#:leesh unleeshed:
fangedfirecracker · 6 years
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so i’m having a lot of fun over on my other blog rn but i’m definitely missing jubes and gushing about her to friends the last few days is making me miss being here too. so either his weekend or some time next week i’m gonna start slowly being active here again. pretty sure raph is my main right now because the fandom is small and not stressful, but i’m definitely feeling my muse returning.
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thelastxman · 6 years
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this right here? this is a starter call. mutuals only.
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like this for a small starter. mutuals only. capping at 5 (gotta break in the new muse). i’ll be working on my drafts on other blogs first and then get these.
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amepcrdue · 3 years
I'm terrible at knowing how to start these things, so I'm just going to throw it out there, but I'm leaving tumblr RP. It's just gotten to a point where it's become more stressful than enjoyable and my mental health which was already not the greatest over the last few years has really taken a nose dive. I've started taking steps to work on my mental health and leaving tumblr RP is one of those steps I've decided is necessary. It's caused so much anxiety and stress for me that the actual moments of serotonin and happiness it does give me has not been enough to make it worth it anymore. 
I'm not leaving tumblr entirely nor do I want to cut off contact or friendships I've made here, I'll still be on my art tumblr @grafdumbass​ where hopefully I'll have more time and energy to focus on my art (may start posting my music there too, which I'll hopefully have inspiration for again) and I'll be posting my discord below if you want to find me there. You can also find me on my twitch at twitch.tv/wondrabread.
I love you guys very much but it's long over due for me to start looking out for my mental health. I've used tumblr as therapy for far too long and it's been a wonderful 10 years on this site that I wouldn't take back for anything, but I think it's time I hang my hat here. If you still want to do some writing from time to time, I will be on my discord and we can write there. But this is what is best for me right now and I hope you all can understand. I need to work on being a better me.
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soulsandswcrds · 4 years
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blog transferred to new theme, hwang bio added. now both blogs are up to date. yes good.
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fangedfirecracker · 6 years
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this is a starter call. capping at 5. starters will be written tomorrow or monday. you know the drill, mutuals only.
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fangedfirecracker · 6 years
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Another year another blogiversary. Honestly, I cannot believe I’ve had this blog for so long. I’ve been RPing J.ubilee online since 2010 before finally coming over to here and it’s been a helluva ride. I would like to thank everyone who has stuck with me for the ride, whether you were there from the start, came in towards the middle, or are just tuning in. This blog has seen some ups and downs, character and personal growth, and some real-life tragedy since I’ve been here and the friends I’ve made through this blog have been some of the best friends I have ever had. I won’t do a follow forever, nor a resource giveaway this year. I’ve been so busy with working cons and local political work that I haven’t had time to do anything proper, but I just want to say from the bottom of my heart, thank you. I love you guys so much. 
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fangedfirecracker · 6 years
this blog turns 6 in 2 weeks and i’ve no idea what i want to do to celebrate.
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fangedfirecracker · 6 years
a preview from u.ncanny x-m.en has j.ubilee in her fucking 90′s uniform.
guess we’re not even pretending to throw away the last 14 years of her canon to just go back to the status quo.
ok gang, canon is cancelled and we’re playing by my rules now.
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fangedfirecracker · 6 years
ok, today my brain is still tired. i’m sorry for those waiting on starters or replies. i will most certainly have them done by tonight or tomorrow. i am in the path of h.urricane f.lorence (on the outer edge so if it moves further south i may just get heavy rains and if it moves further north, welp) so i may be offline for a few days as power outages are most certainly going to happen. so just a heads up that this may be a temporary unwanted hiatus due to weather. to all my friends and followers in the affected areas, please stay safe this week, okay?
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fangedfirecracker · 6 years
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i throw my hands up in the air sometimes, saying hey y’all, it’s a starter call.
you know the drill, mutuals only, capping at five. im me if you want to plot.
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fangedfirecracker · 6 years
That said, here’s the arc I announced 4 months ago but am really wanting to get rolling. Lmk if you want to plot in this arc. All mainverse threads take place in this arc but may not be impacted by it, but if you want in, lmk. Especially X-M.en or M.arvel muses.
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fangedfirecracker · 6 years
i’m just saying, what if j.ubes could do this?
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fangedfirecracker · 6 years
all caught up. looks like f.lorence is  heading further south now so while my area still may lose power and get pelted with heavy rains, i should be safe. my thoughts are with everyone in the areas that will be hit. please stay safe and get out if you can.
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fangedfirecracker · 6 years
Y'all... I ran the Q and A panel for G.reg C.ipes (b.east b.oy) at this con. I'm still screaming .
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fangedfirecracker · 6 years
hey so just a heads up, i would really REALLY prefer you not use colors in rps with me. my eyesight kinda sucks and some of those are hard to read.
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