#<- can never decide what tag i want to be its main one ehehe
goodfellowe · 1 year
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Before there was anything- before there was the sun; the stars; or the moon; high in the sky and buzzing bright with something enigmatic as it kept a heavy eye on everything scattered beneath it, there was time. It curled out into the cosmos in inscrutable patterns, carrying lives that had yet to happen and memories yet to be made within shimmering gossamer strings. Anyone would be driven mad by the sight of them. Anyone except Kid Puella.
The Way Time Twists (AO3)
Chapter 17: Caught in Time
Kid's memories blur and blend together.
Art by @nakakabaliw.
68 notes · View notes
prism-rush · 5 years
King of Prism Road to Shiny Seven Stars 2 Main Story translation
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Good Afternoon! The Steamy Hot Spring Tag Battle
Since this is the second event in the Road to SSS series, you may want to read the first one if you haven’t yet:
Road to SSS 1 Main Story
Translators Notes: You also may want to watch episode 39 of Rainbow Live if you haven’t yet. (Even if you’ve never seen Rainbow Live before. Just watch it anyway trust me ahah.) I LOVE this event. Nothing happens in it. Haha no that’s not true. This event actually sets up the plot for the entire Road to SSS series of events. But before and after that it’s just a bunch of connecting scenes of the boys being boys. And that amazing ending!! It’s classic and even funnier than I remembered it being. This event is the kind of filler I could only dream of being able to see in the anime someday. Oh, and rock/paper (without scissors) is a way of making teams. That wasn’t a typo ahah.
(One morning, at the Edel Rose dorm…)
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Leo: *yawn* Huh… it’s not even 5 am yet…? 
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(This keeps happening again and again lately. At first I was happy to think that maybe I’ve become a morning person.) 
But waking up before my alarm goes off every morning has been making me feel tired during the day… Ohh.. And since I haven’t been sleeping well it’s been drying out my skin. 
(Oh! Now that I think of it, I saw a special in a magazine about skin problems! It was called… Chronic Skin Trouble! Beware the Turning Point…) 
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C-Could it be!? No, No… it can’t be… I’m sure… probably… maybe…. 
O-Okay! Since I’m up anyway, I think I’ll go for a walk.
Yukinojo: Oh…? It looks kind of sickly… 
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But I suppose as its caregiver that’s my own fault…
Leo: Yuki-sama! Good morning. You’re up early.
Yukinojo: Leo. Good morning. You too.
Leo: I just woke up on my own for some reason. I haven’t been sleeping well lately…
Yukinojo: I see… Things have been hectic with the new school year. Maybe you built up some stress without realizing it?
Leo: Now that you mention it… I think you may be right, Yuki-sama. Are you tending to your bonsai tree?
Yukinojo: Yes. However, it’s not going too well. But I guess a bonsai can’t be built in a day…
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Leo: ….? 
(I don’t really know what he’s getting at, but Yuki-sama sure seems unhappy.) 
Don’t worry! I’m sure Mr. Bonsai Tree will come to understand how much you care about him.
Yukinojo: Leo… Heheh, thank you.
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Leo: N-No problem. It was nothing.
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Minato: ~ ♪ Yup, almost time for harvest.
Leo: Minato-san! Good morning!
Minato: Saionji? Good morning. You’ve been waking up early recently.
Leo: Yeah, I have. For some reason I just can’t sleep well… *yawn*
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Minato: If that’s the case then I’ll whip you up some black tea with freshly picked herbs! That will wake you right up.
Leo: Wow, this turned into my lucky morning! Thank you so much!
Minato: I’ll start making breakfast as soon as I’m done watering the garden.
Leo: Yay!
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Kakeru: Hmmm… as usual the price of oil is high…. If the price of materials keeps rising it will drive up the price of commodities… Someone has got to do something before it’s too late….
Leo: (Wow…! Kakeru looks so serious when he’s reading the paper in the morning!)
Kakeru: Hm? What is it, Leo-kyun? If you keep staring at me with those pretty doe eyes of yours, you’re gonna make me blush ♪
Leo: Oh, I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to stare!
Kakeru: It’s no biggie. Would you like a glass, Leo-kyun? It’s veggie juice. They say a morning’s dose of vitamin C is good for your skin…
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Leo: I’ll take it!
Kakeru: …Slow down there. Are you feeling a little sleepy? It looks like you’re starting to get bags under your eyes–
Leo: WAH! D… Don’t look…!
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Taiga: …….
Kakeru: Hm? Was that…
Leo & Kakeru: Taiga-kun!? / The delinquent!
Kakeru: He’s always the one who sleeps in the latest. What’s he doing up so early? I smell something fishy….
Leo: And carrying such a big bag with him… He’s not just going out for a walk, is he….
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Taiga: ….. *glances left and right*
*tip toe, tip toe*
Kakeru: Leo-kyun, what are you doing?
Leo: Ah! (I automatically hid myself like I was doing something sneaky!)
Taiga: ….Okay. I’m not forgetting anything am I?
(At around the same time, in the mountains somewhere)
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Louis: Wow, look! All the green scenery is so beautiful!
Alexander: Yo. Louis Kisaragi. I’m gonna take a nap. So wake me up when we get there. Got it?
Louis: Hey, Alec-kun. What kind of a job do we have today again?
Alexander: Whaa? You forgot?
Louis: Eheh. Just kidding. I’m looking forward to the event today.
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Alexander: ….. As usual I have no idea what’s going on in that head of yours.
Staff: Louis-san, Alec-san, we’ve almost arrived!
Alexander: Zzz….
Louis: Alec-kun, time to wake up. We’re getting close.
Alexander: …O.. Oh yeah… Hm? That mountain….
Louis: …Is that steam rising up?
Staff: Yes! This area is famous for hot springs!
Louis: Hot springs….
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Kouji: Are you two ready?
Kazuki: All set! Hiro, don’t forget anything.
Hiro: Wait a sec, Kazuki. Why are you only telling me that.
Kouji: Ahah. It’s a little exciting to think the three of us are actually going on a road trip.
Kazuki: Haha that’s right. And this time we’re headed to…
Hiro: Ohoho. Well let’s get on the road already. To that oh so familiar place… 
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The Rainbow Hot Springs!
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(Back at Edel Rose)
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Taiga: (The waterfall where Kazuki-san did his training… If I go there, then maybe I too…) 
I don’t have much money on hand. But as long as I can stay on the bus for as long as possible I should be able to get there somehow. 
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And I’ll make up the difference with walking. Determinated walking! 
Kazuki-san! You’ll see! Someday I’ll catch up to you.. and then… I’ll overcome you!!
Leo: Hmm hmm hmm….
Kakeru: Leo, what’s wrong? You keep pacing back and forth.
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Leo: There’s gotta be something going on with Taiga-kun! I just know he’s hiding something!
Shin: Kakeru-san, Leo-kun, good morning! *yawn*…
Yu: *yaaawn* Is breakfast ready yet…?
Kakeru: Shh! Be quiet you two!
Shin & Yu: ???
Leo: Could it be that Taiga-kun… is running away from Edel Rose!?
Kakeru: Running away!?
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Shin: WHAAAT!? Taiga-kun is running away!? Since when did that happen!?
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Yu: *yaaaawn* ..... Who’s running away?
Leo: Anyway, we have to stop him!!
(Concerned with Taiga’s suspicious behavior, the group secretly followed him…)
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Yukinojo: A bus terminal… It seems whatever he’s sought out to do, he won’t be sticking around here…
Shin: But it doesn’t look like he’s getting on a bus to Aomori…
Minato: So he’s not going back home then.
Leo: C-Could it be he doesn’t want to be around us anymore…?
Kakeru: No, I doubt that…
Yu: I’m hungryyyy.
Yukinojo: Oh. It looks like he’s getting on a bus for Hida.
Leo: After him! Quickly!!
*sneaky sneaking*
Yu: Hey. If we get on the same bus as him he’s bound to see us.
Shin: W-We have to think fast or we’re gonna miss it!
Yukinojo: Okay then. Let’s use these old newspapers!
Leo: Mask your face!
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Kakeru: Whatever you say… This is starting to get kinda fun.
(A few minutes later)
Taiga: *snoring*
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Minato: He fell right asleep as soon as he got on the bus. It must have been tough getting up so early for him.
Yu: ….. We’re practically right next to him. How is it he still hasn’t noticed….
Kakeru: Out delinquent has got his cat-like “anti-social shield” blocking out the world around him running at full capacity ♪
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Yu: …..
Shin: B-But anyway, it’s a good thing we were able to get away with this without being noticed.
Leo: I wonder how far he’s really planning on going…
Minato: We’ve really been riding for a good while now…
Kakeru: It’s been maybe about five hours.
Yu: I’m starving you guys.
Shin: Where are we headed to? I’ve never seen this place before…
Taiga: *snore* *sn…* …Ah! (Oh crap! I’m gonna miss my stop!)
Leo: Oh, Taiga’s up! He woke up and it looks like he’s getting off the bus!
Shin: This is…
Leo: Rainbow Hot Springs….?
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Yukinojo: Hot springs! How excellent!!
Leo: I guess Taiga’s just coming for a bath….?
Minato: Secretly in the mountains, by himself…?
Bus driver: Everyone off who’s getting off! Door closing…
Yu: Hey hey hey we have to get off the bus too!
Kakeru: Hold up!
Leo: W… Wait for us!
Yukinojo: Leo, stop pushing me–
Minato: Ah, Tachibana now you’re pushing me–
Shin: AHH no we’re falli–!
Everyone: …Ouch….
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Taiga: ….Oh?
Everyone: ……Oh.
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Taiga: What are you guys doing here!?
Leo: Taiga-kun! How terrible of you to abandon us all without saying a word!!
Taiga: WHA!?
Minato: Kougami! If something is troubling you, just talk and we’ll listen!
Kakeru: And if you’re looking for hot springs, I could recommend a way better place than this dump!
Taiga: ….What are you guys even talking about….
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Shin: Um… well… see we were all worried about you running away from home and…
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Taiga: Huh?
Everyone: (Ah, he said it!)
Taiga: Um, guys. I have no particular reason to run away.
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Kakeru: Called it!  
Yu: So it was all Leo’s misunderstanding?
Leo: B… But! Then what were you doing sneaking out so early in the morning?!
Taiga: Uh. About that…
Leo: About what?
Taiga: Well… the truth is… 
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Everyone: …….?
Kakeru: Oh ho! Taiga-kyun is turning red!
Minato: Just like a bright red apple!
Yukinojo: Do you have a fever?
Leo: W-W-Woah! He’s burning up!
Shin: Ahhh! We need to call a doctor!
Taiga: LAY! OFF!!!
Yu: Look, he’s got plenty of energy. So what’s the deal? You must have some sort of reason for coming this far out into the mountains.
Taiga: Yeah. 
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T…. This is the place where Kazuki did his training for the Prism King Cup….
Leo: Wow! So you heard about this place from Kazuki-san?
Taiga: …No, I just heard a rumor about it… So I decided I would try training here too.
Leo: So that’s it… Ahh! But you gave me such a fright! Sorry we all jumped to conclusions….
Taiga: It’s fine… Don’t sweat it.
Leo: But now we’ve all selfishly tagged along behind you and gotten in your way…
Kakeru: Leo-kyun, calm down. What Taiga really meant was “Thanks so much for worrying about me!” So no worries ♪
Taiga: ….Nobody asked you.
Yukinojo: But if you only had told us you were going to a hot spring, I could have brought my personal toiletries….
Kakeru: Yuki-chan, that’s what you’re upset about?
Minato: Well, well. Since we’re all here anyway, how about we all have a dip?
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Yu: As long as we can get some food already!
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Shin: Wow…! This is… 
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A five star hotel?
Yu: It does say that. The sign does. …Just the sign.
Yukinojo: Five… star… hotel…
Minato: The walls have cracks…
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Taiga: ……
Kakeru: Oh my. It seems “Five Star” is just the name….
Leo: Ahah… But it’s kind of a delightfully mysterious place, isn’t it. This is fun.
(Despite their many concerns and various questions, the boys put away their luggage and headed to the hot springs…)
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Minato: Wow… So Kazuki-san did his training way out here, huh?
Kakeru: Ahah. Check out at the seven kappa statues. They’re really funny-looking!
???: Good afternoon, everyone!
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Shin: Huh? That voice…. !? Hiro-san!!
Kazuki: Woah, how’d you end up all the way out here, Taiga? You sure came a long way!
Taiga: KAZUKI-SAN!!!
Kouji: Look time, no see everyone.
Minato: Kouji-san! You too?
Yu: Whaaa!? What are you guys doing here…
Hiro: We came in when we heard some familiar voices. Eheh. How’s the water?
Kakeru: To think we’d run into all three members of Over the Rainbow in a place like this…
Taiga: Kazuki-san, why are you all here?!
Kazuki: Um. Uh yeah, about that…
Taiga: About what…?
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Kazuki: Well, um, the thing is… Kouji and Hiro said they just really really wanted to see the place where I did my training! Ahahah!
Shin: …….
Yukinojo: …….
Leo: …….
Minato: …….. ?
Yu: …….
Taiga: Something’s off….
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Kakeru: (…They’re hiding something.)
Hiro: Oh come on now. Let’s not harp on the details and just enjoy the bath together! …Ahhh… this place is just like I remember it. It hasn’t changed a bit.
Kouji: But we sure have. Things weren’t quite so relaxing the last time we were here.
Hiro: Ahaha… those old times…
Kazuki: Yeah! And to think that the three of us would find ourselves back here again! And that we’d come all the way here by Kouji’s car!
Everyone: Car?!
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Yu: What?! Since when did you have time to get your license?!
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Kouji: The genius songwriter Kouji Mihama doesn’t need to take a driving test more than once. ♪
Yu: Hmph! I could get a license easy-peasy. I could get one right now if I wanted to.
Minato: Oh… I’m sorry. Could it be the three of you actually came here to spend some quality time alone….?
Hiro: Well, that was the plan. But a hot spring with our beloved underclassmen is even more fun!
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Kouji: That’s right. There’s nothing like getting naked to bring everyone closer together!
Kazuki: We haven’t all gotten together like this since Shin and Taiga’s entrance ceremony. Let’s take this opportunity to have a good time together!
Everyone: All right!
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Minato: Phew… That hot spring sure hit the spot.
Leo: There’s rainbow face lotion! “Make your skin shine in seven colors!” What does that do… !?
*clink, clank, clink, clank*
Yukinojo: Oh…!
*clink, clank, clink, clank*
Taiga: ……
Kakeru: Chan-Yuki, that massage chair is sure making some ominous sounds…!
Yukinojo: Hm? Yeah. But it feels so good. I’ll let you use it next.
Kakeru: Thanks, but no thanks. I’ll pass ☆
Yu: *gulp, gulp* ….Ah! There’s nothin’ like milk after a hot bath!
Kazuki: You bet! Fresh, chilled milk from a glass bottle is the best! Taiga, you want some?
Taiga: Okay! *gulp, gulp*
Kazuki: Hey, slow down! If you chug it all in one go you’ll choke!
Shin: Ah, Yu! Hold on a sec, you have kind of a milk mustache going on….
Yu: S.. Stop it! I can take care of it myself!
Kouji/Hiro: *smiling like idiots*
Shin: There, I got it!
Yu: …..Hey. What are you guys looking at?
Hiro: Huh? Kouji did you see something?
Kouji: Nothing, nothing. How about you?
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Yu: Grrrr…. I can’t stand you guys.
Kazuki: ….Oh, it’s almost time. Where’s the remote control… Ah, here it is.
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Shin: …..A press conference?
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Tanaka (on TV): Tanaka.
Shin: Oh! I remember that guy from the Prism King Cup….!
Hiro: Ah, the announcement is finally starting! His opening statement just now  was so gracious and dignified.
Shin: Huh? (What opening statement… was that it…? But I thought all he said was his name…?)
Tanaka: Tanaka!
Over the Rainbow: WHAT?!
Tanaka: Tanaka….!
Kazuki: A street style….
Tanaka: Tanaka.
Hiro: Duo tournament….
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Tanaka: TA-NA-KA!
Kouji: Is about to be held!
Everyone: WHAAAAAAT?!
Shin: How can you tell?!
Hiro: Everyone here’s going to participate, right?
Kazuki: Picking who your duo partner will be is gonna be really important!
Kouji: I wonder who we’ll all end up with.
Everyone: H… Huh….
Taiga: (A street-style duo tournament….) U.. Um… Kazuki-san… who are you gonna partner with…?
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Kazuki: Me? I… uh… *side glance*
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Hiro: Heheh. This sounds fun.
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Kazuki: ….I haven’t decided yet. There’s still a lot to consider before making that decision.
Taiga: …Oh… I see.
Shin: Hiro-san, you’ll partner with Kouji-san right?
Hiro: Me… No, not me. I’m the definitive idol. So street-style is, well… It’s important for me to keep up my image.
Yu: Hah! If you’re scared of the competition, just say so!
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Hiro: ….!!
Shin: I wonder who I could partner with….
Taiga: Hpmh. Well, whoever I end up pairing with, I’ll be aiming to win.
Yu: Don’t forget about me! When I get under those big lights, you’ll all know… the power of Zeus!
Yukinojo: Street-style, huh… (This is a field I never thought my path would cross through. But this may be a good opportunity to break out of my shell.)
Kakeru: It looks like everyone’s rearing for a fight!
Minato: Oh yeah, what about you Kazuo?
Kakeru: ……. Well, it doesn’t really matter much to me. ♪ Oh! What about you, chan-Leo?
Leo: M-me?
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I’d love to join. But I don’t think anyone would stand a chance at winning with a partner like me…
Kouji: There’s still a lot of time to think things over before the tournament.
Hiro: Yes indeed. It’s not like all of us are forced to participate.
Kazuki: …….
TV: And this concludes the announcement by President Tanaka. Next up is the evening news….
Kazuki: Well, since the announcement is over, shall we go?
Kouji: Ah, that’s right.
Taiga: Kazuki-san, go where…?
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Kazuki: Okay, we’re here!
Taiga: This is… the waterfall where Kazuki-san did his training…!
Taiga: …Yikes! Kazuki-san, you actually trained under this ferocious downpour!?
Kouji: Hm? There’s someone there?
Shin: Alexander-kun!?
Kazuki: Ohhh! Look at him go!
Alexander: Wha? That voice… Pfft. Him again. How dare he just appear out of nowhere whenever he feels like it. Well, whatever. Right now I need to keep total concentration.
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Yukinojo: That primitive roar could nearly part the waterfall…
Yu: What an amazing aura…
Kazuki: Alec will be in the duo tournament for sure… Now I’m really looking forward to it.
Leo: (As I thought… Something like that would probably be impossible for me…)
Taiga: Hmph. He’s got nothin’ on me. I’m not gonna lose to the likes of him!
Hiro: …..
Kakeru: Hiro-san?
Hiro: …Eheh. He’s really something else. That Alec.
Kouji: (Hiro…)
Kazuki: ……
Kakeru: Oh?
Minato: S-Sorry, that was me….
Kouji: Hehe. No need to apologize. That’s our signal it’s time for dinner, isn’t it?
Hiro: Indeed. I think it’s about time we headed back to the hotel.
(And so they returned to find a very colorful meal waiting for them…)
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Minato: These are some ingredients I’ve never seen before. What’s this…?
Kouji: Apparently it’s local vegetable from the mountain. It turns a bright, yellow color during cooking.
Minato: Wow…! So that’s its natural color. And the taste… it’s a bit bitter, but it pairs well with the sweet sauce.
Kouji: You’re right! It would be great to try in a western-style dish with olive oil!
Minato: Wow…! And then you could add garlic and chili peppers to make something like aglio e olio…
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Shin: Wow! It’s practically shining! I’ve never seen rainbow colored cooking before!
Yukinojo. Neither have I. So they call this “rainbow fish” I see.
Kakeru: Oooh! And this egg custard is delish!
Leo: And the welcome sweets were so good!
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Taiga: ….. (Is this sashimi… even edible…?)
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Kazuki: *chew chew* Just like I remembered! The food at this place is amazing!
Taiga: ………… *chomp*
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 It… it IS!
Yu: Ack…. (Rainbow-colored steamed fish paste… !?) *slide*
Kouji: Oh? How odd. I thought I already ate the fish paste.
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Yu: Hey, Kouji! If you don’t learn to clean your plate like me you’ll never grow big and strong!
Kouji: …..Oh, is that how it is. In that case I’ll let you have my serving too.
Kazuki: What great food! I’m stuffed! Oh yeah, this place has table tennis, right?
Hiro: You’re full of energy tonight. Okay then, I’ll take you on. Shall we have a tournament?
Kouji: What are you going to give me when I win?
Hiro: Oh what’s this? The genius songwriter Kouji Mihama thinks he’s already won.
Kouji: But you were thinking the same way weren’t you?
Kazuki: Ahaha. You guys never change. What about all of you? Will you join is too?
Taiga: I’m in!!
Leo: I… I’d like to join.
Yu: I’ve only just finished eating so I’ll hang out here to digest.
Hiro: I guess you just have no confidence in winning, then? If you’re scared of the competition you should just say so.
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Yu: WHA……!
Hiro: Well, the appeal of playing table tennis in yukatas after a bath is better understood by adults, isn’t it? I guess you’re a little young…
Yu: Huh… !? Hmph. Well if you really insist on losing to me that badly, I’ll grant your wish. Just don’t cry about it later.
Hiro: Ehehe, you think you can beat me?
Kouji: Hiro, you’re such a kid.
Kazuki: Look who’s talking.
Minato: I’d like to spend a bit more time researching these recipes.
Kakeru: And I think I’d like to just relax after eating such a big meal. So I’ll see you guys later!
Yukinojo: *chew, chew*
Shin: *chew, chew*
Kouji: Shin and Yukinojo are still eating. I think we’ll be fine with six members for table tennis.
(And so the group relocated to the game room.)
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Kazuki: …Hm? They only have one table for table tennis.
Hiro: What should we do? We could make a bracket and play one-on-one.
Kouji: But if we do that then a lot of us will be sitting around waiting… So how about we play 2 on 2 doubles, and the other two can referee?
Kazuki: I agree. Let’s do that.
Kouji: Okay, I think we’re ready then. I’ll explain the rules just in case… Usually you just lob the ball back and forth to each other. But hot springs table tennis is different…
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Yu: …Oh? (What have I gotten myself into.)  
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Kouji: At the perfect opening, when your very fiber of being screams “NOW!” you must seize the moment to return the ping-pong ball… The bond between you and your partner will be the one thing that decides your fate. 
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Kazuki: That was a “rule”?
Yu: In the end, we’re still just hitting the ball back and forth though aren’t we?
Hiro: I guess so. Well it’s not like this is an official tournament or anything. We might as well play along.
Kouji: Well then. I’ll be everyone’s cheerleader.
Yu: Uh, could you not.
Kazuki: Ah, well then, I think I’ll cheer along with Kouji. Okay, Taiga! Show ‘em what you got!
Taiga: Alright!!
Kouji: Let’s make teams with rock/paper. 3, 2, 1….
Kazuki: Oh ho. These teams sure are interesting…
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Yu: Ugh. Whaaat. I’m stuck with Hiro…. ?
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Hiro: I guess you’re probably not ready to defeat me anyway.
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Leo: And I’m with you, Taiga-kun. Okay! Let’s do this!
Taiga: You’re goin’ down!
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Kouji: Okay, let’s get started. Game on!
Yu: Take this! You bow to the name of Zeus!
Hiro: Ah! Yu, don’t take your eyes off the court!
Yu: I don’t need your help!
Leo: (Okay, next turn I’ll..)
Taiga: Ah!
Leo: Eek!
Yu: Hiro!
Hiro: I got this!
Taiga & Leo: …..!!
Kouji: The Hiro/Yu Team are the winners!
Hiro: Thanks! It was all because of you, Yu! (…Yu might actually be a good partner for the duo tournament.)
Yu: Heheh! Yeah you better be grateful! (Being on a team with Hiro was a lot easier than I thought…?)
Kouji: …Heheh. It seems like the two of you may have discovered something new.
Kazuki: Taiga, Leo, don’t sweat it!
Taiga: …….
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Leo: I’m really sorry, Taiga-kun. I…
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Taiga: It’s not your fault.
(Meanwhile, the boys who chose to remain in the banquet room made an interesting discovery of their own…)
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Shin: Hmm? Kakeru-san, what’s this thing?
Kakeru: Oh hoooh! I have had quite the experience with these ♪
Shin: Huh….!?
Kakeru: And this song lineup is giving me goosebumps!
Shin: Songs…? Could it be this is a karaoke machine?
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Kakeru: YES! How nostalgic. This really is a hot springs hotel vacation.
Minato: Oh, oh. And here are the mics.
Kakeru: Thank you Minatocchi! Well, that settles it. We’re having a karaoke tournament!
Yukinojo: Karaoke tournament?
Kakeru: Yes yes. For this tournament the winner is whoever has the most fun! First up I think I’ll sing a duet with Yuki-chan! ♪ Shall I choose the song?
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Yukinojo: Sure. I’ll leave it to you.
(And so began the impromptu karaoke tournament….)
Yukinojo: Yes, for your love~♪ I’d climb a distant mountain~♪
Kakeru: Yes, for your love~♪ I’d cross the deepest sea~♪
Kakeru & Yukinojo: Now… Fate will bind us… ♪
Shin: Wow… Yukinojo-san and Kakeru-san are really good at this!!
Minato: 100%! They got a perfect score!! Kazuo has a real knack for karaoke.
Kakeru: Ahaha. I spend a lot of time around older men.
Yukinojo: I have had similar experiences. I’ve been exposed to a lot of enka music.
Shin: I want to hear more!! Sing me your favorites!!
Yukinojo: Oh, really? In the case I’ll pick the next one.
Kakeru: Okay♪ We’ll keep on romancing the crowd.
Yukinojo & Kakeru: ~~~~♪
Minato: Their duet is really in sync. It really warms the heart… It’s almost like I can see the ol’ homeland floating before my eyes….
Shin: Minato-san?
Minato: Zzz….
Shin: ….He fell asleep sitting up. (Ah. I think I’ll take a bathroom break…)
(Shin leaves.)
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Shin: What a nice night. I think I’ll go for a walk before I head back.
A duo tournament huh? I wonder who I should enter with.
“Shooting”? In a place like this?
Hm. The last time I tried shooting was…
???: Good evening.
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Shin: Yeah it is such a nice eve–W-WOAH Louis?! What are you doing here?!
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Louis: Hi. I had a Schwarz Rose job nearby.
Shin: Oh, I see! Did you come by yourself?
Louis: No. Well I am alone now, but.
Shin: I see….? (He had a Schwarz Rose job… I wonder if Alexander-kun came to do the same job?)
Louis: Shin, you look really good in your yukata.
Shin: Huh–really? Thank you! You look really nice too, Louis!
Louis: Ehehe. I’m so happy.
Shin: Oh yeah, Louis! Let’s try shooting together!
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Louis: Huh?
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Shin: I’m sure it will be super fun!!
Louis: ….Sure.
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Hehe, I feel like I’m burning up.
Shin: Oh?! What’s wrong? Are you getting sick?!
Louis: The opposite. Having you here with me, I’ve never felt better. Thank you.
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Shin: I don’t really know what you mean but…. You’re welcome?
Louis: Hehe. Well, will you teach me how to shoot?
Shin: Ah! Sure! Let’s go then! (I’m from Edel Rose and Louis is from Schwartz Rose.) 
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(But… If only I could do a duo show with Louis, I think it would be really fun.)
(While everyone else was enjoying the hot spring hotel…)
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Leo: …..*sigh* A street-style tournament huh… And a duo tournament… I can’t enter by myself… (In the table tennis match Taiga-kun and I weren’t in sync at all… and never mind that, it’s a street-style tournament. For someone lacking in manliness like me it would be impossible…) 
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(But what does manliness even mean to me anyway–)
Leo: Huh? Where am I… 
(I was so lost in thought I just kept walking without paying attention to where I was going.)
…I ought to get back before I make everyone worry.
Leo: That voice… Yamato-san? (He’s still here training!? Could it be he’s been here all this time…?) He’s got a firm goal in mind, and he’s working so hard for that goal he believes in… 
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Yamato-san is so masculine and cool. 
I’m nothing compared to him, I… I wouldn’t even be worthy of kissing his feet…. *sniff*
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Alexander: ………..What!? Dammit…..! 
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Leo: Huh?
Leo: Huh? Huh? Did he just fall into the waterfall basin… 
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AH! There’s no time to waste! I have to go and save Yamato-san!!
Leo: *gasp* *panting* Heave….. HO!!!
Alexander: ….Ug……
Leo: Phew… Somehow I got him out. 
Is he still breathing…? Okay, he’s good. But his eyes aren’t open yet. 
Yamato-san! Yamato-san, stay with me! Yamato-san!!
Alexander: …Ugh… W… Where am I….?
Leo: Ah! Yamato-san!! Can you see me!?
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Alexander: Huh….? You’re one of those… Edel Rose…..
Everyone: Leo! / Saionji! / Leo-kun!!! / Chan-Leo!!!
Leo: Everyone! What are you doing out here…?
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Yu: That’s our line.
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Yukinojo: We’re out here looking for you because we were worried sick about you, of course!
Leo: *gasp* Yuki-sama….
Kakeru: We heard from the delinquent that you seemed down after the table tennis tournament.
Leo: From Taiga-kun?
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Taiga: …..Sorry…. about what happened… at the table tennis tournament….
Leo: No, I’m the one who should apologize!
Minato: Well anyway, we’re all just so glad you’re safe.
Shin: We’re so glad!!
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Leo: Everyone…
Kouji: By the way, why are the two of you soaking wet?
Leo: Ah! Oh yeah Yamato-san! It was crazy! He fell from the waterfall and–
Hiro: What?! He did?!
Kazuki: …..Wait. Leo, does that mean you–
Leo: Hm?
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Anyway I’m just glad Yamato-san is OK now!
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Kazuki: (Leo carried Alec through that rough current… by himself?!) 
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Haha! Leo, you’re amazing!
Everyone: (….! Leo really saved Alexander all by himself!! Wow!!)
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Alexander: ….Uuh… that laughing voice….. 
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Leo: No, Yamato-san! You need to get some rest!
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Hiro: …… Hehe. I guess nobody can compare to the true Leo. (Things are sure gonna get interesting in the street-style duo tournament…)
(One morning a few days later)
Everyone: Let’s eat! *chew, chew, chew*
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Kakeru: Oh ho? Chan-Leo you seem to be in high spirits today.
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Leo: Eheh. For the first time in a long time I had a full night’s worth of deep sleep! And thanks to the hot springs, my skin is tight, most, and smooth! ♡ (I got myself all worked up over a lot of things along the way, but...) 
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I am gonna be me, the way I am! That’s the best thing to be!
Taiga: (That jerk Alec… He pushed himself to his absolute limit…) I have to train even more!
Kazuki: Taiga, you’re on fire! I won’t lose either!
Hiro: The duo tournament, huh….
Kouji: Hiro?
Yu: Oh what’s this, are you gonna participate after all? Don’t worry, I’ll let you lose gracefully when the time comes.
Hiro: I’m sure you would. But I’m the definitive idol, so…
Yu: Ugh, that again?
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Hiro: (….If I do participate, it would have to be as the true me.)
Continue to Road to SSS 3 Main Story
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