calumsvapor · 5 years
midnight | l.h
word count: 2951
warnings: swearing
pairing(s): highschool!luke hemmings/reader
notes: none
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maybe it was the way his dark blonde curls fell in his face and his eyes crinkled at the corners when he laughed, white teeth revealed by his grin.
“what’re you looking at, hemmings, is something funny?” you said with a glint of annoyance in your eyes.
“nothing, l/n, just wondering if there was any point in time when you didn’t have a stick up your arse. something got your panties in a twist?”
“i was fine until you got here.”
maybe it was the way he held you the night after the party when he found you on the front porch, mascara streaking your face and tears filling your eyes.
“do you need a ride home, l/n?”
“just forget you even saw me and go back inside.”
“yeah right, just get in the fucking car. i’m taking you home.”
“okay, fine.”
“hey, whatever happened, i’m sorry. you don’t… nevermind.”
“just take me home, hemmings.”
“yeah, just don’t think this changes anything”
or maybe it was the way that no matter what happened the night before, he’d always show up to class with the same air of arrogance and give you the same glare and roll his eyes.
it didn’t matter why, but your mind always drifted back to him. at this point, your feelings of hatred and affection for the boy had become too muddled to even try to decipher.
besides, you understood. he had to keep his place at the top of the high school social hierarchy, just like you had to keep your reputation as the nice girl. the safe girl that got good grades and didn’t date around.
the type of girl that didn’t spend any time with luke hemmings, even if you two were the last people on earth.
“young lady, may i speak to you after school?” your teacher asked almost solemnly.
“of course, mr. turner” you replied with a slight smile.
after the final bell rang, you walked up to the desk at the front of the classroom.
“what do you need, mr. turner?”
“if it’s not too much trouble, i’d like you to tutor mr. hemmings in, well every subject, but let’s start with this class. i’m afraid his grades are… less than adequate, and yours are some of the best in the school. if he doesn’t get good grades on his finals next friday, he may have to take a few summer courses, and i don’t think any teacher wants that.”
all you heard was an opportunity to help out luke hemmings in exchange for the freedom of the daily insults and teasing he threw your way. yes, please.
“no problem, mr. turner.”
as you walked out of the classroom, you spotted exactly who you were looking for. you quickened your pace until you were walking beside the tall, lanky boy.
“hemmings. i’m gonna help you study, just out of the goodness of my heart. no need to thank me.”
“so you’re my babysitter now, huh?” luke drawled, a smirk spreading across his features.
“whatever. what time do you wanna meet to start studying for finals?”
“i don’t care, just come over whenever,” luke said, picking up his bags and beginning his journey out of the doors.
“but i don’t know where you-“
“figure it out, l/n. i’m sure there’s something in that head of yours if you look hard enough.”
“oh, piss off.”
after you’d made many phone calls and your expectations were lowered, you headed to luke’s house. hopefully, this whole experience would make him stop looking at you as if he couldn’t bear to spend another five minutes with you. when you rang the bell, luke opened the door, dressed in gray sweatpants and a black hoodie.
“come inside, l/n, i don’t bite, unless you want me to.”
rolling your eyes, you stepped inside and made your way up the stairs behind luke. once you reached his room, you quickly sat down at the desk and pulled out all the books you'd need to prepare him for the test. luke flopped down onto the bed behind you.
"what do you think you're doing? i'm not the one that needs to study here."
"fine, what do you want me to do?"
"just finish the homework for today, and i'll check it. then, we can go over whatever you get wrong."
for the next few minutes, it was silent, besides the occasional sound of pencil scratching against paper.
then, the boy stood up and walked over to where you were sitting, handing you the paper and continuing to look intently at you.
it only took a glance at his paper for your eyes to widen.
"how bad is it, really?" luke asked, almost timid.
"it could be better. fuck, why can't you just pay attention in class?"
"hey. i never asked you to help me. i'm not one of your charity cases," luke said, a fiery look in his eyes.
“i never said that,” you replied, the same look adorning your features. “is it that hard for you to believe that i’m doing this because i actually care about you?”
“well that kinda sucks for you. did you really think i was talking to you for any other reason besides getting my grades up so i can stay on the football team? you’re really stupider than you let other people see, aren’t you?”
“maybe i should just get going, now. bye, luke. good luck on the test friday.”
with that, you packed your things and made your way out the door, heart racing and mind swirling with confusion.
after spending the entire night tossing and turning, unable to shake the blonde boy from your mind, you made your way to school. his expression still echoed, almost as if someone were holding up a picture of the moment he watched you walk out. your various classes passed, slow as they felt, and eventually you reached your second to last period of the day. the class where you’d have to see luke.
“yeah, she was all over me. i mean it wouldn’t be the first girl, but i have to admit, i didn’t expect l/n of all people.”
the voice was muffled by the wooden door, but it was obviously luke’s. how had you expected anything to change? how had you expected him to actually be grateful for what you’d tried to do for him?
you took a deep breath, cleared your mind, and stepped into the classroom, eyes trained on the boy who’d just spoken and mouth fixed in a scowl.
“you know that’s not true, hemmings.”
“aww, look, she’s embarrassed she can’t resist my obvious charm.”
with a sigh, you made your way over to your desk and tried to tune out the mutters and chuckled and fingers pointed at you. the second the bell rang, you strutted up to the front desk and stopped directly in front of mr. turner.
“i can’t do this anymore. you heard him.”
“i’m sorry, ms. l/n, but you made a commitment when you agreed to tutor that young man. i suggest you figure it out.”
"ok, thanks mr. turner.”
you left the classroom and briskly walked to the parking lot, where luke leaned against his car, staring down at his phone. with a sense of newfound confidence and determination, you stopped directly in front of him and started to speak.
“let me tell you what we’re gonna do. i’m gonna get in your car, and you’re gonna drive us to your house. then, you’re gonna do the homework and read the textbook and actually listen to me for once in your fucking life. sound good?”
“i uh, sure, whatever.”
with a quick smile, you hopped in the passenger's seat and fastened your seatbelt. maybe this wouldn’t be so bad.
a few days later, you found yourself laying next to luke, laughing so hard you could barely take a breath. you never wanted the moment to end. luke had been improving steadily, and with finals the next day, you were nothing less than confident that he’d get a good grade.
“can we take a break? i’ve been staring at these fucking books for so long, i think my vision’s getting blurry,” luke said, the same grin spreading across his features.
“c’mon, only today and tomorrow left, and then you can take all the breaks you want.”
“fine, but we should do something to celebrate my spectacular, jaw-dropping, life-changing improvement. cal’s throwing a party at his place tomorrow night, and his parents aren’t home. go with me?”
“get a b and i’ll think about it.”
another day passed, and you found yourself at the door to mr. turner’s classroom, next to luke, staring at the piece of paper hanging on the door. a few names down the list, the name and grade were clearly printed. “luke hemmings.” “127/127.”
“you know what this means, l/n. see you tonight.”
the grin from yesterday was even more prominent across luke’s face, and it was a nice change from the glares he’d given you mere weeks before. with a bounce in his step, he walked out of the school building and towards the parking lot.
after pausing for a moment and smiling to yourself, you began your own journey to your parked car, ready to go home and get ready for the party.
“i have to say, ms. l/n, i’m impressed,” mr. turner said, making his way towards you and his car, which was parked right next to yours. 
“thanks, mr. turner. it really wasn’t that hard.”
“well, nevertheless, you can expect some extra credit for your trouble. thanks again.”
mr. turner got into his car and drove away, leaving you alone. or so you thought.
“so that’s what this was, then. i’m just a fucking extra credit assignment to you, aren’t i. you know, i thought this past week actually meant something to you. i guess i was wrong. forget about the party. just forget this shit ever happened.”
“luke, just wait. you were never just-”
but luke was already in his car, pulling out of the parking spot and speeding away, leaving nothing but smoke behind.
“you were never just a charity case to me.”
the satin material lay across your chest and back and hung off your curves. the fabric followed your motions as you spun around in the mirror and admired how you looked. your hair was curled and fussed with until not a single strand was out of place. your makeup was done and you looked flawless.
with your outgoing appearance and fancy clothing, there was only one reason you were going to the party at calum’s house. and that reason seemingly loathed you at the moment, although the feeling was mutual.
by the time you pulled into a parking spot you found along the road near the house, the sun had set and laughter and music could be heard inside from miles away.
you walked in and began talking with the people in the living room. the party was fun, but you still hadn’t run into the person you’d wanted to see. after a bit, you stepped into the kitchen and opened the fridge.
a strong figure grabbed you and pinned you up against the counter.
“yeah, no,” luke said softly, his breath warm against your ear.
he then began to take off his sweatpants.
“what the fuck do you think you’re doing?”
“relax, i can borrow some more from cal. we may not be on speaking terms right now but, there’s no way in hell i’m letting you walk out there,” he said, gesturing to the world beyond the door, “wearing that.”
“lighten up, hemmings, it’s just a dress. you don’t own me.”
“but this isn’t you. i don’t- nevermind. have fun with your dress.”
“no, luke, you’re not my brother and you’re definitely not my boyfriend. we’re not even friends, so i don’t understand what your problem is.”
but your words went unheard as he threw the sweatpants at you and slipped out the door.
there’s no way i’m putting those on.
you walked out of the kitchen through the living room, having gained not a glass of water, but rather the sweats currently on your legs. as you headed for the door, you had nothing in mind besides getting home and going to sleep.
you didn’t have to worry about seeing luke, anyways. he had probably found someone to fuck during the short time you’d been contemplating in the kitchen.
“y/n, come have a drink with us,” michael shouted from the other end of the room. with a smile, you walked over and sat in the seat he happily gestured to.
“so i heard turner has you babysitting hemmo, huh? how was that?”
“honestly, there were some up and downs,” you said with a sheepish smile.
“downs? luke got a perfect score in english, didn’t he?”
“yeah, if only he wasn’t such an entitled jerk half of the time.”
“he can be a bit annoying, but he means well, trust me.”
“i guess you’re right, but that doesn’t give him an excuse to be an asshole. i just wish we could’ve actually become friends or something. i don’t know, it might’ve happened if he could get his head out of his ass for one minute. anyways, i should be getting home now. one o’clock curfew.”
the night was coming to an end.
the cool, evening air blew into your face as you swung the door open and stepped onto the front porch. once you reached your car, someone grabbed your hand from behind and pulled you around to face them.
“yeah, okay. i’m annoying. i’m entitled, i’m a jerk. an asshole. did i miss anything, l/n?” he asked, his breath fanning against your face.
you wanted to answer him, but your voice caught in your throat. you fixed your gaze right below his eyes, not wanting to make eye contact and have to look straight at him: that would only make you feel worse.
luke took that as his answer.
you sighed and opened your mouth to finally speak, but you were cut off as he pinned you up against the car and mashed his lips onto yours.
part of you wanted to push him away. and yet, another part wanted him closer; wanted your fingers tangled in his hair and his hands running up and down your body as he held you in his arms.
and that’s exactly what you did.
with a muffled groan, you brought your hands up to meet his soft, blonde curls and you raked your nails through them, tugging until you drew similar moans of pleasure from his sweet lips. he dragged his fingers through your hair, undoing whatever work you’d put into it before. his nails scraped down your back before coming to rest around your waist, right above your tailbone.
you wanted to hate this, god, you should’ve hated this. but you felt nothing near the disgust or loathing you’d held for the boy for the majority of the time you’d known him. all you knew and all you felt was perfection. his hands were warm and you were content, enveloped in the tight grasp he had on you.
kissing luke was like a storm. the rhythm of your hearts sounded like thunder, and the feeling that filled you was like lightning: electric. the way your lips molded together and your bodies fit like puzzle pieces until there was no space between the two of you was magical.
you clutched luke’s collar and held him as close to yourself as you possibly could. he moved his hands up to grab your face and placed both hands on your cheeks. eventually, the two of you separated, but your hands remained in the same places.
“sorry, i really shouldn’t have done that,” you said, finally releasing his collar and taking a step backward, only to run into your car.
“wait, y/n,” he whispered, his voice on the verge of breaking.
"what am i supposed to do now?”
“what do you mean?”
“where does this leave us?”
“i don’t know, luke. how about we just forget about this, okay? i get it, i hate you, you hate me, we don’t like each other. it’s simpler if it just stays that way so i don’t-” you paused.
“so you don’t what?”
“you can’t expect me to go to school like nothing happened. like this didn’t happen,” he said almost angrily, gesturing between the two of you. “you can’t expect me to go back to taunting you and glaring at you to pretend i’m not falling for you. i’m sorry if the time we spent together meant nothing to you, but it meant everything to me. fuck, y/n, i’ve loved you ever since you walked into class and i made fun of your fucking hair and your stupid dress in third grade. don’t you see that?”
“fuck, luke. you did a great job hiding it.”
he paused, and his voice grew quieter, almost meek. 
“i don’t want to hide it anymore, y/n.”
“okay, then let’s start over.”
with a shaky grin, you stuck out your hand.
“hi, my name is y/n. do you want to go out sometime?”
the boy enveloped you in a tight hug and rested his chin on your shoulder. the alcohol from the party was still strong on his breath, but in that moment, he had never seemed more sober. he seemed almost afraid to let go, as if you’d slip away from him the second he loosened his grip.
so he held you tight, and chuckled softly.
“i’d love that.”
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calumsvapor · 5 years
wherever you are: everyone is born with their soulmate’s favorite lyrics tattooed onto the area above their heart. calum’s tattoo, however, is lyrics from a song that doesn’t exist. yet.
midnight: when your teacher asks you to tutor luke hemmings, the boy you’ve loathed and admired for as long as you can remember, things get interesting. interesting meaning: not a lot of studying.
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calumsvapor · 5 years
wherever you are | c.h
word count: 2357
warnings: cursing
pairing(s): calum hood/reader
notes: soulmate au. the povs in this are kind of weird. it’s 2nd person, but you don’t get that good of a view into the reader’s thoughts until near the end. it’s sort of from calum’s point of view but not really. idk just read it lmao :)
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for as long as he could remember, the skin on his chest above his heart was occupied by the small lettering. by the time he entered grade school, calum knew that the letters spelled out the lyrics to his soulmate’s favorite song.
once he entered high school, calum was convinced he didn’t even have a soulmate. surely it was possible for the universe to mess up, or maybe his soulmate died earlier on in their life. all calum knew for certain was that the song the lyrics came from didn’t exist.
despite this fact, he was still amazed by the people all around him, brushing hands with someone they barely knew, locking eyes, and grinning from ear to ear as their markings flashed red before fading into their skin. 
calum wanted to write the songs that people fell in love with. he wanted his lyrics tattooed above the hearts of the people who would bump into their soulmate while rushing through the halls, or while standing in line at a coffee shop. he wanted to write the songs that people listened to on repeat, sitting alone in their bedroom, trying to hear a small piece of their other half in the melody.
the years flew by, and before he knew it, he was writing songs and performing. he and his friends from australia had become more and more popular with each passing month, and their songs were played all over the world. calum’s dreams had come true.
so why did he still feel so empty?
maybe it was because he and the rest of the band were still in the middle of their new album, and he hadn’t completely figured out the lyrics to one of the songs he was writing for it yet.
or maybe it was because everyone around him was meeting and settling down with the people who they knew would complete them for the rest of their lives. even most of his bandmates and crew had someone. michael had crystal. luke had sierra. 
and calum had his guitar and his notebook.
“why do you think you don’t have a soulmate, cal? you’re a great guy and anyone would be lucky to have you.” 
calum sat on his plush leather couch, on the phone with his friend and bandmate, ashton irwin. due to the pair’s single statuses, around 50% of fans were completely convinced they were each other’s soulmates, which wouldn’t be too bad, honestly, besides the fact that his favorite lyrics were most definitely not from an ariana grande song.
“because i’ve googled this one line about a million different times on a million different days, hoping that maybe some singer somewhere just came out with a new song and i’ll finally get a sign that i won’t be alone forever.”
“maybe that just means you have to write it yourself.”
of course. why hadn’t he thought of that before? 
“sorry ash, i have to go write a song. i’ll call you later.”
with a chuckle and an “alright,” ashton ended the call, leaving calum alone with his thoughts. 
after around three hours of sitting alone with his guitar and his notebook, with approximately zero ideas and zero words written on the paper, calum set down his things and decided to find a nearby cafe to take a break. he was in los angeles, after all, and anyone who lived within 20 miles knew there was no shortage of coffee shops.
once calum decided on a fitting store to get his caffeine fix, he ordered his drink and sat down at a small table by the window. instead of pulling out his phone and brainstorming like he expected, calum found himself switching his gaze between the street beyond the window and the barista behind the counter, making his drink. 
hey, just because he doesn’t have a soulmate, doesn’t mean he can’t recognize a pretty girl when he sees one.
eventually, his name was called, and he left the swirling mess of a chasm that was his mind and walked over to the pickup counter. as he was handed his drink, he met eyes with the woman who he’d been observing just moments before. the woman, of course, was you. the cafe was empty, save for calum and yourself, so he had no problem with making small talk - just a little mindless flirting - even if it was simply to kill time. 
“busy day, huh?” he said, a small smirk adorning his features. you let out a shy laugh, and for some reason, calum found himself thinking that if somehow, someway, you turned out to be his soulmate, it wouldn’t be so bad.
“yeah, i’m absolutely swamped. you wouldn’t believe how many people come in for coffee at 2 pm on a tuesday in the middle of a workweek.”
“since you have so much time, why don’t you sit down and have some coffee with me?” calum quipped, the smile on his face never fading.
with a smile and a nod of your head, you maneuvered around the counter and walked over to the table for two calum had previously been sitting at. 
“so, i’m just gonna cut to the chase,” calum started, “what’s your favorite song?”
“if i’m being honest,” you said, pausing, “i would have to say i don’t know. none of the music i’ve heard so far has really spoke to me enough to be considered my favorite song, and on top of that, i’m not really that in touch with current music.”
the bright smile on your face wavered as you met calum’s eyes.
“sorry, i know it’s a really important topic, given how things are, but i just don’t have an answer,” you finished with a sheepish, almost guilty smile.
“don’t even worry about it, it was a dumb question anyway. if it makes you feel any better, my soulmate’s favorite lyric is from a song that doesn’t even exist. just don’t tell the gossip magazines.”
“why would i tell the- oh. you’re famous, aren’t you? i knew i recognized you from somewhere!”
calum laughed a bit at your obliviousness.
“yeah, i’m the bassist for 5 seconds of summer. maybe you’ve heard of us?”
“mhmm! i think i’ve heard a few of your songs. she looks so perfect, right?”
“you really need to catch up on modern music, sweetheart.”
blushing at the nickname, you asked calum for some song recommendations, and you spent the rest of the afternoon discussing anything and everything, right up until customers started getting more frequent at around 4.
“so what days do you work? can i swing by tomorrow around the same time?” calum asked, fiddling almost nervously with his fingers, a stark contrast from his bold and flirtatious behavior from earlier. 
you grinned and nodded happily, then waved goodbye to him as the door swung open then closed again, the bells hanging above it making a pleasant ringing sound.
on his walk home, calum couldn’t stop thinking about you. and yet he couldn’t figure out why. the fact that you didn’t have a favorite song meant nothing. it was just too good to be true. he had lived 23 years of his life, happily believing, no, knowing, that he was soulmate-less. and honestly, he felt it was for the better. he could focus on his music. he could focus on his dream. he was living out his dream right now, and if not having a soulmate was what it took, it was well worth it.
so when he finally got home, calum flopped back down on his couch and scribbled down the lyrics he had memorized by heart before he even turned 13.
he then stared at the paper for a good 30 minutes.
it almost felt like stealing. the lyrics, in theory, were his, and it wasn’t like some other artist had written them into a song yet, so there wouldn’t be any legal issues, but he didn’t really come up with them himself, did he? were they really his to write and record if it was just dumb luck that had tattooed those words onto his chest?
“what do you need, cal?” ashton’s groggy voice sounded from the other end of the phone.
calum had gone about his usual evening routine, then decided to go to bed around 10, since there was nothing left for him to do. but then after 3 hours of laying on his bed and staring up at the ceiling, he decided he needed some help.
“i really don’t know if i should write this song, ash. i have absolutely no ideas for the melody, the lyrics don’t even feel like mine, and honestly i’ve been doing just fine without a soulmate. i don’t really see why that has to change now. not to mention that i just met some girl at a cafe and she’s… i don’t even know.”
“cal, slow down. do you want me to be honest with you? i mean completely and totally honest?”
“you should write the song. and i think the reason you haven’t yet is because you’re scared. you’re scared that even after you finish this fucking song, you still might not find her. you’re scared that this girl you met isn’t gonna be your soulmate, and you’re scared that you’re going to be alone forever, surrounded by everyone that already met their soulmates, and you’re going to feel like complete and utter shit for ever believing that you had a soulmate in the first place. and i think that’s complete bullshit. you can’t just throw away your one chance at finding someone because you’re scared. that’s not how the world works. now goodnight, calum. think about it.”
with that, ashton hung up, leaving calum in the dark of his room, his words playing like a broken record in his head. and even though he hated to admit it, ashton was right. and he’d put this off for far too long already.
after you and calum’s first meeting, you were disappointed to say you didn’t see him again for another two weeks, and by the end of the first, you had accepted the fact that he just wasn’t interested in you once he realized you didn’t have a favorite song. 
which was completely understandable, seeing as once you hit your 20’s, it seemed like people only cared about meeting their soulmates as quickly as possible.
so you could imagine your surprise when, exactly at 1:45 pm, the bells dinged softly and the cafe’s doors swung open, calum emerging from behind them, swinging his phone around like a trophy and smiling wider than you thought possible.
“hey, y/n,” he said, breathless to the point where you almost believed he sprinted all the way there.
“hey, cal,” you replied, matching his elated expression, “what can i get for you?”
“you can sit down with me and listen to this,” calum gasped, still trying to catch his breath. 
“and what’s this?” you asked, motioning to the file pulled up on his phone, his thumb hovering over the play button, and his other hand holding out a pair of headphones for you.
“modern-day music.”
you grabbed the headphones out of his hand, inserting one into your ear and motioning for him to take a seat. once the two of you had been situated at a two-person table, he put the other earbud in and clicked play. 
once the three minutes of the song were over, you took the earbud out and stared at him in awe.
“shut. up.” you said, no hint of a smile on your face.
calum’s gleeful expression dropped to a look of confusion.
“you wrote that?! no fucking way!”
a look of relief passed over calum’s face as he grinned at you once more.
“yep. took me two weeks.”
“so that’s what you’ve been doing while you were too busy to visit me. i can’t say i’m angry.”
the two of you took some time to catch up on everything that had happened since you first met. you’d been coming into work and interviewing at various jobs in your free time, and he had been writing and spending time in the studio recording the demo you’d just heard.
as the pleasant conversation dwindled to an awkward silence, you finally remembered what you were going to say when you’d first heard the song.
“by the way, i think i finally have an answer to your question. that song is and will always be my favorite song.”
“you really mean that? you’re not just saying that to be nice?”
calum honestly couldn’t believe his ears. he may have been living out his dream of making music, but during the past two weeks, he’d learned enough about himself to know that a life with you was his new dream, whether it was as soulmates or just as friends.
“would i lie to you?”
calum smiled at that.
“no, at least i hope not.”
“i especially liked that one line…”
you then proceeded to recite the lyrics written on his chest word for word.
“it’s just amazing how you can write such meaningful and amazing lyrics. i could never do anything like that. i remember once in like 7th grade we had to write a song about the louisiana purchase or something and it was absolutely terrible. i mean we got an A, but that was only because-”
“can i kiss you right now?”
and with that, your rambling was stopped in its tracks.
“you heard me,” calum said, the same smirk on his face as when you first met him.
with that, you leaned across the table, grasped the collar of his t-shirt tightly, and pulled him forwards. calum let out a short gasp of shock at your uncharacteristic boldness.
as the tips of your noses touched together, you felt a strong burning sensation right above your heart. as you looked down, you noticed a red glow, shining through the thin fabric of calum’s shirt. 
calum placed his large, warm hands over your own as you looked straight into his deep brown eyes.
“take me on a date first, cal.”
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