#;;im blathering again--
imadhatt3r · 2 days
This is going to sound really weird, I know, but I seriously feel like there's a number of like, British communists who desperately wish they were Eastern European??? Like they think that by being into political side of communism (usually not the kind that existed in Eastern Europe), they can be chummy with people who actually grew up in Eastern Europe and were raised with the communist era somewhere in the background their whole life, usually without knowing the nitty gritty of theory but with a lot of cultural herritage from that time...
Like no, there's a big difference between being British, being raised in British culture, with cultural institutions, history, traditions, then getting into communist theory and just assuming that you know everything about life in communist Eastern Europe, and then pulling a "how do you do fellow commies" to people from Eastern Europe whose associations with communism are much different, and they will see you as detached and insensitive at best.
#hatter blathers#ive seen a lot of people like that in the de fandom#and yes this post was inspired by a certain indie game that has been making rounds recently#like... you make a game thats so clearly inspired by de. you clearly want to establish a similar tone in your world#but you cant. because youre trying to make it into a reflection of the uk.#i dont know. its just kinda killing me. i dont know whats more outrageous#a de styled game having a landlord or a gender clinic. both of these things just clash so hard with what i associate with des tone#and from what i can see the tone is all flipped#des world is grimy and poor and has a ton of issues but the overall tone is very hopeful id say#because the world parellels harry: he sucked and was awful but he has a ton of potential and can turn for the better#while in this game the overall tone is everything is shit and theres no hope in anything#and like... again. the author can do whatever they want. but the game is so heavily inspired by de that its impossible to not compare#this whole game feels like a terminally online british communist who marinated their brain in leftist online spaces played de#and all they got out of it is WOW this game has based communism AND a funny failure man as a protag??? and nothing else beside it#again. its great if you love the game. im sure that the creators put a lot of love and passion into it and have a desire to show something#important to them#i just dont think its that good. the writing is corny and too reliant on le internet funnyspeak#and they take a blatant inspiration from de without seemingly understanding what made the game engaging and so moving#plus its taking a sucessful eastern european story and world and forcefully twisting it to fit the british mold while neutering#its very essence#so you can probably see why im not very stoked on it#but again i just dont think im the target audience for it. if you liked it then thats great
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Fallen London should let me fish. Im not talking killing sea monsters I want to be able to waste actions just casting a line over the side of my boat. It doesnt even have to do anything. I just want to be able to create a character, speedrun to getting a boat and then never progress past that. Just sit in the zee fishing forever. Peak gameplay
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guesst · 1 year
one of those "ah! my uncontrollable power.... why is that person the only one to be able to curb it...?" stories but instead of becoming a romance its the friendship of the century
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blatherkatt · 1 year
I have a collection of fics I reread for funsies and the calm is terrifying is one of them! Some of it partially inspired me caving and writing my own fanfic
asjdflhs thats so sweet thank you,,, honestly big thanks in general to people who kept reading/commenting on calm/storm over the years too for keeping it in my mind because this year the dam finally broke and i have. Ideas again like i dont wanna get people toooo amped up but i mean i am working on the part 1.5 oneshot and an outline for the second part and im very excited for the new ideas. probably gonna do some minor edits (like grammar/fixing some of the pesterlog coding/maybe tweaking some wording here and there) to the original too before i post any of the new stuff
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softstuffs · 4 months
Oc s?
HI I present to thee:
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Pigeon used to be my icon for the longest time so I consider her like The Oc of this blog (even though I haven't posted about xyr in like a year but sh. shh.) I choose the color scheme (light green and some ochre-ish colors) to match her! She's an Animal Jam OC who takes the role of the player during the adventures.
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She's just this super chipper and excitable pal who loves exploring and running at phantoms with reckless abandon. They live in Sarepia Forest and like collecting sunflowers and mushrooms and stuff. All the nooks and crannies they can find, they try to squeeze into. They have random knickknacks and rewards from adventuring scattered around their den. She cares about defeating the phantoms but exploration captures her attention a lot more. And she frequently gets distracted as a result. but somehow it works out. much to the confusion of the Alphas. And by "Alphas" I mean Greely. Because she just manages to find things inexplicably. Essentially I wanted her to fill the role of the player. Because when the player is playing the game, they can see the onscreen clues of where to find things. Like in an adventure if you need to find a key there's a little pop-up that shows which direction you need to go.
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(^ like this) as well as other things like a map, the mission info at the top of the screen, etc.
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And the alphas are always remarking on the player's ability to find these things, and how its surprising and a bit odd.
I thought that would be interesting to incorporate as an ability that the character has. because in universe, the other characters cant see these UI elements so it just looks like Pigeon is bee-lining it into the forest and then coming back with a cork and they're like. what. Pigeon just has this weird "sense" that pulls them forwards and brings them to certain people or objects that they can't explain. Its just innate. They walk into the woods and feel compelled to run into the trees and Oh! there's a key here! Huh, weird. And everyone else is just like "?????" because other than this pull towards things Pigeon doesn't have any other kind of like magical ability or a strong connection to Mira and Zios. Its just this 1 inexplicable quirk like she has a compass in her head she can tune to find things. Or to know where phantoms are. Which is especially helpful considering she isn't the strongest fighter. Like she's with another jammer and she's like "oh no! phantoms!" and throws a boomseed in a random direction and the distant sound of a phantom sprouter exploding is heard. (since sometimes you can destroy sprouters that are juuuustt on the corner of the screen but they cant actually detect you yet.) and the person she's with just stares at her like she's grown 3 heads.
idk i think its fun lol. shes just like a random jammer but she has a walkthrough built into her head.
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its silly and it gives the opportunity for her to have interesting interactions with the Alphas, who are the main characters you talk to throughout the adventures. Obviously she serves as a kind of foil to Greely just by virtue of being very excitable and cheery but there's also some other stuff to it to. Like Greely's thing is that he's always going off by himself and he's all contemplative and i like the idea that they can bond over the idea of feeling strange and having weird magic connections. another big part of her desire for exploration is her awe of nature. She loves just looking around at the huge trees Jamaa has and the pretty crystal caverns. She could spend hours just wandering aimlessly down there. And that's something she and Cosmo can kinda chat over. And I imagine Ghraham's unrelenting need to understand everything leads to him being very interested in xyr abilities. they're also both very eccentric and I think they'd vibe Ae and Peck also get along I feel. But I also like to think that since they're the closest in personality Pigeon kinda idolizes Peck and so she tries really hard to impress and gets really embarrassed around her and its like silly and cute. She still only sees them sparingly so it's more like coworkers than friends but shes at least acquainted with everyone except Tavie. And if Tavie ever appears in or is referenced in a land adventure I'm absolutely making them friends. the other two Quail (brown n purple) and Dove (white n grey) are her younger sister and older brother because obviously shes the middle child.
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anyway yeah I made my blog her color palette bc i just. i love her. <333333 I love u Pigeon.
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kudzucataclysm · 2 years
ngl if my shit was reduced to just “you should read this cuz it has queer characters what other reason is there” i’d be lowkey insulted…
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sailorsun546 · 1 year
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goldenfox3 · 2 years
The WIP pile grows 🤹‍♂️ (titles not yet final)
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huidol · 2 years
i am going to avoid so many spoilers for frontiers and that is a promise <333
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avatarofthelonely · 8 months
ive had many Thoughts about tmagp but i feel reluctant to share any of them since i feel silly trying to speculate about a show that barely even has any episodes and tbh i think im justified in this bc last week i was gonna post like "i wonder if the fears only started manifesting in the protocol universe around/after 2018 since all the incidents so far happened in 2022 👀" and then this week we immediately got an incident from 2009 -_-
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persimnon · 1 year
girl who is crying for the third year in a row about not wanting to move back for college
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guesst · 2 years
every time somebody talks about kalego behind his back he takes psychic damage so that by the time the Misfits graduate hes old, withered and on the verge of death
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mosnet · 2 years
if . if angel and aki werent in love why would aki give up 8% of his lifespan for angel with one hand hold thath is literlaly romance at its peak
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cthulhum · 3 months
ure boring. ure boring YOU ARE SO BORING. COLORLESS FLAVORLESS DULL. DULL. DULL NIGHTS. DULL WEEKS DULL MONTHS. DULL AS FUCK. suffocation by the worlds softest beigest pillow. the 10 hours i spent with that boy were more exciting more fascinating than DECADES WITH U. oh there it is the half blank half apocalyptic look. but what does it mean tonight huh ? does he wanna lick my boots ? orr chop my hands off ? is it the gremlin or the good nurse tonight ? okay. okay perhaps but am i as boring as blather commited onto the ferric tapes of ur FASCINATING BOY? oh its so so hard to be me. PICKING LINT OFF THE SOFA ??! everyone i know wrongs me. okay okay lets wake the boy up and lets try u. im the vampire armand and my daddy vampire groomed me into a LITTLE BITCH. my brother he tossed himself off the roof. my sister she buried me alive. my daughter was my sister was my throw pillow well he wouldnt look at me kindly. lestat lestat lestatlestat lestat LESTAT LESTAT lestat Lestat lestat lestat LESTAT lestat lestat lestat i talked shit about him the whole time so what THE NAME!!! THE NAME!! UNUTTERED IN OUR HOME FOR 23 YEARS SAID OVER AND OVER AGAIN UNTIL IT WAS POUNDING IN MY BRAIN LIKE A HAMMER. our problems arent about him. AND U THREW HER NAME AROUND JUST FOR COVER BUT IT ALWAYS CIRCLED BACK TO HIM. i loved her. BUT SHE DIDNT LOVE U. NOT LIKE HE DID. NOT LIKE I HAVE. i know. i KNOW.
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kudzucataclysm · 1 year
wondering if i should attempt to start scripting se again…
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babyy😩I need a story from you to be happy
can you do Fred weasley x gn!reader fluff/angst? They come home stressed out from a tiring day, maybe Fred wants to show a new invention and they end up falling out cause of tiredness.
They apologize and the fluff comes, the reader hears about the new invention and they sleep cuddled, the twins already have the store, the reader can have their own store...
if you cant, let me know. im sorry for the bad english - 🍓
Of course, lovely! Btw, your english is excellent 🧡
The Argument
Fred Weasley x gn!reader
Warnings: a couple of curse words
Y/N breathed a sigh of relief as they approached the front door.
They could finally relax and put this hellish day behind them.
Or so they thought.
Y/N had barely gotten through the door when Fred grabbed their hand, pulling them through the house. "I'm so glad you're home, baby! I've been waiting all afternoon to show my new invention!"
"Fred," Y/N tried to get his attention.
"It's so cool!" He continued, completely oblivious.
"Fred, please," they tried again after tripping and almost falling. "Could we just - "
"I can't believe I haven't thought of it before now!" He blathered on.
"FRED!!" Y/N yelled, digging their feet into the carpet. "STOP! JUST STOP FOR ONE FUCKING MINUTE! PLEASE!"
He stopped dead in his tracks and stared back at Y/N.
"I just got home!" Y/N began. "I'm tired! I'm stressed! And I need to pee! And all you can think about is your stupid invention!"
Fred dropped their hand and swallowed hard. "Fine. Go do whatever you need to do. If you need me, I'll be in the workroom with my stupid invention."
"Fred, love, I didn't mean..." they attempted to apologize, but he'd already disappeared into the workroom, slamming the door behind him. "Dammit," Y/N sighed, massaging their forehead against the oncoming headache before heading to the bathroom.
Y/N shuffled out of the bathroom to find Fred sitting on the bed, head in his hands. They sat down next to him. "I'm sorry, sweetheart. I didn't mean what I said - "
"I know you didn't," he interjected. "This is all my fault. I didn't stop to think about your needs or that maybe you'd had a bad day."
Y/N scooted closer to him, wrapping their arm around his shoulders. "It's okay. I shouldn't have lost my temper. You were just excited."
Fred looked up at them and smiled. "I still am. And I still really want to show it to you. But first, I want you to tell me about your day."
"Are you sure?" They asked. "My story can come later."
"No, you're more important, love," he took both their hands in his. "Tell me what happened. Please."
Y/N took a deep breath, releasing the last of their stress. "Some kids thought it'd be funny to set a niffler loose in the shop..."
"Wow! This is amazing!" Y/N peered down at the new invention.
"You really think so?" Fred asked.
"Of course, my love," they smiled. "This is genius level stuff."
Fred grinned, his cheeks tinging pink. "It still needs some tweaking before it's ready for prime time."
"Well, I'm sure you'll have it ready in no time," they complemented, leaning in to give him a gentle, lingering kiss.
"Hey, what do you say we order in pizza?" Fred suggested after they pulled apart. "And then cuddle up in bed and have a cheesy eighties movie marathon."
Y/N smiled. "I couldn't think of a better way to spend the evening."
@milivanili99 @fancy-pantaloons @turvi @zvummyummy @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy @georgie-weasley @nighttimemoonlover @jsjcue @wzrd-wheezes @fredweasleyyyyy @hufflepuffie @alexistonks @anvaaryn @samshifts @asuperconfusedgirl @superduckmilkshake @mysticsheepsoul @gemofthenight @1lellykins @junerprsh @sierraluvz @wolfkill16 @smallsweetvanillabean @costheticbabe @thatonepersonwhocantwrite @charmedfandomgal @loveosewood @hanne-montana @rhunew @greenapplegrass @lizzytrees @spididerman @Havenater1920
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