#:^0 kicks me leggy up!
eriexplosion · 8 months
Might as well keep going because I'm 0% tired at 1 in the morning, Bounty Lost it is.
SERIOUSLY WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON WITH CROSSHAIR He is BARELY conscious and he is LOSING IT. So either the chip was having one last spike of effectiveness before going down from the radiation or they did actually take it out as the only way to make him effective rather than rabid.
Bane's rude little bot out here to mock the child because she's the only person that can't kick him like a football right now.
He really didn't even check if Hunter was alive just shot him and went 'anyway that's probably enough' and called it a day. Didn't even do a second shot just to be sure. IT'S SLOPPY IS WHAT IT IS. Good that Bane is getting lax in his old age.
Honestly the thing with Lama Su is he has ZERO reason to tell Nala Se to kill Omega after getting the genetic material needed. WHY WOULD YOU KILL OFF YOU PRIMARY SOURCE? This is exactly what happened when Jango Fett died eventually you'll need another one! Short sighted dumbass.
Yeah sure, Todo, Bane's not helping you just because 'he's very busy' remember that time he turned you into a bomb?
I am shocked at how few trans Omega headcanons there are with the pure genetic replication thing, like I know there are other holes in it like hair color but come on. Trans Omega!
OMEGA IS SO SMART I LOVE HER. And she does fix him before turning him off! It's very polite of her to do that.
By hook or by crook, you're coming with me thanks that's terrifying.
Omega's first reaction to seeing Taun We is to try and help her, genuinely she is such a good girl
I simply do not like the mutant creatures in the Goo.
God though the way Fennec YEETS Omega into a hallway
At a certain point in this fight it genuinely feels like Bane and Fennec have completely forgotten about what they're supposed to be doing because all they're doing is FIGHTING EACH OTHER.
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Fucking bandages over the clothes. I will never be normal about this WHY DID THEY DO THIS? SHOW US HUNTER'S FUCKING TITS OR ELSE.
Tech sleeping in a chair with some Gadget clutched in his hands is so cute
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Why he got his leggy up like that
This is a really sweet scene though I do love it. I thinkkk this is one of my least favorite of the season but only because it lacks any BIG SPIKES OF AFFECTION, it's still a really solid episode.
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partiallystcrs · 5 years
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                                                  ❛     this mug’s empty. . .     ❜
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                                                                 ❛     YOTE !     ❜
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( MUN ABC’S ) Copy this post into a new text post, remove my answers and put in yours, when you are done tag up to ten people and also tag the person who tagged you!  ( If you want…)
TAGGED BY technically @katsuyamami TAGGING: does the splits, do it if u wanna :^0
A - Age: 22 B - Biggest fear: Drowning!!!! C - Current time: 10:58pm D - Drink you last had: Water E - Every day starts with: Me not wanting to get out of bed F - Favourite song: SWEATS G - Ghosts are they real: Sure I - In love with: Chocolate cake and my sailor moon luna purse  K - Killed someone: In video games ye ye L - Last time you cried: A year ago??? M - Middle name: I hate it so no! N - Number of siblings: 2 older brothers O - One wish: Money money money.mp3 and to have a teddy bear so big i can sleep on it P - Person you last called/texted: Technically Vika & Wolf! Q - Questions you are always asked: Uh R - Reasons to smile: BABY OTTERS WAGGING THEIR TAILS!!! S - Song last sang: Happy birthday to myself B^) T - Time you woke up: uh.... U - Underwear colour: White/ gray plaid with hello kitty all over it :^0 V - Vacation destination: Literally anywhere at this point free me  W - Worst habit: I SLEEP TOO MUCH X - X-Rays you’ve had: Bleh Y - Your favourite food: Mac & cheese, sushi, mashed potatos!!!! Z - Zodiac sign: Pisces
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rogue-snorunt · 6 years
for your consideration
yah boi getting thrown into a(nother) au only this time he playin a sosu-ish type in the commonwealth and not a tired engineer up in space
thats right: Isaac as the sosu D:
only.. not really? more like, his parents are, he just happened to be the unfortunate soul to be holding the baby. He may have been cowardly and awkward but he’ll still be damned if he was gonna let some stranger just take his baby bro D:<
Bam- headshot
Parents think their oldest is the murdered and now start that whole “the institute stole my baby! (and murdered our first born!)” thing, leaving their murked 16yr old son in his icebox
Only he aint dead, and he doesn't got the good ol Doc Mitchell to dig the bullet out. so now its just sitting in there not paying rent and just got his frontal and parietal lobes all ker-fuckered. 
Ring-a-ding-ding bby
wonders around, vision even more mucked up what with seeing and hearing things that aren’t always there, the most confused; lost and alone a kid could be in the Apocalypse, gets attacked by a feral and manages to get away but not without losing a couple fingers. stumbles across a figure in a red jacket arguing with a door (???) who says her name is Piper, who apparently spends a lot of time yelling at this door to let her inside.. and gets all motherly all over his bloody self and shoving him inside the stadium to the doc. Who he promptly frustrates so much with his sass, the doc gives him a shot of “go-the-fuck-to-sleep-so-i-can-heal-you-before-i-murder-you” and he takes on the role of digging around in this dumb kids noggin.
after waking up, and gaining equilibrium and junk enough to stand... proceeds to steal all of the doctors food; water and caps and wonder around the stadium just being a nuisance until Nick bumps into him, “whoa, what happened to you grandpa?” “...”
tries to start a collab quest of “where this kid came from/what happened to him/does have family?” with piper, the quest is quickly failed as the kid in question got lost and wandered out of the stadium after a few days of hanging with grandpa noir and aunt pipes
You look away for five gatdamn minutes
dang vault kids! D:<
New Quest : “OMG WE LOST THE KID!!” 
first objection - “FIND!!!”
He gets found, but not by mama piper and grandpappy noir, but by some super mutants... gets some bullets  to the knee. note to self- don’t try to punch a super mutant with your bare fists :0!
skadaddles the fuck outta dodge on one good leggy and make a break for random town run by a stoner ghoul dressed as a pirate? boy the apocalypse is wild! stoner pirate ghoul rushes him to some first aid on the quick! ends up taking immediate liking to kid and can’t in good conscience let this kid roam around as he is all alone; defenseless and never took ‘how to survive the nuclear hell-scape 101″ course. Pirate dad powers activate 
kid wandered off
New Quest : “OMG I LOST THE KID!!”
finds em harassing Kleo and Daisy for their scrap metal and food. 
Quest update : -ohthankglob-
tries best to teach this kid how to fight and not the just run in and start punching things with bare fists kind but after that seems impossible, asks a friend to make his rowdy friend a power fist. 
Gets really emotional when “thanks dad, love it!”
comes across Cait and she teaches him how to really punch shit good and fight. 
Gets really emotional when “big sis! you're so feckin cool, teach me more! I wanna be able to punch a super mutants head off!” 
meanwhile grandpappy noir and auntie pipes are still in a panic tryna find this rowdy kid that wondered off: where the heck did he go? I hope hes not dead!  !!D’:
Tries to fight to the B.O.S. after they insult pirate dad but luckily they let his “fight me cowards” shenanigans go and Hancock + Cait manage to drag him away from the base, all while him still yelling at Danse aggressively that he’s gonna mod his suit so it'd forever kick em in the ass 
(sorry danse ILY, they’d be friends after blind betrayal i swear, forgive him)
ends up being commonwealth mail-person, delivering supplies between settlements and messages for minutemen, etc.  One day, a settler comes up and sheepishly asks if they could deliver a letter to a family member who had traveled to Nuka World, they hadn’t heard from em in a while and were worried and junk or something
Nuka world? sounds cool af!
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gossamer-and-grace · 3 years
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<3 <3 <3 Day 2 <3 <3 <3
Weight update: 107 even this morning, which was a huge relief because I thought for sure that I’d gained like… 3 pounds or something since Friday (where I had only one meal, “water” (read: tea) fast otherwise), as ever since then I went downhill with my eating.
Prompt: I am 5’2.75” which translates to about 160 cm. I’ve always been content with my height, never really wanted to be taller or was unhappy with being so short, even though that meant all my friends towered above me (and especially in middle school, I just ended up being friends with 5’11” girls hahaha) I enjoy being smol, petite, but of course, on the other hand, that makes losing weight a little harder since it’s less visible on a smaller frame, just with how weight is distributed. Granted, one is also able to reach lower numbers that are “healthier” given their low height. It’s a mix :) Recently, though, I’ve been less unhappy with my height, per se, but how that makes my body look (this sounds like the same thing; maybe it is hahaha) for example, long leggies, long torsos (esp!!!) I fawn over… my torso is so short :’) everything is proportional… but… proportionally smol. And when you gain weight, it shows so much, since there’s not as much doy for it to spread over. Anyways, tiny rant over hahaha.
Food log: So, I’ve decided to start tracking what I eat, but not calories(?) I know that I become far too obsessive for my own good, trying to track every last calorie taken in and expended that it really makes me feel horrible and out of control. THEREFORE, I’ve just noted down the foods that I ate, their rough caloric values where possible to calculate, and not really noting down calories expended from physical activity simply because I have no idea what that would look like. I just feel content in the knowledge that whatever I am eating and expending, it results in a total caloric intake that is below maintenance :) That’s just what works for me. Anyways, so far (I’ll make a little add-on if this changes later on in the night hahaha) this is what I’ve eaten:
Protein shake (2 scoops in water) 90 cal
Large banana 121 cal (combined into other foods and alone)
4 rice cakes 35*4 cal // edit: ate another with the soup, the label listed it as 40 💀 this is why off-brand shit sucks /j
4 eggs 148*2 cal
1/3 cute and 1/2 avocado salad with dressing 97 cal
Homemade cauliflower soup (not eaten yet) no idea about calories, I’ll have a small bowl… we’ll estimate something like 200 cal? //edit: it was very watery, so I’m gonna reduce the estimate to like, maybe even 100…
Drank tons cups of 0 cal tea (so far), had some vitamin gummies which I do not count calories for
Calories burned: As for calories burned, I’ve been on my feet literally all day cleaning the house to help out my my mom but also because my boyfriend is flying in from Germany this Friday! And also ran some errands different places… I have no idea how many calories I burned, but honestly, walking for like, maybe 6 hours or something, who knows. 500? 800? I might’ve even burned everything I ate today :) what a thought…
Other reflections: today was amazing. I don’t know why, but it was. I had so much self-control, but I also allowed myself unexpected little snacks here and there, and I know I stayed under, well, whatever imaginary limit is kicking around in my head. I want to think about why today was such a success, so that I can replicate it as much as possible. I’ll bullet a couple of ideas here…
I had the day to do whatever I wanted, on my terms
I stayed busy (body wise, cleaning, running errands)
I made a promise to myself in the beginning of the day
The morning I weighed myself I only went up .2 lbs from the last weigh-in, which boosted my mood immeasurably. It made me feel like I was still in control/in a good place, which made it so much easier to “stay” in that good space (since if I felt I’d fucked up, I’d think, fuck it, let’s just keep going and not care)
I sorta tracked food? But not calories? But saw how little I was eating calorie wise and knew that i was under some deficit
There are low calorie food options all around me
I ate when I was hungry, or after I noticed I was hungry (even if it also subsided)
I drank a shit ton of liquids today… maybe even too much, I almost worry. I don’t want to dilute myself(?)
I kept my mind busy on other things, was just generally active, and listened to great music all day!
Anyways! This is mainly for me >.< but if you’re still here thanks for sticking around to hear me monologuing.
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marlaluster · 6 years
emptying clipboard w items numbered
1. A runway success! Emotional Gisele retires from the catwalk aged 34 after a twenty year career worth $386million - with proud husband Tom Brady and her parents watching from the sidelinesA cocktail before her last catwalk! Gisele Bundchen, 34, shares behind-the-scenes snap with fruity drink before retiring from runwayThe end of the supermodel? Gisele Bundchen, 34, says goodbye to 20 years on the catwalk as she posts flashback Instagram shot aged 14Gisele Bundchen returns to her native Brazil to strut down the Colcci catwalk before retiring from the runway Gisele, 34, announced over the weekend that she would walk her final catwalk this week in Brazil, marking the end of an era on the runway.  +16 Congratulations: The New England Patriots star took to Facebook to publicly congratulate his wife On Wednesday she told her followers: 'Today after 20 years in the industry it is a privilege to be doing my last fashion show by choice and yet still be working in other facets of the business. #firstrunway #14yearsold.' The supermodel has enjoyed a two-decade career, after being credited for moving the industry away from the 'heroin chic' look of the Nineties embodied by the likes of Kate Moss, to a new sexy era. The 5ft 11in Amazon told a Brazilian newspaper: 'Automatically my body tells me if what I do is worth it, and it asked to stop.'  Beautiful goodbye: Gisele walks runway for final time Loaded: 0% Progress: 0% 0:00 Play Current Time0:00 / Duration Time2:16 Fullscreen +16 Her swan song: Gisele sashayed down the catwalk for the last time at São Paulo Fashion Week on Wednesday Make an exit like Giselle in a sheer Colcci dress Colcci Spring 2016 DressCheck out Colcci's current line here Visit site After 20 years of striding with pride, Giselle Bundchen finishes her runway career at Colcci, a Brazilian fashion brand, in a stunning sheer white halter neck dress. Read more... She told the Folha de São Paulo newspaper: 'I respect my body, it's a privilege to be able to stop.' Bündchen continued: 'I don't see how to continue [modeling on the catwalk]... and stopping will leave room for other projects I have for myself.' The Brazilian beauty was one of the Victoria's Secret Angels from 2000 until mid-2007.  Gisele Bundchen walks runway for last time at in April 2015 Loaded: 0% Progress: 0% 0:00 Play Current Time0:00 / Duration Time0:24 Fullscreen +16 One more turn: The mother-of-two sizzled in a white embroidered halterneck dress with knee-high gladiator boots as she modeled for Colcci +16 She's a pro: Gisele was also seen in a delicate orange and white striped frock with nude boots +16 She's a pro: Gisele was also seen in a delicate orange and white striped frock with nude boots On the catwalk, the leggy supermodel pioneered the 'horse walk', a stomping movement created when a model picks her knees up high and kicks her feet out in front. ADVERTISEMENT However, the IMG model plans to continue with her numerous print and commercial campaigns. According to Forbes , Gisele is worth $386 million and has amassed $47 million in the last year alone, thanks to her lucrative campaigns for Chanel, Under Armour, Pantene, H&M, Carolina Herrera, and more. +16 Showstopper: Gisele made her big entrance to the beat of an uptempo indie-rock track and the lights dimmed +16 Celebrating her: At the end of the show the bronzed beauty was joined by the other models who sported white T-shirts with images of the supermodel +16 Flashback: Gisele posted a fresh-faced snap aged 14 to her Instagram account on Wednesday after announcing her retiremen The highest-paid supermodel for the last ten years, she plans to publish a coffee table book and appear in a documentary on her life. From 2000 to 2005, Gisele was in a relationship with actor Leonardo DiCaprio. She married NFL star Brady in 2009 after they started dating in 2006. The New England Patriots quarterback who won his fourth Super Bowl in February said he has no plans of his own to retire.  +16 Top of his game: Tom is shown in February holding the Vince Lombardi Trophy after the Patriots beat the Seattle Seahawks 28-24 for his fourth Super Bowl victory +16 Sexy: Gisele has been called the last remaining true supermodel by Claudia Schiffer and Naomi Campell, pictured at the Victoria's Secrets Secret fashion Show in New York in 2003 The 6ft4in athlete told the Salesforce World Tour - according to the Boston Herald: '[Boston] is where my kids were born, where they'll be raised. I'll be a lifer here.' The attractive power couple share son Benjamin, five, and daughter Vivian, two, and Brady has a son Jack, seven, with ex-partner Bridget Moynahan. Tom previously told Details Magazine in 2009 that he and Gisele were first set up on a blind date by a mutual friend.  Gisele and Tom share kiss at the 2014 Costume Institute Gala Loaded: 0% Progress: 0% 0:00 Play Current Time0:00 / Duration Time0:16 Fullscreen +16 Lady in red: Gisele married NFL star Brady in 2009 and they are pictured together at MOMA in New York in 2011           READ MOREGisele Bundchen - Forbes 83 HomeShowbizFemail NEXT STORIES1/30 Kendra Wilkinson and Hank Baskett reunite amid marriage split to watch daughter Alijah play soccerSo she doesn't take after her dad then! 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Trump spokeswoman Conway tussles with Clinton-aide-turned-ABC-interviewer who gave... 2. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-3041327/Tom-Brady-posts-sweet-note-Facebook-wife-Gisele-Bundchen-wraps-runway-career.html 3. that’s … Ancient Giants: Iceberg Viewing in Newfoundland & Labrador The Top 10 Attractions in Quebec The Top 10 Attractions in Nova Scotia The Top 10 Attractions in New Brunswick 10 Places to Relive Canadian History Canada travel - Lonely Planet https://www.lonelyplanet.com/canada Mobile · Explore Canada holidays and discover the best time and places to visit. | Canada is more than its hulking-mountain, craggy-coast good looks: it also cooks extraordinary meals, rocks … Related searchesv 4. Canada - Wikitravel https://wikitravel.org/en/Canada Mobile · Canada is by size, the largest country in North America, second in the world overall (behind only Russia).Renowned worldwide for its vast, untouched landscape, its blend of cultures and multifaceted history,Canada … TOP HEADLINES 5. https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2018/apr/16/[object%20URL] 6. Sorry - we haven't been able to serve the page you asked for. 404 You may have followed a broken or outdated link, or there may be an error on our site. Please follow one of the links below to continue exploring. HomeUK newsWorld news 7. Headlines Judge rejects Trump and lawyer's bid to view seized papers before prosecutors Judge rejects Trump and lawyer's bid to view seized papers before prosecutors Inspectors denied access to Douma site Inspectors denied access to Douma site Trump lashes out after explosive interview Trump lashes out after explosive interview Scientists accidentally create mutant enzyme that eats plastic bottles Scientists accidentally create mutant enzyme that eats plastic bottles most viewed Scientists accidentally create mutant enzyme that eats plastic bottles Scientists accidentally create mutant enzyme that eats plastic bottles Sean Hannity revealed as Trump lawyer Michael Cohen's mystery third client Sean Hannity revealed as Trump lawyer Michael Cohen's mystery third client Canada's Liberal party considers decriminalization of all illicit drugs Canada's Liberal party considers decriminalization of all illicit drugs Boy unearths treasure of the Danish king Bluetooth in Germany Boy unearths treasure of the Danish king Bluetooth in Germany Kendrick Lamar wins Pulitzer prize as Weinstein reporting also honoured 8. viewed Scientists accidentally create mutant enzyme that eats plastic bottles 9. https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2018/apr/16/[object%20URL] 10. Sorry - we haven't been able to serve the page you asked for. 404 You may have followed a broken or outdated link, or there may be an error on our site. Please follow one of the links below to continue exploring. HomeUK newsWorld newsSportFootba 11. A warning to the corrupt: if you kill a journalist, another will take their place Laurent Richard A warning to the corrupt: if you kill a journalist, another will take their place Landlords are social parasites. They’re the last people we should be honouring Rhik Samadder Landlords are social parasites. They’re the last people we should be honouring The generation gap is back – but not as we know it Brigid Delaney The generation gap is back – but not as we know it Sports 12. https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2018/apr/16/[object%20URL] 13. most viewed Scientists accidentally create mutant enzyme that eats plastic bottles Scientists accidentally create mutant enzyme that eats plastic bottles Sean Hannity revealed as Trump lawyer Michael Cohen's mystery third client Sean Hannity revealed as Trump lawyer Michael Cohen's mystery third client Canada's Liberal party considers decriminalization of all illicit drugs Canada's Liberal party considers decriminalization of all illicit drugs Boy unearths treasure of the Danish king Bluetooth in Germany Boy unearths treasure of the Danish king Bluetooth in Germany Kendrick Lamar wins Pulitzer prize as Weinstein reporting also honoured Kendrick Lamar wins Pulitzer prize as Weinstein reporting also honoured Spotlight 14. https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2018/apr/16/[object%20URL] 15. 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torentialtribute · 5 years
Phil Foden’s flying: Man City starlet on playing for Pep Guardiola
When Manchester City won the Premier League last season, Captain Vincent Kompany called up Phil Foden and told him to come to the pub.
It turned out to be a big night in Hale, but while Kompany and John Stones sang and danced with supporters, Foden was sitting in the dark by a lake in Stoke on Trent.
"I went fishing night with my dad instead," Foden tells Sportsmail this week. I just felt too young to party. I was 17. So I thought it was the most sensible thing to do and Vinny actually said it was the right call.
Phil Foden is in line for another league winners' medal if Manchester City beat Brighton
The 18-year- old has made 13 Premier League appearances under Pep Guardiola this year
It was night fishing. So we were there until the morning.
'Funnily enough we didn't talk much about the football, we just chatted about normal dad and son stuff. He is a United fan. He is finding it difficult this year… '
Win at Brighton on Sunday and Pep Guardiola's City will be champions again and Foden is in line for another medal. He was given one last year after making five appearances.
This season the number has jumped to 13 and resembles the steady progress promised him by his manager when he spoke to Foden last summer.
On Monday, Foden started against Leicester but was actually sitting on the bench when Kompany struck the remarkable long-range goal that cool City victory. Turns out it was perhaps not the fluke everybody presumed.
"It's funny because we've recently had a bit of shooting at the end of training and Vinny has suddenly decided to join in," Foden smiles.
It resembles the steady progress promised him by his manager when he spoke to Foden
When City won the Premier League title last year Foden went fishing with his dad
"He has got a bit, to be fair." He can hit "top bins" a few times so maybe that practice came in to play. It was made for him to score wasn't it? He's always there in the big moments showing his class.
'I saw the ball hit the top of the net. I was like, "Wow, did I just dream that?"
"It was such a special goal and the most important of the year."
Twenty-four hours later Foden was at Phil and Clare, girlfriend Rebecca Cooke and their baby son Ronnie, who was born in January, watching rivals Liverpool beat Barcelona 4-0 in the Champions League.
In a rather modern manner, Phil Snr and Jnr sat side by side in the kitchen watching on their mobile phones. "It was brilliant what they did," says the City midfielder. "It got me out of my seat as a fan.
" To do what they did without two key players just shows their heart and determination and shows how well we have done to be above a team as good as that . Our squad is obviously very special.
'We could have had them at Anfield and it would have been a different story now.
'There may have been some breathing space! But we know we can go to Brighton on Sunday and put in a job. We can beat anybody on our day. "
Foden has been kept largely hidden from the media during his emergence from City's system
It's a law and miserable Manchester afternoon and the player many have labeled as the future of English football is in a glorified warehouse near the M60 doing energetic keep-ups with some friends and a chap about to interview him for television.
Foden, dressed in a tracksuit and here on a day off, is smart and angular. He is good, but he is not flash and it seems deliberate. Unless you were watching really closely it wouldn't immediately be apparent who was the one with all the talent.
Still only 18, Foden has been kept largely hidden from the media during his emergence from the City system. Aware of the persistent narrative about his number of playing minutes at a time when other young English players are considering moves abroad, Guardiola has not wanted him vulnerable to all the fuss.
Now that he is a regular in City's Premier League squad, we are gradually being allowed to see a little more of him. This is his first clean chat with a national newspaper and has been arranged as part of the launch of the Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles TV series on the Nicktoons TV channel.
Advised in advance that Foden is a 'bit shy', it transpires isn't it. He is reserved, which is different. Wandering around Manchester, he is still surprised when people ask him for a photograph and admits he is working on his mental image of himself.
Foden is still surprised when people ask him for a photograph as he wanders around the city
Foden pictured alongside Guardiola and his baby son Ronnie, who was born in January
"I wake up every morning and think my career is just going so fast," he says, cradling am ug or tea. 'I am still young and trying to act normally but I think I need to start growing up.
"I go and play with David (Silva) and Kevin (De Bruyne) every day but still feel like a fan if you know what I mean?
" I feel like asking them to sign something for me but actually playing with them.
'I don't mean I don't want to stay normal because I do. But sometimes I get up in the morning and just think, "Wow."
On the pitch, the necessary mental shift has already taken place. After his two goals helped City win at Newport in the FA Cup, players from the Welsh club told him they had rarely observed such precocious talent.
"They wished me luck with my career," he reveals. "They were a great bunch of lads and it made me feel good."
Physically he has some growing to do. The Premier League is a place for athletes and Foden has not yet developed the power that will come with age. But he was always small and, because of his talent, was always asked to play with older boys. So he is used to the challenge.
"Sometimes I feel leggy and off balance and I know it's a growth spurt that's underway," he says. 'My legs are long and my body needs to catch up. It will happen in time.
'I look at some players and wish I was a bit stronger to look after myself but there is now I can do from a bit of gym and look after my body right.
'I was very underdeveloped and small when I was young but they used to tell me I had the technical ability to play up.
The teenager celebrates after scoring an early winner against Tottenham last month
Foden doesn't drive yet and takes a taxi to City's training ground every day
'They said I had the brain of an older person so they would challenge me by playing me up against lads much bigger than me.
'To this day I feel like I am still doing it and I think those experiences got me ready.
' I used to get kicked a lot and still do. You can't complain. You just have to get up and get on with it. And I am not the only one. Bernardo [Silva] is tiny but he has a brain and that is the main thing.
'Still quiet to win the ball off other people. You don't need to be massive. You just need to know what you are doing on the pitch. "
Those who know Foden well will tell you about the influence of his parents and it is apparent. Foden has manners and remains boyish. He doesn't drive and takes a taxi to and from training every day.
Some young footballers seem too good for their careers to move fast while others can seem daunted by quick progress. It is a fine line and Foden seems to be on the right side of it.
"Life has definitely changed but I still like to play football," he explains. "I will go to the Trafford Center and people will ask for a picture and I will be like," Oh yeah, this is who I am now ". I don't always realize.
"I hope they now know what it's possible to achieve in the game.
" Some kids don't think it's possible because or the team we have at City but anything is possible and you have to believe and work hard. If I can do it then anyone can. '
Foden (right) scored twice as England won the Under 17 World Cup final in India in 2017
After Foden scored twice as England won the Under 17 World Cup final in India in 2017, his father cried on the phone. "He doesn't normally show emotion as he is quite a serious guy," recalls Foden.
"But he cried that day. He said: "I can't believe what you have done". I didn't really get that until I came home. "
For the Foden family, it was a major staging post on a journey that ground when City academy scout Terry John spotted six-year-old Phil at his primary school in Stockport.
'I remember it like it was yesterday, "Foden says. "He was looking at year seven kids and I was year four or five.
" Luckily my teacher said he had seen me in the playground and I seemed all right.
"So they asked me to do this little session on my own, dribbling round cones. I was thinking, "What's this?" but thought I would try my best.
'I was a bit young to really realize what it meant and who he was. He just gave me a number for my parents to call him and I am smooth they did. "
Foden's formative City spent years in the pre-Abu Dhabi era when training for kids took place at the old Platt Lane site adjacent to Manchester's 'curry mile'.
Foden admits he still feels like asking for team mate Kevin De Bruyne's autograph
A facility shared with the public, nevertheless produced players such as Micah Richards and Daniel Sturridge.
Foden idolized them simply because they were exactly what he aspired to be: young, English and successful.
'You see the under 8s training on perfect grass pitches at our place now and you think how amazing it would have been when to have that child or facility when I was that age, 'he laughs.
'We were old-fashioned AstroTurf that left you with loads of grazes. But it's great to see the training ground we have now. It shows where we are going. "
City would appear to be heading towards another league title, maybe even a domestic treble. Foden, meanwhile, has the talent to go wherever he wishes.
"There is always talk about me not playing enough but I don't listen," he says.
"I am only 18 but people are trying to judge me now.
"Pep believes in me and I know he will give me the opportunities.
" What he said to me last summer has actually come true. Every year I have played a bit more. "
If catastrophe is avoided at Brighton on Sunday, the chances are there will be another big party but no guarantee the youngest member of the City squad will attend.
Ronnie, hey, doesn't drink and is just as likely to head home to see. Either that or the fishing rods will be out again.
He reckons his dad is' part-Blue 'now and his mum has always been leg of that persuasion.
' There will always be pressure on you if you are a young player in a team like ours, "he says, when asked if his home life shields him from some of the glare.
" When you play you have to play well and show people what you can do. I try not to feel it. It's been a good season for me and for the team.
'It's a successful season if we get two or three trophies.
"Obviously we would have liked to go further in the Champions League and it was a little unlucky how we got out.
" But I think we have done brilliantly on the whole. If we win the league I will be so proud. "
Rise Of The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is on Nicktoons and Milkshake! and the latest toys are available at all major retailers.
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starwarsnewsit · 6 years
Solo processato in una scena inedita. Ecco l'estratto dal nuovo libro...
New Post has been published on https://www.starwarsnews.it/2018/08/17/solo-a-star-wars-story-libro/
Solo processato in una scena inedita. Ecco l'estratto dal nuovo libro...
Solo: A Star Wars Story arriverà nelle librerie statunitensi con una speciale Expanded Edition firmata da Mur Lafferty. La novellizzazione racconterà alcune scene inedite. Grazie al sito ufficiale di Star Wars possiamo farvi leggere un estratto del libro.
Solo – Leggi l’estratto in lingua inglese
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LEGGI:  Rex è Nik Sant? La risposta definitiva di Dave Filoni (Star Wars)
“Onyx Squadron, maintain formation!”
Han knew that voice, and it always made him grind his teeth.
Flight Officer Ubbel was constantly demanding they play it safe. Han privately thought that if Ubbel had been in charge, the Empire would have encompassed one of the smaller skyscrap­ers on Coruscant instead of half the galaxy.
“I can take them faster than the squad can!” Han shouted.
“Negative, negative, Onyx Nine, return to formation!”
Han actually liked Onyx 2, his friend Cadet Lyttan Dree. The number of other cadets who liked him was frankly diminish­ing. His natural charm always drew them in…but then most people would quickly figure out that being close to him would probably reduce their chances for advancement. Dree, or Onyx 2, managed to be a good pilot, Han’s friend, and still fol­low the rules. Han had always meant to ask him how he did that, and now he might never get the chance.
Han peeled off from the formation and chased the Headhunt­ers down, feeling much freer now that he could fly where he wanted to and not worry about the others in formation. In the­ory he could understand the need for a formation, but in prac­tice he always preferred to worry only about himself and his own ship.
He accelerated, watching the raiders flank Onyx 2 as he tried to outmaneuver them. Han’s helmet squawked again, and he turned down the audio as Onyx Leader was shouting at him to return to formation. Then his droid started fussing at him.
Imperial droids were the worst. The White Worms hadn’t had much use for droids, so Han hadn’t grown up with them behind doors, underfoot, and always politely, infuriatingly, tell­ing him how wrong he was.
His ship’s intelligence, MGK-300, was such a droid. It thought that since it was integrated directly into his ship, it knew more about the ship than he did.
He’d already long since had enough of MGK’s so-called guidance, but it still beeped furiously at him that they were making the squadron weaker because of his actions.
Han ignored it. If the droid wasn’t telling him something was wrong with the ship, he didn’t see a need to listen to it.
He got one of the raiders in his sights and fired, nearly miss­ing, but clipping a wing. The ships separated, one keeping up with Onyx 2 and one turning to pursue Han.
Now he saw the point of the squadron formation. Han wheeled and turned, heading back, and met head-on his own fellow ca­dets flying toward them. He ducked to slide under them and they fired. He cheered them on, but then felt the ship heave under him as something behind him exploded.
His Infiltrator went into a spin. Han fought for control, try­ing to tune out the squeals and beeps coming from behind his head.
“Yeah,” he said, “I know we lost the reverse thrusters! Thank you!” The ship started to spin, the universe whirling madly around him, the Star Destroyer’s docking bay a rapidly moving target.
MGK beeped what Han knew was standard emergency pro­tocol at this point—which was essentially giving up. He shook his head. “Not ejecting! I can make it back to the docking bay!”
The droid made known its firm disagreement, beeping and booping faster and faster as it began to panic.
These machines were distracting, irritating, and useless. How did anyone fly with this nagging going on? “You know what?” he asked, flipping an emergency switch to power down the droid. MGK couldn’t distract him now, and he could finally focus.
As if the droid were trying to get the last word in, the control panel sparked and spit when he touched the switches. Pain flared in his hand and he yelped, shaking it. Had MGK done it on purpose? He couldn’t tell. It was pointless to wonder, be­cause the docking bay was suddenly much, much closer.
He struggled to maintain control and decelerate. At the last possible moment, he yanked the control yoke upward, managing to slip through the artificial atmosphere of the docking bay cleanly, without clipping any of the sides—which Han thought was pretty impressive. His ship hit the floor and bounced, ca­reening him into three tethered TIE fighters. His chin hit the control panel and he saw more stars, wondering briefly if he had flown straight through the ship and back into space. Then he heard the alarms and remembered where he was.
No one was impressed with the fact that he’d saved Onyx 2.
Commodore Almudin’s round face seemed to eclipse the rest of the tribunal. Other high-ranking important types were there, but Han could only see the ridiculous round face, even as he struggled to take the man seriously. The commodore outranked him (actually, everyone on the tribunal outranked him), and rumor had it that he’d had an amazing flight record in his day. But right now he flew a desk and had the exciting job of sen­tencing real pilots in military tribunals.
Han’s chin still throbbed from the quick work the medical droid had made of his gash, and he ignored the other aches from the crash as he stood straight.
But the officer’s face really was irritating.
The other officers on the tribunal, two women and a man, looked both bored and annoyed, as if in their minds Han was already sentenced to death and they were just waiting for lunch.
“Cadet Solo,” the commodore said, like he had before, with that tone of less than disgust, “I still can’t decide if you’re brave or stupid.”
He shrugged. “I like to think I’m a little of both, sir.” He paused. He could never get the ranks right. Was this man a moff? He’d better cover all of his options. “I mean, Moff.” The man’s face didn’t change. “Sir Moff.”
That finally broke him. He scowled at Han and said, “It’s ‘Commodore,’ and if you think having a smart-ass attitude is the way to go here, you’re sorely mistaken.
“Why don’t you tell us what allegedly happened here?” he continued, indicating a screen that had lit up. It was flanked by two Imperial guards, Lieutenants Tag Greenley and Bink Otauna. Once upon a time, Han had attempted to befriend them, but they turned out to be such colossal screwups, Han started to avoid them before they got him or themselves killed. Still, he needed all the friends he could get. He gave them a little wave and a grin. They looked back at him wryly and said nothing.
The screen lit up and Han saw his own ship, leaving forma­tion to pursue. He felt a surge of pride as he always did, seeing from the outside how free he looked. He realized he was just admiring himself, and he cleared his throat and pointed in the general direction of where Onyx 2 was being pursued.
“Onyx Two was flanked by Headhunters.” He’d reported all of this. He had no idea why they needed his comments again since he’d already given them all the information in his report. “If I’d followed Command’s directive and returned to forma­tion instead of going after ’em, he’d be dead now.”
This tribunal was ridiculous. Couldn’t they see that he’d saved their second in command?
“There is no place for maverick heroics in his Emperor’s navy.”
Han held his hands up, as if fending off praise. “Trust me, I’ve got no interest in being a hero, Commodore, what I—”
The commodore cut him off abruptly. “Well, congratulations. You’re not one. This tribunal, me in particular, finds you guilty of disobeying a direct order, and you are hereby reassigned to the infantry. Report for immediate transfer to Mimban.”
He wasn’t getting kicked out. Relief flooded him. He smiled. “Okay. I thought it was gonna be way worse.” He cocked his head and inquired, “And roughly, when do you think I’ll be fly­ing again?”
Commodore Almudin smiled, and there was nothing friendly about it. “Oh, we’ll have you flying in no time.”
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placetobenation · 7 years
Join me, Stace your resident Divas nut, as I make cases for the female Greatest Wrestler Ever candidates. I’ll be going into the reasons why I love them and will probably vote for them, and recommending some matches to explore for yourself. Hashtag Give Divas a Chance!
I know, Michelle McCool is a bit of a hard sell. She was one of those wrestlers who had that uncanny ability to raise the ire of the average internet wrestling fan, for any number of reasons: tick all that apply. Was it because she was overpushed? Because she married Undertaker? Because she had negative charisma? Because she stole the Styles Clash? Who knows. Frankly I think you’re all crazy, but then I suppose, being that I am the one big Michelle McCool fan that probably makes me the crazy one.
I absolutely do believe that she gets a bad rap and that she deserves real consideration, especially from people who profess to enjoying good wrestling and the workrate-y side of life more than promos or characters or whatever else. Michelle is, essentially, a workrate candidate, maybe the most unlikely workrate candidate on the list, but there you go.
Let me tell you about the work. In the first place, she was stiff as hell. At her best one of the most hard hitting female wrestlers to ever grace WWE. She would absolutely NAIL folk with her offense, like the knee drops, a tight belly-to-belly, a stiff Big Boot or that brutal running knee. That thing in particular was sick, especially when she hit it against the table or the barricade on the floor. Her flimsy one-legged dropkick was the one glaringly weak piece of offense she had, used mainly when she was a face, and sadly that’s often one that people remember. But honestly Michelle was solid as hell in the ring; as a babyface she was pretty damn athletic, and as a heel she added layers of nastiness and violence on top of that.
Not only was she snug with her signature offense, but also when she was working over a body part. Michelle went for limbwork more often then the average woman of the day, especially on PPV or Superstars where she’d get a bit more time than usual. And if she was working the leg, she would WORK the damn leg; not just sit in holds but absolutely grind them, not just throw stomps but absolutely pulverise opponents with kicks and knees, all working towards her heel hook finisher. She was relentless on top and made babyfaces earn everything they got off her.
The other thing about Michelle’s offense is that she was willing and eager to try things. Take for instance her and Melina going out at Night of Champions and deciding to try to steal the show with a balls-out spotfest that included a DDT on the barricade. Or that she was clearly watching TNA and took AJ’s Styles Clash and Daniels’ Angels Wings as big moves (she also used Bryan’s indy “I’ve got ’til five!” heel bit a lot – she was basically one of us!). Or her attempt to get an extremely non-flashy, MMA-heavy move like the heel hook over as a credible finish in WWE. She’s someone who looked outside the company, and outside the box for unique elements to bring to her matches.
The Laycool team with Layla was a definite highlight of her run. I think they made a great heel team, able to dominate as a unit and then beg and stooge in turn, as well as being completely annoying and unlikeable in every way. Michelle sort of worked as the heavy of the duo, doing more of the wrestling and dishing out most of the beatings, while Layla carried the character work and was more of a comedic stooge of a heel. They had a bunch of good matches and carried the women’s division for a solid 18 months.
Michelle’s biggest problem was her disquieting lack of real charisma. No matter her character she always came off pretty wooden, with her unfortunate promo voice and that weird negative charisma some people suffer from, that rendered her hard to connect with even when she was doing what was “objectively” (urgh) good work. She was like a blonde, leggy robot, at times. But she was MY robot! I latched onto her as far back as the Diva Search for whatever reason, so I was always paying extra close attention to her as one of my people, but I get that if you’re not me, Michelle can be a little hard to love.
Character-wise, as I say she was a perfectly fine but uninteresting babyface, so her best stuff is as a heel, particularly the Laycool run. Your mileage may vary on that stuff but they went all in on it (skits, in-ring promos, having t-shirts made to mock the faces, the works) and did succeed in coming off as completely irritating shitheads. No cool heel nWo shit going on there. As a highlight, there was that one big promo segment on Smackdown with them, Maria and Mickie at the height of the Piggie James angle that got over huge and had Michael Hayes telling them in the back that they stole the show.
Really their biggest flaw (sorry) was that babyfaces never seemed to get enough back on them in the end after all the teasing, but that’s more a booking problem than a performance one. There were sporadic moments of comeuppance, like Mickie finally squashing them at the Rumble, or Beth and Nattie putting them through tables at TLC, and at those times Laycool did bump and beg and stooge like gangbusters to sell it. Michelle had a great “Oh no…” look of fear whenever she was about to get got.
I’ve been talking a lot about the last few years of her career but Michelle had a deceptively long run. She started appearing in segments on Smackdown as soon as the Diva Search ended in 2004, and began wrestling the year after. When I went through 2005 recently I was already noting how competent she looked by her second televised match. “Amazing how un-bad this was,” is a direct quote. She was tall and athletic and picked up bumping and moving around the ring really quickly, and by the time her megapush began in 2008 with the advent of the Divas Title she was certainly backing it up in the ring, if nothing else. I mean, the kind of chain wrestling she was putting together with, like, Maryse you would not believe. Wrestling itself always came naturally to Michelle – it was the out of the ring stuff that she took longer to nail down.
Nor did she have a lot of opportunity to nail it down either, since she did little apart from the odd bikini contest or match for the first few years. The love triangle with Jamie Noble and Chuck Palumbo was the one and only significant storyline she had in those days. She did have a cup of coffee as a heel in 2006 as the schoolteacher manager of Idol Stevens and K.C. James, the former being the future Damien Sandow and the latter being the future Who The Hell Is K.C. James. But apart from that she was always a babyface, pure as the driven snow until her heel turn in late 2008.
That heel turn, by the way, is below (starting at 7:30) and the way she beats Maria down for like a thousand years is veritably Hunteresqe. You know, now that I think about it, the comparisons to Triple H abound: dominant heel champ, pushed way beyond her overness level, hated on the internet, married into the biz, luxurious facial hair…it’s uncanny. OK, now I admit, I’m being ridiculous and in no way am I actually equating Michelle McCool with Triple H.
Obviously she’s miles better.
Really my main point is that I think there’s a two year period, roughly from the start of 2009 to her retirement at Extreme Rules 2011 where Michelle was the best female match worker in the company. You may think of that period as a nadir for women in WWE but I think there were definitely worse times for the division, and more to the point, whenever good work was being done Michelle was usually involved. Laycool had a bunch of fun little matches (Time! Alas, always the problem of time!) and whenever she got any length of time – on C shows or for PPV matches with Melina, Beth, Nattie, Layla, Maryse, etc. – she generally delivered and had the best matches of the period.
In the wake of Trish being Trish WWE brought a lot of women in and trained them on the fly just like her. Of all the other women who we saw learn to wrestle on television, I think Michelle McCool improved the most and came the closest to emulating the achievement of Trish in going from 0 to 60mph as a wrestler in 90 second matches. And really, calling someone a poor man’s Trish, what higher form of praise could I possibly give?
Quick Facts:
WWE Tenure: 2004 Diva Search to May 2011 (7 years, or 4/5 on the Women’s Longevity Scale)
Two-time Women’s Champion and two-time Divas Champion (including being the first ever Divas Champion)
#1 on the PWI Female 50 in 2010 (equivalent to the PWI 500)
Match Recommendations:
If you only watch one match, make it… Michelle McCool vs Melina – Women’s Title (Night of Champions 2009)
Laycool doing heel things… Laycool vs Kelly & Tiffany (Superstars 8th July 2010)
Laycool gettin’ what’s comin’… Laycool vs Beth & Natalya – Tables Match (TLC 2010)
A dominant offensive blitz… Melina vs Michelle McCool – Women’s Title (The Bash 2009)
A really good babyface performance… Michelle McCool vs Beth Phoenix – Lumberjack Match (SD 30th September 2008)
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nomadnaedotcom-blog · 8 years
The Biggest Lie I Ever Told.....
On-the-go Journal Prompt No. 01
Prompt: what's the biggest lie you've ever told?
Ok, so boom. I've pretty much been a psychopath since birth. Don't judge me, it's just the way the chemicals in my brain are imbalanced. I shouldn't say psychopath though, I don't fit the description according to the DSM-5 and it might be insulting to actual psychopaths? Or at least the psychopaths who want help and know they can't help what they were born with. I do know what symptom descriptions I do fit in the DSM-5 though, and once my new insurance kicks in I'll make a post about how close my hypothesis was to my new diagnosis. I'm off topic af, and I've already wasted 3 of my 10 minutes......let's start this over.
Ok, so boom again. Picture me, in the third grade; equal parts awkward and round with wiry glasses hanging off the edge of my nose. For this grade, and all of the corresponding elementary years, I attend C.C. Spaulding Elementary School. An elementary school in my hometown with a reputable and well known African-American history. A facility that once schooled Durham's black elite but now held an overwhelming population of ratchet ass south-side Durham kids. It's my first year at this new school and at about 3 weeks in, I wasn't quite sure who my friends were yet; but almost immediately I had clear authority on who my enemies were. So naturally, as the cliche` goes, there was this girl I hated.
As I mentioned earlier I was equal parts awkward and round, I'll also add to the list of misfortunes: short, shy, mousy, boring, with parents that didn't believe in wasting good money on buying children fashionable outfits, and from the opposite side of town. My enemy? She was the complete opposite. Tallest girl in the class, thin and leggy, personality that filled every room, wore the outfits my mam laughed at, loved by teachers who wouldn't smile at me in the hallways, was most sought after friend and hall buddy, lives across the street, spawn of Satan. She always did the worse shit to me. We used to do "peer reviews" on our spelling tests, she would just mark words wrong and claim she couldn't read my handwriting, and after I would just erase it and write it better to prove I spelled it right the first time she would say I was cheating. Twice the teacher took her word over mine. One day while I'm washing my hands int he girl's bathroom and most likely contemplating the combination of snacks I would consume once I got home to my grandma's house. 
This twiggy brown skinned girl walks up and casually mentions to me how much cooler her mom is than mine because her mom lets her talk to her boyfriend on the phone. Which, now that I think about it with my adult brain, is mad annoying and inappropriate?  because....like we're 9.... bitch, where are you on your 12's times tables? How you already out here chasing a nigga and we still eat strawberry applesauce during circle time? Plus, fuck is your mom doin bro? My third grade brain on the other hand? No matter how i try and analyze it, I can't even fathom how I jumped to the conclusion that the best scenario to follow this interaction is to open my mouth and say "oh yeah? Well I was also talking to my boyfriend last night." Just like that, a simple lie, but did I stop there? Ha. She's stopped speaking and almost looks shocked. This is good, but not good enough, so it's time to make this lie worth it.
The fake boyfriend, that I mention in neutral tones of course, because one must deliver a lie with the utmost grace; is both older and smarter than her current boyfriend and he attends another school in a more prominent suburb. More silence. How do we know each other, you ask? Simple, because we play soccer (?????) together at Oak Grove (a neighborhood I know she has 0 ties to). And you know what? Why stop there? To top it all off, while were chatting it up last night about the new N'SYNC album, he mentioned he had a friend who was willing to be a good man to your raggedy ass. At this admission, she looked like she was ready to start cutting away at my lies, so with a quickness I eye the two beaded bracelets on my wrist, slide one off and hand it to her. "Here, when I told him how cool and pretty you were he told me to give this to you." Boom. Mic drop. I'm outta this tired ass bathroom girl. 
It was so intense and extra. I got outside of that bathroom, walked a few feet down the hallway before a wave of hot white fear flooded over my features. The non-lying-ass side of my brain had awaken from it's apparent siesta and boyyyyy I was in trouble. It's obviously still something that haunts me today. Like forreal, although I'm laughing super hard as I type this. The fallout was impeccable. I came to the conclusion that I had to keep this lie up and keep giving this hoe random stuff to keep from getting found out. I don't remember wtf I said to get out of it, but I know I kept it up for at least a few weeks until my mama started noticing shit from around the house was missing. I'm pretty sure that this might've been the start of my anxiety problems now that I think about it. But Imma bail out on this topic...bc cold. Ok, lol and avoidance, but mostly cold...but otg journal prompt NUMERO UNO COMPLETE!
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marlaluster · 6 years
emptying clipboard
A runway success! Emotional Gisele retires from the catwalk aged 34 after a twenty year career worth $386million - with proud husband Tom Brady and her parents watching from the sidelinesA cocktail before her last catwalk! Gisele Bundchen, 34, shares behind-the-scenes snap with fruity drink before retiring from runwayThe end of the supermodel? Gisele Bundchen, 34, says goodbye to 20 years on the catwalk as she posts flashback Instagram shot aged 14Gisele Bundchen returns to her native Brazil to strut down the Colcci catwalk before retiring from the runway Gisele, 34, announced over the weekend that she would walk her final catwalk this week in Brazil, marking the end of an era on the runway.  +16 Congratulations: The New England Patriots star took to Facebook to publicly congratulate his wife On Wednesday she told her followers: 'Today after 20 years in the industry it is a privilege to be doing my last fashion show by choice and yet still be working in other facets of the business. #firstrunway #14yearsold.' The supermodel has enjoyed a two-decade career, after being credited for moving the industry away from the 'heroin chic' look of the Nineties embodied by the likes of Kate Moss, to a new sexy era. The 5ft 11in Amazon told a Brazilian newspaper: 'Automatically my body tells me if what I do is worth it, and it asked to stop.'  Beautiful goodbye: Gisele walks runway for final time Loaded: 0% Progress: 0% 0:00 Play Current Time0:00 / Duration Time2:16 Fullscreen +16 Her swan song: Gisele sashayed down the catwalk for the last time at São Paulo Fashion Week on Wednesday Make an exit like Giselle in a sheer Colcci dress Colcci Spring 2016 DressCheck out Colcci's current line here Visit site After 20 years of striding with pride, Giselle Bundchen finishes her runway career at Colcci, a Brazilian fashion brand, in a stunning sheer white halter neck dress. Read more... She told the Folha de São Paulo newspaper: 'I respect my body, it's a privilege to be able to stop.' Bündchen continued: 'I don't see how to continue [modeling on the catwalk]... and stopping will leave room for other projects I have for myself.' The Brazilian beauty was one of the Victoria's Secret Angels from 2000 until mid-2007.  Gisele Bundchen walks runway for last time at in April 2015 Loaded: 0% Progress: 0% 0:00 Play Current Time0:00 / Duration Time0:24 Fullscreen +16 One more turn: The mother-of-two sizzled in a white embroidered halterneck dress with knee-high gladiator boots as she modeled for Colcci +16 She's a pro: Gisele was also seen in a delicate orange and white striped frock with nude boots +16 She's a pro: Gisele was also seen in a delicate orange and white striped frock with nude boots On the catwalk, the leggy supermodel pioneered the 'horse walk', a stomping movement created when a model picks her knees up high and kicks her feet out in front. ADVERTISEMENT However, the IMG model plans to continue with her numerous print and commercial campaigns. According to Forbes , Gisele is worth $386 million and has amassed $47 million in the last year alone, thanks to her lucrative campaigns for Chanel, Under Armour, Pantene, H&M, Carolina Herrera, and more. +16 Showstopper: Gisele made her big entrance to the beat of an uptempo indie-rock track and the lights dimmed +16 Celebrating her: At the end of the show the bronzed beauty was joined by the other models who sported white T-shirts with images of the supermodel +16 Flashback: Gisele posted a fresh-faced snap aged 14 to her Instagram account on Wednesday after announcing her retiremen The highest-paid supermodel for the last ten years, she plans to publish a coffee table book and appear in a documentary on her life. From 2000 to 2005, Gisele was in a relationship with actor Leonardo DiCaprio. She married NFL star Brady in 2009 after they started dating in 2006. The New England Patriots quarterback who won his fourth Super Bowl in February said he has no plans of his own to retire.  +16 Top of his game: Tom is shown in February holding the Vince Lombardi Trophy after the Patriots beat the Seattle Seahawks 28-24 for his fourth Super Bowl victory +16 Sexy: Gisele has been called the last remaining true supermodel by Claudia Schiffer and Naomi Campell, pictured at the Victoria's Secrets Secret fashion Show in New York in 2003 The 6ft4in athlete told the Salesforce World Tour - according to the Boston Herald: '[Boston] is where my kids were born, where they'll be raised. I'll be a lifer here.' The attractive power couple share son Benjamin, five, and daughter Vivian, two, and Brady has a son Jack, seven, with ex-partner Bridget Moynahan. Tom previously told Details Magazine in 2009 that he and Gisele were first set up on a blind date by a mutual friend.  Gisele and Tom share kiss at the 2014 Costume Institute Gala Loaded: 0% Progress: 0% 0:00 Play Current Time0:00 / Duration Time0:16 Fullscreen +16 Lady in red: Gisele married NFL star Brady in 2009 and they are pictured together at MOMA in New York in 2011           READ MOREGisele Bundchen - Forbes 83 HomeShowbizFemail NEXT STORIES1/30 Kendra Wilkinson and Hank Baskett reunite amid marriage split to watch daughter Alijah play soccerSo she doesn't take after her dad then! 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