#;I saw the truth in the real you (Talyn x Judas)
silva-vinandi · 4 years
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A minor Talyn appearance revamp (He’s been taking levels into monk so he’s slowly going from Twink to Twunk lmao) + Gay Shenanigans with his sorcerer boyfriend, Judas. Fun fact! I’m not sure I ever mentioned this, but Judas is missing half of his left arm, however he’s been improving his Mage Hand over time and it has become very, ah, useful..~
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silva-vinandi · 4 years
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Some recent doodles based off of the Glenstiir Campaign that I play in. Talyn started dating a one-armed sorcerer named Judas and so far things have been rough for my boy. I’ve got some context under the cut:
Starting with middle picture, top right: There’s a Demon that’s attached to Talyn that has recently been making more often appearances. Now, a majority of the group knows his secret and they’re currently going to be heading back to his hometown - partly as per his demon’s request... (I’ll likely be revamping the design for it but for now have.. lmao whatever that is)
At the same time, the middle picture, top left: Some members of the group that Talyn travels with aren’t as “excited” to see this new development. One of which is a Minotaur named Osiris who has a thing against demons. The incident had drained Talyn greatly and the first thing he woke up to was being targeted by Osiris’s crossbow. Not the greatest thing to wake up to, tbh.
Aside from that? Just the guys being dudes! Just the dudes being gay!
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silva-vinandi · 4 years
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So Talyn’s got a boyfriend and he’s a mischievous lil sorcerer named Judas. Honestly they’re both a couple of dorks and my buddy Grim (aka Judas’ player) and I adore the fuck out of them so have some doodles~
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silva-vinandi · 4 years
a word for a drabble: Insomnia (for Talyn)
One would think that, after being brought back from being dead for a week, Talyn would have been exhausted enough to sleep for yet another week straight. Granted, he was, but as night fell and everyone else went to bed, sleep wouldn’t come.
He tossed...
And turned...
Hours passed, to no avail. Talyn laid on his side, suddenly so jealous of the figure beside him. Judas was settled underneath the covers, sound asleep. He’d spent all of twenty minutes quietly crying on Talyn’s shoulder, simply emotional after he was brought back from death.
Talyn reached out, brushing some hair out of Judas’ eyes and a soft smile formed at the look of relief and comfort spread over the human’s features. He was so afraid that if he closed his eyes, he’d wake up back in the afterlife. That he would wake from a dream within a dream.
He recalled his parting words clear as day, facing his first love, Issac. Naturally, when the opportunity came for Talyn to go back to the world of the living, he was reluctant to let the tiefling go without a fight. But the words rung clear and true, even now.
“Issac, you’ll always hold a special place in my heart. But I loved you, lost you, and moved on. My heart still calls for him. I have to go to his side. He needs me.”
Talyn still recalled that look of realization, the withdrawn resignation, the sad smile of acceptance, and the wish of luck before he opened his eyes, surrounded by all of his friends.
Talyn sighed softly, shifted to curl an arm around Judas and was pleased when the smaller man snuggled against his chest naturally. He pressed a kiss to the head of black hair, rested his cheek against Judas, and closed his eyes as Issac’s parting words echoed through his mind:
“For what it’s worth, I know I’ll see you again. I just hope it’s not for a long time, for your sake. Find peace with him.”
Smiling softly as Talyn’s breathing slowed and lulled into a sleep, he did.
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