#:: convo: olivia
laugtherhyena · 1 year
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Silly Abella doodles i made in class, can you tell she's my favorite termina character?
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lesbiangracehanson · 1 year
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yeah...... yeah
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mickeym4ndy · 2 months
Mickey deserved an arc like Richie’s in the bear. where he finds a job/hobby (tattooing maybe) he enjoys and gets really good at it and people believe in him and they tell him he’s really good and so he starts to believe in himself
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oxensfree · 10 months
olivia's yes and no
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drcamsx · 4 months
closed || @mccntower
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"i don't think either of us really want to be here without lia but i thought you'd like to help plan her birthday party while she's in school then this way you can see her when she gets home."
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wickeddove · 9 months
So I see that you're going on tour soon and I was wondering what a girl had to do to get some tickets? Every time I tried to buy tickets to anywhere it was just sold out. I cried myself to sleep for several nights. @olivlarodrigo
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signofharrys · 4 months
Thanks for celebrating my birthday with me - even if we did get shitfaced and don't remember much of anything. Is this what turning 30 means? The days long hangovers and shit memory? Can I go back to being in my 20s, then? The trial days aren't great so I'm requesting a refund. @cookeclivia
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noahsinclaxr · 16 days
"I never understood the need for glass elevators." Noah grumbled, focusing on the elevator doors instead. He never had issues with heights. Hell he jumped out of airplanes during his training at the marines. But glass elevators just made him nervous. "Like, why? If the elevator breaks and falls down do they really think I want to see it rather than not knowing when I-- you know." He definitely was being dark, so he took a breath. "Sorry. Something about hospitals, you know?" @livflmg
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larrylimericks · 2 years
LT Edition Lou can’t keep his gay anthems straight, But who thought we’d e’er see this day? Feels “amazing,” he said (Though he meant Home instead) That his queer fans claimed Only the Brave.
HS Edition The rain showed but not Flo or Chris, Though H was there taking the piss — Decked out like a copper, Not one answer proper, Just giggles and sly mood board quips.
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amomentxofhappiness · 11 months
@sirxnx cont. from here
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"Oh? Did I volunteer to help?" Adam asked scrunching up his nose and humming thoughtfully for a moment before shrugging. "I don't really have anything better to do," now that was just sad really, but he didn't get to babysit Olivia until the weekend, and he was a tad tired of being locked up home or at work. He needed something else to do, and maybe an adult to talk to--Olivia's father Jack didn't really count as an adult.
"Can I make a suggestion? It'd be hard to remove him from here without the street and house cameras picking us dragging a body," he started. "It'll probably better to do something with it to decompose it or well, change his cause of death."
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zacharydaefron · 3 months
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Is that Olivia Rogrido from High School Musical: The Musical Series? I believe I seen you before. How's it feel being apart of the High School Musical world? Here's me, officially welcoming you. || @olivlasrodrigo
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lesbiangracehanson · 1 year
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now if janeway was flirting with me like this i too would be giggling blushing twirling my hair etc 
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charsofias · 4 months
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I have to admit how much I listen to your music and how much I just love your voice. How has 2023 been for you so far? For me, it's definitely been amazing. I released some musical poetry and it's been doing pretty well. I also have some acting roles coming up soon. [ @oliviarodrigc ]
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martilyongabo · 5 months
may or may not have been apparent, but i've been replaying fe13 for the past two weeks during my uh, very limited free time. originally played it around 2013-2014, and so i don't recall much other than a very specific incident in the first act (which will be under the cut for spoilers!)
one thing that i've been doing differently is playing with all of the first gen units as much as i could! it was very much unlike EO where there's a wider space for player interpretation, since these characters are like, prepackaged with their own personalities! and given to us to play around with. admittedly it's taking a lot of effort + i'm going through the game much slower than i would with only one party (i.e. how i first played it & how i play EO), but a part of me feels a bit happier seeing these guys run around and interact with one another. [for context, i turned off the 3d sections so i mostly see them as little pixel children]
another thing that's influenced by my personal life is that i found myself loving the first gen a lot?! they remind me of my friends very much, especially given that my two main friend groups are currently merging while slowly absorbing other friends of friends into the circle. even though i feel really disconnected and often disagree with the game's main plot, i'm kind of happy that the shepherds kept me going.
[the drawback of this is that i'm reluctant to pair them even with the gay awakening mod. and even then, i don't feel as excited to start getting the children units anyway <:") in my head, they're like other guilds encountered in EO]
i get into spoilers now, and it's a lot more disjointed and ranty from here on out.
I have mentioned it in a past post but EMMERYN, I NEED TO TALK ABOUT EMMERYN.
this lady has been haunting me for the past near-decade. i recall playing chapters 9-11 in quick succession before, but i don't really understand why i kept remembering her when i literally forgot most of the conflict save for the very last chapter of the game. is it trauma? is it something else? i don't know!
tbh apart from feeling as though stp kind of felt a bit similar to the themes of fe13's last arc, i started replaying because I wanted to see what was up with my brain holding onto Emm. and after ch9, i feel a lot more upset at the direction the story took than i feel closure. sure, i understand where she was coming from. her pacifism is admirable AND she managed to protect both ylisse and her siblings, but man. it doesn't feel right that they killed her.
maybe it's just my stance as a writer coloring my view, but personally i don't like killing off characters because that writes them off of the plot. like real life, they can't do much anymore cuz they're dead (unless they're a ghostie, but to me that doesn't count as real death since they can still be an active force in the story). emm could have still survived; the writers could still proceed with the rest of the story with minor tweaks.
another thing that bothers me is her final speech toward the plegians. my wife noted that the "freeing from the cycle of pain" could have been strengthened if she denounced her father's war, especially since ylisse and plegia haven't explicitly made amends in the past 15 years. her country was the one that harmed theirs, and while it wasn't her who did that, it's like taking accountability as a ruler and recognising the harm done by her predecessor. and "see now that one selfless act has the power to change the world" is just... there's something about it but for me it's not hitting good. maybe i'll think about it more and return to it when i have the words, but for now it's up there in my mind.
the way emmeryn is handled also kind of extends my feelings toward the main conflict as a whole. maybe it's because of recent events too, but ooooh it doesn't feel like it's handled all that well. my wife knows how much i've complained about the dissonance between the actual political and human conflict and uh, the writing. like the ylisse-plegia conflict is so interesting but then it isn't as reflected or as utilised effectively in the way that the chapter scripts are written ToT one funny thing i could think of would be enemies saying "screw u, ur king screwed us over 15 years ago" and chrom could be like "?!?!? that was 15 years ago!" and he would get the response of "STILL." which isn't a very well-written exchange but it does kinda reflect the conflict a bit better imo.
idk! i'm trying to cope with "this is very camp" but it does not feel very camp. it's melodramatic yes but it's not camp ToT
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drcamsx · 6 months
closed starter for @mccntower benji x olivia
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benji had been trying and he was continuing to try for amelia's sake so her smile when he had told her that they'd be seeing olivia today was enough to keep his mood in high spirits. after the couple hangouts the three of them had he was more at ease and didn't have his guard so high. now when he saw olivia and amelia together watching the younger explain to her mother the picture she'd drawn in school today, a picture of her family that had included the both of them, his parents, his cousin and her friends, as well as serenity, before she had run off to grab yet another thing she had gotten since the last time she saw the woman and wanted to show her mom when benji had smiled from his seat on the couch, "look at you making the family portrait." he teased lightly, "that's high remarks right there. giant family and all."
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wickeddove · 8 months
Liv - I hope you know that if I'm ever with you during any of these tours and something tries to grab you... it might be me. Or it might be a ghost. You'll never know. @olivlarodrigo
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