#road to sss event 2
armoredisopod · 1 year
New Main Story PV
New Operators
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Morgan, 5* Welfare Dreadnought Guard
There are also rules to fighting.
Humus, 4* Reaper Guard
Hm? Anything you need help with? Just talk to me.
Cement, 5* Duelist Defender
Doctor, don't stay in the office all the time, come with me to the mines some other day to have a look.
Ines, 6* Agent Vanguard
All you need to know is that i'm not here to threaten your life for now, "Doctor".
Operator Skins Update
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Total of 4 new skins, 3 new additions for the Epoque brand and 1 new addition for the Marthe brand
Harmonie's Invitation
Heidi's A Thousand Correspondences
Horn's To Effloresce Whitely
Skadi's 下一顿午茶 (Next Afternoon Tea)
Skadi's Marthe skin will be up for sale during Stultifera Navis Retrospect
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Announced skin reruns, up for sale during the same time as the new Epoque skins
Series 2 of the Raythean Striker brand skins
Series 2 of the Bloodline of Combat brand skins
Operator Modules Update
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Morgan and Cement being part of branches with modules immediately gets their modules
DRE-X module base effect increases Morgan's ATK to 115% when attacking blocked enemies
HES-X module base effect allows Cement to generate SP slowly when not blocking enemies
Phalanx Caster and Trapmaster Specialist branches gets 1 module type each
Nian and Ceobe gets their second modules
PRO-Y module base effect gives Nian +1 block count
CCR-Y module base effect allows Ceobe to gain 1 SP when her normal attacks hit an elite/boss enemy
Events and Stories
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Episode 12: All Quiet Under the Thunder
The heart of Victoria that had been beating for hundreds of years is no longer intact, and the fragments of Londinium have become an obstacle for the Sarkaz to halt the advancement of the dukes.
The giant ships sailing in the sky brought war, sowed the shadow of death, but also provided a glimmer of life for those who lurk in the dark.
What is a king and what is a subject? In purgatory, they are just living beings trying to redeem themselves.
The road ahead is close at hand, under the iron curtain, what we need may be —a small push.
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Stultifera Navis Retrospect, scheduled after the 2-week Ep12 release event
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Operator Archives update for Morgan, Click, Jaye, Ayerscarpe, Lumen, Leonhardt and Quartz
Record Restore update for A Walk in the Dust
Misc Stuff
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CN voices for Ines, Cement, Humus, Morgan and 6 other operators
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Annihilation 19 - Pausenstraße, annihilation mission with Lingering Echoes mechanics and enemies
SSS New Season #2, Recapture Land - Mama John's Newly Built Plate & Raythean Industries Testing Platform
18 notes · View notes
prism-rush · 5 years
King of Prism Road to Shiny Seven Stars 2 Main Story translation
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Good Afternoon! The Steamy Hot Spring Tag Battle
Since this is the second event in the Road to SSS series, you may want to read the first one if you haven’t yet:
Road to SSS 1 Main Story
Translators Notes: You also may want to watch episode 39 of Rainbow Live if you haven’t yet. (Even if you’ve never seen Rainbow Live before. Just watch it anyway trust me ahah.) I LOVE this event. Nothing happens in it. Haha no that’s not true. This event actually sets up the plot for the entire Road to SSS series of events. But before and after that it’s just a bunch of connecting scenes of the boys being boys. And that amazing ending!! It’s classic and even funnier than I remembered it being. This event is the kind of filler I could only dream of being able to see in the anime someday. Oh, and rock/paper (without scissors) is a way of making teams. That wasn’t a typo ahah.
(One morning, at the Edel Rose dorm…)
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Leo: *yawn* Huh… it’s not even 5 am yet…? 
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(This keeps happening again and again lately. At first I was happy to think that maybe I’ve become a morning person.) 
But waking up before my alarm goes off every morning has been making me feel tired during the day… Ohh.. And since I haven’t been sleeping well it’s been drying out my skin. 
(Oh! Now that I think of it, I saw a special in a magazine about skin problems! It was called… Chronic Skin Trouble! Beware the Turning Point…) 
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C-Could it be!? No, No… it can’t be… I’m sure… probably… maybe…. 
O-Okay! Since I’m up anyway, I think I’ll go for a walk.
Yukinojo: Oh…? It looks kind of sickly… 
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But I suppose as its caregiver that’s my own fault…
Leo: Yuki-sama! Good morning. You’re up early.
Yukinojo: Leo. Good morning. You too.
Leo: I just woke up on my own for some reason. I haven’t been sleeping well lately…
Yukinojo: I see… Things have been hectic with the new school year. Maybe you built up some stress without realizing it?
Leo: Now that you mention it… I think you may be right, Yuki-sama. Are you tending to your bonsai tree?
Yukinojo: Yes. However, it’s not going too well. But I guess a bonsai can’t be built in a day…
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Leo: ….? 
(I don’t really know what he’s getting at, but Yuki-sama sure seems unhappy.) 
Don’t worry! I’m sure Mr. Bonsai Tree will come to understand how much you care about him.
Yukinojo: Leo… Heheh, thank you.
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Leo: N-No problem. It was nothing.
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Minato: ~ ♪ Yup, almost time for harvest.
Leo: Minato-san! Good morning!
Minato: Saionji? Good morning. You’ve been waking up early recently.
Leo: Yeah, I have. For some reason I just can’t sleep well… *yawn*
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Minato: If that’s the case then I’ll whip you up some black tea with freshly picked herbs! That will wake you right up.
Leo: Wow, this turned into my lucky morning! Thank you so much!
Minato: I’ll start making breakfast as soon as I’m done watering the garden.
Leo: Yay!
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Kakeru: Hmmm… as usual the price of oil is high…. If the price of materials keeps rising it will drive up the price of commodities… Someone has got to do something before it’s too late….
Leo: (Wow…! Kakeru looks so serious when he’s reading the paper in the morning!)
Kakeru: Hm? What is it, Leo-kyun? If you keep staring at me with those pretty doe eyes of yours, you’re gonna make me blush ♪
Leo: Oh, I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to stare!
Kakeru: It’s no biggie. Would you like a glass, Leo-kyun? It’s veggie juice. They say a morning’s dose of vitamin C is good for your skin…
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Leo: I’ll take it!
Kakeru: …Slow down there. Are you feeling a little sleepy? It looks like you’re starting to get bags under your eyes–
Leo: WAH! D… Don’t look…!
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Taiga: …….
Kakeru: Hm? Was that…
Leo & Kakeru: Taiga-kun!? / The delinquent!
Kakeru: He’s always the one who sleeps in the latest. What’s he doing up so early? I smell something fishy….
Leo: And carrying such a big bag with him… He’s not just going out for a walk, is he….
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Taiga: ….. *glances left and right*
*tip toe, tip toe*
Kakeru: Leo-kyun, what are you doing?
Leo: Ah! (I automatically hid myself like I was doing something sneaky!)
Taiga: ….Okay. I’m not forgetting anything am I?
(At around the same time, in the mountains somewhere)
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Louis: Wow, look! All the green scenery is so beautiful!
Alexander: Yo. Louis Kisaragi. I’m gonna take a nap. So wake me up when we get there. Got it?
Louis: Hey, Alec-kun. What kind of a job do we have today again?
Alexander: Whaa? You forgot?
Louis: Eheh. Just kidding. I’m looking forward to the event today.
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Alexander: ….. As usual I have no idea what’s going on in that head of yours.
Staff: Louis-san, Alec-san, we’ve almost arrived!
Alexander: Zzz….
Louis: Alec-kun, time to wake up. We’re getting close.
Alexander: …O.. Oh yeah… Hm? That mountain….
Louis: …Is that steam rising up?
Staff: Yes! This area is famous for hot springs!
Louis: Hot springs….
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Kouji: Are you two ready?
Kazuki: All set! Hiro, don’t forget anything.
Hiro: Wait a sec, Kazuki. Why are you only telling me that.
Kouji: Ahah. It’s a little exciting to think the three of us are actually going on a road trip.
Kazuki: Haha that’s right. And this time we’re headed to…
Hiro: Ohoho. Well let’s get on the road already. To that oh so familiar place… 
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The Rainbow Hot Springs!
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(Back at Edel Rose)
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Taiga: (The waterfall where Kazuki-san did his training… If I go there, then maybe I too…) 
I don’t have much money on hand. But as long as I can stay on the bus for as long as possible I should be able to get there somehow. 
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And I’ll make up the difference with walking. Determinated walking! 
Kazuki-san! You’ll see! Someday I’ll catch up to you.. and then… I’ll overcome you!!
Leo: Hmm hmm hmm….
Kakeru: Leo, what’s wrong? You keep pacing back and forth.
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Leo: There’s gotta be something going on with Taiga-kun! I just know he’s hiding something!
Shin: Kakeru-san, Leo-kun, good morning! *yawn*…
Yu: *yaaawn* Is breakfast ready yet…?
Kakeru: Shh! Be quiet you two!
Shin & Yu: ???
Leo: Could it be that Taiga-kun… is running away from Edel Rose!?
Kakeru: Running away!?
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Shin: WHAAAT!? Taiga-kun is running away!? Since when did that happen!?
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Yu: *yaaaawn* ..... Who’s running away?
Leo: Anyway, we have to stop him!!
(Concerned with Taiga’s suspicious behavior, the group secretly followed him…)
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Yukinojo: A bus terminal… It seems whatever he’s sought out to do, he won’t be sticking around here…
Shin: But it doesn’t look like he’s getting on a bus to Aomori…
Minato: So he’s not going back home then.
Leo: C-Could it be he doesn’t want to be around us anymore…?
Kakeru: No, I doubt that…
Yu: I’m hungryyyy.
Yukinojo: Oh. It looks like he’s getting on a bus for Hida.
Leo: After him! Quickly!!
*sneaky sneaking*
Yu: Hey. If we get on the same bus as him he’s bound to see us.
Shin: W-We have to think fast or we’re gonna miss it!
Yukinojo: Okay then. Let’s use these old newspapers!
Leo: Mask your face!
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Kakeru: Whatever you say… This is starting to get kinda fun.
(A few minutes later)
Taiga: *snoring*
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Minato: He fell right asleep as soon as he got on the bus. It must have been tough getting up so early for him.
Yu: ….. We’re practically right next to him. How is it he still hasn’t noticed….
Kakeru: Out delinquent has got his cat-like “anti-social shield” blocking out the world around him running at full capacity ♪
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Yu: …..
Shin: B-But anyway, it’s a good thing we were able to get away with this without being noticed.
Leo: I wonder how far he’s really planning on going…
Minato: We’ve really been riding for a good while now…
Kakeru: It’s been maybe about five hours.
Yu: I’m starving you guys.
Shin: Where are we headed to? I’ve never seen this place before…
Taiga: *snore* *sn…* …Ah! (Oh crap! I’m gonna miss my stop!)
Leo: Oh, Taiga’s up! He woke up and it looks like he’s getting off the bus!
Shin: This is…
Leo: Rainbow Hot Springs….?
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Yukinojo: Hot springs! How excellent!!
Leo: I guess Taiga’s just coming for a bath….?
Minato: Secretly in the mountains, by himself…?
Bus driver: Everyone off who’s getting off! Door closing…
Yu: Hey hey hey we have to get off the bus too!
Kakeru: Hold up!
Leo: W… Wait for us!
Yukinojo: Leo, stop pushing me–
Minato: Ah, Tachibana now you’re pushing me–
Shin: AHH no we’re falli–!
Everyone: …Ouch….
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Taiga: ….Oh?
Everyone: ……Oh.
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Taiga: What are you guys doing here!?
Leo: Taiga-kun! How terrible of you to abandon us all without saying a word!!
Taiga: WHA!?
Minato: Kougami! If something is troubling you, just talk and we’ll listen!
Kakeru: And if you’re looking for hot springs, I could recommend a way better place than this dump!
Taiga: ….What are you guys even talking about….
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Shin: Um… well… see we were all worried about you running away from home and…
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Taiga: Huh?
Everyone: (Ah, he said it!)
Taiga: Um, guys. I have no particular reason to run away.
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Kakeru: Called it!  
Yu: So it was all Leo’s misunderstanding?
Leo: B… But! Then what were you doing sneaking out so early in the morning?!
Taiga: Uh. About that…
Leo: About what?
Taiga: Well… the truth is… 
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Everyone: …….?
Kakeru: Oh ho! Taiga-kyun is turning red!
Minato: Just like a bright red apple!
Yukinojo: Do you have a fever?
Leo: W-W-Woah! He’s burning up!
Shin: Ahhh! We need to call a doctor!
Taiga: LAY! OFF!!!
Yu: Look, he’s got plenty of energy. So what’s the deal? You must have some sort of reason for coming this far out into the mountains.
Taiga: Yeah. 
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T…. This is the place where Kazuki did his training for the Prism King Cup….
Leo: Wow! So you heard about this place from Kazuki-san?
Taiga: …No, I just heard a rumor about it… So I decided I would try training here too.
Leo: So that’s it… Ahh! But you gave me such a fright! Sorry we all jumped to conclusions….
Taiga: It’s fine… Don’t sweat it.
Leo: But now we’ve all selfishly tagged along behind you and gotten in your way…
Kakeru: Leo-kyun, calm down. What Taiga really meant was “Thanks so much for worrying about me!” So no worries ♪
Taiga: ….Nobody asked you.
Yukinojo: But if you only had told us you were going to a hot spring, I could have brought my personal toiletries….
Kakeru: Yuki-chan, that’s what you’re upset about?
Minato: Well, well. Since we’re all here anyway, how about we all have a dip?
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Yu: As long as we can get some food already!
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Shin: Wow…! This is… 
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A five star hotel?
Yu: It does say that. The sign does. …Just the sign.
Yukinojo: Five… star… hotel…
Minato: The walls have cracks…
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Taiga: ……
Kakeru: Oh my. It seems “Five Star” is just the name….
Leo: Ahah… But it’s kind of a delightfully mysterious place, isn’t it. This is fun.
(Despite their many concerns and various questions, the boys put away their luggage and headed to the hot springs…)
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Minato: Wow… So Kazuki-san did his training way out here, huh?
Kakeru: Ahah. Check out at the seven kappa statues. They’re really funny-looking!
???: Good afternoon, everyone!
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Shin: Huh? That voice…. !? Hiro-san!!
Kazuki: Woah, how’d you end up all the way out here, Taiga? You sure came a long way!
Taiga: KAZUKI-SAN!!!
Kouji: Look time, no see everyone.
Minato: Kouji-san! You too?
Yu: Whaaa!? What are you guys doing here…
Hiro: We came in when we heard some familiar voices. Eheh. How’s the water?
Kakeru: To think we’d run into all three members of Over the Rainbow in a place like this…
Taiga: Kazuki-san, why are you all here?!
Kazuki: Um. Uh yeah, about that…
Taiga: About what…?
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Kazuki: Well, um, the thing is… Kouji and Hiro said they just really really wanted to see the place where I did my training! Ahahah!
Shin: …….
Yukinojo: …….
Leo: …….
Minato: …….. ?
Yu: …….
Taiga: Something’s off….
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Kakeru: (…They’re hiding something.)
Hiro: Oh come on now. Let’s not harp on the details and just enjoy the bath together! …Ahhh… this place is just like I remember it. It hasn’t changed a bit.
Kouji: But we sure have. Things weren’t quite so relaxing the last time we were here.
Hiro: Ahaha… those old times…
Kazuki: Yeah! And to think that the three of us would find ourselves back here again! And that we’d come all the way here by Kouji’s car!
Everyone: Car?!
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Yu: What?! Since when did you have time to get your license?!
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Kouji: The genius songwriter Kouji Mihama doesn’t need to take a driving test more than once. ♪
Yu: Hmph! I could get a license easy-peasy. I could get one right now if I wanted to.
Minato: Oh… I’m sorry. Could it be the three of you actually came here to spend some quality time alone….?
Hiro: Well, that was the plan. But a hot spring with our beloved underclassmen is even more fun!
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Kouji: That’s right. There’s nothing like getting naked to bring everyone closer together!
Kazuki: We haven’t all gotten together like this since Shin and Taiga’s entrance ceremony. Let’s take this opportunity to have a good time together!
Everyone: All right!
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Minato: Phew… That hot spring sure hit the spot.
Leo: There’s rainbow face lotion! “Make your skin shine in seven colors!” What does that do… !?
*clink, clank, clink, clank*
Yukinojo: Oh…!
*clink, clank, clink, clank*
Taiga: ……
Kakeru: Chan-Yuki, that massage chair is sure making some ominous sounds…!
Yukinojo: Hm? Yeah. But it feels so good. I’ll let you use it next.
Kakeru: Thanks, but no thanks. I’ll pass ☆
Yu: *gulp, gulp* ….Ah! There’s nothin’ like milk after a hot bath!
Kazuki: You bet! Fresh, chilled milk from a glass bottle is the best! Taiga, you want some?
Taiga: Okay! *gulp, gulp*
Kazuki: Hey, slow down! If you chug it all in one go you’ll choke!
Shin: Ah, Yu! Hold on a sec, you have kind of a milk mustache going on….
Yu: S.. Stop it! I can take care of it myself!
Kouji/Hiro: *smiling like idiots*
Shin: There, I got it!
Yu: …..Hey. What are you guys looking at?
Hiro: Huh? Kouji did you see something?
Kouji: Nothing, nothing. How about you?
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Yu: Grrrr…. I can’t stand you guys.
Kazuki: ….Oh, it’s almost time. Where’s the remote control… Ah, here it is.
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Shin: …..A press conference?
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Tanaka (on TV): Tanaka.
Shin: Oh! I remember that guy from the Prism King Cup….!
Hiro: Ah, the announcement is finally starting! His opening statement just now  was so gracious and dignified.
Shin: Huh? (What opening statement… was that it…? But I thought all he said was his name…?)
Tanaka: Tanaka!
Over the Rainbow: WHAT?!
Tanaka: Tanaka….!
Kazuki: A street style….
Tanaka: Tanaka.
Hiro: Duo tournament….
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Tanaka: TA-NA-KA!
Kouji: Is about to be held!
Everyone: WHAAAAAAT?!
Shin: How can you tell?!
Hiro: Everyone here’s going to participate, right?
Kazuki: Picking who your duo partner will be is gonna be really important!
Kouji: I wonder who we’ll all end up with.
Everyone: H… Huh….
Taiga: (A street-style duo tournament….) U.. Um… Kazuki-san… who are you gonna partner with…?
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Kazuki: Me? I… uh… *side glance*
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Hiro: Heheh. This sounds fun.
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Kazuki: ….I haven’t decided yet. There’s still a lot to consider before making that decision.
Taiga: …Oh… I see.
Shin: Hiro-san, you’ll partner with Kouji-san right?
Hiro: Me… No, not me. I’m the definitive idol. So street-style is, well… It’s important for me to keep up my image.
Yu: Hah! If you’re scared of the competition, just say so!
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Hiro: ….!!
Shin: I wonder who I could partner with….
Taiga: Hpmh. Well, whoever I end up pairing with, I’ll be aiming to win.
Yu: Don’t forget about me! When I get under those big lights, you’ll all know… the power of Zeus!
Yukinojo: Street-style, huh… (This is a field I never thought my path would cross through. But this may be a good opportunity to break out of my shell.)
Kakeru: It looks like everyone’s rearing for a fight!
Minato: Oh yeah, what about you Kazuo?
Kakeru: ……. Well, it doesn’t really matter much to me. ♪ Oh! What about you, chan-Leo?
Leo: M-me?
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I’d love to join. But I don’t think anyone would stand a chance at winning with a partner like me…
Kouji: There’s still a lot of time to think things over before the tournament.
Hiro: Yes indeed. It’s not like all of us are forced to participate.
Kazuki: …….
TV: And this concludes the announcement by President Tanaka. Next up is the evening news….
Kazuki: Well, since the announcement is over, shall we go?
Kouji: Ah, that’s right.
Taiga: Kazuki-san, go where…?
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Kazuki: Okay, we’re here!
Taiga: This is… the waterfall where Kazuki-san did his training…!
Taiga: …Yikes! Kazuki-san, you actually trained under this ferocious downpour!?
Kouji: Hm? There’s someone there?
Shin: Alexander-kun!?
Kazuki: Ohhh! Look at him go!
Alexander: Wha? That voice… Pfft. Him again. How dare he just appear out of nowhere whenever he feels like it. Well, whatever. Right now I need to keep total concentration.
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Yukinojo: That primitive roar could nearly part the waterfall…
Yu: What an amazing aura…
Kazuki: Alec will be in the duo tournament for sure… Now I’m really looking forward to it.
Leo: (As I thought… Something like that would probably be impossible for me…)
Taiga: Hmph. He’s got nothin’ on me. I’m not gonna lose to the likes of him!
Hiro: …..
Kakeru: Hiro-san?
Hiro: …Eheh. He’s really something else. That Alec.
Kouji: (Hiro…)
Kazuki: ……
Kakeru: Oh?
Minato: S-Sorry, that was me….
Kouji: Hehe. No need to apologize. That’s our signal it’s time for dinner, isn’t it?
Hiro: Indeed. I think it’s about time we headed back to the hotel.
(And so they returned to find a very colorful meal waiting for them…)
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Minato: These are some ingredients I’ve never seen before. What’s this…?
Kouji: Apparently it’s local vegetable from the mountain. It turns a bright, yellow color during cooking.
Minato: Wow…! So that’s its natural color. And the taste… it’s a bit bitter, but it pairs well with the sweet sauce.
Kouji: You’re right! It would be great to try in a western-style dish with olive oil!
Minato: Wow…! And then you could add garlic and chili peppers to make something like aglio e olio…
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Shin: Wow! It’s practically shining! I’ve never seen rainbow colored cooking before!
Yukinojo. Neither have I. So they call this “rainbow fish” I see.
Kakeru: Oooh! And this egg custard is delish!
Leo: And the welcome sweets were so good!
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Taiga: ….. (Is this sashimi… even edible…?)
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Kazuki: *chew chew* Just like I remembered! The food at this place is amazing!
Taiga: ………… *chomp*
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 It… it IS!
Yu: Ack…. (Rainbow-colored steamed fish paste… !?) *slide*
Kouji: Oh? How odd. I thought I already ate the fish paste.
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Yu: Hey, Kouji! If you don’t learn to clean your plate like me you’ll never grow big and strong!
Kouji: …..Oh, is that how it is. In that case I’ll let you have my serving too.
Kazuki: What great food! I’m stuffed! Oh yeah, this place has table tennis, right?
Hiro: You’re full of energy tonight. Okay then, I’ll take you on. Shall we have a tournament?
Kouji: What are you going to give me when I win?
Hiro: Oh what’s this? The genius songwriter Kouji Mihama thinks he’s already won.
Kouji: But you were thinking the same way weren’t you?
Kazuki: Ahaha. You guys never change. What about all of you? Will you join is too?
Taiga: I’m in!!
Leo: I… I’d like to join.
Yu: I’ve only just finished eating so I’ll hang out here to digest.
Hiro: I guess you just have no confidence in winning, then? If you’re scared of the competition you should just say so.
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Yu: WHA……!
Hiro: Well, the appeal of playing table tennis in yukatas after a bath is better understood by adults, isn’t it? I guess you’re a little young…
Yu: Huh… !? Hmph. Well if you really insist on losing to me that badly, I’ll grant your wish. Just don’t cry about it later.
Hiro: Ehehe, you think you can beat me?
Kouji: Hiro, you’re such a kid.
Kazuki: Look who’s talking.
Minato: I’d like to spend a bit more time researching these recipes.
Kakeru: And I think I’d like to just relax after eating such a big meal. So I’ll see you guys later!
Yukinojo: *chew, chew*
Shin: *chew, chew*
Kouji: Shin and Yukinojo are still eating. I think we’ll be fine with six members for table tennis.
(And so the group relocated to the game room.)
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Kazuki: …Hm? They only have one table for table tennis.
Hiro: What should we do? We could make a bracket and play one-on-one.
Kouji: But if we do that then a lot of us will be sitting around waiting… So how about we play 2 on 2 doubles, and the other two can referee?
Kazuki: I agree. Let’s do that.
Kouji: Okay, I think we’re ready then. I’ll explain the rules just in case… Usually you just lob the ball back and forth to each other. But hot springs table tennis is different…
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Yu: …Oh? (What have I gotten myself into.)  
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Kouji: At the perfect opening, when your very fiber of being screams “NOW!” you must seize the moment to return the ping-pong ball… The bond between you and your partner will be the one thing that decides your fate. 
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Kazuki: That was a “rule”?
Yu: In the end, we’re still just hitting the ball back and forth though aren’t we?
Hiro: I guess so. Well it’s not like this is an official tournament or anything. We might as well play along.
Kouji: Well then. I’ll be everyone’s cheerleader.
Yu: Uh, could you not.
Kazuki: Ah, well then, I think I’ll cheer along with Kouji. Okay, Taiga! Show ‘em what you got!
Taiga: Alright!!
Kouji: Let’s make teams with rock/paper. 3, 2, 1….
Kazuki: Oh ho. These teams sure are interesting…
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Yu: Ugh. Whaaat. I’m stuck with Hiro…. ?
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Hiro: I guess you’re probably not ready to defeat me anyway.
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Leo: And I’m with you, Taiga-kun. Okay! Let’s do this!
Taiga: You’re goin’ down!
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Kouji: Okay, let’s get started. Game on!
Yu: Take this! You bow to the name of Zeus!
Hiro: Ah! Yu, don’t take your eyes off the court!
Yu: I don’t need your help!
Leo: (Okay, next turn I’ll..)
Taiga: Ah!
Leo: Eek!
Yu: Hiro!
Hiro: I got this!
Taiga & Leo: …..!!
Kouji: The Hiro/Yu Team are the winners!
Hiro: Thanks! It was all because of you, Yu! (…Yu might actually be a good partner for the duo tournament.)
Yu: Heheh! Yeah you better be grateful! (Being on a team with Hiro was a lot easier than I thought…?)
Kouji: …Heheh. It seems like the two of you may have discovered something new.
Kazuki: Taiga, Leo, don’t sweat it!
Taiga: …….
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Leo: I’m really sorry, Taiga-kun. I…
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Taiga: It’s not your fault.
(Meanwhile, the boys who chose to remain in the banquet room made an interesting discovery of their own…)
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Shin: Hmm? Kakeru-san, what’s this thing?
Kakeru: Oh hoooh! I have had quite the experience with these ♪
Shin: Huh….!?
Kakeru: And this song lineup is giving me goosebumps!
Shin: Songs…? Could it be this is a karaoke machine?
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Kakeru: YES! How nostalgic. This really is a hot springs hotel vacation.
Minato: Oh, oh. And here are the mics.
Kakeru: Thank you Minatocchi! Well, that settles it. We’re having a karaoke tournament!
Yukinojo: Karaoke tournament?
Kakeru: Yes yes. For this tournament the winner is whoever has the most fun! First up I think I’ll sing a duet with Yuki-chan! ♪ Shall I choose the song?
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Yukinojo: Sure. I’ll leave it to you.
(And so began the impromptu karaoke tournament….)
Yukinojo: Yes, for your love~♪ I’d climb a distant mountain~♪
Kakeru: Yes, for your love~♪ I’d cross the deepest sea~♪
Kakeru & Yukinojo: Now… Fate will bind us… ♪
Shin: Wow… Yukinojo-san and Kakeru-san are really good at this!!
Minato: 100%! They got a perfect score!! Kazuo has a real knack for karaoke.
Kakeru: Ahaha. I spend a lot of time around older men.
Yukinojo: I have had similar experiences. I’ve been exposed to a lot of enka music.
Shin: I want to hear more!! Sing me your favorites!!
Yukinojo: Oh, really? In the case I’ll pick the next one.
Kakeru: Okay♪ We’ll keep on romancing the crowd.
Yukinojo & Kakeru: ~~~~♪
Minato: Their duet is really in sync. It really warms the heart… It’s almost like I can see the ol’ homeland floating before my eyes….
Shin: Minato-san?
Minato: Zzz….
Shin: ….He fell asleep sitting up. (Ah. I think I’ll take a bathroom break…)
(Shin leaves.)
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Shin: What a nice night. I think I’ll go for a walk before I head back.
A duo tournament huh? I wonder who I should enter with.
“Shooting”? In a place like this?
Hm. The last time I tried shooting was…
???: Good evening.
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Shin: Yeah it is such a nice eve–W-WOAH Louis?! What are you doing here?!
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Louis: Hi. I had a Schwarz Rose job nearby.
Shin: Oh, I see! Did you come by yourself?
Louis: No. Well I am alone now, but.
Shin: I see….? (He had a Schwarz Rose job… I wonder if Alexander-kun came to do the same job?)
Louis: Shin, you look really good in your yukata.
Shin: Huh–really? Thank you! You look really nice too, Louis!
Louis: Ehehe. I’m so happy.
Shin: Oh yeah, Louis! Let’s try shooting together!
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Louis: Huh?
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Shin: I’m sure it will be super fun!!
Louis: ….Sure.
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Hehe, I feel like I’m burning up.
Shin: Oh?! What’s wrong? Are you getting sick?!
Louis: The opposite. Having you here with me, I’ve never felt better. Thank you.
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Shin: I don’t really know what you mean but…. You’re welcome?
Louis: Hehe. Well, will you teach me how to shoot?
Shin: Ah! Sure! Let’s go then! (I’m from Edel Rose and Louis is from Schwartz Rose.) 
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(But… If only I could do a duo show with Louis, I think it would be really fun.)
(While everyone else was enjoying the hot spring hotel…)
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Leo: …..*sigh* A street-style tournament huh… And a duo tournament… I can’t enter by myself… (In the table tennis match Taiga-kun and I weren’t in sync at all… and never mind that, it’s a street-style tournament. For someone lacking in manliness like me it would be impossible…) 
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(But what does manliness even mean to me anyway–)
Leo: Huh? Where am I… 
(I was so lost in thought I just kept walking without paying attention to where I was going.)
…I ought to get back before I make everyone worry.
Leo: That voice… Yamato-san? (He’s still here training!? Could it be he’s been here all this time…?) He’s got a firm goal in mind, and he’s working so hard for that goal he believes in… 
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Yamato-san is so masculine and cool. 
I’m nothing compared to him, I… I wouldn’t even be worthy of kissing his feet…. *sniff*
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Alexander: ………..What!? Dammit…..! 
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Leo: Huh?
Leo: Huh? Huh? Did he just fall into the waterfall basin… 
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AH! There’s no time to waste! I have to go and save Yamato-san!!
Leo: *gasp* *panting* Heave….. HO!!!
Alexander: ….Ug……
Leo: Phew… Somehow I got him out. 
Is he still breathing…? Okay, he’s good. But his eyes aren’t open yet. 
Yamato-san! Yamato-san, stay with me! Yamato-san!!
Alexander: …Ugh… W… Where am I….?
Leo: Ah! Yamato-san!! Can you see me!?
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Alexander: Huh….? You’re one of those… Edel Rose…..
Everyone: Leo! / Saionji! / Leo-kun!!! / Chan-Leo!!!
Leo: Everyone! What are you doing out here…?
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Yu: That’s our line.
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Yukinojo: We’re out here looking for you because we were worried sick about you, of course!
Leo: *gasp* Yuki-sama….
Kakeru: We heard from the delinquent that you seemed down after the table tennis tournament.
Leo: From Taiga-kun?
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Taiga: …..Sorry…. about what happened… at the table tennis tournament….
Leo: No, I’m the one who should apologize!
Minato: Well anyway, we’re all just so glad you’re safe.
Shin: We’re so glad!!
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Leo: Everyone…
Kouji: By the way, why are the two of you soaking wet?
Leo: Ah! Oh yeah Yamato-san! It was crazy! He fell from the waterfall and–
Hiro: What?! He did?!
Kazuki: …..Wait. Leo, does that mean you–
Leo: Hm?
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Anyway I’m just glad Yamato-san is OK now!
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Kazuki: (Leo carried Alec through that rough current… by himself?!) 
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Haha! Leo, you’re amazing!
Everyone: (….! Leo really saved Alexander all by himself!! Wow!!)
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Alexander: ….Uuh… that laughing voice….. 
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Leo: No, Yamato-san! You need to get some rest!
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Hiro: …… Hehe. I guess nobody can compare to the true Leo. (Things are sure gonna get interesting in the street-style duo tournament…)
(One morning a few days later)
Everyone: Let’s eat! *chew, chew, chew*
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Kakeru: Oh ho? Chan-Leo you seem to be in high spirits today.
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Leo: Eheh. For the first time in a long time I had a full night’s worth of deep sleep! And thanks to the hot springs, my skin is tight, most, and smooth! ♡ (I got myself all worked up over a lot of things along the way, but...) 
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I am gonna be me, the way I am! That’s the best thing to be!
Taiga: (That jerk Alec… He pushed himself to his absolute limit…) I have to train even more!
Kazuki: Taiga, you’re on fire! I won’t lose either!
Hiro: The duo tournament, huh….
Kouji: Hiro?
Yu: Oh what’s this, are you gonna participate after all? Don’t worry, I’ll let you lose gracefully when the time comes.
Hiro: I’m sure you would. But I’m the definitive idol, so…
Yu: Ugh, that again?
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Hiro: (….If I do participate, it would have to be as the true me.)
Continue to Road to SSS 3 Main Story
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scarletlion94 · 5 years
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The detective duo hat is back!!! I knew it looked familiar haha 😂
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lunawings · 4 years
My history with King of Prism and worries for the future
Poor Nikkanen. They made us wait TWO YEARS for the release of the full version of his ONLY song. I don’t think Prism Rush was supposed to end when it did, and the unreleased songs are more or less proof of that. (I mean what were they saving them for? I doubt the “Best Of” collection was what they originally had in mind.) I had always assumed that some time after SSS ended we’d start getting new songs on Prism Rush again and get another Prism Rush compilation CD. But that did not happen. 
Did SSS not do well? I mean... having been in a sold-out theater many a time I had assumed that it did quite well. But maybe the TV ratings and/or DVD sales weren’t what they should have been. (Then again, if we’re just talking about Prism Rush, it wouldn’t matter how well SSS did or didn’t do if people didn’t spend enough money on the app to warrant releasing new songs for it.) 
But that aside... it is a bit concerning to not only have Prism Rush ending, but over a year after SSS, to have nothing on the horizon in the future except for some “Best Of” discs... Maybe they’ll announce something at the Zoom show? Maybe they won’t. 
It may be too early to start mourning the King of Prism series as a whole, but...
But I can’t help but feel myself starting to mourn at least my own future with it.  With no new Prism Rush content and without ability to go to in-person cheering shows, I... I just I... I feel like I may find it hard to keep as passionate as I have been in the past. And to make matters worse, I’m not going to be able to work on my translations as much as before either. When I was translating 2-3 events a month on my Prism Rush translation blog, I had no job and then like... half a job. To make a long story short recently that first job not only got upgraded to full time, but I got another job as well. So now I have a job and a half and... a lot less free time. 
For a long time my main fandom has been split something like 49%/51% Love Live/King of Prism, but with the constant stream of accessible new Love Live content and lack of much of anything King of Prism I think that percentage will soon change...
And so, while feeling emotional about all this, I started mentally revisiting my favorite moments from my time in the King of Prism fandom. (It’s all stuff I’ve talked about before, but if you’d like me to dig up the post or explain the details, do let me know...)
(In somewhat chronological order-ish)
*Stepping out of Toho Cinemas and into the Bay City Nagoya Mall in early January 2016 not knowing how to process what had just happened. I’d heard people talk about how exiting to the parking lot after seeing Star Wars the first time in the 1970s was a bizarre experience. They didn’t know how to tell people the world was different now. I thought to myself that this was probably the same feeling. How could I tell people the world was sparkling now?
*Three weeks and three showings later, realizing I did not want to trade after I opened up my Shin filmstrip bonus. “I think I like him.” 
*Hanging up said filmstrip and my other original theater bonuses on the wall of my apartment. “King of Prism won’t be in theaters much longer”, I thought to myself. “It was fun while it lasted.”
*The radiance exploding from me as I talked to OTHER PEOPLE who had seen King of Prism for the fIRsT tIME (a thing that did not happen for several months). 
*Tokyo cheering shows back in the heyday. Looking around a giant, screaming, sold-out theater in Ikebukuro after many months had passed and realizing I was a part of something much bigger than I had realized. 
*The first Animate Cafe in Kyoto. Everyone gleefully answering “Naaaani” while listening to the explanation of how the cafe worked. The miracle of getting my first, and still favorite, cafe Shin badge.
*Screaming at the Over the Rainbow event live viewing when they announced Pride the Hero. We did it. We really did it. We were actually getting the sequel I once thought was impossible.
*The midnight showing of Pride the Hero. People crying before it even started and the thunderous applause after it finished that I thought would never end. (People in Japan usually never clap after movies.) 
*Music Ready Sparking. (The first concert.) The feeling of seeing SePTENTRION (long before they were called that) rising up to the stage to perform live for the first time. 
*The realization that I knew all the words to Dramatic Love, despite having never sang it before. (The instrumental began during the credits at the concert and we all... just... started singing. Japanese fandoms usually never sing at concerts unless directed to.) This is probably still my favorite moment of all time in the King of Prism fandom.
*The announcement of the Prism Rush app and the golden age of the game. Biting my nails with anticipation over what would happen next in the White Day event.
*Screaming in the theater during the Rose Party 2018 event live viewing when they announced SSS. We did it. We REALLY did it this time. We got an actual anime. We reached the mainstream.
*The adventure that was reading Road to SSS for the first time on Prism Rush and trying to predict what all the duos would be only to be blindsided by completely new characters. Going from “the heck are these guys” to “MY SONS” regarding the Amamoto twins over the course of about an hour.  
*Listening to everyone (not so) silently laughing, screaming, crying, and otherwise sUfFeRiNg during the non-cheering midnight premiere of SSS Part 1 and realizing I had never felt so emotionally connected to any such other large group of complete strangers before. 
*Going from the Nagoya premiere straight to the SSS greeting show in Tokyo where Junta Terashima looked at me... maybe. (I’d like to think he did.)
*When the OP played for the first time during our very first SSS livestream on Rabbit and seeing y’all just typing “AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA” into the chat.
*In Tokyo, walking out of KFC in the POURING rain and stumbling upon SePTENTRION’s shopping street despite having completely missed it the first time. IT WAS REAL. 
*Glancing over at my TV screen during our very last SSS livestream on Rabbit and having the color drain from my face when I saw Shin in his Daisuki Refrain outfit (which was not shown in theaters) for the very first time two minutes before you guys in the chat would see it, and having no idea how to contain this emotion. 
*Clicking to another tab after our last SSS livestream to type my commentary post and then clicking back to see you guys collectively making the Wiki page for SePTENTRION on Rabbit.
*Prism dolphin show.
*The CLOUD of real (fake) money flying through the air during Kakeru’s prism show on the during all-night Prism Shower showing of SSS. (Also people offering to pay for young Alexander to go to the Prism King Cup.)
*The miracle moment when I finally got the livestream for the Rose Party 2019 on Stage to work on Kast despite a typhoon and an earthquake. THE PRISM SPARKLE PREVAILED. Dangerously walking back to my hostel in said typhoon and sleeping for about an hour and not even caring because I was convinced more than ever that the prism sparkle is real.  
*Seeing Shota Aoi live for the first time, realizing I was looking at a literal angel, and not knowing how to contain this emotion. 
*The chills during an orchestral Dramatic Love.
*A very overdue performance by my favorite boy during the Best Ten movie. It was worth the wait. Feeling I may actually be able to leave Japan with no regrets thanks to Daisuki Refrain.
*The Best Ten greeting show in Nagoya where Masashi Igarashi jumped an original Nagoya-themed prism jump. 
*Finally telling Junta Terashima and Masashi Igarashi my feelings in the letters I spent days writing to put in their present boxes at the SSS live. 
*Dropping all my luggage when I stumbled upon the very place, the very scaffolding under which Minato met Kouji for the first time in Shizuoka. IT WAS REAL.
*Masashi Igarashi waved to me at the end of the 2nd performance of the SSS live... maybe. (I’d like to think he did.) 
*Hearing the “Naaaani” response to anything ringing through the Makuhari Messe hall before the SSS live and just thinking about how far we’ve come as a fandom and yet how much has stayed the same. 
Like I mentioned earlier, I had a moment in early 2016 when I hung up all the King of Prism stuff I had on my wall and thought “It was fun while it lasted.” 
It looked like this:
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Nowadays I have two FULL photo albums filled with concert tickets, theater bonuses, post cards, coasters, stickers... (Not to mention an entire drawer filled with my collection of Shin merch.)
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Everything inside is a memory of some event I went to, something I ate at a cafe, some kind of experience I had such as the ones I talked about in this post... It’s always been pretty disorganized because I was constantly getting new things all the time.
But now that I have no idea when (...or if) it will be added to, I can finally take it all out and organize it by character or something. 
But I’ve been avoiding it. 
Because I know when I do, there will probably be a moment where I close the cover and think to myself “It was fun while it lasted.”
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About  the BTS exhibitions
Butterfly Dream
Butterfly Dream, subtitled BTS open media exhibition, is Bangtan’s first exhibition. It was announced on the 19 November 2015 with a poster and video teasers:
Instagram: SUGA, Jin, j-hope, V, Jung Kook, RM, Jimin
Facebook: SUGA, Jin, j-hope, V, Jung Kook, RM, Jimin
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Those invitations from the boys contained details about the event:
SUGA: SSS.22.61
At Place SAI - Seongsu-dong, Seoul, road 22 number 61
Jin: 4 and 2
In Korean, 4 is 사 (Sa) and 2 is 이 (i). 사이 is the name of the building
j-hope: 11ato9p
From 11am to 9pm
V: youth
The theme of the exhibition
Jung Kook: 12011208
Between December 1st and December 8th
RM: Butterfly
Jimin: DREAM
Butterfly Dream is the title
This information was confirmed in the second poster.
The exhibition was also shown in “BTS Docent LIVE SHOW” (Vehind) in which we see the boys present to us the different sections.
Butterfly, dream, and the concept of the butterfly dream were heavily used during The Most Beautiful Moment in Life series.
24/7=Serendipity (오,늘)
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Official Instagram
B-sides released for the 2023 Festa
Attempt of an English translation of the exhibition book
The names for BTS’ second exhibition are wordplays. The Korean title is 오,늘. While 오늘 means today, 오 means five and 늘 means always. The comma between the two signs allows all the meanings to be considered. Concerning the international title, 24/7=Serendipity, it’s a combination of two BTS songs: “24/7=Heaven” from Dark & Wild and “Serendipity” from Love Yourself 承 Her. The concept of the exhibition is also based on a song, “Whalien 52″ from The Most Beautiful Moment in Life pt.2.
The theme of this exhibition this time is to revisit everything BTS accomplished since debut and to look forward to the future. Thus the subtitle “The past and the future connect today”.
The boys visited the exhibition on the 31st of August:
VLive (now reposted on Weverse): 방탄의 오, 늘 Live (Bangtan’s today live)
[BANGTAN BOMB] Enjoy the BTS EXHIBITION '24/7=Serendipity'
Tweets: RM pt.1, RM pt.2, Jin, J-Hope, V, Jungkook. RM and Jimin also posted some during RM’s birthday (x, x, x)
And now some trivia:
The drawing of Mickey j-hope made on his golden record is based on this tweet.
The Bangtan Room was originally the studio in which BTS worked in Big Hit’s first office. You can see it in the video Let’s introduce Bangtan Room.
@GetOnSwag identified SUGA’s figure, its exact name is Darth Vader Companion, it was created by Kaws
The handwritten poems on the transparent paper are actually the ones BTS wrote in episode 56 of Run BTS!
The gas mask Jung Kook designed for “I NEED U” features the birth flowers of all the members (src).
We see Jung Kook reproducing the painting from BEGIN in the BOMB “Concentrating on drawing JK”.
A worldwide exhibition organized by the boys and featuring several contemporary artists. See this post for more details.
A virtual exhibition held during the 2020 pandemic, in parallel to the MAP OF THE SOUL ON:E online concert. It consisted of a virtuel space in which you could move and observe a variety of pictures. For more details, see this post.
Dedicated to all the Hybe artist, the exhibition featured a large amount of BTS-related content, notably a massive trophy shelf and a map of Songju, the fictional city where the BU is set.
Part of the exhibition, namely the James Dean’s portraits of the BTS members, was exported in other countries, like in Deutschland in the city of Frankfurt (thread from a visitor).
Official Teaser
Official Instagram
Weverse magazine: “BTS and ARMY’s nine-year Journey of Proof”
RM's Visit to 2022 BTS EXHIBITION : Proof in Seoul
j-hope’s Visit to 2022 BTS EXHIBITION : Proof in Tokyo
Tweet commemorating SUGA’s visit in LA
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mderakaidee · 5 years
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🏡🏡🏡🏡🏡สาระจากอาจารย์พรเทพภาค1 / 🏡🏡🏡🏡🏡🏡🏡🏡🏡🏡Date: Sat 20 Feb 2016. Host: ERA Franchise (Thailand) Company Limited, by K. Voradet Sivatachanon, Founder and CEO. Co-host: Paul Narula Academy. Event: 'CE SSS' Champion Entrepreneur : Superpower Selling Skills, In-house training program for ERA Franchise (Thailand) Company Limited. Chief Executive Trainer: 'Paul' Pornthep SriNarula. Venue: S C Park Hotel, Ekamai-raminthra Road, Bangkok, Thailand // ⛪⛪⛪⛪⛪⛪⛪⛪⛪🗼1/ การซื้อ คือ อีโมชั้น หรืออารมณ์นี้เอง อย่าบอกเลยว่า อีโมชั้น 90% แต่มันต้อง อีโมชั้น 100 % มากกว่า ยกตัวอย่างเช่นของขายเหมือนกันของนักขายสองคน ให้เวลาสาธิตเหมือน ๆกัน ของก็ชนิดเดียวกัน แต่ต่างกันที่ถ่วงท่าลีลาการขายที่ติดตัวมาตั้งแต่เกิดของแต่ละคนจะไม่เหมือนกัน ท่าทางมือ การคิด การพูด การแต่งกายที่เห็นแรกพบ การตอบโต้คำถามกับลูกค้าต่างๆ ความสุภาพอ่อนน้อม ความชัดเจนในสาระระหว่างพูดคุย ฯลฯ มักจะปรากฏให้เห็นว่า ลูกค้ามักจะซื้อสินค้าที่เหมือนกันกับอีกคนที่ตนเห็นว่าอุ่นใจที่จะคุยกว่า คุยแล้วรู้สึกตนเองชอบพอกว่า เห็นท่าทางเค้าแล้วดูเหมือนเป็นมืออาชีพกว่า การแต่งกายของเค้าโดนใจกว่า หรือมีอะไรบางอย่างที่มันตรงใจตนเองเลยทำให้รู้สึกชอบ ชอบ ชอบ และก็ชอบ ดังนั้นมันคือ อารมณ์ อารมณ์ และก็อารมณ์นั้นเอง อีกตัวอย่างหนึ่ง ถ้าสินค้าหรือทรัพย์มีค่าเป็นพันๆ ล้านล่ะ อาจารย์ก็ขอตอบเหมือน ๆกันว่า อารมณ์ก่อน จะเป็นตัวตัดสินใจ เพราะถ้าไม่ชอบแล้วจะซื้อทำไม ถ้าซื้อในสิ่งที่ไม่ชอบแล้วเราจะรักที่จะทำงานหรือสานงานต่อในทรัพย์นั้นๆ ไหม ถึงทรัพย์สินมีค่าพันล้านๆ เหมือนกัน สองชิ้นให้ผลตอบแทนเหมือนๆ กัน ค่าตอบแทนต่อรายปีเหมือนๆ กัน ไม่แตกต่างกันทุกอย่าง มาเปรียบเทียบกัน และสุดท้ายต้องถึงเวลาต้องเลือกจริงๆ ก็ต้องให้โอกาส "อารมณ์" ไง ในการตัดสินใจในใจเราทุกที จริงไหม ดั่งนั้น การซื้อคือ อีโมชั้น 100 % (Logic ใช้สำหรับเปิดใจลูกค้า แต่ Emotion จะเป็นตัวเปิด สมุดเช็คลูกค้า) 🔧🔧🔧🔧🔧🔧🔧🔧🔧🔧🔧🔧2/การขาย คือ การถ่ายทอดประสบการณ์ความตื่นเต้นในสินค้าหรือทรัพย์นั้นๆ ส่งต่อไปยังลูกค้าผู้มุ่งหวัง เป็นทฤษฏีสามารถปฏิบัติและทำซ้ำๆ จนชินได้ การขายสามารถออกเป็นหลักสูตรตำราได้อย่างชัดเจน การขายเป็นวิทยาศาสตร์มีเหตุมีผลพิสูจน์ได้ แต่การขายจะแตกต่างกันที่ศิลปะของแต่ล่ะคนที่จะถ่ายทอด เป็นดั่งศิลปินหรือนักมายากลที่ร่ายมนต์การขายทางคำพูดและท่าทาง เป็นลีลาขอ���ตนเองที่แตกต่างกัน สมมุติตัวอย่างให https://www.instagram.com/p/BxPmFezgEvT/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1rwc51yg850ia
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dwscmt · 5 years
January Meeting Recap
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Hi Downtown and Wooster Square Community,
Thank you to everyone who was able to attend our January DWSCMT meeting! Below are the minutes from the meeting.
We hope to see you at our next meeting on February 19th at 6pm in City Hall, Meeting Room #2.
A few additional notes to the minutes:
Economic Development Survey: As a part of their presentation, Economic Development and City Plan created a survey about the Development Process. Fill out survey and send back to Economic Development or bring to next meeting to discuss.See survey here.
Point in Time Count: The CT The Point in Time Count (PIT) 2019 is next week - this is the one day of the year that we have an unduplicated count of sheltered and unsheltered individuals and families. This one day count informs how we utilize services and it influences how we request and gain access to much needed resources on the state and federal level. The Greater New Haven area will be completing the PIT Count this year on January 23, 2019 from 4:00am-7:00am. If you are interested in joining us this year please visit the CCEH website and sign up! Thank you Jim Pettinelli of Liberty Community Services, Inc. for providing this helpful information!
Speed Sign on Olive Street News: Two “Your Speed Is…” street signs have been approved for intersections at Olive and Green Street, and Chapel and DePalma Court. They will be installed soon. Learn more here.
The Storehouse Project: The Storehouse Project has applied for CBDG funding for their Mobile Food Pantry. The Mobile Food Pantry has a site at Gateway. They are looking for letters of support from individuals. Learn more about the project and how to provide letters of support here.
DWSCMT Summer Movie: It's time for City of New Haven Parks & Recreation to start planning their annual summer movie series! Each of the 12 Management Team areas will have a Friday night showing of a popular movie which will be selected by popular vote in March. The DWSCMT Executive Board would love your input on when and where the Downtown-Wooster Square movie should happen! Fill out the survey here.
General Updates
DWSCMT Meeting Time: The DWSCMT monthly meeting has official been extended from 6 pm to 7:30, with the last half hour for Economic Development updates, and at times, presentations from developers.
Civilian Review Board: The Board of Alders passed a Civilian Review Board ordinance last week. The Management Teams play a role in recommending representatives from the district to serve on the Civilian Review Board — to then be nominated by the Mayor and confirmed by majority vote by the Alders. It’s important to the DWSCMT Executive Board that the process of recommending CRB members is transparent, fair, and representative of the diversity of Downtown and Wooster Square. We are going to be exploring best practices around what this process could look like and would love input from multiple perspectives. More updates to come.
New Haven Police Department
Crime reduction down by double digits in 2018, specifically violent crime
Recent increase in commercial burglaries, Sgt. Maher has been working to investigate but they have since been reduced to zero this week
Green initiative is still ongoing to address quality of life issues – officers on beat 7 days a week
Full time radio car is coming to Wooster Square to address recent property crime issues
Town Green
Night Market in December was a success, looking to do another event in Spring/Summer so it will be held twice a year in the future.
2020 budget planning is currently happening for next year’s events
Flights of Fancy taking place on January 24 – shop, sip, and taste at over two dozen local shops and restaurants
Beginning a window display program for empty storefronts – looking for artists, partners on supplies, property owner sponsors. Contact [email protected]
New Haven Free Public Library
Free Tax Prep being offered Jan. 29
Grow with Google program Feb. 13,  9 – 4:30: representatives from Google will be holding workshops at the library
Women in Stem programming, youth events, Democracy in Crisis conversation with New Haven Scholars
Yale is planning a number of events to celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. Day, please check their website for more info.
One event includes: Yale University’s 2019 MLK Commemoration on Wednesday,January 23. With a theme of “Think Globally, Act Locally,” this event will feature community organizers who honor King’s life and legacy through their daily work towards social justice from the intersection of activism, art, faith, and healing. Moderated by Hanifa Nayo Washington (Communications & Participant Engagement Coordinator for Co-Creating Effective & Inclusive Organizations), this dynamic panel discussion will feature: (1) Barbara Fair, social worker and social justice activist; (2) Kerry Ellington, Community & Economic Development Organizer, New Haven Legal Assistance Association; (3) Aaron Jafferis, Founding Artistic Director, The Word New Haven; and (4) Mikveh Warshaw YSN ’17, psychiatric nurse practitioner and founding member of Mending Minyan. The event will be held at Sheffield-Sterling-Strathcona Auditorium (SSS 114), which is located at 1 Prospect Street at the corner of Grove Street. Doors will open at 5:30p.
Alder Catalbasoglu
Yale students have returned to campus
On Wednesday, January 16 the Education Committee will hold a workshop on the school to prison pipeline. We'll hear from experts, NHPS administrators, and stakeholders. 6pm, Alder Chambers of City Hall
Alder Roth
Budget season is coming March 1, there will be a calendar of public hearings and workshops
The state is getting grant money for renovating the Crown and Temple street garages, could affect parking during construction time
Feb 7, 6 pm – there will be a public hearing on Bikeshare before City Services, new bikes are coming that you will not need to use a credit card for
Traffic Safety – there will be a banner placed across the medical center bridge to alert people to stop at red lights to address recent incidents where people are frequently running red lights. Also proposing red light cameras be installed.
Point in Time Count taking place on January 23 from 3-6 am. This program will count the number of people experiencing homelessness, both on the streets and in temporary housing. It will also audit the programs offering shelter. This is a very important event that affects HUD funding. There will be a Youth Point in Time event as well, led by Youth Continuum on January 23 for a week. Register to volunteer here.
Alder Greenberg
On Thursday, January 24 the Affordable Housing Task Force will vote to finalize its report and recommendations. The report and recommendations will be made available to the public in advance of the vote. 6pm, Alder Chambers of City Hall.
Sickle Cell Disease Association of CT
The first community center in the Northeast to open in a month on the corner of Orchard and Chapel
They are currently looking for letters of support in order to obtain grant money for programming at the facility.
Interested individuals can write their own letters of support. Contact James [email protected] or here.
Emergency Management — Rick Fontana
New Snow Emergency plan
New communications will be sent during parking bans and snow emergencies, with shorter SMS messages and more concise info
They have new equipment to pre-treat road surfaces (ice-eater instead of brine, more effective and safe for trees/cars).
New focus on treating/shoveling sidewalks, quality assurance
New zone structure for parking bans: Zone A (Downtown), Zone B (Snow Routes), and Zone C (Residential)
For $3 a day, affected residents may park in Temple and Crown street garages, and there will also be designated school parking lots
No odd side parking during parking bans (if even is regularly banned, residents must find another place to park. Example: Lyon Street)
City homepage has FAQs and the number of the Emergency Operation center for any reported issues. Contact Rick Fontana – [email protected]
See full presentation and materials here.
Other Reports
Update from Doug Hausladen: Two “Your Speed Is…” street signs have been approved for intersections at Olive and Green Street, and Chapel and DePalma Court. They will be installed soon. Learn more here.
Update from Anstress Farwell: The New Haven Urban Design League held a meeting to discuss a new parking garage design for Union Train Station. An abbreviated report will be coming out soon about what Union Avenue could look like.
Economic Development Presentation – Mike Piscitelli and Aicha Woods
The Economic Development Division has 6 departments
Their goal is to look for a more comprehensive place strategy for Downtown, which acts as both a regional center and neighborhood.
Focused on defining development values and looking for successful development project criteria; the projects relationship with Development has changed in recent years, more private investors are involved now, and the rulebook needs to be re-written and have more clarity over development values
Upcoming Plans:
Path of a Development project
How to Stay Informed
Getting rid of the Route 34 connector in order to better connect the Hill area/train station to Downtown
Long Wharf Plan is going before the Board of Alders and City Plan Commission
Olive, Elm, and State Street Corridors- focusing on commercial corridors and zoning regulations that may be out of date (newhavencorridors.com)
Examples: 80 Elm Street Hotel in former Webster Bank building.
Buildings on east side of State Street
170 Olive Street, more mixed-use buildings for this area
Ninth Square Residences will have new owners, with first floor retail and market rate apartments
RFP for community event use at State and Wall parking lot in evenings/on weekends areas
Development deals with both building codes and zoning codes
If it’s a deviation from the standard, project goes to the BZA (Board of Zoning Appeals)
If it’s checking a technical detail, it goes to a Site Plan Review with the City Plan Commission
If the project requires a zoning change, it can go to the Board of Alders
Deviations with special exceptions go to BZA, special permits go to CPC. Exceptions have one set of criteria, where permits are more elevated and often involve design criteria
Public Hearings – some are required and some are requested by Alders. Public Comment by letter is also allowed
The Historic District Commission deals with changes to property in a historic district.
Projects with the city’s direct interest (where city land is involved) go straight to the Board of Alders.  
Items on public agenda are listen on websites
Fill out survey and send back to Economic Development or bring to next meeting to discuss
Sign up for development e-blast
Additional info: Wooster Square TOD Plan and Commercial Corridors
See article in the New Haven Independent about Economic Development's presentation here.
See you next month!
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newscrusader · 6 years
Distinguished Educationists and Media personalities honoured on Teacher’s Day eve
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Eminent educationists and media personalities were honoured with the prestigious Dr S. Radhakrishnan Memorial National Teacher and Media Network Award- 2018 at the Constitution Club of India on 4th September’2018. The Award program organized on the eve of Teacher’s Day under the aegis of Akhil Bhartiya Swatantra Patrakar Avom Lekhak Sangh (An Association of Freelance Journalists and Writers of India) was the 34th event in succession. This year’s event coinciding with the 131st Birth Anniversary of former President of India Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan was graced by the presence of Union Minister of Steel Ch. Birender Singh who was the Chief Guest. The award function was inaugurated by Ambassador of Venezuela in India H.E Augusto Montiel and Santoor Maestro Padam Shree Pandit Bhajan Sopori.
Notable among the distinguished personalities who graced the event and honoured the awardees were Manoj Tiwari (Delhi BJP Chief and MP), Rakhi Birla (Deputy Speaker of Delhi Vidhan Sabha). Adesh Gupta (Mayor of NDMC), Dr Yoganand Shastri (Former Speaker of Delhi Vidhan Sabha), Dr Narender Nath (Former Education Minister), and Devender Yadav (AICC Secy and Co- Incharge Rajasthan).
Prem Singhania (President) and Dayanand Vats (National General Secretary), the two pillars of Akhil Bhartiya Swatantra Patrakar Avom Lekhak Sangh played the perfect hosts and the organizers.
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At the glittering function organized at the Constitution Club of India, educationists and media personalities who were felicitated included names like senior journalists Sushil Vakil, Bipin Sharma and Sunita Vakil, Anjeet Srivastav (Anchor, News Nation), Dinesh Kandpal (Sr Producer, India TV), Devendra Sharma (Business Editor, Rastriya Sahara), Bhawna Gulati Nayar (Sr Producer, Anchor, Lok Sabha TV), Sheerin Siddiqui (Sr Anchor, Sr Producer, India News), Puja Shukla (Sr Anchor/ Correspondent, Delhi NCR, Total TV), Saumya Pandey (Young Documentary Maker), Syed Suhail (Sr Anchor, News 24), Garima Sharma (Freelance Journalist), Sabeena Tamang Deshmukh (Sr Producer, Anchor, Reporting Manager, Zee Hindustan), Hemwati Nandan Rajoura (Sr Correspondent, Hindustan), Yogender Mann (Director, Press & information, NDMC & East MCD), Pradeep Mahajan (Chairman, INS Media), Shah Faisal (Assistant Manager, Hindustan Times & Sr Group Leader, HT Media), Dr Sorabh Malviya (Astt Prof, Makhan Lal Chaturvedi Rashtriya Patrakarita Vishwa Vidyalaya Noida Campus), Yogesh Sharma (Chief Editor, Parichay Times Hindi Daily), Rajan Sharma (Sr Correspondent, Hindustan), Pradeep Srivastava (Sr Special Correspondent &HOD, Guest Relation, NewsX, ITV Network), Narender Bhandari (Principal Editor in Chief IPPCI Media. Org.), Digpal Singh, Chief Sub Editor, Jagran.com, Anant Paliwal, Chief Copy Editor, Amar Ujala. Com, Harjeet Prakash, Chief Editor, Uday Prakash Newspaper, Sumitra Goel, Principal, J.R Media Institute, Punjab Kesari, Delhi, Vijay Sant, Crime Reporter, Good Evening Delhi, Anamika Amber, Deligate, Parliament Press of South Asia, M.P Chapter, Ravindra Kumar Tanwar (Lecturer, HOD Fine Art) Delhi Police Public School, Safdarjung Enclave, New Delhi, Pandit Vijay Shanker Mishra (Musicologist, Music Critic, Writer, Teacher), Anurag Singh ( Sangeetacharya & Musician- Vichitra Veena Player) Music Teacher, DAV Public School, Kailash Hill, New Delhi, Ghulam Abbas Khan ( Eminent Hindustani Classical Singer & Composer ), Mridu Marwah (Sr Biology Teacher, Bal Bharti Public School, Sector-10 , Rohini, Delhi), Nipun Soin ( Eminent Art Curator) Director, The Allure Art & Event, New Delhi, Dr Jaswinder Singh (Principal) SGTB Khalsa College, Delhi University, Dr Swati Pal (Principal) Janki Devi Memorial College, Delhi University, Dr Manoj Sinha (Principal) Arya Bhatt College, Delhi University, Prof Hansraj Suman, Member Academic Council, Delhi University, Vandana Jha (Principal) Neo Great Mission Public School, Sector-5, Dwarka, New Delhi, Dr Deepika Sharma, (Lecturer) Great Mission Teacher’s Training Institute, Sector- 5, Dwarka, New Delhi, Tushar Mittal (TGT. Work Exp) Kendriya Vidyalaya N.2, APS Colony, Delhi Cantt, New Delhi, Sunita (Lecturer History) Joga Singh Khalsa Girls SSS East Patel Nagar, New Delhi, Arjun Singh (TGT Math) Mount Abu Public School, Sector-5, Rohini, Delhi, Dr Vivek Gautam (Lecturer English) Govr Co-Ed SSS Chilla Village, Mayur Vihar-Ph-1,Delhi, Seema Malhotra (Principal) Manav Rachna International School , Faridabad, Haryana, Gyan Sagar Mishra (Lecturer History) School of Excellence, Sector-17, Rohini, Delhi, Dr Jyotsna Sharma (Principal) Shambhu Dayal Global School, Dayanand Nagar, Ghaziabad, UP, Bimlesh Jha (Principal) DAV Centenary Public School, Narela, Delhi, Geoff Lyonel Jonathan (CEO) Apex Public School, Sant Nagar, Burari, Dr Nicky Dabas (Founder President, Nutrition & Natural Health Sciences Association, Delhi), Dr Deepali Bhalla, Manager, Little Flowers Puhlic School, Vijay Park, Yamuna Vihar, Delhi, Bhavna Arora (HOD, Social Science) Little Flowers International School, 100 ft Road, Shahdara, Delhi, Shanta (PRT) SLS DAV Public School, Mausam Vihar, Delhi, Payal Ahuja ( PRT Science) SLS DAV Public School, Mausam Vihar, Delhi, Harpreet Kaur Chera, Asst Teacher, Bosco Public School, Sunder Vihar, New Delhi, Vibha Khosla, Principal, Shri Ram School Delhi West, Tikri Kalan, Delhi, Bhavna Sawnani, Mentor Teacher, TGT Natural Sciences, RPVV, Thyagraj Nagar, New Delhi, Kiran Khullar, Supervisory Head, DAV Public School, Phase 4, Ashok Vihar, Delhi, Hemant Kumar Jha, Principal, Aryans International School, Buddhi Vihar, Moradabad, U.P.
Those honoured with the 34th Dr S Radha Krishnan Memorial National Medical Teachers Awardees 2018 included stalwarts like Dr. B D Athani (Principal Consultant, DGHS, MoHFW, Professor, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, VMMC & Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi), Dr. Beeva Boruah (Professor & Head, Department of Community Medicine, Fakhruddin Ali Ahmad Medical College, Barbeta, Assam), Dr Ganesh Govekar (Professor and Head Forensic Medicine Government Medical College, Surat Gujarat), Dr. Appala Naidu Sambangi (Professor and Head, Department of Social & Preventive Medicine Registrar, Dr.NTR University of Health Sciences, Vizag, Andhra Pradesh), Dr Hemlatha (Professor & Head, Department of Preventive & Social Medicine Chattisgarh Institute of Medical Sciences (CIMS), Bilaspur), Dr Sujeet Kumar Singh (Director, National Centre for Disease Control, DGHS, Delhi), Dr Asim Das (Dean, ESCI Medical College, Faridabad, Haryana), Dr. Charan Singh (Director, Rural Health Training Center, MoHFW Govt of India, Najafgarh, Delhi), Dr. Adesh Kumar (Professor & Head, Department of Respiratory Medicine, UP Medical University Safai, Etawah UP), Dr Ali Amir (Professor & Chairman, Department of Community Medicine, JN Medical College, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh UP), Dr. Pratap Kumar Jena (Associate Professor, School of Public Health, KIIT, Campus-5 (KIMS), Patia, Bhubaneswar, Odisha), Dr. Sonia Puri (Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine, Govt Medical College & Hospital, Chandigarh), Dr. Abhay Singh (Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine, GSVM Medical College, Kanpur, UP).
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Speaking on the occasion, Dayanand Vats, General Secretary of Akhil Bhartiya Swatantra Patrakar Avom Lekhak Sangh said, “Our 34 year long journey has not been without hard struggle and tough challenges. Thanks to the untiring efforts, sincerity and the zeal of our core team members that Dr S. Radhakrishnan Memorial National Teacher’s and Media Network Award is not only regarded as the most credible, but also as one of the most coveted Awards in the country. The Awards are given every year to meritorious personalities who have excelled in their respective fields. The winners have exemplified excellence among their peers in respective sector and regions. These awards intend to inspire others towards bigger achievements. Like every year, a Shawl, Memento and a Certificate of appreciation were given to the Awardees.”
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Distinguished personalities while hailing the role of Media and Educationist also urged them to play a more pivotal role in Nation Building by being ‘Role Models’ for the youth brigade.
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In his brief speech, Dr Yoganand Shastri said, “It is incredible that Akhil Bhartiya Swatantra Patrakar Avom Lekhak Sangh has been organizing and hosting the excellence awards in the field of education and media since the past 34 years. The distinctive aspect about their program being how they manage to introduce a novel component into these awards every year. Dr S. Radhakrishnan Memoral National Teacher’s and Media Network Award conferred on outstanding achievers by their organization has indeed been playing a crucial role in inspiring the brilliant achievers in various fields to scale even bigger heights. Educationists have a key role to play in the society which is why they are respected universally and remembered all their lives for their role in character building and holistic development. Teaching is unquestionably noblest of all professions.”
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Feeling delighted with the honour, Sunita Vakil said, “Any award or honour is a recognition of the hard work and passion involved. Special gratitude to the jury that chose me to be one of the recipients of this special honour. The Award means a lot to me since it is an appreciation of my efforts.”
The awards ceremony was followed by tea and light snacks.
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Tuition & Tuition Assistance Matrícula y asistencia de matrícula Tuition & Fees Every spring The Bay School's Board of Trustees sets the amount of tuition and fees. The board identifies virtually all supplemental costs involved in a Bay education and incorporates them in a comprehensive materials and service fee, eliminating the extra billings that are typical at many independent schools. The Bay School Board of Trustees has adopted the following tuition and fee schedule for the 2017-2018 academic year: Tuition & Fees for the 2017-2018 Academic Year 
Tuition $43,800
Comprehensive materials and service fee* $ 2,600
 Total Charges $46,400
  *Materials and service fee includes: All books and materials Food service including lunch (soup, salad bar, entree), morning and afternoon snacks and beverages Student laptop computer rental including educational and office software applications, technical support, maintenance and repair Athletic uniforms and equipment Intersession and Senior Signature Project costs College test prep Required trips and programs All families’ tuition payments are managed through Tuition Management Systems. There are three options for payment: Option 1: Tuition may be paid in full in March with the enrollment contract. There is no processing fee for this option. Option 2: Tuition may be paid in three installments. With this option, 10% of tuition is due in March with the enrollment contract and serves as a non-refundable deposit. 60% of the remaining balance is due in June, with the remaining 40% due in December. A $65 processing fee is charged. Option 3: Tuition may be paid in 10 monthly installments. 10% of tuition is due in March with the enrollment contract and serves as a non-refundable deposit. Installment payments being in June, following the student’s enrollment. A $145 processing fee is charged.   Tuition Assistance The Bay School of San Francisco is committed to serving students of all economic backgrounds. To meet this objective a portion of tuition income is designated each year as the school's tuition assistance budget. Each family is asked to make a financial contribution toward the cost of a Bay education but no one should hesitate to apply for admission due to financial reasons. Bay encourages families to apply for Tuition Assistance if they think they may qualify.  Applications for Tuition Assistance are managed through the School and Student Services branch of the National Association for Independent Schools. To apply, please visit sss.nais.org and submit the following by the posted deadlines: Prospective Families Parent Financial Statement (PFS) by January 12, 2018 Both 2016 and 2017 federal tax returns, and following documents, by February 12, 2018 W-2 or 1099 form (if applicable) Last two pay stubs (if applicable) Returning Families Parent Financial Statement (PFS) by January 12, 2018 2017 federal tax returns by February 12, 2018 The SSS online application requires a school code to be entered. The code for The Bay School is #3720. The Tuition Assistance process may require applicant families to file their federal taxes earlier than usual. Depending on the family's financial situation, additional tax forms may be requested by The Bay School. These may include IRS Forms 1065, 1120 or others. Welcome Meet the Admission Team Applying to Bay Dates & Deadlines Forms & Links Events Tuition & Tuition Assistance Tuition Assistance FAQs FAQ Tuition Assistance Application Deadlines    PFS Due: January 12, 2018   Tax Forms Due: February 12, 2018   SSS Website sss.nais.org   SSS Phone Number  800-344-8328 Monday - Friday: 9:00 am - 8:00 pm ET Asistencia disponible en español.    SSS Mailing Address SSS By NAIS Application Processing Center  15 Dan Road, Suite 102 Canton, MA 02021 Helpful Links & Resources: Parent Financial Statement (PFS) Learn About Financial Aid (by SSS) Understanding Private School Financial Aid: What it is & How to Apply (by SSS)   2018-19 How to Apply for Financial Aid Tax Primer for Parents Completing PFS 2018-19 PFS Workbook The Bay School of San Francisco Contact us 35 Keyes Ave., San Francisco, CA 94129 Phone: 415-561-5800
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jimivaey · 7 years
Lovely pre-wedding photos of Imeobong and Solomon
Lovely pre-wedding photos of Imeobong and Solomon
These are lovely pre wedding photos of Imeobong and Solomon!. Solomon wrote:
Pls be our guest as Miss Imeobong Ekpo & Engr. Idorenyin Solomon exchange marital vows on the 21st /23rd Sept. 2017. Traditional Marriage @ Heritage College, by SSS office, 2 Lane, Uyo by 12noon and wedding ceremony @ Mount Zion Gospel Church Inc., 7 Utang Lane, off nwaniba road, Uyo by 10am. Reception @ Helemah Event…
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allcheatscodes · 7 years
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riven the sequel to myst pc
Riven: The Sequel to Myst cheats & more for PC (PC)
Easter Eggs
Get the updated and latest Riven: The Sequel to Myst cheats, unlockables, codes, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tricks, tips, hacks, downloads, achievements, guides, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for PC (PC). AllCheatsCodes.com has all the codes you need to win every game you play!
Use the links above or scroll down to see all the PC cheats we have available for Riven: The Sequel to Myst.
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Developer: Unknown Publisher: Unknown ESRB Rating: Unknown
Name Written In Rock
Go to the workshop island (Disc 1). After solving the boiler puzzle, go to the small balcony that has the frog trap. Climb down the ladder. At the bottom, face the ladder so that you are one screen away from being directly at the ladder. In the upper left corner is the word “Alex” written in the rock.
Hidden Faces
At the start of the game, leave Temple Island and then return. Go to where you started. Next, go to the bottom of the staircase and look down to the right. Two faces are in the top-left. To find the other three, rotate the Gate Room (rotating room) until you can enter from the passage under the gate. Go under the gate, and immediately after you do that, on the right side of the screen, you will see three faces. You will only see them if you can enter the room from the place you are in. For more hidden faces, step outside the cage where you start the game. Turn left, and look up. One face is just to the left of lower center, hidden in the rocks. The other is in the lower right corner.More hidden faces can be seen on Temple Island, after going under the chained wood gate. The passage to Gateway room at other end must be open. Look along the right side of the screen. The three children’s faces are Rand Miller’s daughters.
Go to the 233rd Age (Gehn’s house) after trapping Gehn there. Go down the ladder to Gehn’s bedroom. Go up to a sort of round cage thing (the “holo-projector”) and look in the rocks in front of you through the window. There should be a human there.
The “Deleted” Book Press
There was a book press on Crater Island (where Gehn makes his books), by the ladder up to his “house” (which was locked at the start). It was removed during the game’s development, but still can be found. Face the boiler controls and click in the upper left hand corner, on the pump. You should now see an angled picture of the nice view to the left of the boiler. Look down towards the left side and you will see the upper part of the book press. Another way to see it is to walk a bit back on the catwalk and turn towards the boiler room. It is difficult to find, but it is there. If you look up, you will also be able to see it, just even more blurred.
Photo On Cliff
In Riven, after you have advanced to a decent point in the game, go to the chamber where you first appeared in the game. In that area, go to the edge of the cliff facing the holograph room and the first transport. Look down the cliff and you will see rocks and the water. In the upper-left side of the screen, in the cliff, is a photograph of two “MYSTerious” children. Those are Robyn Miller’s children.
Gehn’s Face
After you break the lens at the end of the game, look closely at Atrus. For a brief moment a face will appear. This also happens at the start of Riven, when Atrus holds up the Linking book to Riven. This was intentional, so that it felt like Gehn was watching you from the very beginning.
Jungle Secrets
When you change to Disc 3 you should be at a point where all the trees are cut down. Find the path that leads to the gate. Open it and start to walk. As soon as you go under the first tree, look to your left. You should see a giant dagger sticking up out of the ground. Walk down and you will find another rolling ball thing. Remember to note what the symbol is and what sound it makes. Return to the path and start walking forwards again. When you reach the two pathways, go right. As you walk down you should see a giant fish head. Approach and inspect the head and you will find nothing. However, back on the pathway you should see two lamps. Go until all you can see is the top part. On the very top there is a small disc. Push it and see what happens.
Bonus Appearance
Remember back at the beginning, when the native takes your prison book, gets shot with a dart, and is dumped over a cliff? Once you have captured Gehn and freed Catherine at the end of the game, return to the Temple/Generator at the first (disc 2) island and look over the cliff. The will be gone, but look at the upper left corner of the screen.
Developer Mode
At any point in the game to toggle developer mode on/off:
1. hit ENTER2. type b3hn (case sensitive)3. hit ENTERTo bring up the console: Hold CTRL and hit TAB. (If you don't get a cursor at the bottom left of the screen try the first part again.) Console Commands (partial list):pleh - displays helpdebug - toggles debug infog nnn - goto card example: g 159gs sss nnn - goto stack / card example: g tspit 159hs - toggle hotspotsslideshow - view slideshowOther commands are not listed because they will crash the game if used incorrectly.Warning: help and slideshow are timed events. The game will not respond to ANY user input until they are finished. ALT-TAB and CTRL-ALT-DEL still work though. ALT-F4 does not.
Currently we have no unlockables for Riven: The Sequel to Myst yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Easter eggs
Easter Eggs
Use the following steps to activate the Easter Eggs in the game. Note: Click the places just once. You will know if you have done so when the cursor disappears for a second. At the start of the game, exit your cage, go towards the stairs, turn right and look over the cliff. Click on the unconscious guy. Go to Boiler Island. Enter Gehn’s lab, find the little chest of drawers where Gehn keeps bird’s eggs. Click on the little orange one. Solve the Animal Stone puzzle on Jungle Island. Go to the Moiety Age and in your prison, click on the little bowl on the table. On Jungle Island, go to the submarine. Travel in it to the place with the five switches. Look out of the window there and you will see the sub, back on the cliff. Click on it. Go to Survey Island by taking the Maglev from Boiler Island. Note: You might have to turn the Maglev around and then get out. Go to the room with a long handle. Pull it, and a lift will appear from the floor. Do not go into the lift, but from where you are, click on the little star on the top of the lift. Finally, take the Maglev from Jungle Island to Temple Island, or travel there by linking book. When you are next to the blue button near the Maglev station, turn left. You will see a triangle of light. If you look very closely, you will see the letters RAWA, the nickname of one of the Riven programmers, Richard A. Watson. Click on the letters to activate the remaining Easter Eggs in the game, as follows Lights onGo to Temple Island, the island you started from. Go to the room with the Whark statues and the temple itself. Make it so you are looking at the room from the exit (where the Maglav is found) There is a hidden switch in the left side, on one of the pillars. Press it. Wire-frame detailGo to where you make the “sub” descend into the water next to the village by the lagoon. Go three or four screens toward the village (until you are looking down a ladder). Then, turn right. You should see a wire-frame view of the lagoon. Silly PuttyGo to the underwater viewing room on Plateau Island. Sit in the chair and hit the button to face the window. Pull the left hand lever and then look down at the view screen (the one used to spy on Catherine). Finally, click on the small round, brown bolt just off to the right of the view screen to view the Easter Egg movie. Singing GehnGo to Ghen’s 233rd world (the one you go to using the Fire-Marble Domes). Go to his bedroom and face the wall with the red tapestry and the star on it. Click on the D’ni symbol for 5 in the exact center of the star to see the Easter Egg movie. Sky HighWhile you are on Jungle Island, go into the jungle. Take the elevator up to the “second” floor of the jungle and start walking up towards the control throne past the dome. Up about the middle of the stairs leading to the control throne, turn around and face the dome. To your left, down on the path underneath, you can see some lights by the side of the road. Click on the lamp farthest away from the dome to see the last Easter Egg.
The Sixth Spyder Easter Egg
After you have completed the Spyder easter egg hunt and clicked on all five “hot-spots” (bird egg, wooden bowl, submarine, star, and “RAWA”) as described above, you will have activated the Spyder Easter Eggs. The following Easter Egg was left out in the list above. To get “dumped”, go to Crater/Boiler Island from jungle island on the logging cart. Once you get there, climb up the ladder back to the cart and click the bumper in front of the cart.
Easter Eggs (Alternate)
This is an alternate and quicker way to unlock the Easter Eggs. Follow these instructions exactly. If “click an object” is stated, do not move forward and click it; click it from where you are. If “back away” is stated, make sure the hand is in the “move back” spot. Also, click on the indicated target only once. If the pointer disappears quickly and comes back, you did it correctly — do not click it again.
1. Start a new game, and while you are still in the cage, save the game in case you make a mistake. Do not save it after leaving it. 2. Click on the handler from inside the cage. 3. Click on the handler to see a closer view. 4. Click the top of the handler once (only). 5. Move back. 6. Move right. 7. Move up (look up view) 8. Click on the star on the cage once. 9. Move right. 10. Move right. 11. Move right. 12. Move forward. (Click by cliff with "move forward" hand) 13. Move forward (by cliff) 14. Look down cliff with "look down" hand. 15. Save your game here in case you make a mistake in the next part, as it is complicated. 16. You will see the guard, "Cho", on the ground below the cliff. Click these spots only once in order. If the pointer disappears quickly, the spot is activated : The knife on the ground, Cho's head, the holster on Cho's torso by his left arm (on the screen, and not from Cho's point of view), Cho's right hand , Cho's foot, Cho's left hand, Cho's torso (where part of his uniform has a stripe). Now all you have to do is click the name "RAWA" by the mag-lev on Temple Island, a step mentioned before, and you will have full access to the Easter Eggs mentioned earlier.
Currently we have no glitches for Riven: The Sequel to Myst yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently we have no guides or FAQs for Riven: The Sequel to Myst yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently we have no achievements or trophies for Riven: The Sequel to Myst yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
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prism-rush · 5 years
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Nice Shot Louis
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prism-rush · 5 years
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Hiro: Ah, there’s a service area coming up. Let’s stop here and swap drivers. I’ll take over. 
Kazuki: Oh, perfect timing. I was wanting to use the restroom. ...HEY! 
Hiro: Hey wait, Kouji?! Why didn’t you stop?
Kouji: We don’t need to swap drivers, I’m fine. Besides, wouldn’t you like to get there a bit earlier...?
Hiro: Ah, I see. That’s just like you, Kouji. 
Kazuki: WAIT HOLD ON, I was going to use the restroom!! 
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prism-rush · 5 years
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Nice View Alexander
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prism-rush · 6 years
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Nice Selection Kakeru
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prism-rush · 6 years
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Louis: Oh, I feel like I’m burning up. 
Shin: Oh?! What’s wrong? Are you getting sick?!
Louis: The opposite. Having you here with me, I’ve never felt better. Thank you. 
Shin: I don’t really know what you mean but.... You’re welcome?
Louis: Hehe. Well, will you teach me how to shoot?
Shin: Ah! Sure! Let’s go then! (I’m from Edel Rose and Louis is from Schwartz Rose. But... If only I could do a duo show with Louis, I think it would be really fun.)
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