#/she knows that in this industry you need to at times white lie and bluff andwork hard
In my opinion Naoto got herself involved to the Telephone Pole Murder case willingly and directly and was a part “in the murder mystery game” the IT tried to do something about by directly telling them her plans to catch the perp in action and then lowkey implied and/or set the scene the way she intended it to happen by the main frame.
I’m yeeting the rest on my rambling under Read More bc I ended up detailing it more than I anticipated at first :’DDD
Her plan was to get first hand evidence from the victim’s POV, ensure the information would reach the PD one way or another and not die from the possible outcomes/assassination attempt. The “pawns” or allies in this plan would be the members of IT who would by assumption save her. Her hypothesis is based on the fact that so far they have saved every victim shown in TV and they appear to not want people to be killed like this: their last reaction to how they got enraged on her calling it a game to them proved her theory on this.
Her relying on a fickle group like this would be too risky to her liking and a last ditch effort she’d wanted to NOT use, but it’d ensure that the case wouldn’t end & she’d have first hand evidence/witness statements. She’d rather have found about the whole thing on her own, but since it was impossible she needed a plan what worked.
She outplayed the entire Investigation Team and is well aware of it the whole time during the comment and first months of hanging out with them.
At that time she didn’t think that much of it. Being not transparent 24/7 and knowing when to hide your intentions had always been a part of her job. For example fooling people, using white lies and leading people on to reveal important information or do something necessary were important assets she used and was talented at.
When she eventually befriends IT she’s concerned that if they ever find out about her original intent, it might sever the trust what formed. It’d make her feel kinda bad and question her morality, especially during the Hospital Scene when she realizes how she had a talent what could be used to unlawful intentions.
Her fear does turn out to be useless since she isn’t malicious towards the group and does amend her past BS actions by hiding their effect to the case from the PD and helping them in the case directly while risking her reputation, and there is a seed of truth on how she was and is grateful to the friend group on saving her life and showing that living in a lie isn’t worth it.
Also it sure is convenient to her that she’s able to be open on how it was the only way she thought on handling the issue and that even though the plan seemed solid on theory, she was fucking afraid on the night assuming the kidnapping would happen.
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Marichat May 2018: Chapter 2
Prompt: Can I Pick, Princess?
Chapter 1
Fanfiction AO3 Wattpad
Chapter 2: Secrets
Marinette collapsed onto her bed. She dug her hands into her face, letting her fingers pull down the skin directly below her eyes.
"What have I done, Tikki! I can't believe that I gave Chat Noir an invitation to stay here– possibly forever!" she exclaimed. "I don't regret doing it, but... what if I accidentally find out who he is? What if he sees you with me? What if he somehow finds out that I'm Ladybug? UGH I HAVE DUG MYSELF A GRAVE THAT I WILL NEVER GET OUT OF." Marinette wiggled her body so that her face was now facing the pillow. She hit her face with the pillow multiple times for extra measure.
"Calm down, Marinette." Tikki said. "It's not like Chat Noir is going to barge in without permission. The only problem is whether you two can keep conversations without giving too much away."
"Which we will NEVER be able to do," Marinette groaned. "Did you just see me? I almost gave myself away. And that was Day 0."
"It's okay!" Tikki said. "I've seen this multiple times throughout my years. Most of them were happy endings. And besides, it's okay if the secret does leak."
"It is?" Marinette looked up from her pillow.
"Yeah. I mean, as long as you two can keep it a secret to the rest of the world, it's okay"
"Right, but isn't keeping two people's secrets is a lot harder than one?"
"Yes, but it's not the end of the world."
"Okay," Marinette sighed of relief and broke into a full-out grin. She sat up. "We can do this. We can work this out."
"Yes, you can!" Tikki smiled. "But Marinette, can I ask something?"
"What is it?"
"Why did you invite Chat Noir in the first place?"
Marinette smiled. "Well Tikki, I can't turn down a stray kitty."
The bell rang. Marinette and the rest of her class headed for the door while Ms. Bustier tried to squeeze in a few last words.
"Don't forget, we'll be knitting scarves on Friday! Make sure to bring your own yarn!"
As Marinette and her best friend Alya exited the gates, Alya laughed.
"Why a scarf?"
"I don't know," Marinette said. "I guess it's just for the practice?"
"It's almost summer. How is a scarf going to be of any use? It would be of much better use if we could knit ourselves a pair of swimsuits." Alya said.
"But Alya, that's not that works," Marinette giggled.
"Yeah, true. It's a shame." They walked until an idea popped into Alya's head, which was not too long. "Hey, I know. Maybe you can give another scarf to Adrien so that this time he will know it was from you!"
Marinette blushed. "Maybe." That sounded like a great idea.
Someone touched her shoulder.
"Hey Marinette," Adrien called from behind her.
"AHH!" Marinette threw her hands up and rotated one hundred and eighty degrees exactly. "A.. Adrien!? Wh..what brings you here? Is.. is there something you need?"
"Yes, actually," his right hand was on his head. He rubbed it back and forth as he blushed. Marinette thought that it was cute. "It's actually quite embarrassing, but I don't know how to knit. So I've actually never been to yarn stores and don't know how to pick one for the project. I was hoping you would help me?"
"Oh, yeah, of course!" Marinette smiled, but slightly confused. "But I don't think that not being able to knit is embarrassing."
"Well, when you're the son of a fashion tycoon.." Adrien rubbed his head even more.
"Well, I don't think that that's a problem." Marinette said. "Who your parents are don't define you or what you do."
Alya and Adrien laughed at the same time.
"What?" she asked with a worried look on her face. "Did I say something wrong?"
"What's so funny?" Marinette looked at Alya, curious.
Alya was still pushing back her tears when she pushed Marinette aside. "Girl, you know you said that to Adrien Agreste, right?"
"Um.. Adrien?" Marinette said. Adrien was still laughing, although he looked as if he was trying his best to suppress his tears. "If I have in any way offended you –"
"No, no. No you haven't at all." Adrien burst into laughter again. Alya laughed along. Marinette joined, but she was unsure about what they were really laughing about.
They stood like that for a minute.
"You're right. It doesn't define me!" Adrien smiled. "So, does today or tomorrow work for you?"
"Today works great!"
"Great, I'll meet you at 4! Thanks, Marinette!" Adrien said, and ran towards the limo that was waiting for him.
"Oh my gosh, Alya!" Marinette squealed. "I'm going shopping with Adrien!" She jumped up and down in happiness.
They met each other at the front of the school at 3:58. Since the store was not that far away, they decided that they should walk. Marinette wondered where Adrien's bodyguard was.
"So, how is the physics project coming along for you?" Adrien asked as they walked.
"Great! Not that you are great. No, what am I saying! Of course you are great! You are greatness itself!" Marinette chuckled nervously. "I mean, it's going well. How about you?"
"Umm.. thanks? It's going great here, too." Adrien smiled. "I'm almost done typing the conclusion."
"Wow, you're already that far ahead?" Marinette was shocked. "I'm only quarter done. It is a really hard project after all. You're amazing."
Adrien chuckled. "Thanks, maybe I can help you some time? Physics is my best subject after all."
If this was what heaven felt like, she wanted more of it.
"But I actually think you're the one who's amazing, Marinette."
"Me?" Marinette asked, covering her heart with her two hands.
Adrien nodded. "It's not common for a girl our age to be so talented in so many things." Marinette felt heaven again. It was wonderful. "From designing clothes to album covers to video games! On top of that, you save so many people."
With that last sentence, all the colors on Marinette's face vanished and were replaced with white. "What do you mean?"
Adrien had a worried look on his face. "Are you okay? You seem very ill. Maybe I should call Mrs. Dupain-Cheng," he said, rummaging through his bag for his phone.
"No! No! I'm okay." Marinette stopped him by holding his arm. "Hehe." Marinette smiled a smile too big. "So, you were talking about?" Marinette said all of this very fast and high pitched. Adrien had a confused look on his face.
"I mean, you always stand up to Chloe for other people, and you always help other people when they need it."
Marinette sighed, letting her hands come back to her sides. So he didn't know that she was Ladybug. It felt like the weight of the skies had been lifted from her shoulders.
She beamed. "Well, in that regard, you're far more awesome than I am. I mean, your face is plastered over all of the walls of Paris! Not that I care but," Marinette began digging her own grave.
Adrien smiled brightly at first, but it got darker as he said every word. "Thanks, but I don't do modeling for myself. I'm not that brave."
"You don't? Then... do you do it for your father?" Marinette asked.
"Yup." Adrien smiled as he looked down at his shoe.
He had that look too. That look of being used to constant disappointment.
It broke Marinette's heart that the two boys she was the around the most were also the ones who had the deepest wounds.
"Well," Marinette began. "Maybe you'll grow to like working in the fashion industry! And even if you don't," her voice softened. "You can always do something else."
Adrien looked at her. Those eyes, they looked familiar but where had he seen them?
He smiled. "Thanks, Marinette."
They walked in silence for a minute.
"So," Adrien asked, "What do you think about Chat Noir?"
Marinette's eyes widened. "Chat Noir? Why do you ask?" Was there something he knew?! Did he know that Chat Noir had came to her house yesterday? And possibly was coming today? If he did, then she was screwed. She didn't want to lose her chances with Adrien because he saw her with Chat Noir! And also, their identities were at stake. She didn't want to have to lie to Adrien, but she knew that it was going to be inevitable if he found out.
"I think he's a great superhero. A little bit too on the flirty side, but he's very reliable."
"So.. no change?" Adrien asked.
"Um.. I also think he's also very sensitive and has a good heart." Why was she answering this in the first place? "But, but of course!" Marinette's voice grew higher in pitch, "This is only from me looking at clips of him in Ladyblog and news sources. So I might be wrong." She chuckled nervously.
She could practically hear Tikki's groan right now. There hadn't been much interviews from Ladybug and Chat Noir recently. Anyone could have figured her bluff.
Adrien smiled with one of his brows higher than the other.
"B,but why do you ask?" Marinette asked nervously. She had to change the topic to something. What could she change it to? Maybe puppies would do the trick. I mean, who doesn't like puppies? Or maybe pigeons. Pigeons are great.
Adrien put his hands on Marinette's shoulders. "So, about that yarn!" Adrien started, his voice too loud.
"uh..uhh.. uhuh!" all Marinette could do was stay standing.
The doors of the store opened automatically as soon as they stepped on the welcome carpet.
"Let's go," Marinette said, taking the lead. The two had been walking side by side in the streets, but now Adrien trailed along behind her and took in every corner of the store with wonder.
"Wow, it's like a whole new world in here," he said.
Marinette giggled. "I remember when it was my first time being in here. It was magical and intimidating at the same time," she said with nostalgia. She had been eight.
"Hopefully, you take out the intimidating part today," Adrien winked. Marinette giggled.
"I'll see what I can do."
They finally reached where they had set out for. Marinette and Adrien both gasped for air, and Adrien smiled.
Marinette frowned. She still wanted to be around with Adrien more, even if it was a millisecond. She had asked him if she could get supplies for her other projects first, which he had agreed to. And so she led him down all the aisles but where she knew the yarns they were looking for were, saving it for the last. They were mostly successful, except for that rendez-vous Marinette and Adrien had as a result of getting lost in a room called "Employees only."
Adrien had said that he had Chinese at 5:30, and it was 5:00 right now. It wasn't too bad. Actually, far from it.
"Well," Adrien said, looking at the aisle as if it was their final destination. "I guess the store is no longer intimidating." Adrien laughed.
"Yeah," Marinette laughed along. Oh, it's going to end soon, she thought. Without even her noticing, her laughter had ceased. Her head turned down, her shoulders hunched. She fiddled with her fingers anxiously.
Adrien noticed. "What's wrong? Are you sick?" He asked, worried.
"Oh no! Thanks Adrien, it's okay," she said.
Adrien frowned. "You sure?"
"Of course! Why wouldn't I? Nothing's wrong." Marinette said, the voice becoming lower and softer in pitch as she reached the word wrong. She tried to smile, but it didn't enter her eyes. Within seconds, her happy facade dropped and she was sighing.
Oh no. What do I do? What do I do? Adrien thought. Emilie had always taught him the value of being nice to everyone and not making anyone unhappy, but she had never told Adrien what to do when a friend was like that! He wanted to cheer her up, but what did he have to do? He had a great time with her. He didn't want to see her sad. But he didn't even know why Marinette was sighing. It also didn't seem like she was going to tell her.
Out of desperation, he picked up a red yarn and gave it to her.
Marinette looked at him with a curious expression on her face. "What-"
"Take it. I'll pay for it. It's the least I can do as a thanks." Adrien said. "And besides," he cupped one hand in front of his mouth, as if it was a secret. "I wanted to pick yours," he winked.
My, why was everything so hot? Her head, this store, and Adrien..
If Marinette was water, she was certainly boiling now. And it was about to overflow.
"Tha..Thanks!" She snatched the yarn and smiled awkwardly. "In return, let me pick yours," she said.
"Of course, princess." Had she just heard correctly? Maybe she needed to get some hearing aids. Age of fourteen, and she was already losing her auditory sense.
"Uh.." she scanned the ailes and quickly grabbed a green yarn. "Here!"
She held out the yarn and waited for Adrien to take it.
She smiled that same smile from when she had given him his lucky charm.
Adrien lifted his hand and slowly unraveled his fingers so that his hand would fit the yarn. However, he missed and touched Marinette's hand with his index finger instead.
"Oh, sorry," Adrien said apologetically.
She wanted it again. It was as if she had been transported back to the day Adrien had lent her his umbrella. Like.. lightning. As good as, or perhaps better than, heaven. She blushed furiously. "Oh, it's no problem." She held it closer to him, asking him to take it.
Adrien smiled. "Thanks." The green yarn was now in his hands.
He walked behind Marinette again until they saw the register. "Now," Adrien teased, "Is it going to take another hour to get to the register, princess?"
"That depends," Marinette smirked. Maybe her ears needed some serious help. "We can always go back to the Employees Only room and try again from there. Maybe we can get a new record."
Adrien liked this. It felt so familiar.
He paid for both of their yarns and her other supplies despite her protests.
It was around 6 PM when Marinette returned. She was exhausted, but in a good way. After her shopping with Adrien, she had gone to the Eiffel Tower to work. Jagged Stone had recorded a new single, and he had again asked Marinette for the design of the cover. And her trip to the store had given her lots of inspiration. She knew that with a few more, she was going to get something no one had ever seen before. It was either going to be the worst thing to be created in human history or the best.
She entered the house, took off her shoes, and headed straight for her bedroom. But as soon as she was about to go up the stairs, she saw a familiar black cat on the living room couch, sipping hot chocolate.
"Hey, princess."
I know it wasn't Marichat this chapter, but I think it's essential that they see each other in and out of the masks. So, this story will likely have a boatload of dynamics: Marichat, Adrinette, Ladrien, and Ladynoir. Probably in that order. Also, this is all buildup for the Reveal hehehe :D.
Did you like it? Hate it? Have suggestions for the story and/or constructive criticism for my writing?
I'll try to upload every day (time not decided), so that I can do all of the prompts :D. I upload on fanfiction.net first.
Thanks everyone!
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