#//time is flexible on these btw! clive will just be posting at these times. feel free to join in on whatever whenever!
Hey! Guess what today is! Why, it's only... the (third) biggest event of the Naranja-Uva school year!
✨It's Homecoming!✨
I know all y'all are hella hyped, but remember to take breaks, too! We have 🌊HYDRATION STATIONS🌊 all over the place for you thirsty folks! And the nurse's office is always yours to chill in if your head starts spinning like a Spinda's! Finally... if you want to get those internet points for your HoCo escapades, be sure to tag them with #Naranja Uva Homecoming ! We'll be on the lookout!
Now, without further ado... our SCHEDULE OF EVENTS! (All times in EST. Attend as many or as little as you dare!) 9:00 AM: Instead of classes, come to the Schoolyard for some bagel sandwich breakfast! Or just the bagels and jam. We don't judge. 10:30 AM: Bring out your artistic side! Come sign our Naranja-Uva 2023-2024 banner, and even get some swag in return! Rush-printed due to high demand… 12:00 PM: Open Multi Battles in the Schoolyard! You want one, we'll match you with just the right person to even the playing field and have fun! Run by Ms. Dendra. 1:30 PM: Open the Naranja-Uva Club Fair! Wander the school and collect stamps from clubs for a chance to win BIG! What could you win? It's so big we can't even say! (NOTE: Make Your Own Pizza lunch served in the cafeteria. Vegan cheese included.) 3:00 PM: Campus Open Mic! You want a platform to say something? Say it here! Whether that's how fluffy your Snubbull is, how terrible the flight back from Kitakami was, or… genuine advice about the school Director Clavell can take notes on…?! (We reserve rights to pull you from the stage if you're ruining the mood by being rude.) 4:30 PM: Get hyped, because the big event's only in an hour and a half! Join your teachers (and Clive) as they get schooled on the hip new dances of this decade! (Held in front of the academy.) 6:00 PM: Doors open to Homecoming! Pull up with your #HoCoSquad, get some pics snapped by the doormen, and enjoy the vibes curated by our very own D.J. Vice! There will be plenty of pastries, Kitakami-style sweets and savories courtesy of the exchange program, and tamper-proof juice pouches! Not looking to dance? We've got games too! Be sure to check out our selection of Uno(wn), Applins to Applins, and a riveting three hour game of Monopoliwag… a brand new 2P cabinet of Pokémon Showdown… and a ball pit! The fun never ends! 7:30 PM: The show gets doubly underway, with the crowning of the Homecoming Court! And get ready for the Battle of the Schools! We'll be testing you on your smoothest moves, loudest cheers, and biggest stomachs, all to answer the question of Naranja vs. Uva once and for… the rest of the night! 9:00 PM: Take a break from the gym to peep the #selfie worthy fireworks outside, courtesy of Zakuyamo! Reminders will be given 15 and 30 minutes before for anybody to put away noise-sensitive Pokémon and head to soundproof safe booths. We'll livestream the action too, for anybody who's dying to see! 10:00 PM: Just because the dance floor's closed doesn't mean the party has to stop! Choose between Mr. Jacq's Pokémon Trivia Night, Miss Dendra's Super Smash Your Foes!!!! Tournament, and Mr. Saguaro's Gourmet Tastings for a few late-night options before you hit the hay on this wonderful day! **NOTE: The pool is off-limits today. We aren't even touching that can of worms with a bunch of rowdy students. Don't make Goldy the Lifeguard Golduck sad.
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