#~*leesh unleeshed | ooc*~
amepcrdue · 3 years
I'm terrible at knowing how to start these things, so I'm just going to throw it out there, but I'm leaving tumblr RP. It's just gotten to a point where it's become more stressful than enjoyable and my mental health which was already not the greatest over the last few years has really taken a nose dive. I've started taking steps to work on my mental health and leaving tumblr RP is one of those steps I've decided is necessary. It's caused so much anxiety and stress for me that the actual moments of serotonin and happiness it does give me has not been enough to make it worth it anymore. 
I'm not leaving tumblr entirely nor do I want to cut off contact or friendships I've made here, I'll still be on my art tumblr @grafdumbass​ where hopefully I'll have more time and energy to focus on my art (may start posting my music there too, which I'll hopefully have inspiration for again) and I'll be posting my discord below if you want to find me there. You can also find me on my twitch at twitch.tv/wondrabread.
I love you guys very much but it's long over due for me to start looking out for my mental health. I've used tumblr as therapy for far too long and it's been a wonderful 10 years on this site that I wouldn't take back for anything, but I think it's time I hang my hat here. If you still want to do some writing from time to time, I will be on my discord and we can write there. But this is what is best for me right now and I hope you all can understand. I need to work on being a better me.
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soulsandswcrds · 4 years
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blog transferred to new theme, hwang bio added. now both blogs are up to date. yes good.
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malfestcd · 4 years
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This is a test post, to see how this looks. I want to make sure everything looks fine when I make this new theme.  ❝ theme hunting is so tiresome. ❞
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insectkin · 5 years
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ɨnsɇȼŧ ꝁɨn
first post, who dis?
indie, private, selective d’vorah written by leesh. i’m still setting the blog out but reblog this if you’re interested in rping with me.
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countrymcuse-blog · 6 years
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am i iconning finally? you betcha.
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conditionalfreedcm · 4 years
I should hopefully have a bio up later this week and maybe a tiny promo.
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testingblogwutwut · 4 years
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this is a test of the emergency broadcast system
had this been an actual emergency i would be in a corner panickling.
for real tho
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fangedfirecracker · 7 years
home early. rescheduled some jobs because honestly, not feeling it. i’m going to try to chill a bit and then do drafts. i’m just tired right now.
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amepcrdue · 4 years
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Hey, I want to get some more threads going. Hit that like for a thread. If you want to plot hit that like and send me an im. I have no plans for tomorrow and have a ton of muse. Open for just about any kind of thread. Mutuals only as per usual
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amepcrdue · 4 years
Hey, can I ask for you guys to keep my family in your thoughts and prayers? My mom tested positive for covid and my sister may have it too. 
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amepcrdue · 4 years
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my new lights look so fun.
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amepcrdue · 4 years
what if i changed my dash icon to this?
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look! he’s smiling!
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amepcrdue · 4 years
also, new dash icon. enjoy the sexy man.
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amepcrdue · 4 years
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me designing an mk outfit for raph based on threads and discussions with @healingwords? yes. also now that i traced the concept art for raph (the undies version so more muscle showed through) i’m using it as a base to design any other alt looks for different verses etc. clearly only using it for designing purposes only. 
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amepcrdue · 4 years
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this is a nice icon. a very nice icon.
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amepcrdue · 4 years
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Eh, why not. Starter call, mutuals only, hit the like. You know the drill.
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