#< is literally at a place that's full of water types and they're weak against electricity
ornithic · 11 months
the hoenn region having a whole section that's mostly water is!!!!!!!!!! RLLY COOL and i just got the ability to dive, which is even cooler, and hearing the song for it and the scuba diver trainers,
i have used more repels than i normally would Though,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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qualxon · 2 years
Kaiju 101
How does Godzilla's atomic breath work?
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Remember that none of this is canon (at least as far as I know) unless explicitly stated. I'm just here to bend reality tbh
Part 1 - What organs make this work?
Godzilla breathes, we know this, we see him do the classic huff at least once every film, therefore we can easily conclude that Goji has lungs and a diaphragm. However, he also has gills which in turn implies that he has some form of filtration system for seawater. I don't know how to explain this in words but I made a diagram to help me (ft. KOTM screenshot)
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Basically, I theorise that Goji has 3 lungs. Two work like regular terrestrial lungs (red), where air is pulled into the chest cavity by the diaphragm and oxygen is filtered through the lungs and into the bloodstream. Simple.
The third lung (blue), however, is used mainly when Goji's doin' his thing in the ocean. Water goes in through his mouth/nose/whatever and over his gills as he's swimming, which then gets pushed into the "water lung" in the same way that air does with his other lungs. Here, the water molecules are sent to the "gut" (teal):
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(tbh literally none of these shapes are accurate, they're mostly just to show roughly where everything is)
The water is still full of salt though. So, the water is sent to the kidneys (pink), where the salt is extracted and sent as straight sodium to a gland next to the oesophagus, where it is stored. Any excess salt is dealt with in a way that we'll discuss later.
The salt-less water now goes to the gut, where the molecules are split into oxygen and hydrogen atoms. This generates a lot of energy and heat, effectively creating a 'nuclear reactor' within Godzilla's gut.
Part 2 - How do we get the flames?
Easy answer: hydrogen is very flammable.
Now, how do we ignite it?
Remember the sodium deposit gland? Well, sodium reacts quite violently with water. So, Godzilla just has to hack up a bit of water from that third lung while he expels hydrogen from his nuclear reactor gut, and boom! The sodium reacts with the water, generating heat which ignites the hydrogen and gives us fire.
As for why the flames are blue? Well, there's a type of radiation that actually glows blue, called Cherenkov radiation!
Part 3 - What if he goes thermonuclear?
Now, it's going to get very hot in his gut as Godzilla uses more and more energy to obtain and use as many hydrogen atoms as he can. If he's not careful, this can quite easily lead to a nuclear meltdown, like this:
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This is where some of that other excess sodium comes in: sodium can be used as a coolant in nuclear power plants to help prevent a meltdown, or at least to lessen the effects. Although, this isn't a foolproof. Hence, one of the other uses of the water lung; in a case of a nuclear meltdown in his gut, the water lung can secrete any unused sea water directly into the gut, providing a second layer of defense against a thermonuclear reaction.
Part 4 - Where do the dorsal plates come in?
Godzilla's dorsal plates are essentially just made of nuclear waste that has cooled and hardened, we've seen this in Godzilla: Aftershock. But there's also the question of how they form in the first place, since a newly-hatched Gojira wouldn't be born with ridges of nuclear waste along their backs - they've never produced the nuclear waste to begin with. So, let's look at what infant Gojira do have (I'll use Ajax as my example).
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Those little bumps along his back essentially act as intentional weak points for when he eventually begins developing his internal reactor and using his atomic breath. The nuclear waste gathers at these weak points and seeps through, causing the formation of the dorsal plates that he has in adulthood.
When Gojira are young, their new dorsal plates are pretty brittle since they either need years upon years of development in order to maintain a sturdy structure or a lot of hardened waste.
In a bit of a side note, I've mentioned before that Fodie can't really use her atomic breath since her dorsal plates are, to put it colloquially, fucked. While they did mend after they got broken, some of them didn't mend properly, causing "leaks" and cracks in the plates if she tried charging up. It's like if you broke your leg as a kid and has a slight gait in your step ever since. It's not a detrimental setback for her, just a bit of an inconvenience at times. She could pull an Aftershock and grow some new dorsal plates, but that takes a whole lot of energy, especially given that she has hardly used her atomic breath or even kicked her reactor into second gear at all.
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saksukei · 4 years
mermaid yeosang au
[plenty of curses lol and also this is hella long ,,,,, so I'm sorry] This was once again inspired by warmau, please check them out! I love their writing.
other mermaid aus; yunho san
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when your friends said you were a dumb fuck you begged to differ but now you just agree
because really– you have proved how low your IQ level is when you went to the beach
It was a cloudy day and it was supposed to rain later on but you and your friends were already at the beach– so you decided you might as well enjoy
you wanted to go for a swim but all your friends refused and said that they preferred to stick to the shallow water
you went in for a swim in the deep water, where the waves form because you go out to swim pretty often ,,,, especially this place
but then it started raining cats and dogs
and the current started becoming stronger
your grade A swimming skills couldn't save you because even as you were trying to swim against the current, the water was just sweeping you away
The only thing you could hear were your friends screaming for the one second you managed to get out and then you were back in
salt water going through your nose
and you felt like this was it
because getting out of the water is impossible and you've heard countless stories of people drowning, never thinking you were going to go be one of them
and this isn't some movie where you get washed up on some shore on an island and find your way back home
and so you just let the water take you with itself
Till you felt a strong grip on your wrist
you couldn't see clearly because the salt water and the sand was hurting your eyes
but you felt something wrap it's arms around you tightly and drag you away with full force
you felt everything fade away as you lost consciousness
you eyes fluttered open and you jolted up
you found yourself on this flat rock on some unknown shoreline?
“oh good– you're up,” you heard someone say from behind you.
You turned around to see a white haired boy, prominent cheek bones, angular face, melanin skin, a weak smile on his lips
and then you noticed–
the huge gash that went from his ankle to almost his knee
“w-what ,,,,, how did this happen? Are you okay?” you asked, worryingly, as you inched closer to him.
“oh I'm a hundred percent fine!” he replied in a sarcastic tone, pointing towards his leg
“rude,” you hissed, as you tore your sleeve, wrapping it around his leg to cover the wound
“please stop– this ,,, it won't help,” he pointed towards the bandage.
“i know it's not great but it'll be worse if I don't do this now,” you answered.
“no you don't understand,” he interrupted, his tone stern.
“what do I not understand? This is one of the things I've been taught to do in case someone gets wounded and this prevents bacterial infection from happening–”
“I'm a mermaid,,,,,,” he confessed.
and you stopped dead in your tracks
“y-youre a ,,,,, what?” you asked him again
“don't tell anyone please,” he grumbled. “I don't want a fanclub”
“oh my god ,,,, you're a mermaid but you're also a dick, congrats!” you replied, clearly annoyed.
and he just rolled his eyes
“why don't you just tell me how I can help because I don't want to be responsible for murder,” you hissed.
Yeosang scoffed and kept thinking of a solution, till an idea popped into his mind, a smile on his face
You could see the light bulb over his head
“well- there are these things we use to heal and keep ourselves strong ,,,,, they're a type of seashell.....”
“oh god– this will be like finding a needle in a haystack,” you sighed.
“no actually the shell is the color of my tail which is emerald green, with white lines and we don't carry these shells with us, but rather– they find us when we are in need,” he explained.
“so can't it just ,,,,,, I don't know pop out of the ocean right into my arms?”
“if that's how it worked, do you think I would have entertained you all that long?”
“fine, you win,” you admitted, gritting your teeth
“dont hit your head on the rocks or drown like you did before–” he jabbered.
“you know ,,,,, I really miss two minutes ago when I didn't know your existence,” you retorted, as you dived into the water, missing the smirk on his face
After several minutes, you found the shell and you swam back to the silver haired boy
“y-you found the shell?” he gulped
“yeah, why do you sound so panicky?” you asked, as you handed it to him, noticing the change in his tone
“nothing,” he scoffed. “I thought your intelligence quotient was so low that you would drown again,”
You only huffed in annoyance as you watched the gash on his leg disappear in an instant
“how did you get hurt anyway?”
“i was trying to save your dumbass from drowning.....”
he stood up and mans was taller than you
“the wound is fixed, the attitude comes right out huh?” you snapped.
“this isn't attitude, this is just–”
“no, you're just a jerk face” you interrupted, getting up.
Before you could utter another word, in one swift motion he grabbed your wrist and pulled you towards him
“first of all, it's not jerk face– it's Kang yeosang and second of all, I didn't have to injure myself just to save your petty ungrateful ass, but I still did.”
“well, god wanted me dead and now you get to find out why,” you managed to choke out, hoping he wouldn't notice how fAST YOUR HEART WAS RACING
He let go of your wrist as he rolled his eyes for the umpteenth time
“do you want to get back home or not?”
“yeah, so that I can forget your existence.”
He mumbled a ‘fine’ and jumped into the water
and you jumped after him
you could see his dark emerald green tail and as it came to the middle part, it become almost white, similar to his hair color
“hold on tight and pray that I don't strangle you,” he wrapped his arms around you and held you close to his chest
I mean ,,,,,, dude was a dick but he looked hELLA FINE AND YALL SEE HIS CHEST??
he swam at literal lightning speed like you were there before you even knew it??
the storm had passed and you could see lifeguards, friends and family on the shoreline
You were in still water, small waves here and there but nothing too strong
“the coast guard is going to come here for another round to search for you–pretend you're unconscious and just let your body float,” he instructed.
“what if I get only farther and farther away from the shore?” you asked and he rolled his eyes
“you need to stop asking me stupid questions ,,,,, and- I'll be here to supervise.”
“okay then um- thank you ,,,, yeosang.”
“you're welcome–” he let go of your body and you let your body float on the water, till you felt a boat near by, eventually taking you out of the water
you eventually pretended to regain consciousness and was happy to be reunited with everyone
you also got scolded by everyone but you felt as if something was missing
sure you didn't like yeosang but he still saved you and you just ,,,,, kinda liked having him around even if he was annoying
I mean he made your heart race and get you all giddy for some ,,,,,, reason
this incident happened a little over a month ago and you spent all your time missing yeosang?? even though you like barely knew him and he was a dick lol
you went back to the beach, without anyone around and just walked along the shoreline till you felt your foot hit something
it was emerald in color?
yeosang's shell??
was he in trouble?
you panicked internally because you hoped he was okay
you picked up the shell and looked around,
but you still couldn't see him
you saw a rather large rock so you decided to swim towards it in hopes of trying to spot him from the top
and you got there but unfortunately the rock was too steep and slippery and so you were trying to find an edge where you could get on top from
unaware that Yeosang was watching you struggle and grinning at your stupidity
“you do realize– I have been looking for that ,,,, every where,” you heard someone say, making your heart race and you ended up bumping into his chest ,,,,, again
“you dick– if you were here ,,,, why couldn't you help me?”
“sorry it was fun watching you struggle–” he smirked
“rude– but I found your shell so- are you okay?” you asked with geniuine concern
He sighed, “oh god- I have to tell you something....”
“you see ,,,,, I had originally sent you on a wild goose chase when I sent you to find my shell–”
“what do you mean?”
“actually no one except the mermaids themselves can find their own shell,” he scratched the back of his head. “unless–” he paused.
“unless they are your significant other....”
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1) HMM- i get along with pretty much everyone & i like my social skills!!
2) im skilled-ish in the arts!! arts meaning both like visual arts, writing, and music
3) im academically strong ayeee we love to see it
4) my ambiverted personality is great in a leadership setting :D
5) i put others before myself & im willing to do whatever for my friends because i love them and they're all super swag HASHFHA
okay now i sound so full of myself BAHAHHAHA- as i should tho ✋🙄
1) i try too hard to get everyone to like me- that means i have little to no personal boundaries </3
3) i literally lack so much common sense and street smarts IT ISNT FUNNY KSAFDJKKL
4) i thrive off of attention but attention also tires me out BAHHAHA
5) i struggle with change & its hard for me to adapt to new surroundings 😩😩
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𝐼 𝑎𝑠𝑠𝑖𝑔𝑛 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑞𝑢𝑖𝑟𝑘 : 𝐺𝑟𝑒𝑒𝑛 𝑡ℎ𝑢𝑚𝑏
you have the ability to manipulate any type of plant as you wish. you can make them grow rapidly into any shape or size, shrink so you can carry some with you all the time, and use them in many different ways.
you can also manipulate wood and use it as a shield or even trap enemies inside of it. in addition you can eat any poisonous plant without harm and have the ability to produce larger amounts of its poison. you also have the power to heal others the same way if you eat a plant with healing properties.
your quirk can be used in many different ways as long as you have enough knowledge to go with it. your power levels also increase depending on the place you’re in (you will be more powerful in a place with good amounts of sunlight and water for example). you are stronger against some opponents but also weaker against other (like fire users). so you have to always keep in mind what tricks does your rival have and use them for your own benefit !
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a/n : ok so since im pretty sure you would be a hero i wanted to give you a power that would go well with that. i hope you like it bestie !!
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