#;razz my berries . starter call .
frostspoken · 4 years
@invictarre​ liked for a starter - HERE
“I can’t believe spark hasn’t tried to get a breeding population of these on pogo yet.”
Came the low but clear exclamation from a silver haired individual who was clearly discovering the joy of snom for the first time, Kneeled down on the path to circhester and gently cupping one of the wormy icy insects in two hands as it jingled at them before it earned a golden razz berry for simply existing, Bringing up their modified pokedex (pogo and the go initiative had their own but blanche had further modified the one they owned-) and scanned the snom. Watching as known info filled the screen and this individuals weight/Size/Known moves and even flavor preference flashed across the screen.
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“So that’s what your called, Snom! you are a very fascinating creature, I wonder if you evolve? you should. Most worm pokemon do to some degree, Though i haven’t seen any sign of a possible evolution around...”
It was then they realized they were being observed.
“Ah, Am i blocking the pat..-”
Oh, that was not just a random passerby, THAT was one of galars most important figure heads (Or was but excusing that-). Even from someone who didn’t pay great attention to champions and the like, Leon was not easily mistaken! They resisted the urge to question them about some of the concepts about Gigantamaxing, Instead moving out of the way (And being sure not to accidentally drop the snom in the process-)
“My deepest apologizes.”
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statickiisms-blog · 8 years
Starter call.
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themurphyzone · 6 years
Absolutely Disastrous Ch 9
Ch 9: Bonding Over Brunch! The Man Who Stepped Out of the 70s!
It took another hour and a lot of twisting, turning, and five narrowly averted disastrous fates before they stumbled out of Petalburg Woods alive. In hindsight, taking directions from a businessman who almost tripped face-first into Cascoon evolution grounds hadn’t been the best idea.
The path led to a long bridge that appeared to be a popular fishing spot for both fishermen and novice trainers. A fisherman yanked up a Magikarp, and Melissa had to grab Zack’s arm to stop him from retreating into the forest.
Zack gulped, eyeing the bridge suspiciously. “There aren’t guard rails on that thing! What’s stopping a Magikarp from feasting on the bones of a helpless passerby?”
“Don’t worry, bones aren’t in a Magikarp diet!” Milo exclaimed. “In Hoenn, Carvanha is the only unevolved fish Pokémon with enough jaw strength to even break a bone.”
Zack made a strange noise in the back of his throat.
“You’re great at this reassurance business,” Melissa drawled.
Milo smiled sheepishly. “Sorry, I’ll leave the unnecessary horrifying details out next time.”
“We’re good,” Zack said. “I’m just gonna dip into my happy place for a moment and forget about the existence of fish Pokémon.”
“Can’t ignore them forever,” Melissa said. “Eastern Hoenn, remember?”
“Still a long way off. There’s plenty of time for me to procrastinate on confronting my fears.”
“Guys, I know you’re both a little cranky, but there’s nothing a little food won’t fix!” Milo pointed to a building labeled ‘Pretty Petal Flower Shop and Café’. A brilliant red flower framed the entrance, and several berry trees were lined up perfectly in a dirt field next to the pond.
“This isn’t over, Underwood,” Melissa growled. “I’m only dropping it cause food takes precedence.”
Zack crossed his arms. “Wouldn’t dream of it, Chase.”
A worker greeted them at the entrance. She gave them a dainty bow, her bright red hair bouncing with the motion. “Hello, welcome to Pretty Petal! My name’s Rita, and I’ll be helping you out today! We have a ton of great selections for traveling trainers, but first we ask that you either recall or release your Pokémon into the field. We also have outdoor seating if you need to keep a close eye on them.”
“I say field,” Melissa said. “Poochyena hasn’t really gotten acquainted with everyone else yet.”
“Field,” Milo agreed, knowing that Diogee would never willingly go into a Poké Ball.
“What they said,” Zack replied.
Rita beamed, leading them around the building and into a large enclosure. The gate was high and looked strong enough to withstand an entire herd of Lairon.
“Here we are!” Rita declared, sweeping her arm to a line of Pokémon bowls filled to the brim with kibble and berries. “Pokémon food is complimentary so they can chow down to their heart’s content!”
Diogee immediately dug into a bowl of sliced Pecha berries.
“Diogee!” Milo scolded. “Wait for your friends!”
Rita laughed. “Hungry little guy.”
Mudkip, Poochyena, Torchic, and Treecko were released, and they wasted no time in claiming a bowl for themselves.
“Okay, we’re going into the restaurant to eat, so behave yourselves,” Milo lectured. “We’ll come back for you in an hour or two.”
Only Treecko gave any indication that he heard Milo, since the others were too engrossed in an eating contest.
Rita playfully shooed them into the restaurant, gathering up menus as she passed by a podium. A large archway separated the café from the floral shop, though in terms of decorations the two areas were indistinguishable.
Milo noticed every customer in the restaurant had a glass filled with a colorful smoothie.
“Smoothies are a specialty here,” Rita explained when she caught him looking. “We raise the berries that go into them with a whole lotta TLC!”
She led them in a booth that had a huge metallic sunflower dangling precariously above their heads.
“Um, Rita?” Melissa said nervously, pointing up at the decoration. “Do you think we could be seated somewhere that doesn’t have an object with the potential to cause a concussion?”
Before Rita could respond, the ropes holding the sunflower snapped. The resulting crash drew everyone’s attention.
“Nothing to see here!” Melissa snapped at the curious onlookers. “Please return to your food!”
Several people quickly reseated themselves in tables without dangling objects.
“Sorry about that!” Rita quickly chirped. “Guess we got check that structural integrity, huh? How about over here?”
Zack moved a potentially breakable vase out of the way while Milo and Melissa settled in.
“Could you give us a few minutes?” Milo asked.
Rita put down the menus and hurried off to greet a family who’d just entered.
Melissa flipped to the smoothie section and pointed at one with a wicked smirk. “I dare somebody to try this one.”
Try our Super Spicy Kiss Your Taste Buds Goodbye Smoothie!
Blended with hand-picked Tamato, Cheri, Razz, and Figy Berries!
Special note: We at Pretty Petal Flower Shop and Café will not be held liable for burning eyes and lips. Read the menu yourself before complaining, okay?
“With our luck, I wouldn’t be surprised if it burned the flesh off our bones,” Zack said.
Melissa rolled her eyes. “What is with you and bones today?”
“He’s got a bone appetit,” Milo claimed. He earned a punch to the shoulder for that.
Zack shrugged. “Can you really blame a guy for wanting to keep their insides on the inside?”
Even with Melissa and Zack bickering over the subject of bones at the lunch table, they all managed to find something on the menu by the time Rita came back to take their orders.
“Sitrus Berries are more acidic than Oran,” Rita said helpfully to Zack, who was having trouble deciding on his smoothie. “The Tropical Punch smoothie is all the rage these days. Nanab and Pinap Berries pair really well together, and-oh, Dakota, it’s been a while! How’ve you been?”
Dakota grinned lazily, slipping his hands into the pockets of his red and yellow tracksuit which reminded Milo heavily of ketchup and mustard. “Eh, same old thing. Just realized I left my other tracksuit in our…my old apartment. Had some important stuff in that one.”
“Aw, that’s too bad,” Rita said sympathetically.
“Yeah,” Dakota agreed. “First time this week I had a chance to slip out from the rest of the team and this happens. These new trainers? Don’t think I’ve seen them around before.”
“This is our first time here. We really wanna try the smoothies,” Milo said.
Dakota nodded in approval. “Yeah, the smoothies are great. Especially the Tropical Punch one.”
“That’s what I ordered!” Milo exclaimed.
“You got good taste, kiddo,” Dakota said. Something buzzed in his pocket, and he ran his hand through his brown curls with a heavy sigh. “Sorry, I gotta take a call.”
“You wanna join us when you get back?” Zack offered.
Dakota agreed to the invitation rather quickly, then he headed to the bathroom to answer his cell phone.
“You kids are so nice,” Rita sighed. She lowered her voice so she could barely be heard above the bustle of the restaurant. “He went through a messy breakup recently. He and his partner were a bit of an odd couple, but they were so cute together. And lately he’s been working on a Pokémon habitat restoration project, but he’s been so distracted that he can’t focus on it. Just don’t tell him I told you all this, okay? Oh, and we already know what he likes to order so we’ll be fixing that up. I’ll go ahead and get these to the kitchen! Be back with your drinks soon!”
Once Rita left them alone, Melissa placed a finger on her lips. “Don’t mention the breakup to Dakota. We need to be sensitive.”
“Since when are you-“ Zack cut himself off when Melissa started cracking her knuckles. “Okay, sensitive! Got it!”
“He’s better than Sara,” Melissa said. “When Dr. Magnezone and Time Infernape broke off their partnership, she was sobbing on the floor with a gallon of double fudge ice cream.”
“Then she obsessively read angst fanfics for the next two weeks,” Milo added. “I think she was just making it harder on herself.”
Dakota came back in five minutes, and Rita dropped off their smoothies not long after that.
Milo, Melissa, and Zack glanced at each other awkwardly, waiting for someone to broach a topic of conversation. Dakota seemed oblivious to the atmosphere and sipped at his own smoothie.
Eventually, it was Milo who broke the silence. “Do you have any Pokémon?” he asked, figuring that talking about Pokémon was safe enough.
“Yeah, Sharpedo and Swalot. They’re good loyal partners,” Dakota said. There was a touch of bitterness in his tone though, one that made Milo wonder if inviting him to their table had been a good idea after all. “Huh. I can’t believe I forgot to ask your names. I would’ve been scolded for sure by-well, never mind.”
Milo pointed to each of his friends in turn. “I’m Milo, that’s Melissa, and the worrywart over there is Zack.”
Zack scowled. “I am not a worrywart.”
Melissa and Dakota snickered into their napkins.
“Melissa and I are childhood friends,” Milo continued. “We met Zack at the beginning of our journey. His dad was stuck in the middle of a lake cause this Patchy guy was releasing way too many Magikarp into the water, so we fought him off with Diogee and the Hoenn starters. It was so cool.”
“So you met Patchy then,” Dakota said casually. “Guy’s a real nutcase. He took initiation into the group way too seriously. Talking like a pirate was only required for the first three hours of membership.”
Melissa almost choked on her smoothie. “You know Patchy?”
Dakota shrugged, taking a bite of his sandwich as soon as Rita set his plate on the table. “I’m his boss. We banned him from taking part in karaoke night. Couldn’t carry a tune. And he always insists on sea shanties.”
“So…what’s your occupation?” Zack asked, sounding like he’d prefer not to hear their answer.
“Boss of Team Aqua,” Dakota said.
Everyone stared at him blankly.
“Okay, so you’ve never heard of us. S’cool. We’re just trying to revive the ancient Pokémon Kyogre and make it rain enough to provide new habitats for Pokémon. Nothing more to it than that,” Dakota continued to eat his sandwich as if he hadn’t said he’d planned on disrupting the delicate balance of nature. “And between you and me, water’s a ton cooler than magma.”
“Obviously,” Zack muttered.
“So, uh, good luck with that?” Milo said.
“Thanks,” Dakota grinned. His phone buzzed frantically this time. He checked the caller ID. “Sav again. Sorry she keeps interrupting like this.”
He headed for the bathroom.
“Does he look like someone who’s trying to revive a legendary?” Zack asked.
“No, he looks like a displaced time traveler from the ‘70s,” Melissa said. “If I were trying to revive Kyogre, I’d at least wear blue to match.”
“He has more of a warm color aesthetic, I think. Fall colors,” Milo added.
They finished their meal without Dakota, and Milo signaled Rita over for their check.
“Dakota said you’d offered to pay for his meal,” Rita smiled as Melissa studied the receipt closely. “That’s really sweet, you know.”
The receipt crinkled in Melissa’s hand. “Where is he right now?” she asked pleasantly, though there was a dangerous edge in her voice.
Milo hauled Zack away from the table and towards the side door that led to the outdoor enclosure.
“Oh, he left a few minutes ago.”
Rita tapped her chin in thought. “Ah, I remember now! His partner used to have these really loud arguments with him outside cause he always forgot his wallet! Dakota must have a lot of tracksuits if he can never remember which one he put his wallet in!”
She laughed, completely oblivious to Melissa’s irritated glare.
Melissa slammed a wad of Pokédollars onto the table and stomped past Milo and Zack.
“Dakota owes me for the sandwich and smoothie, plus taxes and interest.”
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sephythespooky · 7 years
Library Cards (a sans/reader fic) Part 6
Talking with Toriel the next day, you expressed how surprised you were to see the skeletons in your house and how comfortable you were with Honey. She chuckled, “I am not surprised, my child. Out of all of them, Honey, Sans, Red, and Syrup are the most alike.”
“Syrup?” you question, and she nods.
“You have not met them, yet, but Syrup and Razzberry are another set of caretakers. Their charge, Sugar, is actually doing very well here. Perhaps I should invite them over tonight to give you a proper introduction?” Toriel always had get togethers on Sunday afternoon, and you smiled at the idea. You agreed, and the kindly goat monster assured you she would do so.
 You came to Toriel’s in one of your better casual outfits, a long sleeve tunic with ‘original’ written on it in golden script and some denim pattern leggings. When the door opened, Toriel beamed, “Ah, my child, wonderful. The brothers are already here. Come in, come in.”
You take her invitation and step forward. Your own skeletons are busy today, though doing what you don’t know. Sans almost never misses Toriel’s butterscotch cinnamon pie, and Papyrus hates not being near Frisk when he can. They’re best friends, with similar energy levels and both eager to play pretend.
Walking in, you notice that only Alphys and Frisk are here out of the usual group, and the two unfamiliar skeletons stand out like sore thumbs. They remind you of Honey and Blue, but oh so much rougher. Frisk sees you and gets up, tugging you toward the skeletons. A shy, brown haired girl peeks at you from around the couch. This must be Sugar.
Frisk puts you in front of the pair, who are looking at you as if you were some fascinating puzzle, then pulls Sugar out of their hiding spot. Sugar blushes and offers her hand, “H-hi. I’m Sugar. Um, it’s nice to meet you.”
“HUMAN! WHY ARE YOU TALKING TO THIS TALL ANNOYANCE?” screeched the smaller skeleton, hopping up to stand on the sofa. “WE HAVE NOT ASSESSED HER DANGER LEVEL YET!”
Sugar sighed and you shook their hand anyway, then turned with them toward the skeletons, “Razzy, please. She’s our librarian and Miss Toriel already approved her to be around all of us.”
“MISS TORIEL IS TOO NICE! I MUST DO SO MYSELF.” Razzberry huffed and put his hands on his hips. His false armor was black and didn’t cover the gap between his ribs and pelvis, leaving the spine uncovered. The purple eyelights  in his skull looked you over suspiciously, leaving your eyes to linger on the three line scar on his left socket.
“HMPH, SHE HAS NO EXPERIENCE IN BATTLE. WHAT A WEAKLING.” He flopped back on the sofa, crossing his arms to show off his purple gloves as he moved his matching boots in frustration, “ARE ALL HUMANS SO STUPID AS TO NOT TRAIN IN COMBAT?”
“maybe just the ones who are like Sugar, m’lord.” Offered the brother, clearly Syrup.
Syrup just nodded and gave you a wink and a smile. He didn’t mind the insult and seemed very relaxed.
Sugar smiled, taking your hand while Frisk clapped excitedly. Toriel called, “Dinner is ready, my dears!”
The group all went to the table, and as you passed her, Alphys murmured, “Um, _____, please be careful. These two a-are from a rough place.”
“I’ve already dealt with Red and Edge, Alphys. I think I can handle a grump berry and a fluff lord.” You giggle softly, and she smiles at you.
“y-you’re so brave. N-no wonder Sans and P-Papyrus love you.” She shuffles away quickly before you can call her on that cryptic note.
 You end up sitting between Frisk and Sugar, with Alphys next to Toriel on Frisk’s other side and Razzberry and Syrup going to the other end of the table.
Sugar asks softly, “Miss ____? Why did you become a librarian?”
“PROBABLY BECAUSE SHE’S NO GOOD AT ANYTHING USEFUL.” You glare at Razz for a minute, then answer.
“Actually, it’s because I thought that helping children read was my calling in life.” You see Syrup look up from the (honestly fantastic) chicken and rice to raise an eyebrow at you. You notice he has a gold tooth just like Red does. Same place, too. “Reading honestly saved my life as a child, and I wanted to help other kids who were in bad places find that escape. Books let me go somewhere when I felt trapped in my life. They gave me friends when I was alone, and gave me the power to fight against evil even when I was so helpless in my real life.”
Frisk pulls on your sleeve and signs worriedly. Toriel translates, “Are you alright, my dear?”
“I am now, yeah. It’s always hard to talk about why I do what I do, but the reward is so worth it.”
“AND WHAT DO YOU GET, HUMAN?” Razzy seems taken aback, almost unsure of himself.
“I get to see how happy every child who comes into my library is, I get to help them find something that will make their life just a bit easier. Helping others brings a joy I was never able to find before.” You beam at him, and see a soft purple blush cover his face.
Syrup speaks up, very gently testing the waters, “since you enjoy reading so much, is there a book you’d recommend for starters?”
That was your favorite question. “Sure! My favorite for older readers is Howl’s Moving Castle by Diana Wynn Jones, and for the younger set, you can’t go wrong with Dr. Seuss’ work.”
“cool. I’ll keep those in mind.” He went back to eating and you did as well, very happy to help.
Razzy was still purple and Sugar asked, “Is something wrong, m’lord?”
“D-DON’T COPY THE MUTT, CHILD,” came the reply but it was softer than his previous voice. “I AM FINE, THOUGH.”
 Frisk, Razzy, and Sugar are playing some sort of racing game on the tv now, and Alphys is helping Toriel with the dishes. You offered to join them, but they both insisted on you getting to know Syrup and Razzy more instead.
Razzy was too caught up in the game to talk, and Syrup seemed happy to just watch, so you sat on the couch with him and did the same. It was a companionable silence, so you didn’t even jump when his quiet voice asked, “So just how rough did you have it, angel?”
“It wasn’t physical violence, just emotional and mental, but it still messed me up,” you reply just as softly. You didn’t feel forced, but something told you that you needed to answer him or he’d be thinking about it all night.
“yeah, I can understand that. Glad you told me, though. ‘s a thing with me, tryin’ to figure out how best to handle people.” He sighed and leaned back, the fluffy fur of his hood dropping behind him. It hit you that he’d had his arm on the couch behind you this whole time and you hadn’t even reacted, and now he pulls you closer so you’re up against his chest. “Angel, just know me’n m’lord know where you’ve been. He’s loud and rough, but we’re coming from a dark place, too. You’ve got my shoulder to cry on, y’know….stuff like that.”
You look up at him, and see his eyes lidded, expression soft and natural. Your heart feels like it’s being cut free of tangling strings. “Thank you, Syrup. I really appreciate that.”
You stay where you are as the other three play games, even when Toriel and Alphys return. After a while, Razzy gets frustrated and growls, “YOU HUMANS ARE GANGING UP ON ME! I SHOULD BE WINNING!”
Frisk giggles and signs something, which Razzy scoffs at, “NO, YOU ARE NOT BETTER THAN ME, HUMAN FRISK, THAT IS IMPOSSIBLE. I MUST SIMPLY BE TIRED.” He gets up and comes to sit on the couch, then frowns. You smile at him as he stares at you and his brother. “MUTT, WHY ARE YOU SITTING WITH THE HUMAN THIS WAY?”
“felt like I should. That okay, m’lord?” Syrup raised a browbone, looking right at Razzy.
The little skelebones huffed and tapped his foot. “I SUPPOSE IT IS NATURAL TO WANT TO SHOW AFFECTION TO A BEING SO MUCH WEAKER THAN US. ALRIGHT. BUT NOW IT IS MY TURN.” He scrambled up to the couch and wriggled in under your arm. He was the same height as Blue, and you beamed at him as he snuggled in close.
“good idea, m’lord.” Syrup mused, a small smirk on his face.
“I honestly don’t know, Razzy. Luck, I suppose.” You use one hand to stroke his arm bones with your thumb. This makes him blush again as did your saying his name.
You think he’s just finding an excuse to like you, and you’re alright with that. Avoidance is normal.
Toriel says softly, “Alphys, do you think she might be something special? No one has yet gotten these two so affectionate besides Sugar.”
The little scientist smiled, “I-I think it’s her s-s-soul frequency. It’s pretty c-c-close to most skeletal frequencies, so it’s n-normal they’d feel comfortable with her.”
This made the goat woman sigh happily, “Good. I had worried there would be difficulties in getting the rougher sets acclimated to peace, but if there is an anchor such as her, it will be much simpler.”
“You d-d-do know they’ve all been checking on her?” Alphys murmured. “Sans told me as much. I set up a magic tracker in the library last visit and sh-she’s got so many signals all around. L-like every one of the guardian types has been popping in and out frequently.”
There was a hardness underneath as Toriel answered, “Then they had best behave themselves within my school, Alphys. I won’t stand for any harm coming to this child.”
“I-I know. Sans said he’d be keeping the others in line.” Alphys giggled slightly, “I th-think he might be jealous o-of how well she gets on with them.”
“Perhaps,” Toriel found this information encouraging. She trusted Sans implicitly. “but look at her now.”
She and Alphys both smiled softly as they saw you cheer for the kids as they played. Razzy and Syrup were watching you, and all three of your souls were thrumming in soft comfort.
“I believe she is just as comforted by them as they are by her.” Toriel’s motherly instincts hummed happily. “Our boys are doing well.”
“Y-yes.” Alphys cooed softly, “I j-just hope they don’t s-s-start fighting over her. E-even though that’d make a great anime.”
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statickiisms-blog · 8 years
Starter call !
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statickiisms-blog · 8 years
Tag dump
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