#<- i heard Inverted Fate was actually a pretty good one in this regard and actually has a good amount of progression to it hmmm
mickedy · 3 months
Does anyone remember when Undertale roleswap AUs were really popular and people would write stories called something like RoleScramble or something and then post those imgur sprite comics that would never progress passed the Ruins
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slavonicrhapsody · 1 year
Okay but thats adds another layer to the sweetings because you'd think it's Rennala's attempt to JUST bring Ranni back from the "dead" through reincarnation but with all the evidential sorceries, it almost seemed like she was trying to reincarnate all of her kids??
which is like... I wonder if Rennala was present and well aware of all of her children's fate. Ranni's death of course, but she maybe knew or heard word of Radahn's plight with scarlet rot and Rykard feeding himself to the serpent. Like along with the Academy taking over and Radagon leaving, no wonder it broke her entirely, she lost literally everything but the egg.
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ok I had a good long think about this and an enlightening discussion with my sister and I’m gonna say something that might sound weird: It’s possible that Rennala doesn’t actually know what happened to Ranni… and not just Rennala, but almost everyone in the Lands Between. Rogier and Gideon Ofnir refer to Ranni as disappeared, not dead, and according to Rogier she hasn’t been seen at all since before the Shattering… so if people had thought she was killed in the Night of the Black Knives, then why would these people assume she was alive now? Ranni killed her empyrean flesh atop the divine tower of Liurnia, which can only be entered using the inverted statue in the Carian Study hall, which Ranni keeps in her possession… so no one would have actually seen her corpse to confirm her death, except the black knife assassin/s involved. (side note: that’s another compelling reason for why Ranni had Alecto imprisoned in an evergaol!!)
Anyway, regarding how much Rennala knows of her children’s fates, it’s unclear if she was even lucid enough to process what was happening to them. If she wasn’t, I’d guess that she might feel that her children are lost to her just because they’ve been gone for so many years… or she might have some vague sense that something horrible happened to them.
Regarding their specific fates, I’m pretty confident that Rennala does not know what happened to Rykard — it doesn’t seem to be common knowledge outside of Rykard’s household and army that he’s fed himself to a serpent, just perhaps that his army ended up deserting him... but people would at least know that the Leyndell army has him cornered on Mt. Gelmir. Everybody knows what happened with Radahn and Malenia though, so it’s possible Rennala would’ve heard. Lastly, I can see a scenario where Ranni comes to visit her mother before the Night of the Black Knives to say goodbye. Again, all of these scenarios kinda depend on if Rennala was sane enough to process the news.
None of this disproves the idea that Rennala could be trying to rebirth her children though; no matter if she knows what has actually happened to the kids or not, Rennala in her bewitched state could still consider them lost to her.
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gobbochune · 7 years
Thoughts on Petscop
Because I think the plot is actually pretty obvious but I haven’t seen anyone else making these connections yet. I feel like people are too distracted by the Candace Newmaker theory, so even though I think that those things were referenced for a reason I’m not even gonna talk about Tiara but instead focus on Care and the other ‘pets’. Also, I’m not familiar in creepypasta to understand the supposed metanarrative, so I will primarily be taking the events of the game at face value as if I were interpreting any other piece of spooky media.
 There will be a lot of mention towards rape and child abuse so TW.
I think the entire point of the series isn’t that of adoption or rebirthing therapy, but instead a deconstruction of the self-justification an abuser fabricates in order to continue preying on his victims. It is obvious that the Abductor sees himself as some sort of savior, taking these ‘pets’ home with him and ‘loving’ them. 
Right off the bat we’re met with this sign:
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If it were a commentary about adoption, then this second window wouldn’t make sense. If a child is set to be adopted, it means they’ve already been extracted from their previous home, or dont have any such home. I think that this is a direct link to kidnapping, and the struggles a kidnapper faces trying to lure children away from their parents. 
Paul is expected to collect gifts like candy, toys, and rings, which are a symbol of the ways that an abductor might try to get a child to trust them. Ironically, Paul follows these gifts just as easily as a child might into the darkness of the Newmaker Plane, but I’m gonna ignore that for now since its pretty straightforward. 
The first sign that all is not well comes in the form of a few text blocks before Paul encounters the first pet. 
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As stated before, there are a bunch of references to the Newmaker theory that you’ve already heard a million times so I’ll just mention it quickly to say that I do think that the Tiara character is meant to represent abuse in adopted parents based on the fact that the kids aren’t ‘thankful’ or ‘appreciative’ to their new parents as a whole, even if not specifically relating to the Newmaker case. But this is only one facet of the story that the game (and by that i mean the video series) is trying to paint. So instead I’ll focus on this one:
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This is the second clue that maybe adopting these pets isn’t what the pets want or need. Often molesters will justify their actions by believing that the victim wanted to be abducted. The sign reassures the player character that these pets do want to be taken from their homes by you, and even if they seem afraid now they’ll be more complacent later. This is only added to next when we see our first pet, Amber, who could easily be seen as a reference of the Amber Alert (which is an alert for missing children)
The first thing we know about Amber is that she has been given a trophy for being a ‘champ’:
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Giving awards or ‘gifts’ is another tactic used by abusers to try and keep their victims vulnerable and subservient to them. Here we see Amber has been conditioned to no longer attempt to escape, even though she will actively avoid the player character every time he tries to enter her enclosure. 
When Paul trick’s her into joining him in the cage, we get this little graphic:
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Even though its in bright and fun letters, the message is still pretty disturbing. Amber hasn’t been adopted or taken home or any of the previous rhetoric, but instead caught. She is now his pet. Paul then opens up the description and we see him flit by this pretty quickly as if he’s already read it:
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Again the kidnapper is justifying that he will provide her with a ‘good’ home that she will have no reason to leave. She’ll stay with him. Forever. 
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This card suggests that perhaps through being confined to a cage she has become obese or otherwise crippled and is now more difficult for the abuser to take care of. This is common in the cycle of abuse, an abuser will begin to feel as though their victim is actively a drain on their lives and will blame the victim for all the trouble they need to go through to keep them. 
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This text box suggests that the abuser has gotten all they want out of Amber, and is getting ready to move onto another victim. They are now considering ways to safely dispose of her without getting caught. 
I think that this theory can be applied to the other ‘pets’ that we encounter throughout the game, so I’m gonna lump them all in together like people Lump the Newmaker Theory together and call this the Amber Theory. I think it is one of four major themes regarding the plot, and since you already know the Newmaker Theory I’m going to skip to Care.
The first mentions we have of Care seem to be along the same lines as Tiara, and its only after episode 9 that we have any evidence against Care also being a victim of rebirthing therapy. I’m going to actually go backwards in describing what I think of Care’s fate, starting with the note we find in episode 9 and ending with the first mention of Care that we see. 
After finding Care we are able to re-enter her room and find this message:
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The note that we saw in Care’s room earlier reads as such:
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Assuming that the “you” in the story is the Molester, this paints a pretty clear picture. I suspect that the Molester was once in love with his ‘friend’ and went to see the windmill along with her sister. There some deeply traumatic event happened, causing the friend to go missing. The Molester eventually married the sister, and had a daughter who is most likely Care. He started to develop feelings for his daughter, and convinced himself that she was the reincarnation of his lost love. The Molester used that as a justification to begin sexually abusing Care as a proxy for the friend who died. We see this during the part where we can pluck the petals of Care’s head in the flower shack, leading to her being destroyed. At some point Care ran away, making the Molester desire another victim to continue his cycle. He places all the captured ‘pets’ in rooms exactly like Care’s and likely subjects them to the same abuse before disposing of them. 
Now you might have noticed since I cropped the text box that they’re inverted. This is because I believe the entire game exists within the Molester’s inner psyche. The Ever Care (a place where the molesters finds more children to abduct so he can have Care forever) is bright and happy, filled with justifications as to why he is allowed to take the children he’s interested in. The Newmaker Plane is his inner guilt, and the reality of the abuse he is inflicting upon his victims. When the Molester is in the Ever Care he can believe that he’s merely taking the children to a loving new home, but in the cruel world of the Newmaker Plane he is forced to admit what he actually plans to do with his new ‘pets’. 
And thats P much all I want to say, not because I didn’t notice anything else, but because out of all the analysis I’ve read these points have never been brought up.
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