empyrealarc · 3 years
Ø !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Send me a Ø and my muse will impersonate yours || @quantahope
Oh, gosh, absolutely bestie Wendell!
Despite the fact that he's literally her best friend in the universe, she rarely spends time in his skin. The change is quick, a hand rises to play with the luxurious mane for a few moments before turning to flex at the original article.
"Hey! Quasar here, y'know, the universe's favorite happy boy?" At least, that's how she saw him. "You might not remember me... tons of people don't. I uh- I'm not very popular for some reason, but that doesn't mean I'm not happy to help! I'm here to help, I'm always here to help!"
A bright smile, a thumbs up! A glint from the bands, pure light radiating from the smile, the eyes, the bling! He was just a font of light and love, how could anyone think different?
"Unless you catch me on a bad day..." A shadow falls over the impersonation, a sickly glow overtakes the bishounen sparkles, a corruption spreads. "Be good. Or else."
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trickshxt · 5 years
starter for @quantahope​!
It’s not that he sets out to greet his friend upside down. But it seems that the cosmos do indeed have a sense of humor, as evident in the fact that the moment he inverts is the moment a soft laugh and sheepish quirk of a smile appear in his sight. 
He huffs, cheeks coloring. “You have the worst timing.” Or perhaps the best, as a tug of a foot reveals the safety net has perhaps worked a bit too well in assuring new regulation space suits don’t launch their well meaning pilots beyond the atmosphere. “Fine. You can laugh, but if you do you gotta help me get outta here...” Is that a plea in his voice? Most decidedly not...
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the27percent · 5 years
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   Atieno is usually one for random questions, they like sharing some of their weirder experiences when someone bothers to ask. But when Wendell asks about them sneezing, of all possible things, they can’t help but give him something of a withering look.
“I’m almost amused by how absurd that question is. But - don’t never mind me, you asked the question, you’re going to get an answer. Basically, no. I have not and have never had the need to sneeze. That’s what happens when even in an anthropomorphic form - you don’t really experience human vulnerabilities as such.“
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etrnty-a · 5 years
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                       ❛  ------   &   THEN  DEATH’s   face  turned  as  smug  as  can  be   as   she  revealed  her  hand ,   a  winning  hand  of  course  ...  which  is  why  i  am  here  making  an  absolute  fool  of  myself handing out fliers to unappreciative mortal kind dressed as a dessert.  ❜       ( @quantahope  .  one liner sc. )
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rosiedoesthearts · 5 years
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Cosmic family with Moon Mom, Space dad, and Space daughter.
The quality family of contrast that every poet dreams of @quantahope
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soldiersurvivor · 5 years
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“Oh dear. This is a mess isn’t it?”
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lxstzenwhoberi · 5 years
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“I think I’ve seen enough sparkles today to last my entire unnatural lifespan.” She’d be washing glitter out of her everything for weeks. Stupid princess dimension didn't even have the courtesy to stay self contained.
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cosmicbrand · 5 years
headcanons // @quantahope
💧: Are there any places they avoid? If so, why?
kevin knows he can’t really avoid it always and forever but he tends to steer away from pennsylvania, more specifically, the past location of allegheny tech. he’ll always feel guilty about all the futures he took the day he got his powers. but he’s glad to see AT’s efforts to rebuild in the news. 
🌙: Where is the most unusual place they’ve fallen asleep at? 
on a smaller scale, kevin’s taken a liking to flying and likes high places. so during his time at ESU he was found passed out on top of the wardrobe in his dorm. 
on a bigger scale, during some of his and adam’s training efforts he, well, he fell asleep. just in space. he’d say it was chill. 
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hereliesbitches--me · 5 years
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The sacred corn has been caught by the mighty Sphinx and theres no take back
Rememeber that this post is still open for everyone!
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empyrealarc · 5 years
❣ !
Send in a ❣ for a random kiss. || #3 - Cheek Kiss!
      “Q-So, why do we always go on like this?”
Draped across his legs, floating through the infinite nothingness of space, with her phone in one hand, and a smoking hole being covered by the other. It was always the cosmic types. ALWAYS the ones going hard against the fundamental rules of creation that were subject to all manner of destruction, deviation and depression.
  If it wasn’t her being misused or misdirected, it was one of her friends, one of her allies, or- There’s a weight shifting behind her, bidding her to look up at the still form of The Quasar. There’s no light in his eyes, not in the cosmic sense. A heart still beats within him, an energy pulse emanates from him- or maybe from the bands he still bore, but his soul is missing. His light was gone, and it was her fault.
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  You find out that your best friend in the entire universe is suffering from some sort of ‘Perma-Life / Perma-Death cancerous parasite deconstruction’ and of course you’re gonna do your best to try and help him! Ana was a monster, but she wasn’t heartless. Quasar was actually a very large part of her heart, that’s why it bled for him like this.
  She turns over, a light wince of pain escaping, as she tries to crawl up his prone form to his face. She’d fucked him up. Tried to pull the horrors from his being and- missed, or… something, but what she was left with was not Quasar. Not even the shadow of Quasar she’d wanted to cure.
      “It’s as if someone, somewhere, sees all we do and go through, and is dedicated to ensuring our lives are miserable.” She presses a kiss to his cheek, feeding the portions of her soul dedicated to healing and creation into his being. It’s her ace in the hole, giving 50% of her eternal existence into altering the reality of a single aspect of the universe. Useful for destroying Eternals that got too uppity, or for… y’know, restoring one of reality’s greatest champions to his fighting prime.
      “If you wake up and your hairs dyed green, know that I did that. And I’m giggling about it in non-existence.”
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  Hand carded through his hair, an odd moment of focused affection as her avatar began to fade. Being a Goddess was fun! Seeing her people, guiding them to a better future was really cool… Giving her life, altruistically, for someone far better than her? Kinda cliche, but whatever. No one will bitch her up in the realm beyond this existence for being a cliche. 
  She’d eat them if they did.
@quantahope !!
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trickshxt · 5 years
⭐️ !
headcanon meme / @quantahope​​ / accepting   
🌽 - Wendell is the closest thing to a best friend Barney has ever had. It is Wendell’s company he seeks out when he feels most alone in the galaxy, and it is also Wendell who he actively checks in on every few months. While Barney doesn’t claim to understand even a fraction of the Quantum Bands (he’s still not entirely certain Wendell can survive without them) or Wendell’s duties as Protector of the Universe (it involves lots of talking), Wendell is a reminder that being human in a galaxy of powers beyond imagination still has merit. Though the two don’t necessarily have big, grand adventures, there are very few people Barney would rather take a long drive or flight with - sharing granola bars and talking the everyday things - than Wendell.
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the27percent · 5 years
“Why haven’t you told anyone?”
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  “You say that like people are going to listen.“ And while Atieno probably could surface a person or two to tell about their melancholic feelings, it was hard to describe. “Besides a feeling like this feels so normal that it’s almost not worth the trouble of telling. I know I probably should. But finding those I can actually hope to care about me on a consistent basis are far and few in between. That I know despite what people may say. “
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etrnty-a · 6 years
@quantahope replied to your post: hm i should probably do some drafts
cancerverse eternity would be HORRIFYING :0
you’re absolutely right about that. earth-10011 is a universe where, to put it simply; eternity won, the constant struggle between life & death is no more, the balance long since dead with no hope of being restored. yet there is no joy in this victory. life has become mutated, grotesque, the old, ill & injured never dying. new life constantly being born to the point where the entire universe is fracturing because there is just too much. everything lives in constant agony & suffering. 
this all reflects in eternity. to say they look horrifying is an understatement. life has become so twisted & perverted that they hardly look like the eternity we’re all familiar with. they are insane, & quite possibly under the influence/controlled by the-many-angled-ones. when death was (briefly(?)) brought back & annihilated a great portion of the universe (or was it just the planet?? i need to reread the whole event), eternity was thankful. 
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35min · 6 years
character solidifying! 41, 47, 48
                                            ( character solidifying | accepting )
Is your character aware of who they are? Strengths? Weaknesses? Idiosyncrasies? Capable of self-irony?
             i think being capable of self-awareness and being truly self-aware are entirely different things, and adrian falls smack-dab in the middle. it isn’t that he’s not self-aware — in fact, he’s focused a lot of time and energy on mindfulness and meditation in order to become the most realized version of himself — but he’s also utterly delusional. to put it simply: he knows who he is, but the expressed forms of that can get…messy. his delusions come in the form of self-righteousness in justification for actions that on paper are morally corrupt, and they just get worse and worse.             it’s a frightfully dangerous combination, really. adrian’s self-awareness, especially of his weak points and with his ability to be self-ironic, make it difficult to land an insult that actually affects him; he usually just brushes it off. his pride in objective thinking makes it difficult to manipulate him emotionally. adrian gives off the illusion of being perfectly at peace with himself, but faced against his own complexes and ideals, that sense of logic crumbles, and he blinds himself willingly with the light. and in all that, the only thing he’s self-aware of is that he’s self-ruinous.              post-squid adrian gets closer to that realization, but he’s teetering dangerously close to the edge of a quiet breakdown because of it. he can’t get out of his own head anymore, which is the logical conclusion to this            tl;dr: he is, but there are blind spots that are kept to prevent him from falling into complete dismay over what he’s becoming, because he’d have an existential crisis if he realized. adrian’s self-awareness is at max capacity but he still has the audacity to not look in the mirror and go ‘are we the baddies’ 
Do they want to project an image of a younger, older, more important person? Does they want to be visible or invisible?
             i will put it simply: adrian wants to be seen, beyond all else, as what can be aspired to. a quintessential peak of humanity that can be reached by anyone if they just try hard enough. he has a corner of the self-improvement market entirely because of this. he’d rather be an example than a godlike figure ( but there’s always the pride in getting there first )             i suppose to any other universe he projects that of someone much more important than he is, but in his own world, he actually downplays this quite a bit: adrian’s an extremely influential figure whose work in the tech industries ( either with help or merely planned & funded by him ) radically changed the world he lives in, more than any of the rest of his efforts save for his work uncovering government conspiracy in the late 60′s and early 70′s.              what’s necessary for adrian to project is the aura of amiability, and a lot of his charisma is put into this. he puts outward effort into seeming a little warmer and good-natured when it will suit his needs, which covers up that he’s really quite melancholic when alone.
How are your character’s gestures? Vigorous? Weak? Controlled? Compulsive? Energetic? Sluggish?
            oh, ‘controlled’ isn’t the half of it. if you observe him enough, you’ll notice that adrian tends to keep his elbows close to the body, and all of his speaking-gestures are very close-kept and fluid. if they aren’t present, he’s unnaturally still.             if there are any wide or grand gesticulations, it’s almost certainly out of emotion or for the drama of it all. 
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jennyquantums · 6 years
@quantahope [cont. from here]
The stranger was suggesting she leave a mysterious noise uninvestigated? Yeah, that wasn’t how she rolled. If it was a random cosmic creature, that was one thing. If it could cross worlds, like some unfortunate beings she’d ran into... that’d be a problem.
“No can do, Blondie. Not if I wanna find out if it’ll bother others.”
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“So you gonna be the Fred to my Velma or are you more of a Shaggy? Pre-meme, of course.”
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cafeonthecorner · 6 years
 A useless hc for Penny is a bit sappy this time.
 She loves to give people knitted things for reasons. To Penny, when she knits something be it gloves, scarfs, anything really, it’s something she’s putting love and effort into. 
 So when someone she cares for and loves gets something she knitted, Penny fondly likes to think of it as a way of them carrying a piece of her love around. If its a cold day they can wear it and be warmed- or be comforted by it on a bad day.
 It’s incredibly sappy but it means a lot to her to be able to make people things like that.
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