#::Glenstiir Campaign::
silva-vinandi · 4 years
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A quick doodle of Talyn and my sister’s character from Glenstiir, Nizana. She is literally our only source of healing in battle, and in our last major fight, she was killed, but we were determined to bring her back. The circumstances of her death meant that she was in dire need of a new haircut, and Talyn was happy to oblige.
Especially considering that she has now brought about half of the team back from the afterlife, including him lol
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silva-vinandi · 4 years
Well now, that was a whole session and a half to unpack...
So Talyn met the leader of the Dragon Riders, an association that his family used to have a connection with. Said leader gave him the information he needs to steal Feysil (his wyvern) back. Rumors are also starting to spread that he’s alive which could be bad.
The next day, our group pulled out a sword hilt that’s part of a relic, that went off and gave two of our group a vision. One of which was our wild mage. It set off her wild magic - which in turn sent Talyn, Judas, Osiris and Tythus along with two npcs to a different plane.
They landed in the middle of a blizzard and ended up stumbling across a somewhat fresh corpse of a giant red dragon. Somehow our group managed to agree to use the corpse for warmth against the cold.
Then we found out we were in the path of an insane war god, who used to be the DM’s character in a previous version of this campaign. We made it out by some miracle religion check.
And my sister drew this, featuring (Left to right): Talyn, Siegfried, Rumil, and Nizana, when Talyn set fire to the stove with a low performance check while cooking.
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silva-vinandi · 4 years
Talyn: I’d like to help out the squad with making dinner.
DM: Roll performance
Talyn: 8
DM: You start a small fire
Everyone: >:(
Talyn: I’m a tiefling, it’s in my blOOD!
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silva-vinandi · 4 years
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New Development: Talyn is pretty decent at cutting hair. 
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silva-vinandi · 4 years
a word for a drabble: Insomnia (for Talyn)
One would think that, after being brought back from being dead for a week, Talyn would have been exhausted enough to sleep for yet another week straight. Granted, he was, but as night fell and everyone else went to bed, sleep wouldn’t come.
He tossed...
And turned...
Hours passed, to no avail. Talyn laid on his side, suddenly so jealous of the figure beside him. Judas was settled underneath the covers, sound asleep. He’d spent all of twenty minutes quietly crying on Talyn’s shoulder, simply emotional after he was brought back from death.
Talyn reached out, brushing some hair out of Judas’ eyes and a soft smile formed at the look of relief and comfort spread over the human’s features. He was so afraid that if he closed his eyes, he’d wake up back in the afterlife. That he would wake from a dream within a dream.
He recalled his parting words clear as day, facing his first love, Issac. Naturally, when the opportunity came for Talyn to go back to the world of the living, he was reluctant to let the tiefling go without a fight. But the words rung clear and true, even now.
“Issac, you’ll always hold a special place in my heart. But I loved you, lost you, and moved on. My heart still calls for him. I have to go to his side. He needs me.”
Talyn still recalled that look of realization, the withdrawn resignation, the sad smile of acceptance, and the wish of luck before he opened his eyes, surrounded by all of his friends.
Talyn sighed softly, shifted to curl an arm around Judas and was pleased when the smaller man snuggled against his chest naturally. He pressed a kiss to the head of black hair, rested his cheek against Judas, and closed his eyes as Issac’s parting words echoed through his mind:
“For what it’s worth, I know I’ll see you again. I just hope it’s not for a long time, for your sake. Find peace with him.”
Smiling softly as Talyn’s breathing slowed and lulled into a sleep, he did.
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silva-vinandi · 4 years
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Some recent doodles based off of the Glenstiir Campaign that I play in. Talyn started dating a one-armed sorcerer named Judas and so far things have been rough for my boy. I’ve got some context under the cut:
Starting with middle picture, top right: There’s a Demon that’s attached to Talyn that has recently been making more often appearances. Now, a majority of the group knows his secret and they’re currently going to be heading back to his hometown - partly as per his demon’s request... (I’ll likely be revamping the design for it but for now have.. lmao whatever that is)
At the same time, the middle picture, top left: Some members of the group that Talyn travels with aren’t as “excited” to see this new development. One of which is a Minotaur named Osiris who has a thing against demons. The incident had drained Talyn greatly and the first thing he woke up to was being targeted by Osiris’s crossbow. Not the greatest thing to wake up to, tbh.
Aside from that? Just the guys being dudes! Just the dudes being gay!
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silva-vinandi · 4 years
Salty Munday Meme (open) ❣ How salty are you feeling right now?
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Truthfully, not very salty! I’d really say only maybe about 3%, but that’s only because our DM for Glenstiir cancelled on us again due to work related issues, which is understandable. However there may be a chance that one of the other campaigns will be running in its place so I’m hyped for that hehehe
Otherwise, I’m in a pretty good mood! Had some waffles, and had a really nice session of Icewind Dale last night. A solid 6 hour session which was really nice since we normally go only 3 or 4 hours. By the end of everything, we’re earning a good chunk of gold, and half the party is convinced that Naiora slept with another of the team, a Dragonborn named Zortrin.
tl;dr I’m only 3% salty
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silva-vinandi · 4 years
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[[ So we’re running Glenstiir, the campaign in which Talyn died, got revived a few sessions later, and is already facing certain death again. We’ve been fighting this boss for about five hours now. And right when the fight is almost over, the DM’s VPN got clipped. It’s literally up to Talyn to kill this boss and we’re just waiting for the DM to connect again aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ]]
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silva-vinandi · 4 years
#50 Talyn
Unusual Headcanon Meme || Open 50. where do they see themselves in 2 / 5 / 10 years?
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Going off of his main verse in the Glenstiir campaign:
In two years, Talyn doesn’t have many plans for himself. He met up with his blood family for the first time and found out that he wanted nothing to do with him after he died in the conclave and was subsequently revived. Now, he doesn’t want a connection with his family and his curse is gone, for the first time in his life he has the freedom to do whatever he wants with nothing hold him back. 
In five years, he might like to try and open up an archery and martial arts class somewhere, open to all who want to learn. That, and there’s been talk of Judas retiring from adventuring and finishing his school, so that would be something that Talyn would like to do in the meantime.
In ten years, if he’s not settled down too much, he may look into researching the Dragon Riders of Glenstiir. He learned that his family was once part of their group and he’s at least interested in learning as well with Feysil by his side. Alternatively, by then he may have started a family and settled down after marrying Judas. He would very much play with the idea of adopting children from various orphanages if he can.
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