#;; first ever dis.cord drop
ignisxmilitaris · 6 years
[ so ]
[ i suck at doing anything in a timely manner, if it’s not obvious already ]
[ and despite making strides to get better and be better, depression and anxiety still keep me from being able to look at any of my dashboards or rp threads for very long ]
[ ... ]
[ since it seems like tumblr (and apparently Facebook) is going to be gutting themselves before i can stitch myself back together, i’d like to connect (or reconnect as the case may be) with people off site before everyone scatters, if i’m not too late ]
[ if you like, drop a line here, or just straight up friend me on dis.cord ( Romi | Ignisxmilitaris#8778 ) ]
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hhemeraa-a · 7 years
tagged stolen by the incredible @portalipsis  //  @celestialspitfire
PLEASE REPOST, DO NOT REBLOG!  Feel free to add to any of your answers!  The purpose is to tell your partners about the way you write!  :)  For the multiple choice ones,BOLD all that apply and, if you want, italicize if it’s a conditional answer!
– B A S I C S –
NAME:  Sy ARE YOU OVER 18?  Yes / No  IS YOUR MUSE?  Yes / No WHEN WAS YOUR BLOG ESTABLISHED?: The beginning of 2016 I think? 
– W R I T I N G –
ARE YOU SELECTIVE ABOUT WHO YOU WRITE WITH ON THIS BLOG? No (anyone) / Semi (most people) / Yes (some people) / Highly (few people) / private (mutuals only)   Only because my time limits me, not because I’m picky
ARE YOU SELECTIVE ABOUT WHO YOU FOLLOW ON THIS BLOG? No (anyone) / Semi (most people) / Yes( some people) / Highly (few people) / Private (mutuals only)  TBH I follow a majority of people back if I think our muses will click.  I haven’t taken a look at my followers lately tho so I’m very sorry to those that recently followed me! I promise when I get a chance I’ll take a look!  I do not follow minors. 
IF YOUR MUSE IS CANON, HOW MUCH TO YOU ADHERE TO CANON? I have an OC! And his canon verse which is a part of Starfighter isn’t something I write in anymore which is... disappointing, but idk, I haven’t had muse for it. 
WHAT POST LENGTHS DO YOU WRITE? One Liners / Single-para / Multi-para / Novella/ Give me all of the things please. If you want something immediate, one liners are good but I drop them quickly.  Single para is A++ and respond pretty fast usually Multi and novella are my favorite but take me forever.
WHAT LEVEL OF PLOTS DO YOU WRITE? Unplotted / Open-ended plots (set up a meeting and see what happens) / SEMI-PLOTTED (one or two steps ahead) / FULLY PLOTTED EPICS (plotted beginning, middle, and end)  Unplotted things are usually the first to be dropped, but I don’t mind things being unplotted depending on what it is.  Myles just tends to... walk away from things real fast or things turn sour very quickly. 
HOW QUICKLY DO YOU USUALLY RESPOND TO THREADS? oh boy. Lately?  It takes me maybe a week to respond.  Normally I’m much better about drafts and get them out within 2-3 days, but my summer life has me busy af. Unless it’s something real short, take your time. Plot with me on discord/skype. relax a bit and come touch my face in the waiting room that is my drafts. 
WHAT GENRES DO YOU LIKE? (feel free to add!) HIGH FANTASY / SUPERNATURAL / Science Fiction / Historical / Horror / Comedy / Romantic / Drama / ACTION / ADVENTURE / Espionage / ALL OF THE THINGS
ARE THERE ANY THEMES YOU’RE UNCOMFORTABLE WRITING ON YOUR BLOG? (not triggers) no / Yes  +Anything usually to do with family situations (domestic) only because I have no idea how they work? + I hate anything that has to do with the realm of prostitution or escorting or stripping. It is real rare that I even remotely bother with muses that have this in their about page. + m.preg (I will drop kick you into the void) + in.cest (very few exceptions are made with this) + anything to do with children Otherwise, I’m pretty down for most things if done right. 
– S H I P P I N G –
WHAT TYPES OF RELATIONSHIPS ARE YOU OPEN TO? ROMANTIC / PLATONIC / FAMILIAL  / FAMILIAL (OCS) No one has ever seemed interested in being in Myles’ family, but his immediate family is closed off.
WHAT TYPES OF PRE-ESTABLISHED RELATIONSHIPS ARE YOU OPEN TO? Most! So long as we plot them out and there’s chemistry between the muses and the relationship makes sense, then I’m down.  But I’m a heavy plotter, so like, prepare yourself. 
DO YOU HAVE OTPS? No / Chemistry Only / Yes
DO YOU HAVE NOTPS? No / Yes  Cain + Deimos  I hate this ship so much, sO FUCKIN MUCH. 
ARE YOU COMFORTABLE WRITING SMUT? No / Selectively / Yes  I just think I’m bad at it and I get embarrassed easily, so it takes me forever to reply to smutty things
ARE YOU OPEN TO TOXIC SHIPS? No / Selectively / yes and I like to play them realistically. Myles has a real high potential for toxic ships, whether he means it or not so...
ARE YOU OPEN TO PROBLEMATIC SHIPS? (incest, canon history, age difference, complicated, etc.) No / SELECTIVELY / YES
ARE YOU OPEN TO POLYSHIPPING? No / SELECTIVELY / YES  I am, however Myles is usually not.  It would have to be heavily plotted.
ARE YOU AN EXCLUSIVE SHIPPER? No / SOMETIMES / Yes No, but I won’t force anything, chemistry and all that and Myles is really fucking complicated and picky so it’s really up to him. 
Tagging: you if you see this and read all this nonsense
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dolgelo · 7 years
Want new-and-exciting plots for your character? Long to reach out to more of your followers, but don’t know where to start? Fear not! Fill out this form and give your RP partners both present and future all the of juicy jumping off points they need to help you get your characters acquainted.
Be sure to tag the players whose characters YOU want more cues to interact with, and repost, don’t reblog! Feel free to add or remove sections as you see fit. Template here.
   Mun name:  Clio/Mary/realisnametoolong OOC Contact:  direct messages here are always a bit problematic because the site and app don’t always notify me of new one, dis.cord only for mutuals - i’ll probably make a drop soon
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Who the heck is my muse anyway:
Mitsuru Kirijo is one of the main and playable characters of the series Persona, in particular, P3, where she makes her first debut. Born into a wealthy family well-known around Japan and beyond, she is the only heiress of the company, based on economy and electronics, named the Kirijo Group. After undergoing various experiments during childhood from a secret branch of said company, all about cognitive science, she awakened to her other self or Persona to protect her father and kept doing that ever since. She, together with other users chosen in the high school of the city, creates the battling group SEES, whose hideout is Iwatodai dorm, and she makes of fighting shadows her true and ultimate goal, in order to eliminate their nest, the Tower of Tartarus, and the Dark Hour, the hidden time in which Shadows hunt down common people, making them victim of what the public knows as Apathy Syndrome.   
Points of interest:
1)  Her strong devotion towards her goal and the figure of her Father, that she adores and defends, is also her greatest weakness. The girl’s demeanor might seem icy, perfect and basically untouchable and gracious in its entirety, but in reality, Mitsuru happens to be a very fragile person, with phobias, fears and a great predisposition to telling countless lies to her companions and dormmates. Although she has no ill reasons to behave that way, Mitsuru does not feel like sharing that burden she always carried with anyone else and thus, avoids to tell everyone about the truth, just like the incident of the lab of the Group that did cause the Dark Hour to exist in the first place. This side of her personality, that unfortunately gets the best of her almost until the very end, also makes the girl also unable to ask for anyone’s help, in a direct way. It often results in pretty uncomfortable situations and the inevitable awkwardness of finally having to tell the truth, or speak of her own feelings - something she doesn’t like doing, at all. She’s not perfect at all.
2)  Being educated to a certain etiquette, Mitsuru is shown as a lady-like beauty, with interest in reading, logic-based activities, having tea while reading a book and fleuret competitions. It all has to do with her upbringing that, although strictly sheltered and protective during the first years - given she had to succeed her father one day as CEO of the corporation, through marriage - educated her to delicate and elegant manners since forever. She is never vulgar and has a particular soft spot for refined food and sweets. Despite this, however, Mitsuru has always shown another, wilder side of her personality, especially when it came to education: from climbing up trees and escaping the cares of maids when being just a little child, to desiring to avoid rules, arranged marriage and judgment of old men deciding of her life and body by running away on her motorcycle, somewhere far where to just be herself. Or also enjoying junk food and breaking some rules, from time to time. 
3)  Although not having had the chance to grow up together with her mother, because of the woman’s degenerative and odd illness that forced her outside of the house and Mitsuru’s life, the girl is extremely caring towards youngsters and people in need. She’s extremely motherly and protective towards them, showing a delicacy and gentleness that collide so much with everyone’s ideas of the icy queen of execution reputation she might have. If she punishes, she does that to make one’s think and realize their mistakes - she’s not evil and will always want the best for her friends and youngest people. It also piles up the fact she’s extremely naive too; she won’t recognize bad people until they betray her trust. Only then, she’d have no mercy of them.   
What they’ve been up to recently:
Mitsuru has been elected president of the student council of the private school of Gekkoukan. Valedictorian and brilliant in the role of captain of the fencing club, she is the daughter, only heiress, of the group actually founding the school - from elementary classes to the last ones of a teenager’s academic career. She is also founder of the secret SEES, a club disguised as a mere afterschool students organization that, in reality, is linked to the supernatural; for Mitsuru, and all the other younger members of this Specialized Extracurricular Execution Squad, there’s a mission to be finally resolved: the elimination of the Dark hour, the hidden hour that after midnight, every day, turns normal people into coffins and lets Shadows loose - creatures capable of attacking people, causing even Apathy syndrome to spread around. Given the role to Arisato, the transfer student with the Power of the Wild Card, she takes the job of a secondary member - together with her Persona; first Penthesilea, then Artemisia. She acts as a sort of mother, inside of the dorm; caring but firm, Mitsuru 
In her successive timeline, that takes place a couple of years after Graduation Day, Mitsuru is now attending college - an economy course to be exact for, one day, be finally a rightful and just head of the family corporation - the one famous worldwide and specialized in both electronics and the everyday life her father’s legacy -- Kirijo Group. Hidden under the latter’s influence and name, Mitsuru founded another group of young Persona Users: Shadows Operatives, whose task is to help people dealing with supernatural disasters associated with Shadows activities.     
Where to find them:
- Gekkoukan High School, hallway in front of faculty office - Library of Gekkoukan - Student council classroom - Iwatodai Dormitory, lounge or command room - Tower of Tartarus - Kirijo mansion and Shadow Operatives HQ - Yakushima family estate and beach   
Current plans:
ATONEMENT. To pay for the sins of her family, of her grandfather in particular who had, with the price of his own life, tried to remake the world with the help of an evoked Nyx, her Harbinger and Plumes of Dusk he studied. Those researches, with its scientists and experiments, cause the Port Island incident of 1999 that killed numerous people and did bring forth the Dark hour.
ELIMINATION OF THE CURSE OF THE DARK HOUR. Mitsuru’s true objective, that she believe will bring peace to her own family and a smile to reappear on her father’s place. Although selfish, in a sense, it’s the will that keeps her fighting, in the first line too.
ACADEMIC CAREER. Mitsuru aspires and points to the utter best when it comes to education. And she wants her teammates to be clever just the same, prepared and able to manage a healthy and successful school life and battles at night. Even during college, she will not stop encouraging her ex-teammates to study, if they do think of continuing being a, maybe, University student.
TO FIGHT FOR A MORE PEACEFUL REALITY. After the demise of her father, she begins seeing the world and people under a less selfish light; to not just hope for a better present with the intention of a single man’s well-being, but for a greater deal, many more people and right ideals. 
TO LEAD A WAY NORMAL LIFE AND KNOW MORE ABOUT THE WORLD. Child-like curiosity is often at fault when dealing with Mitsuru on relaxing occasions; being raised in a sheltered environment, she truly desires to finally and fully experience the “real world” as much as she can - one way or another. From its people to the food she never had tasted yet, to love matters and even the most useless and insignificant experiences like a simple stroll can be -- she just wants to know more about the outside world and to be, maybe, part of it too, once put etiquette aside first.   
Desired interactions:
GETTING TO KNOW BETTER OTHER YOUNGER USERS. Mitsuru is caring and motherly at heart and has a good time dealing with younger Users she can instruct; it’s part of her character to go towards others that way, listen to them too, and she often thinks they must be defended, shielded by the difficulties and hardships that fighting Shadows would cast upon them; might be because of her own pride or just trying to protect latest generations from the risks, but a confront about the matter, when facing the issues with Mitsuru is often needed.
LIGHTHEARTED TIME WITH SEES. Under the icy façade of the imperious and firm cold girl she exhibits when surrounded by people who do not know her well enough, there lies a rather naive and curious girl - not that different from others of the same age, except for heritage. One thing she tries to not get too fixated about, not with her oldest friends - for she too wants to live like a normal girl and have fun like the others do. And so, she takes the risks and proposes activities, free afternoon outdoors... whatever that’d keep her relaxed and at ease with her dormmates. 
LOVE ISSUES. Certainly less angsty than a certain marriage one, but I’ve always desired for girls talks threads - that did rarely came at all here. It’s a shame, for I love the idea of Mitsuru at least partaking in them, not necessarily being the subject to discuss; she smells affection, you can not fool her... she will know and she’ll surely desire to hear more about it. What would be cute as well, though, is to maybe see tables turn and her being the one interrogated - that’d be quite a sight.
Childhood or pre-2007 timelines are always welcome too, in fact - I adore sassier smol muse.    
  Offered interactions:
EMPRESS ARCANA TO ITS FINEST. Mother, older sister, tutor and supporting figure for your problems. She’s your girl. Caring and nurturing are the main aspects of her Arcana and Mitsuru is a clear example of all that; she will lend people a hand, offer advice and make anyone treating you bad/bullying you/etc experience utter hell and make them regret it all. Sweet with those who deserve it, firm when necessary - she won’t see the bad in your muse until openly revealed. Let her sign you and your friends up for summer courses or clubs at school even if you don’t need it because she’s worried, and she cares. It’s her character and it’s extremely endearing in my opinion, especially since most of the people here consider her just the cold ice queen of executions?? No. She’s much more. She merely doesn’t demonstrate to be as such all the time. All is gained, when deserved - even her most sincere and sweetest side. 
THE ISSUE OF HER MARRIAGE. This is angst. We all know of the girl’s past arranged marriage, the one that makes all her reasons to fight and care for herself and her friends almost crumble. It is an inevitable part of her character and story that I, as a mun, can not ignorance if I truly desire to write and be satisfied with my own take on Mitsuru. No matter how much I do, to be honest, hate it -- but at the same time find extremely interesting to explore. Arranged business marriages are not that rare in Japan and Mitsuru is, from the longest time, victim  - for a greater good, of course, of all that mess too. She hates the man for how he treats her but, for the Group’s sake, decides to engage in dates, accompany him and promise to one day marry the rich heir. Discussing, talking about this matter is, from what I’ve seen so far, really interesting, it offers development between our muses and always leads to a bit of angst which is always welcome.
ANGST. Can’t spell Mitsuru without angst... right? Ahah, she’s complicated, fragile and a good liar. Stubborn too, at times - no matter what she does preach often around the dorm, and she had no intention of letting other even help her carrying or sharing the self-inflicted burden and family sins she made hers since mere childhood. This results in fights - just like with Yukari in-game, and generally to see Mitsuru as a sort of superior human being, with no time to dedicate to others or even herself at some point, too busy fighting her own personal war. That’s sad, and what makes it worse is that she often does not realize it - thus leading to incomprehension. Always interesting to explore.
  Current open post/s:
None at the moment but if you have any ideas for plot, just write me a starter, or hit me up ( if tumbl r permits me to see dms, i cry )   
Anything else?:
Because of university keeping me busy most of the year with all its exams, I might be a bit slow with replies; I’d hardly be completely inactive but, yes, that is the only problem about me and writing. Overall, I’m quite timid at first - so it gets me a lot to be all open, fine and dandy with you - just don’t read all of that as me being proud, bitter or whatever, I don’t think I am. Plus I’m always open to plot and discuss thread, I’m always honored as much as there is respect and patience!   
Tagging: i was tagged by @aragakisan weeks ago, but steal it if you wish!   
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