#:' ) I know it's a long ass post but I realize that on the event that I lose the original post
aiteanngaelach · 2 months
is it weird for a guy that used to have a crush on you but then found out you only like girls to follow you around join all your friend groups start working where you work join all your hobbies and groups decide to do the same course as you (even though he has literally no reason to do that course) call you ????fanny-licker (he's bisexual so its not outright homophobia except it is kind of) tell you 'you talk too much' when you talk for five minutes about your interests (when you have been listening to him talk for HOURS about his interests for the past two years) act really weird about you being transmasculine and make uncomfortable comments about binding and your ??tits?? and then disregard your boundaries again when you tell him you don't want him to keep apologizing (which he is only doing so you'll tell him it's ok) after you've told him to move on be really rude about your sister having a seizure and getting hospitalized and you thinking she had died and not asking once how she was ... Etc. Asking for a friend 😬
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gachaparadise · 9 months
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Stole this from the subreddit, yeah <3
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munch-mumbles · 10 months
booooo vent in tags BOOOOO TOMATO TOMATO
#feeling very frustrated with how bad i am at being a person#like i just do not have the energy to survive#nothing can hold my attention anymore and its fucking with my desire to create anything#and thats not even in like a 'i need to make something to be worth something' way its more#'holy fucking christ im so fucking bored every day all the time forever' way#im also realizing that i fucking suck genuine ass at just talking to people#i dont know what to say in conversation. like im just fucking stupid#i have a small list of preloaded responses and if none of them fit what was said to me i STRUGGLE#i didnt always feel like this but im decaying#if more than two different people dm me in a day thats a whole Event#had something i wanted to say but got dsitracted for a second and immediately lost my train of thought loollll (gritted teeth)#whatever tldr im lonely but im too 2 dimensional of a person to know how to make friends anymore#i WANT to talk to people but talking has become exhausting and i dont know how to get better#if i at least had the energy to keep creating my own content to keep myself entertained i would be fine honestly#but i cant have anything so even thinking about the characters that i love feels like something i have to force myself to do#and still struggle with because i cant pay attention to jack shit#i like to think that maybe i just need to be medicated for something. probably adhd. and then ill be all better and happy#but 1 money 2 time 3 effort 4 what if it doesnt work#yeah time and effort sounds like little bitch shit and yeah it is but im not exaggerating when i say i have no energy#sorry the tags on this are getting so long i keep coming back to add more so i dont bug anyone with a new post#i just. i dont know what to do. im consistently unhappy every day and it keeps getting worse#if i wasnt scared to die i wouldve ended it months ago
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chososluv · 4 months
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𝐀 𝐃𝐚𝐲 𝐢𝐧 𝐋𝐢𝐟𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡. . . poly!chosoyuki
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✎₊˚⊹♡ summary & note: in which you are in a beautiful poly relationship with yuki and choso. A FIC i've been sitting on for so long and I'm finally posting so I hope everyone enjoys!! also if anyone knows the owner of the chosoyuki image pls lmk so i can credit !
🏷 tags & warnings: smut 18+, established relationship, heavy on the pet names (pretty girl, peach, plum, pretty boy), tender sex, poly relationship, black fem!reader (referred to as pretty girl), cunnunlingus, dirty talk (teasinggg!!!), chosoyuki take such good care of you rsvp: - aka tagging: @anthoosies @stnexus
✎₊˚  word count: 7.4k
minors do not interact
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Intricate tangles of limbs is what you always wake up to in the morning. 
You feel your nose twitch after a soft tickle graces the tip of it. Mimicking that of a rabbit, your nose danced as you took a deep breath and a familiar scent of mint graced your senses. Without opening your eyes you knew your nose was buried in the dark strands of your boyfriend. His hand rubs gentle circles in your exposed thigh that hugged one of his legs tightly. His gesture arouses you from your sleep and you mumble softly, shifting but you feel another hand on your rear that holds you into place. You didn’t have to open your eyes to know that it is your girlfriend’s sneaky hand cradling your rear in her sleep.
“It’s time to wake up, my loves.” Choso’s soft voice cut through the morning air gently. Since dating it was nonverbally decided that Choso would always be the responsible one to get you two out of bed. If it wasn’t for him, you and Yuki would spend the majority of the day wrapped up in each other’s arms snoring and drooling away.
“Mmmm, Cho.” You softly hum into his hair, your legs squeezing tighter around his leg and your hand that rested on Yuki slowly moves across her body. You realize after a few moments that your hand was resting on her breast. The gentle stroke across her chest caused her to shift, eyes opening as she looked up to see Choso looking down at her. They both blush at one another, dusty rose painting their cheeks as she lifts her head from his chest. Choso smiles sleepily, letting the woman lean up to press her lips against his. They kiss back, but quickly pull away when they hear you let out a snore. 
You had fallen back asleep.
Yuki only smiles, her hand still on your ass and she gives it a squeeze. Your eyes open, jolting widely and you see your two lovers looking at you. You relax, letting your head fall back onto the pillow after sitting it up abruptly with Yuki’s gesture. You smile sheepishly as they grin back at you.
“Morning, my peach.” Choso says, taking his hand from your thigh to caress your cheek. You mewl, falling into his touch as you realize you couldn’t be luckier to wake up to such tender partners. He continues to rub your cheek as Yuki pats gentle on your ass. Both of them continue to coax you into staying awake. A usual part of the morning routine because you were susceptible to falling asleep the quickest and fastest.
Showers together are always eventful. It can be funny and full of laughter, it could be full of kisses and passion, or they could be very decompressing and healing. The three of you always looked after one another and cared for one another’s needs. This morning the shower was soft and tender as for some reason Yuki and Choso decided they both wanted to pamper their baby -- aka you. An occurrence that wasn’t out of the ordinary as that sometimes the two of you liked to hyperfixate on the third person. There wasn’t ever any rules or spoken agreement who would get the pampering when, but being so in tune with one another sometimes two of you knew when the third could use the extra worship.
Today, Yuki and Choso decided it would be you the moment you fell back asleep soundly. A direct result of your busy schedule that left you so horribly fatigued as of late. Your lovers hated seeing you so drained and today they decided they would remedy your stress and woes. 
Yuki places soft kisses on your collarbone as Choso massages soap onto your shoulders. You close your eyes, savoring the moment of Yuki’s lips on your skin and Choso’s skilled fingers working the soap all along your body. His fingers slide from your shoulders to the blades, kneading softly to ease the stress and tension from your muscles. Your head tilts back as he moves to your waist, massaging there as Yuki planted more kisses along your skin. This time she moves to your wet cheeks, peppering them and earning a giggle out of you. 
“What's this all about today?” You ask as Choso and Yuki rinse the soap off of you. Choso only responds with a kiss of your temple before Yuki speaks.
“You’ve been so tired lately, pretty girl,” Yuki pouts, looking at you in the eyes, “we just want to take care of you.” Yuki says with eyes that plead for you to let them continue.
“Yeah,” Choso kisses your temple again, holding you from behind, “let us take care of you, sweet peach.” 
Your heart swells full of love, feeling your eyes prickle at their tenderness and you’re thankful the shower can hide your tears that threaten to spill. You don’t verbally respond, only physically with a smile and a nod.
And you let your lovers continue to take care of you.
The day continues on with them continuing to pamper and spoil you endlessly. After the shower, Yuki cooked breakfast while Choso helped you braid your hair into plaits. You sit on the floor, braiding as you watch the show that was playing on the tv. Choso was a bit more focused, sitting on the couch behind you as he made sure he lathered your hair in product just as you taught him. The demonstration came promptly after he asked to help you since he knew you hated how long it took sometimes to braid your hair into sections. A question that never came up from previous partners of yours and you sat silent, stunned because you had never been asked before.
You think that was the exact moment you fell in love hard with the man.
“Cho, y/n, breakfast is ready!” Yuki sings as she enters the living room, two plates in hand. She sees you’re parked in front of Choso and places the plates onto the coffee table in front of you both. One plate held a delicious helping of eggs and bacon while the other held a generous stack of pancakes. Your stomach suddenly began to sing of its voidness. Yuki kisses the top of your forehead as you feel your cheeks heat up with embarrassment. You look up and offer your lips.
“Thank you, Yuki.” You say after she kisses you. She only grins and kisses you one more time.
“Anything for my pretty girl.” Yuki says. Choso offers his praises next after finishing a braid.
“Thank you, my plum.” He thanks Yuki and the blonde reaches over and kisses him. You can’t help but crane your head to watch them meet lips. The affection happening is so tender and casual, yet you find yourself trying to ignore the tingle that awakened within your belly.
“Anything for my pretty boy.” Yuki sultrily croons and it worsens that tingle for you. Choso says nothing as crimson dusts across his cheekbones. He only asks you to face forward so he can do the last section while you can start eating. You don’t argue and face forward, picking up a utensil and beginning to dig in. Your first target is a big cut of a buttered pancake. Yuki’s cooking sends your taste buds on a trip of delight and you moan at the deliciousness. Yuki giggles, entering the living room with cups of coffee and juice for you all. She joins you on the floor and cuts herself a piece of pancake as you nibble on a piece of bacon. She moans at the outcome, satisfied and you nod as you bring a forkful to Choso's awaiting mouth. He continues to braid your hair as he takes a bite from your fork.
“These are the best pancakes I ever made.” Yuki moans with a mouthful and Choso agrees the second the flavor hits his taste buds.
“Holy shit, plum.” Choso says and you nod as you take another bite of the pancakes.
“Mhmm, baby you cooked.” Taking another bite before you even swallowed the last and Yuki giggles at your antics.
“Slow down, pretty girl, I can always make more. There’s leftover batter.” Yuki says. Love fills your countenance.
“I’m so in love with you.” You sigh, chewing and then swallowing the pancakes. Yuki laughs, thumb reaching out to get the syrup stuck on the corner of your mouth. Choso laughs also, finishing the final braid before sliding down to the other side of you. You sat in the middle of Choso and Yuki now as you three enjoyed breakfast. You fell into a comfortable silence as you three devoured Yuki’s culinary masterpiece.
After eating, Choso cleaned up the dishes while Yuki helped you with the final step of your hair routine and oiled your scalp. Your eyes closed as you felt her gentle fingers massage the product in. You were humming involuntarily and Yuki giggled, reaching down to kiss your forehead. Your eyes open, locking eyes with her and you pucker your lips to her expectation. She’s already landing her lips on yours before you fully pucker them. You two kiss again and you pull away looking at each other before Choso re-enters. He wipes his hands with a towel before speaking.
“Mall date?” He asks and you and Yuki perk up.
“Mall date!” The excitement bursts from your lungs  Choso laughs at the two of you. Yuki and you jump up and throw yourselves onto him. He manages to catch you and throw you over his shoulder before catching and placing Yuki on his hip. He carries the two of you to the room while laughter echoes throughout the apartment. As a home filled with love should. 
The three of you get dressed, you finish first and then Yuki. This isn’t because Choso takes the longest, this is because Choso typically lets you and Yuki get ready first because he loves to watch you guys get ready. He can’t find the words for it, but he knows it feels like a garden of love showered with sunny skies erupts deep within his chest. He feels warm and he wears a lovestruck smile everytime he sees your serious face when you apply makeup or Yuki’s tongue peeking out from her mouth as she focuses on her blackheads. You two mean so much to him and the small things you do makes him love you two even more.
When it’s Choso’s turn, you and Yuki sit on the bed discussing where you were going to hit up first. A makeup store had to be a stop because Choso needed more purple eyeshadow and you needed a refill on your favorite cleanser. You and Yuki jotted that down before looking over in the bathroom at Choso. He was applying product to his hair and as a result the ends spiral into cute little curls. His hair was growing longer and longer these days and they almost dusted his shoulders. You and Yuki look at him, seeing his focused face and you turn to look at Yuki. 
“Our man is so fine.” You say to her and Yuki nods.
“So fine. I be ready to kill a bitch for him.” Yuki confesses and you nod, turning to look at Choso who is oblivious to the conversation right now. He holds a hair tie in his hand, trying to decide if he is going to place his hair in his buns or not. You and Yuki continue to hungrily gaze after Choso unbeknownst to him.
“Can’t play about our pretty boy.” You say and the nickname causes him to look away from his hair tie. He throws a puzzled expression to you and Yuki and you both can’t help but giggle. 
“What?” He asks, raising an eyebrow. Yuki only throws him a look that has his stomach tingling.
“Just talking about how sexy you are.” Yuki says and you nod.
“Yeah and how lucky we are.” You add, also lowering your eyes into that similar gaze Yuki has. You didn’t know you did it, but Choso saw it and it always left him growing restless in his pants.
“Y’all are too funny,” Choso shakes his head blushing, “but should I wear my hair up or down-”
“Down!” Both you and Yuki yell. He blushes more at the enthusiasm and tosses the hair tie back onto the counter. He walks out of the bathroom, dressed and ready to go. You three head out to the local mall, letting Yuki and Choso spoil you with everything from clothing, food, and plushies even. Yuki and you put on fashion shows with Choso who played the supportive boyfriend, grinning from ear to ear at the two of you being dramatic and strutting in the clothes you tried on. He even made you two pose for some photos he decided he needed personally in some of the outfits you both chose. And the mall visit had to end with trying on lingerie for Choso at one of those high end boutiques. 
“Peach, I think Cho would lose his mind if you popped out in this.” Yuki calls after you, showing you a dark green number that would compliment your pretty brown skin. You made a noise of awe, looking at the set that would surely leave him dizzy. You knew you needed to try it on and instantly put the other options you thought you liked back. However, a pretty fuchsia set remained as you handed it to Yuki. 
“And I would lose my mind if you popped out in this.” Yuki eyes at the set, seeing the intricate lace and her eyes lower into a seductive gleam before advancing towards you. You don’t move, letting your girlfriend walk up on you with that look still blazing in her eyes. She lifts her hand up and you think she’s about to take a hold of your chin. To your dismay, she tucks a stray hair behind your ear instead. You look at her as she grins, hearing the small noise that left your throat.
“Let’s try these on and show Cho, hmm?” She asks and you nod as if you were in a trance. Her warm hand takes yours as she leads you to the dressing room. Choso sat on a couch that was in the middle of the changing rooms and he looked up from his phone. He tucks it away when he realizes you two are about to try stuff on. He didn’t want to be distracted by anything else other than what you two had to show him. An eyebrow raised as he steals quick looks at the lace in your hands. You only wink and blow him a kiss before disappearing behind the curtain to try on your set with Yuki.
“Peach. . .” Yuki is in awe when she sees the set on you. The dark green lace swirling and laying elegantly and so sexily against your body. Your supple skin on display and your ass sat delicious and she licks her lips. She can’t stop herself and her fingers are kneading at your thick rear. She bit her lip as she watched it jiggle in her palm. You giggle, taking her hand in yours and she’s forced to look at the rest of the set and she only gets hungrier for you. Your breasts sat pretty and your thighs were calling for her name and you felt the exact same about her.
“Babe, you look so good.” You comment, seeing the way the lively pink complimented her physique. Her muscular thighs called to you, leaving your mouth watering and you only trail your gaze up to her equally as muscular arms. Some of your favorite features about her were those thick muscles, generous rack, and fit rear. You were eager to admit sometimes you acted like a brat to her as an excuse to see her exhibit her strength on you.
“We gotta show Cho.” Yuki says, making you do a 360 and you hear him clear his throat.
“Please. I’m waiting ever so patiently.” He says from the curtain and you two give him the okay to poke his head in. 
When he does, he never wants to poke his head back out.
“Oh fuck, my babies.” Choso steps into the fitting room, not caring if anyone saw him disappear in the room with you guys. Choso can’t figure out where to look first between you and Yuki. Yuki’s breast sat peaky but your ass also called out to him. He felt his crotch growing stiff as a look passed over him. 
“What do you think, Babe?” Yuki asks and Choso licks lips. His tattoo across his bridge grows darker by the seconds.
“I think my girls are trying to kill me.” Choso says and you and Yuki snicker. You step forward, walking up to Choso and placing your hands on his chest. He looks down at you and his look alone sends butterflies migrating south between your legs.
“You would be right, baby.” You say and Choso’s hand falls on your ass, giving it a squeeze as he smirks at you. You bite your lip, holding a moan as he pinches it. He looks at Yuki as she eyes at you two hungrily. You turn your head to look at her and then look back at Choso. 
“Doesn’t Peach look stunning in the set I picked?” Yuki asks, walking up behind you and Choso nods.
“Could eat our pretty peach right here.” Choso’s words cause your face to heat up and you aren’t given a chance to recover before Yuki has a hand on your ass cheek, giving it a squeeze.
“I second that.” Yuki says, coming beside you and you shake your head.
“But Yuki...” You’re stuck on your girlfriend with the sexy pink set she wore but Choso didn’t forget about her either. 
“I could eat her too.” Choso says, smirking and Yuki actually blushes at the forwardness. Choso hasn’t been subtle since he saw you two — the lingerie clearly has him acting up. You look between Choso and Yuki, enjoying the stunned look on her face. It was rare she wasn’t prepared with a quip but today was one of those rare days. But, she manages to get her composure together before that seductive look passes over.
“I’d bet you both would love that,” she takes control again and has both of you blushing, “but instead we’re going to feed our peach because that stomach is growling.” Yuki shoots you a look and you pout at her. 
“But wait I don’t even know how much this set cost-” Choso cuts you off.
“I don’t even care how much,” he’s quick to eliminate your concerns, “let's get them and go, so we can feed you.” 
Choso doesn’t need to tell you twice.
After the lingerie store, you three manage to have a romantic dinner on the way home. The entire dinner is thick with sexual tension, a direct result of moment in the dressing room. You sat between Choso and Yuki at the restaurant of your choice since today was still about you. Yuki had a testy hand on your thigh the entire evening but you can’t say you were any better. Your hand rested just as questionably high as you gave her doe eyes throughout the entire evening. Though Choso was better at keeping his composure he was still no better than you two. He had a hand up the back of your shirt tracing shapes along your spine and erecting goosebumps. You were tucked into his side as he and Yuki had verbal banter. Their personal way of foreplay as they touched on you gently. 
It was heaven, yet torture at the same time because you knew you grew increasingly aroused in your panties with the anticipation of being touched. You managed to survive dinner but only to have Yuki continue to touch you and flirt with you badly on the drive home.
“I wonder how wet our peach is, Cho.” Yuki had said on the drive back as her hands continued to trail along your thigh. Choso chuckles sensually, a deep rumble in his chest as he watches you two in the rear view mirror. You two were in the backseat so Yuki could keep her hands on you. She kisses along your neck as you let out a mewl.
“Can’t wait to find out.” He says and you feel your skin prickle all over.
You get back to your shared home before you know it. Yuki has your hand in hers as she guides you to the bathroom to freshen up. The two of you have a quick shower, prepping for the intimate night you had been anxious about for a few hours now. You took your hair from the braids, curls and coils springing loose and Yuki helps as she watches in awe. It’s been awhile since you two have been dating yet she never ceases to be amazed by your hair behavior. It’s flattering to see her resemble the look of a child seeing magic for the first time.
“My pretty girl always lives up to her name.” Yuki says, wrapping arms around you from behind when you two finished and you giggle at her compliment. You two sway lovingly as she kisses your shoulder before patting your ass. Choso enters the bathroom for his turn to shower, seeing you two in an embrace and he smiles lovingly to himself. 
“My pretty girls.” Choso says, kissing your foreheads before starting to shower himself. You two stare after him, seeing his muscular build and naked ass disappear into the shower. His semi-hard flesh did not go unnoticed and you and Yuki shared a look of lust. You two exit your embrace to finish getting dressed. You both exit the bathroom, leaving Choso as you two settle on the bed to face one another.
“Is it bad I can’t wait?” You admit shamelessly. Yuki only laughs sensually, she rises to her hunches and your breathing hitches. The sensual lighting in the room captures her fuschia set so well and you mentally pat yourself on the back for picking it out. The lace in the bust shows her pretty erect nipples and you feel a twitch beneath your thighs.
“It is your day, pretty girl,” Yuki grabs you by your face with one hand. She brings you close to her lips before speaking, “I’m happy to do the honors of spoiling you first.”
And spoil you first did she.
“Yuki.” You moan ever so gently, eyes closed tightly as you throw your head back. Her lips dance along the column of your throat, teeth coming out to suck on your sweet spot. You let a sharp breath of air as your back arches off the bed. The blonde smirks against your pulse, licking up the vein as a carnal hand finds home between your thighs. Another mewl leaves your lips as you feel pleasure on your clit, even if it's over your underwear.
“Soaked through already? You’re so good to me, pretty girl, thank you.” Yuki praises you as her fingers dipped down to find the cloth covering your hole soaked. You feel hot with her praises, that knot forming in your core and you only wanted Yuki to help you chase after it. Your hips move before you answer.
“Yuki, I need more, please.” The kisses and heavy petting wasn’t enough anymore you needed to feel her directly on you. Yuki only shook her hand, delivering an apologetic kiss to the bruising spat on your throat. 
“Cho would want you to wait for him, Peach,” Yuki says soothingly and suddenly the water cuts off in the ensuite, “only a little bit longer.” You want to whine but you hear the sliding glass door drawing back in the bathroom and you can only picture Choso is moving at the speed of lightning. The image of his semi-hard cock flashes in your brain the same time Yuki presses a hard circle into your clit. You whimper and arch off the bed.
“Need it now.” You mewl and Yuki moves her face from your neck. The bathroom door opens and you both turn to see Choso emerge, body dripping as he dries himself off. His semi-hard now completely hard and you can’t help but wonder if his thoughts got to him and he got busy in the shower.
“Need what now, peach?” Choso asks, smirking as he dries his hair and you and Yuki lick your lips at his hardened flesh.
“We need you, pretty boy.” Yuki says sensually, extending a hand out when Choso finishes drying himself. He tosses the towel to the side, hair still damp but down and long. His tattoo across his bridge looked so dark as he approached you two. He climbs on the bed, crashing his lips to Yuki’s and the woman moans. You join her, the sight hot and you bring a needy hand down to your panties. You slip a hand underneath the lace and moan the second the pad of your finger touches your swollen clit. The sudden melodic sound causes Yuki and Choso to break their kiss. They see you touching yourself and a lustful look passes over both their eyes.
“Let us do the work, Peach.”
“Yeah, pretty girl.”
Heaven felt like an understatement to what you felt.
The soft sensual kisses and gentle caresses left you chasing your ecstacy gradually with your lovers. Their hands all over your body as they slowly peeled you of your lingerie. Your panties were pulled to the side and straps of the bustier were pulled down, exposing your brown nipples to the air. Choso had your right nipple while Yuki had the left. Their hot tongues swirling along your sensitive buds as Choso’s thick fingers ministrated deep in your folds and Yuki’s nimble finger circles your clit. The stimulation left you singing praises as your thighs gradually began to shake.
“She’s shaking so bad, Cho.” Yuki teases, the other hand rubbing up and down your thigh and you mewl defensively. They both chuckle at you before he releases your nipple, a lewd pop as his saliva coated his pretty swollen lips.
“I feel her twitching and she’s sucking me so tight,” he looks at you but your eyes are closed, “I think Peach has been waiting for this all day.” He teases, feeling the way your cunt softly sucks him in and drenches him at the same time. His words about you only make you moan, sucking him in even tighter and he groans, cock twitching and threatening to pebble precum at any moment.
“I think so too. Look how big and swollen her clit is. I just wanna suck on it all night.” Yuki moans, rubbing her thighs together and before she can stop herself she’s pulling the panties off you. Choso takes that time to unclasp your bra to toss that off you as well. You’re naked before them and Yuki’s blonde locks are ducking between your thighs as she does just what she wished and sucks on your clit.
“Yuki!” Her warm mouth on your clit finally left you squirming, trying to get away from how fucking good her tongue felt but she hooked her strong arms on your thighs to hold you in place. Choso continues to shower your breasts with affection, teeth on your nipple as he sucked and between both of their mouths on you they were set to drive you wild. 
You let the sensation continue to elevate your pleasure. Yuki continues sucking on your clit, hips still bucking in her hold but she’s stronger. She keeps you in place and you helplessly whine out slurs of her and Choso’s names. The male nips at your breast, hearing the way you say his name before climbing up your body.
“So pretty when you moan, Peach.” Choso praises in your ear as he licks your shell. Yuki’s tongue circles your swollen flesh and both sensations leave you sighing.
“I need someone to fuck me.” You announce, whimpering pathetically but Yuki ceases her tongue on you and Choso moves his face from outside your neck. Yuki climbs up your body, licking your cum off her lips and the sight makes your stomach flip flop. They both come to opposite cheeks kissing them before Choso speaks.
“We won’t fuck you, but we’ll make love to you tonight, peach.” Choso promises and Yuki hums, kissing your shoulder. You look at Choso and Yuki, smiling softly.
“Then please make love to me.” Are the last words spoken before you three share a kiss. Yuki is shredded of her clothes and you take Choso’s lap, sheathing his thick cock in you and he lets out a sharp breath. You moan, letting him stretch and fill you as you watch Yuki mount his face and turn to you. Her clit brushes against Choso’s lips and opens his mouth, taking her pretty clit between his lips and sucking harshly. Yuki croons in pleasure and you join her. You begin sinking your hips up and down Choso’s length as every part of him hits that spot. You bring a hand to your clit, rubbing circles as you watch Yuki ride his face. She leaves a soft sheen on his chin from her wet cunt. The scene is too erotic for you and your folds quiver.
The three of you continue to make love. Your hips continue to rock in a sensual manner. Soft and tender moans pour out of you as the head of Choso’s cock nudged deep inside. Yuki continues to be consumed in her own pleasure, watching you gracefully rock on Choso’s cock. She lets out a whimper when Choso’s tongue flicks against her clit just right. The sound doesn’t fall on deaf ears and he repeats the motion again. Yuki moans, hips rocking faster and you grab her by the back of her neck to kiss her. Tongues are dancing, swirling as spit dribbles from the sides and Choso can only listen to you two kiss messily. His cock jumps in your cunt and he thrusts up in you. You moan against Yuki’s lips at the sudden motion and cry out when he does it again. He thrusts deeper and you break the kiss as you double over, losing your breath.
“Cho-So!” You squeal, his hips rutting up into you again and again. You didn’t expect him to start placing his attention on you, but when you saw Yuki dismount his face you couldn’t help but feel like this was planned. Suspicions confirmed when he sat up and merely twisted you two around. Suddenly he was on top as your head laid in Yuki’s lap. He thrusts into you gently, and tenderly, rolling his hips to earn a sensual cry from your lips. You throw your head in Yuki’s lap as she caresses your breasts tenderly. 
“You guys planned this!?” You accuse but pleasure does not leave your tone. Choso and Yuki only grin, stealing a look at one another before Yuki speaks.
“It was Choso’s idea to ambush you,” Yuki says, “now hush and let us pleasure you, baby girl.” A pinch of your nipple and roll of Choso’s hips left you asking no more questions. Choso moans, pelvis slapping against the apex of your thighs as you start to wet the sheets.
“Mmmnhgg—Fuck!” You’re a mess as you arch your back, the crown of his cock kissing further within you. That spot that left shocks radiating throughout your core. Your thighs were twitching and Yuki kissed all over your face as you chased that euphoria.
“Think our baby is close,” Yuki comments, “can’t stay still.” She points out your squirming. Your hips buck and when she places a finger on your clit you let out a cry as your legs start to shake. She circles feverishly, eager to earn mewls out of you and she is pleased when you sigh out her name. Between her quick fingers and Choso’s member deep in you, you knew you would be within reach of euphoria.
“Mmm–I’m so close!” You cry and Choso answers with a groan before speaking.
“Such a good little peach,” Choso suddenly draws his hips back, leaving his thick crown at your entrance before sliding back in and bottoming out, the sensation causing you to wail beneath him, “want you to cum for me and Yuki, hmm?” He repeats his stroke, sliding out almost completely to slide back fully in. The feeling of him leaving almost completely left you empty, but the moment he filled you to the brim you felt an indescribable sensation. A heavy euphoric feeling spreads throughout your core as you hear soft gushing from your cunt. Choso continues to grunt above you and it only makes you even more turned on. 
“Please, pretty girl. Been so good for us.” Yuki encourages you, licking along your neck before biting down. You cry out, back arching at the sting of discomfort that was steadily replaced with elation. Your eyes roll back and Yuki sucks on your neck. Her finger rubs faster and Choso decides to press your legs into the mattress, removing them from his waist and opening you up for him and Yuki. You whimper as you feel explicit, wide open and on display. The new placement allows you to feel the girth of Choso and you grip hard on his biceps. You feel so full.
“Cho–Fucknnng!” Choso stares at you falling apart beneath him, lips bruised and swollen from kissing and biting. Your eyes are screwed shut with your face twisted in raw pleasure. He bit his lip to keep from cumming, his body reacting to your expressions and sinful sounds pouring from your lips. Choso’s so in love with you, passion overtaking and he rolls his hips faster but still keeps the pace sensual. He’s still determined to make love to you tonight. 
“Grippin’ me so fucking tight, Peach.” Choso groans out, knowing you were fixing to come with the way your cunt hugged him tightly. Not only that but your clit was so pretty and puffy in Yuki’s fingers as she continued to rub it. You fight against his hold, thighs shaking as you want to wrap your legs around to brace yourself for the blinding release that was within your reach. You could taste it, goosebumps skating down your spine as you let out a lusty scream. 
“Chosyukii!” You slur both their names, eyes rolling back as release crashes into you. Yuki moves her fingers from your clit and Choso lets go of your legs. You immediately trap him in them, sinking and pulling him deep in you. He bottoms out, crown sinking in your pulsing walls that continue to squeeze him as you continue to cum around him.
“Fuck.” Choso sighs, feeling your cunt slowly let up on his cock but he doesn’t move. He knew if he moved the slightest bit too quick he would be spilling himself inside you. You let your last pants out and he manages to muster his composure enough to slide out with no incident. He looks down at you, seeing your eyes still closed as you collect your breath. He places a gentle hand on your cheek, grabbing your attention and you open your eyes.
“So good, Peach.” He praises you and you respond with a mewl. He leans down, kissing you on the lips twice. You hum, pulling him in to kiss him a third time before moving away from his face. You look up to see Yuki looking down at the both of you with all the love in the world..
“I love you two.” Yuki says and the two of you smile back at her.
“We love you, now get over here I didn’t forget about you.” Choso says, rising on his hunches and you roll out from underneath him. You two reach for Yuki at the same time, making her take your place on her back. Your mouth is on her nipples, kissing and sucking on them as Choso slips into her easily, cock still slick from you cumming on him. Yuki moans and judging by the octave alone you and Choso knew she wasn’t going to last long. Her pleasure stimming from taking care of you displayed as her cunt let out heavy squelching when Choso rocked into her.
“Mmm, oh my god.” Yuki moans, feeling the way Choso’s cock rocks into her and your hot mouth on her sensitive nipples. She looks down, making eye contact with you as you keep sucking on her softly. Her eyes drift down to see where Choso met her pelvis, cock disappearing between her folds as her lover panted out profanities. 
“Feel so fucking good, plum.” Choso grunts through clenched teeth and you nip on her bud. Your finger slips down to her engorged clit, massaging and causing Yuki to clamp down on Choso. He swears once more and Yuki arches.
“Gonna,” she moans, “fucking cum.” Yuki hisses out, strong thighs quivering and you move your mouth from her nipple. You look up at the woman, seeing her eyes watching your every move before you surge forward. Your lips are on hers and her fingers become tangled in your dense curls, pulling on the strands as she devours your taste. You let Yuki dominate you, tongue dancing in a passionate twist and you so desperately fought to keep up. You let out soft moans and she smirks against your lips. She pulls away from you, acting as if she were to speak but then a sudden cry ripped through. Her body twitched, back lifting off the bed and Choso’s moans got louder. 
“You cummin’, plum?” Choso asks and Yuki answers with an iron grip placed on his ass. She squeezes and begins slamming his hips harder against her. Choso lets out a whine at her force, dick becoming overstimulated with the feeling of Yuki’s soft cunt milking him as she came. He couldn’t hold back much longer and with Yuki’s demanding way of telling him to go faster he felt his head spinning.
“You cummin, Cho?” Yuki asks breathlessly, eyes low from her orgasm haze and you reach up, leaving Yuki to place kisses on Choso’s shoulders. Your fingers come to his pierced nipples, earning another moan from Choso. You roll the erect nubs and cold metal between your fingers as you zero in on his neck. You lick along his vein, causing the man to shudder as you slowly trail your muscle up the shell of his ear. You nip around the metal of one of his cartilage rings and he was set to lose his mind.
Then you spoke.
“Cum for us, pretty boy.”
And he does. Hard.
Choso moans, whining out Yuki and your names as he emptied himself inside her. The sounds are so sonically pleasing to you and Yuki, causing you both to smile. He bucks sloppily into Yuki as the pair hold eye contact. Her sultry expression caused him to swear. You start to plant kisses along his cheek then trail to his shoulder and then his bicep. He slides from Yuki, hissing as his cum dribbles out and she sits up. She grabs onto his cheeks, kissing him several times as you continue to shower him with gentle kisses. The both of you easing him out of his orgasm as he came back down from the euphoric high. He kisses Yuki and then you before sighing out dramatically. Yuki and you giggle pressing kisses to his cheeks as he wraps arms around you two. 
“Mhmm, love you, pretty boy.” Yuki ceases her kisses on his cheeks allowing him to turn his head to kiss her. A loud smooch sounding and you smile at your lovers.  
“I love you too.” Choso says and he turns to look at you, stars in his eyes before he speaks to you.
“And I love you, especially.” Choso kisses your nose and Yuki hums in agreement.
“Yeah, our pretty baby.” Yuki mimics those similar stars, leaving Choso’s side to join you at your vacant one. You feel that similar love you woke up to this morning. That gentle love and admiration channeled through generous affection. Kisses were placed at your temples that left you cheesing so hard it hurt your lips.
“I love you guys.” You beam, causing the two of them to coo over you and shower your face with kisses. You giggle, causing Yuki and Choso to laugh along with you. Choso finishes a wet smooch against your forehead before speaking.
“Why don’t I run a bath so we can use that pretty bath bomb you picked out earlier? How’s that sound, peach?” Choso rubs a soft circle in your back and you look up at him. You nod, smiling big once again.
“That sounds good, Cho.” You say as Yuki places a kiss on your shoulder. Choso places one last kiss on your forehead before departing from your side. Part of you yearns for him to come back, missing his warmth and presence next to you. It begins to make you feel empty to a degree.
“You feeling okay, pretty girl?” Yuki checks in, rubbing up and down your back. You look over at her, seeing her cast a caring gaze over you. Her other hand comes out to gently massage the bruises that slowly formed from where she or Choso might have gripped you too tight. You smile softly, seeing the way she looks after you and always checks in after sex.
“Yeah. I feel good, plum. Do you?” You ask and she smiles from ear to ear, grinning as she nods. She has to steal one more kiss from you before verbally answering.
“Always good when my pretty girl is good.” She smiles, placing a stray hair back into place before Choso tells you both the bath is ready.
The three of you settle into a roomy jacuzzi tub before Yuki and Choso place you between them. Choso has the front, washing your legs as Yuki has the back, washing your back and neck. You do nothing but sit there, allowing both of your lovers to wash your body. All the stress from the past week seemed to break down and completely dissolve as they rinsed your body. Your mind is easing to the highest form of comfort, drifting away as they continue to wash your woes away. 
“Yuki…” Choso is fighting a laugh, biting his lip and Yuki looks over your head to arch an eyebrow. 
“What?” She’s still rubbing soap in your shoulders.
“Y/n fell asleep…” A chuckle escapes but he quickly closes his mouth. Yuki, interested, manages to crane her neck around to catch a glimpse of your face. Her bottom lip wobbles, snort escaping as she sees your face completely slack. However, a silly smile is still on your face.
“Baby.” Yuki gently shakes you and you jolt.
“Huh!?” You realize you drifted off, looking up to see Choso laughing at you and Yuki bursts into giggles. You can’t help but laugh at yourself but you shrug.
“It ain't my fault Choso’s dick puts me to sleep.” You pout and your boyfriend smirks but blushes ever-so-slightly.
“Choso ‘bomb dick’ Kamo.” Yuki laughs as she rinses your shoulders off. You can’t help but giggle at that one and Choso blushes more.
“Ay thank you loves I aim to please.” He says humbly before rinsing your chest off. You and Yuki hum in approval before continuing to bathe.
You manage to survive the rest of the bath without falling asleep. After getting out, night routines were in order and pajamas were put on. You secure the bonnet on your head and settle on the bed with Choso and Yuki. They part one another, making you fall in the middle between them. Choso pulls you against his back, spooning you as Yuki settles in front. You and Yuki face one another and she throws an arm over both you and Choso before adding her leg to the tangle of limbs between you and Choso. 
You feel instant warmth and security from both of your lovers. Choso’s warm and strong back with Yuki’s tender strokes on your leg made you feel that love and comfort you only read about in books or saw on film. That love that was so rare and so pure, so raw that it felt unobtainable because surely no one was really made for one another, right? 
Before Choso and Yuki, you would have agreed. 
But now? You were a believer in soulmates. You believed you found your perfect lovers and couldn’t be happier with anyone else. You couldn’t imagine life with anyone but Choso and Yuki.
And you wouldn’t trade them for anything in the world. 
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©𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐨𝐬𝐥𝐮𝐯 ╰┈┈➤ MASTERLIST!
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helsensm · 4 months
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Can’t remember what was the premise for this and I’m too lazy to make a decent comic out of it, so just have this poorly digitalized railao doodle I found in my sketchbook, y’all can add any context you want~
I posted some Kung Lao and mk1 Kung Jin headcanons earlier, so now I think I’ll drop railao thoughts too. Nothing too crazy - I prefer to read/hear about other’s hc more than to think about them myself afgHjHh
- Raiden fell first, but Kung Lao fell harder.
- Lao did confess first tho. After the mk1 events and some chill time together they both realized that they can't stand being separated and stressed about the other’s safety.
- They used to have these red-string “lucky bracelets” when they were kids but stopped wearing them in middle school (prob lost them or because it wasn’t “cool” anymore hah). Later, after mk1 when they officially started dating, they got a pair of matching ones, as a substitute for the wedding rings. 😊 (now go find all of them on my railao art 👀)
- Right now (mk1 and right after) Raiden’s hair is longer than Lao’s, but Lao is growing his hair out so in the future he’ll be rocking that one long-ass braid we all love. 🥰 Also he has no idea how to style hair besides the ponytail and a simple braid, so sometimes Raiden will do his hair for him as soon as it grows long enough.
- Since childhood Raiden collects cool rocks he found around the village and sometimes he gives them to Lao. I suspect that Raiden is a penguin.
- When Lao noticed that the flower petals have a strange tendency to follow him everywhere, he began collecting them and leaving in various places, including Raiden’s home and school desk. After they got together, the petals would follow Raiden on their own volition every time the two are separated. 🌸
- Lao began to pierce his ears right after the school graduation and Raiden thinks he looks cool, but he did only one piercing per ear for himself much later. Although I'm starting to dig Novice’s idea that he can’t wear them because of his lightning powers. 🤔
- Raiden calls Kung Lao just “Lao” or “my Lao” (but not in a “professional setting”, like on missions or in front of people who are not considered their friends). Kung Lao loves giving Raiden cheesy nicknames.
- Lao is so passionate in his affection, he’s borderline aggressive, he kisses and hugs like it’s their last time. Raiden is more sensual and a fan of prolonged physical touch, like holding hands for the whole day.
- Kung Lao is a professional shit talker and yapper, Raiden just nods and listens. He remembers everything tho, even if it’s something ridiculous that Lao himself will forget after five minutes.
- Lao actually can cook at a reasonable level. I also think he’s very creative and resourceful and can make a decent meal from a limited number of ingredients.
- A relatively new follow-up hc inspired by this tt and personal experience discussion with D3rpy: Kung Lao eats like a vacuum cleaner and can’t stand people wasting food because when he was a kid his family had a rough few years when they could barely afford enough food. And although things have changed for the better, it’s a habit now, he’s like a stray animal - you can’t waste food when you don’t know when you’ll eat next. Also this is when he got closer to Raiden’s family, hanging out in his house more often.
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bigfatbimbo · 1 month
Hey boo hope your day is going well,
I was wondering if you have any his of Velvette dating someone who likes to cook?
(I'm trying to think of some Sage x Velvette content but I'm drawing a blank bestie :()
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a/n — I lowkey have been wanting to sit down and write this for a long time because it was so close to being done for like.. weeks.
warnings — Mostly fluff, Velvette is her own warning, suggestive themes, gn reader, NOT PROOFREAD!!!
summary — Velvette x a cook!Reader
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Let me just say, Velvette is someone who loves princess treatment. Like it’s truly expected, and incredibly appreciated.
So after a long day at work, her models were getting on her nerves, she had tons of shit to do
and she comes home, beaten, bitchy, and incredibly tired, and she smells something amazing wafting through the air.
Realizing where you were and what you were doing, she’d approach you from behind and rest her head on your shoulder as you cook.
You were making her favorite meal, and god that’s amazing after a long day.
She’d definitely ask you to cook whatever she was craving.
Like totally on the spot, too.
She’d see something that looks good on voxtok and just flash you a photo and be like “Cook this.”
Or out the blue she’d be like “I’d kill for a fucking pancake right now.”
And now you’re on duty, you better cook it up fast because the princess is waiting.
I feel like she’d be a picky eater too.
But in the sense where if it doesn’t look aesthetic, she isn’t eating it.
“I’m not eating that shit, looks like vomit on a plate.”
Like even if it’s really good.
But when it does look good, she is snapping photos of your food left and right, posting it all over instagram (voxtagram??)
And definitely bragging in the description like “look what a special someone cooked up for me. Love you babes xoxoxo @[y/n]”
Also definitely asks you to cook for fashion shows, maybe other of the Vees events.
She’s definitely boasting about how you pamper her like that.
Making snide comments to Vox like “When was the last time Val cooked for your sorry ass? HA, thought so.”
Princess treatment plays into it, but also appreciating her to a level that’s beyond skin deep.
Like everyone thinks, no, knows she’s hot shit, that’s obvious
but only you know the recipe for brownies that she really likes,
or how she has a soft spot for warmer meals like homemade biscuits.
Winding down after a long day, cuddling into you, and eating your special nacho recipe while watching tv.
Something about you cooking for her makes her feel like royalty, and rightfully so, in her opinion.
If you’re well known enough to actually work as a chef or have a restaurant, god knows where she’s spending all of her time.
Shes stopping by, more like bursting in, and harassing all the staff until she ensures she’s getting something cooked by you.
“Who made this shit? Chelsea? Chelsea can shove it up her ass, get me something from an actually competent chef.”
Rinse and repeat until it’s you.
Coming home to a warm meal from you always makes her feel appreciated.
She’s a terrible bitch, however, and she has the awful habit of trying to distract you while you cook.
She comes up behind you in a seemingly harmless hug, planting an innocent kiss on your neck like the sweet girlfriend she is and
and her hands are creeping up your shirt.
“Velvette, stop distracting me, foods gonna be fucked—“
”I’m not doing anything!”
And her fingers are toying with your belt buckle.
Depending on what you decide to do, it’s her fault if the foods burned.
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mylucayathoughts · 8 months
Little moments that I love in Red White and Royal Blue. PART 1. Man this is gonna be a long ass post.
(I can't make gifs right now, wish I could gif these moments but for now screenshots will have to do)
The first one is at the Childrens hospital where Henry introduces Alex to the kids. Henry very sweetly says how his mum is out-ranked by Alex's mum. I think Alex is a bit surprised here (maybe a little shocked) at how easily Henry can say nice things about him specially after their seemingly endless rivalry.
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Then in the hospital cupboard, after Alex confronts Henry he was saying that he is sorry about being cold to Alex earlier but he was in a bad place with his fathers passing and Palace not giving him any space. Alex looks up at him, his mind is probably starting to feel sorry for Henry for the first time and he is realizing how his hatred for Henry was based on a very dark time in Henry's life. His eyes are soft here, which a moment ago was big and angry.
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(plus Taylor looks like a puppy here which I love 😍)
This is rather a sad moment for Henry. He is probably thinking how this is one of the very last moments he gets to spend with Alex (even though Alex had already invited him to the new years party) and how their next meetings will be shorter and probably not meaningful enough for them to ever become anything. He so far hadn't gotten Alex's attention, it's probably not going to happen later. Of course we all know that's not what ends up happening 😏
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This here where Alex asks Henry if he was surprised by Alex in any way, and he just goes like this 🤣
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He is probably thinking of all the things he loves about Alex before deciding to tease him a lil bit. Not to mention how adorable Nicholas looks here 🥺
After their bedroom adventures and Henry's romantic ass kiss (😍) Alex very visibly becomes very thoughtful and you can tell how he knows that it's gonna be sometime before he sees Henry again (he already misses him), and how his mind is racing trying to think of an event where they can meet again.. my poor poor baby 🤧
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In Paris scene, I love how Alex comforts Henry by giving the softest little nudge on his forehead (their hairs touch).
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This is a very small moment that is seen right after a closeup of Henry's face and right before Henry gives Alex the nod to go ahead. This moment is etched in my brain and it makes me wanna cry every time I watch it.
I love their little smiles here after the famous "I'm learning", they are both so in love already it's obscene 🤧 and their smiles are so reassuring and tender 🥺
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In other words Nicholas and Taylor ate. It's a long take and the timing of their expressions and their delivery of each dialogue is just top notch 👌
When Alex is on the plane back from Paris, he looks very pensive. Then he let's out this big sigh and a small smile breaks out. We all know who he is thinking about. I love how Taylor portrayed all the emotions in Alex's heart here. He is tired but happy, and thoughtful at the same time. I think this is the first time Alex gave some serious thought to he and Henry's relationship. Before it was just hooking up in places and mostly about their physical needs for each other.
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Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
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yunhoszn · 3 months
(this is user sourkimchi pls don’t perceive me on main lmao)
i saw another user post this abt this hongjoong fit and it’s been living in my head rent free…
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as a fellow asian rave bisexual.. i need a fic for this concept 🫣
(not so) alcohol-free
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PAIRING kim hongjoong x f!reader
GENRES fluff?﹒smut
WARNINGS 18+ MINORS DO NOT INTERACT, mature language, clubbing scene, reader feels self conscious, mentions of alcohol, strangers to lovers?, ummmmm hardly any plot tbh half of the wc is porn, couch sex, little bit of foreplay (vaginal fingering), some marking here and there i think, cowgirl position, missionary, protected sex, allusions to multiple rounds of unprotected sex, not beta’d or proofread bc we rawdog this shit like men
SUMMARY notorious for canceling plans at the last minute, you finally let your friends drag you out for a night at the club. however, a chance encounter with the prettiest man you’ve ever seen has the night turning to something unexpected.
MORE AAAAAAND i finally finished my first request LOLLLLL here u go yves!! i kinda strayed away from the main idea bc i wanted to make it my own, but i hope this meets ur expectations <3
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You had a natural affinity for canceling plans at the last minute. You’re not sure why, especially because you always get an awful case of FOMO every time you do. It’s your own fault that you feel left out when your friends get together without you.
No matter how far in advance you plan for the event, you somehow still find a way to lose your motivation to go. You haven’t properly hung out with your friend group in months, so when they start talking about clubbing tonight, you immediately say yes. 
At first, you think you’ll change your mind an hour later, since it’s only an afternoon’s notice. But when you realize your friends will be here to pick you up in thirty minutes and you’re finishing your makeup, you nearly jump for joy. You successfully stuck it out for once. 
Even as you’re sandwiched between Wooyoung and Mingi in the backseat, San in the drivers’ seat and his girlfriend in the passenger, you’re still shocked that this is your reality. You’re actually dolled up and you’re actually on your way to a club right now. 
“Y/N, do you remember the signal if someone hits on me?”
“Wooyoung, no one’s hitting on you.”
“Shut the fuck up, Mingi. It could happen.”
You snort, pulling your skirt down a little. “Woo, we should come up with a signal for if I get hit on.”
“Yeah, Y/N’s more likely to get laid than you are even though she’s bitchless, too.” Mingi nods, adjusting his sunglasses. (You have no idea why he’s wearing sunglasses at 10 PM.)
“Kill your—”
“We’re here!” San announces, effectively putting a pin in any argument that was about to begin. As long as your friendship with the males spanned, he’s always been the mediator. You’ve known the three of them dating all the way back to high school, lumped in the same homeroom your freshman year. The four of you sat in the same general vicinity and got grouped together for a project once and you’ve been inseparable ever since. 
You know you look hot, Wooyoung wolf-whistling at you the moment you started walking towards the car, but you still feel a bit insecure. It probably has everything to do with the fact that you don’t go out much and you’re self-conscious as is. Stepping into the crowded club, a scene that could only be compared to a sardine can, has you shrinking in on yourself. 
Instinctively, you tug on the hem of your skirt to attempt to cover your ass a little more. Then you wrap your arms around your midriff, though your cleavage leaves pretty much nothing to the imagination. You swallow thickly as your trail behind your friends, like a lost puppy with its tail between its legs. 
This is why you always back out of plans. You feel so out of place, like you don’t fit in even when people try to include you. It feels like everyone’s staring at you, waiting for one wrong move so they can point and laugh like you were the butt of some sort of weird joke. You’re ready to go home. 
“Are you okay?” Mingi asks once you’ve settled at an empty high table just a few feet from the dance floor. Through his stupid sunglasses, you can make out the concern on his features. 
“Yeah, I think so,” your lips purse, arms hugging yourself tighter. “I just haven’t been out in so long. I feel… like I shouldn’t be here or something. I’ll be fine. I hope.”
He raises an eyebrow at you, but doesn’t ask any more questions, instead turning to San and his girlfriend who were about to make a trip to the bar. Your poison for the night is simple, a plain margarita that’ll ease your nerves more than anything else. You weren’t much of a beer person, often opting for fruitier, sweeter drinks in comparison to your male counterparts. (When you do go out with them, that is.)
Wooyoung and Mingi fall into a heated discussion about who knows what, leaving you to become a third wheel while you wait for the couple to come back with your drinks. You people-watch to pass the time, chewing on the inside of your lip, your eyes flitting around the club like some kind of guilty criminal. Almost immediately, they land on a guy in the middle of the dance floor. 
He’s hypnotizing, body fluidly moving to the song the DJ’s playing and matching the energy of his friend standing next to him, two girls in front of and facing them. His dark hair falls into his eyes slightly, though parted and styled damn near perfectly. He’s dressed in a black tweed jacket, a white button up left open enough to reveal a couple necklaces resting on his sternum, some ripped jeans, and black boots. But none of that is what caught your attention. 
You’re entranced by his smile, its brightness and how fucking pretty he looks wearing it. You caught the tail-end of something his friend said that made him laugh, and you feel yourself being pulled in deeper and deeper without a single conversation with him. Too bad he seems unavailable. 
“Woah, N/N, might wanna wipe your chin,” Wooyoung teases, a stupid smirk on his face that you want to punch away. “I think you’re drooling a little.”
Mingi howls with laughter, falling onto the table to support himself. He clutches at his stomach as it cramps up from how hard he’s laughing. It wasn’t even that funny. You roll your eyes. 
“Shut up, Wooyo.” 
“Who are you even staring at?” He inquires, resting his elbows on the high top surface, his chin placed on his hands. He blinks at you expectantly, like he’s not letting you off the hook. You avoid his gaze, simultaneously ensuring that you don’t look in the attractive stranger’s general direction either. This all felt so elementary. 
“None of your business.” You murmur, ducking your head. Thankfully, San and his girlfriend return to the table with your drinks perfectly timed, and the topic is dropped completely. 
The first sip of your margarita is damn near heavenly, the alcohol flowing through your system smoothly and calming that storm waging in your mind. It’s not too strong, just enough that another couple drinks would inebriate you entirely. It aids with the anxiety of being in such a packed space, but that feeling of not belonging still sits inside your chest. 
You can’t help but look for the stranger again, who’s no longer on the dance floor. Now he’s on the other side of the club at another high table. His friend is still with him, but the girls from before are nowhere to be found. You focus on his hands and the chunky rings on his fingers, the way he holds his beer bottle, the way his free hand runs through his hair. Your tongue twirls around the straw in your glass out of habit, enthralled by this man who has yet to give you the time of day. 
Except when you glance up to admire his face, you discover that he’s already looking back at you. He’s nodding along to his friend’s words, but his eyes are zeroed in on you, a different kind of smile playing on his lips. Your features fall slightly from being caught red handed, cheeks warming up significantly. You aren’t sure what’s more embarrassing, caught gawking at a stranger by your own friend or by the stranger himself. Truly, the universe was out to get you. 
You down the rest of your margarita and excuse yourself to go to the restroom, needing a second to gather your bearings. Your skin is flushed and you have to hold your cheeks between your palms as you psych yourself up in the mirror. Why should you feel ashamed of thinking someone’s hot? You were only human. Besides, you looked good, too. 
When you exit the restroom, you’re shocked to see the stranger walking out of the men’s restroom at the same time. Your eyes are wide and your body freezes. He gives you that smile from before, ruffling his hair as if this interaction wasn’t difficult enough. 
“I was hoping I’d bump into you,” he says, unabashedly drinking in your figure. “It’s not everyday someone as gorgeous as you crosses my path.”
So he’s a flirt. Noted. 
“I could say the same,” you manage to get out, though your palms are already clamming up. “If fleeting glances across a dance floor count as crossing paths.”
He laughs and you swear it’s the best sound you’ve ever heard. A couple girls come into the hallway, and you maneuver so they can go into the women’s restroom. His hand comes to rest on your lower back when your balance wavers slightly. 
“I’m Hongjoong, by the way,” he introduces himself since he’s in such close proximity to you now. “Can I buy you a drink?”
“Yeah, sure,” you nod, too distracted by how much prettier he is only inches away from you. “I’d like that.”
Hongjoong leads you to the bar, a gentle hand wrapped around your wrist so he doesn’t lose you in the crowd. He orders himself a beer and turns to you to ask what you’re having. While waiting for the bartender to whip up your drinks, he strikes up a conversation. 
“Are you gonna tell me your name?” 
You scratch the back of your neck sheepishly. “Oh yeah, sorry… It’s Y/N.”
He repeats it, like he’s testing out the taste in his mouth. The smile that graces his features afterwards says all you need to know. It has butterflies flapping around rampantly in the pit of your stomach, nearly knocking the wind out of you. He thanks the bartender seconds later when he slides your margarita and his beer bottle across the bar. 
“So, Y/N, what brings you out tonight?” He takes a swig from his bottle, one arm leaning onto the surface of the bar. God, the things you would do to him if given the chance…
“Catching up with my friends,” you answer honestly, baby-sipping your margarita through the straw. “I don’t really go out much, because I’m really bad when it comes to canceling plans at the last minute.”
“Should I consider myself lucky then?” Hongjoong quirks a brow, licking his lower lip. If men had anything, it was the audacity. And this man had the audacity to do everything in his power to lure you in with his good looks and charisma. 
“I’ll have you know that this is a one of a kind, once in a lifetime opportunity,” you play along, stirring the slowly-melting ice cubes around your glass. “You’re a very fortunate man.”
“Yeah?” He laughs again and you think you might faint right here and now. He looks off to the other side of the club and then back at you. “I think Prince Charming over there is looking for you.”
He points at the table where your friends are, and you find that Wooyoung is glancing around in search of something, or someone. Namely you. It’s most likely because you went to the restroom and then never returned. He’ll live. 
“Wooyoung? Nah, he’s just being a good friend. I raised him right,” you turn back to him, sipping at your drink leisurely. “Now where were we? Something about you being lucky?”
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“Hwa, I’ll— shit— I’ll have to call you back,” Hongjoong forces out, promptly hanging up so he can focus on putting you in your place. You’re like a damn leech, lips attached to his neck, marking the supple skin like it was your job. Your hands paw at the button of his jeans, your lower half grinding down on his lap. “So fucking impatient. Can’t even wait until I’m off the phone?”
“Want you too bad, Joong,” you pout, slowly undoing the buttons of his shirt, his jacket lost somewhere near the front door. He groans when the nickname falls from your mouth. You had no idea how sexy you were.
The two of you were so insatiable, you couldn’t even make it to the bedroom, collapsing on his couch. You hardly had the mind to message your friends to let them know your whereabouts. His hands hold your ass firmly, halting you from any further teasing. You whine, pushing his shirt off of his shoulders. Your nails drag down his toned abdomen, enjoying the way it tenses beneath your touch. After all he’s put you through tonight, you think you at least deserve a bit of payback. Just a bit. 
“Are you too antsy to make it through foreplay?” He coos and presses a quick kiss to your lips, trailing a few along your jawline. Your eyes flutter shut with a hum and a nod. It was true. If he didn’t fuck you soon, you feared you might go insane. 
“I need you inside me already,” you whine, trying to spread your legs and create more friction downstairs. He chuckles at how desperate you are, how touch starved you must be considering you don’t get out much. It fuels his pride knowing he’s the only one to see you like this, to have you like this, for the first time in who knows how long. If he’s successful, maybe he’ll be the only one ever. 
Hongjoong bunches your skirt around your waist, sneaking a hand between your bodies to rub tight, gentle circles into your clothed clit. A blissful sigh escapes you, your forehead dropping to his shoulder. The cocky smile you’ve grown to adore over the course of the night decorates his lips at how quickly he has you falling apart at his fingertips. 
His middle and ring digits push your underwear to the side, sliding down your slit to prod at your entrance. He nips at the base of your throat, working his way up to the spot behind your ear. Your sighs grow into whimpers, squirming around on his lap when he applies pressure to your cunt with the pad of his middle finger. 
“You’re so wet, sweetheart,” he mutters into your skin, shivers running down your spine from the low register he uses. He circles his digit around your hole, not quite giving you what you need. “You weren’t kidding about how bad you wanted me.”
You’re about to quip back, but then he’s inserting a finger and rubbing your clit with his thumb. You gasp, biting down on his collarbone to ground yourself. As much as you would love to sit here and let him finger you until sunrise, you have bigger priorities. “Mmm, Joong, please… Fuck me, please…”
He kisses his teeth, tongue darting out to wet his bottom lip. He supposes he can satiate your hunger, though he really wanted to take his time with you. “Do you think you can be still while I put the condom on?”
You pull back and nod enthusiastically, sitting on your haunches slightly, fingers locked behind his neck. “I’ll be so good, I promise. I just need you, like, now.”
All he can do is laugh, and you melt into a puddle in his arms. You’ve concluded that smile of his would quite honestly be the death of you. He removes his fingers from your pussy, instead squeezing your hip before helping you onto the couch cushion beside him. You rest on your knees as he unbuttons his jeans and kicks them off, swiftly grabbing his wallet out of his pocket and plucking a condom from it. In the same breath, he’s taking off his underwear and tugging you back on top of him. 
He places the foil packet between his teeth so he can quickly aid you in the discarding of your panties. Now that your cunt is bare, you can feel the heat of his cock and it’s so hypnotic. Your eyes can barely stay open as you watch him tear open the condom packet and roll it on. He’s the perfect thickness and the perfect length, and you feel so special straddling his lap right now. 
Hongjoong kisses you softly, gripping your waist so he can guide you to sit on his cock. The first breach of your entrance has a shaky exhale leaving your lips against his own. You stay like that for a second so you can adjust to the feel of him inside of you, the fullness in your lower half, and overall just how fucking good it feels. He grins when you slowly start bouncing up and down, his dick thrusting in and out under you. 
“How are you doing, sweetheart?” He pecks your cheek, moving downward and reaching behind your back to untie your halter top. It slips off of you with ease, revealing your tits to him. 
“So good, Joong… Feels so good,” you arch into him, whining and moaning every time he brushes that crook in your cunt that has you seeing stars. He peppers kisses all over your chest and sternum, scraping his teeth along the skin of your breast. You whimper, nails sinking into his back and your toes curling. You’re completely aware of what’s going on, but those two margaritas have to be contributing to the pleasure swirling in your abdomen. 
“Yeah? You’re taking me so fucking well,” His eyebrows knit together when you switch your pace, sitting on him fully and letting his cock fill you for a couple seconds. In reality, your knees were starting to ache and get tired, something he recognizes instantly because he was so attentive. 
His hand holds the small of your back and he flips you so you’re in missionary on the couch now without skipping a beat. The change in position allows for a change in angle, his dick dragging against your velvety walls deliciously. Your sounds grow in volume, scratching his back when he pushes one of your knees to your chest. 
You weren’t anticipating to end up here at the end of the night, but you don’t think you could dare complain. While a majority of this night felt like a fever dream, you feel a high that’s never taken over you before. 
Hongjoong’s hair falls into his eyes as he glances down at where your bodies meet, his cock disappearing inside of you and then sliding out with ease. You intertwine your fingers behind his head, pulling him down so you can connect your lips in a fervent, passionate kiss. That familiar summit is within view now, your hand nudging his own to your clit so you can inch closer towards it. 
His thumb swipes side to side on the sensitive bundle of nerves, never once breaking your kiss. There’s so much stimulation going on for you, you’re starting to feel dizzy. In a good way. He’s gentle in a way that’s still rough enough to knock the daylights out of you and the juxtaposition makes the moment all the more enjoyable. 
“‘M so close, Joong,” you arch off the sofa in an attempt to be closer to him, to sandwich yourself between him and the couch. 
His thrusts become faster and more calculated, but he doesn’t break the focus on your clit. His efforts come to fruition and he mumbles words of encouragement for you as you finally reach that boiling point. A strangled moan falls from your mouth and you spread your legs to suck him in further. 
The uncontrollable fluttering of your walls following your climax is almost too much for him and he has to pull out. Your eyes are half lidded, nimble fingers rolling off the condom. He fucks his fist until he’s painting the area between your tits with his cum.
The two of you don’t move right away, regaining your composure. He leans down to kiss you sweetly, and then repeats the action all over your face until you’re a giggly mess. This is probably the best sex you’ve ever had in your life, and part of you doesn’t want to go home— whether that be later or tomorrow morning. 
“Do you have the energy to go again, or should I go grab a warm washcloth to clean you up?” He raises an eyebrow at you, indicating that he’s just joking but he’s totally down if you are. You laugh, running your fingers through his hair. 
“If you give me a minute, I’m all set to do that again,” you start, resting your eyes for a second. “You don’t have to worry about a condom this time. I kinda wanna feel you raw.”
Hongjoong laughs in disbelief, glancing away from you and then letting his forehead fall onto your shoulder. “What have I gotten myself into…”
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© yunhoszn. do not steal, claim, or repost. 
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7ndipity · 10 months
When You Get Jealous
Yoongi x Reader, f/n(friend name)
Summary: Yoongi never took you for the jealous type, till now.
Warnings: not proofread
A/N: Thanks to the lovely anon who requested this! This was inspired by a post (that I can't find now😞) with a quote "soulmates are stupid, I love you on purpose" that I thought fit Yoongi well.
Requests are open
It’d been an awkwardly quiet car ride home, Yoongi glancing at you every few seconds, trying to figure out what had happened to turn you so silent.
When you’d left for the event, everything had been fine, but at some point in the night, something had clearly changed.
“Babe,” Yoongi began as he opened the front door for you, but you walked right past him and proceeded through the house without a word, sticking to your stony silence.
“Will you at least tell me what it is that you’re upset about?” He asked as he followed after you, leaning against the door frame to your room as you removed your jewelry and started gathering your things to wash up for bed.
“What do I have to be upset about?” You retorted. “You only left me sitting by myself for half the night while you went off and talked to f/n.”
‘That what this was about?’
“It was twenty minutes, not half the night.” He said. “And I was just talking to f/n about a project, you know I like getting their opinion on things like that.”
“I’ve noticed.” You mumbled sourly, making him pause and study you more closely.
“You’re not seriously jealous are you?” He asked in disbelief.
“No…” You denied hollowly, convincing neither of you. “Maybe…”
“Why?” He asked, completely unused to this side of you.
You sank down onto the edge of the bed, staring at your lap as you spoke.
“Seeing you with them, watching the way you work together, it made me realize just how different we are from each other.” You explained. “I mean, you’ve said it yourself, half of the time, it’s like we’re from different planets. But the two of you have so much in common, you might as well be soulmates.”
He scoffed at that. “That’s not a thing.”
You glanced up at the sound. “You don’t believe in soulmates?” You asked.
“Fuck no!” He scrunched his face in distaste at the very thought.
“What about us then?” You asked, making him sigh as he came to crouch in front of you, catching your hands in his.
“I love you on purpose, not because someone or something tells me to.” He said, looking up at you seriously. “I wake up everyday and make the choice to love your stubborn ass, and I don’t give a fuck what the universe thinks about it.”
You couldn't help grinning slightly at that. It was such a Yoongi response.
“Okay.” You agreed.
"And you don’t ever have to worry about anyone else, okay?” He said, holding your gaze. “You’re it for me. No one else.”
“Good. Now, can I please have the kisses you own me from the car ride?” He pouted at you, making you laugh.
“Yes, I’m sorry. C’mere.” You chuckled, pressing several long kisses to his lips before speaking again.
“I love you.”
“I love you too…" He mumbled back. “You still owe me two more though.”
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nqmonarch · 4 months
Genuinely wanna hear more regarding the No Wish SAHSRAU (Is that how it's spelled?) especially with all the new events that's happened.
Including the Dr Ratio that slid into our DMs.
First, apologies for the wait I took a while doing this request and then also decided not to post anything during the Palestine strike period because free Palestine.
And man, I don't know how it's spelled. I'd assume that's right it's so long though. Also YES Dr. Ratio sliding into our DMs except bro waltzes in and calls us an idiot ;-;
But first! Let's catch up with some of the current crew who is currently in Penacony!
Warning Penacony Spoilers
For the Trailblazer Penacony's been rough... Shortly after the death of their new closest friend, they'd been coerced into talking with Aventurine, and now had to make a decision without consulting any of the Astral Express beforehand. Sure, they were a seasoned adventurer with two missions under their belt but they still have no idea about their past or if they could trust such sketchy people.
"Aventurine, that little rat..." Their ears perked up when they suddenly heard the voice of this presumed Aeon. "I want to knock my fist against his forehead and see if there's a brain in there." The Trailblazer wouldn't try that.
But if you were acting like this maybe Aventurine and Black Swan could be trusted. The Trailblazer forced themselves to relax and tried to show confidence in their eyes. They could do this. It was good you were still by their side in the dreamscape, otherwise... what would they do?
Herta has found it's more difficult to communicate with you than the Aeons. While the Aeons simply didn't want to communicate it was as if there was some sort of wall separating her from you. It was beyond fascinating but it irked her, she wanted to get into contact with you right away. Then, as she was working to implement a simulated version of you into the simulated universe as an Aeon she had a revelation. What if... this was all a game?
Natasha had done it. Recently the eyes glanced off her more often, something she couldn't help but feel disappointed at. But upon one instance when they glanced upon her, she'd taken their warmth in full, and decided to set out. It seemed when these eyes were on her, she improved in nearly every aspect, so maybe her luck would improve as well? Even though it had been a dead end many times before she investigated Vache's worn down laboratory covered by snow searching for research. Except this time, she found something. This Aeon... was strangely benevolent and caring towards mortals.
That's all the updates we have for now on the current characters, in terms of progress. Herta is one smart cookie but who else is one smart cookie? Dr. Ratio!!! That man I love him so much. Sampo is also a potential worrying addition.
Given in the current event you can get either Sampo, Guinaifen, Asta, or Yukong for free, so let's see how they react.
Dr. Ratio
...This was interesting. The plot unfurling behind the scenes of Penacony was to be expected, Aventurine was being a pain in his ass also to be expected, but an Aeon looking at him? A smart Aeon. One who also must hope to purge the world of ignorance! A noble pursuit. Or perhaps, they'd realized their own ignorance and sought to rectify it some of the Aeons were rather lackluster in this manner after all. But they'd likely never change in their ways.
And you're no longer looking at him, that's fine. Is it a bit more chilly in here or is it just him? An interesting side effect of your gaze then, the feeling of warmth. He wondered why that happened, the look of Nanook was dangerous and suffocating, near fatal for any mortal. That of Yaoshi's was said to be sickeningly sweet and suffocating as well. Nous' was cold and calculating, judging your every asset and whether or not you had potential. Everyone had potential, they just had to choose to rid themselves of their ignorance. If the gaze wasn't suffocating maybe... you were a weak Aeon? One that had just formed or had been thought to have died.
Interesting. Aeons, the topic no scholar knew completely about. Herta was researching deeply into them, Dr. Ratio supposed he could always ask her yet he didn't want to feed into her ego. There were other ways to get the information though.
"Hello, hello! Can you all hear me? Good morning fam! And welcome to Little Gui's stream!"
It was then when Guinaifen suddenly felt warmth wash over her. Oh, maybe it was because this stream was her first normal one after all the ghost catching business but she found herself getting flustered...? Flattered...? She wasn't sure exactly how to describe it yet she felt even more energetic than usual! As if she could go on for hours! When she ended her stream, the warmth was still there and she still felt as if she was being watched.
Wait-- wasn't this how people said they felt when they were being watched by an Aeon? Something similar to this right?! If even an Aeon was watching her, she was definitely going to be famous! When Guinaifen went to tell Sushang about this news, she found Sushang had run into the same thing! Weren't the two of them an impressive pair? :)
E1 Asta
Research had been going smoothly, partly thanks to the eyes always observing Asta. With them came the warmth that brought confidence and innovation she felt she wouldn't feel otherwise. But, she could feel the warmth all the time now. She doubted an Aeon would be able to watch her all of the time so had she been blessed? That was good, she was able to focus on all the stars and her research more now and learn more in less time!
But... why did she feel so forlorn? As if she had been deserted? Had you just blessed her and moved on your way? Herta... Herta knew a lot about Aeons maybe she would know something about what had happened to her, maybe she would know if you're still around.
E1 Yukong
Even after it all Yukong wished to return to the skies. Despite failing her comrades, despite all those around her who she'd cared for yet failed to stop their death, despite the burning wreckage she'd had to painstakingly crawl out of. Yukong wished to fly. In this long life where even the things she'd once loved had dulled, the longing to fly was forever there.
The warmth was on her constantly now, she completed her paperwork faster, she created ingenious plans, but what did it matter?
"I want to go back," Yukong had spoken one day out to the silence of the world and when the warmth remained she realized, perhaps she could go back and fly. Maybe... it would be okay. But for now her fear remained, albeit comforted by the sight of an Aeon.
What a strange Aeon, to care so much for a mortal.
Sampo (spoiler warning for Black Swan quest, although I was kind of confused the whole time so some information may be incorrect)
Now this would be fun! Sampo had known he was right, this was only another clue in the right direction! And this Aeon, watcher, player, reader, whomever you were appeared at the perfect time! Whenever your gaze fell upon him, he could feel his speed increase as well as the rest of, if this were to be a game, his "stats." He knew he wasn't crazy, of course he'd never had that idea in the first place! He'd be able to retrieve his mask much easier now, he could deal with you later.
It wouldn't be anything bad, don't worry, Sampo Koski is always happy to have a new business partner and friend :) !
If there's anything else you wanna hear about it I'd be more than happy for ideas cause I love these little guys (the characters) . It's just them living their life except they're stronger and feel as if they can enact their dreams! And maybe they gain a friend or a small crush on the way but hey that doesn't mean anything until Penacony comes out with some tech they worked on with Herta that allows you to visit in your dreams but no way something like that will happen, right?
Also trailblazer is genuinely so stressed like imagine having to make the decisions to save an ENTIRE FUCKING PLANET and you don't even know who the you are or what you've been through, you're genuinely so lost but hey you're alive, somehow.
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lbxbx · 4 months
Cockpit 8 | knj
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Pair: Namjoon x reader
Summary: Namjoon goes through a rough time while getting a divorce, meeting you at the club two weeks in a row when attraction becomes unreal.
Rating: +18 mature content, Smut, divorce, fatherhood, mentions of panic attacks and anxiety attacks
taglist: @wecanpretendit | @whoisbts | @yoonjinsrkive | @my-current-mood-is | @joonzseoulmate | @parkinglot-nights | @missbangtangirl | @m00njinnie
a/n: to say i struggled with this part is an understatement, i had the hardest time ever writing it and i can't say i'm convinced with it, but i promise it's a key to many events coming up, ps. i may or may not post next week because i'm renovating my bedroom wish me luck yall i love you and i'm sorry &lt;3 pss. the valentine oneshot of cockpit will be posted on friday ^^
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Namjoon is getting ready for your so called date, nothing too casual, a pair of jeans and a button up t-shirt, he’s showering himself in his cologne that he knows you enjoy the scent of, before collecting his phone, keys  and wallet to head outside his room.
He takes a quick scan around the house, it’s weirdly quiet, Jay usually eats his dinner by this time but he’s not. The lights are slightly dimmed and the only thing that’s lighting up the house is the sun setting outside, the house even smells… scented? He’s not sure, something is suspicious.
Of course he’s not going to ask where she is, as long as Jay is taken care of, he can leave. So he walks towards the shoe closet to grab out his pair of converse only to see his wife standing in the end of the aisle, she’s in a short silk robe that he’s not sure he’s  seen before, her hand is leaned against the door frame and the other one on her hips. “Are you going somewhere?”
As if she’s forbidden for him to see, he quickly turns his face away and cringes on the inside a little, he used to think she was.. okay to look at? But not anymore, since you showed up, it’s only you he sees in his dreams. “Yes.” He solidly answers, of course not telling her where.
He slightly panics when she walks towards him slowly and runs her hand on his back, her touch totally half assed since she cannot and will not stand the man, but she’s trying to save her family from being doomed. “Are you going out with your friends?”
Namjoon’s brain functions for a quick second, and then realizes, she must know about the divorce, and that’s why she’s acting weird all of a sudden, he never saw her wearing anything like this, even her voice tone was never this quiet, she always spoke with a tone full of spite and utter hate.
He takes a  step away from her hand, it felt weird and so out of place.
He puts on his shoes and starts unlocking the door, she walks closer to him and his fingers start working faster on the door. She tip toes and prints a kiss on his cheek that makes him nearly vomit, he pushes her with one hand and shakes his head. “No, it’s over.”
She feigns innocence and pouts, the crosses her arms on her chest. “Of course it’s not over Namjoon, I’ll be waiting for you tonight, please come back home.”
As if there’s no more oxygen in the room, Namjoon feels suffocated and his chest feels heavy, the door is finally unlocked and he leaves the apartment, slamming the door behind him, he rushes to his car and gets inside.
His chest rises dramatically with every breath he’s trying to take, his chest burns and he even feels his heart fluttering, his fingers feel numb and he feels sweaty, it’s been so long since he’s had a panic attack this strong.
He never saw a doctor about it but he knows it’s a panic attack.
He unbuttons the first few buttons of his shirt and leans his head back into his seat, his fingers are shaking when he clicks the air conditioning on.
He tries so hard to regulate his breaths or even sort out his thoughts so he could calm down.
His head immediately rushes to the first thought, that he cannot forget everything she made him or his son go through, he never felt loved and wanted by her, and he cannot deny that she turned his life into a nightmare. She made him give up on so many dreams and she rejected everything he offered her and always let him down, he can never forgive her and he knows that nothing will ever be the same.
He takes a long breath and he squeezes his hand into a fist repeatedly to try and get the blood flowing to his numb fingers before his head rushes to the second thought.
Namjoon has  always been passionate about his life and goals, he was so thrilled to see what his future looked like, but not anymore, he’s nothing like the young Namjoon, she made him age way earlier than he should’ve, and he’s hurt deeply, and he knows that no matter what she does, she can’t repair the damage the already made.
His rapid breaths calm down as he finally puts out the last thought that makes his anxiety wash away in seconds. It’s when he thinks about you, and the world suddenly feels like a better place.
You simply were able to heal his inner wounds, when he’s around you he feels like the young and youthful Namjoon  that he misses so much, he’s suddenly passionate about his life and job, he’s performing better on every aspect of his life ever since he met you. He finally feels like there’s a purpose of his existence, you made him feel desired and wanted.
His fingers move to turn off the air conditioning as he finally feels air in his lungs, his heartbeat calms down and he can feel his fingers again, he turns on his car and steps on the gas pedal, wanting to see you more than ever.
You’re  a little surprised when he pulls you into a tight hug when you opened the door for him, his arms wrapping around your torso and pulling you closer against his body and even carrying you up a  little, you hug back softly and rub his back, “Are you okay?”
He prints a few soft kisses on your shoulder before he puts you down and leans his forehead against yours. “I’m a whole lot better now.” A smile creeping on his face as he pecks your cheek.
You can’t help but mirror his smile, you press a soft kiss onto his jaw and inhale his cologne, “Come on in.”
He makes his way inside your place and puts his phone down. “You look absolutely stunning.” His eyes never left your figure as you bend to the mini fridge to grab him a bottle of water.
You took the effort to put on the lightest makeup ever, you wore a dark slim fit dress that you weren’t really sure of, it was an old dress hanging at the back of your closet that you were going to throw away once but then you decided to hoard it, so you finally put it on even when you don’t like the dress that much. “Thank you, do you think the dress is okay?”
He sits onto the couch and leans his arm on the back of it, shrugging one shoulder. “Of course.”
You scrunch your nose and turn your back to him. “I don’t like my ass in it.” Which  makes him smirk and tilt his head, taking a few seconds to think. “If anything, I think it highlights your lovely ass, that’s all.”
You roll your eyes. “Of course  you would say that” You head towards your bedroom to grab your purse and phone, taking one last look at the mirror to check out the dress, you like it a little better now.
Your tour took place on the outskirts, a private minibus picked you two up from your place since there’s going to be drinking involved, so no one was allowed to drive there from the guests.
The entire way there Namjoon’s hands were never laid off of you, on your way there his hands stayed put on your inner thigh and your hand was on top of his, small strokes on your skin already drove you crazy and the night is still young, you could feel your body reacting upon his touches, and you’re not even complaining.
When you got to the farm, the tour guide showcased so many things that you never knew before that you found quite interesting, and still Namjoon’s hands were never off of you, if his hand wasn’t on your lower back or locked with yours, he’d be picking up grapes and feeding you them, and who are you to judge? You loved the attention, and he loved giving it to you too.
You got into the wine cellar and they showed you the aged wine from long ago and you finally got into wine tasting, a glass after a glass, you started getting tipsy and your cheeks are now flushing red as the alcohol is starting to affect your body, Namjoon could tolerate his drinks well so he wasn’t even near as tipsy as you were.
“Mm.”  You take a sip of your wine glass and tilt your head, focusing on the taste of the wine. “I kind of like the taste of this one better, here, try.” You offer him to take a sip from your glass with it still being in your hands, you press it against his lips and lift it up a little so he could taste the wine, your eyes fixated on his plump lips on the rim of your  glass, and you’re not sure if it’s the wine or not, but you would kill to feel his mouth on yours.
“Mmm.” He hums as the drink sits on his tongue, he nods. “It’s a little too sweet for my liking.”
“Oh yeah?” You whisper as your eyes are piercing towards his lips, your wild thoughts cramming inside your head as you lightly press your body against his, totally ignoring the fact that you’re surrounded by a bunch of people. He wraps his arms around your hips and smirks. “Stop it.”
“Stop what?” You innocently look up into his eyes, batting your eyelashes while you’re licking your bottom lip. “Stop looking at me like that.” His eyes now fall onto your lips, he secretly wishes they’re wrapped around his dick while you’re choking on him.
The two of you were enjoying your evening, it was a new experience for you and you’re glad you got to have it with Namjoon out of all people. He’s having the time of his life too, he’s been wanting  to go on this tour for a few days but now he kind of wants it to end so he can take you home and be alone with you.
However the group you joined had approximately 14 people mostly couples. One of them never took his eyes off of you two, focusing a little on you and wondering if you’re Namjoon’s sister or not.
He’s related to Namjoon’s wife, and he has no idea that they were going through a divorce.
He’s even taking a few steps closer to try and catch your features, but you look nothing like Namjoon’s sister at all, he wanted to convince himself that you could probably be a coworker but you two are now hugging and clearly flirting with each other, so you can’t be.
He takes his phone out and subtly opens his camera, before he tries to snap a picture, his camera flash exposes him which makes him quickly cover it with his hand and put it down, everyone paid attention so they all look at him as the tour guide reminds everyone, that it’s not allowed to take pictures inside the cellar.
He earned a few looks from you and Namjoon, but you shrugged it off, and Namjoon doesn’t even recognize the man, he’s one of his wife’s second cousins so of course he won’t identify him.
You two were so lucky, because if anything, this could affect Namjoon’s divorce negatively..
“Can we go home?” You scratch the back of his head with your nails, he bites on his bottom lip and closes his eyes a little. “I’m not sure I can wait for us to get there.” He whispers.
The tour guide starts talking again, blabbering things that you honestly don’t care about anymore. Your panties are sticking onto your throbbing wet cunt, and your thighs are killing you from all the rubbing that you thought would calm your heat down.
You turn to face the guide, and Namjoon wraps his arms around your hips from behind, you can feel his erection rubbing against your ass which makes you smirk and side eye him, but that only makes him pull you tighter against his clothed cock.
You kick off your sneakers once you get inside your apartment, Namjoon walks behind you and locks the door after him. “Finally.” You rush to unzip your dress, at least now you’re positive that this dress can’t go back to your closet. It’s extremely tight and you were barely able to breathe.
Namjoon is watching  attentively when you unhook your bra and slip it off while you’re still in dress, he’s a little surprised on how you were able to do that. You glance up at him, still standing near the door  with his eyes not blinking and his jaw slightly down. “I’m sorry, but that dress was killing me.” You throw your bra at him as you’re making your way to your bedroom and he follows you, your bra still in his hand as he’s admiring the little piece of fabric.
You fall onto your bed face down and hug onto your blanket, your tour was a little exhausting and the way there was a little far, and you hate going on long trips. “I’m so glad we’re home.”
“Are you tired?” He asks, his voice softer than ever, as he makes his way to lay next to you on the bed, leaning on one elbow as his other hand runs through your hair. “A little, yeah.” Your voice is muffled through the bed sheets.
Of course he can’t force you to do anything, and you’re a little tipsy, so he gets up on his feet and claps his hands once. “Come on, let’s go wash you up and get you ready for bed.”
You cuddle into the blanket and close your eyes. “Just help me with the dress, I already showered this morning.”
And he obediently slides the dress off of your shoulders and pulls it off of you before he helps you get comfortable in bed. “Thank you.” Your voice so sleepy and your eyelids feel heavy, you’re already falling asleep.
“Good night, beautiful.” He kisses the top of your head which you’re totally not aware of, he lays beside you again and you cuddle closer to him, your breath coming out of your nose hovering over his now bare chest.
It’s finally the weekend, and the weather outside is on fire, it was practically impossible to sit without air conditioning, and you could easily get dehydrated. It’s also impossible to cover your skin anymore.
It was the last heat wave this summer in Seoul, and it was the perfect time to finally go on  your swimming trip to Namjoon’s family beach house, you had planned to go Friday noon in one car, since the only flaw that this house had was the parking space, and the guys voted for your car, since it was the biggest out of all of them.
BMW SUV, and you love to brag about it in front of your friends, they all have luxurious cars but yours was the biggest and the most convenient for this kind of trips.
You wore a short yellow summer dress and put on a straw hat to shield your face from the sun, of course you wouldn’t be able to open your eyes without a pair of sunglasses, and you matched the whole outfit with a pair of sandals.
“Jimin brought someone with him.” Seokjin puts his phone back in his pocket. “We’re totally not going to fit in one car.”
“We’re not taking two cars.” Yoongi shrugs. “We need the parking space to play soccer later tonight.”
The guys were standing  right in front  of your apartment building, of course having their first debate of the day, that will soon lead into an argument, you’re positive.
“We can just cram on top of each other.” Namjoon suggest, the guys look at him totally intrigued by the idea, why did no one suggest that before?
Seokjin pauses for a  second before using his cap to fan his face. “But it’s for 3 hours. No one is cramming on top of me, I’m already melting.”
“You can’t just say that, that’s unfair.” You frown at seokjin. “We’ll get in the car, whoever we pick up last is going to cram on top of someone. And I personally think since this is my car, I myself cannot cram on top of anyone.”
You earn a glare from Seokjin and Yoongi, the only one who seems to agree is Namjoon, who adjusts the strap of your  dress that slipped on your shoulder. “I think so too, I think I should drive.”
You roll your eyes at him and nudge his chest. “That’s cheating too.” Namjoon pouts and wraps his arm around your shoulder. “Just let me drive, so the rest of you can sleep or drink or whatever.”
“No way in hell, I’m driving.” Seokjin already has your car remote in his hand. “I’m passing on the drinks anyway, so I’ll drive.”
“Let’s just get going.” Mia snaps as she holds the battery operated fan near her face. “If we’re going to argue we might as well cancel the whole thing.”
“Shotgun!” You and Yoongi yell at the same time, only he’s a split second ahead of you. “No!” You whine in frustration. Yoongi grunts in celebration before he walks towards the car.
Seokjin sits in the driver seat, and Yoongi next to him in the passenger seat, leaving you, Namjoon and Mia in the back seat. You’re sitting in the middle and leaning forward on the middle console while shuffling your playlist to start music and turning on the air conditioning on the highest setting.
“Doesn’t shutgun usually get to choose the music?” Yoongi teases you. You scoff and pinch his arm. “How many times do I have to remind you that I own this car.” And he rolls his eyes, totally regretting the moment he voted to take your car for this trip.
“Come on let us in.” Jimin whines, you’re already crammed in the back seats when Jungkook joined, Yoongi ended up switching to the back seat so Mia can cram onto his lap, and there’s no way Jimin is going to fit in unless you sit in Namjoon’s lap.
You look over at Namjoon who has his arm around you, he nods immediately and grabs your hand to help you sit on his legs. “Can you at least push your seat forward?” You huff at Seokjin. “I can’t spread my legs if I do.” He whines, but he ends up pushing his seat forward.
Jimin finally gets into the car and Luna, the girl he brought with him sits onto his legs. “We still have to pick up Taehyung and Hobi. They can cram in the rear seats too.” Jungkook starts a song.
“You wanna go to the rear seats?” Namjoon whispers and brushes your hair behind your ear, you realize you’re really close to him when you turn to look at him, your noses nudge against each other. “I wouldn’t mind.” You shrug, his hand slowly creeps onto your inner thigh, rubbing circles on your skin with his warm fingers, moving up underneath your dress. You giggle and nod. “I want the rear seats now.”
“We’ll take the rear seats.” Namjoon speaks clear enough for the rest to hear, his eyes staring into yours. “You’re going to have sex in the back seat aren’t you?” Jungkook turned to look at you, you look back at the youngest and spit back sarcastically. “How did you know? This is my car and—“
“We’re never taking your car again.” Yoongi snaps at you. “I bet you two already had sex here and we’re just sitting on dried cum aren’t we?”
“Yeah how’d you know.” You tease Yoongi. “Hey, stop the car we’re switching to the back seat.”  You nudge Seokjin’s shoulder, he stops the car, you and Namjoon climb into the back seats, way more spacious and a little darker than the seats before since you have your windows tinted.
Seokjin finally steps on the gas pedal and drives to pick up the rest of the guys, music loud enough and everyone singing along, but the two of you in the rear seats are totally unaware of what’s going on around you.
You’re on his lap straddling him, his head in your hands and your  lips are locked into each other, his tongue roaming inside your mouth and even humming into the kiss, nothing too harsh, just a soft make out session that even when your body is already heated up, his lips heat you up even more, his hands sit on your thighs and run up to your ass squeezing it subtly making you giggle and pull back. “Easy there big boy.”
His nose nudges yours as he laughs too. “I honestly wouldn’t mind giving them something to watch.” And you hit his chest lightly with a pout forming on your lips, his eyes quickly shifting there and he visibly clears his throat. “But I would, there are girls watching.”
“So?” He steals a quick kiss and pulls your hips closer to his, you feel every inch of his boner that’s covered in shorts.  “They will wish it was them getting fucked.” You trace your finger on his bottom lip before you lick it once.
“Then you can show them how lucky you are.” He holds eye contact which makes you clench around nothing, your body instantly pumping blood to your cunt and your breath hitches. “Oh fuck you.” You grit on your teeth, shaking your head left and right, your eyes moving down to his lips before you grab his face into one hand and pull him in a kiss, grazing your tongue against his and sucking on it, your other hand moving down his arm, squeezing gently on the muscle.
The car stops which makes you pull back from the kiss, their voices are loud again when Taehyung argues that he gets car sick from the rear seats, but he ends up getting scolded by Yoongi and takes the rear seats right next to Namjoon, and Jade gets up onto his lap.
“How did you let them put you in the rear seat?” Taehyung asks Namjoon as he shakes hands with him. “You’re supposed to help them get to your beach house, don’t you have to be shot gun?”
And Namjoon laughs before shaking his head. “I really don’t mind the rear seats, plus, it’s Y/N’s car and they put her in the rear seats too, so I won’t mind.”
Your eyes don’t get off of Namjoon as he gets into the topic of how his parents bought the house for their anniversary with Taehyung. And your mind just drifts off.
This man would’ve never forced himself to handle your annoying friends if he didn’t feel anything for you, but at the same time, he handled his wife for three years and gave up so much for her even when he didn’t love her.
You adjust your seat on his legs and turn to give him your back, finally facing the road, you lean your chin on the seat in front of you and take a deep breath. “Are we going to get Hobi?”
“Yeah.” Jimin answers you, running his fingers through his hair and adjusting the air conditioning towards him. “Did he tell you he’s bringing a plus one with him?” And you gasp. “He never mentioned that.”
And again, you’re glad you asked Namjoon to join you, well practically he’s taking you and your friends to his parents house.
Hoseok finally joins and the car can no longer fit an extra person, the air conditioning is on the highest setting and it’s barely enough, Seokjin could barely drive the uphill when there’s too many people and luggage crammed in the car.
It’s less than an hour drive outside Seoul when you finally get there and finally unload the car.
And you’re in shock when you see this beach house that looks like  it came out of a movie, surrounded by palm trees and bushes, a large court yard just for sports and even equipped with everything, footballs, basketballs, even volleyball rackets.
You walk further inside and open the door leading inside the actual house, marbled floor and a giant lounge with a karaoke machine and a large TV screen that’s settled in front of a set of recline couches, and when you take a few extra steps inside you see the giant kitchen island and the kitchen is also equipped with everything. And you secretly wonder on the inside, how rich are they?
Namjoon knew his  parents would do all his when he asked them earlier that week if he can borrow the keys and invite his friends over to the beach house, and of course they didn’t mind, and they were more than glad that he’s at least enjoying his time with his friends even when he’s going through a divorce.
Of course he never mentioned you or anything, it’s just him and his friends.
And his parents of course didn’t disappoint, they had everything prepared for Namjoon and his ‘friends’, the fridge is refilled with everything they might need, drinks, food, and snacks. The pool had pool rings and floaties already inflated and ready to be used, with towels and extra slippers right next to it.
“Namjoon, this place is incredible!” Mia shouts from outside, you jump in your place when Namjoon yells. “I call the master bedroom.” And as if he was the missing piece to your group of friends, they all monotonously start the loud arguments and fights on who gets to choose their room and who doesn’t.
He must feel really comfortable around your friends to be able to do that, you laugh on the inside.
You’re rubbing sunscreen on Jungkook’s shoulders and back while singing to the loud summer playlist they had blasting in the background, everyone settled in, some are tanning and the others are grabbing drinks, Namjoon earns a few looks from Hoseok’s plus one Hana when he reaches for the back of his tank top to yank it off, his tanned sculpted body giving everyone a pleasant show.
“I would kill to workout with your boyfriend.” Jungkook whispers to you, but Namjoon actually hears him and laughs, you deliver a subtle smack to the younger’s back and curse at him under your breath. “Shut up Kook.”
“Can I have her now please?” Namjoon walks closer and stands behind you, his hands sit on your hips and he kisses your covered shoulder softly. You chose to wear a one piece white bathing suit that highlighted your waistline with a white see through cover up on top.
“You’re good to go.” You close the bottle of sunscreen and return it back to Jungkook before he dives into the pool.
“You look incredible.” Namjoon whispers before he turns you to face him, you scrunch your face and scratch the back of your head. “Please ignore what he just said.”
He shrugs and stifles a grin. “I heard nothing.” And you roll your eyes. “So I’m your boyfriend now?”
You whine and hit chest before you pull back and take off your cover up, “I’m getting into the water, are you joining?” He nods and takes off his sunglasses. “You can go inside, I’ll join you in a second.”
He expects you to get into the pool slowly, but he’s a little shocked when he sees you actually running towards the water and diving in a cannonball near Seokjin to splash him on purpose. You’ve always enjoyed swimming, it was your favorite activity during the summer, so of course you weren’t going to waste the chance and dive in ordinarily.
The water is warm since the sun is directly hitting it, just the perfect temperature for you and you feel your body instantly cooling down, you float back to the top and run your fingers through your hair, “The water is incredible.”
Hoseok and Seokjin ended up getting into the water too and joining you and Jungkook, you were having the time of your life teasing them and spraying them in water, hell you even climbed on Jungkook’s back and started attacking the others with your water gun, your stomach starting to hurt you from all the laughing.
You turn your head towards Namjoon and you’re about to ask him, but he seems to be occupied having a chat with Hana, he’s moving his hands while speaking and it looks like a catchy topic, she’s standing way too close to him and her eyes are piercing all over his exposed upper body. “Joon?” You swim towards the edge of the pool and lean your arms there. “Yeah?” He immediately answers and walks towards you with a towel in his hand for you in case you wanted to get out.
“Aren’t you joining us?” You ask, “Oh yeah, in a second.” He smiles before tugging your hair behind your ear. “I just need to put sun block on.”
You tried to stifle a smirk, but it ends up showing clearly on your face when you tease him. “You can go ask your girlfriend for help.” You cock an eyebrow at him.
His eyes widen a little before he looks back at Hana, her eyes never got off of him, he looks back at you and tilts his head. “Are you jealous?” He teases you back and you roll your eyes before scoffing. “I am not.”
Of course you’re not, you know the man has a wife, and of course if there was any reason for you to be jealous it would be her, even though you two aren’t exclusive.
“I might as well ask her for help.” He tilts his head, and you shrug and look him into the eyes, you wouldn’t like the idea to begin with, so you’re hoping he’s actually joking.
“Mia? Can you please help me with the sun block?” Namjoon turns his head towards Mia, who’s standing right behind Hana with a couple drinks in her hand, and you’re a little relieved.
Namjoon wouldn’t do anything to make you feel uncomfortable or upset, he could’ve teased you and actually called the girl for help just to make you jealous, but he’s smart and mature enough to not to.
“Y/n, your boyfriend is asking me to feel him up.” Mia shouts, because girl code comes first.
And of course your face flushes red, it’s the second time today that Namjoon gets called your boyfriend, he laughs and hands her the bottle of sunscreen. The poor woman has to step onto one of the chairs to actually reach for his shoulders, Namjoon notices when your eyes drift off to Hana when she still has her eyes on him, even he gets a little uncomfortable from her stares.
“Chief, what’s up?” Hoseok sprays you with water and swims towards you, his eyesight follows yours and he notices how Hana is staring. “Hana, could you get me a towel please?” He snaps her out of her thoughts before she nods and grabs a towel to hand over to Hoseok, he’s not that far from you so you hear him asking Hana. “Are you okay?”
And she answers immediately. “Yeah, I’m just enjoying my time.”
“Will you stop staring at the man?” He’s clearly judging her for her looks, she was being too obvious. “We were talking, that’s all.”
Seconds after, Namjoon dives in head first and joins you in, you spend the entire afternoon swimming and playing volleyball, while the others were in the kitchen occupied with preparing for the barbeque.
“I told you we’d win.” Jungkook rubs it in your face after his team won, you roll your eyes and swim towards the corner of the pool a little tired after the game, Namjoon swims towards you and presses his body against yours under the water, lifting up your legs to wrap them around his waist. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah.” You nod and wrap your arms around his shoulder pulling him in for a kiss on the cheek. “You?”
“Yeah, do you wanna go upstairs?” One of his hands hold onto yours and guides it towards his covered boner. “I kinda need help.”
You giggle and squeeze on his length subtly making him flinch, his other hand under your thighs hold tighter to your bare skin. “Fuck, Y/N, you’re not making any better.” He presses his mouth against your ear, his breath quickening. “I can’t walk out of the pool looking like this.”
You look around to spot your towels, before you get out of the pool and wrap a towel around your body, before giving Namjoon his and covering his lower part when he gets out too.
“Where to? We’re about to play another round.” Seokjin asks right you two turn your heads and about to get inside the house. “I need to shower, maybe we’ll take another dip after dinner.” Namjoon answers him and the older just nods, you two get to your room and once the door is locked, he takes off his towel and pins your arms above your head and pushes you against the door, every single part of his body in contact with yours, and his swimming shorts still wet and sticking to his throbbing erection.
He pulls you in for a kiss, his tongue roams inside your mouth as his hips grind against yours, one of your hands manages to slip out of his and move down to palm his cock through the damp shorts, and this time you squeeze a little harder than before.
He pulls back from the kiss  and collects your hair into his hand, he presses his forehead against yours with his jaw down. “Y/N..”
You got down on your knees and wrap your fingers around the elastic band of his swimming shorts before pulling them down to his ankles and he kicks it off, his angry cock craving for attention as it slaps against his lower stomach.
Not hesitating for a second as you grab it into your hand and stroking the head to smear his pre cum, then finally wrap your lips the head, his entire body relaxes and his eyes roll to the back of his head, every time is like the first time for him when it’s with you. You bob your head back and forth while still maintaining eye contact with him, he gasps and tugs onto your hair, bucking his hips towards your mouth while throwing his head back. “Fuck, just like that baby, just like—Ah… shit.” Your eyes collect tears as his cock hits the back of your throat, a loud audible gag escaping your mouth, sloppy sinful sounds from your throat echo through the walls of the entire bedroom, he’s so close but he cannot cum now.
You cough with his cock still in your mouth and you pull back, your saliva mixed with pre cum leaking on your face messily, you stroke his cock and look up into his eyes. “You wanna cum down my throat?”
His grip tightens around your hair and he pulls you up, stealing a quick kiss from your lips before leaning his forehead against yours. “Not before you let me stretch that beautiful little cunt of yours.”
Your stomach dropping at the pure excitement mixes with the knot that can snap in any second if he touches you, it’s been so long that you two had proper sex and you got really impatient.
Namjoon pushes you down on the bed and helps you kick off your bathing suit, you struggle a little because it’s still damp and a little tight on your body, but you two manage. He sits down on the floor near the edge of the bed before wrapping his arms around your thighs and pulling you closer to him. “Would you look at that.” He smirks, blowing a little air on your throbbing bean, then using his index and middle finger to spread open your pussy.
And he prints the softest kiss onto your clit, his eyes locked with yours, before he whispers. “Just tell me what you want baby and I’ll do it.” You use your elbows for support before run your fingers through his hair and pull him closer to your already wet and numb pussy, his hungry mouth devours your cunt, licking your entrance up to your clit, before sucking on it for his dear life and moving his head to add friction.
Your back arches and your hands tug onto your own hair, every single cell in your body is drugged with pleasure and ecstasy, your stomach tightens and your eyelids feel heavy. “Fuck.” You manage to let out breathlessly.
He slowly inserts two fingers, barely moving inside you as your walls hug onto his fingers repeatedly, your jaw drops and your breath hitches, as hard as you tried to keep your legs open, you end up closing your thighs around his head and pulling him even closer against your bare sex. “Namjoon, please, please..”
He grabs onto your thighs and turns you so you’re sitting on his face, and the angle change is a whole new different experience, your eyes finally shut close and your chest heaves up and down dramatically, “Please don’t stop.” You look him in the eye lazily, your hand holding his hair tightly before you grind your hips on his face while he’s still moving his fingers inside your clenching pussy.
“I’m gonna cum.”
You didn’t mean for it to come out this loud, your free hand moves to your mouth to cover it, and that’s his cue to curl his fingers against your spot and slide in another finger, your cumming is finally undone and you resist the urge to scream his name off of the top of your lungs, and he still doesn’t stop.
Still moving his fingers inside you and sucking onto your clit while you’re creaming onto his face. “Holy shit.” You drop on the bed face down and bury your head in the sheets, you feel lightheaded and you realize that you’ve been holding your breath the entire time.
Namjoon is seconds away from busting a nut, his face is glistening with your cum and he wipes it with the back of his hand before smearing it onto the bed sheets, he kisses your inner thighs softly, moving up to the curve of your ass, kissing and grazing there with his teeth lightly, before hovering on top of you and kissing your back. “Are you okay?”
You nod, a lazy smile curves your lips slowly, before you reach your arm behind you and scratch the back of his head with your nails. “Yeah, just give me a minute.”
He kisses your bare shoulder once, twice, thrice, before you turn to face him, you wrap your arms around his neck and kiss him on the lips softly, “Do you have a condom?”
“No, you?” He pulls back, you blink twice before tilting your head. “Why would I carry a condom?”
“I don’t know, you had condoms in your place.” He shrugs. “Should we ask one of the guys for a condom?”
“Of course not.” You exclaim, “Look, I’ll just suck you off or something, but we’re not asking no one for a condom.”
“We can go without one.”
You had multiple sexual experiences throughout your life and you were safe with all of them, even when they wore condoms you were still on birth control, and even when you hooked up with Namjoon, you never skipped a pill. Better safe than sorry, kids are not an option for now.
“I don’t know, should we?” You ask unsurely, biting your nails anxiously, he grins and grabs your hand away from your mouth to deliver another soft kiss to your lips. “I think we should.”
You already feel his card cock pressed against your thigh when you kiss him back, your finger nails run through his back before he pulls away from the kiss. “What do you say?”
It takes you a second to think one last time before you answer him. “Alright I guess.”
He moves down your naked tits and licks your nipple once before wrapping his lips around it and sucking it. Your bottom lip sits between your teeth as you’re pushing his dark hair out of his face, his teeth biting softly on your nipple before he moves to your other breast, printing a dark purple mark right near your nipple, and you can feel your lower body heat up when he breathes against your erect nipple. “Mmm.”
He lifts himself up before grabbing the back of your thighs to push them up towards your torso, pressing soft kisses on the back of your thighs and your calves, moving up to the back of your foot slowly, his eyes piercing through yours, filled with fire and lust.
His bare cock is pressed against your bare cunt as he grinds slowly against your folds, your slickness making him glide against your clit with minimum effort, before he positions the head to your entrance and spitting directly onto it before pushing it in slowly.
And holy shit, you hold your breath at the extreme stretch, every single curve of his cock is felt inside you with no barrier and it feels fucking insane, you’re clenching repeatedly against him which makes him struggle to push further inside, he  grits on his own teeth and throws his head back. “Fuck baby, you’re gonna make me cum if you keep doing that.” He even pulls out and you breathe again. “Relax for me baby.”
He leans forward to brush his nose against yours and kiss you on the lips softly, and you kiss back while cupping his cheeks, your arms moving to his shoulder and scratching him softly with your nails. “Should I try again?” He whispers against your lips and you nod, he’s already pressing the head against your entrance, this time using his thumb to rub your clit, trying to make you relax while he’s slowly pushing inside you. Pleasure is too overwhelming and you feel yourself seconds away from cumming.
He’s finally balls deep inside you, he leans his palms on the bed behind you and bends in to kiss you again, his tongue roaming inside your mouth and his teeth biting onto your bottom lip, tugging it back gently before moving down to your ear, licking the outside of it before pressing a kiss behind it.
You’ve grown to love the way he pays attention to your ears and neck, he knows you like it when you’re clenching around him with every kiss he prints onto your skin which makes his lips curve into a satisfied smirk.
He pulls out from you slowly, the head still inside your throbbing cunt before he thrusts back inside you, the tightness around his cock makes him lose his mind, he’s less than inch away to pound you senseless but he can’t.
You gasp when you feel the head digging deep inside you, your eyes drift down to your own stomach and you’re sure if you squint your eyes a little you may see it bulging. He pulls back again and slams a little faster than before, to which you press your hand on his lower stomach, you throw your head back and breathe fast. “Namjoon.” He holds onto your legs to prop himself up, pulling out and pushing back inside you.
You look down to see his cock disappearing slowly back into you and you look him up in the eyes, your jaw falling down slowly when he picks up his speed, fucking your brain and breath out of you, your head falls back and your own hands pull onto your own hair. Your body tenses and your toes curl, your entire spine heats up and you feel yourself about to cum.
“I know baby, I know.” He presses your thighs further into your torso and pulls his angry cock out of you before going down to lick your entrance once and kiss your clit, you hold onto the sheets behind you and remember to breathe again, he doesn’t give you much time to catch enough oxygen as he props himself back up and re enters you with full force,  finally pounding into your pussy senseless, your eyes roll to the back of your head and you breathe out. “I’m cumming.”
He doesn’t stop, drops of sweat mixed with water fall onto his face and body that were already glistening with sweat, his upper body is tensed as he’s gripping onto your legs, his fingers digging into your skin, and his stomach tightened ready to relax any second when he shoots out his load. He starts doubting himself if he can pull out at the right time or not.
As for you, your knuckles turned white long time ago, your body finally snaps and you finally cum all over his cock, clenching repeatedly around his cock making it hard to fuck you through your orgasm as he pulls back fast, his angry cock shooting his load on your clit and lower body as he throws his head back. “Mmm.. Fuck-“ You two pant for a breath, your eyes close and your grip around the sheets finally loosening as you feel your ears buzzing, you feel yourself split seconds away from going unconscious.
He falls on top of you, his lips near your ear but you can’t hear anything as the buzzing doesn’t stop, he caresses your cheeks and kisses it softly. “Y/N?”
You barely get to open your eyes and look at him, letting out a forced lazy laugh, he brushes your hair off of your face and whispers. “Did I hurt you?”
You shake your head and slur when speak trying to form a sentence. “I’m a little sore that’s all.”
A little? You were a mess, your cunt is swollen and red, your thighs have his finger prints all over it, your breasts had several purple spots on them and even his teeth marked onto your own neck.
He gets up onto his feet to grab a few paper towels. “Let me clean you up.” He cleans his own cum off of your body ever so gently, not forgetting to press a bunch of soft kisses onto your stomach and hips.
Finally it was time for dinner, Taehyung and Jimin finally set up the table and the food is looking good and ready to be devoured, you haven’t eaten anything the entire day and you’re starting to get grumpy when your stomach growls continuously.
Everyone is seated around the table in the back yard, the sound of the beach waves is like the perfect music to accommodate your dinner, the weather was fantastic, the slightly warm summer breeze blows through your hair ( and thankfully through your dress, you were overheated the entire day.). And since the house is a little far from the city and there are barely any city lights to be seen, you can see the stars in the sky quite clearly.
Namjoon was seated next to Jungkook and you were seated on the end of the table next to Hoseok. “So how’s it going so far?” He leans his back on his chair and whispers, everyone around the table too occupied eating and chatting. You swallow your bite and answer unsurely. “I guess we’re really good friends, that’s all.”
Of course you can’t address him as more than a friend for now.
“What do you mean?” Hoseok’s eyes widen as he swallows, leaning a little closer to whisper again. “Did he friend zone you?” And of course you roll your eyes. “No, and neither did I, but I just feel like something is holding me back you know?”
“You do know he’s getting a divorce right?” He hesitates a little. “I was handed over his case.”
“Yeah, I know, why didn’t you tell me?” You weren’t going to ask, but you just feel the need to know why he hid it in the first place.
“I thought you would feel guilty or something, or maybe you’d think you’re the reason he got the divorce. I just held back to see how you were doing with him. I also didn’t want to tell you this but uhm.. I overheard Jungkook earlier today speaking with him, and to be real chief, I think he actually has something for you. I’m hoping you do not reciprocate anything until he gets his divorce, because things will get too complicated for you two, so please slow down.”
You take a sip of your wine and let his words sink in for a second. “Don’t worry Hobi, as I said, for now we’re just friends hooking up and getting to know each other well. I will take my time to think, and maybe by then he would’ve probably be done with his divorce.”
He nods before taking a sip from his beer, you could feel his eyes back on you as he asks softly. “Are you happy?”
You know you can be totally honest with Hoseok, talking to him is like talking to your own reflection in the mirror, you know he can never make you feel bad about yourself.
So you finally blurt out the thought that you never even discussed to your own self. “Nothing feels different until now, but sometimes I miss the fact that I was alone alone, you know?”
“Do you not enjoy his company?”
You immediately shake your head. “No, it’s the exact opposite actually, I do, really. He’s sweet and caring, and he’s emotionally mature if that makes sense.”
And Hoseok nods. “It does.”
“Not to be mean or selfish, but I think his marriage experience befits me somehow, don’t you think?” You seek for his opinion and he shrugs. “You know what you want better than I do, and it’s not selfish at all, after all this experience made him what he is now, and he’s a good man I have to say.”
You agree. “He is, really. He’s really smart and fun to be around. Wanting to be alone is a me problem I guess.”
Hoseok’s arm wraps around your shoulder to pull you closer and kiss you on the cheek. “You know I always got you, and if he ever does you wrong, trust me, I will fuck up this man’s life and you have my word.”
You hit his chest and smile. “I know, you don’t have to remind me.”
“Can we set the bonfire near the beach after dinner?” Jimin asks Namjoon and the man nods. “Absolutely, you guys do everything you want.” Before he gets back to his interesting topic with Jungkook and Seokjin.
“He’s doing great isn’t he?” You whisper to Hoseok and he nods before laughing. “Comparing to your past partners, yeah, he’s doing good.”
You roll your eyes and look at him. “You can never compare those to him.”
“Jungkook, you’re cheating.” Of course it’s you bickering with him, you were drawing something on a paper and they had to guess it, Jungkook even when he’s on your team, he was giving away the answer to the other team.
You hate to say you’re very competitive but you truly are, and you easily got mad at him even when it’s just a game.
“They would’ve never guessed.” He exclaims while laughing, thinking that this is some type of a joke, but you were dead serious. “That’s the point of the game you idiot.”
“Y/n, calm down, he tried to give away the answer but I couldn’t understand.” Seokjin whines. “Jungkook shut up will you?”
“Yeah Jungkook, shut up will you?” You cross your arms, he walks towards you and wraps his arms around your body to carry you up and walks towards the pool, threatening to throw you in. “Yah, I think you forgot who’s the older one here.”
“Jungkook put me down.” You finally crack and laugh when your toes touch the water, holding onto Jungkook tightly so that if he pushed you in, he’d go down with you.
Of course Namjoon is watching carefully, deep inside a little worried over you even when you and your friend are just messing around, he gets up to grab himself a bottle of water before whining. “Jungkook put her down.”
“Beg.” Jungkook looks at you in the eyes and you laugh. “Fuck you, I’m not begging.”
And he without any hesitation throws you into the water, Namjoon who’s standing near Jungkook pushes him into the water while laughing, and everyone laughs at Namjoon’s genuine reaction and they make fun of Jungkook.
You two swim to the surface and you brush your hair off of your face, totally unaware that Jungkook was pushed by Namjoon, you swim towards Jungkook and climb on his back, jokingly drowning his head into the water and fighting him.
It was a very warm night, everyone enjoyed their time, no exceptions.
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chrollohearttags · 7 months
idk if u have anymore locked and loaded away but can we get some more musician!eren hcs/traits…just a crumb even. im on the side of the road shaking my cup🙏🏾
oh babes, I got more than I know what to do with. Gather round and I’ll share with you all my never ending lore for the loml. 🤍
EJ is a clown. His favorite pastime outside of music is being an S tier menace. He loves picking at everybody 😭 (y/n), Jean, Mika, his own MAMA..nobody is off limits when he gets started. He is an asshole and proud of it. (he once told Mika she was jealous of him because she was bald headed and he wasn’t. Sis tried to break his nose but then remembered she needed him for a performance that night 😩)
he can play over 10 different instruments and proficiently at that! His main is guitar and drums but he’s naturally gifted so any instrument he puts his hands on, he can learn fairly quickly.
he won’t attend awards shows unless his whole crew is invited too. Don’t matter if it’s the Grammys, BET, VMA’s..if his whole team isn’t there, he’s not going. And they definitely forget it if (y/n) isn’t on the list.
he HAS to have at least an hour before shows to be completely alone and decompress, otherwise, he’ll be messing up all night. He has severe anxiety so it makes it hard for him to concentrate if too much is going on before hand. He’ll spend the time meditating or listening to music and smoking.
his ultimate goal is to one day start his own label. He wants to work with more female artists because he feels there are “a lot of dudes using women for clout but never wanting to put them on.”
also adding to that, Eren swears he is not a dancer but decided to let (y/n) do choreography for his latest song and he ended up liking it so much, that he incorporated it into his latest performance.
(haven’t quite delved into this yet so not giving away too much!) but there is one person who eren credits his musical career to and for pushing him to go for it. His exact quote: “there’s so many people who’ve helped me throughout my journey. That I have to thank for getting me this far but as for who really made this possible? Well..she’s no longer here and I wish she was. I wish she could see how far I’ve come and I only hope that she’s smiling down on me. I hope I made her proud.”
he lovessss sitting in on (y/n)’s practice sessions! Not even on some sexual shit, it truly fascinated him seeing his girl do all of these intricate pole tricks without falling or missing a beat. He realizes how much work goes into learning it and respects your talent. He even posts vids to his Instagram story, showing you off.
during the time of the [p word that shall not be named] he and Armin put their DJ’ing skills to good use and entertained their fans. They started a little thing on Instagram live called “Club Passion” where they would dress up in these cheesy ass fits, pretend they were hosting events and have people join in the live. They’d play music, be drinking and even host twerk contests where they’d CashApp the winner a prize. (A very unserious duo 😭)
for the more devious of the traits, he’s a demon and a half when he drinks. He has zero limits or shame. Including in the bedroom. RIP to (y/n)’s cervix cause he has no control.
he is a habitual bed/headboard breaker 😩🥴 do with that what you will.
he doesn’t believe in cheating or open relationships, but he’ll gladly let you share him with your girls and vice versa. (Niesha’s definitely his favorite but he won’t tell his best friend that 🤭) And if he’s feeling extra deviant, he’ll let you pick a fan of his to do some thangs with. “As long as she doesn’t go running her mouth, I’m with whatever y’all wanna do.” He definitely has a few videos of you guys’ escapades saved in his phone. (the NDA’s stay ready!)
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writerquil · 5 months
TW! A rant. Mentions of S@ and Abuse
AHEM! Alastor apologist (and apparently now partial defender) to the rescue!
This post is for anyone switching up on my guy after the newest episode. And the switch up originates from that one scene, you know, the scene below.
(EDIT: Sorry for the random censoring lol, I don't feel like going back to edit it and its an old habit of mine).
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Yeah, we all know this scene. Basically the one where Alastor lashes out at Husk.
Immediately after seeing this scene I had TWO different reactions, in which consisted of “wow that was cool” and “people are going to twist this, aren’t they?”
And people did! So here I am!
I’m basically going to show a bunch of reactions and concerns to said scene that I disagree with and then I’ll say why!
1. “Alastor is like Valentino!”
Don’t even say that. PLEASE NO.
I like to think that I’m pretty good at letting my liking for characters go the moment that I realize they’re wretched in specific ways, but this never occurred for Alastor.
You wanna know why? Because he is NOTHING like Valentino apart from the fact that they’re both overlords who carry soul contracts. I don’t think I really need to pick apart their personalities because we can already tell how different they are.
The only reason why the two were “grouped” together was because Husk and Angel were stuck in situations both caused by soul contracts and an overlord which caused the two to be mentioned alongside each other.
2. “Husk’s relationship to Alastor is EXACTLY the same as Angel and Valentino’s!”
Nope. Both relationships, admittedly suck, trust me, I’m not discounting either relationship or saying “ok well one has it worse than the other”.
But come on guys, the relationships are not the same. Alastor sucks to Husk, obviously, considering he is forced to do his bidding for who knows how long? But there’s obviously a fine line between the two relationships.
There’s parallels of course, with the chains and the soul dealing. The situations aren’t completely the same but they have similar sources so parallels are bound to occur.
Valentino is an abusive ass whom frequently physically and emotionally abused Angel and Alastor (from what we’ve all seen) can be a jerk who drags Husk into clearly many “favours” such as working at the hotel and possibly many more considering he’s clearly met more of Alastor’s colleagues and friends before.
They’re both forced into things and with their souls under contract, they can’t do much about it. But the things they’re forced to do are significantly different. Once again, this isn’t me saying anyone has it better, because it’s not a competition.
But the relationships are not the same. The two are brought in for significantly different things. Do you really think Alastor is s3Xua!!y abusing Husk whenever he’s brought in? Yeah, no, me neither.
Do you think he’s mentally abusing him too, or that a situation like what was displayed occurs often whenever Husk does come in? Because no. Didn’t you see how startled Husk was? This clearly wasn’t just an average event that happened between the two frequently and the fact that Husk was willing to push Alastor’s buttons a bunch in the first place just shows that he wasn’t expecting it to happen either.
And for the people so insistent on Alastor abusing him like that. I suggest you hide your weird k!nks better.
3. “Alastor tortures Husk frequently!”
Okay and what gave you that idea? Was it the way that Alastor lashed out? Because he didn’t lash out of the blue as you may think.
Husk pushed his buttons and Alastor got angry. Trust me, I love Husk but he played a stupid game and got surprised when he won a stupid prize.
Considering Alastor abusive after pulling Husk to the floor is strange. Trust me, if he was supposed to be abusive, it would be explicitly showed throughout the episodes. And before you say “well it was implied”, I really don’t think so.
And once again, Husk was clearly extremely startled, which means this probably doesn’t happen very often. Which also discounts you all considering him to be similar to Valentino, who displayed hurting behaviour frequently.
Like the most we’d even seen interaction between the two was in the pilot and the recent episode. I think we’d get more display if there was more violence occurring in the relationship.
4. “I used to like Alastor before…”
Then what? You realized he was evil and did evil things? YEAH, he’s bound to threaten someone here and there.
Like if you don’t like him after witnessing his literal evilness then sorry to say, you never liked him in the first place.
I’m sorry for this guys but seriously. You can’t switch up on an evil character for doing evil things. He’s going to threaten people. Just know that when he does, it doesn’t signify he’s abusive or assaults Husk on a daily basis.
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aurumacadicus · 2 months
Oh oh oh!!! 37 or 73. Dealer’s choice.
I decided to be nice and went with 73 <3
"I am getting real tired of meeting you here," Tony said, and he looked just as long-suffering as he sounded when Steve looked up at him through the bars of his cell. "I'm also getting real tired of everyone but you calling me for help."
Steve opened his mouth, but he wasn't entirely certain what to say. He's called Tony for help the first time he'd gotten arrested, but Tony had looked so bewildered and... sort of offended when he'd arrived? Steve had decided he'd stop calling Tony and just call on his less judgemental teammates (Bruce was a no-go after the second time) to come bail him out. He had no idea why they, in turn, had called Tony up to take on his bail. He always offered to pay them back, and he always showed up for court.
Come to think of it, the judge was starting to look at him a lot like Tony was, Steve mused, rubbing his hand over his mouth to hide an amused smile.
"You know," Tony continued when Steve said nothing, and the smile dropped from his face when he realized he'd actually been waiting for a response. "I understand you're trying to... figure yourself out, or whatever Natasha said. I just wish--"
"I am not trying to figure myself out. I am punching neo-nazis," Steve corrected firmly. "I do not enjoy punching neo-nazis. In fact, I very much dislike the fact that there are neo-nazis to punch."
Tony pursed his lips, obviously unimpressed. "The pictures the Daily Bugle post show you looking quite happy to punch them. It looks a little unhinged actually and I am officially asking you to fucking cut it out for a month. I have a fundraiser for the Maria Stark Foundation and I don't want to spend the entire thing fielding questions about your disdain for the law."
"I've never been convicted of a crime," Steve began, drawing himself up in offense.
"You're Captain America. Who wants to convict Captain America of a crime when you punch a neo-nazi?" Tony retorted, crossing his arms over his chest. "Stop punching people. Find a different hobby. I hear bird watching and crossword puzzles are popular with your age group."
"I'm telling Natasha you think her crossword puzzles make her old," Steve tried again.
"Her gardening hobby makes her old too. Make sure you tell her I said that," Tony retorted, then stepped closer, pointing at him through the bars. "I'm telling you one last time before I put my foot up your ass, Steve. Do things that make you happy--within the confines of the legal system."
It took everything in him not to immediately answer 'no.' He thought Tony might actually break through the bars and murder him. "Okay."
Tony blinked at him, apparently having expected more argument. Steve normally would have given him one, but Tony had proved very protective over his mother's foundation and all the events it held. Steve didn't feel inclined to push his luck. Especially since he was inside the cell and Tony was not, and Tony could leave him here.
"...Okay," Tony finally agreed. He narrowed his eyes skeptically. Steve tried to look as innocent as possible and was rewarded with a sour, "Don't do that."
"Fine," Steve said, contrite expression dropping. "Can we leave?"
Tony continued to stare at him, considering. Finally, though, he huffed, rolling his eyes. "Fine. I sent your court date to Natasha since you broke your phone on someone's face. Please stop doing illegal shit until after the gala."
Steve sighed. "Fine. Can I take you out to coffee? That's not illegal anymore apparently."
Tony whipped around to stare at him again, aghast. Finally, he managed to bark a confused, "HUH?"
"You told me to find my happiness within legal confines," Steve reasoned. "Homosexuality was legalized in New York in the eighties. I looked it up."
Tony stared at him a little longer, then let out a reedy, overwhelmed laugh. "What are you talking about?!"
"Let's discuss it over coffee," Steve tried again, and then, "Or dinner? Whichever you prefer."
"Shut the fuck up," Tony laughed, rolling his eyes, and finally turned to leave. "I'll go tell the officer to let you out."
Steve watched him go, stunned. Then he crossed his arms over his chest with a huff. This was why he preferred punching neo-nazis. They, at least, knew what his intentions were. He could probably give Tony a 'will you go out with me? yes or yes' note and he'd just laugh and say he forgot to add 'no.'
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kenobster · 1 year
The thing about Anakin (in prequel trilogy movies) is that he actually is a really good person by default. He is a war hero for a reason; he cares so deeply and unconditionally. Sure, he's a little careless sometimes and a little impulsive. He makes mistakes and bad calls and sometimes he needs to get his hormones under fucking control. But overall, he's very much trying to do a good job. He listens to feedback, he asks for advice, and he apologizes and tries to improve when he realizes he's wrong. 
Really, he only ever crosses unforgivable lines when two very specific criteria are met: (1) when the most sensitive points of his trauma are being put under an immense amount of pressure; (2) when his support system, for whatever reason, is absent. 
And even when those two criteria are met, he still struggles not to cross those lines as hard as he can for as long he can--until he eventually just snaps under the pressure.
Example #1, the Sand People massacre. Long before going to Tatooine, Anakin’s trauma points were already under an extreme amount of pressure. He was having nightmares about his mom--reminding him of his childhood as a slave and of the slavery in which he’d left her behind. When Anakin does go to Tatooine, his support system consists solely of a girl whom he does like and does trust but whom he doesn’t know very well. Old wounds continue to reopen as he takes his first steps into Mos Epsa and speaks with Watto, a being who owned and abused him. Anakin has no reason whatsoever to think Watto isn’t the orchestrator of his mother’s torment. But does he kill, dismember, or otherwise attack Watto? No. He remains polite. So polite, in fact, that it’s unsettling.
When he hears about his mother's capture and torture from the Lars family, Anakin is, suffice to say, upset. To rescue her, he goes alone (no support system). Even with his mother actively being brutalized (trauma), Anakin does not arrive with the intention of violence. He does not massacre the entire village in an attempt to rescue her. His plan is clearly to sneak in unnoticed, grab her, and sneak out. Even after seeing her strung up, at no point does his plan seem to change… Until she dies. In that moment, his mom, the epitome of his failure to free all the slaves, has just taken her last breath. He is completely alone. His mom has practically been slaughtered. His mom. Thus, his trauma hits a breaking point, and his usual support system is out of sight. 
He snaps. 
It is his choice, yes, but it is the result of a decade of abuse and generational trauma. It is also very much a mistake/accident… In other words, it is not an example of his true values and beliefs; it is an example of their temporary absence.*
*Evidence supporting this is in the scene with the line “to be angry is to be human,” but that’s a subject that needs its own whole ass post. I’ll link it later if I ever write it.
Example #2, the Jedi massacre. There are so many posts on the subject already that I'm not going to spend time detailing every single instance in which Palpatine isolates Anakin or manipulates Anakin into isolating himself. But a brief overview: sowing distrust in the Jedi Council, creating a narrative of deceit around the Jedi Order, orchestrating events to get Obi-Wan dead/offworld, and associating the dark side of the Force with Padme’s presence (via suggestions that only a Sith Lord can save her). With that, Anakin's entire support system is crippled. Unlike in AOTC, he is surrounded by loved ones, yes, but they can’t help him. By Palpatine's design, Anakin eventually bars each of them from entry.
Meanwhile, Palpatine is putting his trauma under extreme pressure and manipulating the shit out of him. Starting on the Invisible Hand itself, when Palpatine encourages Anakin to kill Dooku.* The movie explicitly connects this scene to the sand people massacre, which immediately establishes an awakening of old trauma. Wounds reopen, and Palpatine presses on them and he presses on them and he presses on them. Padme’s looming death becomes the symbol of his past trauma (of what he failed to protect and what he did as a result). And through Palpatine’s misinformation campaign, the Jedi become the perpetrators of this trauma, rather than the support system.
*For reasons beyond the scope of this post, I do not consider Count Dooku's murder to be an example of Anakin crossing an unforgivable line. I consider it to be an example of Anakin making a bad call. Even so, one could easily argue that his support system was absent and that his pressure points were being targeted in this scene, too. But I find that argument uninteresting because it doesn't apply imo.
Still, Anakin resists. Still, he tries again and again to retain his ideals. He seeks advice from Yoda. He listens to Obi-Wan's feedback and apologizes. He opens up to Padme. He initially rejects Sith Lord Palpatine. He tries to do the right thing by telling Mace Windu and letting the Council handle things. Because that's who he is--that's his true nature. Anakin is alone in the Council chambers (no support system) when Palpatine taunts him with Padme's inevitable death (trauma). And still, he resists. He races to Palpatine's office, but does he immediately kill, dismember, or otherwise attack Mace Windu? No. Even as Palpatine continues to press on his trauma (“I have the power to save the one you love!”), Anakin tries to reason with Mace. However much he is rationalizing the truth to his benefit, he is still trying to get out of this trap. He even admits the core of it in the end: “I need him!” Even then, even when Mace rightly goes for the killing blow, Anakin is still resisting! He attacks, he dismembers, but he doesn't kill. He makes an impulsive, ill-thought-out, almost reflexive decision (supported by the horror in the line “What have I done?!”). It’s as if Palpatine has shoved him right up against that unforgivable line, and Anakin is using his last inch of space to not teeter over it. 
Then Palpatine kills Mace Windu. In his mind, Anakin has nothing left after that. In his mind, he is responsible for getting Mace killed (trauma), and he doesn’t see how the Jedi can possibly forgive him (no support system). In his mind, his wife is dying (trauma), and he is alone in the presence of his abuser (no support system).
He snaps.
Unlike in AOTC, this does not happen by accident. These events were deliberately and continuously manufactured by a Sith Lord with an agenda. Palpatine directs Anakin’s explosion onto the Jedi Order, where Anakin compounds upon his trauma with more murder and more death. He becomes isolated to Palpatine's manipulations by killing (or enraging) his entire support system.
Afterward, Palpatine has all of the fuel he needs to make Anakin snap and snap and snap, over and over, for a very long time.
Who is to blame is such a boring, irrelevant question when we have such a fascinating character. The prequel trilogy gives us a complicated villain who is simultaneously the executor of such horrific violence and also the boy who wanted to free all the slaves. A villain who kills a part of himself every time he kills another. A villain who is so horrifically victimized even whilst he commits his terrible crimes. And because it's fiction (aka the victims of his actions are narrative elements, not people), I'm allowed to feel unashamedly devastated for him. I’m allowed to see the truth: that Darth Vader is only the suit he wears. The mask concealing the good person underneath. The Jedi Order was Anakin’s family, too, and you should feel sorry that he lost them. You should feel sorry for the way he is abused in ROTS. Darth Vader doesn’t represent who Anakin is or what he believes, and blame is irrelevant to this truth.
Because support systems matter. They matter to people who have gone through trauma. Yes, sometimes they are even the ONLY difference between the choice to do good and the choice to do bad. Sometimes, all that is necessary to prevent a heinous crime is to help them before they snap. I think people are uncomfortable with Anakin because that kind of helplessness is a really hard thing to admit. It's not fun to realize that you could have made similar choices if you had been in the wrong place, at the wrong time, with the wrong person. Research has shown people greatly prefer to attribute their accomplishments to their own actions and choices in life. It makes sense. The realization that external factors may have played a role in everything we take pride in is scary--but this fear leads us to the bias that we could never become Darth Vader. Even if we were raised as a slave, even if our loved ones were taken from us, even if our sense of reality was being manipulated and distorted--somehow we would not be broken. We would remain Anakin Skywalker.
It's a comforting fantasy for people who have done nothing wrong.
As someone who is human, someone who has made mistakes and bad calls and who regrets the times I might have crossed lines, I find a lot more comfort in the message George Lucas provides. The prequel trilogy is a story about the harm someone (anyone) can do if they're not careful. Anakin becomes Darth Vader not because he’s innately evil but rather because he’s under extreme pressure and no one is able to help him. In contrast, the original trilogy offers compassion and an opportunity for self-forgiveness. Darth Vader chooses to become Anakin simply because one person looked at what he'd done and said, "Stop. This isn't you." In the face of how helpless and dangerous every one of us can be, I find Anakin’s story to be really meaningful, and I wish more of us appreciated it.
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beefrobeefcal · 2 months
Beefro proudly presents:
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a Joel Miller & his Darlin' drabble: Just Wanted To Hear Your Voice Summary: You go for a night out and your minds wanders back to the man you share a home with. (Post Outbreak)
Pairing: Joel Miller x F!Reader | Rating: 18+ (MDNI) | Word Count: 1,245
Content Warning: allusions to smut, swearing, Joel & Darlin' being cuddle bugs
Author's Notes: this whole thing is courtesy of @iamasaddie & their prompt challenge. Thank you to @noxturnalpascal for being so sensible in their support and betaing this for me.
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The need to socialize was something you’d not anticipated to ever feel again. After everything ended, normalcy became fight or flight and socializing for fun was a thing of the past. That is, until you and Joel had settled in Jackson. Being that you now no longer had to wonder where your next meal was coming from or had to keep looking over your shoulder for another threat, things that hadn’t held weight in years were starting to make their way back into your life.
“I’m goin’ out tonight.”, you said nonchalantly as you buttoned up your flannel shirt.
Looking up at your reflection, you caught Joel giving you a small smirk as he hoisted himself up from the bed.
He came up behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist, pulling you flush with his big middle.
“Goin’ out? With who?”, he said in a hushed tone, pressing kisses to your neck.
“Maria, Dajana, Lisbeth… the usual suspects.”
 “Ah, ‘s a girls night out.”
“Yeah. ‘S why you’re not invited.”
Joel chuckled and playfully gave your ass a spank.
When you’d gotten home from working in the kitchen, you’d quickly cleaned up and changed, nervously anticipating something that you’d long since given up on ever doing again. You ran down the stairs just as Joel walked in the door and saw you in a dress.
He let out a long, low whistle. “You sure you’re goin’ out, Darlin’?”
You smiled at him, did a spin to show off your outfit, and Joel licked his lips. He nodded his head at you, and crooned, “Get over here. Need a closer look.”
The clock on the wall read that you were already in danger of being late, so you shook your finger at him with a smile as you tried to pass him to get to the door. Despite his added weight, he was still quick enough to catch you.
“You behave tonight. And have fun.”, he said against your mouth between kisses.
“Can’t do both at the same time, Joel.”, you teased. Giving him one last kiss, you squirmed out of his grip and scampered out the door.
You’d lost count of how many rounds your table had ordered at the Tipsy Bison, and you were thoroughly enjoying yourself. Feeling the alcohol dampen your senses in a euphoric way, you found yourself lost in thought over how the luxury of letting loose was now something you had.
The conversation at the table moved easily through different topics, starting tame with things like the weather and town events and then slipped into gossip, giggled between sips of beer and bouts of laughter. The subject of sex came up and you sat back with a wide grin as the women went back and forth over just about anything and everything that could potentially fall under the umbrella of sex. One had a complaint about their partner that they expressed in a hilarious anecdote, another regaled the table with a story about almost getting caught by her in-laws giving a blow job. Tears were in your eyes from laugher, and when it was your turn to speak, you paused, keenly aware that Joel’s sister-in-law was sitting at the table. Instead of sharing how Joel pulled you apart with almost surgical precision before he fucked you into oblivion, you settled for one of your favourite things about him.
“I love his voice. The way he talks.”, you smile, looking at your half full glass of beer with a small smile.
“Joel is not what I would a talkative man. You sure we’re talking about the same guy?”, Lisbeth teased.
“The man knows exactly what to say.”, you chuckled, feeling your cheeks heat up. Realizing that everyone at the table assumed you were referring exclusively to Joel’s dirty talk, you saved yourself the embarrassment of getting sentimental and stated, “He saves his daily word count for nocturnal activities.”
The knowing looks and nods around the table followed by agreement and similar sentiments allowed your mind to wander to Joel. Sure, his bedroom talk was just something else, but his voice -  now that was what you loved. The non-verbal sounds he made: the grunts, the huffs, the chuckles, the sighs, the moans, the breaths, the whines, the whimpers, the growls, the hums…
You’d learned that Joel was more than the words he said long before you realized you loved him. Just the slight pitch change in a groan was enough to tell you it was safe to push or to retreat. Being allowed to get close enough to learn this about him was not just a point of pride, it was something you cherished.  In turn, Joel could read you well enough to know if he could move forward or let you take the lead.
You were shaken from your thoughts by Dajana nudging you with a laugh.
“Daydreaming about that dick, huh?”
You laughed and agreed, not yet ready to delve into the depths of how bad you had it for Joel. “Speakin’ of – I’m gonna head out.”
The women all half-heartedly tried to get you to stay as they one by one all decided to head home. You bid them good night and paid your tab on the way out the door.
“You’re home early, baby. Everything okay?”, Joel asked softly with brows furrowed as you walked in. He was sitting in the armchair in front of fire with a small knife and a little wooden giraffe he was carving in his hands.
You said nothing, keeping eye contact as you took off your jacket and walked towards him. He watched you, seeing the telltale haze of beer in your eyes and held his hand out for you. You took it and crawled onto his lap, wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling his head against your chest. He wrapped his arms around your middle and held you close, letting out a content hum and your heart swelled. The rhythm of his breaths was even and soothing.
You held each other for an indeterminate period of time, each relishing in the other’s comfort and yet existing as one. The pleasant cocoon was paused as Joel moved his head and nudged his nose against your chin, silently asking for you to look at him.
When you did, he gave a soft smile that traveled to his eyes and his brought his hand to your cheek. “You okay?”
“Keep talking…”, you hummed in response.
Joel huffed a laugh and eyed you, “Darlin’… you’re home early an’awfully cuddly.”
You smiled and a soft giggle hovered in your throat as you closed your eyes.
“Come on, baby. Talk to me. Somethin’ happen or one of th – “
“I just wanted to hear your voice.”
Joel pulled back and looked up at you, confusion written on his face. His brows raised and the confusion melted into amusement.
“Darlin’, you’re drunk.”
You let a laugh out, echoing through the house like chimes. “Maybe, but I know I love you.”
As soon as the words left your mouth, you froze. You and Joel had never said it to one another. You felt Joel pull you into him again, coaxing your tense body to relax. The small sound he made in response, the pitch and tone and the timber, the way you felt the sound vibrate from him through to you more than you heard it… it was all you needed to know he loved you, too.
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