#;; the haunted hound ;; (chris redfield)
h-a-unted · 1 year
Picture this; Lady Dimitrescu helping Chris kill Miranda because her kids almost died.
Lady Dimitrescu, a casualty of something bigger, transformed and used for someone else's benefit. It wouldn't be far-fetched for Chris to compare her to his subordinate Piers Nivans and his untimely demise, transformed and used for Chris's (and the BSAA's) benefit, though of course in this case Nivans chose to do so. Despite having no say in the decision, Chris's guilt clearly haunts him to this day so, once he discovers more of Alcina, once he sees just how far she can go for her daughters (something he compares then to Ethan's determination to save his own,) maybe he is compelled to ask for her help, maybe she herself decides to provide it when Chris hesitates on actually trying to kill her or something. Either way, I think it could be a great dynamic, maybe a great chance for Chris to either feel a bit redeemed or to feel even more guilty were Alcina to die trying to kill Miranda. Let them bond over parenthood if Chris ends up taking care of Rose in this one too.
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Chris Redfield x Werewolf!Reader Headcanons
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I went with headcanons because my brain is fried anon, I'm sorry
I'm greened out but I always provide angst
🌙 First Jill went missing all those years ago only for him to find her under Wesker's sick control. And now you? The second he heard it over his radio he wanted to throw the absolute fuck up. He almost swallowed the freshly lit cigarette whole.
🌙 He's had so much ripped from his life, he's not going to let you be one of them. He briefly thought back to Piers, the haunting memory halting his moves as the rest of Hound Wolf pulled him back to reality.
🌙 He searches harder than he searched for Jill, if that was even possible. It's not like anyone is going to say shit to the walking embodiment of a brick on steroids.
🌙 Claire is the only one who could talk some sort of sense into him, even if it was small. She stopped him from stuffing his pockets full of bullets and strapping as many guns to his person before taking off to some random and minuscule bit of information. Even then, Chris finds it hard to stay calm as his little sister tries to calm him down enough to sit and think things out.
🌙 He's normally so good at planning these kinds of things. He learned so much from trying to find Jill that it almost makes him feel insecure that it happened to him once again.
🌙 He often sits up late at night waiting and praying for his phone to light up whether it be a call or text or email. He yearns to hear his phone go off, to feel the burn in his eyes for the light to cut through the deep night that overtakes the too-empty bedroom. He leaves his ringer volume up at the maximum so there's no chance of him sleeping through it. And one night, it finally does.
🌙 He's out of bed and geared up in a matter of a few minutes. He's deathly silent the entire transport ride, the thoughts running millions of miles an hour in his mind had him grinding his teeth. He was smoking up a storm too, as soon as one cigarette burned out he pressed another one to his lips and lit it. It worried the rest of Hound Wolf to see him like this.
🌙 He lead the charge. He wasted no time, kicking door open with his heavy boots and sweeping the rooms with his finger on the trigger. His eyes were wild and tactical as he looked over the strangely wrecked rooms of the facility. It was all so odd that the place was seemingly abandoned overnight, coffee cups were half drunk, computers were still logged into, even some doors were left unlocked that normally would need keycards to open.
🌙 He found you in a room towards the back of the facility. His blood ran freezing cold in his veins upon first glance. You weren't moving. Against his better judgment, Chris approached you quickly and felt for your pulse only to be startled when you jolted with life. You looked like you had been dragged through hell as his eyes scanned your body for all of your injuries.
🌙 His heart broke upon seeing all of the deep bruises and the puncture wounds from where they experimented on you like you were a B.O.W. It suddenly struck him like lightning as the rest of Hound Wolf filed in, a few checking the computers and files around as one of the medics hovered over you. What exactly were they pumping you full of?
🌙 He read the files on the transport back, occasionally looking over at you as you laid near motionlessly as the medic worked over you. Your files contained a lot of familiar elements from Romania with the lycans. He knew what you were now, closing the files and sorrowfully looking back at you. He knew for a fact he couldn't bring himself to put you down, you both have been through so much together.
🌙 He fights to keep you alive, and somehow, it works. Of course, there's the heavy restrictions and looming knowledge that if you even put one claw out of line that it would end horribly. But Chris is determined to never let that happen. His nerves ease when it comes to light that you're different than the lycans from Romania, only transforming during the night of a full moon.
🌙 He's there for you before you turn, often in the room with you despite the protests of the others and even you. He'd be damned if he ever left you alone.
🌙 He's helping you attach the shackles and whispers to you sweet nothings while doing so. He's not the best with words but he's determined to do his best.
🌙 He's always so hesitant to go when you do start to turn, often pausing before the door as he weighs his needs for survival and the need to be by your side during a horrible time like this.
🌙 When he does eventually close the barricaded door behind him, he's immediately looking at the screen displaying the horrors going on inside of the very room he was just in. While others reel and turn away during the initial transformation, Chris stomachs it and watches closely for any signs of something going wrong.
🌙 He would often sit at the door, his back against the metal as you snarled and tore apart the room on the other side. A cigarette between his teeth was lit and he would find himself talking just to fill the void when you would get too exhausted to fight against the chains. It was his way of still treating you like you were human, even now. He would talk about whatever came to his mind; What bullshit paperwork he had to do earlier, what Claire brought up on the phone, something stupid he overheard in the locker room.
🌙 You would always wake up in the morning with the chains already off and a thick flannel blanket draped over you, a comfy pillow tucked under your head and Chris sitting right next to you waiting patiently. He always had a bottle of water fresh from the fridge, a protein bar or two and a few painkillers at the ready along with a change of clothes.
🌙 Chris is sure to clear out your schedules for the rest of the day. Your body and your mind both just went under a horrible amount of stress and pain, you need to rest. He'd rather go face-to-face with Wesker again than see you struggling around the house the day after, especially for things so basic like water or food.
🌙 He often likes to carry you inside your shared home despite your weak protests. He's a pretty strong guy and his mind is even harder to break at times, so there's no convincing him to stop and put you down. He always carries you straight to bed and lays you down comfortably and stays by your side until you eventually drift off.
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juicycoutureheaux · 2 months
When it’s over Chapter 10
“I’ll haunt you”
The day of Walden’s arrival was uneventful.
It was actually kind of miserable due to the previous night’s events, her team members felt like they had to walk on eggshells around her.
She just shut herself into her work, creating a makeshift “lab” with one of the spare rooms. She thought it best to stick to herself and prepare her results for Walden’s arrival while the rest of the team was working with the Winters family.
It was around midday when she heard the rumble of a vehicle outside the building and stepped out to see Walden exiting the SUV.
“I am so glad to see you, Wally,” Anna said happily.
Walden was an older man, he was what some women in their department considered a “silver fox.” He had a rugged appearance, his physique was still in great shape and he had a rather handsome face.
The younger girls in the lab had deemed him “Wally” as their own way of flirting with him. He seemed to enjoy the nickname and attention. Anna thought it was mostly innocent since most of the girls were in committed relationships anyway, and Walden was older than all of them.
Wally smiled at her. “It’s good to see you, Anna. I’m sad to see you on Hound Wolf, you were one of my more talented employees.”
Anna smiled sadly. “Don’t say that, the other girls are great too.”
“None of them are you, Anna.”
Something in his voice made her uncomfortable, but she pushed the feeling down. It had been a while since she had seen him. She chalked up the unfamiliarity to not having close relationships with coworkers anymore.
“Should we get down to business then? I have some reports I want you to look over before I submit them to the higher-ups.”
“Of course Anna, always professional. Just like old times.”
Anna and Walden engaged in small talk while walking to the small, makeshift “lab.”
“How are you getting along with the others? How’s Captain Redfield treating you?” Walden asked genuinely.
“They’re nice enough,” Anna said, keeping things short.
“Nice enough, huh?” Walden said something in his voice wanting her to elaborate. She went with her instincts not to.
When they arrived at Anna's workstation she wasted no time producing her data.
“According to the blood samples here, the organic material collected differs from normal human tissue.”
“What are you insinuating, Connolly?” Walden asked, his voice grim.
“I don’t think Ethan survived the Dulvey incident,” Anna said in an almost whisper.
“This discovery is impressive, especially for someone like yourself.”
“What do you mean?” Anna said, slightly offended.
“I mean with your limited resources, you still came to this conclusion. I’m impressed.” Walden said.
“Well, I still want to run this by Captain Redfield before I submit my official report. I may be wrong. I’m sorry I disturbed you, Walden.” Anna said, backing up from her previous superior, to exit the room. Her gut was telling her it was a mistake bringing Walden here.
Walden moved closer to Anna pinning her between a table and himself.
“I think you know exactly why we can’t let Captain Redfield know, Anna.”
“Walden, what’s the matter? Do you have something against Chris?”
Walden scoffed. “Do you think Redfield knows what to do with this information? You’re wasting your time by taking orders from him.”
“I don’t follow.”
“I knew you would find out the truth about the Winters family eventually, I just thought I had more time to convert you, to the right cause.”
“Convert me? Walden we work for the same people, I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Anna’s spine felt like it was made of ice, but her skin was on fire.
Walden smiled a joyless smile, he looked like the Cheshire cat. “That’s where you’re wrong, sweet Anna.” He suddenly grabbed her face by her chin so she was forced to look at him.
“How’s your friend doing? From the club? Bunny, I think her name was?”
Anna forced her face away from his grip. “What the fuck are you talking about Walden? I think you need to leave. I should be in contact with Captain Redfield, he’s expecting me to update him.” Anna lied, hoping that it would deter Walden from whatever the hell he was going to do to her.
“Captain Redfield is busy with the Winters, you’re here all by yourself,” He saw right through her excuse. “I think you understand who’s in control of this situation.”
Anna felt her blood run cold. “Walden, did you have anything to do with Bunny?” Her eyes started to water uncontrollably. She knew the answer, but she needed to hear it.
“Look at you, Anna, starting to put the pieces together. That woman was an easy target, she was so quick to tell me all about you and the man who visited you at the bar.”
“Why would you hurt her? She was innocent in all this!”
“Anna, don’t you get it? She was close to you and was so quick to give information away to a stranger. She deserved to die.”
“You motherfucker!” Anna yelled and pushed him off. Walden was too strong though, and threw her to the ground in the process.
“Good to see Redfield has completely failed with training you.” He stepped closer to her as she tried to gain her composure.
“What do you want from me?”
“What do I want? I want you to join me Anna. You’ve got so much potential.”
“Why would I join you? You killed my friend! My sister!” Sobbed out at him.
“You have something I want, what we want. Potential to be a real researcher.”
“Who the fuck is we Walden? You’re fucking crazy! You need to be in prison for what you did!”
“How’s your roommate Anna? Didn’t you have a falling out because of your leaving? Wouldn’t they like to know you’re the reason your friend is dead?”
“They’re not a part of this.”
“They are. They’re a part of you, and I can take them away if you don’t do what I ask.”
Anna thought of the fear and betrayal in Bunny’s last moment, she would do anything to keep Lavish safe from the same fate.
“What do I need to do?”
“You can start by leaving with me,”
Anna just complied, she knew by agreeing it would buy her more time.
Walden had led her to some decommissioned research base, it had to have belonged to Umbrella at one time. The inside of the building was arid, making Anna’s lips chapped and making it harder to breathe.
Walden led her to a long, bright hallway with blinding manufactured light.
“Why did you bring me here Walden? Why didn’t you kill me back at the base?”
“You’re worth more alive, Connolly. You have a valuable skillset the Connections want.”
The Connections, the crime syndicate that Mia was working for and that was responsible for creating Eveline.
“So that’s who you’ve been working for, this whole time? Predictable.” Anna spat out, she was so mad she couldn’t have seen it before. She let herself get too close and was blinded by the trust that was assumed to be reciprocated. She couldn’t have been more incorrect.
“Apparently it wasn’t,” Walden quipped back. “You’re quite feisty when you’re wrong Connoly.”
They finally stopped in a fully equipped surgical room, it was obvious this moment had been orchestrated well before they had even received orders.
“ Is this what you wanted to show me? An operating room? This definitely could have waited.” Anna tried to say sarcastically, but her voice faltered.
“Anna, the connections wanted to make sure you were fully compliant before they met you in person, by any means necessary.”
She gulped. “What are you talking about?”
“I was sent here to give you the gift.” Walden said, quickly grabbing one of the syringes off the table. She vaguely recognized the liquid inside, it was a strain of the mutamycete that was responsible for the Dulvey incident.
She had to act fast, she threw down the surgical table to create distance between herself and Walden. She ran out of the room as fast as she could.
“Bitch!” Walden screamed, pushing off the table and chasing after her.
She ran around the familiar corridors trying to remember where they had initially entered the facility. She immediately came across a seemingly abandoned office when she heard Walden gaining on her.
“Damn him.” She thought. He had an advantage, he knew this building.
“Anna,” Walden called out, like they were two kids playing some demented version of hide and seek. “Please don’t fight me, you know its for the best. You’ll keep your family safe this way.”
She scrambled through the office desperate to find something to defend herself with, when she knocked a phone off the desk and a dial tone broke the silence. It was like a sign from God.
She scrambled over to the phone and quickly dialed Alpha’s number; but before he could pick up she heard Walden’s heavy foot steps come closer to the office. She had to leave.
She ran out of the office, but was unable to hang up the phone. On the other end all Chris could hear was a struggle and Anna’s scream.
Hound wolf wasted no time in tracking the location of the call, they were able to get to Anna’s location in no time.
The whole team arrived in their full gear, not wanting to take any chances. Alpha and Umber eyes were the first to storm into the building, finding a fully mutated Walden, but no Anna.
“It was you after all, you were the mole we were looking for, Walden.” Chris addressed the beast.
The monster gurgled in response before forcing out the words, “You’re too late.”
The team attacked the monster full force, still unsure of where their missing comrade was. Walden gave little, to no fight, like a pawn that had served its purpose, he was ready to die.
Chris began frantically searching with the rest of the Team for any signs of Anna or insurgents. The whole place seemed empty, until they walked further down the hallway and spotted a bloody trail littered with scarlet handprints. Somebody had been dragging their injured body to safety.
“Bambi! Bambi!” Canine began to scream and the rest of the team followed desperately in hopes their comrade would call out to them. The silence was deafening, until they heard a weak voice call from inside the office area.
She looked like a doll that had been tossed carelessly aside. Through her right shoulder, was a deep red wound where she had been impaled by one of Walden’s appendages. Blood was dripping from her mouth, it was evident she had fought hard and was barely conscious to prove it.
Alpha quickly ran to her side and propped her up, attempting to stop the bleeding from her wound. “Hey, stay alert, he’s gone. We’re going to get you out of here, Bambi.”
“I’m ready to go home, Chris.”
“We’ll get you home, I just need you to be awake okay? You did a good job here, we’re going to take care of you.” Chris began to plead. Canine stood there uncomfortably while the rest of the team were rushing to get Bambi evacuated to a hospital.
Bambi’s eyes rolled back into her head while Chris was barking orders to hound wolf.
Anna awoke in her childhood bedroom, the pink and green quilted comforter felt familiar beneath her fingers. Her room smelt of the clean linen airfreshener her mother loved to use. She moved from her room into the living room, into the dining room with the overhead light on, illuminating the two figures at the table with warm yellow light.
As Anna approached the two figures she quickly recognized them as her mother and Micheal. Anna felt a lump in her throat.
Her mother turned around and hugged her, she smelled the familiar scent of honeysuckle perfume and cigarettes. She felt the warmth only a mother’s hug could provide.
Anna didn’t want to let go of the feeling.
“Mama. I’ve missed you.”
She smiled at Anna, her blue eyes glittering at the sight of her daughter.
Anna’s attention was quickly diverted to her late husband, also waiting at the table. He looked exactly how she remembered, his auburn hair combed neatly atop of his head, his blue eyes were completely clear and bright. They shared an affectionate embrace and kissed eachother.
They all sat down at the dining table with Anna talking about all the things they had missed. Anna talked about her wedding to Micheal to her mother and Anna filled Micheal in all about moving to New York despite her claiming to him early on in the marriage she would never live in the big city.
She even talked about the BSAA and Chris. Suddenly, she felt ashamed about mentioning Chris in front of her husband. She never considered herself single after Micheal passed away, she still felt married, like her husband was at a business trip far away.
Micheal smiled at her knowingly and affectionately. “I’m happy for you, baby.”
She felt her eyes start to water. They moved up from the table into the home’s entry way, where her mother opened the door, revealing the most beautiful sunset. The neighborhood outside was hued with a sepia colored filter and she could smell the grass and the fruit trees in her front yard from when she was a child.
Anna turned around. There was an unfamiliar boy standing behind her mother and Micheal. He was lanky, with dark eyes and hair. She felt a strong platonic connection with him, despite never seeing him before.
She quickly turned to her mother and Michael with pleading eyes; this world was too sweet, she wasn’t ready to go.
“Do I have to?” Anna sobbed to her mother.
Her mother just nodded sadly.
“I’ll see you soon.” The boy said hugging her around the waist. Anna returned it, running her fingers softly through the boys dark brown locks.
She made her way through the doorway and the sky turned to a stormy gray.
She gasped herself awake and the sterile hospital scent filled her nose. The room was filled with the white light of early morning. There was no telling how long she was asleep.
A nurse walked in and upon making eye contact with a now awake Anna, the young lady ran into the hallway to grab the attending physician.
The next two hours was spent with doctors and nurses performing various cognitive tests on her. They claimed she had been in a coma like state and they were very close to placing her on full fledged life support, due to her lack of brain activity.
Anna felt sick to her stomach and had tried to vomit, but couldn’t due to lack of contents in her stomach. She was left dry heaving for most of the day.
The next morning, when she was finally deemed healthy enough to have outside guests, Hound wolf had made an appearance at the hospital, bringing flowers and a signed card.
“Okay, who’s idea was this? I’m finding it hard to think one of you thought of this on your own.” She said, joking.
The group laughed and pointed out, that it was their Alpha.
“Hey, I just thought it was the nice thing to do, it was cheaper than buying a funeral arrangement, that’s for sure.” Anna coughed out a laugh, due to still being hooked up to oxygen.
“I’m just glad you’re here, having each new shift rotation stare at me like a medical anamoly was starting to get a little old.” She said nonchalantly, but the rest of the room went silent.
Anna gulped, sensing the light hearted mood quickly change. “So how have you all been entertaining yourselves since I’ve been spending my time relaxing?”
“We’ve been relocating our friends in Canada.” Umber eyes responded flatly.
Anna’s brows furrowed until she realized what he was talking about.
“Oh damn, that must be a bummer for them.” She said twisting the bed sheets underneath her hands. How much did they know.
The room was awkward. Then the slightly ajar hospital door opened wide and in came Lavish and Anna’s sister Bridgitte.
“Oh honey! I’ve never seen you so pale before!” Lavish said hurrying in, not even acknowledging the rest of hound wolf.
“Lavish! I thought you hated me!” Anna said weakly. “I’m so glad you’re here.”
“I never could hate you Anna-Banana! You didn’t have to get in this bad of a car accident to get me to talk to you again!”
Anna looked awkwardly at her team, whom were now making their exits. She realized the real reason she was in the hospital must be considered classified.
“Yeah, I barely remember anything at all.” Anna said, trying to sound confident.
“Damn, Anna,” Bridgitte sat down on the bed with her sister, “I knew you liked attention, but weren’t this desperate for it.”
Anna hit her sister with a pillow playfully.
“Now, now Anna, don’t get mad at Bridgitte. She’s right, you are a spotlight hog.” Lavish said, looking around the room acknowledging the others, sharing the space.
“I’m so sorry, Bridgette and I just barged in here, did we interrupt your visit?” Lavish said concerned.
“We were just leaving,” Tundra said smiling at Lavish.
“Well, aren’t you gorgeous and here I was worried about Anna being the only feminine energy on the team. It is a woman’s world.”
“Lavish seriously? Get some manners!”
Lavish turned around with faux offense on their face. “Anna, I was just saying how excited I am that you have a friend on the team.”
Anna buried her face in her hands.
Tundra shook Lavish’s hand. “I’m Emily and this is the rest of the team.” Gesturing over to the rest of Hound Wolf.
Lavish looked around the room and smiled with delight. “You’re a very attractive team. It’s nice to meet you,” they made eye contact with Chris “Oh Anna, I didn’t know Daddy was here! I should have known!”
Lavish was making it clear that even if Anna had escaped death she wasn’t going to escape the teasing. Anna definitely preffered this treatment over the cold shoulder treatment.
The room snapped their heads at Chris, then to Anna.
Chris cleared his throat. “I may have visited Anna at her bartending job before she was a member of our team.”
“BARTENDING JOB?” Canine looked shocked.
“Bambi was a bartender? Where? I wanna go!” Lobo said like a child who missed out on some excitement.
“We’ll discuss this later after she’s had some rest. I think its best if we give her some alone time, we’ve got a lot of work to do team.” Chris said ushering the team out the doorway.
They all said their goodbyes and left Anna alone with her family.
“Well, that’s cool I got to see who Lavish was talking about.” Bridgitte said
“You mean Chris? Yeah, he’s my boss.”
“He is very handsome, lots of nice muscles. Just like you said Lavish!” Bridgitte and Lavish had a laugh at Anna’s expense.
“You guys are whores.” Anna said holding back a smile.
“Oh lighten up, Anna.”
Anna only rolled her eyes and enjoyed the rest of the night laughing with her sisters, truly thankful she was alive.
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h-a-unted · 1 year
Characters tags (ignore these)
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h-a-unted · 1 year
❝Just because I'm too short to reach the lowest shelf in the cabinet doesn't mean you shouldn't watch out for your kneecaps.❞ — Rose for Chris!
"Is that an active threat, Rosemary?" Chris questions, though by no means as a real way of scolding the girl. Instead, he is showing a small smile, almost about to laugh. He knew her to be resourceful, but he never expected her to mention what her tactics could be -- much less aimed at him. Well, she was her father's daughter, after all. ...Both fathers, he guessed. And he could not be any more proud.
"I will be mindful not to get on your bad side, then. These knees aren't what they used to be." He lies, but he sometimes likes to play the part of a retired man. Quick, he leans over to ruffle her blonde hairs, make them a mess and smile at his masterpiece. "There you go, now you definitely look like a threat."
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h-a-unted · 1 year
I’m in a mood so, like for memes from Chris (once I wake up again.)
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h-a-unted · 1 year
[ text ] are you in my kitchen?? — Mia (@dollhidden) to Chris! ~ [ text ] What? Why would I be? Chris is typing... [ text ] Yeah, I might be. [ text ] Just checking something out, don't worry. I'll be out before you know it.
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h-a-unted · 1 year
❛ i suppose i should take it as a compliment. ❜ / @plckydcmnt for Chris! ~ "It is a compliment," he makes sure to let her know, crossing his arms. "Surviving Raccoon City is no easy feat." Or rather, was. "I only know of a handful of people that went through with it."
And yet, though it is a compliment to welcome her to the club of the traumatized, they are still, well, traumatized individuals, no? Much more so when it comes to regular people surviving such a sudden ordeal. A sigh comes and he proceeds to pat her on the shoulder.
"I just mean to say that, if you ever need the support, there are a handful of us that could help -- understand you. I wasn't there per se, but my sister was, so... Just know you're not alone."
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h-a-unted · 1 year
i just want to go home ! — Mia (@dollhidden) to Chris! ~ "I know, Mia, I know," he answers almost immediately. For a second, he takes a quick glance at the woman before looking back at the corridor. "Believe me, I want to be back home myself. I want this to be over, but..."
With these psychos on the loose, with Rosemary in jeopardy, what could they actually do? Chris wanted to keep that family safe, that was his top priority and yet... Things just kept going south.
"Just hold on for a bit longer. I will handle it, I just need more time." He wouldn't fail, he could not. Not this time.
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