hyunarkarchive · 7 years
Law of Total Madness
part; 1 date; 20th january, 2018 location; royal ent’s building, recording studio stats; instrumental
it wasn’t every day that elly decided to stay up till late in royal, or seocho’s building for that matter. she preferred to go back home, make herself a nice drink and watch movies with her two cats laying on top of her as she laid on the couch. she liked that a lot, she was becoming less and less of a workaholic and to understand that life was more than just being stuck in a studio all day everyday a year.
tonight, was different, tonight she was annoyed at herself. for the fact that she let herself slack of so much. she was pissed off more or less, at herself, at the company, at her ceo she had anger issues to vent out, and this time, she didn’t plan on breaking her violin at the back of the building and crying her eyes out before going ho,e to sleep it off.
she’s always made songs that were based off a break up, of being heartbroken by a guy, and lied to and cheated on, she may or may not completely blame minsoo for this, but it was different now. she just wanted to be aggressive and show people what they had missed by leaving her back in the royal basement.
maybe she was going overboard with how she was feeling, but there was this sudden rage she wasn’t quite sure how to deal with it, considering the fact that she has always been the calm and collected one, the one to always make sure everyone else is okay, but sh really didn’t have anyone to check up on her.
so, she could vent through lyrics and music.it was a nice choice, because she had been writing all the melodramatic lyrics she could thin off, because she felt discouraged by the fact that she wasn’t in the final line up for luxe. elly wasn’t happy with the outcome, for numerous reasons, but she was looking forward to seeing, what is the concept that luxe will have, and she wouldn’t fit. she wanted to know as soon as possible.
she was planning on leaving royal, because she was beginning to be aware that no matter how much she wanted to be an artist, not just an idol, but someone who would be seen as an actual artist and producer, royal wasn’t the place she was supposed to be. hyojin thought she was more stubborn that jieun, a lot more stubborn, a lot louder when it came to things that didn’t sit right with her, but even if she was two times a finalist, she was still no winner. 
and maybe, there was no winning for her under royal.
she really wanted to write a song for the royal boys, and show it so jiseob, after she recorded it with them. a song about wanting to live their life peacefully and enjoying what life brings them instead of  pushing themselves to  fit in some mold they can never fit. she wasn’t sure what their ceo was looking for in his trainees, but elly was more than aware, she didn’t have it. she still doesn’t know why she got an offer when she was in the mga’s, she doesn’t know why she even accepted it.
he should have chosen kangjoon instead, and let her go on with her life, until her next opportunity came. right now, elly wasn’t even sure she would get the opportunity to resign her contract. she wasn’t sure if she wouldn’t just be kicked out and everyone will move on with their lives, just like she will with hers.
however, she had one last plan before the five months finished.
show one song to so jiseob, and it was going to be this one, because she might have been emotional, most of the time on stage, when she got the chance, but now, she was going to be violent. 
that’s how the file got named law of total madness. because she was royal’s crazy dog.
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hyunarkarchive · 7 years
✿// Two! Three!
elly was more than extremely grateful for baekhyun agreeing with this request. 
it wasn’t everyday she would ask for someone to cover the demos she’s done, and it wasn’t everyday someone was willing to stick for a few extra hours in order to record something that could never see the light of day. these were lyrics she had written, probably either tipsy or very drunk, a few nights in a roll straight after she was back from the survival show.
it was just the simplest way she could comfort herself, and maybe others in the future. however, even if the song was saying “when I say one two three forget it”, it wasn’t at all that easy for hyojin and it would probably leave a bitter taste in her mouth for a very long time. shaking those thoughts away, the rapper her chair around in order to face baekhyun, who was stood across from her.
she was holding a few pieces of paper, printed out, so they were neat, and readable, because her writing is usually pretty horrible, and baekhyun could write notes on them if needed.
“again, thank you for agreeing with this.“ she said, smile tugging on her lips as she reached out to hand the lyrics to him before leaning back in the chair and sighing with relieve, her shoulders obviously relaxing. 
“so a bit of a background story to the song. its a song, hoping for more good days. its basically a song that i want people to find comfort in, because everyone has those days or weeks or months or years even, where they need someone by their side to help them get through things.“ as she was talking, she couldn’t help but link her fingers together before resting her hands on her knee, a bit nervously tapping her fingers against each other.
“i’m open for ideas on how to sing some part, so don’t be scared to say anything. i have the soundtrack done, with all of the rapping included. if you feel uncomfortable with something, can’t hit notes i ask you do to, just say, we can work around with it. the last thing i want  you to feel is being forced to do things you can’t do or don’t want to do. teamwork is important.” hyojin finished with a wide smile on her face.
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hyunarkarchive · 7 years
Law of Total Madness
part; 3 date; 27st january, 2018 location; royal ent’s building, recording studio stats; rage quit 
she considered herself a very patient person, considering all the stuff she’s had to deal with and the people in her life, elly thought she would be able to just push things on without much issue.
which turned out to be a complete lie, because she had been for a good week almost in the studio, not able to finish the lyrics. this was the fourth time she was rewriting stuff, and it was getting out of hand. this had never happened before, she was usually happy with how the lyrics turned out for the first time and then she just went on with it, but honestly... this song wasn’t allowing her to do that.
so instead she just lifted her feet up to the desk, and stretched herself quite nicely, definitely hearing a few cracks from her back and shoulder. she signed and just stared into the monitor, focusing into the small numbers in the bottom right. 4:47am. she had training in a few minutes and she hasn’t slept all night.
no progress either.
there was then sudden rage she felt rise in her, and she had to restrain herself from kicking the monitor and making it go through the glass behind it into the recording booth.
so instead, she stomped her feet back on the ground before pushing herself toward the desk. where in the most passive aggressive way she signed out of it and shut it down. she picked her back from the floor and tossed it over her shoulder and headed to the changing rooms, slamming the door behind her.
she might as well take a shower to cool down before facing a day off hell.
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hyunarkarchive · 7 years
“okay so...“ elly said, properly tripping over the guitar on the floor and stumbling into a chair but not injuring herself as she landed on the drum set, which she was actually aiming to get to. “i’m fine!“ followed suit with a grin on her face.
tropical house was probably one of her favorite new genres that came out, and when jieun asked if she’d like to help wendy in it, hyo-jin literally threw herself at the opportunity to with with an amazing vocalist and another female composer.
“we’re starting from zero i we can start with the beat and build on that? later on we can change it through the software on the main desk and get the lyrics going?“ she suggested, grabbing the set of drumming sticks and waiting for an answer. “or, we can go through a keyboard and set the melody instead of the beat?“
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hyunarkarchive · 7 years
creativity crash;; location; gangnam-gu solo
hyo-jin didn’t think that five months ago she will have finished planning the shattering of quite a good chunk of her apartment to turn it into her own studio. 
she stopped going out clubbing almost completely, didn’t go to gigs, no underground, nothing. she was only staying at home, playing with her cats just chilling... god, she was becoming minsoo and the pure thought made her shudder.
that’s how the whole idea of having the little studio in her apartment happened. she had the money, the ideas and the need for it to happen, so after the plans were finished, hyo-jin found the people that were willing to take down the place and start working. yes, it was very hectic, loud and busy down the corridors, but she didn’t mind, she was barely there during the day.
so now, five months later, she was laying on the sofa in the studio, feet kicked up high on it as well and listened to the loud music booming. it was sound proof, which meant nothing got out, nor in and she loved it every bit.
now, she had enough time to actually do things. like finish songs for starters. she didn’t have a proper recording booth, but the mic was beyond amazing and worth every penny she paid for it.
with a hum, elly reached for the remote for the speakers and lowered them to a nice volume that wasn’t actually going to make her go deaf. when it was low enough she got up and stretched, walking slowly over to the computer, pulled the chair out and flopped down on it. the whole enviroment was amazing. dark, chilly and it was home, literally.
she had quite a few files saved on a usb stick from royal, and she was planning on at least finishing one of them tonight. the specific one was from the freestyle eval a while back. it was nearly finished, but it was just missing the highnotes that elly, even if she tried, would never be able to hit. 
 she was definitely going to ask someone to do a demo version with her. but she needed  to also re-arrange and work with cleaning the voices so they were presentable. 
she didn’t expect that it would be that easy to do everything she wanted in one night, with occasional trips to the kitchen in order to get a few snacks and energy drinks, she looked at the clock when it was nearly 5 am.
what was the point of sleeping now?
she thought and looked back at the screen, head tipping to the side.
lets just fix everything together, so i can show mr byeon what’s been going on lately.
elly muttered to herself and just continued on with her final touches, as well as the strained high note she managed to pull of without pulling a muscle in her neck from all the tension. 
she just didn’t expect to walk into royal without her voice, and she thought the evals in the rain went well enough and she wasn’t hurt. yeah, not even a scratch.
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hyunarkarchive · 7 years
Law of Total Madness
part; 2 date; 21st january, 2018 location; royal ent’s building, recording studio stats; lyrics
now, elly had a lot of ideas with how this could go. very aggressive and personal or pretty chill and just tear into everyone and everything in a relaxed manner. she wasn’t sure which she liked more, so it was hard to just start dotting down the lyrics she liked and she didn’t like. even after quite some hours spend going over her other written lyrics prior to this idea, she couldn’t find anything good. 
not even a title, or a good catch phrase, not even words that stuck out to here like s ore thorn. nothing, she was just left with whatever she can mix and match together from thin air. it was rarer where she ended in these types of situations, but she had to persevere. she was aware she didn’t have that much time before she was going to depart, and try and figure out what to do.
so hyojin had to make the most of it. prove things to herself that she can do a lot more than fit into some mold, or write songs about break up and being an independent woman.
so maybe she just wanted to rage quit and call it a day and sleep through the whole night and then go back to training like normally, but she wasn’t up to that yet. she was willing to push herself just a bit more and get it done with. just one thing, a verse, a bridge, a chorus, anything would do her good right now so she could start.
“okay... what key words can i get..“
she asked herself and before she knew it, she was writing. more than she thought she would, because it was just words, emotions she felt at the times that made her want to cretae this song.
my mind is a mess i’ll bark with anger uncomfortable frustration level mood swings i’m at war with myself 
don’t talk to me whoever i see, i bark, i bite, i rip apart
the escalation was quick, but here she was, already made two lines that could be thrown anywhere in the song. 
amazing. she thought and face palmed, because this was a start, but still nothing good. rubbing her face in frustration and groaning, she leaned back in her chair, staring at the dark ceiling and pushing the chair around to rotate and spin around. why was she forcing herself so much to prove a point that her ceo probably didn’t even care about?
she was stubborn, that’s why. and even if he didn’t say anything nice about the song, she did what she wanted to do. who knew, maybe he would like to hear another song? and she had high hopes, a thing that didn’t sit well with her and made her feel uneasy.
so with a sigh, elly pushed herself up and dragged herself closer to the desk, nearly smalling the notebook on it and the pencil on top of it. she then sighed again and reached to tie her hair in a messy ponytail, so it was away from her face and leaned over the said notebook she just placed there oh so gently and picked the pen.
she had a long time to do the song, but being the perfectionist she was, she would use half of the time to finish the song, and the other half to perfect it. she was going to do this.
don’t talk to me i’m frustrated, so frustrated don’t bump into me after i bite, i’ll chew and gnaw don’t bump into me frustrated, frustrated, frustrated
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