#/its not the rpc but xiv has drama nearly every day... :s
mjm5655 · 2 years
☉ What fandom do you believe needs improvement? What could you do to do that?
hella sweet munday // accepting ! // @stovthearted
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the yakuza one, there needs to be more active blogs of more variety of the characters, but other than that, from what i seen of it so far, i've enjoyed this fandom quite a bit compared to the last one i was in where i was nearly seeing some kind of drama on the daily ...
which was the ffxv one, i had an ardyn blog when it was at its peak, & well, that fandom had way too much drama ( a lot of it was petty too, stuff that could have just been sorted out ooc privately ), people had to be particular around duplicates because there was also so much theft going on, & it did leave me with a very bad taste toward duplicates for a while, i had hc, thread ideas, & graphic style stolen to the point people thought i had 2 blogs of the same muse. as well as some of the ships i was requested to write, i didn't really like a lot of them, so i ended up being dropped like a fly constantly. what i did to improve it ? i ended up just going crossover with ardyn a lot of the time in the end, & wrote with a tight knit group of friends who remained in the ffxv fandom.
i honestly not seen any of this in the yakuza fandom though ? it's small, but honestly this fandom seems to have zero drama, & everyone just seems so chill to hang with.
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fair-fae · 7 years
I’m going to tell you a story, because I don’t know what else to do with this information or how to process it lmao.
I had some problems finding my place in XIV and its community at first when I started playing at 2.0′s launch and it nearly caused me to quit the game. And a huge portion of this problem was a girl who played a Miqo’te named something along the lines of R’aenah (the character has no doubt long since been deleted or renamed). I started 2.0 with @its-the-val-pal, who had played my character’s husband in our previous MMO, and we decided to reroll similar characters here. We intended for our characters to become romantically involved again, but we didn’t want their relationship to feel rushed or forced, so we waited for it to happen organically, if it were to work out at all. But being new to the game (or, rather, the game and community itself being new), we were trying to make new contacts, and one who’d shown interest in Val was R’aenah. Her character almost immediately proved to be sexually attracted to his, and idgaf, IC is IC and she could have been thirsting for him OOC for all I cared. Our characters weren’t even dating yet. We have no OOC involvement. No skin off my back. At first. RPing with Val quickly became impossible, especially anything that was one-on-one or would help push our characters’ relationship in the direction we were hoping. I was still low level, so we could only (safely) RP in so many places. We both only had so much time to dedicate to FFXIV which didn’t always overlap, and we were both still trying to level. We didn’t have a ton of time to RP. R’aenah began to crash every single one of our RP’s. As soon as she saw us online in the same area, she’d run around until she found our characters and immediately swoop in IC.  Due to the IC dynamics between the characters at the same time, the scene always played out the same. R’aenah would barge in no matter what was happening to immediately try to convince Val to sleep with her and drag him off for sex or other alone time right then and there, and make some jabs at Faye in the process. Val, single and at his maximum horndogness and probably the peak of his sexual frustration, would be intrigued. Faye would be like “wtf are you doing, you’re my bodyguard, you’re not supposed to ditch me to sleep with random women (especially ones being super bitchy to me) while you’re on the job.” And then R’aenah would start hurling insults at Faye for trying to cockblock her, Val would take R’aenah’s side and even join in because as far as he was concerned she was the one putting out and Faye was his snobby employer who kept rejecting him, and Faye would get furious until the situation would escalate to the two of them having a good ol’ Faye roastfest until she stormed off and they could flirt or bang in peace. And it was frustrating. I didn’t really care what was happening IC. But I did care that I couldn’t enjoy RP with my RP partner anymore on an OOC level because it either never happened, or wasn’t fun when it did. Faye was either quickly edged out of any RP we tried to do, or I’d have to sit through an RP of two characters trying to get laid with each other meanwhile harassing my character nonstop, which proved to be not fun RP content after a while, and also made little sense from a meta standpoint because Faye wouldn’t just hang around and endure that. But the source of the problem was IC, and I didn’t want anyone to have to censor or change how their characters naturally behaved, so I kept my mouth shut about my frustrations.  But things quickly bled over into OOC. R’aenah started telling Val things like how he owed her RP, he needed to spend more time with her, he should spend less time with me, he had already been RPing with me enough (even though the reason we had to try to schedule so many RP’s is because we had no quality time RPing together because she crashed them all). He tried to explain to her that we’d been friends for two years, that we hoped/intended for Faye and Val to get together, that I was his primary RP partner, but that meant nothing because apparently some rando with no relation to him IC or OOC trumped that because she said so. I began to realize the things she was doing IC weren’t just her character’s personality coupled with some OOC obliviousness to our space and time together but were part of some weird agenda to cut me out of Val’s RP time so she could monopolize all his character’s time and make sure he never got together with Faye. That didn’t fly for long. We cut ties with her, I told her to fuck off, she called me a bitch/cunt/etc. and said she was quitting the game forever, we’d never see her again, yadda yadda.  TWO GODDAMN YEARS LATER. A girl joined my FC playing an Elezen. She gave no indication that she knew either of us and did not state in her app that she’d played another character or under another name. She was fine and normal at first. Eventually, one evening I noticed her character had some IC jealousy issues and was acting extremely petty. It sent up red flags for me since 90% of the time I’ve seen that, it’s bled OOC. I wasn’t surprised when I got a message the very next day from the same girl she’d been harassing IC telling me the same thing had been happening OOC. So I sat her down, we had a talk, told her that shit wasn’t gonna happen again, and to my knowledge she chilled out... on that single front. She started dating a dude in the FC, he bought a plane ticket for them to visit each other. Another girl who’d had experiences with the same guy told her it wasn’t a good idea. She immediately broke up with the dude and cancelled their plans to meet. She started mocking the dude to someone in private about how he hadn’t been able to get it up to exchange nudes with her. Thanks, tmi. She met up IRL with a couple other people from the FC and apparently hooked up with one of them. Tmi again, thanks, why do people tell me about these things. She got super jealous and abusive with the person she hooked up with IRL. Despite all these things, she goes on and on about how ERP is disgusting and tries to shame people in the FC who admit to doing it. Drama from all these things ensued. She eventually got kicked for said drama. I’m mean and evil for kicking her for “no reason,” etc. A few months passed. Some ERP-for-gil courtesan starts chatting at me OOC and gushes about my character and tells me how much she wants to RP. We get a few posts in and suddenly it’s too late and she’s tired and has to go right now. She apologizes profusely and promises to RP another time. It never happens. On multiple occasions, she stands across the room from my character for hours with my RP flag up, but she doesn’t approach me and I don’t hear from her OOC about it again.  Courtesan, however, does contact Val one day and says we seem really nice, it’s so weird her roommate really hates us. She tells Val her roommate is the Elezen girl who was kicked from our FC. Weird, confusing, and bizarrely coincidental, but hey. Neither of us hear from courtesan again. She name changed and fantasia’d several times and I’ve lost track of who she even is on my friends list since then. A few more months passed. Tonight, Val and I are reminiscing about some of the really crazy stuff that happened to us when we started playing. “I bet half these people who told us they’re ‘quitting forever’ after they got caught being creepy/jerks are long since playing again with new names or characters.” We get nosy so we look into a few. We dig up R’aenah’s old, long abandoned RPC profile. Lo and behold, it no longer lists R’aenah as her character... but instead, the name of the Elezen who’d stirred up all that drama in our FC. For like a year??? This girl who had almost made me give up on the game yet boo-hoo’d about how I made her “quit forever”??? was in my FC??? that we led??? certainly knowing it was us since we’re playing the same characters with the same looks and names and personalities and same FC name and acronym since launch??? not saying a word about it to us??? acting all buddy-buddy with us both??? coming to me for advice for her problems??? whining to me about all the drama she stirred up herself in the fc??? acting like it was unjust she got kicked for it??? completely hiding who she was all that time??? What the fuck? So that is my story. Balmung may seem to have a huge number of people are who are creepers or assholes. Apparently half of them are the same people just pretending to be someone else. Idk if that’s reassuring or even more unsettling. But, y’know, there ya go. (and I was already a little rattled because today someone asked to join my closed FC and a quick google search revealed it was a girl who’d hated me and been out for my blood in TERA)
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