#; when cuddles happen because... guess it's not on the menu that often lmao
pillow-anime-talk · 4 years
traditional & maternal s/o.
synopsis: You as a beautiful, traditionally dressed and perfectly behaved woman who shows maternal behavior towards your partner’s subordinates.
# tags: headcanons; current relationships; mature!reader; romance; fluff; slice of life; sfw
includes: female reader ft. yukichi fukuzawa, ougai mori & francis scott key fitzgerald {bsd}
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↘ Fukuzawa is also a traditional man, so when he met you for the first time, he was genuinely delighted with your grace and your way of speaking. Your delicate tone of voice and perception of the world made a huge, positive impression on him. On top of that, you were really beautiful, and your flowery yukata perfectly highlighted your pretty smile, eye color and hair.
↘ You were adults, so your feelings towards each other were slow and mature. However, when you finally got into a relationship, shortly after that, you lived together in a beautiful old minka with a huge engawa, where you loved to relax and talk about his day at work or plans for the future.
↘ You made the most delicious tea in the whole world and you were a great housewife who loved to cook, bake and take care of others. Yukichi was even happier when you brought to home a homeless little kitten with a twisted paw one day. You took care of him together, considering the pet as your first baby.
↘ More than six months after you moved in together, you visited your partner at the Agency for the first time. Fukuzawa talked to you about his subordinates more than once, showed you their photos and always smiled slightly. And when Kyouka – who was wearing traditional Japanese clothes just like you – joined the Armed Detective Agency the man said that you two looked quite similar.
↘ When on that day, you crossed the area of the building and then knocked on the wooden door, you sighed a little, a bit stressful about meeting new people. Shortly thereafter, a tall, blonde-haired boy with a green notebook in his hand appeared on your doorstep and greeted you. You bowed as well, and then with his consent, you entered the office.
↘ “Have you had an appointment on any case, Lady? How can I help you?” Kunikida asked in a polite tone, and you shook your head.
↘ “I came privately. I made some mochi for you, kids.” You responded warmly. Your person immediately interested Ranpo, Atsushi and Dazai. “Ah, I didn’t introduce myself, I’m so sorry. I am Y/N Y/L/N. Nice to meet you all. Also thank you for taking care of our beautiful city.”
↘ “... How did I deserve to meet such a wonderf...” Osamu began with a broad smile, but the newspaper that hit him on the head silenced his happy lips immediately.
↘ “Stop scaring my partner, Dazai.” Fukuzawa walked towards you, standing next to your figure. “Something happened that you came?”
↘ “Oh, no, Yukichi. I just wanted to meet your almost adopted children.” You smiled at everyone in the room. “And I’ve done too much mochi.” You added when you went to one of the desks to lay out the colorful sweets. The members of the Agency were fascinated with you from the first second.
↘ Yosano was really happy to see her President with a woman who was so perfect for him. Kyouka immediately saw her deceased mother in you and held your yukata with each subsequent meeting, following you step by step. Naomi and Kirako loved hearing your stories and always asked you for tasty recipes. Atsushi, Kenji and Ranpo were your little babies to you, while Jun’ichirou was like your eldest son. Kunikida, on the other hand, was terribly ashamed of you, but finally overcame his shyness, stating that you were a wonderful woman and the future wife of his master. Dazai liked you, of course; even though you often scolded him because of his behavior, he still adored you and respected your person very much.
↘ Your beloved was more than pleased to see that you had such a good relation with his subordinates. You even had great contacts with Fukuzawa’s mentor, Mr. Natsume. It all confirmed Yukichi’s thoughts that you were the best woman he could ever meet.
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↘ Mori wasn’t surprised that another woman around him dressed in traditional kimonos and tied her hair in beautiful buns or braids. After all, he had Kouyou under his command, and before that, also had the sweet Kyouka.
↘ However, what got you all his attention is your kindness and dedication to others.
↘ Neither you, nor Ougai, nor even Elise will forget the day when three of you met in the middle of the street and at the same moment a thief ran out of the bank and his hand with the gun was automatically directed towards Elise who standing next to you. You covered her with your own body, fearing that a stranger would hurt her, but luckily nothing like that came, because Mori personally knocked him out and then calmed your terrified thoughts.
↘ He sincerely thanked you, then suggested a walk and a coffee in a nearby bar. Elise held your warm hand all the way and you were literally the first person the girl liked and trusted so quickly. I think she saw the mother in you, though she shouldn’t have thought so, since she was only Mori’s ability.
↘ But now we are here, a few weeks later, when you recognized the girl as your beloved daughter, and at the same time you became the wife of the boss of the Port Mafia, knowing very well what could happen to you.
↘ But even that, your relationship was really nice and warm; the man finally had someone to come back to, he had someone to talk to about something more than just work, he could cuddle someone and watch a movie or cook a delicious dinner together. Additionally, Elise could finally feel like a real, normal girl and could protect someone more than her own creator. They were both sincerely in love with you, albeit on different levels of this feeling.
↘ Your meeting the rest of the Mafia members was totally unplanned, because one afternoon your beloved husband called you to ask for important documents that he left in a locker, in his office, in your shared small apartment. Of course, you agreed to bring them to him, and on the way to the building you also went to the bakery to buy him and the cute girl something sweet to eat; you chose tiny fruit tarts and a few donuts.
↘ Ten minutes later, you entered the huge building very calmly, looking around to find an elevator or stairs. When you moved another few steps, you immediately stopped when the figure of blonde-haired Elise with a huge syringe appeared in front of you, and a black-haired – unknown to you – boy was thrown hard against the nearest wall.
↘ “Akutagawa senpai!”
↘ Your eyes widened when Elise hugged your stomach, covered by flowery, long yukata. You were still looking at the boy lying next to the white wall, who a second ago wanted to overpower you, probably considering you a threat from outside. You understood it perfectly well, after all, the Mafia had many enemies.
↘ “... Don’t touch my okaa-san!” The girl screamed, squeezing your body a little tighter. You touched her smol head, stroking the blonde locks, and smiled warmly.
↘ “Elise, my honey, you shouldn’t treat others like that, okay?” You asked softly, to which the girl nodded uncertainly. The security staff next to you, as well as Akutagawa and Higuchi, were shocked by Elise’s polite behavior towards your person. Who were you? “Where’s Ougai, my honey?”
↘ “He’ll be here soon. I was faster than him because I sensed you entering the building. I just wanted to say hi.” She replied with a blush and you laughed softly. “It’s for me?” She asked suddenly, pointing her finger at a paper bag with the smell of icing and kiwi. You nodded and handed her the brown bag full of sweets, then headed towards the still-lying boy and woman with the two guns in her hands.
↘ “Are you okay? I’m so sorry to cause the confusion, I didn’t want to look suspicious.” You whispered, stroking his head while guessing that the Mafia man in front of you is quite young. “Does something hurt you?”
↘ “... Oh, Y/N-chan, what happened?” Finally Ougai came downstairs and you smiled once again.
↘ “There was a little misunderstanding, but it’s okay now.” You answered softly, patting the twenty-year-old’s dark hair one more time. Ryuunosuke found your touch really soothing.
↘ “B-Boss...! Excuse m-me, but...!”
↘ “Hmm. I guess, all of you have already met my lovely wife?” He asked rhetorically, walking up to you, helping you to get up and kissing your forehead. “Be nice to her, otherwise you know what awaits you.”
↘ Akutagawa and Higuchi nodded slowly, swallowing the saliva in their mouths. The boy was really glad that day that Elise had stopped him, because it could end up really... bad.
↘ Needless to say, you gradually got to know more and more people and every member of the Port Mafia liked you; you were especially close to Kouyou, Gin and Yumeno, who became another baby to love for you. And also, despite the first meeting, Akutagawa adored you very very very much. You spoiled him as much as your daughter.
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↘ Fitzgerald met you in the store when he was at one of the many sales. You watched him with a soft laugh as he selected pots and other cheap things.
↘ Of course he noticed you quickly; how could he not do that? Your traditional, long kimono and breathtaking hairstyle immediately caught his eye, as did your warm expression and amused, shiny eyes. So he replied with a big, manly smile, then started a conversation about how delighted he was with the items here and their prices. You two talked for a long time that day, and in meantime, he invited you for coffee at the nearest coffee shop.
↘ (Of course you had to take him there and teach him to use the menu card because he never has been in the cafe, lmao.)
↘ After eating a sweet, delicious cake and drinking a warm drink, you left the small building and moved on, still talking about your life and plans for the coming days. In the middle of Yokohama city, both of you found Miss Alcott who looking in shock at her leader who was so kind and affectionate turning towards a woman he had barely known.
↘ Louisa, as a great mind, immediately stated that you are a really good human, full of warmth, empathy and respect for other people. All of this was even more true when you offered two newly met people to use your own home to devise a plan for their actions to regain their good name, social status and money. Francis was more than grateful and Louisa genuinely happy that she didn’t have to rent something ugly and dingy.
↘ They stayed with you for more than a few days, and you, as a good housewife, continued to delight them with your tasty meals, desserts and scented tea.
↘ The natural course of things was that the man fell in love with you. However, before confessing his love to you, he first wanted to earn to ensure you a decent life; as his future, wonderful wife.
↘ That’s why he first returned as ‘The Great Fitzgerald’ and then as the man who took your heart and promised to treat you like a Queen.
↘ Of course you agreed; not for money or gifts, but only for him and his honest heart, because the whole situation has brought you closer to each other like nothing else. You supported him very much in his return and you were really proud and glad when Francis came to you one day in a fancy suit, took you in his arms and sincerely thanked you for the last weeks of support.
↘ Shortly after that, you became a couple and later, you became his fiancée. The man thought you were just his personal guardian angel and your getting to know each other was simply planned by fate.
↘ Miss Alcott was more than happy to see you two smiling and so beautifully in love.
↘ Now all you have been waiting for is a wedding and the enlargement of your little family.
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hamdontlook · 4 years
No thoughts head empty
- he doesn't like being alone and that's part of why he shares the house with Bob and they are always together (they are best friends but like.. Pepe doesn't have much "me" time because if he spends days without being with someone it affects his mind a Lot. He needs to learn to be alone basically- but that doesn't mean he needs to remove that part of him. Jefa is super good for him because they are kinda free spirited and kinda just appears when they feel like it but since they enjoy being with Pepe it happens a Lot). At first Jefa thought he was just clingy but slowly they realize what's up- tho they found cute at the begging that part of him, being so social.
- after some time he stops smoking so much in front of them so they don't catch second hand smoking even though Jefa tells him it's okay, they don't mind but still he worries about their health (i mean this is just being a nice person towards other human being but being so insistent about not damaging the other person just because you choose to smoke and stuff that's cool)
- he asks Bob (he's a photographer and I haven't shown this part of him yet AJDJKDD someday when I'm not so focused on these two), well, he asks him to take a sneaky pic of him and Jefa someday because he would like to have A Nice Pic Of Them For No Reason™
- when they are relaxing and napping (Jefa Big time Napper) Pepe can't rly fall asleep so he starts realizing the freckles they have and start counting them or even paint on them. This ends up in the situation that Pepe just happens to stare at Jefa while they sleep
- he starts feeling insecure because he doesn't get the reason why Jefa keeps appearing and hanging out with him besides smooching (like after Let's Call It Adult Smooching ™) and he doesn't think he's that great and doesn't realize Jefa actually cares about him. This ends up making the situation of him being more cold towards them because he's a poopy head who doesn't TALK or COMMUNICATE i stg
- after sorting out that whole thing up there, Pepe confronts Feelings™ slowly and when hes upset he does this thing where he just hugs them from behind and puts his face on the shoulder trying to cry (this sounds dramatic af but it's not that deep lmao sometimes you just need to Try To Cry because ur heart is constipated). When this happens it's not that often so it always catches Jefa off guard and they are like "hhhhh hug💜" (ay dios ay dios mIo)
- when people ask Pepe if he's not cold Jefa is like "he's from the north of course he's not cold lmao" but they will always carry a jacket or scarf or gloves for him (LOVE LANGUAGE YALL)
- they make these sculptures and stuff for Pepe (there was a whole comic going on explaining this) and when they see something cool that Pepe might like, they take a photo and have like an "inspo" folder to try to make it later for Pepe
- they want to brush Pepe's hair and touch his head but doesn't know how to tell him without making it weird so they end up doing like a joke or something to end up having their hands on his head sjsj
- they are EMBARRASSED about the fact that they like Pepe (when they FINALLY realize because this takes a Long While™ way longer than Pepe). This is actually shitty from them because they happen to not have taken him seriously after a while of slowly knowing him but it's always been like "pfft this is just some stupid dude nothing to worry about" and well He's this whole person with lots of undiscovered strengths who happens to have a different way of thinking and stuff (besides him Actually being a dummy let's face it) but like yonoe. Afterwards Jefa is embarrassed to have thought so poorly of him like he doesn't deserve that either
- Jefa has a huge breakdown one day and Pepe is like dw ill take you somewhere and they take the bus in a 1 hour trip and end up in a ?? Field?? Idk the word rn and I'm not switching apps to check it out but basically a place full of trash and he's like "ok, break stuff" and they are like "do you break stuff when you are sad or something?" And he's like "what?? No. I take some cool stuff from here for my house but you look like you would want to beat the shit out of something". So this is probably not a Good coping mechanism but idk I think it's interesting for them to have this convo and Pepe thinks of what could be good for Jefa in a situation of anger or sadness, not something he would do because they are so different. So yeah Jefa starts breaking stuff and Pepe is just like ":)" in the background searching for a new table akdbakdjd
- Jefa is so fucking annoying with series and tv shows to watch and they don't shut up about it and at first Pepe was "forced" to watch a few but later he starts watching any new thing Jefa gets into so they have something to talk about and because he's enjoys talking with them about these silly things (LOVE. LanguaGE.)
- After a while, they get used to always sleeping and cuddling together so when they are sleeping alone they don't feel as comfy as they used to (not like it's not comfy but. Now hits different)
- sometimes when they are each of them on their own they happen to randomly think about the other person and wonder what they are up to or what are they doing right now
- both of them in the begging had crushes on different people (even if it's a Strong one or a silly one) and then they listened to songs about love and stuff they would think about their old crush. Welp now they find themselves thinking about each other and they don't know what to do with that sjbfkfnd (still they haven't noticed they have a thing for the other)
- when they Realize™ (each of them in a different rythm) they are SO scared of messing up their actual relationship or the development of those feelings because they dont want to fuck up what they have right now and want to play it safe. Also they would be so embarrassed about the others reaction
- Pepe teaches Jefa to accept their failures and failed projects because Jefa is obsessed with always being right or be Good at whatever they do because of fear of failure and insecurities and hipocresy and etc. Meanwhile, Jefa teaches Pepe that his emotions and feelings are important and bottling up is not a Good Thing. They also insist on Pepe to fight for his dreams and objectives (the pilot thing for example- maybe he doesn't end up being a pilot but he discovers he's good and likes to be in charge of the towers in the airport that gives directions to the planes or something, or even the dude with the lights)
- they start having inside jokes between them and showing themselves laugh more between each other and Bob and Rodney even notice and Rodney in specific since Jefa has been hiding from him all this is like "..wait hold on wait a damn second-"
- they start telling anecdotes and stories to Rodney and Bob (Rodney - Jefa ; Bob - Pepe) of each other. Bob just thinks they are partners (which they aren't yet) without saying a word which leads to misunderstandings and Rodney is like " dude. Ur crushing" and Jefa is like NO!!!! WHAT THE FUCK NO??!!
- one day they just start making out but it's all romantic and stuff and they don't know what to do with this because it's like a Different Setting- i feel like a teen writing all this stuff dbslsnfl my past 15 old self is like YeaaA finally I'm making some juicy oc shipping for myself. Anyways they end up cuddling and it's soft. And now I might be just sad about past relationships lmao let's move on
- when ordering food Pepe is So Fucking Slow because he reads EVERYTHING in the menu and I can't stress this enough EVERYTHING and Jefa being just A Nervous Being decides what to eat under a minute because if they don't they die. So this one day they are giving shit to Pepe saying JUST MAKE UP YOUR MIND ALREADY and when the waiter comes they tell Jefa the thing they want to order isn't available rn so Jefa just enters a panic state and orders anything random at the spot. The food arrives and Jefa's thing is Not Good and they ask Pepe if he can give them some of his food and he's like yea can u give me some of yours and idk this is just wholesome funni stuff I wanted to make a comic for but I guess I forgot and now I'm just translating this lmao
- they spend one night in jail I don't know how they just do maybe it's because of disturbance in public late at night we will never know. Anyways they make a scene in jail
-" IS it okay if I cuddle with u"... (They do) (one of them sneezes into the others back and fills their t shirt with the sneeze and the other is like EW WHAT THE FUCK)
- Jefa finds notes and books of pilot school stuff and asks Pepe about it. At first he wants to hide it but Jefa is High-key Annoying and he ends up telling them. They proceed to have an intense conversation. They joke about how Pepe doesn't qualify for the thing but he has extended knowledge about how planes work and what's needed (he did bad in the exams because of his insecurities getting in the way but he would have done great if he had faith in himself) and they later joke about how Jefa is just the opposite, people put too much pressure in them being good and stuff so they just said fuck it and only does stuff in their specific way alone or does nothing.
- they are hanging out really late at night inside the house and see that it starts snowing so they go out to play in the snow in their pajamas. Robin starts screaming that whoever is out there doing that much noise, to stop. They proceed to hide laughing about that whole thing a lot (tender moment. Tender). The next morning there's a bunch of snowman next to pepe's house and it's. Super cute aight..
- one day Rodney goes to Jefa's place and he opens their wardrobe because he's just like That™ trying to find something he gave to Jefa a while ago but ends up finding pepe's clothes which he recognizes (like a sweater or a t shirt) and when he asks them about it they are a super shitty liar not knowing what explanation to do and ends up saying "haha it's just a prank I hate him so I'm pranking him". And rodney, who is , not a dumbass is like "...ah..okay..."
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I got tagged in this by @lilunebrium. I open this to anyone who wants to do it. :)
1. do you have any piercings or tattoos? any planned?
I just have 3 ear piercings aside from the ‘regular’ earring ones. I really want a tattoo (or 5) but I’m very worried about my sensitive, allergy-prone skin. Also money. But mostly the skin thing. 
But I do really want the text ‘I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night’ tattooed on my arm. Also a ;, because I have survived depression for so long even though I’ve come VERY close to suicide in the past. Maybe, if I turn out to like tattoos, I might get ‘ad astra per aspera’.  Less well thought out ones are ‘something related to Japan’ and ‘something for my dog’ lmao. 
2. favorite flower?
all of them?!?! Primarily ‘common’ and bright ones though, like tulips and sunflowers. 
3. do you have any pets? what are their names?
We have a fox terrier that’s named Pippy after Pippi Longstockings. She’s 12 years old and always very Sad and Upset at us for not giving her a neverending stream of snacks and cuddles. She’s also very dumb and has still not quite figured out how high our couch actually is, despite us having had the same one for all 12 years of her life. She also doesn’t understand where all this dog poop in the backyard comes from because where. is. this. other. dog?!?!?! (spoiler: there isn’t one. She put the poop there herself 2 minutes earlier but got distracted by a Plant That Moved In The Wind.) But really, she’s a sleepy and very cranky old lady that only likes cuddling and petting on her own, very specific terms that change every day. Then again, I’d be cranky too if I’d been so confused for 12 years. 
4. what is your trademark?
People always tell me they learn a lot when I’m around, so I guess that’s a trademark? I get a lot of “I always learn new words from you” and “I always learn so many new facts when I talk to you” and “our conversations are never boring because you always have some random fact ready”.  Also I constantly walk into things and drop things. The other day I walked into a stack of boxes with books, that I build myself, in the middle of a room. 
5. how would you describe your style?
Mostly gender neutral-ish, sometimes still a bit emo-inspired (lots of black), comfortable. 
6. favorite desserts?
For actual after dinner? Tea with small biscuits and fruit. For random snacking: a good cheesecake (surprisingly hard to find in the netherlands). 
7. can you play any musical instruments or can you sing?
No and no. I like to sing, but childhood bullies have successfully ruined all confidence in it forever. 
8. if you could take a vacation anywhere in the world, where would you go?
EVERYWHERE. But the top of my list includes: -A tour around ancient sites in Rome and Greece and Turkey -A highlight tour through the US including New Orleans, San Francisco, Grand Canyon, the Smithsonian, and every NASA place that’s open to public -South Korea (Seoul, yes, but also a bit more of the countryside and Jeju Island) -back to Japan obvs
Berlin was also somewhere at the top but I’m actually going there in 2 months. 
9. favorite horror movies?
Train to Busan, probably, though honestly I’m not a big fan of horror movies
10. when do you feel the most confident?
At work, sometimes when I’m cooking. 
11. what are your parents’ names?
I don’t think they want their names on the internet so I’m gonna skip this one. 
12. dark & dramatic makeup or natural makeup?
For myself: no make-up because I’m lazy and allergic  For others: whatever they like the most, as long as it’s done well. 
13. if you could be any mythical creature, which would you be?
Hmmm I don’t know that many, but maybe a fae? Partying all night, messing with humans sometimes to both have fun and make sure they’re properly terrified of me and leave some kind of sacrifice somewhere. 
14. favorite clothing brands?
I honestly don’t care that much. 
15. favorite perfume?
Uhm. I don’t wear perfume, because I think most scents smell the same, they don’t smell that nice, and they’re too overwhelming when I actually put them on. BUT I used to sometimes wear a fruity Puma perfume as a teen, and I had a musk one once. I now just sometimes Lush’s lavender facemist, which obviously doesn’t work well as a perfume. Also my bottle is almost empty. I need to find something new. 
16. satin or lace?
17. what do you want to dress up as for halloween?
Can I get away with just wearing pyjama’s and saying I’m a teenager in a scary movie about to be killed? 
18. what do you use more, tumblr or twitter?
19. what’s something that fascinates you?
Different scripts. I was reading about Georgian writing at 2am the other night, I can read/write Japanese and Korean, and I used to know some Cyrillic/Greek though something about those is hard for me to actually remember. But I’m so fascinated by how all these different scribbles can convey sounds and people can read them and how they developed and how they’re related to each other and just. Ugh. Languages man. 
20. do you have a job? if so, what is your job title?
Officially, I work at the sorting center of a library organisation, which means I register reservations, send books back to other libraries, sort the books that were sent to us in crates, etc. 
Unofficially, I’m partially in charge of the ground floor of the specific library building I work at, and I’m also partially customer service. People (customers, volunteers, employees, also people of other companies in the same building) come to me to ask anything from ‘do you have a key for us’ to ‘can you help with this customer’ to ‘do you know if there’s anything I can do, all my normal tasks are done’. I help our volunteer coordinator out because she’s in her office 2/3 days a week and I’m actually around the volunteers at least 4 times a week,so I know much better what kind of issues they run into and what’s going on and who’s late all the time etc. We also get all the mail/packages. I like to joke that we sort everything from books to mail to people. 
Right now it’s just this on a parttime basis, but I have good hopes for more interesting & challenging work with more hours and better pay next year, assuming no one/nothing screws me over :’)
21. favorite time of the day; morning, afternoon, dusk, or night?
22. would you consider yourself an emotional person?
23. what do you do when you’re sad?
I’m sad a large part of the time (yay clinical depression) so I tend to just kind of...ignore it? Continue on as usual? I do wallow in it often sometimes, and just let the thought spirals run its course and see what happens. It usually means endless rants on tumblr at 2am. 
24. favorite sea creature?
25. do you drink alcohol?
Yes. Rarely though, pretty much only if I’m around friends. I have discovered a new love for Radler beer, and I like red wine (though not a specific one, just whichever one’s the cheapest on the menu, I’m not picky). 
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purplesurveys · 5 years
When was the last time you had a slurpee? I’ve never even tasted one let alone bought one for myself. I’m just iffy about 7-11 machines lmao because I’ve heard so much stories about mold and stuff. What is your favorite television show? Right now I’ve been watching reruns of Friends so that’s my favorite; but I’m also catching up on The Crown and that’s also such a good show too. What holiday will be coming up next? Eid’l Fitr, on June 5. Have you ever done hard drugs before? Never. What is the worst name anyone has ever called you? I don’t know about worst names but I’ve been called horrible adjectives before. Useless, stupid, childish, can’t learn, a headache...name it and my mom has probably used it on me once.
What color are your eyes? Dark brown. What does the last text you sent say? “haha good morning” When was the last time you cried out loud in front of someone? April 27th.  Where is your favorite place to eat out? I don’t have a go-to place; I love food and trying out new food so I always try to make it different when I eat out. Japanese restaurants always give a good vibe though. Does it bother you when people call you 'ma'am' or 'sir?' It used to really bother me when I was younger, because I didn’t like being treated like I was old enough already. I felt the same when servers started to give me an adult’s menu instead of the kiddie ones HAHAHA 
Anyway, it still kinda bothers me today especially if a server/clerk is obviously older than me and technically doesn’t have to call me ma’am, but I can’t think of any alternative for it so I end up not minding it. Have you ever been obsessed with a television character? Monica Geller, Lori Grimes, and Jennifer Lyons, the latter from an 80s show called Perfect Strangers that only like 500 people in the world remember lmao. Do you ever wish you had powers of invisibility? Sometimes. What was the last thing that changed your life completely? Getting accepted into my internship. It didn’t exactly turn my life around but it was just a realization slapped onto my face that I was a grownup now and I’m starting to do grownup things now too. Do you have any step siblings? Nope. Did you partake in senior skip days? I don’t know what that means. Do you have Showtime? We don’t have that here. We do have a noontime show called It’s Showtime hahaha. When was the last time you went to Wal-mart? Never.
Have you ever read the Christian Bible? I’m a Catholic, so I guess we have the bible that adheres to that denomination. And to answer your question, yup. We had to read the bible everyday from grade school to high school. Is there anything you'd like to say to anyone at the moment? Please let me pass your class. Do you tend to cry a lot? I cry easily, so yes. When the holidays come around, do you help decorate? When I was a kid. Now my mom prefers to do it herself. Would you ever consider having an abortion? Probably not. But I wouldn’t know for sure what I’d decide; I’ve never been face-to-face with that situation. What does the majority of clothes in your closet look like? Black, sleeveless, and airy. Has someone ever promised not to leave you? Sure. Do you have a part-time job? I don’t. Do you order clothing offline quite often? So...offline...so like physically buying clothes at a store??? I’m so confused. Sure I’ve done that but if it means anything else lmao then I’m not so sure. Are you the type of person who likes to buy gifts for your friends? I really would if I had more money, but I’m always on a budget and the rest of my savings goes to relationship stuff like dinners and cinema tickets. My friends deserve everything in the world though and I wish I could treat them :( Have you ever lived in an apartment before? No, I haven’t. Have you ever been questioned by the police? Nah. I’ve been pulled over by traffic officers for clumsy shit I’ve done in the past, but not the police. In which state / country were you born? Manila, Philippines. Are you close to your parents? No. Maybe to my dad, sure; but I don’t even get to see him often. Have you ever had to be put on medicine for a mental disorder? I think I have needed it many times but was never formally on medication or in therapy, so it’s never happened. Would you say you have impressive grammar skills? Sure. Makes no sense for me to last in journ school if my grammar is blah. White chocolate or milk chocolate? I love both, depending on the dessert. Like I prefer milk chocolate on my cookies, but I also like white chocolate on my cake. Have you ever been to an amusement park out of state? Yes. Does your television connection ever go out during your favorite show? I watch my favorite shows online or I have them saved in a hard drive. Would you rather be part of a team or alone? Depends on what it is I have to do.  Do you have a Tumblr? Gee, I wonder what I’m doing on this website... Do you ever eavesdrop on people in hallways? Not really, since I’m always in a hurry. Things I hear are always out of context too so it’s not like I could eavesdrop. Have you ever been punched in the stomach? Maybe by my older cousin as kids. I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s happened then. Is there anyone you'd like to be cuddling with at the moment? Always. Would you consider yourself a crafty person? Not a chance. What would you say is your favorite color of all time? Probably black, but ‘of all time’ is pretty loaded. Chinese or Mexican food? Chinese. What do you normally drink when eating at a fast food restaurant? Just service water, though it smells iffy sometimes. Do you have a crush on anyone at the moment? Yes. Is there something important that you should be doing as of now? Checking my emails, but I’m too anxious to. Have you ever participated in Black Friday shopping? We don’t have that here.   Describe your favorite outfit? Right now, it’s a green flowy floral jumpsuit. My favorites change often though, depending on my mood for that day. What color are your nails painted right now, if any? I get this question all the time, damn. It’s never painted. Have you ever been responsible for someone's death? No. That’s horrible to imagine. What is your biggest fear? Not being able to live the life I’ve always envisioned for myself. What is your favorite website to go on in your spare time? Netflix, YouTube, or Twitter. What do you normally order when you go to Taco Bell? I’ve only been to Taco Bell once. Do you ever spend the night with your significant other? Yeah we do it like once a month at most. What is your favorite number? 4 and 23. Do you know a lot about serial killers? I definitely know more than average, thanks to doing my own research when I have free time and watching shows like Unsolved. Has your life ever been challenged by something huge? I seem to be the magnet for that. Have the police ever been looking for you? No. Where do you get most of your accessories from? They’re mostly gifts, but there’s one Korean accessory shop nearby where I get clip-on earrings. Have you ever been in a car accident? Yeah, twice in my own car. Do you cuss more than any one else you know? Nah, I know pottier mouths. When was the last time you kissed someone who was younger than you? My girlfriend is a month younger than me, if that counts. She’s the only person I’ve ever kissed. How old is your youngest cousin? 3 or 4, I’m not so sure. Are you currently in a happy relationship? Very much so. Where did your last kiss take place and at what time of day? Gab’s bedroom, yesterday afternoon.
How do YOU download music? I don’t. I listen on Spotify. If it’s not on Spotify, I’d look for it on YouTube but that rarely happens.
Do you tend to talk on the phone a lot? Only with my girlfriend. Have there ever been any serial killers around your hometown? I don’t think. It would be a big deal if there were any. When was the last time you went to a museum? :( I can’t tell you...maybe two years ago, when my art studies class required us to go to the campus’ museums. Is heartbreak as bad as it sounds? I don’t think that kind of feeling could ever be captured in words. What was your first job? No job. Do you prefer shades or mini-blinds? Shades. What is the weather like outside? It’s still super hot and humid, but the humidity has turned into heavy rain at nights so it gets cold at night now. Do you ever find yourself talking to someone who isn't even there? I talk to myself, not to anyone who isn’t around. Do you normally have nightmares or good dreams? It’s a good balance. What do people compliment you on the most? Work ethic or my outfits, I can’t really tell what I get more compliments on. Are you jealous of any of your friends? I’ll get envious sometimes, but not jealous. Are you more of an open person or closed to communication? Open. As long as anyone asks, I’m easy to open up. Do you know how to shoot a gun and hit a target? No. Are you a good listener? Sure. I love listening to my friends. What is your favorite drink? Water. What is something you always tend to lose? Socks. Do you buy more things for yourself or others? Myself. If you chew gum, which kind is your favorite? Classic bubblegum always takes me back. Is there anyone you know in which you'd like to simply punch in the face? Yes, one of my college instructors. Do you like listening to foreign music? American and British music are foreign to me, and I listen to a lot of those. What turns you on the most? Neck kisses probs. Have you ever kissed someone of the same sex? It’s the only kind of kissing I’ve had lmao.
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