#<- genuine advice ive got a good few tags blocked lmao
absurdumsid · 3 months
I was talking about this
It was from uvstudio where you could ask characters questions from underverse questions
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its ok anon this isnt the canon blog
X! Sans/Cross belongs to jakei95
Fell! Sans belongs to Fella/Vic
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spicey-mlm · 3 years
Hi uh, so, I'm kinda new to the nsfw side of things 👉👈 but I'm not completely sure how to actually start up my blog. I mean, i got my intro post... but i feel kinda awkward going into things. Like, it's a step out of my comfort zone, as I'm like, a newish adult, and I'm not sure how to do it. Idk what advice you could give me, but uh, idk, i just wanted to say something in case you had anything to say from your experience on starting your blog.
Hey! Thanks for the ask and welcome to the community hehe
I only started this blog a few months back and, as you can see, I’m a fairly new adult myself too lol
Initially I did feel pretty awkward and sometimes like what I was doing was wrong but it’s important to try remember that sexuality and kink are natural and are ok and that theres a whole community here of like-minded folk.
Its good that you’ve got an intro post set, Ive recently redone mine. The basics are usually to have your age, pronouns and a dni if you want one. Most folk like to put a bit about themself and sometimes their kinks/what you plan to post about.
It worked pretty well for me to then go follow tags I’m interested in and to follow folk who post in those tags too. My favourites are nsft, trans nsft, mlm nsft, t4t nsft, and so on.
Posting-wise, some folk like to be more live-blogging esque, generally coming on to post when they’re horny. I tend to just come on and write a bunch of posts when I’m horny, then schedule them along with reblogs. I like to post three times a day generally, one in the morning, one around tea and one at night.
It can feel super weird writing out these kinda posts, and even weirder to actually publish them. But absolutely whatever you’re into, there will be others who are into it too. Honestly you’ll be surprised how quickly you get comfortable talking about getting railed on here lmao.
Its good to try and tag things appropriately. It makes it easier to filter your posts, it makes sure your posts show to the right folk and it can help people avoid things they don’t want on their feed. I have my main set of tags just for getting the post out there, then I tag with txt for textposts or my personal picture tag for photos. Its especially good to try and tag anything potentially triggering, so I tag for cnc, somno, blood, ect. On the other side of this, I have the detrans and misgendering tags blocked so that I don’t have to see them.
In regards to asks, obviously you can have them open or closed but to enable anon you need to be on pc. I find for blogs like this, you get way more asks when you allow anons. Also, its good to remember that you have literally no obligation to answer an ask. If its mean, if its a bit uncomfortable or if its genuinely just not your kink, don’t even worry about it dude.
Lastly, just try to have fun with it. This is a great outlet to explore sexuality, especially when its so new. Don’t worry if what you think you’re into right now changes in the future. I started this blog very unsure about what I liked and very pent up. But through the awesome nsft community, I’ve really gotten more comfortable in finding what I like and talking about it lol.
Anyway, theres a bit of advice! I apologise for the long post aha, I hope your new blog goes well! Feel free to ignore any or all of this though, its your blog, good luck and have fun :))!
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