#/helper giorno
mrsgiovanna · 9 days
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The little things (Yan! Don Giovanna x reader)
It's been forever and a day since I've written anything, so this isn't the best 😭... just an idea inspired by @thecw-unicorn .
Word count: 1.8k
Tw: yandere behavior, possessiveness, just yand Giorno being yan Giorno haha. Pls, I don't condone this behavior in reality. This is just fiction.
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Your day started off just as they all had for the past few weeks... woken up by the ambient light that filtered through the gauzy curtains in your room, followed by slowly meandering through your morning routine until you were convinced it was late enough for you to go down to breakfast without having to cross paths with him. Your fingers trailed through the various outfits in your closet, each perfectly constructed to meet your measurements and likes while still catering to his preferences. It annoyed you, how everything was curated to suit you but felt so insufferable to experience.
From the outside looking in, your existence was a dream, lavished with the best of everything, housed in a villa with comfort few could even imagine, and a handsome powerful man who could create a universe for you, and he would, if you'd ask for it. But this charmed existence came at a price… as most things did, but you often wondered if all the designer clothes and expensive jewellery was worth your agency? Could you continue to live within the confines of his rules? Sitting at the vanity mirror, you looked at yourself, the visage was your own, you recognised the curve of your cheeks and the slope of your nose and the ways the sunlight bathed your complexion but your eyes felt different… foreign… but in a way that you just couldn't name.
A soft tapping at your door pulled you out of your reverie.
“Yes, come in,” you responded, returning to your reflection as you smoothed out your outfit for the day. It was one of Giorno’s staff, Stella, the helper he had assigned specifically for you, who had let themselves in at your invitation.
“Don Giovanna wishes to see you,”
The silence hung in the air for a while, before prompted again.
“[First]? Did you hear me?”
“I did,” you sighed, and stood. Stalling wouldn't help you today, Giorno only ever sent anyone for you when he was insistent on seeing you and no amount of tricks would save you from that.
“Come along, we wouldn't want to keep Don Giovanna waiting,” said Stella with a serene smile.
“You wouldn't want to keep him waiting, I on the other hand, have no such reservations,” you quipped. Stella simply shook her head at your defiance and walked with you towards the grand dining room.
On occasion you would take your breakfasts there, and dinner when Giorno would be your dining companion, otherwise you had preferred the sunroom with large windows overlooking the beautifully manicured gardens of the villa. You could spend hours there, lost in a book or one of the other hobbies that had become an outlet for you. Giorno had always encouraged your passions… the ones that would keep you on his premises that is.
It was always like that with him. Behind his kind gestures and honeyed words was a veil of control that he was unwilling to relent on. He had always said that it was to keep you from harm, but you wondered how anyone could inflict harm on a man who was akin to a god.
You had arrived at the dining room and seated yourself at the furthest seat from Giorno across the long mahogany table. There was a feast of items, from fresh fruits to pastries and fluffy scrambled eggs and toasted breads. He knew you'd try to hastily leave and was always prepared for resistance from you, but there was something softer in his demeanour today. You eyes wandered over him, he was more relaxed today, even in his dressing, the cashmere turtleneck and dark wash jeans replaced his usual tailored suit, which was still impeccably stylish, but aimed at comfort.
He folded the newspaper he was reading and settled it neatly to the side at your arrival.
“Good morning, [First]” he greeted with a smile, his green eyes sparkling almost as bright as the emeralds on your bracelet.
“Morning….” You flinched internally at the blandness of your response but schooled your features into indifference.
“Have you slept well?” He asked, attempting to ignite a semblance of a conversation.
“Well enough thanks… so… is there a particular reason you wanted to see me today?”
Giorno laughed at the bluntness of your response.
“Always to the point… it's one of the things I love about you. To answer your question, there is something I'd like to talk about”. You nodded for him to continue.
“I was thinking, a change of scenery might be nice, what would you say to a trip to Corsica? I've acquired a secluded villa right on the coast, it's beautiful this time of year…” Giorno trailed off at the downcast expression on your face.
“When do you want to go?” you asked, buttering a piece of toast just to give your hands something to do.
Giorno leaned forward slightly, his expression softening as he caught the hint of reluctance in your voice. "We can leave whenever you’d like. I thought a few days away would do you some good—away from the city, from the noise. Just you and me, no distractions."
The idea of Corsica sounded lovely in theory—a place so far removed from the rest of the world. A place where you could find peace. But you knew better. No matter where you went, no matter how beautiful the scenery, it would still be a gilded cage. The control would remain, the invisible strings pulling at you, limiting your freedom.
You sipped your tea, trying to mask the tension building in your chest. "It sounds nice," you replied carefully, keeping your tone neutral. "But I have things to take care of here." A lie, an unconvincing one but it was all you could think of.
Giorno’s lips twitched into a slight smile, as if amused by your deflection. "Of course, you do. But none of it is so urgent that it can’t wait a few days, no?" His tone was gentle, coaxing, yet firm—leaving little room for argument.
You set your cup down, fingers lightly tracing the rim. "Maybe. I’ll think about it."
There was a pause, the room falling into a familiar, tense quiet, the kind that always followed when Giorno offered you something that was, in truth, an order cloaked as a suggestion. He never pushed too hard, but he never let go, either. You could feel his gaze on you, studying, waiting for the resistance to fade.
"I just want you to be happy, cara," he said, voice low and sincere. "I know things have been difficult, but I want us to have more moments to ourselves, to enjoy life together."
You glanced up at him, meeting those piercing green eyes that always seemed to see more than they should. A part of you wanted to believe in his words, to think that he truly cared, but the weight of his possessiveness and control was never far from your mind.
“I know you do,” you replied quietly, “but sometimes… I need space to find that happiness.”
Giorno’s smile faltered for just a moment, but he quickly masked it with an understanding nod. “Of course. We can discuss it further whenever you're ready. But just know, I’ll always be here, offering whatever you need.”
You gave a small, polite smile and shifted in your seat, feeling the weight of his words settle around you. The breakfast laid out before you seemed like a feast, but you felt anything but hungry. It was always like this—an endless cycle of gilded promises wrapped in velvet chains.
And no matter how far you went, no matter how beautiful the setting, the freedom you craved always seemed just out of reach.
Giorno watched you in silence for a moment, his eyes scanning your face, searching for any flicker of happiness. The quiet tension between you felt too heavy, too oppressive, and he wasn’t one to let things remain that way for long. A soft smile tugged at the corner of his lips as he leaned back in his chair.
"You seem tense, amore," he remarked casually, his tone light but with a calculated intention behind it. He gestured toward the fruit plate with a lazy wave of his hand, and in the next instant, you saw something move out of the corner of your eye.
A tiny kitten materialized on the table, no bigger than the palm of your hand. Its fur was a delicate golden color, shimmering faintly as it mewed softly and blinked up at you with wide, curious eyes. It stretched its tiny paws and let out an adorable little purr, batting at a grape that had rolled beside it.
You blinked, caught off guard. "Giorno, what—?"
He chuckled softly. "I thought you could use some company. Sometimes, it's the little things that can brighten your day."
The kitten padded its way closer to you, its tiny paws pattering against the table. Without thinking, you reached out, your fingers brushing against its soft fur as it purred louder and nudged your hand with its small head. A reluctant smile crept onto your face, despite the guarded wall you’d been trying to keep up.
"There it is," Giorno said, his voice gentle and pleased. "A smile. I knew you had one hiding in there."
You rolled your eyes playfully but couldn’t help the warmth spreading in your chest as the kitten pawed at your fingers, its playful energy contagious. You picked it up carefully, cradling the delicate creature in your hands, and it immediately curled into your palm, purring contentedly.
Giorno watched you intently, his gaze softening as he saw the tension in your posture begin to ease. "See? A simple little thing, and already the day feels better, doesn’t it?"
You shook your head, unable to suppress the small laugh that escaped you. "You really think a kitten is going to fix everything, don’t you?"
"Not everything," he replied with a knowing smile, "but it’s a start."
You held the kitten up, watching as it batted at your finger playfully, its tiny claws barely scratching at your skin. There was something about the innocence of the little creature that tugged at your heart, and for a moment, the weight of the morning lifted just a little.
Giorno leaned forward, his chin resting on his hand as he continued to watch you. "I don’t need to fix everything, amore mio. I just want to see you happy—whatever that looks like for you."
The sincerity in his voice made you pause, glancing over at him. His green eyes, always so sharp and calculating, held a softness that made it hard to look away. He wasn’t pressuring you this time, wasn’t forcing you into something you didn’t want. He was simply… there, offering a small moment of joy in a life that often felt too controlled.
You stroked the kitten, your smile lingering as you looked down at the small, golden ball of fluff in your lap. "Thank you, Giorno," you said quietly, your voice barely above a whisper.
He nodded, his smile widening just a fraction, the sound of his name from your lips was always a balm to his soul. "It’s nothing, cara. I’ll always do whatever I can to make you smile."
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donvilaro · 1 year
I had been thinking about this idea since Bri posted her event. Its just an unhinged AU that the mutuals will appreciate (I hope, hahahaha) @mrsgiovanna​ you could count this as a Giorno month prompt, from his biggest (superior) rival.   Yandere themes, kidnapping, general yandere notions
It was a plan that was years in the making, and finally it had come to bear fruit… Having just gotten off the phone with Giorno, Niccolo had felt a surge of mixed emotions. He had to admit, he was moved by the Don's distraught voice and the fact that Giorno had, in his desperation, turned to Bri's father for help. Niccolo made a mental note to be careful of giving anything away when speaking to Mahin, who had the ability to derail his entire future with Bri if he so wished to.
Leaving his study, his hurried steps could be heard approaching the east wing of the mansion- Bri had been acquired, her unconscious form lay in the suite adjoining his own. He wasn't going to make her share a bed with him immediately,  he had waited this long and her presence in his home was enough for him in the meantime. 
"Don Niccolo… " he nodded at Ava in acknowledgement, eyeing the sleeping woman on the bed before him. He reached out and examined her for any injuries and frowned as he trailed his fingers along the tear stains on her face, while Ava had started brushing the ends of Bri's hair with a sad smile. 
Without hesitating Niccolo summoned his stand and impaled her chest with one of the appendages he manifested from his spine and broke it off within her, sealing off her stand ability. After a few moments of just staring at her, he gave them the space and time to do what they needed to.  In just under two hours Niccolo's helpers had finished their work on the young lady and left her with Niccolo's consigliere, Fausto. The young man regarded Bri carefully, sighing in resignation as he called out his stand to enact the final bit of Niccolo's plan and would ensure that she would remain with his Don. He had been Niccolo's most trusted ally for the longest time, having grown up together. He was privy to all of Niccolo's plans, helped him to reshuffle Sangue Reale after his father's death and served as a voice of reason when the young Don got too carried away, however, as much as he tried, Niccolo was resolute when it came to Bri, ignoring all reason and rationalizing his own motives in any way that he could. Fausts stand, Forgotten, had appeared next to him, and had started to rearrange and delete Bri's memories so that nothing of Giorno or Passione had remained behind. Niccolo had returned to the room, to find Faust almost finished with his task. 
"It's done… you're going to have to be very patient with her… "
"I know that-" 
"I don't think you do, I've seen all her life events, she's been through so much… it's not too late, be the better man, give her back to Passione…" suggested Faust tentatively.
"I'm not a good man, and I know I'm selfish… Trust me, I'm not blind to my faults. I may not have the best abilities, but things fell into place for me to take her and so I did." It was the first time that Faust had seen this type of emotion flash in the Don's eyes, like pools of ichor swirling furiously. Niccolo averted his eyes though, his underbosses critical gaze had left him feeling unnerved, thankfully, his attention was beckoned to the girl who was stirring from her sleep. It was the curtain call for his master plan, and almost like a switch had been flipped, had his demeanor and gaze softened when he saw Bri's dark eyelashes flutter open. She wasn't defensive or poised to attack, but rather wore an expression of innocent fear, and recoiled from Niccolo when he gently placed his hand on hers. 
"Can you tell me what your name is?" Asked Niccolo in a mild voice, watching the confused girl trying to gather her thoughts and orient herself. 
"B-bri… my name's Bria Adal… my, my head hurts" she said through a grimace, clenching her fists against her temples. Niccolo gently grasped her wrists and brought them down to her lap. 
"I'm sorry, we can get you something for that, just stay calm, okay Bria? Breathe with me…" 
"Oh you're shaking like a leaf… please don't be scared, you're safe here, I promise you, no harm will ever come to you, I won't allow it, okay?" Niccolo gently brushed her now chin-length hair away from her face, and tucked it behind her ears, revealing her teary eyes. "Please don't cry, everything will be okay I promise" the scared girl could only nod, and looked around trying to find some sort of familiarity in her surroundings. 
"I can't watch this," said Faust as he walked out of the room. Inhaling sharply, Niccolo left Bri's side apologizing to her and went after his consigliere.  
"Faust, wait!"
"I did what you asked- no ordered me to do, I've  messed with her mind, it's done, mission completed, you're on your own now!" 
"Keep your goddamn voice down, she's going to hear you!" 
"Good, maybe she'll run then," 
"Watch it Faust," 
"Oh? Have I offended you Don Vilaro? You know I've seen you do a lotta shit in the past, but you've had valid reasons… this? This is beyond selfish, you're ruining her entire life! Don't you feel anything watching her like this? A shadow of her former self?" Fausts words had wounded Niccolo, but he didn't retort because deep within himself, he knew they were true. 
"Look, I know, okay I know! Slowly things will get better and I can give her her stand back, she'll regain her strength but she's never using it to fight on my behalf, ever…  she needs to stay as far away from  all of this as possible," 
"Why are you so obsessed with taking her out of this world? She could probably hold her own against either of us. She's not your mother Niccolo,  but you're acting a whole lot like your father," any attempt at niceties would be useless now and Faust had realized he overstepped his boundaries. 
"Perhaps you should leave, I'll see you in the morning," said Niccolo in a chillingly calm voice, reminding Faust that it was when his anger was quiet that he was at his most dangerous.  
"I'm sorry-" 
"Just leave, please," without waiting for Faust to reply, he turned on his heels and walked towards Bri's room. 
When he entered he found her still on the bed,  hugging her knees to her chest. She still looked scared but was calmer than before. 
"Bria, are you hungry? What would you like?" 
"Just some water is fine," she said, offering a weak smile, which Niccolo returned as he called Ava and asked to bring up something for the young woman. 
"Are you alright?" Asked Bria softly, noting the change in his demeanor when the young Don had returned to her room. 
"Hmmm? Oh I'm fine, why?" A small, forced smile graced his face, not really reaching his eyes. 
" I heard what sounded like an argument, and you came back looking sad… did you and your friend have a fight?" 
Still so perceptive and caring even like this he thought to himself as he sat next to Bria on the bed.
"Something like that angel, it will be fine though, nothing you need to worry about,  you'll come to know Faust again, his mouth works faster than his brain…" Niccolo's description of his consiglieri earned a small chuckle from the raven haired girl beside him. 
"Who am I though?" 
"Have you forgotten your name? You're Bria,"
"No, no, who am I to you? What is my purpose here?" Niccolo extended his arm towards her, caressing her cheek softly as he thought of how to reply. 
“You, my beautiful Bri, are at the center of my empire. You’re the one I love most in this whole world.” 
“Oh… I…”
“Are you disappointed, my love?” He was troubled by the downcast expression on Bria’s face but waited for her to respond before reacting. 
“I am… in myself though… I can’t even recall something as important as that… I’m so sorry,”
“Bria, don’t apologize, please, none of this is your fault, if anything, I am to blame, it's my duty to keep you safe and I failed…” Niccolo held her close, placing a few kisses onto her hair. The manner in which he had spun the story had left no room for doubt and at that point Bria had no reason to question him thanks to Faust's seamless alteration of her memories. For all intents and purposes, she was just a girl with amnesia and was being looked after by her lover. Any feelings of guilt that Niccolo may have been harboring had all but vanished when he felt her in his arms. Years of pining, months of planning, and finally she was his. 
"I'm sorry for interrupting…" Ava spoke as she walked into the room with a tray full of little treats that Bria enjoyed. She continued, "I'm Ava, if you need anything at all, I'm always around, so please don't hesitate to ask," 
"Thanks Miss Ava…  there's something so warm and familiar about you…" 
"Well I should hope so miss Bri,"
"Please, just Bri, or Bria, anything else feels strange," Before agreeing to her request Ava looked to Niccolo for approval,  which he granted with a small nod. Perusing the spread that Ava had brought into the room, he had picked up a strawberry and offered it to Bri who took a small bite of it. 
"These are some of your favorites, if your palate has changed though, I'll bring you something else," offered Ava. 
"No, no this is fine, please don't, this is wonderful, thank you," Bria's polite decline brought a smile to the older lady's face, and the three of them made light conversation for a short while until Bria's tiredness had overpowered her will to stay awake. 
"Alright, we can continue this tomorrow,  you're tired my love," Niccolo gently pushed down Bria's shoulders and pulled the covers up around her. His thumb caressed her bottom lip as he cupped her cheek, but he fought the urge and kissed her on the forehead instead before leaving the room with Ava. 
The pair walked in silence for a moment before Niccolo spoke. 
"I suppose you're this quiet because of what happened with Faust," 
"It is upsetting, I'll admit. I've watched you both grow up, this isn't like you two…" 
"I know… I might have been a bit harsh. But so was he- comparing me to that tyrant,"  Niccolo looked down to meet the woman's worried gaze before he continued. "Not you too…" 
"I just don't want you to do anything you'll later regret, you're a good person… but this is bad Niccolo… Don Giovanna will come to look for her, so will her father. If anything happens to you-"
"You worry too much, I can take them on, both of them, she's worth the risk… but that's not going to happen, my plan is foolproof." 
In Naples, villa Giovanna was thrown into disarray. Disheveled in appearance with his eyes bloodshot, Giorno poured over the few hours of video footage which captured Bria before she had disappeared,  awaiting word from Abbacchio who had gone to Sicily with Mista to where she had last been seen. It was the strangest occurrence, the work of a stand user no doubt, and he had his suspicions regarding Niccolo, but didn't want to act until he was certain, fearing the position Bri might have been in, should his assumptions hold true. Under normal circumstances, Giorno would have already ripped Sicily apart in an attempt to look for Bria, however, one false move would have resulted in him losing his stand ability altogether. That was the potency of Niccolo’s stand, The Reaper. A rival that he might have been evenly matched with had he not been as aggrieved over Bria’s disappearance.  It was a game of chess and his queen had been captured, his defenses had been left wide open and Niccolo was poised to win. 
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kinnie-quarium · 4 years
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@stephenbrowning requested a moodboard for Jean Pierre Polnareff with themes of missing their friends, cats and just being dumb and full of love.
I hope this is what you wanted, let me know if theres anything I can fix or change.
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-Helper Giorno
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xxiamtiebrousxx · 2 years
Fear of the Dark (Giorno x Reader Oneshot | This Bizarre World)
A/N: Idea was given by my Lil' Helper :)
It was a dark, raining night in the city of Naples. Raining wasn’t the right word.
It was a dark, pouring night in the city of Naples. It had only been two days since my  friend, Giorno Giovanna, became the new boss of Passione. He had come over for dinner. Unfortunately, the current storm that's raging outside flooded the streets. Giorno had no way of going home, so he crashed on my couch downstairs. 
I was laying on my bed, reading a book. The storm outside was getting worse. Thunder boomed and lighting struck the earth. It was so bad out there, there was a ninety nine percent chance of being hit by lighting. 
To add to the problems, the power went out. 
“Y/N?!?” Giorno called out. His cry seemed desperate. I closed my book. I grabbed my flashlight, turning it on as I walked down the stairs. It was darker down here than upstairs. The light illuminated Giorno’s face. He was worried, looking up at me. Since I met him, he always seemed tough, only allowing some feelings to go through. But tonight, he was like a child. I sat down next to him. He was panting.
“Hey, what’s wrong?” I softly asked, rubbing his back. 
“Nothing,” he said. “I’m just, I’m just remembering things.” 
I knew what he was talking about. He had told me that story before. When he was young, Giorno’s mother neglected him. She was never really home and his stepfather abused him. He was raised alone in the dark. That’s why he feared it. That and being alone.
“Here.” I handed Giorno the flashlight. Hands reaching out, I walked to my bookshelf and grabbed a specific book. I brought it back to the couch.
“What’s this?” Giorno asked, taking the book. 
“Open it,” I said, sitting next to him. He opened it.
The book was a pop-up book that illuminated whenever it was opened. It was the story of Alice in Wonderland. The story was depicted in various glowing colors. It was lovely and made a great night light. “I like it,” he said, flipping through the pages. “Would you like to read with me?”
All night, we read Alice in Wonderland. Giorno snuggled up to me as I read out loud. By the time the storm cleared up, it was early light. Giorno had fallen asleep midway. He was such a lovely boy. He deserved better. Giorno adjusted his position and rested his head on my shoulder, drooling slightly. I softly chuckled, tucking some loose strands of his hair behind his ear. 
I’d do whatever it takes to make sure he no longer fears the dark and loneliness.
A/n: Yes, it was short but hey, you liked it, right?
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depravitymoon · 3 years
Older!Fugo headcanons (rough draft)
Author's note: I'm trying to channel my bad habits into writing for Fugo since I sympathize with him a bit. This isn't polished. I just need to write to calm down. Also, Everyone Lives AU.
Warning: It's SFW, but if you don't like corrupt lawyers, dont read. lol
He's a lawyer for Passione.
One of the best in Italy.
99% success rate. 1% failure if the client wasn't being truthful with him or needed to go to jail via Giorno's orders.
Even though Passione can bribe and blackmail their way out of things, sometimes they're forced into a legal battle. That's where Fugo steps in.
He's great with arguments.
He's an attorney for "free" if he needs a favor from his client.
He's also part of Passione's blackmail division. It's easy to win cases when he has dirt on judges, jury, etc.
He's also Bruno's helper since he's such a workaholic.
He also got a huge inheritance after his parents mysteriously died.
Just before their deaths, they put Panna back on the will, so he's part of the upper class again!
He uses his wealth and knowledge of the elites to his advantage and Passione's advantage.
Being around the elites again reminded Fugo how much he hated them, but it's a necessary evil.
Fugo's anger problems have lessened, but they're not gone!
What he has no tolerance for are incompetent people.
He doesn't hate people who are just uneducated. Dealing with Narancia helped him to gain compassion. It's willful ignorance he hates.
He will curse out people who can't take responsibility for themselves, especially when they were put in a position of power.
He never hires by nepotism unless the benefits outweigh the risks.
Eventually he'll own a law firm. He will show no mercy to his workers. He's paying them extremely well, so they better work like their lives depend on it!
Despite being a corrupt hard-ass lawyer, he's still that polite compassion guy underneath.
He'll truly help out good families that need it.
He'll trick vile scumbags (that remind him of his professor) into trusting him and actively sabotage their case so that they're found guilty and given life in prison.
He still hangs with Mista, Narancia, and the others. Just not in public to protect his reputation.
It's an open secret that Fugo's in Passione, but he prefers that it stays a popular rumor, not a well-documented fact.
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sumire-tsuki-art · 4 years
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JoJo OC! 
I’ve been very much into JoJo Bizzare’s Adventure! I’m currently caught up with the series and waiting for the next update for part 8! It’s a fun fun time!  So a little bit about my original charater!
Name: Camela Camomilla 
Age: 16
Part: Part 5 (After the events of Canon)
Occupation: Passione Doctor
Stand: The Cure 
Camela’s name comes from the italian word for apple! (Mela) I added Ca in front. To folow the food theme in part 5! 
I found out that Camela is actually means “Helper to the priest” Which I think fits since Camela is helping Giorno to help achieve his dream.  
Camela’s 2nd outfit the jacket is actually transparent with herbs in each little pocket/square for those curious what she’s wearing! 
Where to find me!
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kon-igi · 4 years
doc, domandona filosofica probabilmente idiota: è corretto dire che una cellula che diventa tumorale è comunque "evoluzione" perché mutazione? cioè, i pesci di un triliardo di anni fa prima di azzeccare la mutazione giusta non ne avranno sbagliate a milioni?
Ora ti dico una cosa ma prendila per oro colato solo dopo che @thec8h10n4o2 ci avrà messo sopra il suo Sigillo Zooologico dell’Onnisciente Potere Supremo.
Tutto muta.
E non è una roba tipo πάντα ῥεῖ ma una realtà biologica di ogni essere vivente.
Non è che i bestiolini di cui non mi ricordo più il nome abbiano deciso di affacciarsi dalla Pantalassa per respirare quel gas velenoso chiamato ossigeno o che a quel pesce bruttissimo gli siano sbucate le zampe nel giro di due giorni perché faceva delle gran leg extension con le pinne sulla riva o che i dinosauri si siano trasformati in galline perché dopo un mese di digiuno gli si è rimpicciolito lo stomaco e hanno trovato del becchime.
Ogni essere vivente ha in sé delle istruzioni di automontaggio e di automanutenzione e sia sul grande numero di individui che con il protrarsi della vita può succedere che queste istruzioni vengano male interpretate.
Questo essere vivente, allora, la maggior parte delle volte viene abortito. O schiatta neonato. O muore giovane. Oppure è sterile.
Oppure sviluppa una mutazione completamente inutile oppure una UTILE, grazie alla quale prederà meglio, mangerà meglio, si nasconderà meglio, tromberà meglio.
Trasmettendola alla propria prole.
Quando dico ogni essere vivente intendo proprio OGNI essere vivente, quindi questo meccanismo si applica anche alle cellule del nostro corpo che però non sono unità vitali a sé stanti ma parte di un organismo più grande, il quale cercherà di correggere ogni malainterpretazione del libretto di istruzioni in modo veloce ed efficace con la
Questo grazie a centinaia di meccanismi di preservazione, non ultimo IL NOSTRO POTENTE E VALENTE SISTEMA IMMUNITARIO perché tu non hai idea ogni giorno quante cellule tumorali nascano e vengano distrutte dai Linfociti T, dai Linfociti B, dai T Helper, dalle proteine checkpoint, dai macrofagi, dalla nucleofosmina, dall’antigene tumorale cellulare e compagnia danzante.
Purtroppo questo vale anche per il Gene X e quindi niente super poteri. :(
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yaneyanedaze · 5 years
So, out of curiosity, it was mentioned in the Formaggio description that the only off-putting things were his robotic parts. How obvious are the robotic parts, anyway? Like, maybe on a scale from i-Robot to Detroit: Become Human, just how visible are the metal parts? Is it just the connective areas between joints and limbs? And would a jojodroid be capable of passing as a human by trying to cover the parts?
It depends on the model and the type of android!
Mostly ones made for companionship and company are made to look as human as possible Like Bruno, Kakyoin, Polnareff, Melone, And Giorno.
While ones made for work and helpers, like Risotto, Jotaro, the pillarmen, Jonathan, And Joseph (2 and 3) will have more robotic like joints showing so when they lift you objects they can do it without any strain.
But they can also easily hide the joints, but models that are rare and no longer made and updated like Doppio, Diavolo, Prosciutto and Vanilla Ice. Can’t help that they look mostly like robots, having grey like skin and bolts showing, they still are made to serve you but they may have some slight defects in their programming due to having such older models!
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jojo-reader-hell · 4 years
Okay but fighting fate, yet ultimately falling in with it, is always a super cool concept and I dig that anon’s (and yours!) idea of it. It seems the idea of Zeppelis being designated helpers to the Joestars throughout time and dimensions is canon. Oh! And Caesar’s descendant being hellbent on twisting fate and destiny to their whims, avoiding what was expected of them, until they realize they CAN’T, bitterly accepting that maybe they aren’t so bad. Maybe Grandpa wants to see them again.
Of course grandpa wants to see his baby again 🥺 he’s probably been running up and down the streets looking for that baby and crying, begging them to come home to Grandpa because he doesn’t want to lose his family all over again. Wouldn’t it be cute if Giorno made them reunite?
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mrsgiovanna · 3 years
- Inside Giorno's mind -
Angel Giorno and Devil Giorno: *working to fix the wires being scattered here and there in the brain*
Haruno: *gathering up all the dream clouds thar were scattered onto the floor and make it into a pile*
Angel Giorno: Haruno, make sure to be careful with them, okay? They might have nightmares packed within them, which can mean no sleep.
Devil Giorno: Speaking of, we need to put in an extremely nice dream in. Otherwise, the brain's going to be restless with a nightmare or two.
Haruno: *raises his hand and smiles* Oh, I have an idea! *goes to get a brand new fluffy cloud* I know what will make us nice and really rested!
- Giorno's dream -
Chibi Giorno: *wakes up in bed* Mm? Where... am I? What happened?
Doppio: Hey there, little guy. *pats Chibi Giorno on the head* I heard you were losing sleep, so I got you somethings and someone!
Chibi Bri: *hugs Chibi Giorno* GioGio! Oh, Gio! Are you okay?
Chibi Giorno: I...think so?
Chibi Bri: *snuggles Chibi Giorno and gives him a kiss*
Chibi Giorno: *blushes and smiles* Thanks!
Doppio: Here for you two. A nice chocolate chip cookie pizza, some nice chocolate milk, and the greatest brownies in the world!
- Outside -
Giorno: *sleeping and snuggling*
Bri: *gives him a kiss on the head*
Giorno: *smiles and blushes in his sleep*
Narancia: *looks into Giorno's ear* Those little guys must be running around in there.
Trish: *raises an eyebrow* What do you mean, Narancia? What little guys?
Owaaah chibi bubbies and softboi doppio 😭🤲 *sobbing*
Narancia: so I have this theory that in order to keep his mind organized there's a few little Giornos in his head.
Bri: yeah, they're like little helpers
Trish: ...
Narancia: listen, just think about it, the day dreams, the strange things that happen...
Bri: even Fugo believes it now, well kinda *laughs*
Trish: I guess I you put it that way... lemme see
-inside Giorno's kind-
Devil Giorno: you felt that Right?! It wasn't our imagination?
Angel Giorno: nope, she kissed us
*Both look at each other then at sleeping Haruno* *softly cheer*
Angel Giorno: I feel like there's more than one presence though
Devil Giorno: probably the others looking to see us *laughs*
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Awwwww this is so so cute pls, I'm so soft, as always tysmmm for sending these to me, I hope you have the most wonderful day and that you're doing well. Stay safe my lovely 💖⭐💗🌟💟💫🐞❤🕊
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sweetkincafe · 4 years
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•》 Moodboard for a Giorno fictive with plants, birds and themes of loving his friends!
Requested by Helper Giorno from @kinnie-stars !
⭐ Helper Miu
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kinnie-quarium · 5 years
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Here they are Kirumi, I hope you like them albeit they are rather simple. Let me know if you want anything changed.
Please credit us if you use these.
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-Helper Giorno
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jessica-problems · 5 years
The contrast between Josuke and Giorno in how they deal with being the party’s healer is really interesting. 
Josuke can heal anyone or anything perfectly, except himself. He’s a helper and a healer, not a frontline fighter, unless there’s no other option.
Meanwhile, Giorno jams whatever junk he has on hand into the wound to replace the missing chunk, and damn the consequences. 
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Cari lettori e lettrici,
Scusate per l’attesa! Ma sapete com’è l’estate, periodo di cialtroneria..
Ecco qui la nostra recensione.
Queen of Air and Darkness. La Regina dell’Aria e delle Tenebre.
“We have a lot of allies,” Julian said.
Emma’s gaze slid down the beach toward Magnus and Alec. “This is going to be an important night,” she said. “And it’s being shared with us. That’s not about having allies. That’s about having friends. We have a lot of friends.”
She figured he’d make a teasing retort; instead, his face softened.
“You’re right,” he said. “I guess we do.”
Questo momento ci ha scaldato il cuore. Quando Julian ed Emma finalmente liberi di amarsi senza paure e senza ostacoli si rendono conto di quante persone sono state attratte dal loro intelletto e dalla loro forza, dal loro animo buono e coraggioso, che sono state loro vicine e li hanno aiutati a salvare il mondo ancora una volta. Perché per quanto possa essere banale, l’unione fa la forza e la diversità è un valore aggiunto (soprattutto quando si tratta di aprire Portali, cavalcare costellazioni su destrieri fatati o combattere in cima a un albero armati di fionda).
I personaggi hanno subito la crescita più significativa pur all’interno di un solo libro e ci siamo ritrovate a leggere di un ingegnosissimo Julian, pronto a parlare davanti ad una folla infinita come un vero leader, una coraggiosissima Emma, sebbene lo sia sempre stata solo tra queste pagine ci siamo rese conto quanto, un indissolubile trio, quello di Cristina-Mark-Kieran, in balia di un amore così struggente da volere distruggere qualsiasi insensato limite e confine pur di stare insieme; due giovani Shadowhunter sconvolti dal dolore, Kitty mi piace chiamarli, separati da sentimenti come perdita e orgoglio e un’unitissima famiglia Blackthorn nel senso molto largo del termine, più largo del cognome che li contraddistingue: parlo di Dru che con le sue parole ha ispirato tutti, del piccolo Tavvy, di Ty, Mark, Helen, Julian ma anche Emma, Cristina, Kieran, ALINE. Insomma i personaggi hanno brillato come le stelle più luminose del firmamento. Penso a come Kieran, il soave e dolce Kieran, abbia posto fine alla crudeltà del padre con un semplice colpo al collo inferto impugnando il segno d’amore che aveva donato al suo Mark, penso a come Julian abbia vendicato la sua Livvy con un sapiente movimento di spada nel corpo di Annabel, a come la stessa Livvy, solo più matura e dilaniata dalla sofferenza, abbia fondato una Resistenza in un mondo ormai destinato all’oblio, a come Emma abbia affrontato Sebastian Morgenstern, DI NUOVO, combattendo come una leonessa per tutto ciò a cui tiene, a come Mark sia rimasto al fianco del suo adorato Kieran, incoraggiandolo anche di fronte alla morte, a come Jaime e Diego abbiano protetto la loro Lady of Roses anche a costo della vita, a come Dru abbia salvato loro il culo, a come Diana sia riuscita a superare la sua paura di urlare al mondo chi è davvero.
E poi.. voglio parlare degli eroi senza tempo. Voglio parlare di Jace, Clary, Alec, Magnus, RAPHAEL SANTIAGITO, Tessa, Jem. Il “contorno” che non è affatto un contorno perché tutti loro anche in una saga che non è la loro bruciano come il fuoco celeste che alla fine, bene o male, riesce a trovare una soluzione a tutto.
Cassie ci regala un’altra avventura intensa, lunga, ricca fin dalle prime pagine. Che la prima parte del libro finisca con la morte del Re Unseelie è una bella sorpresa, così come la scelta di creare nel corso di questa trilogia un personaggio, Ash (che in questa trilogia è più vittima e aiutante che nemico) discendente diretto di Valentine Morgenstern, che si starà a tratti divertendo a tratti rivoltando nella tomba a causa dei geni fatati del nipotino.
Idea brillante che ci ha quasi accecate, così come l’idea di spedire Emma e Julian in un mondo parallelo (una conferma al concetto di multiverso che il nostro ultimo Peter Parker adorerebbe) che è finito nel peggior stato possibile di morte e distruzione, in cui Cassie ha avuto la possibilità di sfogarsi uccidendo perfino la protagonista assoluta di The Mortal Instruments. In cui ha fatto morire i Malec quasi come Romeo e Giulietta e ovviamente non ha risparmiato i Blackthorn.
La parte a Thule è grandiosa con le sue atmosfere cupe, colori sanguigni, incontri fatidici e conquistate vendette.
‘Lady Vengeance’ ci ha avvinte e deluse allo stesso tempo. La caotica battaglia, sicuramente non facile da gestire, è riuscita. La mancata resurrezione di Livvy è stata a dir poco straziante, considerate anche le conseguenze che ha avuto su Kit e Ty, nella mia mente già avviati verso una travolgente storia d’amore che però ha incontrato, giustamente, il muro di dolore e lutto di Tiberius. La confessione di Kit è stata inaspettata in quel momento, evidentemente anche per lui stesso e il risultato che ha portato al suo allontanamento ci ha lasciato, ben giocato, una tremenda voglia e aspettative per The Wicked Powers (la trilogia con protagonisti Ty e Kit programmata dopo TLH).
La parte deludente è stata il modo in cui si è deciso di risolvere il dilemma d’amore di Julian e Emma: troppo comodo ricorrere ancora una volta al fuoco celeste che, ricordiamo, ha in precedenza liberato Jem dallo stato di Fratello Silente e salvato Jace dal controllo di Sebastian. Una soluzione quindi forse troppo ideale, troppo clemente, considerate le alternative.
La ciliegina sulla torta è stata il matrimonio dei Malec. Credo di non aver mai letto una proposta di matrimonio più romantica e commovente.
Alla fine di questa trilogia Idris è persa ma Alexander Lightwood è il nuovo Console (sempre sia lodato) e Diego un possibile nuovo Inquisitore: si sta in una botte di ferro, se non fosse per la simpatica Regina Seelie. Ci fosse un giorno in cui si prende una vacanza dall’essere una stronza rompighiande seriale. Purtroppo però ce la dobbiamo tenere così e in più adesso abbiamo due Jace in circolazione, un po’ come sette Alec per Magnus.. anzi, forse un po’ più preoccupante. Insomma, The Wicked Powers è lontano ma siamo sicure che ci sarà da divertirsi..
This moment stroke us with warmth. When Emma and Julian, finally free to love each other without fear, realize how many people are attracted to their intellect and strength, to their gentle and brave spirit, how many have been close to them and have helped them save the world once again. It could be trivial but together we are stronger and diversity makes us even more so (especially when you have to open Portals, ride through constellations on fairy steeds or fight top of a tree with a sling).
The characters have grown the most in this one book and we found ourselves reading about an extraordinarily cunning Julian, ready to talk in front of such an infinite crowd like a true leader, a breathtakingly brave Emma, though she had always been only thanks to these pages we realized how much, an indissoluble trio, the Cristina-Mark-Kieran trio, swept away by such a heart wrenching love that they are ready to break any senseless limit or bound so that they can be together; two young Shadowhunters broken by grief, ‘Kitty’ I love to call them, separated by loss and pride and the most united Blackthorn family in the widest form of the term, even wider than that last name: we’re talking about Dru, whose words inspired everyone, about Tavvy, Ty, Mark, Helen, Julian but also Emma, Cristina, Kieran, ALINE. Well, I can confidently say these characters have shone like the brightest stars of the firmament. I’m thinking about Kieran, the disobliging and sweet Kieran, who put an end to his father’s cruelty with a single blow to the neck brandishing the gift he had given his beloved Mark, I’m thinking about how Julian avenged his Livvy with a masterly swing of his sword through Annabel’s body, about how the same Livvy, mature and torn by pain, built a Resistance in a doomed world, how Emma fought Sebastian Morgenstern, AGAIN, fighting like a lioness for everything she cares about, how Mark stick to his beloved Kieran’s side, encouraging him even in the face of death, how Jaime and Diego protected their Lady of Roses to the point of risking their lives, how Dru saved the above mentioned men’s asses, how Diana overcame her fear of screaming her true self to the world.
And then.. We want to talk about the timeless heroes. We want to talk about Jace, Clary, Alec, Magnus, RAPHAEL SANTIAGITO, Tessa, Jem. The ‘side dish’ which is not a side dish at all because all of them, even in a trilogy that isn’t their own, burn like heavenly fire that, one way or another, solves everything. Cassie gifts us with another long, intense, rich adventure from the very first page.
The first part of the book that ends with the death of the Unseelie King is as surprising as Ash’s origins and future role he’ll play in the story, considering the one he had in this trilogy, victim and helper. Surprising is his direct parentage with Valentine Morgenstern, who’s probably having a lot of fun and revolting in his own grave at the same time because of his nephew’s fey genes.
Another brilliant idea that almost blinded us was sending Emma and Julian in a parallel world (a confirmation of the multiverse concept that our latest Peter Parker would love) that’s full of death and destruction, which Cassie got the chance to take it out on by killing The Mortal Instruments’ absolute protagonist and many others. Where she killed Magnus and Alec almost like Shakespeare killed Romeo and Juliet and obviously didn’t spare the whole Blackthorn family.
‘Thule’ is magnificent with its dark atmosphere, bloody colours, fateful encounters and achieved revenge.
‘Lady Vengeance’ won us over and disappointed us at the same time. The chaotic battle, surely not easy to write, is successful. Livvy’s missed resurrection (and ghost summon) is definitely painful and heartbreaking, also considering the consequences it had on Kit and Ty, whose relationship in my mind was already headed toward a passionate love story that slammed, fairly, against Tiberius’ wall of grief and pain. Kit’s confession was unexpected in that moment, even form himself apparently and the result was bringing them apart, well played, because now we are even more eager to read The Wicked Powers (the trilogy about Kit and Ty scheduled to come out after TLH).
The disappointing part in ‘Lady Vengeance’ was the way Emma and Julian’s love dilemma was resolved: too convenient resorting once again to the heavenly fire that previously, a reminder, freed Jem from the Brotherhood and Jace from Sebastian’s mind control. A solution that was maybe too ideal, too perfect, too lenient to satisfy us, considering the other terrible options.
Malec’s wedding was the cherry on top. The long awaited proposal moved us and surprised us, so romantic, so perfect! It probably was one of the most celebrated moment in the Shadowhunters fandom.
At the end of this addictive trilogy, Idris is lost But Alexander Lightwood is the new Consul (always be praised) and Diego a possible new Inquisitor: we are sitting pretty, free and clear if it wasn’t for the (nice) Seelie Queen. May a day come when she finally goes on vacation from being a total pain in the acorn bitch. Unfortunately this fact won’t change very soon and we also have two Jace to think about, that’s basically like for Magnus having seven Alec... maybe a bit more troubling.
In any case, The Wicked Powers is still far away but we’re sure the fun won’t lack.
Linette & KJM
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drkandraz · 6 years
Why Hirohiko Araki Is a Great Writer
Note: add writing saying “I am only going to be addressing JoJo because 1) I have not read his older works, 2) His works before and including Phantom Blood lack what I am talking about here and 3)  I include JoJo spin-off manga under the “JoJo” moniker”
 As the man behind one of the most influential manga of all time, Hirohiko Araki is already a highly praised writer and artist. However, I believe what lies at the heart of Araki-sensei’s writing style is not explored often enough. What I think are the most important factors in the writing of JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure are the extremes to which the author takes his creative freedom and his skill in writing relationships between people.
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Phantom Blood is the most conventional part of JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure. It has a structure very similar to other shounen manga at the time: hero has a rivalry, rival becomes obscenely powerful, hero learns martial art to defeat rival, ally dies, other ally narrates, hero wins etc. Phantom Blood’s writing only succeeds in the outlandish concepts introduced throughout: vampires appearing as a consequence of mayan blood rituals with magical stone masks, vampires somehow sucking blood by introducing their fingers inside a human’s skin, the power of the sun channeled (or created) by breathing, medieval warrior zombies, people being cleft in half by chains… frog punching. What also comes out here is a hint of the strategic battles the series will come to be known for, with Dio’s defeat at the hands of a burning sword.
A lot of the quality of the writing comes in the relationship between Jonathan and Dio, two characters who could not be more polar opposites who supposedly die together. While Jonathan is a typical nice guy shounen protagonist, Dio is a somewhat complex villain; he is irredeemably evil, but not unjustifiably so.
The decision to change protagonists was in itself an unheard of prospect at the time, each part bringing its own atmosphere and self-contained storyline, facts which allow Araki-sensei to explore all of them at length.
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In comparison, Battle Tendency goes completely off the rails. If Phantom Blood is a cautious dip into the water, then Battle Tendency is a cannonball jump right into the deep end. This is where JoJo starts going from typical shounen manga to a manga characterized by battles of wits and skill rather than of pure brawn; and this change is reflected in its protagonist. Where Jonathan was the perfect gentleman who would never face his enemy anything less than head-on, Joseph likes to screw with his opponents’ heads. To show this change in character, his first major fight is against an enemy comparable to Dio, who is taken out a lot more easily thanks to Joseph’s fighting style. The insanity present in Phantom Blood is taken up to 11: the vampires are mere distractions to the new Pillar Men, Nazis are turned into Cyborgs and Hamon now apparently works on bubbles.
The relationship built between Joseph and Caesar is perhaps the most natural growth displayed in the series until this point. Their friendship grows gradually and culminates not with perfect teamwork, but with a realistic ideological fight between the two, one that Joseph would come to regret for many years to come. Caesar’s death is one of the most natural and powerful scenes in manga history, from the desperate dedication he displays even in his final moments, to Wamuu’s respect for him and to Joseph’s desperate cry for his best friend.
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Stardust Crusaders is the start of Araki-sensei’s complete creative control. Stands now allow him to explore any fun and interesting idea he has in battles and to make stands that fit with their characters. The change of the format from single story to monster of the week supports the author’s writing style of throwing ideas at the wall and expanding them to his heart’s content. However, the clunkiness of his inexperience with such creative control is obvious. He is obviously pressured to come up with cool designs and powers for the stands (some of which he will later forget). In the second half of Part 3, getting used to the concept of stands, he starts writing interesting and fun ideas for his battles, like the D’Arby Brothers and Vanilla Ice. The insanity is punctuated by the increasing number of musical references (from Captain Tennille to Oingo Boingo).
Sadly, the characters take a backseat for the duration of this Part. Except for certain minor moments between the Crusaders, the characters don’t really have arcs (except for perhaps Iggy and Polnareff). For this reason, Jotaro, Kakyoin and Avdol are often criticized for having little to no character, which is a fair point. Jotaro himself is more of a superpowered version of the most barebone characteristics of Sherlock Holmes.
Dio’s return recontextualizes Part One as a tragedy rather than a story of sacrifice for the greater good, as well as making Part Three more of a culmination of generations of fighting rather than another story about saving the world. Jotaro vs Dio is still one of the best battles in shounen history because of the weight behind every single action the characters take feeling like the climax of the story.
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Diamond is Unbreakable, in contrast to its predecessor, is not in the least an epic story about cleansing evil. It is, for the most Part, a slice of life. Therefore, its stand users have abilities more suited to everyday life (Bad Company notwithstanding), or rather their own special needs. The town of Morioh truly feels like a real (albeit bizarre) place, with a community comprised of people with their own personal goals. The advantage of Part 4 in Araki-sensei’s writing style consists of the fact that the author is no longer chained by the needs of the lengthy story structure that plagued Part 3. He himself pointed out in an interview that he could always go back to continue Part 4 if he wanted to (I could not find the interview again, sorry. If you can find it or correct me, it would be most appreciated).
The character’s relationships in DiU are quite evidently better defined than in Part 3. The main crew of Part 4 is smaller and it never feels restrained to keep everyone around at every point in the story (like Part 3 was somewhat forced to). In this way, characterization and character relationships are better crafted within stories that emphasize only those characters and relationships. Jousuke is never forced to be the main character of an episode; rather, he only is when the story demands it, making for a much better experience. Of note are Koichi, whose growth is signaled within his stand’s abilities, Rohan, whose growth is exhibited throughout the series and within his spin-off series, Joseph, whose appearance is bittersweet to old fans, as the sneaky and crafty Joseph becomes senile and unable to do anything worthwhile and Kira, whose chillingly normal demeanor doesn’t betray his dark tendencies.
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After Part 4’s gleeful atmosphere, Part 5 dives right back into the horror-inspired roots of JoJo. Giorno Giovanna, Dio’s son, is a far more dark and cunning figure than Jousuke. Indeed, Giorno and the rebellious cell of Passione he becomes part of are a reflexion of past characters painted in a new, more sinister light, fitting with the new Mafia theme. They are a family, led by Bruno Bucciarati just as the Part 4 gang was led by Jotaro, but because of their jobs, they live in a world almost completely devoid of the fun antics of DiU. However, their relationships are just as well developed: Abbachio and Giorno’s one-sided rivalry is resolved organically, Bucciarati and Giorno’s hatred of immorality is what binds them together and Fugo’s “betrayal” is completely in character for him etc. As a villain, Diavolo is well written insofar as we recognize that his main attribute is his megalomania and his relationship with Doppio is magnificently fucked up in the best way possible.
The fights in Part 5 are brutal bouts for survival. The enemy stand users are trained assassins who will stop at nothing to get their revenge on The Boss. What makes this change even more effective is their motive for chasing the gang, the murder of their “family members” at the hands of Diavolo. Therefore, each ability is more valuable than each of the ones in Stardust Crusaders, since there are just a lot less of them. Each stand is that much more developed and consistent in its use (with the exception of King Crimson, but I’m not going on that rant right now) On the other hand, the concepts introduced for them are just that much more insane: a turtle in which one can enter by putting a key in a hole in its back, a stand that dehydrates everything at long range, a stand that can put zippers on anything etc.
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Part 6 is a much more plot focused arc. The whole part focuses on Jolyne’s search for her father’s memory and stand discs with the help of Stone Ocean’s gang of reluctant helpers. This gang feels less like a pseudo-family, more like a bunch of people chasing their own goals and helping each other along the way. This, by the end of the story, is what will bring their demise at the hands of Pucci, Dio’s best friend. Despite this, I can’t say they are not well-written characters. Foo Fighters’, Weather Report’s and Pucci’s characters and arcs particularly are very compelling.
Within this story driven part, the villain of the week format just does not fit anymore. This is why, despite their great ideas and executions, a lot of villains from Stone Ocean are made forgettable especially by the ending, which left almost no hope for a direct continuation to be made. In many ways, it can be said that one of Araki-sensei’s strong points eclipsed the other one completely.  The creative freedom which used to be a leading factor in why the series was so great was now taken to too many extremes (Looking at you, Heavy Weather and Bohemian Rhapsody) which detracted from the story more than they added.
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On the other hand, the reboot Part 7 brought was exactly what JoJo needed, in my opinion. Now that stands had been grounded as more akin to abilities than the ghosts they were originally, there was no need to keep them as anything more than representations of the user’s skills. The bizarre nature of JoJo was also given almost complete freedom with the abolishment of continuity and concepts like stand arrows. Instead, Araki-sensei introduces pseudo-scientific and pseudo-philosophical concepts that fit in perfectly with JoJo. To explain the level of insanity, I will summarize the premise of SBR in one sentence: two men, one crippled and the other with the power of ball hamon, compete in a cross-country horse race in 1880s USA, while fighting dinosaurs and the president using powers granted by Jesus Christ. While the stand battles in the middle section are almost as forgettable as Part 6’s, it matters less because the most important aspect is the development of our two main characters.
The characterization in Part 7 is the best it’s ever been in JoJo. Johnny’s hopeful nihilism contrasts perfectly with Gyro’s playful jackassery. The main cast – now smaller than any that came before it – only consists of two characters (if we don’t include the very well written reccuring side characters). Every character gives a feeling of having their own agenda, while also each contributing to one side of the battle between Johnny and Gyro and President Valentine. Interestingly, Funny Valentine is probably right from an ideological stand point, which is an unexpected turn out from a mostly childish manga up to this point.
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Part 8 brings Steel Ball Run’s ideological musings into the 21st century with a return to Morioh. Araki’s style has retained its mature edge, but shifted them into science-fiction territory. The characters retain the moral ambiguity found in Part 7. Jousuke would do anything for Yasuho, even torture somebody. Yet the familial aspect that had long been missing from JoJo returned in full force with the Higashikatas and their rival pseudo-family, the divided Rock Humans. This makes Joubin a perfect antagonist despite his seemingly underpowered ability.
The bizarre atmosphere of JoJo’s fourth part returns with the Shakedown Road and the Milagro Man arcs which have almost nothing to do with the overarching plot of the series, but enhance the sense of a world existing beyond the characters. The battles in JoJolion are realistic and brutal to the extent not even Vento Aureo was willing to go, despite the relative bizarreness of the enemies’ stands.
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This is how Hirohiko Araki’s writing style changed over the years from simple and restrained to bold, philosophical, dark and bizarre. The overall mundanity of Hamon was slowly replaced by stands and other special abilities, allowing the author to indulge in outlandish ideas that complimented the intelligent, consistent and thoughtful structure of his battles. To conclude, I believe Hirohiko Araki is a great writer because of the balance between his strange, out there ideas and his calm and logical understanding of his concepts (with a few exceptions), combined with his ability for writing strong and believable arcs and relationships for characters.
Edit: If you want more details about the first four parts of JoJo, I wholeheartedly recommend Super Eyepatch Wolf’s videos on the subject, as he can go into much more detail in those.
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poetyca · 4 years
Meditazione,pensiero unicità
Meditazione, pensiero, unicità
Noi siamo eredi di tutti i buoni pensieri dell’universo, se ci apriamo ad essi. Tutto ciò che unisce con l’universale è virtù. Tutto ciò che separa è peccato. Nessuno può essere felice finché tutti non sono felici. Quando fate del male a qualcuno, fate del male a voi stessi, perché voi e vostro fratello siete uno.
«Quando la vostra mente è divenuta sotto controllo – con la meditazione, ndr – voi avete il controllo sull’intero corpo; invece di essere uno schiavo di questa macchina, la macchina è vostra schiava. Invece di una macchina capace di trascinare giù lo spirito, essa diviene il suo più grande aiutante.
Quando la mente è libera dall’attività o dall’operare, svanisce e il Sé è rivelato. Questa condizione è stata descritta dal commentatore Sankara come aparokshanubhuti, o esperienza ultrasensoria.
Noi siamo come i nostri pensieri ci hanno fatto; perciò state attenti a cosa pensate.
Ogni pensiero corrotto tornerà indietro, ogni pensiero di odio che avete formulato, anche in una caverna, è conservato e un giorno tornerà da voi con tremendo potere nella forma di qualche infelicità. Se voi proiettate odio e gelosia, essi torneranno su di voi con interessi composti. Nessun potere li può allontanare; una volta che li avete messi in moto, dovrete sopportarne le conseguenze. Ricordare ciò vi impedirà di fare cose sbagliate. Noi siamo eredi di tutti i buoni pensieri dell’universo, se ci apriamo ad essi.»
«È davvero uno yogi chi vede se stesso nell’intero universo e l’intero universo in se stesso.
Nemmeno un atomo nell’universo si può muovere senza trascinare l’intero mondo con sé. Non ci può essere nessun progresso senza che l’intero mondo lo segua nella sua scia; e sta diventando più chiaro ogni giorno che la soluzione di qualsiasi problema non può mai essere ottenuta su basi razziali o nazionali o settarie di qualsiasi genere.
Io sono assolutamente convinto che nessun individuo o nazione possa vivere tenendosi separato dalla comunità degli altri; ogni volta che un tale tentativo è stato fatto, sotto la falsa nozione di grandezza, politica o santità, il risultato è sempre stato disastroso per chi si è escluso in questo modo.
Ognuno è responsabile per il male in qualsiasi parte nel mondo. Tutto ciò che unisce con l’universale è virtù. Tutto ciò che separa è peccato.
Nessuno può essere felice finché tutti non sono felici. Quando fate del male a qualcuno, fate del male a voi stessi, perché voi e vostro fratello siete uno.»
Da: Swami Vivekananda – Meditazione e mente
Meditation, thinking, uniqueness
We are the heirs of all the good thoughts of the universe, if we open ourselves to them. All that combines with the universal virtues. All that separates a sin. Nobody can be happy until everyone is happy. When you hurt somebody, you hurt yourself, because you and your brother are one.
“When your mind has become under control – with meditation, Ed – you have control over the whole body instead of being a slave to this machine, the machine is your slave. Instead of a machine that could drag down the spirit, it becomes his greatest helper.
When the mind is free from operating activity or, vanishes and the self is revealed. This condition has been described by Sankara as commentator aparokshanubhuti, or experience UltraSensor.
We are like our thoughts have made us, so be careful what you think.
Any thoughts will come back corrupted, every thought of hatred that you have made, even in a cave, is preserved and someday will return to you with tremendous power in the form of some misery. If you project hate and jealousy, they will come back on you with compound interest. No power can remove them, once you put them in motion, must bear the consequences. Remember this will prevent you from doing wrong things. We are the heirs of all the good thoughts of the universe, if we open ourselves to them. “
“It’s really a yogi who sees himself in the entire universe and the whole universe in itself.
Not even an atom in the universe can move without dragging the whole world with him. There can be no progress without the whole world will follow in its wake, and it is becoming clearer every day that the solution to any problem can never be achieved based on race or national or sectarian in any way.
I am absolutely convinced that no individual or nation can live by keeping separate from other communities, and every time such an attempt has been made, under the false notion of greatness, policy or holiness, the result is always disastrous for those who have been excluded in this way.
Everyone is responsible for the evil anywhere in the world. All that combines with the universal virtues. All that separates a sin.
Nobody can be happy until everyone is happy. When you hurt somebody, you hurt yourself, because you and your brother are one. “
From: Swami Vivekananda – Meditation and mind
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