elenorsia · 7 years
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𝕊𝕋𝔸ℝ 𝔾𝕌𝔸ℝ𝔻𝕀𝔸ℕ 𝕊𝕆ℕ𝔸.  year; 4 age; 18 blood type; b-  hobby; baking and instrument repairs favorite food; anpan favorite subject; music proficiency; healing magic. height; 5′3″
Leaders, whom sparkle with reds and pinks - all the flare needed for a job well done. In the past, that was not the case. Green Guardians seem to have a deeper connection with the First Star - if not the most powerful. Ages ago in the far side of the universe, came a team where green lead. a powerful girl by the name of Sona - she, among the first Star Guardians to exist, held a power unequal to any before her. Her team followed her like she was the center of the universe and not the Starlight that created them all. But something was missing. It seemed that in exchange for her power, she lost her voice. That did little to stop her leadership. A telepathic bond with her team and the power of musical sound ensured safe battles. And they fought dutifully. 
They are destined to burn bright, but collapse as furiously as they burn.
burnt out version.      a star who has shone for too long collapses on itself or becomes useless - a white giant, she became. Sona gave up her power when she saw her team in dire need, the leader unable to save them with her mortal form. A deal, from First Star, allowed her to give up her body in exchange for a out-of-body-protection; a way to carry on forever and ensure that further generations did not give up. a soul, floating among the dark matter, she sticks with the teams apart and together all at once, picking a guardian up when needed. dead, yet not dead, Sona hides her energy from dark stars in order to see the living, bright ones fight on for the destiny they all want. 
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negispringfield · 8 years
⚠ Encounter! The Lifemaker
(Ho boy, lets do this. Putting a read more on this due to being over 1k words.)
⚠ Encounter!: Send a monster or a threat my muse has to face and I’ll tell you how well (or how badly) they handled it
The Gravekeeper’s Palace, a location where the fate of the magical world had been decided on more than one occasion. The first involved Negi’s father, Nagi Springfield. They had fought and defeated the God of the Magical World. The second time, it had been Negi’s turn, saving the world with the help of Ala Alba against Cosmo Entelecheia. There, he had learned that the God his father defeated, The Lifemaker, hadn’t truly been slain. It had merely found another, new host, his own father.
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“Nothing here either….” That twist had been the cause for Negi to visit the floating city today. There had been many efforts made to track down The Lifemaker, a threat to the entire world of magic, but they had all proven unsuccessful. Even almost 2 years after the incident, no one could find them. Hoping to find an answer, Negi had ventured to the former base of operations for Cosmo Entelecheia. He had considered bringing Asuna, but it was only going to be a brief trip, and he didn’t have anything to fear from the currently frozen members of the organization, he’d have to do something about that eventually, being eternally frozen was too cruel. Regardless, the child had elected to remain in his Raiten Taisou 2 form just in case he needed to exit quickly.
“Seeking   me,  my   descendant?” An echoing, otherworldly sounding voice came from behind Negi.
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The voice immediately sent Negi’s body turning around out of reflex and panic. Even with his near unmatchable reflexes granted by his lightning form, Negi barely had time to process anything before a blast of tremendous energy slammed into him, the burst of black energy shattering his defenses like paper and sending the child crashing through the palace and well past the floating city.
Regaining his bearings, Negi steadied himself in midair and reformed his shields Just a short distance from him, floated his reason for coming. Cloaked entirely in black robes that seemed to flow and change size in whatever manner they pleased, was The Lifemaker, the supreme God and creator of the entire magical world. They were exactly the same as when he first encountered them. The God’s presence was unfathomably overpowering and terror inspiring, the power radiating from them more vibrant and powerful than a star, drowning out all that its power touched. No matter how much Negi tried to make sense of it, to get a grasp on the Godly strength in front of him, he just couldn’t sense an end to their power.
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Negi had stared down other gods, seem the laws of magic broken many times in front of him by Jack Rakan, even broken said laws himself before, but this was beyond anything he ever felt, and unlike last time, he didn’t have Asuna’s Magic-Cancel to rely on.
“It    has    been    nearly    two    years,    son    of   the    Thousand    Master,    yet    you    persist    in    pursuing    this    foolish    plan      of    yours.”  Reality itself trembled with every word spoken by the god, as if it could barely contain the power of the being behind the words. “The    path    you    have    chosen    is    destined    to    end    in    failure.   By    seeking    the    impossible    salvation of    all,    you    will    merely    bring    ruin.” Finishing, an immense rune circle and black ball of energy appeared around The Lifemaker, erupting into an entire storm of energy blasts deeper than the darkest nights, a single stream among the countless barrage more than capable of shattering worlds.
Reacting fast, Negi barely had time to dash sideways and avoid the unfathomable display of power. Even with his immense speed, the blasts still came at a pace that nearly left Negi stunned. He was almost always used to being faster than his opponent by a notable degree, but that advantage, perhaps the only one he may have had, was utterly shattered in a second.
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Putting the situation as “bad” wouild have been an understatement, it bordered more on hopeless. The Lifemaker’s power completely and utterly eclipsed his, he wasn’t sure if even his Thousand Thunderbolts spell, his most powerful move, would’ve even matched 1/5th of what The Lifemaker had conjured up in an instant. It had been nearly two years, but this was the best he could muster? The thought made Negi disappointed in himself. He knew he had to run, that this confrontation would have to be another day, yet…. The thought pained him. After almost two years of searching, his target was right here, right now. He oh so desperately wanted to free his father from their control, to put an end to the last major and immediate threat toward Mundus Magicus. If Negi ran now, when would be the next time he had a chance to face The Lifemaker? Another year? Decades even? Both were immortal, and while he knew The Lifemaker would certainly appear before the completion of the Blue Mars project, that could be decades, possibly even a fully century off. But, did he have any hope what-so-ever of defeating God right here and now, like his father before him had done? However, between dodging another volley of attacks, another fact struck Negi, along with one of the beams, vaporizing his entire being, his regeneration reforming him an instant later.
Even if he defeated them here, freed his father, what of the aftermath? The Lifemaker always possessed the one whom defeated their previous host, which, if that happened, would be him…. He had the ability to erase a being from existence with his spells, but the child honestly doubted even that could kill the being in front of him. Asuna’s Magic Cancel had always been able to deal with anything and everything magical, so perhaps he could trust in her power to prevent possession, but she wasn’t here.
With a heavy heart, the realization of his powerlessness dawned on him. He had no hope of beating them, and no hope of avoiding eventual possession if he did by some miracle. He had to retreat, but there was one thing he had to do before he could leave. Negi knew it was risky, but it had to be done, for his sake.
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Pushing his speed to the limit, Negi weaved between another spread of world shattering shots, stopping in front of The Lifemaker’s being, he looked into their, no, his father’s, Nagi Springfield, face, the first sight he had caught of the man in nearly two years. “Father…. I’m sorry, just wait a little longer.” 
As soon as he had said his goodbye to his father. Negi was gone, using his speed to arrive on the complete opposite side of the planet in a fraction of a second.
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eusyram · 6 years
5 quick ingredients for a mary sue:
DESTINED (for great things ofc)
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you thought i was writing starters but nah i’m just praising myself
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eusyram · 6 years
“Oh there you are, darling!”
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“I’ve been having the hardest time tracking you down!”
Out of the bushes pops Mary Sue, impeccably dressed as usual in skirts and hat while stray leaves flutter down her hair. It takes her two skips and a bound before she’s latched onto her favorite arm with a smile.
“You know, I’ve rarely gone the yandere route, but you really tempt me sometimes, haha~!”
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