to save absolutely everyone, but if he can help even a little bit, then yeah, he wants to.
〔  the quarry  〕  〢  accepting .
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