#;the perfect monsters to go out and find to get pregnant
wannabepapa · 1 year
I would love to see you lug around a monster pregnancy 😈 huge, heavy, active, lengthy, insatiable cravings fueling explosive growth spurts...
oh is that right? i could probably go into the forest and find myself some unnatural monster that could knock me up. maybe the local cryptid is currently in their mating season and are in desperate need of a mate.
i can set a little camp up in the middle of the forest where the hunters claim there is some demon screeching and scaring off the animals. into the night i hear the creature howling, desperate for someone to answer their call for a mate. they know i'm here but something has them hesitant to come close to me. i let them know i'm safe and mean no harm—i want to be their friend and help them through this difficult time.
it's day two and we've come to an agreement. they breed me and i come to the forest every day for them to see my body change and grow with their brood. they are gentle with their large clawed hands and pointy teeth, large body easily overtaking me as they make me their breeder. i know the moment i'm driving home that i'm pregnant. my stomach is engorged as of i'm already four months pregnant. they had a lot pent up and they were going to make sure i got pregnant
the months roll by in a blur of excited bliss. my body has blossomed in half the time of a human pregnancy and i can feel the oncoming birth. my massive packed gut is a near constant moving thing with the brood inside me fighting for room. all i want is to stay in the forest now that i can't fit behind the wheel of my car without the seat being as far back as it can go. i've gotten too big to do anything but lay in bed or slowly waddle through my house to get food. there are several babies inside me with all the movements and this weird intuition i've suddenly acquired. it's at least three, maybe even four but we won't know until i give birth. i look like someone pregnant with big triplets full term—i am surprised i can even move at all.
unless you would like me to talk about what it would be like to get impregnated by a slime creature or a tentacle monster and carrying their eggs~
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ariichive · 3 months
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feeling touch
k. sakusa
in which sakusa's first relationship comes with gentle surprises and a lasting sense of comfort. fluff | first relationship | mentions of assault | gn reader :) | established relationship | timeskip
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sakusa was good at reading people. it was a skill that came with being a good volleyball player such as himself. knowing where to hit a spike, finding the perfect spot for a service ace, and understanding his teammates.
the ability even followed him outside of the court. sakusa found himself observing people everywhere. the couple on the train; the girl had a nervous look on her face as she clutched her stomach, often stealing glances at the man busy on his phone. pregnant. sakusa remembers thinking to himself. the same day, he watched a stray dog on the busy streets of japan circling a busy food vendor.
it was no surprise when the dog snatched food from the owners hands and ran off into an alley way, the curses of the owner blending in to the surrounding noise.
yes; this was all natural for him but not for most people. at least, to him in particular.
people did not understand kiyoomi sakusa.
he think it's his whole demeanor. sure, he might not be the most friendly looking, but he was still human with human normal reactions. he remembers one day after a dominant win against a damn good team.
interviewers flocked to him, fans were everywhere; it was overwhelming. there was nothing more he wanted than to go home, where he could relax after a long match and wait for you to come home from work.
home. he kept repeating in his head, making his way through the crowd. he answered questions simply if they were asked. he was almost through the seemingly never-ending pool of people, when a hand circled around his wrist. sakusa immediately turned around, yanking his wrist out their hand with swiftness. with a glare, he took a step back. a girl with a big number 15 on her shirt. oh, a fan.
"h-hi," the girl spoke in a high-pitched voice. like a dog whistle. sakusa nodded his head in a greeting, eagerly turning around to continue on his way. he wasn't the nicest when it came to fans, but if his fans were really genuine they would understand he did not appreciate being touched.
clearly, this girl was not so genuine.
she grabbed his wrist, again, this time with a bit more force. "w-wait!" sakusa sighed but stopped nonetheless knowing this could go on forever. she squealed when he stopped; his eye twitching. "can we take a picture? please?" sakusa couldn't deny there was a sparkle in her eyes and he feels as if he didn't take a picture her dreams would be absolutely crushed. while he wasn't big on social interactions, he wasn't exactly a monster. "yes, make it quick. please, do not touch me." he managed to mutter out.
the girl quickly stood next to him, a centimeter of distance between them as she whipped out her phone to take a selfie with him next to her. she pressed the button, a 3 second timer starting.
as soon as the timer hit 1, the girl quickly pressed her lips against his cheek.
fear and disgust immediately ran through his body as he shoved the girl, not caring that she ended up on the ground. "never come near me again, you disgusting shit." sakusa meant every word, and he probably would have said more if he wasn't so focused on getting out. pushing throw the crowd, he barely paid attention to the concern looks of bokuto and hinata. if he would've looked back, he'd witness atsumu angrily snatching the phone from the crazed fan.
home. he had to get home.
the journey home was a quick one, he had too much occupying his mind. as soon as he stepped into his safe space, sakusa made a beeline to the shower. a shivering feeling of disgust and guilt taking over him. with the amount of reporters around, you were bound to see the news. he can't believe another persons lips were on him; he could only imagine your reaction. would you be angry? disappointed? disgusted?
sakusa scrubbed harder at his skin.
when he was done in the shower, he still didn't feel clean enough. he had half the mind to go back in, let the burning hot water consume him as a whole. he would have, if it wasn't for the sound of the front door opening. his heartbeat picked up pace, he quickly dried himself and threw on a shirt and sweats. it'll be okay. he reassured himself as he stepped out into the open space of your shared residence.
as he made eye contact with you, he felt a pinch of fear crawl up his spine when you didn't hug him as usual or give him a kiss as a greeting.
you knew.
he felt an apology about to slip out his lips, the guilt weighing on his heart.
"i'm so sorry, omi... atsumu told me what happened."
you said an apology before him, leaving sakusa stunned. why were you apologizing?
noticing his lack of response, you continued. "atsumu told me what happened... i'm so sorry you had to go through that. i understand if you want space to collect yourself, i won't overstep any boundaries."
you understood how dire the situation was; noting how important it was to keep sakusa's feelings in mind. he looked shaken up when you arrived home, so you thought it was best to not add to his discomfort; hence the lack of physical greeting.
sakusa sighed, "..you don't have to apologize. it was my-"
"don't you dare say it was your fault!" you took a hesitant step towards him, and when he didn't move away, you hugged the tall outside hitter; he melted into your arms.
"the only person to blame is that crazy fan, it had nothing to do with you. nobody deserves that to happen to them."
sakusa bathed in the comfort of your words, finally finding the energy to hug you back.
"you're right, love. i'm glad to be home with you."
yeah, you knew this was his way of saying i love you. "i love you too! now let's find something to eat, you must be hungry after that game. ugh, i wish i could've gone! your highlights are trending, the ladies at work..."
he listened to you chatter away, a big smile present on his face.
sakusa wasn't hard to understand, it just took the right people to understand him.
"whaddya gonna do with this photo?" atsumu stared at the phone of sakusa's fangirl, a look of disgust and hatred taking form. he quickly deleted it as he went to her recently deleted album to ensure it would be gone permanently. he wasn't surprised to see her lock screen was a picture of sakusa, or the number of pictures she had of him in her photos. "oh you're not right in the head," he chuckled mockingly as he stared down at the girl, who tried to get up only to be pushed back down by bokuto. "oops, didn't see you right there." bokuto said almost robotically; everyone knew he was lying as he scratched his neck in boredom.
hinata eventually made his way over. "oooh, a fan?" to any onlooker, it would look like the hyper-orange-haired male had genuine, pure curiosity. but his teammates knew.
"yeah, a fan. huge fan of omi omi, hundreds of pictures of him in her gallery." atsumu said as he slung an arm around hinata's shoulders. he found pleasure in the embarrassed look on her face. she stuttered out lame excuses he didn't bother listening to. "hey, kou, shoyo, since she's such a big fan, why don't we show her an up-close play?"
"hell yeah!" bokuto cheered as he high fives hinata. the obsessed fan could only watch in horror as her phone was tossed to hinata, who bumped it to atsumu, who then set it towards bokuto.
bokuto, feeling a strong sense of defending his friend and teammate, spiked her phone into the floor with a loud cracking sound that echoed throughout the stadium. meian turned a blind eye to his team's antics.
atsumu took out his own phone, taking a selfie. he made sure the crying girl on the ground hovering over her broken phone was in the background.
[sent to (name) 6:48pm]
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dixons-sunshine · 4 months
Imagine Daryl Dixon finding out you're pregnant with his baby.
The news was a big surprise for him. The two of you were relatively safe when it came to sex, but there were times when there just wasn't access to protection or when you told him he didn't have to pull out, so he guessed he shouldn't have been that surprised at the news. But still, he was caught off guard.
Daryl felt happy and excited, yet scared and unsure simultaneously. All in all, Daryl felt extremely overwhelmed. He had to leave the house for a few hours, have a smoke and gather his thoughts before he even addressed the situation.
He felt guilty for leaving you so abruptly, and he felt like the lowest piece of crap on the planet. If he was feeling overwhelmed, how did you feel? You were the one carrying the baby. You were the one who had to go through nine months of pregnancy and you were the one who had to give birth. Not him. The least he could do was ensure that you were comfortable and well taken care of—and with that in mind, he got a truck and went and scavenged every baby thing he could find.
That night, he returned with mountains of things for both you and the baby. He even went to the Hilltop's doctor to get prenatal vitamins for you. When he returned, he pulled you into a hug and apologized for leaving. When he calmed down somewhat and he fully processed the news, he allowed himself a small smile as you lead one of his hands to rest on your stomach, above the light that fluttered beyond the skin.
Daryl was surprisingly affectionate all throughout your pregnancy. He loved laying his head on your stomach and to press soft kisses to your growing baby bump. He'd whisper sweet nothings to your baby, soft promises of taking care of them and ensuring that he would do his best to never be like somebody terrible that used to be in his life—someone you knew to be his father. You had to reassure him multiple times throughout your pregnancy that he would be okay, that he would be nothing like that monster.
When you went into labour, Daryl was a nervous wreck. During the birth, Daryl may or may not have been close to passing out from sheer panic of impending fatherhood. But he toughed it out for your sake. And when he heard his child's crying for the first time, his entire world changed. That was his baby, his little one, a wonder that his damaged , unworthy self managed to create with you. And he'd be damned if he let anything happen to this perfect little being.
He was very wary when the doctor told both of you to take of your shirts to hold the baby. The doctor was instructed to leave the room before Daryl agreed, and he told you to hold your baby first—you went through all the pain, you deserved to hold your little one first. However, when Daryl held his baby to his bare chest for the first time, he was instantly captivated. He couldn't believe that someone so perfect could be his. And he wouldn't let anything happen to them.
And of course you allowed Daryl to pick their name. And their name ended up being the most perfect one ever.
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muntitled · 1 year
𝙃𝙤𝙪𝙨𝙚𝙬𝙞𝙛𝙚'𝙨 𝙇𝙖𝙢𝙚𝙣𝙩
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Gojo Satoru x Fem!Reader
Summary: Pregnancy definitely sucks but you take your complaints too far, and soon, you're left with the laborious task of making it up to Satoru
Warnings: Domestic Fluff, Petty!Satoru, Tantrums, God Complex (It's Satoru), Humor, Smut (+18) Minors DNI, Praise Kink, Make up sex, Pregnant sex, Office Sex, Touch starved!reader, DDLG, Daddy Kink, Corruption Kink, Eye Contact, Dirty Talk, Cervix fucking, Lactation kink, Dom/Sub undertones, Subspace, Overstimulation
♡ please excuse me, I'm ovulating
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"Is there any way I could park closer? So that your journey might be a quicker one?" Despite his voice dripping with nothing but kindness, you find your eyes narrowing at the taxi driver and his close cropped, black hair.
"I may look fat but my limbs are in perfect working conditions, Sir, I assure you," Admittedly, a low blow. The driver reels back, muttering his profuse apologies which immediately softens your resolve.
It is wholeheartedly unfair. The driver could not anticipate the way in which his words would grate at your wavering kindness. He is essentially blameless and perhaps even considerate in his line of questioning. He didn't have any intentions of insulting you.
After all, It was not his fault that you were currently sporting a nasty bump because Satoru decided to inject you with his release until finally he succeeded and you were burdened with the weight of his spawned and this baby, you feel, is a heavy one. One that has your steel emotions melting into guilt, like the deserted tar under the bright summer sun.
"Just here, should be fine," The taxi driver had gotten an impressive tip to make up for your rudeness and you scooted your way out. Soon, you were on the pavement that led into the forest framed by an impressively maintained torii. The driver eyed the gateway solemnly as you shrugged your backpack on, subconsciously grateful for the sundress combatting the summer heat.
"Have a nice day!" You attempt to soften your voice, as soft as you can make it given your current condition.
The thought - that word- has you flinching as you make your way up the mountain. The very reason for this journey playing off in your mind's eye with a freshness.
'Condition?' Satoru, had said when you let the word slip the previous evening. The taxi driver had not been the only one affected by your foul mood but last night you were particularly nasty. Gojo's spawn was on a mission to drain you of all your energy, leeching off your nutrients but expecting you to eat at every hour. The Little Monster was testing your patience and it wasn't even born yet.
'You're having my baby,' Gojo had said, 'Not suffering from a disease.' As you both prepared for bed, Gojo, exchanging his black blindfold for the fluffy pink sleep mask which he had invariably stolen from you, while you wobbled your heaviness into bed.
"Trust me, Satoru, when I say that you honestly could have fooled me.' You scoffed, "This baby is making me sick." It had been more and more difficult to disguise the true nature of pregnancy, especially while everyone around lived their lives so carefree and un-pregnant- but you still should not have said what you said. And Satoru was 100% justified in assuming a tantrum.
You were forced to go to bed, with an ice cold, Satoru, refusing to curl up beside you like he usually did. Instead of brushing up behind you, ready to allay that constant state of need that you were haunted by, Gojo stole his warmth away from you. You went to bed without the sensation of his cock grinding into your ass and his long slender fingers seeking to touch anything and everything until he riled himself up enough to fuck you to sleep. When you thought it couldn't possibly get any worse, Satoru had already disappeared in the morning. He had already gone off to Jujutsu Tech, vehemently ignoring any text message you sent.
And here you were, lumbering your way through the thicket of evergreens that seemed to be growing on top of each other. You would not be surprised if these trees ended up being cursed as well. They invariably seemed to swallow the horizon, doing a stellar job at concealing the beauty of the institution inside.
"Your father hates me," The tiny human incubating inside of you is your only bit of company, and so, you decide to entertain the Little Monster, the closer you get to Jujutsu High. "You're a little demon, but he is too." Your heavy breathing fills the quiet air, "But I still love him and his demonic ways so that really means that I love you too," Unknowingly, your hand had begun to cup the underside of your swollen belly and staying there for the duration of the walk, until the very first towers began to peek from within the evergreens and the sound of jovial laughter reaches your ears.
"Woah-" Itadori is the first person you see once you emerge from the thicket, huffing and puffing with the Wright of your guilt carrying you forward. "Are you... supposed to be here?"
"I'm pregnant, Yuuji, not handicapped-" You began, steadily approaching the temple steps where he and a silent Megumi sat idly. "Gojo, where is he?"
"In his office by now." Replied Itadori, "Hey… did you seriously walk up the mountain just to get some from Gojo-" his crass statement is cut short by Megumi's elbow buried in Yuuji's side and you silently thank the dark haired boy as you drift into the temple.
Despite it all, Itadori's statement may have held a sliver of truth. The walk up the mountain had been a perilous one, admittedly one of your less than thorough ideas, but it also got you the opportunity to see Jujutsu High after 6 difficult months of house arrest. Your innate need to teach and help young sorcerers grow and develop their talents was being made dormant, yet somehow, just being in this place, breathing its air, was revitalising you. You could even swear the Little Monster made a happy little kick against your abdomen. You begin to wonder with shocking excitement what cursed technique this baby would be born with - it's a thought that occupies your mind as you maneuver the relaxing halls of the temple.
The positive energy coursing through your bloodstream only doubles once his door reveals itself at the end of the hall. Your nerves are immediately electrified with a violent current as you pull back the door, enough to slip inside. You could not go 24 hours without Satoru annoying you, and that was apparent. If that made you weak, then so be it.
"Satoru." Your voice comes out quieter than expected as you pull the door shut and turn to face the man seated behind his desk. His seat is reclined towards an open window casting an enchanting breeze, enough to lightly ruffle his pale, white locks. Arms support the back of his head, and his legs are perched on the desk. You can not see his eyes behind his rimless blue tinted shades. Your arrival announces rouses him, and immediately, you can tell you've disturbed him from a nap. Perhaps he did not get much sleep last night either…
"Hmm," Is the only sound he is able to make in the stretched silence, readjusting his position, striving to appear disinterested, "Didn't know they allowed murderers into Jujutsu Tech-"
"'Toru, you've probably killed more people than me,'' You say with a small smile as you venture to close the distance between you too. "And how am I a murderer?"
"You forcing yourself up this mountain makes me think you're trying to kill my baby." You can tell that he is still vehemently angry at you but his head ticks slightly to the side as you make your way behind his desk, pushing his feet off before easing onto it so you can sit opposite him.
"I brought salami sticks and a chicken sandwich," You ease the backpack off your shoulders, ignoring Satoru's head lazily draped on his hand. "You didn't eat breakfast this morning and I know your skinny ass is dying of hunger. You may not look like you eat alot but you and our baby are trying to kill me-"
To that, he had obviously chosen to respond with a crude and petty, 'That'd be my baby, you're referring to. Last I checked, to you, it's a cancer.'
"Satoru, I don't know what you want me to say-"
"I've got a pretty good idea of what I don't want you to say."
Your gaze lowers to your lap as your legs swing above the ground. It is always difficult seeing someone as jovial as Gojo, assume such a cold exterior, especially when it's not in his inherent nature.
"I really wish I can say I didn't mean it, 'Toru but I'm fucking drained," You laugh darkly, "I'm fat and ugly and I can't exercise because this baby hates when I move in a way it doesn't like - even getting up here fucking sucked, but the thought of seeing you kinda helped. Not to mention that fucking housewife next door and her perky tits and her tiny waist, and her non-fat ass-"
"Hey," Throughout the course of your hormonal rant, Satoru has felt himself slide his chair closer to you, until your mnees were directly in front of him. His arms fence you in, while he sat on the edge of his seat, "I love your fat ass, please don't ever diss her again."
His words have you laughing despite the thunderous emotions that had overtaken you just a moment ago. That may have been one of Satoru's many superpowers- allaying the darkened clouds with unexpected sunshine.
"Not to mention my feet hurt constantly, I'm horny all the time and I just wanna feel normal in my own skin. But I neglected your happiness in my own self pity and that's wrong and I'm sorry."
'Please fuck me and never, ever be mad at me again,' is what you would have liked to tack on at the end of that apology but you already felt as if you got enough words out. Truthfully, you really were sitting with a well of need between your legs- the warmth between your stomach only compounding given Gojo's proximity, which only becomes worse as he rises from his seat and slots himself between your legs. You shiver at the feeling of just having him near you.
"Does 'horny all the time' include' right now?" Another violent shiver wracked through your spine as Satoru eases a finger underneath your chin, raising your hooded eyes to his concealed ones. All you can do is nod as your fingers curl around the edge of the desk while your breathing picks up its pace.
"And you're never going to be a mean brat ever again," you're utterly mesmerised by Satoru's pillowy, pink lips crafting every word, so much so that you're unaware of his other hand rubbing along your exposed thigh.
"I'm going to have to hear words, baby." He teases lightly,"I'm going to have to hear that you were wrong," You're not sure what it is about the sing-song voice that has you slipping deep into subspace- perhaps it's the slight condescension sprinkled in with the tone one would use to scold a child. It completely breaks you every time.
Your lips curl downward into an involuntary pout as you say "I'll never be a mean brat to you ever again, Satoru-" a gasp races through your throat as his fingers brush against the damp fabric of your clothed, needy cunt. He is rubbing lightly, almost diabolically slow. Your eyebrows curve into needy crescents as you strive to open your legs wider, hoping his fingers might venture deeper.
"I might forgive you," his broad shoulders are hunched so his lips can reach your ears, "If you stop calling me Satoru and say what you really wanna say,"
He was baiting you for his own rush of pleasure shooting all his blood straight to his hardened cock. Satoru's pants were straining as you realised he needed you to slip into subspace as much as you did. His hand was brushing lightly at the fabric against your clit, but that is as far as he was willing to go. Your breathing is erratic as you attempt to thrust your hips into his hand but your stomach stops you from achieving a lot.
"I need you to fuck me, Daddy," The words drenched with the neediness in your voice is borderline pornopgraphic and it rips a wavering groan from within Gojo's chest.
"You're such a needy little slut, aren't you?" Satoru says now swimming in domspace, while he removes his hand from between your legs to quickly rid you of your sweat-drenched sundress.
"I need you so bad," you admit with an aching whimper as the soft wind rushes over your sensitive nipples. The second he sees them, Gojo's hands are clamped around your pillowy; swollen breasts, squeezing and prodding like a virgin who's never seen tits before.
"Fuck, baby, look at what you do to me," He releases a hoarse laugh as he clamps his other hand around your wrist, forcing your palm around his hard cock straining his pants. "Look at what the fuck you do to me," The both of you release a chorus of moans into the air- you, because his fingers were playing a dangerous game with your leaking nipples and Satoru, because he cannot refrain from grinding into your hand.
His glasses fog as he bends his head to watch beads of milk grow on the tips of your nipple before sliding down your torso with every squeeze.
"When did this start happening?" he asks through clenched teeth before rushing to exclaim, "You're so fucking hot- Fuck!"
"Last night- I wanted to tell you but-" You're immediately silenced by Satoru's lips crashing onto yours while he crowds you, pushing you down onto your back while the sound of his belt buckle echoes in the room. His mouth is absolutely restless as his tongue forces its way inside; eager to push itself against your tongue until you both are kissing each other with a tangle of spit. Your hands immediately find his hair and you pull at the strands as Satoru pulls you to the edge of his desk, pressing the tip of his cock against your entrance.
"You're such a soaked little girl, baby," his voice still condescending and airy, but it riles you up further until you push your hips towards him. "Does Daddy get you this worked up?"
"Yes! Only Daddy can make me feel this way-Just- Please!" Your cries are slotted in the base of your throat as the head of his cock begins to stretch your tense and tight walls. Without thinking, Satoru eases himself deeper, his hips unable to move at a steady pace now that he feels how wet and ready you are for him.
"You're taking your Daddy's cock like a good little girl, baby," his words have you arching off his desk while your eyes fight to stay open. You don't close them because Satoru likes to look at you when he fucks you and so, you fight your way back, until your eyes are pouring into his behind those dazzling shades. It takes everything in him not to cum on the spot, and his cock twitches inside you as he begins to set the pace.
"Oh fuck- Just look at you, Princess." You were fucking magnificent - skin glistening with sweat with a belly swollen with his seed. The image alone affects him more than he initially thought it would. Satoru had strived to get you pregnant because he knew he wanted you to birth his legacy, but the sight of your body naturally shifting to incubate his seed scarmbles the very workings of his brain If you weren't careful, you were going to stay pregnant, every other term.
"You're doing such a good job, Princess. Do you know how fucking beautiful you look?" you are utterly deranged with need, feeling all your sensibilities slip out of you as you're fighting to take even more of him impossibly deeper. His shades hide the true nature of his hooded, fucked out eyes. He's not sure what it is about it, but your eyes on him, watching him pound his cock into your slippery, tight pussy, has him rutting into you with desperation. He loves holding your attention in your most depraved moments - watching you stare up at him like he's a God while he's corrupting every sliver of your cute disposition.
He's pounding against your cervix now and it has your moans bleeding into whorish screams. All the while, Satoru does not silence you. He does not clamp his hand around your mouth, instead he affirms quite the opposite. "If you keep squeezing my cock like that I'm going to make you take my cum." That sentence alone has you slipping into your orgasm. Your back arches off the table and Satoru leans over and latches his lips onto your breasts. He moans around your nipple, as his hand rubs your clit with immense rapidity, in tandem with his stuttering hips.
"I'm gonna fucking cum inside you, baby, Tell me you want me to cum inside you," his voice cracks into a desperate whimper, "P-please," Your limbs are shivering as Satoru fucks you quicker, the sensation bleeding into overstimulation as you watch him fall apart over you. He looks utterly gorgeous. The shades may hide his eyes, but his slacked jaw reveals how utterly destroyed he is, with a trail of spit and milk running down his chin. "Fucking tell me!"
"Please cum inside me, Daddy." You pant, looking at him dead in the eyes, "I need your cum inside me," his grip on the desk fumbles and his movements immediately melt into sloppy thrusts and heavy pants.
"Oh fuck- I'm cumming, baby. Fuck, M'gonna fucking breed you-" just as you're forced to endure another orgasm, Satoru's cum explodes inside of you, ripping groan from your hoarse throat.
Gojo is absolutely spent as he eases his cock out of you, rubbing light circles on your thighs, utterly transfixed with the sight of his milky cum slipping out of your cunt.
"I hope I get you pregnant with twins, next time,"
"Get the fuck off of me Satoru." You say feigning anger, which is attested by the smile threatening to blossom over your face. Despite your lightened mood, you still feel monumentally terrible for making him feel bad about your impending parenthood.
"I'm sorry I've been complaining about my house arrest."
"Maternity leave," He corrects with a sigh.
"Same difference," you roll your eyes before noticing his unimpressed and stoic visage. "Only kidding, only kidding."
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Thx for reading ♡
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dark-and-kawaii · 1 month
⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ A Delicious Meal ˖⟡˚౨ৎ⋆
Summary: As long as he can see you writhe, begging, crying, pleading beneath him, he doesn't care. He is your sin, your pleasure, your addiction.
₊˚⊹♡ Pairing: Raphael x F!Tav/Reader
₊˚⊹♡ Content: NSFW - Creampie - Choking - Impregnating - Raphael Takes What He Pleases - The Devil You Know
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You know his cock will leave you bruised, and the thought of walking back to your companions, limping and in pain, makes you moan against his neck. Your nails raking down his chest, leaving behind dark angry red marks against his devilish ruby like skin.
Raphael is relentless, taking, taking, and taking from you, making you beg for his cock. Beg to be filled by his length, his fingers, his tongue, his tail, anything. As long as he can see you writhe, begging, crying, pleading beneath him, he doesn't care. He is your sin, your pleasure, your addiction.
Through clenched teeth, he curses, groaning against the shell of your ear, “Such a pleasurable little thing you are. And eager like a newborn pup, so needy, so desperate to please.”
You can only moan and sob against him, the pleasure and the pain mixing together into one heady cocktail. One that only he, the devil you know could make for you.
Lifting his body, he places his hands against your delicate throat, using it hold his weight as pulls his cock out until just the tip is left, “Open your eyes mouse… I long to see the moment when your soul becomes entirely mine, when your being is at my beck and call. To use. To pleasure me whenever I desire it, wherever I desire it.”
The moment his fingers squeeze around your neck, you cry out, eyes shooting open, your vision filled with his face, the face of a devil, a man, a lover, a monster. His pupils are blown wide, and his mouth is slightly agape, tongue darting out to wet his lips. The sight makes you clench down on the tip of his cock...
“So obedient.”
With a punishing thrust, he bullies as much of his cock into your cunt as he could, bottoming out against your cervix and emptying himself into your tight, plump, and abused hole. Your scream, your pleasured moans, your tears, the feel of your nails clawing at his arms… Oh how it makes Raphael shiver.
It was all so intoxicating.
He continued to fuck you through his orgasm, his grip on your neck tightening as your cunt spasms around him. Raphael could visualize his seed seeping into you… Shooting deep within your womb, waiting for one of his children to find its way to an egg, working its way into its pliable wall to impregnate you. The very thought, the very idea of you pregnant, with his child, with his heir, makes his cock jerk and spill once more.
Your body was on fire, your vision blackened at the edges, and you felt a cold sweat overtake you as you cum, a gush of liquid pouring from your cunt. Raphael watches as you pass out, and the feel of you going limp in his hands is almost enough to get him hard again.
But for now, he must clean you, tend to you. You had passed out due to a lack of air. It would not do to let your lungs suffer, he had a fondness for your voice, for the sounds you made. His little mouse… His little songbird.
Slowly he pulls his cock from you, watching in fascination as his cum pours from your pussy, a mixture of yours and his, a perfect union, a perfect match… You truly were made for him, and perhaps he was made for you.
A soft smile crosses his lips and he leans down to capture your lips, whispering against them, a promise, a vow, a command, “Forever mine.”
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tiredfox64 · 2 months
Could you write something about a reader falling in love with Syzoth, them developing a cute relationship but the reader finding out that he has some kind of breeding kink?
I've noticed that almost no one writes about Syzoth and that's so unfair 😭
Slither In
Yip notes: Is it really a breeding kink if it's in his nature?
Pairing: Syzoth x Afab reader
Warnings‼️: NSFW, breeding kink, two down there (I can't say it), monster fucking, biting
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Your boyfriend is the absolute cutest. He is the sweetest reptilian you ever met. His eyes shine brighter than emeralds in the sun whenever he looks at you. You are his queen whom he would gladly impregnate with his kin.
And I mean gladly.
Ever since you both met, he knew he could trust you. You never feared his true form. You loved both forms equally. You actually found it awesome and were fascinated by it. You would marvel at his long, strong tail. You would hold onto his face as you took in every detail like his sharp teeth or his slit eyes. You looked at him like he was the most beautiful creature you ever laid your eyes upon. For that, you gained his affection.
You were the one person he would visit when he went to Earthrealm. He would wait for you when you’d come to visit him in Outworld. He couldn’t get enough of you. You were like a juicy bug that he had no idea was induced with addictive drugs. He needed to see you the second you visited or the second he stepped into Earthrealm.
Of course, you two would develop a relationship. He was comfortable with you because you didn’t judge him. Even when he ate crickets in front of you, you never grimaced. You actually started buying him crickets for him to eat when he visited. Gosh, his heart melted and he knew you were the one for him. Not even his own people treated him this well.
You two became quite the talking point. Johnny was congratulating Syzoth for finding a wonderful lady like you. Kung Lao was quite jealous of him while Raiden told Kung Lao to just be happy for him. Even Liu Kang was happy to see that something good came into Syzoth’s life.
Trust me when I say you two were THE couple. Girls were jealous that you had a good man following you around, staring at you with love in his eyes. He would ask if you wanted him to do anything for you like carry you around if your feet got tired. No, he knows you can walk on your own. He wants to take care of you, that’s all. It’s all because of love.
When love combines with his Zatteran nature, he starts to act differently.
You started noticing Syzoth act differently after dating for half a year. This whole time he has been polite and sweet to you. The perfect gentleman really. But then he started getting frustrated, not with you but with himself. You couldn’t understand at first until you saw the signs. You heard him stomp his legs whenever you turned your back to him. Or he would bob his head before holding his neck like he was trying to stop himself from doing it again. You couldn’t miss those moments when you and Syzoth would cuddle and you felt his hands rub your belly. It wasn’t in circles but up and down like what one would do to a pregnant belly.
When you’d ask him what he was up to he would stop immediately before apologizing.
“I-I’m sorry, my beloved. I did not mean to disturb you.” He’d remove his hands from your stomach and go back to the cuddling position you two were in before.
“There’s no need to apologize. I was just curious.” You didn’t sound upset at all but he would refrain from telling you his true feelings.
The truth is…Syzoth wants to mate with you. He understands that humans don’t work the same as him regarding breeding. He doesn’t want to make you feel trapped or scare you away with his wants. You’re the first good thing he has gained since leaving Zattera. So he keeps to himself and pushes down his nature. Easier said than done.
More stomping, more head bobbing, more staring at your stomach. He’s damn near clawing the kitchen counter trying not to pounce on you when you turn your back to him. He started looking up at you with pleading eyes whenever he rested his head on your stomach. He was like a dog begging for a treat. He was begging you to have his babies. Yet his mouth wouldn’t move to ask you the question.
Syzoth grew sad quickly. Rubbing one out would not fulfill his needs. He couldn’t do anything with you because he knew he wouldn’t pullout. This irritation grew more and more every day. Since Syzoth wasn’t telling you what was wrong you thought it was a guy issue. You invited Johnny over to see if maybe he could get an answer out of him. And an answer he received the moment he sat down on the couch and asked him what was wrong.
“I cannot take it anymore, Johnny!” Syzoth grabbed Johnny by the collar of his shirt as he hissed out his words.
“Can’t take what? Relax, man. You’re acting desperate or something.” Johnny teased to lighten the mood, but after looking at Syzoth, he realized he was telling the truth.
“I-I want—I need…” Syzoth took a deep breath before continuing, “I want to breed her. I need to. I am unable to help it.” He pulled his hood down to hide his shameful eyes.
Johnny was doing his best to make Syzoth calm down. It didn’t help that he was not saying that it was normal but instead saying it’s just how he is because he is a huge lizard. Never ask this guy to comfort anyone.
Little did they know that you were just around the corner. You heard everything and were slightly shocked. You’re not oblivious to his animalistic nature but you thought he had it under control or even adapted to not having a breeding period. You’re not mad at him and you wanted to comfort him to let him know it was alright to feel that way. But you decided to wait. You didn’t want him to know you were listening. You would wait for Johnny to leave before confronting your boyfriend.
Once Johnny left you told Syzoth to come to your bedroom as you had something to discuss. His heartbeat raced to the point it felt like it was thumping against his chest. He was concerned about what you had to say.
You began telling him about what you heard and you watched his face fill with shame. He was like a guilty puppy. Before you could finish and bring up your next point he was already on his knees, beginning for your forgiveness.
“I’m sorry. Please, don’t leave me. I will not force you to do any-“
“Syzoth!” You yelled which stopped Syzoth from rambling.
“I’m not mad at you. I was just surprised that this was something you wanted. I just wished you talked about it with me so we could have discussed it further.” Your hand went down so you could stroke his hair. He was still shocked but it calmed him a little.
Syzoth really should have said something. He should have known you wouldn’t judge him. If you could handle his real form you could handle his need to breed you. He sighed in relief as he let you pet him. That was until you spoke again.
“Now, how about we fix that little problem of yours?” You teased.
Syzoth looked up at you. At first you were unsure if you offended him. But then his large tail popped out and started pounding the ground. Yeah, he’s ready for this.
Oh dear, he was holding back a lot. He’s an animal in bed, not literally but it will happen soon.
Syzoth was quick to take his clothes off. His two cocks were standing proud before diving into your warm pussy.
You stared into his eyes as he pounds into you, his second cock rubbing against your clit. The tip of his second cock tapped against your stomach every time he thrusted in. It left little droplets of precum on your stomach. The one that was in you felt like it was touching your stomach from the inside. He knew how to use it well.
He was rough but not fast. His mind was more on the goal of cumming deep inside of you. He can’t risk going fast and having it accidentally slip out. With each thrust, it reached places no guy had hit. But Syzoth isn’t your ordinary guy so why even be surprised?
He was watching every reaction you let out. He watched how your eyes rolled back before looking back at him. He watched you struggle to keep yourself quiet by biting your lip. Meanwhile in his mind he was already imagining you becoming more plump as you carry his children. He would be there to protect you and the babies, however many there would be. He’ll take care of everything so you don’t have to lift a finger. All you would have to do is stay healthy and be his beautiful woman. And soon, he’ll make you his wife.
But let’s get through the baby making first before getting to that.
Syzoth moved your legs to lay on his shoulders. It gave him easier access to go deeper and you felt that immediately. He shoved himself deeper until you were seeing stars every time he hit your g-spot. Or those could have been halos from the heavens above. Anything works, the fact was he was making you his. The closeness was nice as well. Feeling his skin against yours as you burn up like a sinner. It was intimate and it was passionate.
Somehow your mind could not process the fact that you were about to cum until it was too late. One second you were giving your usual moans and pants, the next your head went back and you were clenching the sheets as the orgasm hit you. It took your breath away, causing you to only focus on how it came in waves. Your pussy was clenching around his cock while your clit grew sensitive to his other cock rubbing against it. He stopped once he realized you came.
You took a moment to catch your breath. There was a slight smile on your face from the burst of dopamine you just received. You were about to ask Syzoth if he was good until you realized he never came. You became puzzled and were about to ask him what was the matter. He pulled out and flipped you on your stomach.
Alright, now here’s the fun part.
You didn’t know what Syzoth was doing until the bed creaked as if something huge was just dropped on it. No, he can’t be.
You felt him press against your back, feeling rough scales come into contact with your skin. Large hands wrapped around your hips with claws that were slightly digging into them. He nuzzled his large head against yours to keep you calm. That wasn’t necessary because you already felt calm. You were surprised that you weren’t at all freaked out by what was about to happen. But you trusted Syzoth to not hurt you. You knew he would be gentle and make sure you had a good time.
Your hand went up to give his head a light pat. He let out a low growl that rumbled his chest. You felt a much bigger pair of cocks press against your already sensitive pussy. It gathered some of your wetness before slowly slipping in. Your hands gripped your pillows as you felt it stretch you out. What you weren’t ready for was the ridges. The base was ridged. That’s a new texture that no human man can provide you.
Your legs immediately turned to jello from the feeling it provided. Not to mention the other cock was rubbing against your clit again, this time with a more bumpy texture. Don’t worry, Syzoth has a good hold on your hips. So just relax and enjoy the ride.
Nothing in that room was quiet. The bed squeaked with every movement you two made. Syzoth was letting off low rumbles as he felt your warm pussy squeeze around him. And you? Heh, your voice is gonna be hoarse in the morning. The pillow could only do so much to silence your moans. You occasionally had to lift your head up to breathe better and that’s when your moans were heard the most. The prettiest sound Syzoth would ever hear. The sounds of birds could never compare.
You began to pull away from him to relieve yourself of being overstimulated. You could already feel your eyes watering up from the pleasure being too much for you. But Syzoth won’t let you get away. You are gonna stay there and take it all. He pulled you back roughly which made you see those bright lights again. You soon felt his sharp teeth prick the skin on your shoulder. He slowly pressed them down but not enough to break your skin. For once throughout this whole debacle you felt some fear. But that fear turned to pleasure once you realized you liked it. You liked how he was so close to fully biting you just to make you stay. It’s safer to accept what’s about to happen.
Tears began to slip down your cheeks. Drool slowly dribbled past your lips and down your chin. Your pussy was a dripping mess. You’re a dripping mess.
Wet, squishy sounds were heard every time Syzoth thrusted in. You couldn’t hear it over your own moans but you could feel how easily he was slipping in and out. One of his clawed hands reached forward to grip one of your breasts. His claws dug into the round flesh but never pierced it. He could already imagine how big they would get once they fill up with milk. He wouldn’t mind getting a taste of it for himself. He knows you’ll produce enough for the babies and him. Oh gosh, the thoughts are really getting to him.
You felt his thrusts become sluggish and his growls become deeper. You knew he would cum soon. Thank goodness, you couldn’t tell if you would last any longer.
A few more thrusts and he was soon filling your pussy with his cum. It was really filling you up. It’s a large cock what else could you expect. His other cock was shooting some cum out as well which painted your stomach and tits. It also landed on the sheets which is fine he will clean it up later.
Syzoth pulled out and watched some of his cum pour out of you. It fell onto the sheets and dripped down your thighs. You fell to your side and let out a sigh of relief. It’s over, what an experience for you.
Syzoth went behind you to cuddle you, still in his true form. His tail wrapped up and pressed against your front. It was like he was already preparing to cradle that big belly that would soon form. You found it cute and brought his tail closer to you. You begin to pass out, feeling his warm breath blow behind you.
Now, you’re not too sure if birth control will work with Zatteran cum. Guess you will find out soon.
That little pill was not gonna work with that large amount of cum. Which is fine, it worked out for Syzoth in the end.
He was ecstatic to become a father once more. He will make sure to protect you well and keep your baby safe. He made sure to do everything for you even though he couldn’t do the laundry, cook, go grocery shopping…okay he did the best he could. You wanted to do things yourself anyway. Pregnant women gotta stay strong and active. You appreciated his efforts though.
In the end, it was worth it. Seeing his eyes sparkle whenever he looked at your pregnant belly was something unforgettable. The love he has for you grows stronger every day. He can’t thank you enough for giving him a family.
And it could have happened quicker IF HE JUST FREAKING SAID IT.
Yap notes: So sorry I’ve been MIA. The depression hit like a bitch, the motivation was down, I got overstimulated and cried, and my body needs different things. I have excuses for days and I’m gonna go cry about tortoises. I at least fixed my raccoon tails. Adiós!
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percyjacksonblog · 4 months
Thoughts on adult Percy and Annabeth
When Annabeth and Percy get married they don’t get married at the beach like everyone believes. They get married on the porch of the big house where they first met.
They have 2 ceremonies, one at the big house to keep all their friends from camp safe and one for their mortal friends and family that can’t go to camp. 
Percy becomes the youngest director of the New York Aquarium and is very hands on with maintenance and upkeep of the animals. He always knows how to help the animals and improve the tanks. His employees call him “the fish whisperer.”
Annabeth is a highly sought after independent architect. Most of her time is spent designing improvements and maintenance of the buildings in Olympus, but will get requests from business, the government, and some rich individuals for new buildings or additions. She loves working with the national park system preserving historic sites. She has a small office in the Empire State Building.
When Annabeth gets pregnant she is actually extremely happy. Percy is the one that has to be convinced everything will be ok. This comes from his fear of letting down and losing his loved ones. When he is holding a little blonde hair green eyed baby, he knows everything will be alright.
As parents Percy and Annabeth are on high alert. They treat having a baby like a battle so they make up shifts to make sure no monsters can get to them. Little do they know, their friends have also taken shifts to watch the outside of their home.
Percy and Annabeth argue about trivial things, but their first big argument over their kid is what happens to their kid(s) if something happens to them. Annabeth wants to send them to CHB because Chiron basically raised her and she turned out fine, but Percy wants to send them to New Rome because it is better protected. They compromise by agreeing that Frank and Hazel will watch over their kid(s) in NR until they are 10, and then send them to CHB each summer after, spending the school year in NR.
Percy is very conscientious about birthdays and anniversaries. He works very hard planning them and finding just the perfect gift. Annabeth is very sneaky and drops hints and subliminal messages for months leading up to the events allowing Percy to think he figured out everything on his own.
Percy and Annabeth go to every school function of their kids’ and Percy’s little sister.
Percy and Annabeth have a friendly wager on whether their kid(s) will have any abilities. After years they assume this kid did not inherit any of Poseidon’s powers until one day the blonde haired green eyed kid says that the family’s fish has been complaining about the food.
I’m sure given enough time I could keep going but these are the biggest things I believe about adult Percy and Annabeth
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yinyangswings · 1 year
If Sanji Had A Child
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He is over the moon when Chopper gives you and him the news. That man is practically jumping for joy.
Actually he does jump for joy
He practically gives up smoking overnight for you. It does make him a bit more irritable around the crew. Zoro especially.
But he never snaps at you no matter how irritated he feels. Even when you feel slightly guilty over him having to give up a habit for you.
Has a slight pregnancy kink, not going to lie. He loves watching you and staring at your belly as it grows and is almost always rubbing it.
Granted, barring others on the crew, if some random passerby tries to touch your stomach, they’re going to get a face full of foot
Is always willing to make you whatever concoction your cravings come up with and eat it with you if need be. Doesn't matter the time of the day or night. And trust me, you try to keep your craving requests to a minimum because you don’t want to be a bother him, which he quickly refutes, saying he doesn’t mind
Feels slightly self-conscious when walking around towns and sees all the skinny and pretty women that Sanji would typically chase after, especially when you get on in the later months and it is fairly obvious that you’re pregnant
You keep expecting to find him somewhere with one of these women. And you can’t blame him if he does
When he finds out about your fears (through a very irate Nami who filled him in on it), he feels upset that he’s made you self conscious about your appearance and is quick to pull you close and reassure you over and over again that you’re beautiful and he only has his eyes set on you
That night, he makes sure you know you’re the only one he wants
Ironically, your water breaks when you’re eating some of his dishes. You hadn’t been feeling the greatest that day, and you wanted some small snack. One bite and then your water has broken
That night, the crew learns that you can curse just as bad as a sailor, and even make up some new curse words along the way all aimed at Sanji for putting you through this.
It’s several long hours before a different cry fills the air and your little daughter comes screaming into the world. You stare at her with awe and love and you cannot imagine a baby more perfect.
Sanji is just…stunned, watching as Robin helps Chopper with cleaning the baby girl.
And then she’s in his arms and it's as if the world has grown still and he can’t breathe all of a sudden. She’s tiny, red, wrinkly and she has the chubbiest cheeks, and he can see a tuft of blonde adorning her head. 
Her hands are soft, and her tiny fist can barely wrap around one finger.
And he falls head over heels for this little girl and is a weeping mess as he takes her in. You find it cute and just watch them bond as you relax and recuperate
She is never far from him for the first few months. He doesn’t want to miss anything his little princess is doing. Usually you find her with him in a sling on his chest, babbling loudly at him as he replies with responses. She’s apparently his biggest fan, and biggest critic when it comes to food. He offers her some things to taste.
He makes all her baby food. None of that pre-made, canned stuff. 
As with during your pregnancy, he is never smoking around her.
And his little princess is spoiled by him. 
Cue some teasing about what will happen when she’s older and boys begin to catch her eye. Sanji gets very…protective at that moment and firmly states she won’t be dating any time soon.
He pointedly ignores everyone mentioning his flirting with women
Sometimes at night, Sanji wakes up and finds you feeding her and he just watches. Not in a creepy perverted kind of way, just silently watching the two of you. And his mind wanders and he wonders how his father could have looked at his siblings and made them into monsters. How he  considered doing the same with him had his mother not intervened.
And he thanks his mother over and over again in his mind for giving him this chance to have his small family and to cherish you and your little girl.
Those nights he holds you close, watching his precious little girl safe and asleep now happy with a belly full of food.
A few months later Zeff and the crew in Baratie receive a simple letter with pictures of the baby. There is a loud cheer heard throughout the ship.  
Zeff may or may not have them tacked up on the wall.
Sanji receives a letter from Zeff with some small recipe suggestions and the request for more pictures in the future.
And Sanji happily obliges.
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sunlightmurdock · 7 months
The Odyssey | 1.2 | Bradley Bradshaw x Reader
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Bradley just can’t keep his hands, or his thoughts, to himself. People are starting to notice.
Warnings: enemies to lovers, power imbalance (professor / student relationship), age gap (22 / 33), swearing, infidelity, making out, smut, oral (f receiving), fingering, handjobs, cum, bradley dislikes her fiancé, deception, also inaccuracies in the timeline of Pompeii and the telling of Greek mythology, very brief allusion to SA at the very end, 18+ minors dni, wc: 7.5k
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“So there are rumours in the city that Psyche is the second coming of Venus, or the daughter of Venus — something like that. But, Venus — Aphrodite — sends her son Cupid — Eros — to shoot Psyche with an arrow to make her fall in love with something hideous.”
You’ve read stories like this before.
“He scratches himself with the arrow, and falls in love with Psyche the second that he sees her. But Psyche’s two sisters are married already, and no one seems to want to marry Psyche, so her dad starts to think they’ve incurred the wrath of the gods. He consults the oracle, and is told that Psyche is going to be married to this hideous, terrifying dragon-creature.”
“Ew.” You scoff.
He snorts. “This part of the story is where it gets kind of interesting. The oracle says that she is to be left on a cliff for her new husband, and they send her there in her funeral attire. Death and marriage become just the one central theme of being a total transition into the unknown.”
You’re quiet against him. He pauses. The ugly lampshade seems drawn to the rock on your finger, making it twinkle in the light.
“Anyway, Zephyrus — which is the god and personification of the Westerly wind, which is the most favourable of — I’ll explain it another time. Zephyrus gets Pysche ready to meet her fated match, and sets her in a meadow, where she falls asleep. She falls asleep in this perfect place, and wakes up transported to a kind of grove.”
You rise and fall with his chest as he sighs.
“Then, she finds this incredible house, with big golden columns, a carved ceiling and silver walls embossed with wild animals, and mosaic floors,” Bradley glances down at your fingers toying with the buttons on his shirt. He squeezes your waist. “And a voice comes out of nowhere telling herself to make herself at home, and she’s presented with a great feast.”
“The dragon doesn’t sound so bad.” You mumble into his chest, drawing a breathy chuckle from him.
“Well— she doesn’t trust him so easily. She’s impressed, but terrified. But, y’know, he’s her husband, and it’s technically their wedding night. So she lets herself be guided to her bedroom at night where she has sex in complete darkness, with something that she can’t see.”
“The dragon?”
“Well, he never lets her look at him. He always leaves before sunrise and doesn’t allow her to look at him. But she learns to like his visits, and becomes pregnant — in this version, anyway — but her family haven’t heard from her at all, so her husband allows Zephyrus to bring one of Psyche’s sisters to visit her.”
You’ve got plenty of opinions on what you have heard so far, but you keep them to yourself as Bradley continues with the tale.
“Her sister is jealous of how happy Psyche is, in this magical house, with her mysterious husband, you know? — So, she kind of reminds Psyche that he’s supposed to be this gross monster, who will kill the child when it’s born. She manipulates Psyche into wanting to know who her husband really is.”
“So, one night after her husband has fallen asleep, Psyche finds an oil lamp and a dagger — to find out if her husband is a monster, and to kill him if he is,” Bradley shifts his hips, stiffening as you sit forwards and press a soft kiss to the glimpse of his chest under his shirt. “And um… well, she sees him and he’s beautiful. Incredible. She’s so happy. But, she spills oil from the lamp on his skin, and he knows that she has betrayed him by looking, so he leaves her.”
“Why was he so against her seeing him if he was so beautiful?” You sit up and turn around, barely noticing as Bradley catches hold of your knee. He tugs it over his lap and pulls you across him, sitting you against his middle.
“Because he defied his mother by not making her fall for something disgusting. Aphrodite wouldn’t have allowed them to be together,”
“Oh, I understand.” You confirm, resting your hands against his stomach.
“So first, Psyche sees the god Pan. He recognises how in love she is, and she recognises his divinity. Then, she starts to walk the world looking for her love. She starts by going back to her sisters and telling them what happened, but they’re both pissed that her husband was Eros. So, both sisters try to offer themselves as a replacement to him by climbing the rock face and casting themselves to Zephyrus, but they both fall to their deaths.”
You frown, which seems to spark amusement in him. He gives you a calm shrug and tugs at your hips, making you flinch as the cold metal of his belt touches the warm skin of your inner thigh.
“So, Psyche keeps on wandering, looking for Eros. She comes across the temple of Ceres, and finds all of these offerings that are thrown everywhere and — it’s a mess. So she organizes it all, because offerings to the gods shouldn’t be neglected, and Ceres appears to her. Psyche begs her for help, and Ceres acknowledges that she needs it, but can’t offer any help because she can’t go against a fellow goddess.”
You shift uncomfortably, pushing away from his belt and settling against his thigh instead.
“Um… right, so after Ceres, the same thing happens at the Temple of Juno, and Psyche realizes that she has to pledge herself to Venus. This is what Venus wanted all along, right? — So, she turns Psyche over to her two Handmaids, Worry and Sadness, for her to be tortured. They ruin her clothes, and hurt her, and mock her for conceiving a child in a sham marriage.”
Your face creases, frowning back at him.
“Venus leaves her with this huge mass of different grains, and demands that they’re all sorted into different heaps by dawn. But a little ant takes pity of Psyche, and assembles a fleet to complete the task for her. We also find out around this point that Eros is in the same house, recovering from a wound, but he doesn’t know that Psyche is there.”
His hands bracket your thighs, and they have been since he sat you in his lap. Watching his Adam’s apple rise and fall with every word, your lips twitch at the corners as you think of the other day in the library. His lips on your neck.
“At dawn, Venus sets her a second task. She has to cross a river, and fetch golden wool from an untameable, aggressive sheep on the other side. Well, Psyche’s heartbroken and worn down by this point, so she plans to drown herself in the river, but she is saved by a reed and gathers the wool caught on the briars of it.
He can see it on your face that you’re up to something, but he pauses to let you kiss him anyway. Soft, and slow. His hands grabbing firm at your waist.
His lips graze yours, his nose brushing your cheek as he continues on with Pysche’s tale, fingers curling into the pale pink chiffon.
“For her third task, Venus gives her this little crystal vial and sends her to collect the black water from the river Styx. So, Psyche climbs the cliff face to get to it, and as she does,” Bradley is interrupted mid sentence as you press forwards and kiss his mouth once more, then the corner of his lips. He hums softly and tries to recapture his train of thought. “She’s attacked by the dragons that surround it — Jupiter himself takes pity on her and sends his eagle to protect her from the beasts and collect the water.”
Your nose brushes the curve of his jaw, soft lips parted just enough to tickle his skin with your cool breath right before you close them around his pulse point and suck.
He’s holding your hips, nice and steady — he could pull you back and stop you, but he doesn’t. His long fingers dig into the meat of your thighs.
“Keep going, what happens next?” You urge him, pushing lightly at his chest and pressing another longing kiss to the length of his throat. Your fingertips slip under the unbuttoned top of his shirt, skimming the flushed skin underneath.
He swallows, leaning his head back against the wooden headboard. You gasp softly as he squeezes firmly at your waist and lifts his hips from the bed.
“So, for the last trial, Venus sends her to the underworld to collect a dose of beauty from Proserpina, the queen of the underworld,” He’s painfully aware that his voice has grown thick and that he’s blushing like a kid, and suddenly the details of the story seem a little bit blurrier. Then, your tongue dips out from between your lips and wets the spot you had just kissed — exactly the way he does.
“Christ.” He chokes out, letting his head fall forwards to rest against your shoulder. “Do you get off on trying to make me cum in my pants or something?”
It’s at that point that he remembers exactly who he is speaking to, and how you’ve reacted to this kind of profanity before. Nose wrinkled, he’s wincing as he pulls back to look at you again.
You’re smiling. Well, biting at your cheeks in an effort not to, but smiling nonetheless. Your nose is wrinkled too, like you’re trying not to like the idea quite as much as you do.
“Oh, you do.” He scoffs.
“No, I just…” You huff and then shrug, glancing down at that loose button on his shirt. He watches your fingers toy with it absently, painfully aware of how his straining cock is wedged against his thigh. “Hadn’t really thought about myself being sexy before. I mean you’ve given plenty of people orgasms, right?”
He knows better than to answer that question, so he just stares back in response.
“I don’t think I’ve ever come close.” You tell him.
His hands feel electric as they skim under that pretty pink dress, a twinkle in his eyes and a slight quirk to the right corner of his mouth. “Now who’s thinking too much, huh?”
With that, he kisses you. The deep and dirty kind as he presses forwards and grabs hold of the back of your neck. Every time, the surprise gets you and makes you part your lips. His tongue dips into your mouth as he pushes his hips off of bed and into yours. Only, this time, whatever he does has you making the sweetest little sound.
Right against his mouth too, a pleased little mewl. He groans right back onto your lips, fingertips trailing over the fabric of your underwear all of a sudden. You had been too distracted to even notice them creeping their way up your thigh.
Heart racing, your fingers skim into the curls at the nape of his neck, eyes locked on him. Swallowing hard, you glance down towards his just parted lips and catch sight of your lipstick printed faintly on the side of his neck. A beat passes where he just watches you studying his lips, waiting for you to kiss him.
Finally, you lean forwards and your cushioned lips are on his once again. Pouted and oh, so gentle. His fingers curl at the back of your neck, his nose bumping yours as he takes lead and lets you sink into the feeling of him.
Even with the thin linen of his shirt, and the slight crack in the window to the left of the bed, Bradley hasn’t ever felt quite so hot.
“Can I feel you?” He asks against your mouth, trailing the pad of his thumb across your clit through the thin fabric of your underwear.
“If I can feel you.” It’s not an exactly well thought-through plan, you don’t have the logistics of it figured out, but he’s kissing feverishly across your face and, what with it pressing into your thigh, there’s only one thing on your mind.
“I can’t, baby—“
“It’s just touching.” The second that the words are out of your mouth, you’re struck with a strange kind of deja vu. Not here, not with him. An outer body kind of thing. Either way, you aren’t left with much time to think about it as Bradley dips forwards and captures your mouth once again.
You let yourself fall with him, even with little choice once he wraps you in his arms, and he turns the two of you until you’re on your back and he’s between your legs.
This is exactly what got you so worked up earlier, so afraid. It feels so right to be moving in sync with him like this, your hands, your mouths, your bodies. His weight pressing into your stomach and his thick arms bracketing your body, engulfing you in him.
As he nips and rocks and caresses, you’re happy. It couldn’t possibly be wrong if it just feels this easy. His blue jeans are tented, straining against the pink of your dress, his shirt untucked and messy.
It’s like the two of you think of his shirt at once, as he props himself up with one hand and tears open those already loosely attached buttons with the other. All the while, his mouth is hot on yours, deep, soft sounds spilling from his lips.
He pulls it swiftly off of his shoulders and drops it haphazardly onto the floor, then there’s a pause. He’s sitting back on his ankles, both of you struck with the same thought once again. His gaze falls down to your dress.
“Should… Do you want me to take it off?” You figure, bringing your hands up to cover your chest, still blinking at his freshly exposed skin. Wide, angled shoulders, sitting square and rising and falling heavily with each breath. His skin taut with muscles, but without the definition of a man who keeps them for an ego boost. Tanned skin, dusted with light brown hair.
“I want you to,” He gives a slow nod of his head. “But I can work around it.”
“No, okay… I can take it off,” You lift one hand to stop him and swiftly tear it back the second that it touches his bare stomach. “Just— give me a second— the zipper—“
Bradley hooks one arm under your hips, and the other under your back, hugging you swiftly to his body and covering you with his weight. You squeak quietly as his fingers curl around the zipper and his lips work feverishly across your jaw.
The zipper barely whines as he pulls it slowly along the length of your spine, feeling the material go loose between the two of you. His mouth follows the sound south, feverish at your neck and down to your clavicle.
Squeezing your eyes tight shut, you let you shoulders relax and the material fall slack, giving his hands the freedom to tear it off and discard it like he had his shirt. Even so, the second that his warm mouth touches the centre of your chest, you push back into the pillows, scorched by the feeling.
“You want me to zip it back up?” Bradley asks coolly, one of his hands squeezing softly at your balled up fist. You hadn’t even noticed you were grabbing at the bedsheets like that.
“No, I just — — don’t want to watch when you see me.”
And that just about breaks his heart. He thinks back to the phone call he had that night in December, when Malcolm had finally picked up. Bradley had been standing beside your bed with that stupid plastic phone in his hand, keeping you on your side so that you didn’t choke if you puked — and that little shithead had answered laughing.
At first, Bradley had regretted threatening the little weasel. It could have cost him his career, especially if you had decided to flip the narrative on what happened in his car — luckily you hadn’t remembered that part. But god, hearing the arrogance and thoughtlessness, Bradley doesn’t regret threatening to knock some sense into that kid one bit.
And now, seeing what eight years of supposedly loving that kid has brought you to, he doesn’t regret what he’s about to do either. In fact, what he’s about to do might be a little bit to do with the fact that he would purposely like to spite your fiancé.
“Why don’t you want to watch?”
“I don’t know. In case you don’t like me.”
“Oh, I like you,” You hear him breathe out a chuckle as his hand reaches across yours, peeling your fingers off of the bedsheets and stroking his thumb across your relaxed knuckles. “C’mere. Feel.”
As expected, it works like a charm. Your eyes spring open so wide they look for a moment like they’re going to pop right out of your head. Heat spreads like wildfire, starting in the tips of your ears — it engulfs your face and your chest, spreading down your arms with no sign of stopping.
Sitting back on his knees, his chest bare and his shoulders squared proudly, he’s looking you right in the eye as he squeezes his hand around yours. Under your palm, still within the confines of his jeans, you can feel all of him, straining against the denim.
“Okay, but men get erections over ridiculous things sometimes—“ You reason as you pull your hand away from him. He lets it go instantly, but follows your hand away, planting his free hand into the pillow beside you and forcing you to lean back as he comes in close.
You think first of all that you’re ready for what he’s going to say. Then, he leans in closer. All the way past your face until his lips are grazing your ear.
“You want to know why I’m hard?”
“Mm.” You croak out, fingers once again balled into the sheets.
“I’m hard because I can’t stop thinking about how wet you were that night in Venice, and how you kissed me the next morning. You know you talk in your sleep?” His voice against your earlobe makes you shiver and pull back, frowning disapprovingly.
“I do not.”
“You do, baby — do you know how hard it is for a man to get a good night’s sleep when you’re whispering his name?” He turns his head towards your face and kisses your jaw softly, reaching out and grabbing at your hips. He tugs you just a bit closer and the dress falls just slightly. You let it go.
And before you know it, your fingers are curled into his hair, your legs are wrapped around his waist and he’s unhooking that pretty pink dress from your left ankle. The second that it’s off completely, his hands go for his belt. The leather clangs against the metal buckle and against the button on his jeans loudly as he fumbles to work it open one handed. His other hand cups your jaw. His thumb sits on your left cheek, his four fingers sit on your right, he holds your head straight as he sucks at the supple skin of your bottom lip.
“Fuck me…” Bradley mutters, his forehead inches from yours. Looking down between your two bodies, both of his hands abandon their previous posts and go for your middle. Instinctively, you lift your knees, hunching forwards in an attempt to cover yourself. “Stop, honey, let me see.”
“You’ve seen plenty of women.” You remind him, crossing your arms over the unlined, unremarkable, comfortable bra covering your chest.
Bradley teeters on the edge of being amused or upset by your comment. You’re nervous. He’ll give you that one. He looks up at you as he crouches between your legs, “So, I know what I’m talking about, huh?”
With that, he leans down and presses his lips to your stomach, right below your belly button.
“I could look at you all day.” He tells your skin, without looking up from his onslaught of delicate kisses, his fingers walking along the curve of your waist and back down again to your hips. As his hands skim down to your thighs, he takes note of just how much you’re trembling. Finally, he lets his lip graze the waistband of your underwear.
If he was being really truthful, and if he wasn’t holding back, he would’ve popped open the clasp on that bra about a minute and a half ago. Bradley has seen just about every kind of underwear there is to see, and his favourite has always remained the same.
There’s quite simply no better alternative to naked. His mouth works along your navel, headed straight for the apex of your thighs, and he thinks to himself that he couldn’t care less about what kind of underwear you’re wearing, until he sees it.
He’s on his front, face to face with the pink underwear with an embroidered Wednesday across the front. It is, indeed, Wednesday.
“These,” He rubs softly at each of your hips, pressing a wet kiss to the embroidery. “Are very cute.”
“Oh my god, no—“
“But I want them off.”
That’s what that look in his eyes is. You get it now, as he curls his fingers into the sides of your underwear, and it makes your stomach erupt into butterflies. The last time he took your underwear off, he didn’t get that good of a look — this time, you’ll be naked. But, he still has you nodding dumbly at him.
“Wait — yours too.” You realize.
Bradley nods his head, gently guiding the pink underwear down your legs. He’s not looking at your face. He’s practically salivating. “I will. I just want a taste.”
He lifts your legs upwards, slipping the panties off of your ankles, dropping them to the bed and grabbing the backs of your thighs. Legs pressed together and pushed back toward your abdomen just slightly, you can’t quite see his face, but your skin is hot with the knowledge of exactly what he’s looking at.
There’s a moment before you feel anything at all, where you know that he is just staring. It takes everything in your power to make yourself keep still, not squirm away, to not say something stupid.
Then, you feel his fingers right there, trailing through your excitement, examining exactly how you’re feeling about him. You turn your face sharply to the left, aiming for the respite of hiding it in a pillow. But next, he sits forwards and grabs your hips, lifting them off of the bed and bringing you to his mouth.
Right as your heart feels like it’s about to burst out of your chest, you feel his lips on you, kissing softly, following mostly the same pattern his fingers had. The tip of his nose bumps your clit as he flattens his tongue and licks upwards until he’s at that sensitive bundle of nerves.
But he doesn’t stay there. With how you’re trembling against him, he knows better than to overstimulate you. The last thing he wants is to make you cry on your second time at this. His mouth turns towards your thighs, sucking and kissing at random.
Your soft skin, bristled by his rough jaw. He can tell you’re trying so hard to sit still for him. You’re so polite when you want to be.
Then, he’s right back where he wants to be, his mouth presses firmly to your soaked core and he does the exact same thing once again. Familiarity is the easiest path to comfort. His tongue follows that slow, familiar stripe up to your clit and flicks softly at it. Then, he presses impossibly closer and wraps his lips around the sensitive bud, sucking softly.
“Oh—“ You squirm, trying to reach for his shoulders, your thighs pushing back against him.
Finally, he relents. You want to touch him and that joke about ruining these jeans is about to become a reality if he doesn’t do something soon. Your head spins as he moves between your legs and kisses at your mouth, eyes open and blinking as you taste yourself on his lips.
The sound of a zipper breaks through the surprise, eyes widening further as you watch him shove his jeans down his legs.
“Still with me?” Bradley checks, kissing the corner of your lips as his jeans hit the floor. You swallow softly, glancing down at him kneeling between your legs. He’s wearing loose fitted blue boxers — well, you imagine they looked more loose before. All that’s separating him from you is that thin cotton material.
“Still want to touch me? — Tell the truth, honey. That’s all I want.” Your eyes are closed, head tipped back as he sucks his way along your jaw. You nod weakly at him, wondering if you look half as wild as you feel.
“Yeah.” You follow his mouth, chasing his lips until he kisses you hard.
You lean in once again to kiss him the second that he pulls back, and then, blinking slowly at him, a fluttering erupts in your chest. Pride surges through your ribs and into your stomach as you take note of the darkened hunger and arousal in his expression.
“But you can’t laugh at me.” You breathe out, willing that funny feeling in your stomach to just go away so that you can focus.
Every single word that spills out of your mouth, Bradley gets that little bit closer to knocking your fiancé on his ass the second that the two of you are back at home. He wonders what this asshole possibly said to you to make you so timid.
“‘M not laughing.” Bradley answers you, his voice calm as his hands skim over your naked hips. He swallows softly as he reaches for his own boxers, settling down at your side as he pushes them down his legs.
Suddenly, you’re far from laughing too. Your mouth is dry as he lays down and pumps his hand once around the length of his dick. It sits just below his belly button, standing to attention, swollen and red. Impressive. Big, like the rest of him.
He tucks an arm under your waist and pulls you across the bed, into him. Your stomach presses into his length while his fingers curl around the curve of your ass, teasing that line between your thigh and your pussy.
“Can I have a kiss?” Bradley whispers, nudging at the tip of nose with his to guide your head back. He knows that’s where your confidence lies. You’re smiling softly as you dip forwards to kiss him, well within your comfort zone. “Thanks, honey. Can I have your hand?”
As he asks, his hand inches forward until you can feel him once again brushing through your excitement. Another slow kiss, sucking softly at your top slip as he pulls back.
The tip of his index finger swipes through gently, his throat thickening his voice with desire. Your hips push back, and the tip of his finger slides in with no resistance.
You press your lips together, presenting your open palm for him to use. Bradley pulls back to look at your surprisingly steady hand. With the hand that isn’t toying between your legs, he takes hold of it and brings it to his dick.
He knows there has to be some natural curiosity buried under all of those nerves, and he’s not into the idea of using you like a doll. He takes your thumb between two of his fingers, swiping it through the pearl of precum on his tip, and down toward his shaft. Then, he lets your hand go.
With the hand that’s between your legs, his finger presses in again, further this time, and you squeeze around him in response. You trail three fingers from the top all the way down to the base of his pelvis. It’s smoother than you thought it would feel. Fuller. Just… not what you were expecting, maybe.
With one finger inside of you, his others explore between your legs, the long digits easily reaching across your lips and stretching towards your clit. You tuck your head between his shoulder and jaw, cuddling close to his chest as your fingers sprawl across the soft, ridged skinned of his length.
It’s not the most comfortable for him, stretching his arm around you like this, but he’s so entranced in watching you touch him that he forgets to mind.
You gasp sharply as his finger presses deeper than before, curling into a spongy part of your walls. Bradley kisses the sound away, his free hand coming up to cup the side of your throat.
“Does that feel good?” He whispers against your lips, kisses growing eager as he pushes his hips forwards, rocking himself against your bare stomach. You squeak back, nodding your head at him.
“Can you show me what to do?” You’re both being so quiet, sharing breaths and whispering even though you’re just about as close as two people could possibly be. Bradley takes your hand again, at once he pulls his finger out of you and dips yours between your own legs. Reeling, you just watch as he circles your clit with your fingers, soaking them before pulling back.
By the time he wraps your hand around his cock, eclipsing it with his own, it’s plenty slick. He lifts it slowly, and drags it back down, pumping it a few times on his length.
“Just like that, little firmer — yeah — yeah, that’s good,” He murmurs, now able to reach back between your legs more directly. He captures your mouth into one of his specialty dizzying, open-mouthed kisses as he presses his middle finger back into you. “Fuck, you’re so, so wet.”
It occurs to him briefly that maybe he’s in too deep — if this is how his first attempt at trying to convince you to further your studies has ended. It doesn’t stop him in the slightest.
He slows his motions next, rocking his hips into your hand as his ring finger hugs his middle and toys at your entrance before easing into you. You gasp, wincing slightly.
“Shh, shh… does that hurt?” Bradley whispers, searching your face for answers as your hand stills around him.
“A bit.” You croak out.
“Come here, honey, just give it one second. Tell me if it hurts any more.” Your head drops back down to his chest as the rough pad of his thumb circles at your clit. Trusting his expertise, you put your attention into touching him instead, guiding your hand up and down along his length. He pants softly, his heartbeat thudding against your cheek.
Slowly, he starts to work his fingers into you, moving them just barely to accommodate you to the feeling. A gentle curl of the two digits has you crying out softly into his bare skin. His cock twitches in your hand in response.
It’s been a long time since he has felt so out of his depth. He’s afraid of stepping a foot out of line. He wants you to trust him. It’s why he hasn’t yet snapped open the clasp on your bra — he doesn’t want to grope at you like some animal and scare you off. Getting to that point seems like a long stretch away.
But, the way you exhale softly and lift your head to kiss at his neck calms his nerves just a bit.
As his fingers push in further together, spurred on by the needy mewling noises you’re making, Bradley suddenly remembers the throbbing in his dick.
A pleased moan spills from your swollen lips as you drag them across his collarbones and along the protruding vein in the side of his neck, your hand still loosely working at a steady rhythm around him.
“Faster.” He hums into your mouth, rocking his hips eagerly into your hand as he curls his fingers into you. You keen helplessly into the feeling, squeezing your palm tighter and doing exactly what he had. A simple up and down tug.
“God, you’re the sweetest fuckin’ thing.” He doesn’t swear with you often, and really you’re not much of a fan of men with dirty mouths usually — but this, the gravel and desperation spilling from his voice has you throwing yourself at him, rocking yourself onto his fingers. “Taking it so well.”
Your mouth hangs open, legs spreading wider apart for him to angle himself closer. Bradley studies the look on your face, breathing heavy, knowing that if he does see you in his classroom in September, he’s in big trouble.
He’s not sure how he’ll ever look at you again and not think of this wide-eyed, trusting expression on your face.
His free hand comes up to brush your hair back off of your forehead, not quite noticing the lovestruck way you’re watching him as your stomach starts to tighten and tremble. His lips press softly to your forehead, just above your eyebrow, and then your cheek, just below your eye.
“You’re perfect.” He whispers, smiling at the way it makes your mouth hang open in a rounder shape. Then, he leans in and sucks softly at your bottom lip. “How’s it feeling?”
You swallow through the dryness in your mouth, suddenly remembering to close it, then you try to nod at him. “Good.”
“Real good, or just good?” He nudges at the tip of your nose with his, fucking his hips into your hand as his skilled fingers drive the thoughts out of your head. Another slow, dirty kiss and it feels like you might just melt into him and become one if he does it again.
“Real good.” You whimper.
You’re hugging his fingers so tight that you wouldn’t even have to be touching him for him to still be on the verge of cumming already. He gasps and covers your hand with his, slowing it around his cock as his fingers continue into you relentlessly.
“Was — Did I hurt you?”
“The opposite.” Bradley reassures you, breathing hard as he starts to slowly guide your hand along him again. “You almost made me cum.”
Your eyes hurry open, right as something Bradley does makes you squirm right into him and gasp out loud. He watches you watching him, trying to see what you’re doing, what it looks like.
“Oh — mm, don’t… you want to?” Your other hand comes up to grab firmly at his thick shoulder as your eyes squeeze shut again. You can barely feel your legs. Bradley grunts softly in your ear, his thumb working firm circles around your sensitive clit.
“Not ‘til you do.”
Luckily for him, he doesn’t have to wait long. Well, really there is nothing lucky about it. His moves are tried and tested. Before you know it, you’re coming all over his hand, babbling against the hot skin of his neck as you try to find the right word. Legs trembling, you cling onto his shoulder as he rocks your other hand around his length.
You can feel how close he is, how close he wants to be to you. He’s practically engulfing you, turning his face towards your neck and groaning enough to make you wish he hadn’t ever stopped touching you.
“I’m gonna cum.” Bradley seems to realize at once that you probably aren’t going to like what’s about to happen. He kisses you hard as he untangles your fingers from his and takes over, pressing his weight into you, chasing his own high.
Grabbing firmly at your waist, he pulls you against him and breathes hard into the crook of your neck, making it unmistakable as he groans your name. You watch, lips parted, as he coats his hand in his release, the fluid dripping onto his taut, shaking stomach.
“God, fuck—“ Bradley pants, swallowing hard and letting his head fall back against the pillow. So much for trying to keep his hands off of you.
You push yourself up so that you’re sitting, curling your knees up to your chest, taking a moment to observe him while his eyes are closed. All golden skin and soft lines, broad and strong. If he existed all those years ago, someone certainly would have wanted to carve him out of stone too.
“So, how does that myth end?”
He hums in amusement from beside you as his blurred thoughts start to come back to him. He’d almost forgotten what you had both even been talking about. He swallows thickly and glances down at the mess he has made on his hand.
“They survive it all, and get married,” He answers simply as he pushes himself up from the bed and searches for something to clean himself with.
Making a trip to the shared bathroom on this floor would probably be frowned upon in his current state.
“Their baby in the story goes on to be Voluptas — she’s known as the goddess of sensual pleasures.” He settles on a hand towel that seems untouched, and wiping off his hand and his stomach, then his dick. He turns around and finds you staring at him like he grew an extra head.
Quickly, you stand up and look towards the window like you hadn’t been staring.
“They went through all that just for it to be fine in the end.” You muse, shaking your head slightly as you grab your pyjama set and step into them, buttoning the shirt over your bare chest.
Now clothed in his boxers, Bradley presses his chest into your back and mouths softly at your neck.
“That’s how it always goes, more or less, right?” He decides, closing his eyes finally, turning his face towards your hair. You hum quietly. There’s a soft pause as his hand brushes over your bare stomach under your pajama shirt and then grabs firmly at your waist again. He sighs. “I should go.”
There’s no way he’ll be able to sneak out of here in the morning. You’ve all got an early checkout and with everyone being on the same floor, he’s just asking to get caught sneaking out of your room.
You whine quietly and turn towards him.
“Unless you want to explain to the class exactly what I was doing in your room all night, baby, yeah.” He murmurs, kissing the top of your head. Despite your tired protests, you do let him leave without either one of you speaking about the line you have once again crossed.
He lets himself into his room, shirt barely buttoned, belt barely fastened. Luke is sitting upright with his back against the headboard of his twin bed, eating a packet of miniature cookies and watching an Italian dub of The Golden Girls.
They meet eyes, silent as the door clicks shut behind Bradley. It’s 3:45am. Luke hasn’t seen Bradley since they parted ways after the class dinner at 10pm.
“Hey, buddy.” Bradley mumbles, kicking his shoes off and already starting to unbutton his shirt.
“Hey.” Luke mumbles back, eyeing Bradley curiously. They haven’t spent much time together recently. Luke has noticed that he basically has the room to himself.
He scoops up a handful of the cookies and fills his mouth as Bradley strips out of his jeans. His head is turned strictly towards the staticky television, but his eyes peek quickly across at the lipstick mark on Bradley’s neck.
Again, Bradley doesn’t want to talk about it. He makes the most of his couple of hours of sleep and drags himself out of bed once again all too soon, packing his belongings for another day of travel. They make small talk as the two of them head down to the lobby.
Luke walks right ahead, greeting Robin’s tonsils with his tongue before he greets her verbally. Bradley strolls behind, dropping his bags to the floor and stretching his neck from side to side.
“So, what’s in Monteriggioni anyway, Brad?” Zoe asked, draped across the couch with her arms folded over her chest. She’s wearing a little pink tank top, looking at him over the top of a book she’s reading for him. This is the least hungover he has seen her in weeks.
“It’s a walled town — but we’re staying around forty minutes away from there.” He explains, dropping his sunglasses down onto the bridge of his nose.
“Where?” Abigail pipes up, sipping on a bottle of water.
“It’s someone’s house. He takes study assistants through the summer. Worked with him a couple of times.”
“You know so many cool people.” Zoe hums, turning her head and grimacing as she comes eye to eye with Luke’s hand groping at Robin’s ass over her levi’s cut offs. Bradley makes a soft sound of acknowledgement as he turns his head to see you giggling with Pasquale on the way into the lobby.
With his tongue finally out of Robin’s mouth, Luke cranes his neck to get a look at what it is Bradley’s smiling at. You. He turns his head to look at Robin, giving her a knowing look as he gestures for her to look over too.
“Alright, gimme your keys, let’s get out of here.” Bradley calls out to the group, walking around and taking the key from each person in the class. You take a seat on the edge of the couch that Zoe is laying across without greeting him as he heads up to the front desk to check out.
“Where do you go every night after dinner? — You just sit in your room or something?” Robin asks, leaning around her boyfriend. You lift your head and turn to look at her, immediately bristled by the smug little look on her face.
“Sometimes, other times I walk around a little.” You don’t owe her an answer and really, Pasquale wishes that you wouldn’t engage.
She makes a face, almost smirking, “All by yourself?”
“Oh, we have a message for this room. A young lady from New York called three times yesterday afternoon, we were trying to reach the occupant.” The receptionist realizes as she holds up your key. Bradley glances at the number, then back at you over your shoulder. He has to remind himself to call you your name.
You whip your head around at the sound of his voice across the lobby. You turn quickly back to Robin and she quirks an eyebrow at you.
Bradley frowns slightly at the furious look on your face as you storm across the lobby towards him and stand firm, “What?”
“You have a message — someone called you a couple of times yesterday. Call ‘em back so we can hit the road, I’m going to take everyone else outside to load up the van.” Bradley explains, glancing down at your outfit for the day. He likes those shorts on you.
“Oh, right. Okay.”
“You alright?” Bradley lowers his head slightly, trying to get a better look at your face.
“Fine.” You answer him, turning away as the receptionist hands you the phone, “Hello?”
“Where the hell have you been?”
“… Catherine?” You frown, plugging one ear and holding the phone closer to you. Your maid of honour gasps on the other end of the line, appalled that you now have to second guess the sound of her voice.
“Everyone has been looking for you! We didn’t know which hotel you were at, Malcolm said you hadn’t called in days!”
You frown, wrinkling your face at her. “Daddy’s credit card paid for the hotel.”
“Well, Mac didn’t ask your dad. I’ve been so worried. How are you doing over there?”
Even more so, your frown deepens. Malcolm adores your father. They get along just fine. There’s no reason why he wouldn’t usually ask your father — usually, he wouldn’t need to. They talk every day.
“Yeah, good. Just busy and stuff, we’re traveling a lot. We have to get on the road in a second. I guess calling just slipped my mind.” You spent last night in another man’s arms and your fiancé was worried sick about you. You glance towards the door, watching Bradley laughing through conversation with Luke and Abigail outside. He doesn’t seem fazed in the slightest.
“I’m glad you’re doing okay over there. I miss you. So, you and Mac are good, then, right?”
“Miss you too, but yeah, of course.” You mumble, propping your hand against your chin.
“Good. He mentioned you kind of cornered him about that fight at my end of semester party. I’m really glad you two figured that out. I thought for a second you two were going to break up over it when I first saw him on top of you like that.”
Bradley turns around and bends his neck to look at you across the lobby, his smile fades, brows furrowing slightly as he watches you press your finger harder into your ear and turn quickly away.
“Wait… Cath, what?”
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Tags: @thedroneranger @batdanceq @cassiemitchele @himbos-on-ice @wkndwlff @bradshawsbaby @damrlova @fudge13 @xoxabs88xox @mak-32 @sihtricswife @callsignvenus @callsign-joyride @harper1666 @krismdavis @sheisanangell @sugarcoated-lame @kmc1989 @cherrycola27 @ahoyyharrington
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285 notes · View notes
procyonloser · 11 days
Lute stood with crossed arms and a tapping foot in front of the door she'd just banged on repeatedly. Eventually, it opened to reveal a tall blonde woman with flawless eyebrows cocked up in a questioning stare.
"May I help you?"
Lute pointed down at a pet carrier beside her feet. "Your awful cat got my perfect angel pregnant!"
Lilith, her nextdoor neighbor paused. "I thought Adam was a male? A very rotund male."
"I...I thought so too, I thought he was a fixed male that was just fluffy." Lute glanced down at the carrier, face softening slightly. He'd been an absolute monster at the vets, she loved him so much.
"I see. Well, this is unfortunate. I assumed they were just playing and Adam was too fat to fight back well." Lilith hummed to herself, before opening the door wider. "Come in, Lucifer is on the veranda."
Lucifer was a munchkin apricot point Siamese who was the singular pet within Lilith's home. Adam was a giant cat Lute had gotten from the pound, but he was most certainly some kind of Norwegian cat. He was huge, fluffy brown tabby, with golden eyes. He was a great hunter, and quickly discovered Lucifer next door. Lute had thought they were friends, she always supervised Adam when he was out, following him like a shadow for safety - but apparently she hadn't been paying close enough attention when he was with Lucifer.
Lucifer made a noise upon seeing Lute, knowing she meant Adam. He trotted over on little legs, going up to sniff at the carrier cautiously, before his tail went up. Adam was in there, he seemed to say as he meowed up at Lilith. Lute leaned down and opened the carrier, and a brown blur burst out, crashing into Lucifer. Any worry vanished in an instant, as the extremely round Adam sat atop Lucifer, licking his head and ears happily, already getting into his motherly instincts. Lucifer purred away like a motorcycle, closing his eyes and leaning up into the kisses.
"Horrid creature. Filthy monster. You should have him put down." Lute hissed, looking down at Lucifer like he was, well, the devil. Lilith just poured her a glass of wine.
"To the happy couple, may they have many healthy kittens." Lute huffed but took the glass from her, only to hear a strange noise. She looked down to find Lucifer now on top of Adam, biting his nape.
106 notes · View notes
tiredofthehumanlife · 6 months
Barbie dolls: dean Winchester x fem!you
Summary : basically the Lisa plot but like not though you hid your baby from Dean for years before being like “hey check out this kid we made”
Warnings: pregnancy, birth described by a person who has only watched like three birth videos, talks of religion? This is supernatural the last like eight seasons are about god come on guys, I named the kid sorry, not the kids name is sorry like you get it, it’s fem reader I’m sorry, um so much dialogue oh my god these bitches don’t shut up, happish ending but majority pained Dean, I think that’s it
Request: no.
You hunted with the Winchester boys for years. You loved them both very much and trusted them with your life. You knew if anything ever happened they’d be there, and vice versa. Throughout the years, your feelings for Dean blossomed into something more than friendship. Maybe it was his incessant flirting, which you returned. Maybe it was his car. Maybe it was just him. Anyway you were certain Dean didn’t like you in the same way. He was just a flirtatious person. You were 100% positive on this conclusion until you both went on a hunt alone. Which wasn’t new, but what was new was the tension. Dean got himself into trouble as usual and you saved him as usual. Only this time he seemed to be reminded how short life truly was. So he told you how all these years he was yearning for you. You were shocked. Dean was worried he had just ruined everything. You told him you felt the exact same way. So of course you both spent the entire night wrapped up in each other. You were mindful of each other’s new wounds. It was a beautiful night. Though you slightly regretted it weeks later.
You found out you were pregnant. You knew Dean wasn’t prepared. You weren’t sure if he ever would be. Dean drank, he spent most of his time working on his car, he barely knew your favorite color, he was quite immature, and he killed monsters for a living. Which you did too but that’s not the point. So you decided not to tell him. In fact the only person you told was Bobby. When you told him he called you idgit and asked if either of ever heard of a condom. To which you replied something along the lines of we didn’t plan it out. Which caused Bobby to tell you the next time he saw Dean he was knocking him out. He asked you what you thought about doing. You explained to him your plan.
You’d go into hiding for about a year, have the baby alone.Then you’d come out of hiding, find a job, a simple home. Raise your child alone. By the time for kindergarten every hunter would’ve forgotten about you. The boys would probably come across an old photo and think I wonder whatever happened to them and move onto the next photo. You’d become an empty guest room in the bunker, an odd mug in the cabinet, a forgotten note in the margin of a book on their shelves, and the hazy memory of a hookup in Dean’s head. Simple as that.
Bobby truly thought you were smarter than that.
“What happens when Dean comes around asking me where you went?”
“Tell I quit hunting, the jobs got in my head. No baby, nothing to do with Dean. Just got tired.”
Bobby decided while he hated the idea of you raising your child alone he knew you were capable. He didn’t like thinking of you in hiding from his boys but if it’s what you wanted who was he to argue with you. So he helped hide you. When Dean came around asking what happened to you he hadn’t heard from you in a while. Were you on a hunt? Bobby told him exactly what you told him to. Job got too much, you quit. You’re off in some quaint town in some perfect little apartment with nothing to your name but a box of cereal and an unfinished crochet project. Dean was obviously upset that you hadn’t told him you planned on quitting, but he understood entirely. So he left you be and assumed you’d call him eventually and tell him all the beautiful things you’d been up to.
All the while, you were wrapped up in some off the grid cottage with Donna Hanscum squeezing your hand, telling you how amazing you were doing over your screams. Jody Mills between your legs, which at first you quite embarrassed about but when your contractions became closer you no longer cared, ready to catch your baby. Through the screams and the tears, and god how much you wished Donna would hit your head with a candlestick to knock you out, your daughter was born. You thought of Eve. Ridiculous, but you spent so much time with the boys hunting down demons and angels it was hard not to think of religious figures. You thought of how scared she must of been. All alone. She would’ve given birth on the forest floor, having no idea what was going on. If she would make it. She had no other woman to support her and tell her, “believe me darling, been there done that. Everyone poops a little its perfectly natural.” No one to tell her anything she was just screaming alone. You stared at the ceiling and while you felt like a vampire ripping all your skin off would hurt less you cried for her. You cried for your pain as well because fucks sake. You felt Donna wipe a wet cloth over your sweaty forehead. You felt Jody gently rub your thigh, grounding you. You looked to Donna’s face and smiled. Eve was alone, but you weren’t. You were so incredibly glad Bobby was a hard headed bitch because your whole “I’ll give birth alone” plan would’ve been hell. Donna nodded at you and asked you to push again. You squeezed her hand harder and pushed. You squeezed your eyes shut and threw your head back screaming at the ceiling as you were sure Eve did to the stars.
You heard Jody and Donna both say hello in that usual baby talk voice that seems to just kick in naturally. You opened your eyes and saw her. She was screaming her head off, like mother like daughter. She was covered in blood just as Jody. Jody held her up from between your legs. Your legs made a frame for this filthy, disgusting, gorgeous image. Her misshapen head supported by Jody’s hand. God she was beautiful. You smiled brighter than you were sure you ever had. Jody gently placed your newborn on your stomach as she worked on the umbilical cord and placenta. You couldn’t care less what Jodie was doing, you were holding your baby. You held her to your chest after Jody trimmed the cord and wiped her down. She was still crying, which you understood. She was just evicted and now she’s being held by some sweaty mystery woman, you’d cry too. Something hit you while you were cradling a whole new human to your chest. You had no idea what you were doing.
“I don’t know what to do.” You sobbed. Donna nodded and leaned down to you, pressing a kiss to your sweaty forehead. You felt her tears dip down onto your hairline. Donna gently pushed your hair away from your face. She pulled back. Even though you couldn’t see her through your tears, you knew she was smiling at you.
“You don’t need to.” Donna whispered to you, wiping the tears off your face.
You stopped following your original plan after that. You did what you felt was right. For you and your daughter, Evangeline. You stayed with Jody and Donna. You kept in contact with Bobby, telling him all the milestones, events, and birthday parties. Bobby always showed up at them too, some obscure gift tucked under his arm wrapped in pretty wrapping paper. On her third birthday Bobby brought her a two headed stuffed bear, she still slept with it clutched to her chest every night. Jody and Donna helped you with every step of the way. Bobby helped keep things under wraps when Dean and Sam popped in asking where you are now, or if another hunter came around asking if you were dead.
Of course with the years of silence between you two, Dean starting asking more questions. “Do they hate me? Was it something I did? Was it because I told them I loved them? Are they okay? Are they alone? They aren’t in any trouble? What aren’t you telling us?” Bobby did his best to answer them without revealing anything he knew you wouldn’t want him to. However Dean was persistent and Bobby was a tired old man who could only take so much of Dean’s questions. So just to get Dean off his back Bobby gave him your phone number. You got a new phone when you went into hiding, leaving all of Deans messages and calls unanswered. So Dean thought about it for a while, would you really want to hear from him? It’s been six almost seven years, the last time he saw you he told you he loved you and a handful of weeks later him and Sam get home from a trip with your room cleared out. A sticky note taped to your door. I quit hunting, I’m exhausted. Don’t look for me. Love you both. It never sat right with him you didn’t seem like the type to just pack all your things and ditch them leaving nothin behind but three sentences. Though Dean used to think that of his father so what exactly did he know. What could it hurt?
You gingerly closed the door behind you, Evangeline snoring away. You quietly snuck away freezing when the stairs creaked. The house was still, so you continued on. You reached the kitchen and made yourself a snack. Your phone rang on the table. You quickly picked it up, moving out the door onto the back porch.
“Hello?” You wished you had taken a moment to look at the caller Id but the panic of waking up Evangeline outweighed knowing which one of the three people you knew were calling you.
“Hey baby, miss me?” You froze at the sound of his voice. It was terrifying, what if he knows about Evangeline? But god, it’s Dean. It’s hard to stay upset or worried around him.
“And here I thought your car was named Baby, not me.” You sat on the cushioned swing. You smiled as you heard him chuckle.
“Oh don’t be like that. Anyway you quit huh? What’s got you so tied up you can’t even call poor old me?” You glanced at the swing set and blowup pool in the backyard. Evangeline’s toys scattered across the yard. You clicked your tongue. Yes you were so tied up you couldn’t call him. You shrugged. You remembered he couldn’t see you.
“Oh you know, basic civilian life. It’s real lovely. I have a pool now, and a garden.” You looked to the tomato plants you and Evangeline planted, you thought they were flower seeds and when they didn’t produce pretty petals she sobbed for five minutes straight. Once Evangeline stopped crying she said she would like to be alone and stormed to her room. A week later you were both planting actual flower seeds. Dean gasped.
“Wow a garden huh? Do you think we could meet up, catch up? I’m sure a lot has happened in the past, what’s it six years?” He knew the exact number of days you’d been gone. It wasn’t really a question. You coughed.
“Uh well you know I don’t know, you’re probably not even near my state right now anyways. But maybe sometime.” You heard Dean sigh.
“Come on, baby. Don’t even tell me your county just what state?” You rolled your eyes at his nickname. You hummed.
“Minnesota.” You heard Dean groan.
“We’re only like 11 hours away, that’s a cake walk.”
“Maybe let me think about it for a little bit.” Dean hummed in agreement. You let out a small sigh, happy he’d give you enough time to decide whether you should throw a wrench in everything.
“You’re not out there alone are you?” Dean sounded worried though you know he’d never admit it. Dean probably missed you, too. He wouldn’t admit that either. Maybe it’d been years but you could tell it was same old Dean. His voice was deeper but he still talked the same.
“No, Dean. I’m not alone. I actually have roommates.” Dean made cooed. You heard Sam yell his name in the background.
“Yeah me too. They nice? Not beating up my baby are they?” You chuckled at him.
“No, they’re lovely. Sam’s good?” You heard a car approaching your house. You glanced up, moving back into the house to peer out the window. Dean hummed.
“Oh yeah he’s great, he like goes on morning runs and stuff. It’s disgusting.” You laughed.
“Yeah.” You both fell into a small silence. You didn’t feel uncomfortable, it was Dean. You felt happy. You squished your lips in disappointment when the car sped past your driveway.
“I miss you.” He added. You paused. You pulled the phone away from your ear to look at the number. He wasn’t saved but you still had to check you weren’t hallucinating. You hummed.
“I missed you too.” Dean sighed happily. It felt good to hear you say it. He still had so many questions. Dean wanted to sit down with you ask you everything he ever wondered all these years.
“Why’d you leave like that? I was so worried about you. I had to find out from a sticky note and Bobby. You couldn’t call me and tell me you were okay? You didn’t even seem like you were tired of the job when we’re working. It was out of the blue, all I wanted was you to call tell me you were still in one piece.” Dean’s voice cracked. You heard him inhale deeply, composing himself.
“I know it was sudden, but I just- I had to get out of there. Things happened and suddenly all I could think about was my future. I didn’t want to spend my whole life chasing after monsters, I’m not some children’s book character. I should’ve told you, I should’ve called but all I wanted was to get out and i felt like if I didn’t just cut contact with everyone and leave immediately I’d get sucked back in. I treated you poorly, I apologize but you have to understand i needed to get out or I didn’t think I’d live much longer.” You threw yourself into the armchair near the window. You felt like you might need to sit down for this conversation.
“I get that but god I would’ve killed for you to just tell me you were safe.” You nodded at his uneven voice.
“I’m sorry.” You whispered. You heard him sigh on the other end.
“I’m sorry. For just the life it sucks. I’m glad you got out.”
Another silence settled over you as you watched the trees in your front yard sway. You saw Donna’s car pull into your driveway. Right on time, Evangeline’s footsteps sounded above your head. Dean seemed to have already matured so much and you barely had an hour long conversation.
“We should meet, catch up.” Dean barely had enough time to agree before you hung up on him. Clearly you still needed to practice your goodbyes. You called for Evangeline, telling her Aunty Donna was back.
Soon enough you were sat in a diner. A kids menu placed next to you on the table. You waited patiently, watching Evangeline pick a song on the jukebox. You heard the familiar sound of Dean’s car pulling into the parking lot. You watched as he stepped out with a bouquet of your favorite flowers. He stepped into the diner, the bell ringing above his head. Dean smiled brightly when he saw you, moving towards you with a fast pace. He paused when he heard AC/DC come on over the speakers, Dean all together froze when the child next to the jukebox ran over to your table. When Dean finally reached your table he was silent. Evangeline had crawled into your lap, dancing to the song she picked out. She snuggled further into you when she saw Dean. You smiled at him and greeted Dean. You introduced to him to Evangeline explaining he was your friend. Dean slid into the seat across from you. Evangeline busied herself with the crayons and maze on the back of her menu. After he gave you the flowers, which you thanked him for, Dean looked at Evangeline.
“What’s- uh what’s her name?” Dean whispered. You grinned.
“Evangeline” you paused a moment watching him look to your daughter pushing her hair out of her face.
“Winchester.” You finished. His eye shot to you. Dean pointed at himself in question. You nodded.
“She’s mine?” You nodded again. Dean stared at her. Before he was looking at her because she was yours. Now he was looking at her because she was his too. You both watched as she scribbled over the maze, ultimately giving up. Evangeline looked up at you and flipped her menu over. As you both decided what she wanted. When the waitress came around you ordered for the three of you, hoping Dean’s love for bacon hadn’t changed. As you and Evangeline started a game of tic-tac-toe Dean seemed to come to his senses.
“You left because you knew about her. That’s where you went, to raise your baby.” Dean asked though it was more of an observation. You nodded, stealing one of Evangeline’s Cheerios. She pouted at you and “won” your tic-tac-toe game.
“Our baby, technically. But yes. I found out I was pregnant and I ran. I went into hiding with Jody and Donna I gave birth. And now here we are.”
“Why didn’t you tell me?” Dean whispered. He looked up from the table with soft puppy eyes.
“You weren’t ready, I barely was. But I wanted this baby so I made the best decision I could come up with.” He nodded.
“I wish I could tell you you were wrong. I don’t think you were. I was a dick. I’m ready now though. I promise, I wanna be there for her, for you. I have a stable home, I drink less, I’m less of a douchebag. I can do this.” You nodded. You were proud of him. You already knew he’d grown. Old Dean would’ve showed up with a condom not a bouquet.
“I know. Let’s start small Dean. Breakfast first then we’ll start with life changes.” You thanked the waitress as she placed your orders in front of you each. Evangeline smiled brightly at the plate of bacon in front of her. Dean watched her as she squealed. He smiled brightly as she thanked the waitress before digging in. Evangeline really was his daughter.
Part two
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astrasrebloggedfics · 9 months
Saved Multicharacter JJK Fics 2
How They Take Care Of You When You're Sick-Gojo, Geto, Nanami
When Your Baby-Gojo, Toji, Choso (Nanami, Geto)
When You Fall Asleep Waiting For Their Return-Gojo, Toji, Choso (Geto, Sukuna, Nanami, Megumi, Yuta, Yuji)
When You Say "Let's Make Out"-Gojo, Toji, Choso (Geto, Sukuna, Nanami, Megumi, Yuji, Yuta)
When You Slap His Ass-Gojo, Toji, Choso (Geto, Sukuna, Nanami, Megumi, Yuji, Yuta)
How They Grieve After Losing You-Gojo, Nanami
When He Meets His Future Kids With You-Gojo, Toji, Choso (Geto, Sukuna, Nanami, Megumi, Yuji, Yuta, Inumaki)
When You Wipe Off His Kiss-Gojo, Toji, Choso (Geto, Sukuna, Nanami, Megumi, Yuji, Yuta)
Oh God! It's Walking?! (Baby's First Steps)-Gojo, Geto, Nanami, Sukuna
How Neglectful-Gojo, Toji, Nanami, Geto, Yuji, Megumi (SMAU)
'We' Broke The Microwave-Itafushi, no reader
Incorrect Quotes
Hurt/Near Death Reader-Gojo, Megumi
Random Things They Do-Gojo , Geto , yuji , megumi , inumaki
What Is Y/n For You?-Gojo, Nanami, Itadori, Megumi, Inumaki, Choso, Suguru and Sukuna
Strawberry Scented Kisses-Ryōmen Sukuna, Satoru Gojō, Chōsō Kamo
S/O Who's In A Coma- Gojo, Megumi, Yuji
Foreign Reader- Gojo, Toji (Nanami, Geto)
Sleeping On Them- Gojo, Yuta, Geto, Yuji, Megumi
How They Love You-Gojo, Geto, Nanami, Megumi, Yuji
How They Show Their Love For You
Moments With Your Pregnant Belly- Gojo, Toji (Nanami, Geto)
Random SatoSugu (No Reader)
Loving You Right-Toji, Choso
You're Too Tight-Gojo, Toji, Choso
Drink Me-Gojo, Choso
Punishing Gojo using Geto
Geto and Gojo Getting Pegged
Big Dick Energy-Gojo, Toji, Choso
The Pornstar Dream-Gojo, Toji, Choso
Big Boys-Toji, Nanami
Bred By Dawn-Toji, Choso
That's So Unprofessional-Gojo, Toji
I Love When You Get Freaky On Camera-Gojo, Toji
As Pervy Mall Santas-Gojo, Toji, Choso
Too Sweet-Gojo, Toji, Choso
He Moans Like Such A Slut-Gojo, Toji, Choso
Whisper Game (Lightly NSFW)-Gojo, Toji, Choso
Quad Relationship with Gojo, Geto, & Choso
Crown Jewels-Toji, Choso
Throuple With SatoSugu
Who Fucks You Better (Toji and Gojo) Part 1, Part 2
Roommates Series Masterlist-Satoru, Suguru, & Toji
-Triple Penetration
-Fooling Around In The Car
-Mind Break
No Nut November-Nanami, Sukuna, Choso
Public Sex-Gojo, Toji, Geto, Nanami
How They Go Down On You-Toji, Choso
Daddy-Nanami, Geto, Toji
Aftercare-Gojo, Toji, Choso (Nanami, Geto)
Twenty Four Seven-Gojo, Toji, Choso
Cockwarming Them-Gojo, Toji, Choso
Three's a Crowd-Professors Satoru & Suguru
Just the Tip-Gojo, Toji (Nanami, Geto)
Monster Cocks-Incubus Satoru & Suguru and Vampire Toji & Shiu
Who's Your Daddy?-Gojo, Toji
Sukuna/Toji/Gojo/Geto foursome
Double Teaming You-Toji & Shiu, Suguru & Satoru
Being Your Bullies-Geto & Gojo
Taking Turns With You-Geto & Gojo
SMAU Sending nudes-Gojo, Geto, Nanami and Yuki
Breeding, The Solution To Jealousy-Gojo, Toji
Just The Tip, Baby-Gojo, Toji
Do It Right-SatoSugu
P Power-Satoru & Suguru
She Can't Come To The Phone Right Now-Gojo, Geto, Sukuna
Your Top Lifts While You Sleep-Gojo, Choso
Are the JJK men into their nipples being played with?-Gojo, Toji, Choso (Geto, Nanami)
Which Of Them Whimper-Gojo, Choso, Yuta
Oh! So You're Into Older Men?-Gojo, Toji (Geto, Nanami)
First Time Hitting It Raw-Gojo, Toji
The Perfect Little Housewife-Poly SatoSugu
Rate My Professor-Gojo & Geto
Thrill(h)er-SatoSugu x Reader
Step Dad!Gojo & Geto
Sending Voicemails While Jerking Off-Gojo, Toji (Nanami, Yuta, Geto)
Prettiest When Overstimmed-Gojo, Geto, Yuta, Megumi, Inumaki
Finding Your Spot-Gojo, Toji (Geto, Nanami, Yuta)
Sending Videos While Masturbating-Gojo, Toji (Geto, Megumi, Yuta)
Overstim Kink-Gojo, Toji, Sukuna, Geto, Nanami
See Their Cum Spilling Out-Gojo, Toji (MANY others)
Quiet In Class, Please-Gojo, Toji (Nanami, Geto, Sukuna)
When You Have Make Up Sex-Gojo, Toji, Nanami
Honeymoon Sex-Gojo, Geto
What Gets Them Hard-Gojo, Toji, Choso
Soft Doms-Gojo, Toji, Nanami
Thinking About...
How JJK Men Eat Pussy 2.0-Satoru, Suguru, Nanami, Toji, Sukuna, Yuta, Itadori, Megumi
Breathless-Gojo, Toji, Yuji, Yuta
Date Night-Gojo, Toji
Think I Need Someone Older-(professor) Toji, Nanami, Geto
Passing Out In The Middle Of Sex-Gojo, Geto, Nanami, Toji, Sukuna, Choso
JJK Characters Fav Positions (SFW and NSFW)
Birthday Girl-Gojo, Toji (Geto, Nanami)
It's Raining Milk- Gojo, Toji (Geto, Nanami, Sukuna)
Pervy Things They Do-Gojo, Toji (Nanami, Geto)
233 notes · View notes
ellethespaceunicorn · 11 months
The Howling of Claw Creek Forest, Chapter Four
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Chapter Four: Unbridled Instincts
Rating: Explicit, 18+, Minors – DNI
Pairing: Werewolf!Walter Marshall x Reader
Word Count: 3.4K
Series Summary: You live in a small town called Claw Creek, surrounded by a deep, dark forest. Since you were a kid, an urban legend of the creature in the woods has been told. If the distant howls at night and mutilated livestock are anything to go by, you fear the stories to be true.
Chapter Summary: There is a time to wait and a time to act. You and Walter fuck around and find out what time it is.
Warnings: masturbation (f), slight voyeurism, oral sex (f receiving), slight brat taming (if you squint), hint of choking, monster fucking, unprotected p-in-v sex, creampie, mentions of ovulation, biting, knotting, breeding kink
A/N: A special thank you to @peyton-warren for being my lovely beta and soundboard for this. Without her help, this chapter would have been a complete fucking nightmare. I adore you, Peyton!!!
Dividers by me
Support/Reblog banner by me
Cover Art by me
Series Masterlist
My Masterlist
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But your brain goes back to this morning. Walter’s arms around you. His scent is fresh on you. If you could keep extra quiet, you’re sure you can crank one out without waking the beast downstairs.
At first, it’s the temperature. The fever from a fast-healing wound. Plus the warmth from being near a potential mate. He sheds his clothing during the night. Eventually, he has to remove his boxer briefs, as the material is just too tight on his sweat-soaked skin.
Then, it’s the hint of sweat as he inhales. The sweet, tangy taste of it clouds his nostrils causing him to stir in his slumber. 
Next, the overwhelming lure of arousal that pheromones release like tentacles attaching themselves to him. 
Lastly, the sound of a rising heart rate pounds in his ears. It all screams your name.
Opening his eyes, he gets his bearings on where he is. A living room. Pup’s. 
Whimpering from your bedroom catching him by surprise, he isn’t able to stop himself from shifting. 
His hands grow longer with claws, dense fur, and thick, black padding on his palms. His legs and feet contort and reshape into the hind legs of a wolf. A fluffy tail pushes its way down and out of his spine. His broad chest is covered in the same dark chocolate pelt, the color of his human hair. Arms fill out with hairy musculature. His nose and mouth form a small snout and his teeth sharpen and elongate. His beard and hair grow a bit wilder around his ears now resemble those of a wolf high on his head, completing his transformation.
Once he hears you whimper again, he springs over the back of the couch, lands on his hind legs, and bounds up the stairs taking them two at a time. He sniffs the air as he gets closer to your bedroom door. He can smell it as plain as day.
You’re aroused. And when you whisper his name, the heavy weight between his legs becomes harder to ignore. Reaching a hand down, he squeezes the base of his veiny, mammoth cock near his knot. The bright red tip is already leaking, and his swinging balls yearn to be emptied.
His slow steps, punctuated with claws against the wood floor, finally reach your door. Wasting no time, he swings the door open, catching you with your fingers in your pussy and your nightgown around your tits.
Somehow you don’t hear or see him come into the room, so wrapped up in chasing your orgasm. He uses your ignorance of your surroundings to his advantage and walks to the side of your bed. Looking over your body, his instincts take over. He sniffs the surrounding air, sensing that you are ovulating and ready to be bred. You had the perfect body to carry strong pups.
He could see it already, your full tits and round belly with a kid on your hip and one running around you. He would keep you nice and pregnant as much as you could stand it. 
“Walter, eat my pussy...please, I’ve been a good girl,” you murmur, eyes still closed while your finger circles and teases your clit.
A deep rumble in the room alerts you, the growl from deep in Walter’s chest sending a chill up your spine. You look up at him covered in fur and larger than before and your first thought isn’t to scream or hide your body. Giving in to his natural sexiness, you want nothing more than to worship him.
Turning on the bed so that your cunt is facing him, you beg him, “Please, Walter?” Every thought about waiting is long gone from your head.
Within seconds, Walter is on his knees at the edge of the bed while his mauve tongue hungrily hangs out of his muzzle. His hands hold your legs out of the way so that his nose can ghost over your folds. Inhaling its wet arousal, exhaling warm air from his lungs across your most sensitive parts. 
When you reach a hand to the top of his head, his eyes close momentarily as he pushes into your palm. Once you scratch at his ear, he lets out a groan deeply from his chest again, he picks his head up slightly to lick from your delicate petals to your swollen nub. 
While he uses his tongue to explore your cavernous deep, his thumb rubs against your clit. Tongue brought to a point, where he strokes inside you, and he finally attacks your inner bundle of nerves. You watch as he gently cups your mound. 
Withdrawing his tongue, he licks at his maw. He picks up the pace of his thumb on your clit. Your mewls, piercing his ears and wrapping around his heart. He stands to lick at your neck’s pulse point, nipping and whimpering into your skin. 
One hand caresses you leaving the other to explore other places. His giant paw finds your neck, squeezing slightly while you stare into his glowing eyes. He seems to be willing you over the edge, his stare forcing your body closer to completion.
“Come. For me,” he forces out, the words sounding distorted in this body.
And that is the little push you need. Along with the paw gripping your neck, the tongue lapping at your skin, the finger flicking your bean, and the command in that gravelly rasp. The longing in those words is too much for your resolve to hold even a moment longer.
“Walter,” his name a breathless whisper on your lips as your climax takes you over.
Your eyes roll into your head as your back arches. Hands rushing out to his, one at your throat and the other stilling on your clit. Your walls twitch and flex around nothing, pushing your sweet nectar out of your hole.
You watch as he collects your wetness and brings his sticky palm to wrap around the leaking, red erection that now has your attention. Its shiny surface has you wanting to lick it like a lollipop and Walter watches as you wet your lips in anticipation. But it’s far too sensitive for that kind of attention right now.
Instead, Walter gets on the bed between your legs. He raises your ankles to place them on his shoulders, leaning forward, so his face is inches from yours. You’re being folded like a pretzel and you couldn’t be happier as you feel the pointy tip of his cock teasing through your lips. 
It slides up and down from your clit to your hole over and over, as if he doesn’t want to give you what you crave most. You’re so close to the edge, if he doesn’t push inside you in the next few seconds, you are going to scream!
He rips the nightgown from your body, not that it covers you in any way. He didn’t want to leave anything between you. No clothing, no barriers, just your bodies and whatever sounds you made together.
It is then that he pushes himself inside you, slowly, inch by inch. He works himself into your walls, letting you adjust to the shape and size. So kind of him to take you apart with the speed of a snail. Once he is seated inside you as fully as this position will allow, he grabs both hands and holds them in one paw above your head. You nod, silently pleading for him to move.
“Make you mine,” he promises, the hefty growl reverberating through your chest. His hips retract and come back to meet yours, his canine cock filling you to the brim. 
“Wanna be all yours, Walter. Please,” you breathe, ready to be fucked open by him.
The answering groan is all you get before Walter is snapping his hips back and forth inside you. With your arms unable to move, you instead try to move your legs down off his shoulder to wrap around his waist. He gets the hint soon enough, only slowing down slightly, then returning to a punishing pace when your heels are digging into his ass.
He shifts his angle a bit to hover his face above yours as he leans forward. When he slides home, he can bump against your clit. Grinding his pelvis against yours, he easily brings forth your next orgasm, he is not surprised when the base of his cock is nice and wet from your eruption. He pulls out after fucking you through your orgasm.
Sitting back on his heels, one hand slowly stroking his length, he looks down at you. Blissfully fucked out, almost asleep, cock-drunk. Too bad for you, he’s not done. Before you can register what’s happening, Walter is turning you on your stomach and putting a pillow under your hips. Straddling you, he enters you smoothly, your walls molding to him. He lays his chest against your back, both arms enfolding you. One around your waist while the other hand wraps around your neck.
“Mine,” he whispers, lips snarling next to your ear, “Say it, Pup.” He only grinds his hips against yours, not fully fucking you yet.
“Yours,” you huffed, trying to find your voice with the weight of him bearing down on you.
“Louder. Can’t hear you,” he demands, he begins tugging his hips back slowly only to push in even slower.
“Yours! I’m yours...Wolfie,” you hum, holding in your bratty laugh for all of three seconds until it’s cut off when Walter tightens his grip on you. 
He widens his legs on either side of yours, his toes digging into the mattress for leverage. From this angle, he can fuck right into your sweet spot while his heavy, full balls swing back and forth into your clit.
Your squeaks and moans punctuate each thrust, and it’s music to Walter’s sensitive ears. Your groans and squeals cause his ears to twitch, your elevated heart rate lets him know he’s doing all the right things. 
And he certainly is doing all the right things.
It almost wasn’t fair that your first time with him was in wolf form. But as good as this feels, you just feel like human sex may end up a bit lackluster. Which is not what you should be thinking right now with him turning your insides to mincemeat.
He must sense that you were getting distracted, growling lowly in your ear. Dragging his wet nose along your neck, he inhales deeply. He unhurriedly licks at the sweat dripping from behind your ear, his tongue trailing up around the lobe and shell.
His hips start to stutter, and whines in the back of his throat are forced out. You can feel the sudden fullness of his cock as he pushes in even deeper than before. His tip is pressing into your cervix and the pressure is almost too much. As you feel his length twitch, warm jets of cum paint your walls. 
He growls again and bites the nape of your neck, not enough to draw blood, but enough to keep you still while his knot settles in place. It felt like a plug just inflated inside you and you feel the fullest you’ve ever been. You try to reach your arms back to grab at him in any way you can. Feeling held in place at two points of contact was just too much.
You try curling inward to relieve the pressure in your pussy, but Walter painfully wails and bites down on your neck harder. You realize both you and Walter are in pain with his knot stuck inside you. 
You take a second to get yourself together. Getting your breathing under control, you can calm down Walter enough to slow the blood flow rushing toward his knot. When he releases your neck, he licks and soothes at the marks left behind.
Once he can slip out of you, he unhooks his arms from around you. His hands hold you open, so he can see if he hurt you. You’re more than flattered when he licks over your fucked-out little hole, but you push him away once he goes for your still-sensitive nub. 
“Too much,” you mumble, rolling over and swinging your legs over the edge of the bed. Walter moves to follow you, but you push him back to lie down. “I’m ok, Wolfie. Just going to the bathroom to freshen up. You stay in bed and keep it warm for me.” 
You watch as his brows grow concerned, but he pulls up the comforter over himself and your side of the bed. You thank him and head to use the bathroom. While you sit and relieve yourself, you think about how aroused you were for Walter. You didn’t just want him, you needed him. You haven’t had an attraction like that in ages, if ever. Likewise, you didn’t necessarily plan on having him cum inside you, but once it was an option, you didn’t exactly stop him from pushing deeper inside you.
And then there was the knot. Granted, you had done some research on werewolf anatomy, so you weren’t surprised by the knot. But the length of time it was in you, how big it was, that wasn’t in any of the articles you had stumbled upon. 
Also not mentioned? The hyperspermia, which could just be a Walter thing, but it seems like a wolf thing too. You felt so full of his cum and you had already pushed out so much of it. You will be surprised if he doesn’t get you pregnant, and you don’t know what it means when that only brings a smile to your face. What the hell…
Yeah, you might have it bad for this man. 
Or you’re flying high on the level of dopamine coursing through your veins from the number of orgasms Walter has given you.
They can both be true at the same time. 
You realize you’ve been in the bathroom for quite some time, and your legs start to grow numb. You wipe, flush, and stand on wobbly legs to wash your hands. Splashing water on your face, you steady your nerves to go back and be with the wolf that fucked you silly.
You open the door, turn to shut off the light and walk right into Walter. Standing outside the door with his hand raised, ready to knock and check on you.
The oof that escapes your lips compels strong hands to your biceps to steady you on your feet. The feel of bare human skin on yours is comforting and familiar. You look up and notice the frown on Walter’s face, knitted brows sit above fretful aquamarine eyes.
“Are you alright?” he asks, his human face now back in place along with the rest of his body.
“Oh, that? I’m fine. Just need to watch where I’m walking,” you smile, trying to reassure Walter’s concern.
“I meant, more along the lines of whether you’re hurt. It’s just, I have this pull. This...intuition. All I want to do is take care of you. It’s all I can think about,” he confesses, sliding his hands down your arms to grab your hands, “Would you let me look you over just so I can see you’re alright?”
You open your mouth to tell him you feel amazing, but you close it just quickly. He wants to make sure he doesn't go too far, and you respect that. If you think about it, it’s possibly the hottest bit of aftercare you could ever have.
You nod, welcoming his assessment. He moves you more into the bathroom and turns on the light again. He examines your wrists, but seeing a bit of redness doesn’t alarm him. Inspecting your neck where his teeth sank into you, he’s delighted to not see any broken skin, but there will be heavy bruising there if you don’t apply ice to it soon enough. Thankfully, your clothing should cover up most of the area.
Seeing his heartsick eyes look over your neck in the mirror causes you to turn around and hold his face in both hands. His hands come up to cradle yours, your eyes finally grabbing his attention.
“Tell me what’s going on in that head of yours. I can hear the gears turning, Wolfie,” you plead, hoping that he will illuminate you with his thoughts.
He sighs, and you can tell he doesn’t want to worry you. You can also tell he’s becoming weak to your suggestions, seemingly wanting to do whatever pleases you.  
“Need to get ice for your neck, or it’ll bruise,” he mutters, looking down before continuing, “We haven’t known each other long and I already feel protective over you. Hearing your breathing, recognizing your scent. It felt like you were in danger, and I shifted. Then, seeing you...like that, I needed to claim you. I haven’t felt that in so long, it’s like I’d forgotten the intensity that comes along with it. My wolf brain took over and instinctually, my body reacted the only way it knew how.”
“What do you mean?” you breathe, your brows scrunching together.
“I could smell that you were ovulating and all I wanted, all I could think of, was to breed you. The fact that I didn’t give you a choice...it weighs heavily on me,” he admits, taking a deep breath before starting again, “I shouldn’t have taken that from you. I would understand if you never want to see me again after that.”
The distraught look on his face makes you believe that he thinks the worst of himself. That only makes you want to fight whatever demons put that thought into his head.
“I’ll be honest, I did intend on waiting a little longer before taking things further. But, there is something about you. Probably sounds weird, but I have a pull toward you too. Like, this invisible string that’s tied around my rib cage, and every time I’m near you, I feel it tugging. I feel the urge to touch you, to feel your skin on mine,” you confess, feeling a weight lifted off your shoulders knowing that you both were struggling with staying away from each other.
“So, we both feel this connection. What do we do now? What can I do for you?” he prods, his hands moving to your sides as yours weave in his curls.
“Well, the good news is that we don’t need to figure this all out right now. We know how we feel about each other, and that’s most important. So, for now, we can do one thing,” you offer, a smile playing on your lips.
“And what’s that, Pup?” he wonders aloud, thumbs pressing into your hips.
Foregoing speaking, you stand up on tiptoes to press your lips against Walter’s. A chaste kiss or two gives way to open mouths and tongues getting into the mix. You hum into his mouth, and he answers with a groan. The grip on your hips tightens and his length grows against your thigh. 
You feel him dip to grab and lift you under your thighs, and you wrap your legs around him. When he breaks from the kiss, his nose nuzzles your cheek and neck as he inhales your potent scent of arousal. He turns to shut out the light before exiting the bathroom and taking you back into the bedroom.
Laying you down, he hovers over you and smiles lazily down at you. When he doesn’t say anything for a beat, you roll your eyes and sigh.
“What are you smiling at, Wolfie?” you tease, secretly loving how he looks at you like you hung the moon.
He opens his mouth to answer, but instead, he nudges your nose with his before peppering a trail of kisses over your cheek, chin, and neck. Using one hand to position himself at your opening, he collects some of your moisture to help slide in. Slowly, agonizingly he enters you. 
Once seated inside, he grinds his hips against yours. He wants to take it slow this time. You want nothing more than to give yourself to him in any way you can. Everything else can wait until the morning.
To be continued...
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A/N: Ok, so about that whole ‘let’s wait’ thing...um, I got this idea in my head that this is where this would all happen. And Reader and Walter didn’t seem upset about it so, yeah.
(Also, if you are upset about fictional characters not using protection, please use that anger and either register to vote in the next election or contact your state representative to see how you can help make sure safe sex education can be taught in schools in your area. Didn't think you would get political advice in this author's note, didja??)
A/N 2: Anyway, hope you enjoyed this chapter and have a wonderful day!!
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padfootdaredmetoo · 1 year
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Fathers & Family Master Post! All the family stories I have are below! (Peaky Blinders & Bullet Train)
Peaky Blinders
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Grab an End - Thomas Shelby & Teen Ruby Shelby
Ruby sneaks off to a party and needs Tommy’s help - Hurt / Comfort / Father daughter feels / coming of age
Moving Out - Thomas Shelby & Little Ruby Shelby
Little Ruby has had enough of Tommy’s BS - Hurt / Comfort - father-daughter feels / fix it/ happy ending
Sick - Thomas Shelby & Little Ruby Shelby
Ruby is on death's door, Tommy and family try to nurse her back to health
Da - Thomas Shelby & Little Teddy Shelby
The Kid’s first words & Tommy’s reaction - Super Fluff
We Are Not Good Men - Thomas Shelby & Adopted Teen Daughter Pt.2
 Reader is adopted when Tommy discovers that she had been working for him as a maid at 15 years old. Extreme fluff & hurt comfort. Hugs. Nondescriptive mentions of assault and beatings
A Vacation - Thomas Shelby X Reader & Family
Tommy needs to step up as a father, when his wife is pregnant again and put on bedrest a vacation is in order. Tommy takes them to stay in Cornwall and the reader watches everyone change for the better.
A Day at the Fair - Shelby boys & Finn
The boys promise him a day at the fair and it doesn’t go as planned - featuring lots of Tommy and Lizzy, plus Arthur and John
London Calling - Shelby Sister Reader
 (Shelby sister) has had enough of her family’s nonsense, she escapes to do things on her own. Only to find out years later the cause of her pain wasn’t what she thought it was.
First Hit - Finn Shelby Comming of Age
An outing takes an unexpected turn and Finn thinks its him time to step up. Featuring lots of kid Finn, buckets of innocence, lots of Tommy, and Lizzy to the rescue.
A Monster Under the Bed - Thomas X Reader & Daughter
Tommy helps a girl with an unexpected request that leads his heart somewhere it hasn’t been before
Closing Walls & Ticking Clocks - Thomas X Lizzie & Adopted Reader
who knew verbally assaulting a nun would win you the perfect family - Series
Growing Pains - Shelby Family & Reader Sister
Reader is the youngest of the Shelby clan and is often excluded due to her softer nature. When she gets hurt at the pub one day it quickly becomes everyone’s problem to fix it and make things right
Dad? - Tommy Shelby & Little Baby Sister
The last Shelby is born just before the war, when Tommy comes back caring for her is one of the only things he finds peace in.
Red - Thomas Shelby X Pregnant Reader
Redhead Reader finds out she’s pregnant with Tommy’s babe. This follows their wonders about what their child will be like.
Betrayal - Thomas Shelby & Reader Daughter
Reader is Tommy’s daughter. When she gets involved with a boy from a rival family, she knows that there is a lot on the line. Unfortunately for her, things don’t end well, causing Tommy to recall what it was like being in love with someone who stabs you in the back
Teddy Bear - Alfie & Little Girl from the Streets - Pt. 2
The reader gets lost wandering the streets, when she sees what she assumes is a bakery she sneaks in hoping to steal some scraps…. She gets caught by Alfie, initially terrified of his big size and loud voice she realizes he’s not so bad after all.
Allergies - Tommy Shelby X Reader Daughter
Thomas meets an unspeakable setback as he welcomes his new daughter into the world
Nonsense - Reader & Little Charlie Shelby
No one can understand what’s bothering little Charlie - no one except the reader
American Girl - Shelby Family & Sister Reader
The reader finds out more about her distant family after her Grandparents pass.
Her Father's Daughter - Thomas Shelby & Little Ruby Shelby
Follow up head cannons about how much Ruby adores her father.
Dresses - Thomas Shelby & Reader Daughter
While the ladies of the Shelby family are on vacation you realize you still need to find a ballgown for the big dance. Thankfully your dad is available.
Not a Child Anymore - Thomas Shelby & Reader Daughter
Tommy struggles with his daughter as she starts exploring the world of dating - After falling for Isaiah he catches them and all hell breaks loose
Me, Adopted? - Thomas Shelby & Reader Son
Charlie & Ruby play a prank on their little brother and tell him he's adopted.
I don't want to grow up - Tommy's daughter finds herself in an uncomfortable position while all the women are out of town - father-daughter comfort fic
Bullet Train
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Values - Tangerine X Reader - Series
Tangerine can't help himself and decides to mess around while on the job - resulting in a very pregnant reader trying to track him down.
Adopt a Fruit - Tangerine & Lemon & Small reader child
A young girl falls into the hands of our two favorite assassins
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riririkinzi · 26 days
An au in which Nimona and Ballister have more help and Ambrosius pulls his head out of his ass sooner.
And if you wanna hear the Gloreth version HERE
- Same stuff happens in the Gloreth version but when the wall was fully built, and people stopped going over, not even a knight, everyone rejoiced that the genocide is over.
- But Nimona still kept the sanctuary and army, cause they need to be prepared for any calamity.
- She send out the shapeshifters to spy on the kingdom and institute without being known for any updates.
- When she heard the news on Bal during the knight Ceremony, Nimona knew she Bal would be the perfect candidate as her right hand man for the job cause he's  knew the institute inside out.
- Nimona knew the only way to convince Bal is by recruiting him herself, so like they encountered the same way in canon but when the destruction happened, instead of taking him back to the lair, she took him to the sanctuary beyond the wall.
-  When Bal woke up, he was suprised by the unfamilar surrounding, and was greeted by the heelers and Nimona, then the asking happens like in the movie but with him wondering where he's in.
- Nimona explained that he's in the sanctuary of the Silver society, in the woods and most importantly beyond the wall.
- This completely shocked Bal from everything when he met Nimona, and asked why they took him, and wondering if there's suppost to be monsters.
- Nimona snapped him out of it saying there's no monsters at all, it's just a twisted lie and that she have to explain to him soon but he needs rest first.
- Later when Bal got out of bed, Nimona showed him around and explained everything from the sanctuary, he was quite intimidated, and nervous at the magical creatures and those with non full human blood .
- The fact about monsters is just a twisted lie, and the truth of Gloreth, and why she's doing this.
- It shocked Bal so hard, realizing that everything from the Whitewall is just a twisted lie a propaganda, he can only imagine how shocked Ambro would be that his bloodline is just a lie.
- Nimona explained that not only why she recruited Bal but one of her spies was able to find proof for his innocence, and showed him the footage of the Director switching his sword with the other that started it.
- Nimona revealed to Bal the fact that the institute's jacked system, and the ignorance of Poverty, and the real vunerable
- She made him choose that he must join them to clear out his name and take down the institute, or let them live a lie for more than 1000 of years.
- Bal accepts and joins Nimona, and so when Bal settled in his new room, she gave him new clothes and stuff, and tells that he had to get a tattoo to be apart of the sanctuary unless he has skin condition.
- So when Bal got his tattoo, they strapped him tightly and lay him down something cozy so it won't cause trouble, but Bal handled this like a champ that the tattoo prep was a sucesss, it was placed at the back.
- Things were going well for the next few days until Bal started to vomit frequently, the healers confirmed that Bal is actually pregnant.
- This meant that Bal must refrain from combat battles and training or any heavylifting during the pregnancy, and luckily Nimona and the others were there to lookout for him, but Bal felt that he wishes Ambro was there.
- Meanwhile back in the kingdom, Ambro became depressed and emotionless, he felt like he could have done something, so Bal would stay with him.
- The baby's Labor was a day before the due date, and the way she was delivered is in the lake.
- After the baby is born Ballister and Nimona name him Orion and Ballister notices that his son has poliosis.
- Ballister doesn't care about that and loves his son regardless of what he looks like and Nimona has a soft spot for him.
- After the baby is born, a year and a half passed as they prepared to confront the director.
As the 2 head to the kingdom, appearing infront of the knights, Ambro and the director, exposed her with the footage.
- But the director denies it and saying their lying, the knight believed Bal while the others doesn't and Ambro's stuck in between.
- The fight like the canon happens except crispy scene.
- When Bal struck the sword to the ground around Ambro, his last words to him before he and Nimona escape are "Everything we grew up believeing is just an exaggerated lie" with a harsh cold glare.
- As he and Nimona escape with a smoke bomb. The director knew she's from beyond the wall so she sent Ambro and the knights to go beyond and find the 2.
- One of the spies  got notified on that and fled to Nimona about the news, she alert the sanctuary citizens to prepare everything for evactaution and fighters/magic users for Battle.
- Meanwhile for Ambro during the preperations, he wanders into the vault and looks through every book and scroll about the Gloreth, until he found  a small old journal, that belong to Gloreth.
- In that journal is when Gloreth wrote the truth about her and Nimona, how they used to be best friends, how her parents influenced her that she's a monster, making her go back to the shadows and regretting it every single day.
- She regretting betraying Nimona but Gloreth knew it was the only way to protect Nimona from small minded folks clouded by fear.
- Soon as she got older and was sent to knighthood, she was commanded by the royals to exterminate the mythicals beyond the wall, and that's how Nimona formed the Silver society, to protect those from Gloreth and her army.
- Ambro was stunned and shocked that he froze in thought immediently, his mind repeating in circles of the words "It's just a lie" over and over for a bit realizing Bal was right, everything in the kingdom, the will of Gloreth, the bloodline, the legacy is just a lie and a propaganda.
- He knew he had to do something, so he hid the Journal with him back to his place, as he prepare himself for the expedition, the day came, citizens wished the knights a good luck and go beyond the wall, while for the Silver society.
- Citizens evacuated way before the knights came and was left was Nimona, Bal, guards and the protecters prepared for a battle.
- As the knights arrived, before the battle began, some knights joined the protecters saying they don't want to live in a lie and are tired of everyone expecting them to follow their family's footsteps, and wants to be free and so did Ambro, which lead Todd taking the lead.
- As the battle begans for a while the protecters won and the knights lost.
- After the battle the protecters accepted Ambro but wasn't ready trust him, so they gave him a warning that they got eyes on him if he makes a move, so half of the protecters, Nimona, Bal and Ambro return to Whitewall to finally take down the director and disband the institute.
- They fought off more knights while the  protecters stalled them so the 3 can reach the directors office.
- And when they finally did, the director readys her lazer staff to shoot right at Ambro at his shoulder luckily, and one of the shifters sucessfully grabbed it quickly before more calamity happens then another from Nimona's army grabbed the director as she's now arrested.
- When she surrendered, Nimona grabbed the her neck saying that she's started it all for her sick fantasies to keep up the legacy that's just a twisted lie all those centuries, that Gloreth never slayed monsters, she slaughtered innocent mythical creatures and exterminated them that almost lead to genocide.
- She told her that what everyone believed is just a lie, Gloreth was just a child that betrayed her friend all because she was different, that adults taught her hate and fear.
- The monster never destroyed the village at all it was all on the villagers being clouded by fear all because of a girl who can shapeshift who they think she's a monster, and that girl was Nimona.
- The director was stunned but admits that she killed the queen and framed Bal and explaining why while slandering Bal in everyway, but she didn't know that it's being recorded live for the whole kingdom to see.
- The people are shocked from the truth yet outrage at the Director that they gathered infront of the institute, shouting that she deserves to be executed, that Queen Valerin and Ballister deserves justice, and to take down the wall and the institute.
- Soon as she's executed, Ambro announced the whole kingdom the truth of Gloreth and everything happending that Nimona decided not to disband but to restart the institute, the system, history and everything in the whitewall and taken the wall down as people are finally free to travel the world if they wished.
- Soon Bal told Ambro that he was pregnant while he was gone and had a child, and was shocked, but he can meet him when it's over.
- When Ambro met the child, his heart was melted and cried a bit when he held him.
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nattinatalia · 1 year
Jack Harlow x Reader : SCARES AND LAUGHS
A/N : Requested by anon. The kids are about 16-17 years old here.
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Jack was running up and down trying to find the perfect gift to get you. Flowers were already delivered as usual. He couldn’t do another car since you demanded not to. He felt like you had enough jewelry, jewelry that you barely even wore.
Luckily Mia came in with the perfect idea, plus she knew you like the back of her hand and she knows how much you love perfumes, candles and you were actually looking into collecting the original Monster High dolls.
“Mia, where is the link to that perfume she wanted?”
“I don’t have the link, but just look in her laptop. She was literally looking through it last night.” Mia yells from her spot on the couch.
Jack groans and makes his way to your home office in search of your laptop. After he made the order he made a quick use of your office restroom and as he’s washing his hands he freezes.
“What the?” He gasps out. “No way.” He takes the item and runs upstairs.
“Jackman, keep it down please.” You whisper yell.
“Sorry.” He looks down on the bed, then back at you. “But you left something downstairs.”
“This.” He pulls it out and hands it to you. “Babe, how are we going to handle all of this?”
“Are you kidding me?”
“This is too soon, I mean I love the idea about it but it’s too soon.”
“Jackman, that’s not mine.” You glare. “I’m not even healed completely, so there’s no way I would let you bust it open.”
Jack nods, “Yeah you’re right.”
“Seriously Jackman? We literally just came home with them.” You rock one of your babies in your arms.
Jack reaches for the other baby, “So who does it belong to? Because Ezequiel hasn’t been bringing girls over and Mia-“ He stops mid sentence. “She fucking didn’t.”
“Jackman.” You warn, standing up from the bed and placing your baby in the bassinet. “You don’t know that’s hers.”
He glared at you. “Is it yours? Because it’s definitely not mine or our sons. So it must be Mia’s since she’s the only other girl here.” He goes and lays down the other baby in their bassinet and grabs the baby monitor.
“Hear her out first, let her explain.”
“Our seventeen year old daughter might be pregnant and you’re telling me to let her explain? What’s there to explain? She’s having unprotected sex so that means she has a boyfriend, a boyfriend we haven’t met.” He snaps and makes his way out of the bedroom.
You quickly follow behind him, “Jackman, please handle this the right way.”
“Yes, whatever.”
You’re both at the bottom of the stairs in the living room now. You're behind Jack, biting on your lip from nerves, looking at your daughter.
She finally looks up and notices you both there so she instantly furrows her eyebrows. “Uhh, is everything okay?”
“I don’t know, is it? Do you have anything to tell us?” Jack replies snarky.
“Nooo?” Mia looks confused as ever.
“ALIZE MIA HARLOW.” Jack raises his voice a little bit. “You better start talking, now.”
Mia sits up on the couch. “I’m lost, what is going on?”
“Baby bug, everything is going to be okay.” You go sit next to her and hug her.
He snaps, “Do not baby her right now Y/N.”
“Jackman, you do not tell me what I can or cannot do with my babies.” You snap back.
“Please don’t fight, just tell me what’s going on.”
“This is what’s going on.” Jack shoves the pregnancy test at her. “Were you planning on hiding this? That’s why you’re asking to move to LA?”
“What?” Mia asks, shocked.
“You’ve been caught, stop acting surprised.” Jack rolls his eyes.
“It’s- it’s not mine I promise.”
“Baby, it’s okay.” You tell her.
Mia shakes her head, “I- I thought it was yours that’s why I left it and didn’t say anything. But it’s not mine.”
“Mia, stop lying.”
“Dad, I’m not I would-“
Mia shrugs, “It’s not mine.”
“Stop with the lies-“ You all look up at the sound of a door opening.
“Hi, I forgot something in Nina’s office bathroom.”
You smile, “Go ahead mama.”
She nods, looks at Mia confused but keeps walking, not wanting to get involved in whatever is happening. But Jack realizes something right away.
Cassie stops and laughs, “Tio Jack Jack, please be serious because that’s not even my name.”
“It is when you’re in deep shit.” He raises his eyebrows.
“What did I do?”
“You know damn well what you did and what you forgot inside that restroom.”
Cassie goes wide eyed “Nino-“
Jack shakes his head “No, don’t try to sweet talk me. That puppy dog look will not work on me.”
“But I can explain.”
He nods, “You bet your ass you’re gonna explain.”
Cassie fidgets with her bracelet but stays quiet, Jack goes to sit down on the couch, looking at his goddaughter waiting for her to start talking. “Explain.”
Cassie takes in a deep breath “Okay so Me and EZ-“
“He was making a run for it.” Comes from the entrance “What did this rascal do now?” Clay asks, pulling Ezequiel inside the house from his shirt.
“You got Cassie pregnant? She’s like your sister.”
Copelan and Sunni are walking in as well.
“Tio, I was going to say Ezequiel and I went to a clinic. He came with me for support, no way would we cross that line.” Cassie shakes her head.
“Cassandra, honey.” You stand up and go to her, you hand her the test you took from Mia. “I think you need to look at this.”
She looks down to it and shrugs, “I took it earlier and I saw it already, I was crying, scared for my life so Ezequiel recommended we go to a clinic and get a second confirmation because he apparently knows these at home tests aren’t legit.”
“So are you pregnant or not Cassandra?” Jack asks.
“No, they confirmed and said I’m not pregnant and I actually got my period as we were leaving the clinic.”
“Damn, I can’t believe you thought I got her pregnant.” Ezequiel gags. “
“Shut up.” Cassie rolls her eyes. “You wish.”
Sunni pinches EZ’s cheeks, “He’s too busy crushing on Victoria.”
Cassie gags, “She’s a bitch and I don’t know how you like her so much.”
Mia rolls her eyes from her spot on the couch and looks at her dad. “I believe I deserve an apology.”
Jack nods, “I’m sorry baby, I just panicked which isn't an excuse. Just the thought of my oldest daughter getting pregnant.”
“No offense to you and mom, but you guys having newborn twins who cry and poop all day, it isn’t fun and I wouldn’t want to do that right now.”
“Cassandra, you know you have to tell your parents right?”
“But Tio, I don’t want to.” Cassie whines “My dad will kill me and bury me.”
Copelan smiles, “Not to you, to the loser that got you pregnant most likely.”
“Yeah, speaking of.” Clay sits down staring at Cassie. “Who would’ve been the father? Because as far as we all know, you and Mia aren’t dating so explain yourself there.”
Jack shakes his head but you speak up, “No details, as long as Mia or Cassandra aren’t actually pregnant, I’m good with that.”
“Shit.” Cassie mumbles.
“Ha, I need to see this shit show- Oww why are you hurting me?” Ez glares at Mia.
Mia shakes her head. “Tú y tíos tienen que aprender cómo callarse.” She goes up to her godfather smiling. “Hi Nino Urby.”
“Don’t sweet talk me right now Mia Wyatt Harlow.” Urban glares, “I just walked in to your mom saying you or Cassie are pregnant.”
“Here we go again.” Ez rolls his eyes. “Long story short, Mia and Cassie aren’t pregnant, they just both had a pregnancy scare.”
“Shit, they didn’t know about you having a scare last week?”
“No.” Mia glares, “No they didn’t.”
“OKAY.” Jack speaks up. “The three of you sit down, I guess we’re having the birds and bees talk all over again.”
The three teens groan “NOOO.”
“Oh we definitely are if two out of three are having pregnancy scares.” Urban adds.
“You girls need to learn like me, just don’t have sex.” Ezequiel shrugs.
Cassie and Mia laugh, “Okay Mr I took some girl back to Tío Copelan and Tio Sunnis place last night.”
“ENOUGH.” You roll your eyes and massage your temples. “I have newborn twins upstairs, I’m running on no sleep. The girls aren’t pregnant, Ezequiel is not allowed to go to his uncle's house on the weekends anymore, problem solved.” You make your way to the stairs.
“Babe, it’s not actually solve-“
You glare “Jackman.”
“Okay, okay.” He stands up and heads to you. “Let’s go check on our twins.”
That leaves Urban, Clay, Sunni, Copelan in the living with Mia, Ezequiel and Cassie.
“You want these?” Sunni asks EZ
“Yes, thank you.” Ezequiel grabs the small bag of baby carrots, rips open the bag and starts chewing on them. “Feeling nervous a bit.” He tries to joke about it but Sunni smiles, knowing well that he eats the carrots whenever he’s feeling anxious.
Urban smiles, then quickly his entire face changes and turns to face the girls “Okay, we have to talk about safe sex guys-“
“Tio Urb!”
“Urban! Go home!”
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