#< in case you couldnt tell its my first time drawing either of them. cool
jaccats · 9 months
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ralph colour test and accompanying mspaint scribble
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thoughtfulpaperback · 5 years
Spoilers!!!! Charmed 02x04
Okay yall. I love this episode, but this one is actually my least favorite so far. I have a couple of, not concerns, but more than nitpicks, about some things this episode. Overall I'd still give it a 7/10. It was paced well and the added lore was top notch so far and cant wait for more. Anyways, again I will start with things I liked, then move on to the things I didnt, and end with some highlights.
1. Mel! Overall Mel is a champ and even though she had big romance storylines, and they developed her character in small ways throughout the first season, I still felt we need more Mel. This episode not only did a good job if staying true to the mel that was built in season 1 but adding onto her. Mel seems to detest the idea of uselessness or at least of being powerless. Which makes sense not only as a minority and a woman but as a lesbian. She grew up not having to hide and with a mother who basically told them they were powerful strong and could do anything. Which is wonderful, but breeds that room for those types of insecurities.
2. Hacy
So actually not that much big hacy moments in comparison to previous episoded, but I love how they are the two interrogating abby and the moment they shared with the safe word.
That said I also didn't like the need for one when Macy said she would just know. Although I argue that the fact she even asked for the safe word was because she knew. Because she tells her sisters to go, trusting him, before she looks onto his eyes. Then when he leans in to touch her and orb them out, either she is put off by the over enthused smirk (he was too happy for the situation) or she wanted to get a look into his eyes. Because if you look at her facial expressions as she is looking into her eyes she seems to doubt that he is Harry and then asks for the safe word before he orbs them out.
I also think they missed a hacy opportunity when he warns Macy to be careful
Harry: she's half demon
Macy: so am I
Harry: but you are you
I'll explain further in the disliked section
4. Maggie and Jordan. Okay so I really like these two together. Hold up though. I like it as a slow developing relationship. Jordan is in a different life stage than Maggie imo. If he were single and went after her immediately or they started a romance I wouldnt like that. Him having someone and Maggie growing up and them building a solid friendship first is what I am here for. I'll talk about her powers later. What I was curious about was the ring on Jordand finger since the camera focus for a bit on his hand when he mentioned his family. I hope he doesnt come from a line of witch hunters or turns out to be some sort of creature later on. I mean on one hand that would be cool and a twist, especially if he remains the same (like doesnt change into a villian just turns out has some history) because I feel like it would be a way of doing the Galvin family history right. I mean I think that is what I enjoyed about Galvins storyline, him being able to help out because of his family history. But they didnt do much with it given the limited screen time. So if they could do something similar with Jordan and give it appropiate attention I would love it. But if they tried to use it for drama I wouldnt because it would be too much like parkerita. Let maggie grow up and have a healthy mature relationship without deception and scary families involved!
5. Dark!Harry as a Darklighter and a Hunter
So I mean we still don't know exactly what darklighters are. I mean we know that they are part of the whitelighter (one person split in half) but we dont know if the elders trained them for a specific purpose. I mean Darry got fighting skills and some resourcefulness. For to come from no where, but the fact he is after powerful beings (so far we dont know exactly why) and he has a connection with Harry is really interesting and has so many possibilities moving forward and I especially love the further similarities is draws to Macy.
Harry (unlike macy) has been split in two he has lived with this unknown part of him that differs from everything he was taught and believed about himself. Like macy this side of him appears to be "evil", although I have a feeling is probably more complicated than that since it obviously is for Macy. So harry has this "dark side". Which will be interesting if they ever have to or can merge the two.
Right now it appears that Darry has nothing to do with the Demon wars (unless you believe he and abby are working together).
Now onto dislikes:
1. Abby. Hold up y'all! I actually love this villainess. I just have some concerns about her background. And also have some thoughts about her possible future role.
So I love that she wants to bring down the patriarchy of the demon world. Her being Caine seems unnecessary, and brings up some questions.
Why didn't Parker ever mention her? He mentioned Hunter. She knew about him. So it would seem a fair assumption that Parker knew about her.
I don't mind adding lore to the previous seasons as long as they make sense. So far what they have added doesn't negate what was established last season (season 1 contradicted itself a couple of times), but with Abby as a Caine they will have to make double sure they don't add anything that would contradict season 1.
Abby as bisexual. Like I love when shows give some bisexual representation! But I am always weary when bisexuals are the villians and they are the only bisexual characters in the show. I am not bisexual, so I can't really say whether the show is doing this well or not well. It is just something I try to be considerate of and so when it happens I am always a bit nervous about it.
2. The Vera-Vaugh sisterhood (mostly on Macy's part). Okay so I am treading lightly on this topic and also would like to point out that I am coming at this from my Latina perspective. But I feel that Macy sees her place and he relationship with her sisters from the "Good Mexican" perspective. Meaning she does crave that connection to her sisters but also views herself as the other. More so she view her sisters as thinking over her as "the good half demon" and for Macy that isnt enough. It still feels like a rejection of part of her. Which in some cases is, but I think for her sisters it isnt that way at all. They dont view her as "a good half-demon" they see her as Macy and as thier sister. But I feel that since Macy, given how she grew up and the insecurities we know she has from season 1, isnt getting the memo. She now knows that her sisters actually love her and will stick with her, but she no longer is craving acceptance, she wants understanding and commonality. Which for her, her sisters cannot give her not just because they are different but because they view the situation differently.
Abby is playing to that so well. I was upset that Macy would reveal the way she got her demon side. It seems not only like a bad move as far as trusting someone you claim not to trust but also just common sense given that I would thing you wouldnt want other demons knowing how to create more demons from humans. Anyways, abby's line of having more in common with each other was pretty brilliant given the little amount of time she has spent with any of them.
I think it is possible, from the patriarchy conversation, that Abby eventually would try to recruit Macy to join her in trying to take over the demon world. That said I am not sure so far if Abby would actually like to share power with anyone. We still dont know much about her character. So her development moving forward will be interesting.
Moving back to the sisters. I think if moving forward the show would do little things to address the issue it would help not only to further build the relationship between the sisters but the power of 4. Things like the line I added between Macy and Harry would show Macy that they are seeming the situation differently. It wont allieviate What Macy is feeling or the fact she still has to figure out what exactly it means to be a half demon or if it does have meaning out side the societal implications.
3. Whitelighter lore. Don't come for me! I love the added lore. I just have some nitpicks.
Alpha. So if the first whitelighter was from Salem then how is there and Egyptian hieroglyph for a whitelighter? Unless the elders just to a hieroglyph and decided to make that one the one for whitelighter? ("Hey what's that" other elder: "I combined two hieroglyph want to use that for our new whitelighters?" First elder: hell yah!)
Okay so if these two are one person made into two and are connected. Then how connected are they? I mean I assume we will get more detail as the show progresses so I am not made about it, but the alpha is always kept near the split part. So in the beginning was it that they couldnt be too far apart or else something bad would happen? Or is it that what happens to one happens to the other. Dark!Harry tried to kill Harry so we could assume that that isnt the case because it would be a death sentence for both (unless dark!harry didnt know and just lucked out be the fact that Harry and him are now immortal because Harry's tie to the elders was severed). Lots of questions regarding what exactly dark!harry knows or doesnt know.
4. Maggie's powers. Dont get me wrong, I love the foresight and its relation to premonitions and Marisol, but it is gonna need some careful explaining. They established that witches are traced through these powers and that the sisters were stripped of them. So then what is this foresight? It cant be a part of her old powers because those were stripped. But if this is a new power can it be used to track the sisters? Or is it something else? A power but unrelated to the powers and triggered by an outside agent (not necessarily a person). Will Mel start to develop new powers as well or again is there something going on with Maggie?
Mel chugging like a champ!
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Maggie's constant touching of Jordan when trying to trigger her new powers. Not awkward at all Mags...
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The satisfied look on Darry's face when he is about to orb Macy and him out (I still cant believe the girls werent suspicious of how Harry found orbed to them when none of them called for him)
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(I was gonna give credit to the gif maker and had written down who it was but lost the paper and cant remember which of the people I saved this from. So if this is your gif let me know! So I can edit and give yah the credit you deserve! Sorry about that! If I find the paper before yah recognize the gif I will edit)
Abby's recount of being attacked by Darry. I was enjoying the steaminess.
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Anyways that's all on my part! Comment, send asks or message me, if y'all want to discuss something I mentioned or didnt mention about this episode or the series in general! Not looking forward the the inevitable break that will occur but cant wait for episodes 5 and 6!
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franeridart · 6 years
Aw thank you !!!!! It’s really just thanks to the past couple of days of cooler weather tho, ngl hahaha the earth has been indulgent to me, this past week!
Anon said:I really liked that wgole bakushima gem thing! What would bakugou do if kirishima somehow got corrupted and couldnt reverse it? (Without the other diamonds)
Thank you for liking it!!!! And I guess he’d just go ask the other diamonds? Well, he would never let it get to that, but if it were the only option it’s not like he’d leave Kiri like that!
Anon said:Quick, someone put a flashlight on diamond!Kiri
He’d be shinier than Aoyama and Hagakure using her special move put together !!!!!!! v pretty~
Anon said:your kiribaku gem AU inspired me so much that i’m finally watching steven universe just so i can understand it better because what i did understand was that i loved it
OH MAN I hope you’ll enjoy it!!!! It’s a bit silly and all over the place through the first season, but try to give it time !!
Anon said:Hi! I went and checked out your fan art for Kuroko no Basket and I absolutely adore AoKaga! Your AoKaga works make me so happy! I love them all!
Ohhhhh man thank you so much !!!!!!!!!! it’s super old stuff tho how did you even find it hhhhh haha
Anon said:Hello hello! here w bad news a instagram page posted your art and i know you dont like repost so im informing you. The page is kags.fujoshi and it was posted july 23
Yeh I know, I’ve been trying to report it and the other one I’ve been being told about but instagram won’t let me submit the thing so I guess this is how things are and I’ll just die mad about it since instagram likes to make things as hard and impossible to me as it can
Anon said:Bless your art
Thank you ;;;;;
Anon said:Omg literally your kiribaku Steven universe crossover is so fucking perfect thank you for blessing us with it; I’d love to see more if you have anything or feel like ever doing more about it but I don’t want to pressure you or anything, do what you want to do and what makes you happy :) Take care!
Ahhhhhh thank you so much!!!!! I’m super glad you liked it this much!!!!!!!
Anon said:✨Gentle reminder to take care of yourself today ✨
You too, anon!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anon said:Everytime I see you upload new art I end up looking through and loving your entire BNHA Art tag. It’s so wonderful
gAH thank you so SO much!!!!!!!!!! don’t waste so much time on my blog, tho hahaha
Anon said:heya! I was just wondering if u had any short bakukiri one-shot fic recommendations. i prefer to read short things bc i have some learning difficulties and i was hoping u might know some good simple reads. Thanks! (
Aw man sorry but I really don’t have the time to make a rec list rn ;; if you’re fine with it this is the tag on AO3 filtered so that it shows only complete content with a max word count of 5000 starting from the one with most kudos going down, the first ones showing are all super good fics - in case you’re not okay with explicit content you can filter that too (if youre not okay with mature either just check that out as well) and to go further this is the tag excluding the fics tagged as tddk  cause that’s not what you’re looking for and the tddk and krbk fandom sure like to put each other in the listed relationships even if the fic isn’t about them (it excludes some krbk fics too but what can we do about that)
Anon said:ASDFGHKRNOFNE your last doodle killed me!!!! soft todoroki
AHHHHH I’m super glad you liked them !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;;;
Anon said:I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of your art, you beautiful gift you
Thank you smmmmm ;;;
Anon said:I am taking the SU story down for now. Please, let me know if I have your permission to post it, or if you don’t want me to. // And just to clarify - I’m not deleting the story out of spite or anything. I wrote it as a “get-well-soon” gift, but since you make it very clear you want to know how your art is used and that you must give your approval, I began to fear it would become a source of annoyance to you rather than something nice. I can put it back up if you want me to.
I don’t mind you writing the story or posting it, so if you wanna upload it again go for it! For future reference tho, if you’re in a rush to get an answer out of me (referring to the message where you asked if it was okay) your best bet is to go off-anon since those I always answer privately and as soon as I can. It can take me up to over a week to answer anon asks here, which I’d guess is sort of obvious? so seriously next time you’re in a rush to get an answer it’s better if you don’t go through the anon option!!
Anon said:How long does it take t draw one artwork for you?
Some things ten minutes, some things three days of work, it really depends on what I’m drawing? If it’s bw or colored, if it has a bg, if it’s a bust or a full body, if it’s one person or five, one drawing or a full comic, how used I am to drawing the character vs how new it is, how easy the clothes are and how many details there are on them - if you sent me an example I could specifically tell you how long it took me!
Anon said:is bakugo ticklish? what do u think?
Bakugou is ticklish but the immediate aftermath of tickling Bakugou is to be blasted into kingdom come so maybe better not to tickle him unless you’re Kiri and can protect yourself
Anon said:Bakukirikami is some good stuff my dude
It sure as heck is! Lately my old stuff for them is getting a bunch of new notes, I’m assuming people are getting into it thanks to the anime haha the magic of the license exam my doods
Anon said:hey I hope I don’t sound creepy but, I just want to say that your art really makes me happy and that you’re one of my favorite artist out there. So even if somtimes you feel like your art sucks I want you to know that I think it’s beautiful! Hope you’re doing well!
You don’t sound creepy at all!!!!! thank you SO MUCH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anon said:i live for ur kamisero art just saying
I haven’t drawn much of that, have I? I’m glad you like it tho!!!! Thank you!!!!!!!!
Anon said:Mako and Tai ♥️♥️
Anon said:This isn’t an ask, just that I love your art style and it reminds me of a beautiful and cute point and click adventure, “Harvey’s new eyes ” and “Ednas break out” Its very cute and pretty just like your art style and I love both ^^
Oh man thank you!!!
Anon said:Q U O R K
I honestly can’t even remember if this is just a random ask or if it was referring to something specific, ngl (if it’s the second, sorry about my memory being like this orz)
Anon said:Gah I keep missing preorders! I’ve only ever really wanted 2, and each time, don’t have any money, til after they’re done 😢 oh well, I guess. Hope you’re doing well!
If you’re referring to the takemyhand zine, preorders are still going tho!!! and thank you!!!!
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sakurafaith · 6 years
A Dream
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This is a based upon a dream i had, i left quite a impact that i decided to draw it. Male Muffet aka Spider belongs to : @baepsae10 The other Human ice wolf was just something part of my dream, However Kitty Frisk Does Belong To Me. Lets Begin shall we? You are up for some serious reading.  
(Please Excuse My Typos.)
In that dream i was living in a new home, it was incredibly big, bigger than what i could imagine, long corriders, big windows, long and elegante fences and a gate outside that surrounded it, for some reason it felt small too..but perhaps because i remember spending most of the time alone in this house, but i would seriously refer it as some Mansion, but just less elegant because it did needed some rework and some rich like things to give the place a fancy antmosphere, but still.. it was home to me and i liked this new door i stepped in, a new life..
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Then..there was them. I knew who they were..Spider and The Ice Wolf in a more human form, but enough to tell that he was a monster. They were strange, They looked through the windows, I thought i should be scared..but i wasent, i was really startled by it at first, two guys looking at me, strangers, i didnt know what they wanted..yet for some reason i didnt do anything to stop it either...
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No matter where i went, they followed, always using the windows as their gate to see and look into my personal world, to look into me. I asked myself, ¨why am i not afriad of them?¨, i realized it was the way they looked at me.. Spider had this kind eyes, almost like a deep longing ones, as if he was seeing something he truly wanted, like a love one that he couldnt reach because the barrier of the window was too much. He often would place his hand over the window, wishing to reach me, yet it wasent in a bad or even sexual way, he wasent lusting, but rather almost wanting something so much deeper, something more sincere that could only come from me, but i didnt know what. I felt that feeling with him, it felt rather sweet, he even gave a possesive vibe..but it was one i was rather attracted to. But i wasent comfortable enough to trust them. Ice Wolf had a whole diffrent way to express himself compared to Spider, He smiled at me, a long white toothy smile, his fangs clearly visable, it felt more like a charming smile, to get my attention, because thats what he seemed to clearly want, he would something tilt his head whole his gaze looked at me, hoping he could capture mine, the times he would he would sometimes flirtly wiggle his eyebrows but in a way that would seem more attractive and less silly from what it sounds like. Despite of the way he expressed himself, i also knew he meant no harm, he didnt look like me as some predetor who wanted to eat a cat, just one who is intrested in a female i suppose, respectful but very flirty. They would always watch me, as long as there was a window, they would see everything i do, it felt almost like a child looking through someones window, not being descreet about it but most of the time you would get used to it and try to ignore it as much as possible, to try to not give them the attention you want, knowing that they would probably get worse if you give that attention. The only times they would stop watching me would be when i used the bathroom, in this case to shower, i would always look through the window myself to see if they were around but i would never see them anywhere..Ironicly, it was the only time i wished they would look at me for some reason, perhaps because i wanted them to lust for me. But they never ever did or try to.
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The other times they would never look at me is when i was in my room at night, i have a window in my own room, i was also curious, it was weird to not see them looking through the window, i remember walking about my window looking over, trying to be careful to not panic...i didnt want to see them looking creepy throught the dark or experience a jump scare..but they were nowhere to be seen.. I remember i felt alot of relief, Because i realized i would be afraid of them if they looked through the widow at night, it just wasent appropiate and they knew it, so thats why they didnt do it, they didnt want me to be afraid of them for some reason. I remember asking my Mom, Toriel, i was just curious, how come she didnt notice to men looking at me? though to be clear, they always hid whenever she was around, but i couldnt help to ask sometimes. ¨Mom..can you see them?¨. ¨see who child?¨, ¨Those..monsters outside.¨. ¨Of course i can!¨. That was her only response and it shocked me. It was as if i asked her if she could see birds and she answered like it was the most natural thing and i was beyond confused, i had no clue what to do with this situacion, with THEM. I remember my mom wanted me to do the laundry, so i had to take it upstairs in the roof (the roof was flat, unlike other houses, free to go up) to hand the laundry out for the sun to dry, i didnt remember those two at all..it didnt cross my mind that i would be exposed to them, until in one of those i turned and saw them, in a rather genorous space between us, i remember thinking if i should run to the house, but i rememeber that they never ever seemed to have any ill intention towards me..so i just started at them, reconozing their presence. They looked back and started talking with eachother, But i couldnt hear anything! they talked but as if i was watching something mute, i can see their mouths clearly opening and closing as they spoke but as much as i tried, i couldnt hear them, as if they werent part of my world. I noticed that they were discussing now, their face turned into frowns with eachother and got a little handsy, as if they wanted to fight but still in a friendly matter, i was weirded out but it...but i knew that they were fighting over me, they wanted to decided who would approach me first. I remember rolling my eyes and finished my chores, by then i took the basket back inside the house but leaving the door open by accident.
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I remember them outisde the door, the were peeking inside at will full detail, i noticed that Spider was the first brave one to put his hand through the opening of the door, almost like testing if anything were to happen..but nothing did, so he extended his hand, it was closed tight, i remember taking a step back, i thought he would kidnapp me for sure now that the opportunity was open for them..but instead, his hand opened, it revealed a spiderweb. I knew it before anyone told me what it was..It was a summoning seal. It was for me to summon them, so they could enter completely into my world, so i could finally talk to them and the could finally reach to me physically like they wanted to.
(the spiderweb looked diffrent in my dream but this is the best i can manage in drawing, it was so much beautiful than this miserable drawing i made.)
The spider web was so beautiful, it had a unusual shape, it was covered with waterdrops that made it look like pure cristal, it looked almost like a snowflake, perfect, with elegant curves and soft edges, the shapes were so so beautiful. Before i knew it i was walking toward him, tempted to take it, i knew he offered it for me, the moment i had it in my hand, it was very sticky in my fingers, like a spider web of course, but it felt very delicate, like paper but thinner, i knew i had to be extra careful with it..and i truly wanted to, it was way too beautiful.
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Then after i took Spiders seal, soon came the Ice Wolfs.
(again, i made it up, the dream ones was way cooler but its the best i could come up with)
He extended his arm, his hand in a fist and opened it slowly, compared to Spiders, his glowed, it had a earthy like feeling, it had earth colors that made me think of the forest and the world free of human populacion, i remember reaching for it too, i stared into it, it reminded of the dream catches with such details, it had more details than Spiders, it was very masculine and rather cool vibe, before i could inspect more of it, i heard my mother coming home. ¨Im home!¨ she called, i panicked, afraid for her to see me with the seals, i was upstairs yet, i wanted to be very careful with this secret. ¨welcome home!¨ i yelled, turning away from the two monsters, hoping she would hear me and not find anything ¨suspicous¨, i turned back, wanting to tell Spider and Ice Wolf that Tori was home and they should hide, but by the time i turned to look over, they were already gone, i was excited yet in full panic, i wasent sure what to do first, hide the seals in somewhere safe, close the door and put away the basket i used for the laundry, i went immediatly to hide the seals in my room, i didnt want them to break because they felt very fragile, i remember placing them ontop of my desk as i quickly returned to put the basket away and close the door that lead to the roof, i ran back into my room, locking the door. I knew .. ever since the gave me the seals, i already decided which one i wanted, i didn give it a second thought. The selfish part of me wanted both, but i knew i could only summon one, they left their fates in me to decide who i wanted to summon, i knew who i wanted, I wanted Spider.. The beautiful seal that was a spiderweb that looked like it was a decorated with diamond like snowflakes, shiny and beautiful, blue and just simply beautiful and elegant.. i wanted him. I just smiled and wanted to do it tonight already.
The end :P
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singingpuddle · 7 years
My commentary whilst watching part 1 of  Buzzfeedblue’s “3 Horrifying cases of Ghost and demons”
Sup ya spooks. Im FINALLY getting around to doing this. I wish i could say that im doing it in honor of (insert stupid reason). But tbh, im just depressed and need a distraction, and whats a better distraction than going back to where it all started.
1. I ship them, if you don’t that’s cool with me.
2. This post is super long
3. I long for the day I no longer have to cross out the boy in boyfriend when it comes to these two. this will be abundantly clear by the amount of times i do
4. After a little bit i will stop putting full names, so just know.
5.I recommend watching the video along with or before going through this post, because if you haven’t seen it you will be lost.
R=Ryan and S=Shane
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Me: Ah how times sure have changed. This was all the way back in season 1, Brent Bront was still on the show, and Ryan and Shane couldnt break the fourth wall yet.
Shane: Muwaha.
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Me: awww, look at them, so... un-shook
(+1 for height difference)
(+1 for Shane's floof) 
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Me: Proof that Ryan “heart eyes” Bergara  has just always been a thing
R: Still straight
S: sure
(+1 for The Smolder™)
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Me: I like you Father, and that’s saying something coming from a Jew?
S: What exactly is it saying.
Me: Hes a cool dude despite of different religious opinions.
S: Oh, but i thought you where an atheist
Me: Whatever.
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Me: Shane...
S: what?
Me: do me a favor and at least try and listen to what this guy is saying. 
S: Ari, you already know how this plays out, I don’t.
Me: That doesn't change how i feel about his advice.
S: Fair enough.
Me: Also i’m pissed at you because Ryan is pulling a Castiel and its all your fault?
S: Huh?
Me: He is rebelling against all of his beliefs for you. Like, hes started being more ballsy with taunting the ghosts.
R: I am not doing it for him, Im just getting better at this.
Me: Sure... Whatever keeps you sane.
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Me: Cue ad
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S: *walks in office from rain completely drenched* Hey Rye, you wouldn't have a spare shirt
R: *staring at the damp t-shirt clinging to his chest* Yeah, just give me a sec. *downs whole water bottle* 
(y'all better appreciate the time this took, okay.)
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 Me: Let us enjoy the final moments of peace before The Shookening™ begins
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Me: JESUS SAID CHILL *My jewy self screams as Ryan freaks out*
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 Me: *yelling over the fence* SQUIRREL, MOOSE! YOU GUYS IN THERE?
R: *Looks worriedly at Shane* Should I even ask?
S: Let the girl be, shes just having fun.
Me: *drawing anti possession mark on my arm* You guys want one? 
R: Nah we’re good.
Me: Fine, get possesed then.
R: *immeditly makes me draw one on his arm* 
S: Ill meet you guys inside
Me: Dont worry Rye, they wont posses him. He’s already one of them.
R: What?
Me: What?
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This is their first date (isn't it) and they where all prepared for spooks, but show up to find this shit.
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Me: so your Alone in a creepy house on your first date outing and the first place you go is the bedroom? Bit forward if you ask me. 
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Me: Its weird hearing the name Winchester external to Supernatural. It feels like...
S: Seeing a teacher at the supermarket for the first time?
Me: Yeah, or hearing Try guys Keith say “Hey there demons, its me, ya boy” Its just
R: Un- natural?
Me: Yeah, Paranormal even.
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 Me: Yeah... at least she tried.
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Me: Boyfriends 
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Me: Your totally doing that thing.
S: What thing?
Me: That thing where the boyfriend tries to scare their S.O. so either they cling to you or tell you to fuck off.
R: The horror movie boyfriend thing?
Me: Yeah, that thing.
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Me: Ass-Bat™ Making his first appearance. It was so long ago that we forgot. 
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 Me: Shane... can you like, not be an ass to your boyfriend and instead help him?
S: At this point I havent even begun my character arc, so... No.
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 Me: Do I even need to make this joke?
S: just do it for the innocents.
Me: Fine. Hey Shane.
S: Yeah, Ari.
Me: I always knew you where in the closet.
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Me: 7 Minutes in Heaven
R: More like 7 minutes in Hell ft. Shane Madej 
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Me: He looks so pure 
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Me: Shane... Just why.
S: this is how I used to show affection.
Me: Boi, used to? You haven't... actually your right. You have changed a lot since then haven't you?
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Me: Back when you guys never shared a bed.
R: We don’t normally share a bed though.
S: Yeah we do, like every time we stay somewhere haunted we sleep in the same bed.
Me: And when there are no beds you guys tend to sleep very close anyway.
R: *flustered* Well... you got a point there I guess.
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Me: I feel like a mom who just got to watch a video of her son and his husbands first date. (despite the fact they are my mystery Dads)
This long ass post brought to you by:
Younger Ryan
Part 1 / 2 / 3
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Link to Masterpost here
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Talk about your friends? What are they like?
my friends……….. Though leohanan has already described them, lemme give my slice of toast (lemme live with my fake proverbs) on the matter. i will use the same names leohanan mentioned so you know who i am speaking of
There’s SOCCER MOM: I share my morning classes with her this semester, and let me tell you its the best! Her locker is stuffed to the brim so she occasionally uses mine to store things (cuz i store like one (1) thing in there). These things are usually cookies she has made for us friends. THIS ONE TIME SHE WOKE UP AT 5:00 IN THE MORNING TO MAKE PUMPKIN SPICE FILLED PANCAKES AND BOAUGHT SOME AND I HAD THEM IN THE MORNING, IT WAS THE BEST!!! She and the others also decorated my locker on my half birthday! AND SHE GOT ME A FIDGET CUBE! Even though she is barely a day older than I am, she is the ultimate soccer mom. She brings snacks (she brought us cut orange slices once. I ate the most cuz oranges), makes sure we don’t do idiotic things, stares at us with a concerned face when our conversations get weird, and even has good taste in music! She recently put purple dye in her hair, which is hard to notice from the bottom tips because it just makes it darker, but you can notice it from the top. She has cool piercings in her ears, and PLANS TO GET MORE, hopefully. A fan of 5sos to the end. I showed my mom a picture of her in our yearbook and she now has 100% faith in soccer mom’s ability to make sure i don’t do anything stupid.
VODKA AUNT: Lemme tell you about this goddess: her fashion sense is on point, her clothes are always the best, and her makeup is perfect. I know its a saying when someone says the mascara is so sharp it could kill a man, but in this case its true, actually it probably has. She wakes up 4 in the morning my people, FOUR,  so she can look this fabulous. She hosted a Oatmeal party at her place when i mentioned i never had any. She has 2 cats, and they THE CUTEST BABIES IN THE WORLD. I am almost sure most of her phone photos are of memes, she LOVES memes, and the good kind too. She shows me new ones all the time and has a couple saved on my computer too. She is also a hardcore 5sos fan, and has a very good taste in music. A fan of hamilton forever, she has all the songs on her phone and can sing EVERY WORD in them. Was disappointed when i did not know who the beatles were, and proceeded to show me their music. I think she was the first to hear of my pink man theory…….HER HAIR I FORGOT TO MENTION HER HAIR …im not good at descriptions but just know it is a majestic masterpiece, also she very huggable
LEOHANAN (real name: Abdurahman, however you spell it): so if anyone wants to blame a person for introducing me to tumblr, blame this being. She kinda short, but you don’t notice it half the time cuz she got a big presence. She refers to other people as edgy but me and coatrack agree that she is the real edge god who bestows edge upon other beings. She currently in the process of getting her shit together, and not procrastinating (sounds fake i know). She an orange belt in like karate. Refers to me as a smol being. Her all might icon is cool though. She boasted this one time about this non-existent ship she had a blog about that would be the first thing that popped when you wrote the name of the ship. She is my main source for explanations of things i do not know the meanings of or do not get on the internet. Sometimes she tells me i’d rather not know something and then i proceed to ask coatrack who says ti very bluntly. She cool though. We tried to make a scale for how gay our group of friends were but couldnt decide whether leohanan or coatrack would be opposite to soccer mom’s straightness in the scale. She is also my designated rant friend, and the one i complain to alot. She likes to think i can make friends with guys, which is very naive cuz no, dont get me started on that one. Ummmm……. I feel like im forgetting something…………ah whatever
COATRACK: ok so when i first got to know coatrack through my other friends, i thought she was a plain piece of bread, with no character whatsoever. Boy was i wrong. She has good taste in webcomics, actually she just got me into another one called Namesake, its good, check it out! The main reason i got to know her better was because she’s in my last two classes of the day. I need someone to share my suffering with in math, and i also talk to her in TOK and EE. extended essay class (ee) is never productive. This one time we ended up searching names for her character who loves plants, and it was the best. I have also discovered coatrack has a good taste in sweaters, today she was wearing this starry night one and it looked so cool. OH I FORGOT…. She cut her hair, it used to be decently long before, and i could make good braids out of it, but now its as short as velma’s from scooby doo! She looks so adorable! Most of the time it is me complaining about something happening in the shows she makes me watch, which sometimes gets leohanan a little salty. She knows the ins and outs of the internets, at least in comparison to my sorry ass. She makes really good characters, like fergus who loves plants and i am sure she will give an unworthy boyfriend to. She a furry, totally a furry, and is kinda weird sometimes, but she generally a good person….. I think.
SUCCESS COUSIN: she gonna hack the mainframe, better watch out. She;s the person who does everything on time and has a goal for success. She also very small, but her personality is very big. This one time (was it halloween?) she came to school in this lady bug cape which was so amazing. She had it since she was little and it used to be like really long, but now it tiny on her. Her, vodka aunt, and me usually spend ITGS class searching up random stuff we were curious about. We were discussing 3D printers this one time and a few days later she brought these fish things he had made to hold her headphones, they were REALLY fun to play with! She will be the one to bust the success nut. She is like CEO style cool, and should totally come to school one day wearing a suit.
MEME QUEEN SUPREME: sooooooo……… i don’t know her too well to be honest, actually i’ve vaguely met her once, at a skating rink. She friends with leohanan and coatrack, and write4laifu. She goes to a different school with write4laifu, but she is in our group chat. I’ve seen some of her computer drawing, and they ARE THE MOST AMAZING THINGS EVER. like they hardocre really good, especialy this one she has of a circle with like some cool shit going on in the middle, its one of her profile pics for something i think. Also she seems really funny, and her appreciation for memes is very respectable. I would complain to her and coatrack about sherlock, and if she can stand that, she must be a patient person.
WRITE4LAIFU: i dont know her that well either, but her love for voltron is enough to be evidence of her respectableness. She also has cats, which itself elevates her to goddess level. She sends me picture of her cats, and they CUTE, like pinch your cheeks and scratch your belly cute. Her tumblr consists mostly of voltron and b99 posts. I am currently watching voltron, and her love for klance is so cute. Also she’s read the percy jackson series and heroes of olympus too and noticed when i made a jason reference so excuse me but i think that is the BEST.
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