amomentxofhappiness · 14 days
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SHANNEN DOHERTY as Prue Halliwell in Charmed 3.13
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amomentxofhappiness · 26 days
ooc // i apologize for disappearing on all of ya again but my pneumonia gave me a hard time and when i was getting better i was informed at work that my team was getting dissolved effective immediate and i was to be transferred to another team. it beats getting fired but it's been a struggle.
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amomentxofhappiness · 2 months
ooc //my queue ran out so ill attempt to get things added romorrow. Cheers buddies!
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amomentxofhappiness · 2 months
Seamus, quietly: fuck
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amomentxofhappiness · 2 months
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The way she said his name felt familiar even though he hadn't heard it from her lips before. It felt oddly conforting. Her confession caught him offguard and for a moment he thought that she may have been compromised--not that he would know considering he had been postponing the consummation. Quickly though he rralized that wasn't possible; she seemed far too naive and genuine to have known a lover's affection, let alone openly disclose it. Still, he found it proper to ask, s politely as possible.
"Had your lover been untowards against youm" he asked softly, not accusatoryly. "I would've allowed my daughter to marry a servant-- the council would've been at an uproar but love... Love makes all the difference, doesn't it?"
He exhaled as he felt her hand caressing his arm and trying to comfort him. She wasn't making grand demands, she merely wanted some attention from him. "We could be friends I believe," he offered with a hint of a smile. "We should also..." he wet his lower lip and attempted to find the right words. "In the spirit of true friendship i must explain why I hadn't... pursued consumating our vows." It was quite embarrasing really and he was sure that a lie would feel more real, but she had asked for friendship and there was no room for lies in friendship. "I'm not sure I shall--do you know the details of it? How there are to be witnesses?"
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Claudia felt her heart drop at the King's confession. The young princess stepped forward, gently placed her hand upon his arm. Claudia lowered herself, so that she may look her husband in the eye. Her heart ached for him. His expressions showed the sorrow inside him, and Claudia wished to take the pain away. Claudia had never lost a child, and she prayed to never know the feeling.
"I am sorry for your loss..." Claudia thought back to her own life, how she lost Carlo before marrying Frank. Carlo was a servant in their household. Her father, unhappy with the way she and Carlo spent time together, ordered the man's execution on charges of treason. Claudia felt her eyes grow teary. "I lost the man I loved..." Claudia's thumb made slow circles around his forearm. "He was a servant, and he uh...he was killed, excecated for treason...." Claudia only felt it fair that she share some of her own skeletons, since he shared his. "My king, I don't say I understand your grief. But we have both lost something dear to us..."
Claudia wanted them to be companions. To be able to speak freely with one another, and count on each other. "I want us to be friends, Frank. I do not expect love, but we could at least support each other in times of need..."
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amomentxofhappiness · 2 months
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Wow she was straightforward, wasn't she? Steve was almost ready to run off scared. He was certainly way outside of his comfort zone at this point but had decided to soldier on. He had to get on with times. "I uh-- I mostly draw now. I have some ideas and oil paintings back at home but I'm lacking a muse," he ventured out, tasting the flirting. This was not something that came naturally to him, at least not in such an open setting. He was more of pinning quietly over someone for literal years until they understood he was into them and did something or randomly getting kissed by the other person. He wasn't one to go for it, ever. And he was definitely not going to get used to it any time soon but heck, he could at least try.
The comment about tall dark tacos and men brought a flashback of Bucky in front of him and even though he was somewhat ready to shamelessly flirt, he was certainly not ready to mention his ex--or the fact he went both ways at some point of his life. According to Carol he was demisexual whatever that meant. Captain America being queer was something he could tell people and it would help a lot but he wasn't ready. And he wasn't Cap anymore--maybe honorary Cap at this point.
All of that was besides the point now, when this barely legal girl had one upped him on the flirting department. She certainly knew what she was doing, far more than him. "So tacos it is then," he said, considering that was the only safe thing he could say.
"Uhm, when you say you've been gardening forever, what do you mean?" Maybe she was secretly a hundred years old too, or an ancient alien, in this day and age anything was possible. Anything else he could normalize at this point, except shamelessly flirting with someone ten years or more younger than him.
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a painter? “ you're full of surprises steve. what a pair we are. ” there it was, the beginning of more teasing. she was loosening up, ready to be bold in movement and conversation. maybe it was the fact that they were both older than they looked, older souls with still so much to give. or maybe it was just because she was on a cute date with a really attractive partner. it had been a while since that had last happened. “ do you still paint? more familiarity to fall into? ” a pause, then she offered more, “ gardening is familiar to me. i've been doing it--- well, a hell of a long time. its a comfort now, more than just a hobby. ”
his question caused a cheeky grin to form. “ i typically go for tall, dark and handsome. equally applicable to tacos and men. ” she was flirty, feeling fun and throwing a little wink in there. the blushing side of steve she wanted to see more of, admittedly. he'd have to forgive her forwardness-- maybe. tonight the redhead was extremely open, her personality more on the frisky side. who knows what could happen?
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amomentxofhappiness · 2 months
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Frank couldn't believe he had gotten this lucky and that she genuinely wanted him back. He had had his fair share of one night stands and complicated morning afters but things with Arya were entirely different. He cared for her long before wanting to bed her--or in spite of it. He chuckled against her lips at her last words and grinned a moment later, "Oh I do now," he teased caressing her cheek with the back of his hand and slowly moving her hair from her neck, pecking her lips and then tracing his lips against her jaw and neck, breathing out heavily through the nose as he did so.
She tasted like soap and lavender and all good things and he wanted to taste all of her. Slowly, he caressed her back again and then her sides as he kept on kissing and sucking slowly on her neck, reaching for the helm of her clothes.
Feeling Frank's fingers coming in touch with her skin made her smile grow wider and as soon as she felt his lips on hers, Arya felt her knees buckle. Just seconds after he was pulling away and she chased for his lips for a moment, her cheeks tinting a shade of red as her hand moved to caress his cheek. "You better not stop this time," she replied with a smile then his lips crashed against hers.
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Arya's hand caressed his cheek and slid to the back of his neck, her fingers massaging the short hair there whilst her other hand rested on his chest. After a moment, she had to pull away from his lips to take a breath but sweetly nuzzled his nose with hers and gave another short peck to his lips. "You don't have plans for the rest of the night, do you?"
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amomentxofhappiness · 2 months
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Father Ben did not expect anyone to be here, otherwise he would've found a way to get cleaned up before coming in. What was he going to do? How was he going to explain this? And to Evelina of all people? She was one of the most effective and kind parishioners they had. He did not want to scare her--not after scaring himself.
He was also pushing down the high after the hunt, the animal within had been satiated only barely with the animal and she had such a perfect neck--one to bury his teeth in. He craved for it but his soul--according to his friend he still had one but Ben wasn't quite sure--his soul or his rules would not allow it. She was a person, she was young and alive and he could not, he would not take a life.
"I---I was..." Think. Think fast. "I was helping some... I was at the shooting range, trying to help one of our folk not to fall off the wagon and I wasn't--I got reckless and someone jumped me. It looks worse than it is, I promise," he offered pursing his lips in the weakest less menacing smile he could muster. "Could you give me five minutes to sort this mess and I'll be right back with you Evelina. Are you--" he paused for a moment, furrowing his eyebrows. "Did we have an appointment? It must've slipped my mind, I apologize."
Evelina had not been raised very religious growing up. Sure her parents claimed to be Christians but they'd never gone to church a single day in her childhood and they each took the Lord's name in vein more times than she could count while hurling vicious words and insults at one another. It wasn't until after her parents passed that the blonde had sought it out herself - needing someone or something to make her feel like she wasn't alone in such a cruel world.
She'd just decided one day to step foot into her local cathedral for mass and had begun attending regularly since. She found a community that felt more like a home and a family to her than her own ever had. God had turned her life around for the better and six years down the line she was still attending.
On occasions, Evie would drop off as well as take donations to and from the church in terms of furniture and vintage religious artifacts for her shop. She'd done it a handful of times before so she really thought nothing of it at first when she showed up after hours to the church, using the key's the program director had loaned her to be able to pick up the old cabinet the congregation no longer needed but it was a beautiful vintage piece that they had graciously gifted the blonde.
Humming softly to herself, she unlocked the door closest to the parking lot where she had her work van pulled up. Stepping inside, she was scrolling through a few messages on her phone, hardly paying any attention to her surroundings but a noise drew Evie's attention down the hall when she heard a nice. It was late and she didn't expect anyone to be there so it was safe to say she felt herself grow a bit on edge, her heart starting to beat rapidly in her chest.
Brows furrowed, she carefully tiptoed past the office the cabinet was at going further into the cathedral, cautious but curious. There was a light on further up ahead and Evelina timidly approached. Then she heard Father Kenobi's voice call out and for a brief moment Evie felt relief was over her, feeling a small smile tip the corners of her lips as she allowed herself to step over towards his voice.
"Oh Father, it's just me - it's Evie." She made her prescense known, sure he must have also been wondering who was there so late. "I'm just stopping by to pick up a-" before she could finish her words, the man in question came into view and the blonde was struck with shock as she saw the state of him. She let out a cocerned gasp, stumbling slightly as she came to a sudden halt.
The blood that covered his face and hands was the first thing she noticed and for a split second she was taken back to that awful day with her parents but just as quickly she tried to will the images away, glancing back up to meet his gaze with a more wide and frantic one of her own. "Oh my god..." she said with a shuttering breath, too stunned to even notice how she took the Lord's name in vein right in front of the priest. "Father...wha-what happened? Are you okay?" She was concerned for the man but there was a feeling that kept her rooted in her spot - an instinct not unlike an animal coming face to face with a predator. | @amomentxofhappiness
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amomentxofhappiness · 2 months
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Oh gods, she was making this so hard on him to be a good person. BUt for the sake of karma he was making an effort to do so. After helping her from the sofa he helped her up, leading her to a room. Was it her room? No fucking clue, but was the closest to the bathroom. Setting her on the bed, he rushed to the bathroom and got the aspirin and then headed back to the kitchen for some water to down them.
He wasn't sure whether he should stay or leave--he was certainly not going to sleep on the spare bed, mainly because he was unsure whether it was her bedroom or not. He also didn't want to leave her alone in this state, though she was more than likely to pass out until morning. They weren't friends or anything of the sort so why should he care? That was something he'd have to answer at a later time. Maybe he was trying to get good karma, maybe he was thinking that his little one could be in a similar situation one day without him to look after her and hoped some dude wouldn't take advantage of her. There were a million possibilities but he wasn't going to think of any of them.
After setting the aspirin and water by her nighttable, he put a blanket over her and turned off the light, heading back to the living room to try and make himself comfortable in the couch until the next morning.
When he woke up with a big time backpain (he wasn't as young as he used to), he downed an aspirin himself and turned on the coffee machine. He also looked around to see if he could make her some pancakes since she'd need to eat something non-vomiting inducing.
"Hmm, sleep," was all that Nicole muttered when the man pointed out what the solution to her spinning problem was going to be. Her eyes fell shut, despite the small voice in the back of her head yelling at her not to fall asleep on the couch with basically this stranger still with her in the apartment. It was only at the touch of his hands helping her with taking her sneakers off, that the woman opened up her eyes once more.
Nicole raised her arm so she could motion in the direction of her bathroom. Or at least the direction she fought her bathroom was at the moment as a sign that the painkillers could be found there. "The cupboard in my bathroom," she told Jack before slowly pushing herself onto her lower arms with 's groan. Nope, this was not the best way to get up. As soon as she got up more, she felt the room spinning even more. "I just want my bed, no painkillers," she complained, knowing very well she would be very grateful to Jack the next morning if he indeed made her take the painkillers.
"You want to take me to my bedroom huh?" Nicole said with a look of mischief in her eyes before chuckling. "You are not getting any mister. I just want to sleep. But you can bring me to my bedroom because I think I forgot where it is." Which was pretty hard with the small apartment that she owned, with it being one of the three doors that led to a bathroom, a spare bedroom and her own bedroom. It wasn't that hard to find at all.
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amomentxofhappiness · 2 months
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Obnoxious? "Do not presume to understand how my mother raised me or to what end. You were eavesdropping which is utterly unbecoming of a well bred person," he spewed back, feeling entirely too affronted to be proper--yet again there was nothing proper about the way they had met nor the way they were speaking.
"My requirements are perfectly acceptable and my mother understands them quite well. Considering the person I choose to wed will take over her duties as viscountess," he added a moment later narrowing his eyes. "You take issue with my requirements?"
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She stopped in her tracks, closer to him now, and no sweeter to him. "You were being obnoxious." A statement of fact equal to his own, with added venom for flavour. His title held no power over her, now that he had been stricken from her internal list of acceptable suitors for Maly.
"And you think that justifies it, viscount? Swanning about spewing vile rhetoric. Your mother raised you better than that." Mrs Bridgerton was a lovely lady by all accounts.
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amomentxofhappiness · 2 months
Lilith's children weren't that terrifying after a hundred or so years down under, and his run-ins with them were mostly Adam sending them back or them bringing messages through recently deceased people he bumped into at crime scenes. He wasn't about to share that though.
"Oh if you like silence you're definitely in the wrong place," he mused pursing his lips together. "Smaller towns don't have such varied menues though, do they?" He had flirted with the idea of moving to a small town himself, be a beat cop or a logger but he liked the noise and the smell and the life of the city. Too much quiet was distressing and reminded him too much of things he wanted to leave in the past.
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At her question he tilted his head to the side for a moment and was thankful for the waiter showing up with their drinks. Still, he wanted to give her an answer. Taking a sip pf his drink, he wet his lower lip. "I said 'dealt with,' not hunted though, did I? I don't hunt creatures. Everyone deserves a shot at this... whatever this is, life, reality... I think the guy you offed today was far more dangerous than the average idiotic demon. And he was 100% human scum."
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"Sounds like fun. I've had my share of run ins with demons as well, nasty little things." Of course, Veronica only knew of two ways to kill them. The usual vampire way, tear them apart until they didn't move anymore. Or call a hunter and get them to kill the damned thing.
"It's...alright, I suppose." Veronica never really had a place to call home. She was like the wind, never settling in one place. "Not exactly my kind of place. I like silence, this place is blaring sirens every ten minutes." That was expected from a large city, but the vampire was annoyed nonetheless. Her new friend looked handsome in the light. The way it hit his face, the shadow it cast, made Veronica want to sink her teeth into him...in more ways than one. Veronica had many lovers through the years, none ever stuck though. It was all fun.
She was only her because her coven had moved here, and she wanted to be close by to protect them. "For someone who fights a lot of creatures, you don't like being called a hunter." The dark haired vampire tilted her head to the side, letting her long black curls fall. "Why is that?"
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amomentxofhappiness · 2 months
Was training this girl to be his partner the brightest idea he had ever had? Definitely no. It had also not been his idea. It was Natasha's. This whole thing was because of Natasha and that good for nothing college asshole.
But that was irrelevant at this point. He was taking his anger and frustration over a situation he could not fix against this girl whom was helping them. Baby was helping them and he didn't do well with people helping him. He had been on his own since too young and the only people he let in were Nat and his cousin, the little ass who had brought Baby to them.
And Baby was cute. And Baby was his type (not that anyone knew what hus type was, not with his 'side job' making the disgruntled wives and divorcees happy). He had yet to determine if the frustration he was taking on Baby had to do with nat's problem or with the fact he was attracted to this girl with 2 left feet. 2 left feet and a very pouty mouth he wanted to nibble on every other minute it seemed.
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At her blowup though he had to do a double take. Baby also had a spine huh. Exhaling sharply, he grabbed his coat and hers, shoving it to her hands. "We need to get out of here," and with that, he stormed out of the cabin and headed towards his car, barely looking back and trying not to get pissed at the rain. "Come on," he called out as he made it to his car, realizing he had left the keys inside. Hitting the top of it he looked around, grabbed one of the logs and used it to smash the back window and unlock it. Opening the passenger's door while getting soaked in the rain he gestured for her to get in. "Go on now."
CLOSED || @amomentxofhappiness || dirty dancing for dorks ||
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this place shouldn't be overwhelming. it was basically a vacation home for seniors. advertised as family friendly. but the last few days had been beyond a whirlwind. she had got herself caught up in staff drama, all for the sake of a girl like crush. steve shouldn't make her so weak at the knees, but she just couldn't help it. it was everything about him;; and she almost hated herself for it. feeling so helpless drowning in her mix of emotions, trying to keep a level head in front of him and the other staff.
despite several fantasies that had plagued her since arriving a few weeks ago, the redhead was frustrated at the man in front of her. both sweaty and breathing, from a little less exciting circumstances than her dreams. it spurred persephone on to lash out after hearing a passive comment she didn't agree with. “ i don’t know what else you want from me! i’m completely learning everything from scratch with no history in dancing what-so-ever, but here i am still. let me remind you that i’m trying to save your ass, when all i really wanna do is drop you on it! ”
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amomentxofhappiness · 2 months
FREE CONTENT click the source link to find 187 [268x150] gifs of alycia debnam-carey as emily in saint x episode 4 and 5. all gifs were made from scratch, do not edit, repost or claim as your own. a like or reblog would be appreciated if you use them, and consider supporting me on ko-fi <3
find my commission info here
potential triggers: partial nudity, alcohol
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amomentxofhappiness · 2 months
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amomentxofhappiness · 2 months
== hella timeskip ==
Being back had proven to be more exhausting than anticipated. Besides having to deal with Gabriel and Gabriel's ego, there was the matter of his mother and her 'suitable wives' presentation, the media going in frenzy about Wanda being back, the tabloids saying she should be the next queen, Wanda pretending not to be considering it and even more so, pretending that helping choose Gabriel's wife didn't affect her in the slightest.
It was rough. It was rougher than she could've expected when they set on a barely legal princess of some forsaken little country that could benefit from the pairing. The worst part is that Gabriel seemed genuinely into the thing. No, the worst part was that the girl--yes, she would call her 'the girl' in her mind--was nice. She was good and kind and funny. Also, she was a looker with a little of snark. She was a mini Wanda (not that she would admit that thought to another soul). And the girl seemed really into Gabriel. Heck, who wouldn't.
It was heartbreaking. Her heart. Breaking. A little more every day. But it had been her choice not to act on it, not to say anything, not to admit to herself and to him and to everyone that yes, she was the best candidate for his wife because she was a zarina yes, she was also a born citizen and had the best interest of the people at heart. And she loved him. That egotistical maniac, annoying as fudge, cocky, borderline rude at times, tall asshole was the man she loved. Fuck.
The problem was that he didn't love her. He cared for her she knew as much. They were friends--the best of friends. And Wanda was sure he'd bang her in a split second (he had innuendo'ed it enough times). But she didn't want to bang him--yes she did. She wanted something more. She wanted the whole package and he would never do that. He couldn't. He wasn't coded to be in love and faithful and to give himself to a single another person. And that was fine. Super fine. She'd grow out of it. It would pass. It had to.
Regardless of her feelings, she was a pretty good actress. At least she believed she was.
Temporarily living at the Palace ws also tough. It was partially because of all the extra work she had (between making up the whirlwind romance between Gabriel and the girl, the official meetings, the leaked photos, preparing the engagement soireé and the coronation only 2 days after that was entirely too much for her). There was also the little incident of death threats in her home and she wouldn't risk getting blown up or losing Einstein in any way other than the natural one. So she was around. Constantly.
And now the girl was also staying at the Palace. Thankfully it was a BIG palace and Wanda had managed to survive long enough to the day before the engagement party where she was on the other side of Gabriel's desk, feet up, going through some endless list of pain points for the media and in general.
"We need to be prepared for your sister's asshole followers to pull something tomorrow night or at the coronation. Thor's on top of it but... I just... You should wear a vest just in case," Wanda said looking up from her pad to the King and swallowing hard before looking away. "How are things with the Queen to be? Banged that yet?"
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What did he want? A lot of things. Gabriel did not think that was really what the woman before him was asking. Specifics, remember? He wanted his crown. He wanted to rule well, despite disagreeing with how some things were currently run in his country. He feared being tied down, feared being trapped, feared being overthrown. His father had fears, but didn’t rule with them. Gabriel didn’t want to be gripped by the ‘what if’s’ either. He wanted success. He wanted comfort and ease. He wanted to know what a certain blonde advisor would look like underneath him.
“ I want the next, ” another hand gesture, “ —however many days till the wedding to run smoothly. Minimal public shenanigans. You’re really good about getting those under control. ” The next words to leave his mouth really stung. “ And I—- I’m ready to listen till it’s done. ” If that wasn’t one of the biggest promises that he’d ever given to Wanda— well. He couldn’t think of another right now. “ You giving to give me debate classes or something? ” The little jab was a tease, a joke to try and lighten the mood. “ I can get a car here quick, we can be back at the palace this afternoon. ”
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amomentxofhappiness · 2 months
"Yeah, yeah it is. They're pretty cool for 70 year olds," Seamus agreed with a smile--it felt like the first of the day. He was particularly fond of Doc Mullins, who was a grumpy old man but had a big heart. Doc always had a pat ready for his back and a nice, meaningful thing to say to him even though he didn't talk much and was mostly there for the backgammon.
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"Wow, you've barely unpacked," the young man found himself saying and sounding almost normal. It was nice, not feeling so on edge. He hoped he could keep it up enough to seem normal--or as normal as they could be anyway. "Yeah, the comfy matress is the problem for me, not so much the time cos everyone in my house has different working hours, so..." and now he was oversharing.
"Uhm... no?" No, he was most definitely not busy in the slightest. "Uhm, sure, I'm--I'm free," he gave the other a small, measured smile. He was torn in between saying 'can we avoid places with loud sounds and drinks' and act normal but giving the fact the other was also a vet, he figured it'd be safe. Still, he didn't want to look broken so he soldiered on. "What--What do you feel like doing?"
Easton knew the depth the question he asked held. However, he realized said depth once it had already left his mouth. And he could see that it struck a chord within the other man, he may not say it but those big brown eyes of his gave it away. But he decided not to push it.
"Yeah, yeah they do," he nodded his head, "it's um... hopeful in a way, I think. Like, knowing what they've gone through and even though it's been hard for them, they're pushing through." And that was something he wasn't sure he could do if he retired, something different. Would he be capable to return to a normal life?
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"I've been back for... about a week, yeah. Gettin' used to not waking up at sunrise is proving very difficult. Falling asleep, too." He might not sound serious about it but it was. "Hey, um... are you busy tonight? Honestly, I could use goin' out with someone I know."
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amomentxofhappiness · 3 months
ooc // hola amigxs! hey so, i'm still around only not posting replies just yet because i'm swamped with other things. i've seen some of you on hiatus and some others changed muses & rules so i'll make a separate post once i'm back regarding the ongoing threads, to see if u still want them. if not, i 100% understand.
Hope life is treating you well!
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