#:V: Wendellverse:
hereliesbitches--me · 5 years
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The sacred corn has been caught by the mighty Sphinx and theres no take back
Rememeber that this post is still open for everyone!
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hereliesbitches--me · 5 years
❝ What is so wrong with wanting to take care of you? ❞
     Dreams were, by nature, such fickle things. They exist as a representation of elements in which the mind processes information in the real world, but cannot express in said reality. Thus, it produces an augmented reflection of the processed information  every single night. The average person never seems to really remember their dreams, while others do. However, sometimes remembering dreams are not always a good thing. That was the case for someone like Rosie.As long as she could remember, her dreams had retained their consistent theme since she was a teenager and had become competent enough to remember them. They were dark. Always dark and expansive in a colorless world. There were shapeless dogs, mangy strays that traveled in packs roaming an endless smoky forest just waiting for the moment she descended into sleep.  The bodies of the dead, victims, roamed mindlessly through the haze with the same intention as all beasts in her head. With pointed intentions to hurt her.  Some paved the grounds with their bodies…And above it all, leading the disfigured symbolic creatures, was none other than the cadaver of Rosie herself, noname, wearing her delighted crooked smile on her pallid face. Once upon a time, a little Rosie had lived in terror of sleep for the implications involved in it. She lived restlessly, an insomniac addicted to alcohol and sex in desperate search for a solution to violent dreams.To dream of nothing at all. Every night it played in the same sequence , from beginning to end. Waking on the ground, the world a hazy dreamscape where voices echo incoherently without the body sources to be found. She would always have to run – be it from the hounds, the dead, or noname herself. Run til her every muscle burned, run in the endless world. All she did was run and run, but there was only ever one option in order to actually wake : To die. It was always scary at the start ; To be torn apart by the dogs, buried by the dead, or strangled by her own cadaver. Back then she’d wake in a cold sweat, sit up for hours avoiding falling back to sleep.. and when she did it started again. Over time, she’d lost her fear of it all. And instead it became a game of just how long she could make it. Or just how quickly she could make it end.Time just has a way of dulling the fear of death..
 Tonight was no different.     The timeless scenario opens up against an ominous scene of a hollowed forest. Today, though, she did not choose to run right away, despite knowing well what was coming. Instead, she walked through her dream. The grey world carried the musk of a graveyard, who’s dead were half exposed from the muck. Their broken limbs and faces she vaguely knew from a time long forgotten. Some limbs twitched, some heads moaned incoherently as their hands claw at the earth towards her feet.  just dont think.But the hounds were coming in a thunderous roar of beating feet. It was only then that she started to run. The air turned cold and biting as it whipped against her skin, her breath frosting and the scent in the air worsening with the funk of rotting dead sticking grossly to her tongue with every deep breath she took. how long will you run tonight? just how will you die tonight? and so the Queen Bee arrives. The story will unfold as it does every night. Racing between the hounds and her impostor, Rosie can only stare ahead in her endless dream, well aware of just where the crumbling road leads. Its always the same every night, because her dreams are always in a dark place. The smell, the sights, the sounds– they never change. Not as long as she could remember; It seemed that wasn’t the case for tonight. There was something different.. something wafting through the air, warm and pleasant that cut through the smell of death. That doesn't belong… suddenly her eyes are not focused on the path in front of her, but on the sky above. Black as night without a single star in sight. Rosie suddenly becomes painfully aware of a distant melody echoing in her tightened world. Above her heavy breathing, above the snarls of wolves and the shriek of her impostor, the tune of an old song rises and seems to dance with the scent of.. breakfast? Eggs, toast? Where was it coming from? The world once again has begun to lose consistency… the fear she should feel from their moans and howls fade off into the dark spaces. Her eyes widened, her head snapping back to catch a glance over her shoulder as the reaching hands are but a blur on the horizon. Just follow the sound. Follow it home would tonight actually be different? Would she live the length of the dream and wake without the company of bitter death? For a pregnant moment, a sense of relief had washed over her senses enough that Rosie dared to smile.
Her foot came down hard, only to find no ground to catch her on. The smile faltered and vanished as quickly as it came as the wind whizzed by her, her head whips forward to find it was too late to turn back as she stared down into the abyss below her. Rosie helplessly flapped her arms and clawed at the air, her weight thrown forward by the momentum. With a final terrified look back at the approaching figures once in chase slowing down to the edge she leapt from. In her cadaver lingered a shadowy figure she could only make out for a second, her mouth opening to let out an inaudible shriek 
She fell into the black.
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Rosie jolted in bed, wide eyed and shaking with her claws digging into the poor pillow that bled feathers beneath her head.She awoke not to the colorless world, but nonetheless a dark and cold bedroom. Here the air didn’t smell of the rotting dead, nor was she plagued by the corpses sticking out of the ground. Rosie moved slow and hesitant, still quietly disoriented as she took a cautious look around her. The curtains still pulled over the windows left her in the perfect cave to sleep, only an ounce of light filtering in around the edges of the window curtains provide her with enough light to faintly make out to content of her bedroom. Her breathing remained irregular for a passing moment, her heart racing, until slowly descending with her practiced breaths. home.. she was back at home. Alone in her bed as always. Mindlessly her hand reached out to feel besides her where a body should have been, palming at the cold sheets where the quilt was tossed over on her and all heat had been lost to the chill of the room. She made a face and sat up with an early morning pout. Where was he? It didnt take long for the familiar smell and sound to cut through the air and reach her senses. Music played with a vintage echo to it, resounding through the house from just downstairs – her vinyll records were being played. And the smell… breakfast. Eggs. Rosie sat up fully and yawned, stretching with a catlike countenance before rolling back and searching for the clock. The digital numbers were almost blinding at first, a hand rubbing at her eyes until the numbers clearly displayed  10:00am in a bright red glow. It surprised her as she rolled out of bed and got to her feet quickly ; She slept late, and that was almost unheard of for her. When had she become so tired? Almost always, right…She washed up in the bathroom quickly, splashing away the sleep from her eyes and masking the bags under her eyes with a quick dab of foundation on her finger. She left her hair in its disheveled mass of curls, patting down only the top to get the hairs down, brushed her teeth, and then slowly went down the stairs in nothing but her tanktop and sleeping shorts. 
    There’s still a sense of unbalance in her as Rosie came down the stairs. Her mind still hazy from her dreams, a paranoid sense still lingering in her that perhaps she was stuck in yet another dream. The house was warmer downstairs, the light scent now imposing and prominent as it steamed up the kitchen where it seemed her family had congregated. Midway down the stairs, she hesitated. Though she cannot see them just yet, she hears Mia laughing and singing along to the record of a song far beyond her time. She’s giggling and calling for instructions on what ingredients to bring from the fridge, while in the corner Malakaid sat at the table intently staring at the people inside. The scene was familiar.. to familiar. was she still dreaming? what if she was? A cold feeling sank in the pit of her stomach as dread built in her muscles. Her hold on the railing tightened, her ears flattening back against her skull, as she took a step back. If this was a dream.. she didn’t want to see him. she didn’t want to walk downstairs and see him smiling there like nothing had ever gone wrong. Like life was normal and good, like he never died.Rosie was paralyzed in that spot, her mind stagnant by her own fears welling up tightly in her chest.. but the voice that spoke from the kitchen, the young man’s deep and sweet voice, was not Rocky’s. The tension uncoiled slowly inside of her body, a low exhale of relief slipping past her lips as her shoulders dipped. down and loosened. you’re thinking too much. Just go down already.  That was what she did.The mother approached discreetly from the corner of the room without being noticed, walking behind the wall before subtly poking her head out to peer into the room with a curious smile on her face.
There, in the center of a messy kitchen, were the joys in her life all mingling together. Mia was practically hanging onto Wendell’s leg  and laughing to Elvis Presley’s suspicious minds as she sang out her proclaimed love to the chorus of the song, while poor Wendell seemed to be struggling to hull around the little girl clinging to his leg and flip the omelet in the skillet he held in hand at the same time. Malakaid sat at the table, watching them with wide interested eyes as he ate his mountain of scrambled eggs with a fork, bobbing his head to the tune he knew well but could not form the words to sing. Though his face was neutral, the spark of amusement in his orange irises told her all that his expression and body could not. Even Orpheus bobbed on his perch in the living room, his inky feathers ruffled and his crested feathers standing tall at attention to it all. It was Orpheus to spot Rosie first, as her familiar, however he knew better than to give away her position with a cry for attention.And then there was Wendell.. Glowing in the morning light streaming through the kitchen window, smiling with a brilliance unique only to a cosmic.. Clumsy and goofy, and yet so smooth in his motion as he managed her energetic daughter holding on to him, and serving yet another plate of eggs, bacon, and toast without even a fumble. It had been a long.. since anyone else made breakfast. Since someone actually woke up before her, since he was gone.. Rosie folded her arms over her chest and stepped out further into the light with a warm smile to greet them.. praying it would mask the sorrow ache that built in her eyes as she cleared her throat. It was a domino effect of head turning to meet her, from Mal to Mia, to Wendell all in unison. Mia gave a delightful squeal before detaching herself from Wendell to tackle her Mother’s legs with Joy.“ Mama Mama! You’re awake finally! Wendell made us breakfast! ”“ I see that. Good morning to you, my sweetheart.” Rosie chuckled and returned her daughter’s affection with a hug. She ruffled her fingers through the mass of platinum curls on her daughter’s head and leaned down to plant a kiss onto her forehead, then glanced up at the smiling Wendell. It sends a pulse through her then.. her heart skipping a beat, thump thump thumping in her chest. That look made her weak… 
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“ And good morning to you too, Sunshine. You woke up before me.” 
Wendell’s smile broadened. enough that the dimples of his cheeks showed their charm. With a plate in hand, he walked it to the table to set it down, and gave Rosie a shrug of his shoulders. “ You looked like you were comfortable, I didn’t wanna wake you up. Had to get down here before Mia did.” Wendell pulled the chair out for Mia, to which whom Rosie gently ushered off to the table as she made her way over. She forgot what it was like.. to have someone do this. She was so accustomed to doing it on her own now, she seemed rather sheepish to have slacked off. “ You know, breakfast is normally a mom sort of job. You’re the one visiting, you should be the one relaxing.” Rosie kissed Mal on his cheek and ruffled his hair next. She shook her head at Wendell, but the man watched her with those piercing eyes of his. He seemed to study her as often as she did him, and she felt the heat rise to her cheeks. Wendell flashed a perfectly shining smile and held open an arm for her to fold into,        ❝ What is so wrong with wanting to take care of you? ❞Another weak pulse shoots through her muscles, a gesture so simple and yet it weighed heavy in context in her mind. Rosie faulters like a machine, blinking and staring at Wendell holding his arm out to her, sound suddenly fading as the image before her flashes in her mind’s eye. She sees the man who isn’t there, and hasn’t been there for a year. She sees him smiling, without blood staining his teeth, or the bloodless tone of his skin. He’s there smiling and holding his arm out expectantly for a troublesome cat to come crawling into his hold as she always did. In search for comfort and security she never found in herself. And yet in that very spot, there is Wendell in his place. Radiating the same kindness, the same love as the man who was no longer there.. a blurred image fusing, making her mind throb painfully as it fights to bring her back to realtity. Her silence drew on too long, Wendell’s face shifting to one of slight concern as Mia patted her mother’s side curiously. “ Mama? Hello? You okay? ” 
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“ I…”  she hesitates. Another jostle from a ghost, she blinks, her legs suddenly moving until she crashed herself into his side. Rosie buried her face into his chest then, bowing her face away from sight, quick to wrap her arms around his lanky torso and cling onto him with subtle desperation like a child seeking comfort. Her breath trembles, a shiver in her spine.. she apologizes quietly against him, “Im.. Im fine, sorry. I guess im just.. not used to it.   its been a while..”There was very little explanation needed beyond that between the two of them. Wendell said nothing to it, letting the music of the vintage melodies fill the air as oil crackled on the stove top and silverware scraped against ceramic plates as the kids continued eating. It lingered between them for a passing minute.. Rosie nestled against him, seemingly fixated in thoughts, but then she looked up and smiled again– that eye crinkling smile of hers, fangs poking out from her lips as her hold on his chest tightened,“ I appreciate your help, Wen… did you make yourself a plate yet? ” Wendell looked down at her, his small smile returning, and shook his head,“ I was just about to get to yours..”“ Don’t. You sit down.” Rosie tiptoed and hopped up to plant a sweet kiss against his jaw, then unfolded herself from his hold and twisted him back against the table. Even a good foot shorter, the little woman knew well how to get her way as she suddenly grinned. Wendell quirked a brow as she stepped away to head to the stove, reaching out to take her grab her hand to stop her. He pouted, “ No no, i’m suppose to be taking care of you.” Rosie chuckled and gently pulled her hand away, then reached up to boop against his nose.
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“ You’ve done enough by feeding my kids. Now let me take my job back, and you can take care of me later, alright? ”A wink hints with subtly a secret only adults would know, in which words fly right over the head of the children enjoying their breakfast and already imagining what the day holds with their super dad in town. Rosie puckers her lips and blows him a kiss , then turned back to get back into the motions of morning breakfast. She couldn’t help the way he made her smile.. the warmth that fills her chest, knowing  his eyes watched her from behind, and worried for her. Pulling out the plates and setting them out on the countertop for later, Rosie resumed where Wendell left off in the messy kitchen. For now she let her mind wander on pleasant things.. letting the thoughts of nightmares and the dead become hollow and distant under the plans for this day. She hummed along to the next track playing aloud on the record player , her tail twitching with enthusiasm as she listened to the chatter at the table between the 3 of them.
Things looked to be getting better for her.. perhaps life wasn’t always so cruel. Perhaps she could make it another day, if only Wendell could keep her company in this life.
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hereliesbitches--me · 5 years
@quantahope liked for  a starter!
She checked the file again.   Once, twice. Three times to be sure.
To be certain of every detail. She wouldn’t make the same mistake again.  Mistakes cause accidents. Accidents caused lives. And she couldn’t afford to lose another.        It occurred to Rosie that she hadn’t checked twice the last time.              Perhaps if she had been more attentive, Rocky would still be alive.
She made a face at the thought. her lips pulling into a bitter frown as she stared at the compiled papers in her hands.    ‘ Ya makin’ dat face again, cat.’ Rosie didn’t have to look up to recognize the voice -- the accent -- nor did she want to; It wasn't real.                     He wasnt real.     ‘ Ya face gon’ get stuck like dat. don’ worry so much.’ His accent was a sound she took comfort in, once upon a time. It was home... blissful assurance of his presence. No more. Now it sends a cold chill down her spine, coiling dread in her gut like a heavy weight in her body. Instead, she focused her eyes on the papers in hand, narrowing upon the fine print til she drowned out all else. Anything that curved the urge to look at the murky cadaver that smiled next to her. Rosie occupied herself by tracing the printed words on the page, memorizing maps and directions until it became engraved into her brain. Her hands felt clammy, her cheeks growing hot despite the cool air that circulated about the jet cabin. It was only she and the Angels. They were real.         Her love had died months ago. And there was no changing that. Her grip tightened and crinkled the papers in her hold.   “Hey, Rosie, you okay?”     Amy brought her out of her thoughts with a gentle hand on her shoulder. By instinct, Rosie had flinched when she realized the physical sensation resting on her body, but her attention was drawn out nonetheless.  “I’m fine, just thinking.” Rosie answered curtly, with noted defense. She nudged off the hand briskly and took a short, haggard breath.   Things hadn’t been the same since their last mission. She hadn’t come back the same. Months of grieving and guilt, drowning her sorrows in a bottle had put her out of commission. Rosie hardly had enough energy to maintain herself, after everything was poured into holding herself together just enough for her kids. Her anxiety in returning to the project was no secret to her team.       But it was time to grow up,    she told herself bitterly, and willed herself back onto shaky feet.          This isn’t what he would have wanted.    “ Relax a bit. We have a few hours before we land, then you can go robotic leader overdrive. ”   The spy gave Rosie a knowing, sympathetic look, much to Rosie’s own annoyance. But Rosie knew she meant well. Amy gave a pat to her leg and smiled with a warmth in hopes of perhaps soothing their leader, “ Maybe take a nap. You look like you need the beauty sleep.”  To that, Rosie said nothing. She simply looked around the cabin at all her sleeping teammates.  The cadaver was gone. Perhaps she should get some sleep.. Even if she knew the awful things that awaited in her dreams.  She needed the energy.
     By the time they had landed, it was still early in the afternoon. Ironically, compared to the time they left, they were now an hour behind the time it would have been in New York City. Wisconsin was different from the concrete jungle they called home. It was Jacob, Amy, Fei, Lyak, Zoey, and Kasimir that Rosie had picked for this trip. Each bringing their own particular skill sets to the game which Rosie felt would best fit their investigation. Though, Rosie has a hard time imagining why they were needed when the city they were headed to seemed so small. She rather bring her heavy hitters, than be sorry for it later.       This was farming country. Small, close knit towns where everyone knew everyone. The worst things that happened here were drunks, cow tipping, and gun blazing idiots. Maybe aliens. But to need the Angels to come investigate? It was either Ed or the government that saw something to gain. Rosie minded herself to not be so careless about the situation. To underestimate could lead to dire consequences , and she was not ready to pay so heavily again.  They needed to get to their safehouse soon. To unpack and get planning. Rosie looked into her file one last time before the group gathered into the military truck, and then they were off.
   The drive was hardly maybe half an hour. The usual pairs talked, the usual few sat in silence, all while Rosie was left to her thoughts.  When they arrived, they poured out in a uniform line onto the watered green lawn they would call their own for the next few weeks until they solved the case. Rosie stood aside with her dufflebag as she watched the group take their belongings and quickly shuffle into the safe house. It was a nice, sizely two story home, surrounded by lots of crop fields.The nearest neighbors were a few miles away, which promised working in peace.  Their driver left them once all the gear was unloaded. He gave a stoic nod and a tip of his hat to Rosie, to which she nodded back, and then he drove away to leave her once again. For a few minutes she watched the dust cloud form behind the heavy vehicle, til it disappeared into a black speck over a hill. Once gone, she went back into the details of her file report expectantly, then raised her head to scan around her. In search of something that was suppose to be there, but was not. She frowned in a way that scrunched her face, then checked the digital watch on her wrist.     He’s late. Not good. 
    Punctuality was a peeve of hers.  He should have already been here. In her aggravation, Rosie looked to the paper again to see if perhaps her deprived mind had made a mistake,  despite herself. She checked the name, the meet time, and found things were as she planned. Things were not going according to plan.  Again, there came that nagging feeling that ached in her bones. Tilting her head back, she glared angrily into the sky with an angry groan. Setting her stuff down fully and pacing about the grass, she was just about to make a call when something caught her attention.  There came the crunching of gravel in the distance. 
It was an old pickup truck, whose driver she could not make out in the kicked up dust that came from the dirt road they drove on.     That must be him... The ache in her muscles quickly subsided as her body relaxed. Her face smoothed out with sweet relief.     Back on schedule.
Rosie made her way over at a leisure pace, waving her hand through the dust cloud and snorting to keep it out of her nose. She walked around the hood and made some attempt to make out the figure inside the car as she did, waving politely through the haze just as the engine cut off. The door opened, and out emerged a tall man. 
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“ I was just about to complain that you were late.   You came just in the nick of time. I’m impressed. ”   Rosie opened the conversation playfully as she came around her meet him, her voice smooth and adjusted for civility and diplomacy. She made her space right up against the car door as the haze of smoke finally passed and drifted with the breeze, at last fully able to get a look at him, she offered her hand. 
   “ Are you our guide, Wendell?          My name is Rosie. ”
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hereliesbitches--me · 5 years
Shipping meme ( Still accepting !! )
9. Who are some characters you ship your muse with?
At the moment, I only have a handful of ships with Rosie. Given shes difficult as hell to deal with, shipping is not always easily (1. because of the nature of her doesnt make her easy to love and 2. Because I'm a babu and dont like to feel like I'm jumping the gun on people to love her askgifn)
She varies by fandom, but I have about 4 at the moment
- The main ones are with Guts (@cecidesent) is one of the first ships she had when I got here to tumblr. Berserk fandom has died out but it still is my first love before the fandom like tore itself apart. Although my Guts isn't around publicly, the verse where they shared their immortal lives together and Rosie spends her lifetime lamenting him in the modern day is the :V: The Fall: verse.
- My most common one you probably see on my blog is my Marvel verse, where Rosie is married to Eddie Brock(aka. Venom) (@osteum) and they have a family of 6 kids( 4 birthed, 2 adopted) all together. It has a lot of development behind the scenes but it's kind of my go-to if I'm not using my main verse because I love my symbiote kids and it honestly leaves a lot of room for exploring because of the up and down of their parents relationship, but also because of the anti-symbiot policies in the Marvel universe and how people see them. Rosie is still a leader of the angel squad and real deal always ready to throw down because of the bad reputation symbiots have the the people that shit talk about her Eddie and Venom. Its wild. This verse is found in the :V: Fate can be kind: tag.
- My other Marvel verse is with Wendell Vaughn (@quantahope) where Rosie and Wendell are still in a developing(long distance) relationship. Its honestly really sweet with the two of them sharing that burden as protectors, and it's full of jokes and their two strange families coming together. Mia and Malakaid love Wendell and Epoch, and Mia is an especially bad influence now that she has the power to convince her naive siblings to cause trouble with her. It may be new but it's still so fun. Found in the :V: Wendellverse: tag
And lastly is a plot driven ship with Lauren(@sunflcwcrr) which started out as sweet but Rosie is a crazyass bitch and the ship has lowkey turned toxic mainly of Rosie's part( Aka. She keeps wanting to impulsively hurt and kill this girl every time they're even slightly intimate) , but 2 single moms coming together after heartache and using each other for comfort for what is no more is a true angst trip.
Those are my only ships at the moment, while Rosie may playfully flirt and have relations with people (aka @maxskulline and @skulldxddy) that may seem border shippy, true ship with her is fairly difficult. Its honestly at a point where like.. Rosie really doesn't want to always be the first one to be chasing the other, she isnt too crazy about one sided pinning because noe shes an older lady, so for now those may be the only ships I got going on now ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
In her own canon, ships that occur are mainly with:
- Kasimir( now an ex-husband)
- Rocky( verse dependent, but deceased in main canon.),
- Jacob (( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) No one gets details on this one )
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