#:: our love will last until the stars grow cold ( bail organa & breha organa )
alderaqueen · 5 years
never forget that it’s actual canon that Breha once (probably more than once) left Bail a message during the Clone Wars with the sole purpose of telling him that he looked tired in the Senate HoloNet feed she’d watched, that he should go to bed because he probably wasn’t sleeping enough, and that she’d call him in the morning.
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ofalderaan · 7 years
As he came into sight of Padmé's apartment block, he commed Breha. "Leave a light burning in the window this evening, my dove. Your shamefully neglectful husband is making a lightning visit home."   Her soft, sultry laughter lit a fire in his blood. "I'll do that. How long exactly will the lightning last?"   "Not long enough," he said, regretful. "As long as I can manage."   "Ah," she said, "So -- not a pleasure trip, then?"   He grinned. "I'm pretty sure I can squeeze in a little pleasure here and there. But no. It's business."   "I see." The two small words told him she understood perfectly. She knew him so well; could read every nuance of tone in his voice. "I'll be waiting."
The Clone Wars: Gambit Stealth Karen Miller
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alderaqueen · 5 years
cute things to think about: 
Bail practicing his Senatorial speeches for Breha, and Breha giving him suggestions on content and presentation. Breha always encouraging his political career, and trying to give him the best advice she can. watching the HoloNet feed from the Senate and sending Bail a message to tell him how well she thinks he did. sending him encouraging messages before speeches or votes that she knows he’s particularly nervous about.
think about Bail getting particularly impassioned about his speeches during practice runs, and Breha getting starry-eyed over how wonderful he is and how much she loves him, and when he finishes and asks what she thought, she guiltily admits that she got distracted and wasn’t paying attention. think about Bail laughing and coming over to kiss the tip of her nose and tell her it’s alright, while she apologizes and promises to pay attention if he runs through it again.
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ofalderaan · 7 years
He munched on the bread, watching Memily's quick, efficient movements as she chopped fruit and then spooned it into small pastry shells. “For the children,” she said. “They call these Memily's baskets.” She smiled. “I've seen Senator Organa sneak them, too.” --Last of the Jedi, Master of Deception
Bail Organa has a sweet tooth and ‘steals’ pastries when he thinks no one’s looking. 
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alderaqueen · 5 years
v: before the wars ( the bright center of the universe ) v: the clone wars ( i will not change our traditions for a repellent regime ) v: imperial occupation ( i was a queen and you took away my crown ) v: an imperial galaxy ( we can outlast the empire ) v: surviving alderaan ( is a queen still a queen with no planet and no people )
: bail organa ( go to bed hotshot. i'll catch you in the morning ) : leia organa ( she will be loved with us ) : fess ilee ( if anything ever happens to me and you're in trouble go to fess ) : deara antilles ( by becoming a spy you brought danger to this house ) : padmé amidala ( i wish more than anything that you could see her grow ) : alderaan ( alderaan is peaceful; we have no weapons ) : visage ( images in the looking glass ) : canon quotes ( the stuff of legends )
: aesthetics & wardrobe ( with beauty or the appreciation of beauty) : art ( some people are so talented ) : musings ( whispers through the winds )
r: family ( loving someone deeply gives you courage ) r: breha organa & leia organa ( my daughter is a miracle who never ceases to be miraculous ) r: breha organa & bail organa ( our love will last until the stars grow cold )
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