oscconfessions · 4 months
all this Algabralien talk is very interesting to me, actually. let’s recap on some Algabralien biology, yeah? what we know, thanks to Fours enlightening and relatable remark, they do not have any concept of gender. this does not exclude that they have a sex but… i would asume not, personally. you do you though. however this is surprising and impressive since most, if not all, cultures, and therefor species who have culture, have a gender concept.
but they use pronouns. more importantly, they use gendered pronouns. this could mean a couple of things. one way is that they’ve always uses pronouns of this sort, somehow??? without having gender connected to them at all. secondly, they adopted many of the pronouns they choose to use from objects! this could have a few gaps in it, considering we haven’t *seen* every Algabralien meet an object, but it seems very plausible to me. and just a reminder, i’m not saying they adopted gender, i’m saying they adopted pronouns. very scary. however, since they don’t relate to gender, they would probably choose in some other way. Four and X probably just stuck to what others called them because why not, they both got called ‘it’ and didn’t give a shit. (which, don’t take those away from them. let them use it/it’s. cowards.) Nine uses all of our favorite gendered pronouns, because he used any pronouns, which is confirmed. Six, on the other hand, has been referred to he/she/ and they, but not said to use any/all. the same with Seven. many of the algabraliens happen to use they and another gendered pronoun, or both. there’s an inherent fluidity of pronouns, rather than gender. you can head canon whatever you want, i know i sure do. but i hope this shows how little mentioning gender, agender or otherwise, is kinda futile with these guys. it makes sense to use terms such as non-binary or gender-fluid since that’s what we’re used to; gender. but these guys don’t have that. it’s actually /just/ pronouns. so treat it like that.
thank you for coming to my ted talk -💥
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Can you draw Profily and Nine?
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Sorry I didn't answer this when you asked but I finally did it. Again I'm sorry I didn't do this awhile ago.
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omegaverse-bfdi · 2 years
if every algabralien we know.. had the ability to screech.. and they all did it at once.. what would happen?
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osc-confessions · 2 years
3am thinking again
Part of me wonders if the algabraliens link their value to their self worth. I know its probably not intentional and im looking too far into things, but it seems numbers under five generally seem to be more unstable whether that be attitude or acts (both in four’s case). While the numbers 5 and above seem to worry about their value less (like they’re more confident?)
Six is similar to four personality wise but despite being a bit of a gremlin they’re still pretty emotionally stable and dont take things as badly
And in tpot with gaty we see firsthand how much two’s value (self worth maybe?) impacted them. Kinda makes me think they took bfb’s contestants because it would help them make up for being a lesser number. Maybe two thought if they could win against four they’d get more “value”. (Not literally tho)
Or maybe they’re aware theres a unspoken rule of value and find that BS and want to find a way to help them feel worth that doesnt correlate to how much value they have.
Not saying any of the algabraliens are bad however-
We’ve met all of them (exept 3 and 1, who also lending to this theory seem quite annoyed) and they’re all quite nice in some way so if they are making the lesser numbers feel bad because of their value then its not intentional on their part.
Five seems confused when four specifically calls them out in the most recent sub special.
But it does make sense on how sourly four reacts to five as no matter what they do they’ll always be less than them.
Not defending any of their actions ofc though, just sounded like a theory.
Its just interesting to think that maybe the algabraliens tie their self worth to their value which is why four wanted some control over being less than themself (the objects) other than because of their bfdi obsession, and two wanted to change their own self worth by beating a larger number.
Idk i think too much about these silly lil aliens lol
-kea anon
the higher numbers do seem to be more relaxed too
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seanseabean · 2 years
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t00nified · 3 years
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lol what if-
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