#/I did Rani first so I don't really like how she looks here but you get the pont
ramayantika · 1 year
So in my old school in kolkata, there was a girl. Let's call her Indu. So when I joined this school, the class teacher had told the class about me and my brother because we were the first and the only twins to join the class. Naturally, all the girls said hi and talked to me and told me about the class and the students.
Indu was dark skinned, wore specs and sometimes combed her hair in very unique hairstyles that made one question: How on earth do you do that and come to school.
But anyway Indu befriended me, gave my school notes just like the others too and helped me out for the first week of school.
Cut to grade nine and ten. Now we all were fair skinned girls. Half of them were think and had good figures too which made them attractive and boys had no problem talking to us. And colourism is still deeply rooted in us that the guys made fun of Indu and the girls just rolled their eyes or avoided her path. Indu would get annoyed easily and she had her own family problema tok which she had solely shared with me and I understood why sometimes she used to have angry outbursts. Like imagine a 14 year old with whom nobody wants to be friends because they are dark in colour and don't look nice and pretty plus the classmates openly boycott you too. So sometimes she used to answer back in anger, but she never did that with me or my brother.
In the tenth grade, I don't know why the boys started this trend of calling her 'cancer'. Each morning she would enter the class, they announced, "cancer is coming. Bey cancer aarhi hai jaldi chal" And by chance if any boy saw her before coming to class they would groan and say that aaj din kharab jayega. They would also gag and make sounds when she raised her hand to give an answer to a question.
Now the girls wouldn't engage in that openly, but they would sideline her or just smile in front of her for two minutes and walk away. I remember one time she was sitting beside me, and in front of me the girls were signalling me to leave her and sit with them. Each time I talked to her, they would joke, "indu toh is your best friend now, isn't it?"
My close guy friend too called her Cancer and onetime my brother stood up and asked him what has she done too you so bad that you need to call her cancer. He said, she deserves it because she is rude everytime.
I was silent. I couldn't take any stand for her even though she had helped me out because I didn't want to lose my friendship with others. During picnic and children's day parties, we all would est together and joke while she went alone to the food counter and got her food. Some girls out of pity called her just to be 'nice' to her but behind her they made fun of her sparkly stone pink dress.
There was a dance competition I was supposed to take part in, but I couldn't. She was performing on ghoomar and had dressed exactly like rani padmavati. People in class were whispering all sorts of things yet she walked with her head held high. I could never tell her that she really good in that lehenga.
Anyway she was among the best students in our class too. Now that I live in isolation with no friends, though my situation is still far better than what she had to face because I have never been mistreated, I feel bad that I couldn't do a single thing for her. If I were in her place I would dread coming to school knowing that people see you as a curse each morning. For me, all my friends have gone ahead and found their friends and stuff in uni and I feel that I am good for nothing and I am bad at everything. Thinking about her makes me think that what strength she must have had back then to still come to school and perform well in class.
Anyway she got her good friends in 11th and 12th. She had changed her school I think it was Mahadevi Birla girls in kolkata and now she is here in Kiit bhubaneshwar. I am sure that she is really going to be a very strong individual in life and I really hope that she becomes so successfull so all those people in class who made fun of her literally go silent.
The other girls I remember they would sing those songs which mean everyone is beautiful, scars, colour weight doesn't matter, yet they treated her this way, and I am no good too because knowing it to be wrong I could never call them out.
They post stuff like inner beauty and stuff but do we really believe that? Do they really believe that?
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pridelanders · 4 years
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/The Night Pride but what if they were objectively cooler and also tigers
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magnoliabloomfield · 2 years
Garden of Heathen 34- The Storm
TW: Blood and Death
Aussie and Gally stepped out of the house and looked around the Garden, trying to spot Hedy. They didn't see her at first so they split up to ask around and search for her. The first girl Aussie asked could barely look at her which made her suspicious.
"You-you know you have blood all over you, right?" The girl asked.
Aussie looked down at herself and felt a little lightheaded. She hadn't realized this whole time.
"Again?" She groaned. When she looked up the girl had vanished.
Aussie thought about cleaning up first but decided against it. She wanted Hedy to see it, to see just a fraction of the consequences of her actions. Oh, the things she'd say to Hedy when she found her. Yes, look at me covered in Lanie's blood all because of You this time, you sex crazed, power hungry, blithering idiot-
Aussie was so caught up in her mental dialogue that she ran right into someone.
"Oh, sorry Serena," Aussie apologized, taking a long blink to help refocus. "Did I get blood on you?- oh that sounds so terrible when said so casually.. I'm sorry."
"Aussie, I have to talk to you," Serena said, pretty much ignoring her awkward rambling entirely. She grabbed her by the arm and began towing her away from any overhearing ears.
"By any chance can this wait? We're looking for Hedy right now. By the way, have you seen her?" Aussie asked as she was pulled along.
"It's about Hedy," Serena whispered once she'd stopped. "She was the one who massacred that goat in the woods."
"Uh, yeah?" Aussie said, unfazed. That was old, obvious news by then.
Serena however seemed surprised she knew already.
"And... I have something to confess," she played with her fingers nervously. "I might've... helped -just a little."
Aussie's eyes lit up like holy fire and Serena quickly put her hands up defensively, talking very quickly after that. "I had no part in killing the goat! She just made me help her put it in the tree when she was done. She said if we made it look like a griever came in here then everyone would agree to her idea. I honestly just wanted to believe we could get out of here without going in the maze... after what happened to Rani I-" her words tapered off as she started to get choked up.
Aussie softened a bit. She could understand how Serena would feel that way after getting attacked by a griever and watching Rani after she was stung.
"And I am so sorry for what happened to Lanie," she began to cry with the wobbliest chin Aussie ever saw.
Aussie couldn't help but put her arms around her and give her a semi begrudging hug.
"I can kind of understand where you're coming from," she sighed. "Oh, blood! Sorry!" She pulled back, hoping she hadn't gotten any more on Serena.
"It's ok," She sniffled.
"Now, if you really want to feel better, tell me where Hedy is," Aussie requested as she held her by the shoulders.
"Um, everything was happening so fast, I kind of lost track of her. I haven't seen her since we pulled Lanie out," she shrugged sadly.
"Ok," Aussie sighed. "Thanks for telling me. And let me know if you see her alright?" Serena nodded and they went their separate ways.
Aussie kept searching and eventually met up with Gally in his search. He shrugged his arms indicating that he didn't find her either and Aussie mimicked him to say the same.
"Where the heck could she be?" Aussie complained once they were close enough. "It's not like she could go any-"
She paused as a chilling realization set in. She slowly turned to her right, toward the maze doors. Her hand floated up and pointed at it.
"You don't think- nah! Hedy wouldn't do that... would she?" Aussie asked, completely unsure.
"I hate to say it- well, I don't really hate it, but, it... would solve a lot of problems around here," Gally shrugged as he also looked at the maze, hands on his hips.
"Eh, well, gone is ok, but dead isn't... ideal," Aussie struggled with her sense of morality and her extreme dislike of the mortal in question.
It would have been nice if Hedy could escape this horrible place provided she stayed far away from Aussie and Gally once they were free. It just seemed unbearably cruel to live so shortly in a small, hellishly infested prison with no memories of your past and die before seeing the outside world. The only people who deserved that were the ones who designed the whole thing and decided dropping amnesia induced teens into it was a good idea.
"What do you think, should we keep looking?" Aussie asked him.
She was a bit surprised when he took her hand in his but felt her heart drop when she realized he was just looking at her watch. She tried to control the expression on her face better.
"I think we get some lunch, take some to Gertie, then we can look some more," he offered, slowly letting her hand slip from his grasp, his finger and her pinky curving slightly to catch on each other for a brief moment before her hand came back to rest by her side.
She took a deep breath and let it out with a heavy sigh. "That's a pretty good idea," she nodded.
"I have them occasionally," he said and was very glad it actually earned a laugh from her.
"I should probably clean up too, you know, again," she said gesturing to her bloodied clothes as they began walking together. "Man, I hope one day I get to live in a world where the odds of getting covered in blood are extremely slim to none."
"You will," Gally said so definitely that it almost didn't sound reassuring but more like a threat.
"I probably shouldn't go in the kitchen like this, I'm gonna go get clean clothes first and meet you there," she said, redirecting herself toward the house.
"Good idea, you kind of smell."
"Like blood I mean, all metallic. Not that you smell bad," Gally tried to back pedal, walking backward toward the kitchen as they went their separate ways.
"Ok," Aussie laughed with a shake of her head before turning around and going on her way, not seeing the embarrassed redness swallow his freckles.
Aussie got clothes and got cleaned up before popping in to check on Gertie, kissing the top of her head and letting her know that Gally and her would bring lunch. Gertie seemed tired and subdued but managed a weak smile as she held onto the arm Aussie wrapped around her shoulders from behind.
Georgia and Rosa had cleaned up the kitchen extremely well which Aussie was extremely grateful for. She wasn't sure if she could have handled the sight of blood one more time. She smiled tiredly at Gally and helped him make three lunches before they set off to see Gertie.
They had to eat lunch in the room with her because she refused to leave Lanie's side. Conversation was quiet so they wouldn't disturb Lanie, and sparse because no one really knew what to say. Gertie leaned in and whispered extra softly that she didn't have enough pain medication to keep her comfortable for more than a twenty four period, and they didn't have enough antibiotics to stave off infection through the entire healing process either. Aussie tried to be optimistic, saying the makers might send up an unscheduled box with supplies like they had delivered the grief serum. But deep down none of them expected the makers to be that generous.
The last thing they expected was for Lanie to wake up and start talking. Gertie bolted to her side instantly and Aussie followed.
"It's ok, we're here," Gertie reassured her as she took her hand. "Are you in pain? Do you need more medicine?"
Lanie shook her head, a tear slipping from the corner of her eye. Aussie gently brushed it away as Lanie looked at her.
"I'm sorry," she said in a voice thick with emotion and strained with effort. "I should ha- have listened... to you."
Aussie shushed her as she stroked her hair. "Hey now, there's nothing to be sorry for," Aussie said soothingly. "I should have fought harder to stop Hedy. But you were so brave trying to find the way out for us. So just do me a favor, ok? You just focus on getting better, alright? Because we are going to get you out of here even if I have to carry you myself."
Gally noticed the look Gertie gave Aussie, and he too was surprised that Aussie had just told such outrageous lies.
"So you go back to sleep now, ok? So you can get better. I love you, Lanie," Aussie whispered to her before kissing her temple.
That's when Gally realized what she was up to. You never confront the dying with their own mortality, you speak sweetly and be sure that the last words you say to them are good enough to be the last words they ever hear. Lanie might have gone her whole time there without ever hearing those words said to her. Even though she hadn't said them to him, even Gally felt a bit of peace wash over him just hearing it out loud. How he wished he could hear them again.
But all that softness and kindness disappeared as soon as Aussie turned away. Her jaw was clenched so hard she looked like she might break her teeth, and her eyes seemed to change color from the darkest blue to the coldest gray. She walked like she was on a mission, her strides long and fast. Even Gally had to pick up his own pace to keep up with her. He was honestly too afraid to speak to her in case he got his head bit off, so he just followed, whether he'd end up helping her or saving her was still unclear. But he'd be there to do either.
She went to the garden and grabbed a hoe before beelining to the box. The doors on it had been closed since that morning and she proceeded to beat on them with the hoe as if they were a piñata, all the while screaming at the makers, calling them names that Georgia would be proud of.
"Don't you dare let her die!" She screamed with every ounce of strength in her body. "You come save her! What's the point of sending us here if you let us die like this! You cowards! If you're too scared to come get her then give us what we need to save her ourselves! I hate you! IhateyouIhateyouIhateyou!!"
Gally's throat hurt just listening to her as she continued to beat the door. She had drawn pretty much everyone's attention to her by now. He didn't think he had the strength to stop her, this just seemed like something she had to do. She lifted the hoe high above her head, not even saying any real words, she just screamed as loud as she could and brought it down as hard as she could. The wooden handle shattered and the end came off, bouncing up and flying over her shoulder, barely missing her. She staggered back, panting, the stump of the handle slipping from her grip.
The air was unsettled, girls milling around after having just witnessed that all go down, hands pressed to mouths, whispering, shuffling feet.
Aussie suddenly fell to her knees. "Please," she croaked through her raw throat. "Please!!"
Gally finally couldn't take it anymore and knelt by her side. He didn't have the words, as usual, but he did what he was good at, breaking the rules. He pulled her to his chest and held her tighter than he ever did before, as if he could squeeze her broken pieces together. He hoped she'd understand just how badly he wanted to fix everything. She held him tightly in return, her fingers pressing hard against his skin, as a few heavy sobs shook her body.
She knew things were far from over though. Now was not yet the time for comfort. So she swallowed her tears painfully and pushed against Gally's strong hold. He looked down at her not understanding. Usually they were like magnets drawn together, but it felt like she was trying to repel him now, and he didn't like it.
"If Hedy is in the Garden I want her found by nightfall," she said. Her voice was gone but even her breath was full of anger.
"Ok," he nodded quietly as he wiped the tears from her cheeks. "I promise."
The whole garden was now a search party but by dusk there was still no sign of her anywhere so the girls fell back to their regular activities if a bit somberly. Aussie stood in front of the Maze doors as they closed, not wanting Hedy to slip through at the last minute. They sealed shut and Aussie just stared at them still, tears stinging her eyes again. Hedy was likely in the maze, dead, dying or would be soon. Lanie probably wasn't long for this world if the makers continued to ignore them. That would be 5 girls dead in 3 years.
Aussie sank into a crouch and cried harder than she'd ever cried before. It was grief and sadness and anger so strong she couldn't keep it all in her body anymore. It was fairly dark when she composed herself enough to stand back up and head toward the house. There was no longer a chance for vengeance or justice to come from her hands, it was up to the maze now.
She felt absolutely terrible. Her head and chest ached and her throat burned. She was completely congested with snot and felt like her eyes and lips had been stung by bees. In fact, she was so utterly messed up she wasn't sure if she was seeing things or not, but she could have sworn she saw movement near the house.
"Aussie," Gally called to her, turning her attention away from whatever she might have seen. "Still nothing. But I'm going to check the woods once more. If she found a place to hide in there she might come out now that it's dark."
"Ok," Aussie sighed, not really caring.
Gally watched her stagger toward the house, looking absolutely defeated. He hoped he could help her sleep better that night by confirming that Hedy was definitely lost to the maze. His hand worked itself into a fist as he restrained himself from going after her and trying once again to comfort her. He had to do this for her.
Aussie walked into the dark house, rubbing her tired eyes as she closed the door behind her. She took a step and her shoe squeaked. It was so small and insignificant, yet she never recalled hearing her shoes squeak before. She began walking towards the back room to be with Gertie and her shoes kept squeaking, and at one point her foot slid a little as if the floor were slippery. As she got closer to the room she started to smell it. A smell that threw her back in time 3 years.
Her breathing became rapid as her heart raced, she went faster, squeaking all the way until she burst through the door. It was bathed in darkness but there was a lantern turned down low, almost out. She slid across the floor, knowing that familiar feeling but not yet willing to believe it. She grabbed the lantern and turned it up, tears already falling from her eyes before she saw it.
Lanie lie there, eyes staring at the ceiling, a bright crimson streak across her throat, soaking the bed under her till it dripped onto the floor.
Aussie clasped her hand over her mouth as a sob threatened to rip through her throat. Then she remembered Gertie.
Oh god, please no! She thought as she spun around to find Gertie slumped in her chair.
She set the lantern down and grabbed the younger girls face, relief washing over her when Gertie angrily awoke.
"Oh! Oh thank god!" Aussie cried as she squeezed her tight.
Gertie finally saw the scene over Aussie's shoulder and held her just as hard.
"Aussie, what happened?" She whimpered.
"I don't know," Aussie sniffled. "I don't know, but... Lanie's gone."
And the maze doors were closed. They were trapped with a murderer for the night. Aussie couldn't shake the feeling that it was Hedy. They had been looking for her all day, it seemed impossible that it could be her, but that's exactly what Aussie's gut was telling her.
And then she remembered. Gally was in the woods.
@sweetseunghyun-poulter @mrbillymontgomery @a-ravenclaw-into-tardis-221b @crazysheeplyca @frequentlychangingfandoms
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itoshit · 3 years
Senju left us as soon as we arrived in Tokyo and thanks god because her flirt was getting annoying. I used Vee's phone to call Sanzu and he was supposed to arrive soon.
Now the two of us were waiting in front of Tokyo Station.
'Did you like our trip to Osaka baby?'
You didn't laugh but I chucked.
'Sorry sorry'
Turning my head I was met with Sanzu's car, and himself.
'Sanzu, what's up?'
'You look like shit'
'So do you'
Grinning he popped a pill while opening his door and took the bags Vee and I were holding.
'So, what happened?'
'The Sicilian mafia tested Bonten. They're probably going to cancel their contract with the Yamaguchi-gumi. I think that I acted as they wanted me to so don't be surprised if they contact us at some point'
'Understood. Now I need to know how the hell you got all these injuries? Some of them look serious'
'Vee took care of them.'
'So you were asleep the whole night?'
Not really but I guess I had to save Vee's ass.
'Yes. As I said before, got shot twice and had to jump from the first floor. Got scratches here and there. Nothing too dramatic. Got stitched up by Akashis's sister.'
'Akashi's sister?? Wait that don't fucking make sense?'
Noticing that Sanzu was going to change the trajectory to go my place I turned to you while stroking your thigh.
'You wanna see Natalie for a while?'
'Yes please! If it's possible ?'
Smiling a bit I nodded.
'Go to your place then Sanzu. How did it go?'
Erupting in a loud laughter he shrugged.
'If only you had a look at my back, man your friend is a tigress!'
'Huh? You fucked?'
I was acting like I was shocked but Vee and I almost done it too.
'Of course we did. Now the Yamaguchi-gumi is still around, no surprise. Speaking of which, Ranis waiting for you tonight.'
'Good. Nothing else?'
'Nothing else.'
After driving few minutes we eventually arrived at Sanzu's apartment. He was living at the top floor of a luxurious building with a 360° view on Tokyo.
These posts are a bit slow yeah but I want fluff rn lmao so be prepared for that and sorry for the time taken, I finally arrived!
sanzu pretending like senju isn’t his sister too is KILLING ME.
Walking up to Sanzu’s apartment, I masked my excitement through my actions, allowing Mikey to use me as a crutch as we navigated through the large building. The lavish material made me scoff. So much for being inconspicuous, Sanzu.
At the front door, I don’t bother to hide it any longer. I missed Nat and I wanted to see her. Sanzu opens the door and I scurry in, following the sound of Nat’s voice asking if that was him at the door. Banking a corner that leads into the kitchen, I’m immediately met with her face. Natalie’s eating wings over the countertop, and me jumping on her nearly makes her choke on a bone.
Christ, Vee! At least let me put it down first! she yells over my laughter as I rock us from side to side in the embrace. Where have you been anyway?
I pull away from her, anchored to her shoulders by my hands. We were in Osaka that entire time. Sanzu didn’t tell you?
No, he didn’t. Sanzu’s timing is awful. He enters the room just as she says it, catching her fiery glare head on.
Don’t blame me. That was the boss’ orders. He points to Mikey who’s coming in behind him.
Damn. Natalie whistles lowly. You look like shit, Sano Manjiro.
Always a pleasure to see you again, Natalie, Mikey retorts, words laced in poisonous sarcasm.
Now, back to you. Natalie wraps an arm around my shoulder, tugs me closer into her side. How was Osaka? Did you see any sights? Shop? Get some new dick?
She winks at Mikey when she says new and I chance a glance at him. There’s not a trace of a smile on his face. I’m kidding! Geez, lighten up every once in a while! I see Vee’s hickeys, Mikey. I know you’ve marked your territory.
I slap a hand to my neck, suddenly embarrassed. I didn’t think to cover them at all. Sanzu laughs and through the corner of my eye I can even see Mikey fighting a smile at my mortified expression. Dumb asses.
Tell me all about it, Natalie orders, then turns to the boys as if they were an afterthought she suddenly returned to. You two do whatever it is crime bosses do. The girls want to gossip.
I almost think they wouldn’t listen, put a gun to Natalie’s head for talking to them so lightly, but Sanzu just shrugs and walks out of the room, Mikey taking his leave shortly after but after confirming with me through his eyes that I’d be okay. Natalie and I move over to the couch, where I tell her all about the trip to Osaka in detail, making sure to omit everything… explicit Mikey and I did in the meantime.
I would’ve spit on her, Natalie rants. She’s talking about Senju, immediately not taking a liking to her from my description. Thirsty bitch. Did she not see you were there?
She thought I was a whore.
From what you’ve told me, the only whore around during that trip was her. She flicks my neck right on the spot where Mikey’s mark lay. And besides, he practically spelt it out that he’s with you when you two fucked. S’her fault she wanted to be dense.
We didn’t fuck, Nat.
Then what the hell did you two do? He surely left the impression that you two had done at least that with these marks.
Um he— I never liked talking about things I did with my partners in bed. I felt like it was private, but when you had friend like Natalie, what was privacy?
He ate your pussy? she asks candidly.
Nat! I groan, smacking her arm.
Hey if it makes you feel any better, Sanzu and I fuck. All the time. It’s practically the only thing we do when I’m not kicking his ass in shogi or we aren’t getting high.
Thanks for the mental picture.
Any time! Natalie grins and I almost feel… at home. Like I’d just look past her shoulder and Ang and Tati would be right there laughing with us. The reality is painful. The same thing must’ve struck Natalie because she’s immediately on her feet, bringing her hands together in a loud clap. Okay. It just got majorly sad in here. You know what would make this night better? Wine. Lots and lots of wine. I try shaking my head, remind Natalie that her being drunk is not so much a solution to our current problem, but could well possibly be a creation to another one. But she’s not listening. Come on! I’ll go grab the glasses and you can model all the shit you bought for me.
I hope Mikey’s injuries start acting up. Give us an excuse to get out of here.
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