#<- giving u a little nickyname <333
moonlightperseus · 8 months
I don't know what comic's you've read but I know my favourites are Birds of Prey. I know you're a fan of black canary so that might already be ticked off the list but If not it's a big one for me. So
- the 1999 - 2009 birds of prey run
- the 2010 birds of prey run
(with emphasis on Gail Simone's run in that)
- the more recent Batgirl and the birds of prey
The four issue 2007 mini Black Canary run is also very good, though a continuation of the birds run.
And I'm also a huge fan of the current BoP run but it's only one issue in.
Most of my comic recs are highly Black Canary based (evidently) but I can also recommend
- Injustice: Gods Among us (though I am biased, as it's what got me into comics and introduced me to Dinah)
- Batwoman (I personally prefer the new 52 to rebirth but enjoyed both)
- Gotham City garage is almost exclusively women
And if you wanted comics that weren't the superhero kind I'd also recommend The Wicked and The Divine from Image comics, I don't know how easy it is to find now but a large part of the cast is women and would be great if you liked mythology.
hey there nonny, thank you soooo much for the recs!
first off omg come off anon i want to be ur friend i love these recs!
second off love that most of ur recs are black canary based SO TRUE of you, i have read most of these im pretty sure, i definitely combed thru as much birds of prey content as i could find though i did not know there was a new run out ! so ill have to look into that for sure. and god reading the black canary 2007 short run was sooooo. (ive also read the green arrow & black canary run).
im pretty sure ive read both of the batwoman runs? i definitely read one of the runs if not both. i cannot tell based off of the random comic screenshots i have on my phone which one/or both for sure. okay wait no this one image is def from new52 and the batwoman rebirth cover looks familar but i have no idea if that means i read it or not
gotham city garage!! im not deep in the comics world but it feels like a very underrated run it was literally so much fun and SO women <3 (demon's head dinah?? hello?????) great comic run second probably only to bombshells in my heart
i will definitely have to give injustice gods among us a try bc clearly you have great taste, ive never been super interesting in the injustice universe mostly bc batman and superman fighting bores me (except for the iconic holy musical batman production by team starkid)
ive heard about wicked & the divine and its definitely one thats been like vaguely on my radar so i probably should look more into it bc it sounds really cool.even tho at the end of the day i might just be.a superhero bitch. i do love women and mythology
anyways sorry for the long ramble, i'm def gonna look into the new bop run, and wicked & the divine, and at least attempt the injustice:gods among us comics !! tysm nonny!
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