heartonanoose · 10 months
@smolcuriouskitten liked for a starter.
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"Are you going to approach me or just follow behind me the rest of the day?" Aluzka spoke over her shoulder with a small smirk. She had made sure the other was in fact following her before saying anything. Considering the turns and walking in circles Alu had been doing and they matched her every move, she was certain of it. For a few moments Alu found it almost comical. Somewhat like a game but they couldn't do this forever.
Stopping just outside a cafe they had passed three times over, Alu then finally turned around to face them. Arms crossing, her head tilted and her eyes glowed green. "C'mon then love. D'you really think I didn't notice you?"
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redemptivexheroics · 6 months
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Okay, it's time for my end-of-the-year Follow Forever...this year has been kind of low activity for me, something I plan to correct in the coming new year. But without further delay, here it is, starting with the honorable mentions.
@entangledmuses: You're definitely one of my closest followers, you've been putting up with my ass since 2013, and even though we had ups and downs, you're still dealing with me; I feel like I should apologize for that. You've given me my number one ship, and I love them, not saying that I don't love all of our ships, and I know you know which one I'm referring to.
@aquamanandfriends: What can I say about you that I haven't already? This one is a tough one, but let's start by saying that I love how big of a nerd we are for Star Wars. I love our little universe and can't wait to expand on it; Ellis and Anakin are some of my favorite BROTPs. Plus, it's fun having you on my dash, and I love seeing you and @thestoriesincoffeestains stuff on my dash. It brings me no greater joy than seeing you on my dash.
@goddamnmuses: This motherfucker! We don't interact as much as I like us to, but it's still fun seeing you on my dash and all the shenanigans your muses get up to; you're definitely in that few that has put up with me for so long, like seriously, what is wrong with you that you want to interact with the likes of me? LOL. I adore Peter and Ellis. Here's to more time writing together.
@heartonanoose: Though you disappear for days, weeks, maybe months, I can honestly say you're one of my best friends on here, and I love you with your crazy ass, and just as much as Vergil and Aluzka drive each other crazy, you can tell that our friendship pours into them both. You're still a little shit, though.
@morexfuntomiss: I love our interactions; we don't talk that much in OOC, but I would love to change that. I adore our threads and look forward to writing more with you.
@inkdreamt: You! It's your fault I fell more in love with WonderTrevor, and seeing as your Diana is my main Diana for Steve, that's saying something. We've built an outstanding world that goes beyond what was established in the DCEU. Even though the DCEU is officially dead, we can definitely keep it going with our little verse.
Everyone else, I must mention that I adore you just as much!!!
@little-miss-buffy @legends-and-savages @faeryworlds @tofeelthecold @ghostsxagain @bcbliophile @lcstinthewoods @notsogeniusgirls @detectiverickitubbs @sonoftartessos @daringsunflowers @badasshybridqueen @speedxandxnetflix @qceensofkings @headlessmania @malka-lisitsa @faiththesinfulslayer @hcpemikaelscn @prcttyliics @lcstinfantasy @godkillersblood @bchemianrhapscdy @star-of-troy @freaksandfangs @frxgmcnts @halliwellauto @alwayslcyal @escapedfromthevoiid @dynastymuses
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lovesaidno-archive · 6 years
Open to m/f/nb
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“‘m so sorry...truly I am. I never meant to let it get this far or go so deep....” Alu looked over at the other in the middle of packing the few things she had at their house. “I promised m’self I wouldn’t get attached but then you showed up and...well....I broke that promise....” She swallowed thickly then to keep herself from crying. Keeping her calm and collected composure. 
“I ‘ave t’go. It will be better for the both of us....it may not seem like it now but you’ll see eventually...” Grabbing her bag, she took a few steps until they were closer. Should she kiss them goodbye or just walk away? A hand reached out to try and cup the others cheek. “Please believe me when I say ‘m so sorry....” 
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crovnprince · 5 years
❝ let me take a look… ❞ [From Main Verse Aluzka to anyone]
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Olivia huffs between deep breathes, “I–I’m sorry I called you down at such an hour.” She gently brings her hand to hug herself, right hand rubbing her arm; A self soothing action to calm herself from her own episode. This had happened so many times before but she really didn’t want to trouble the girl this time round. She wanted to prove she could be independent, that she could get her own world under control for once. “I’m going to be okay. I really don’t want to trouble you with this.”
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@heartonanoose said:                     ‘ you are not a god. ’ [from main Aluzka to anyone]
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“I never said I was,” the Professor told the other woman.
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heartonanoose · 10 months
When are you and Vergil finally gonna get together?
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"VERGIL!" Alu shouted. "You can deal with this one. I don't feel like it."
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heartonanoose · 1 year
open to all. 
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“If you play one more christmas song or make one more christmas themed pun, I will shove a string of lights so far up your ass, Rudolph won’t be the only one lighting the way...” 
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heartonanoose · 1 year
@helldragged​ liked/half ass plotted for a starter. <3
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“You’ve been following me for...” Alu looked at her phone for the time and snickered to herself. “Two hours now. Will you either give up or make a move?” Though it looked like she was talking to thin air, she knew where the hunter was attempting to hide. She could hear and smell him. All hunters had that unmistakable odor. Sweat, leather and desperation. 
“Go on then, come out and let me ‘ave a look at you.” Aluzka smirked to herself as she watched the man walk out from behind a tree not too far from her. “Oh there he is.” Eyes glowed green and she looked him over. 
“Oh you are adorable.” Purring gently, she waved for him to put his weapon away. “Put that away. Does it look like I’m going to attack you?” 
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heartonanoose · 2 years
@hiddcnsclf​ liked for a starter. 
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Normally Aluzka was better at making sure no one was around before shifting her form but after a group of annoying kids tried to catch her, she wasn’t exactly paying too much attention. After leaping away and scurrying into a nearby alley way, Alu shifted to her human form just in time for the kids to round the same corner. Looking around, they looked up to Alu and asked if she had seen the cat. she pointed them in another random direction and swore under her breath as she watched them run away. 
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Turning around, it was then Alu realized there was a person a bit father down the alley and she froze. More likely than not, they had seen what she just did. Shit. The decision she had to make now was to either run away and hope the other didn’t follow or try to talk to them and maybe convince them what the y had seen wasn’t real. Damnit, she really didn’t have the patience for this. It was when the other took the first step in her direction did she decide to bolt. The last thing she needed was to explain what she was and what just happened. 
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heartonanoose · 2 years
@goddamnmuses​  liked for a starter
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“Did you really just eat ‘alf the cupcakes I just made? Have you no control?” Aluzka asked as she watched the other licking icing off their fingers. She had literally just got done decorating them. In fact she’d only been out of the kitchen for ten minutes.
Though as they looked at her, she couldn’t stay mad for too long. They had icing on their nose and a bit on their cheek. She wanted to be angry but they were just too cute. “Damn you.” She picked up a tea towel and moved to wipe their face. “You are almost as bad as a child with how much of a mess you make while eating.” 
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heartonanoose · 1 year
@goddamnmuses​ liked for a starter and I’m so sorry it took so long. don’t hate me please. 
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“I gave you one rule. Just one....Stay out of MY kitchen.” Though technically it wasn’t hers, she still didn’t trust him enough to leave him alone with anything in there. If he was going to keep her ‘hostage’ then he could at least let her have one thing. 
Looking at the absolute disaster that was now in front of her, she glared at him. “What were you even trying to do??” It was like a tornado ran through as well as a bomb going off. Simultaneously. 
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heartonanoose · 2 years
@gabrielthegoober​ liked for a starter. 
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“Oh my god what is that?” Alu scraped at her tongue to get the taste out of her mouth. “What did you put in this and WHY?” Asking, nearly begging for an explanation before getting herself some soda to wash the taste out of her mouth. 
“I am so close to banning you from any and every kitchen...” 
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heartonanoose · 2 years
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The second they had come into town, Alu knew she was going to be found. How long it would take them however was a different story. She could always smell a hunter long before seeing them. She wasn’t going to run though. Not again. 
She had been walking home when one of them started following her. Sighing, she stopped and she turned around to face the male. “You are doing a piss poor job of trying to be quiet or silent.” Her hands shoved into her pockets, Alu tilted her head a bit. 
“Come on then. Either come talk or shoot me already. Though I’d much prefer a civil conversation...” 
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heartonanoose · 2 years
@smolcuriouskitten​ cont’d. 
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“Lovely to meet you Rockelle.” Alu reaches out to shake her hand and there’s a bit of jolt. Though nothing too crazy, it was enough to throw her off a bit. “Aluzka but you can call me Alu.” Nodding, she rose a brow. “You’re different.” She stated bluntly and withdrew her hand. 
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heartonanoose · 2 years
"Oh my goodness! I love your dress! Where did you get it from?"
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"Oh. uhm.." She looks down to remind herself of what she's actually wearing. Not that it would help. She never really knew where her clothes were from anymore.
"I honestly don't know..." She snorts and laughs at herself. "Thank you though. It's either from a dress shop no longer in business or something I found online.." Both a lie really, all she has to do is snap her fingers and she's got new clothes.
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heartonanoose · 2 years
@rpwithadorableme​ liked for a starter. 
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“Was that pick line supposed to actually work?” Alu laughed loudly before sipping from her drink. “That was hilarious. D’you ‘ave any more like that?” Clearly not impressed with his line but it was amusing. 
“Go on then. Give us another.” Nodding as she motioned with her straw. Held tilted then as she waited. 
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