#it never played with the story conventions or anything fun like that
the lords in black are so interesting to me because. they’re so us. we’re watching the citizens of hatchetfield suffer for our own entertainment just as much as they are. we’re their accomplices in all of it
pokotho made hatchetfield into a musical because musicals are entertaining. and we ate that shit up! it’s soooo fun watching a little man scramble as the world around him bursts into song. the musical genre is satirized because pokey knows how the genre conventions work just as well as we do. we like watching musicals so much that black friday and npmd are musicals, too, even though they don’t revolve around pokotho’s plans as much as tgwdlm. we want them to sing. pokotho does too.
bliklotep is the audience and the audience is bliklotep. trail to oregon calls the audience “the watcher with one thousand eyes” and that’s not all, in watcher world blinky seems to be able to see through the eyes of anyone and everyone who loves spectacle. he wants to see the characters go through angst because WE love angst. it’s fun to watch alice and bill express their buried frustrations. blinky wants it to end in bloodshed because he loves tragedy, and let’s face it, so do we. it’s like that one post about how hamlet is aware of the audience and is angry that we don’t do anything to intervene because we want to see how it plays out. personally, I think blinky could have stopped the woodwards if he really wanted (he’s an elder god, after all) but alice shooting him shifted the narrative so that the emotional payoff would be more fulfilling if they escaped. and blinky loves a good story.
t’noy karaxis has blorbos. we joke about it, but that’s really what it is, isn’t it? he’s the fan who watches the movie again and again and again and again to see his favorite character’s dramatic death scene. he’s the guy who writes and reads angst fics by the hundreds because he likes to see his faves cry. he’s the hatchetfield enjoyer who’s on the edge of their seat waiting to see how ted kicks the bucket this time. the bastard’s box is pretty much just an ao3 account filled with whump and hurt no comfort. he’s sadistic AND he genuinely adores ted, because we fans are often cruelest to the characters we love the most. he puts ted through character growth— the realization that his life went the way it did because of his own mistakes, his inability to be vulnerable with jenny before it was too late— and he does that by writing a 56-chapter angst fic that’s still updating to this day
nibblenephim is the fan who voraciously devours every scrap of content that a creator produces and demands more, more, more. let’s face it, the fandom will never let starkid rest until we see this story through to its end. and then someone will demand a sequel series. nibbly is hungry because we will never stop yearning for more stories. he’s simple because that desire itself is simple— as humans, we need creativity like we need air to breathe. nibbly wants more because we want more. and we will never be satiated.
wiggog y’rath is the ruler and the king because he’s the self-inserting writer. I think jon matteson plays paul *and* wiggly for a reason— wiggly is the only lord in black to be played by the same actor in every single show, and that actor also plays the protagonist of tgwdlm. wiggly wants to be the protagonist. he tries to force himself into the human world of hatchetfield because he wants to participate, dammit! he wants to be the bestest ruler that the earth has ever seen! everyone has to love him because he’s going to be their bestest fwiend! when he appears in human form he’s gonna be the prom king! he’s the ebony dark’ness dementia raven way of the hatchetfield multiverse. he wants every human character to bend to his whims and to love him and to put him at the tippy-top of planet earth because he’s the writer and the writer’s main character, you fuckheads, and he can make whatever story he wants, whether the other characters like it or not! if you’ve ever written a self-insert story? congratulations! you’ve been wiggog y’rath.
and the funny thing? I don’t think the lords know that they, too, are as fictional as anyone else in hatchetfield. maybe blinky knows— he sees through the audience’s eyes, after all— but I don’t think the others do. if they did, maybe they’d be a little less tyrannical. a little bit nicer.
but then the starkid writers wouldn’t have much of a story to tell, would they?
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jetra4ivor · 17 days
What I love about MCSM is that it takes the meta conventions of the game and makes it textual in an Eldridge Horror style way.
What if there actually was a block that could warp and control all of reality. What would you do with that much power? Would you use it for good or selfish reasons?
What if there were portals that took you to different worlds? Would it be fun, or would it be terrifying that you’d never find a way back home?
What if you spawned on a skyblock challenge map and had no concept that the world exists below you?
What if you could die again and again and there were no repercussions? And what if in that world an authoritarian government forced you to become a gladiator?
What if you spawned in the word with the powers of an Admin and could literally reshape the world to your selfish whims?
What would the implications of a real mob grinder be?
What are the implications that exploring the world beyond your initial spawn results in updated things that you’ve never seen before? Would it be better to be an explorer or would you rather hunker down in a permanent home where everything was safe?
What if an Eldridge god literally buried the entire world in darkness forcing you to fend for yourself amid the hybrid of mobs that naturally generate in the dark?
What if someone stole your skin and wore it to pretend to be you?
Like all of these things are Minecraft things fans do. You can change your default skin. You can build mob grinders. You can use command blocks and admin controls to reshape the world. Updating versions allows for new terrain to generate. You can play in spleef and skyblock challenges. You can play on different servers with different rules to your own world.
What makes MCSM so great is that they don’t try to explain who the Piglins are, or why there are so many Zombies, or anything. They just treat Minecraft’s weird mechanics and rules as FACT, and build the story around the things we as players DO with those facts.
And they treat them completely straight and not as gimmicks. THAT is the power of MCSM. That is why this series has outlasted Legends and Dungeons. THAT is why fans like this series. Like… They don’t have to explain why a crafting table works, it just does because it’s Minecraft and that’s how crafting tables work in Minecraft!
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bcacstuff · 2 months
Day 3 Highlanders 7 con 21 July 2024 at the Hilton Metropole Hotel, Birmingham
Charles Q&A
They only let him do some stunts. The apple "may have" already been cut in half 😅
At his first OL audition (over zoom from his bedroom), he did a Peaky Blinders accent because thought the English all have the same accent - he works hard on it, accents don't come naturally to him
William inherited the "good Fraser fire" from Jamie but learned how to be reserved (a "board") from LJG so he often feels the conflict within himself what he is vs what he was "trained" to be
One of the auditions (all on zoom) was the Death Song scene with JB - it was weird for him to see these "fictional characters" in real life. Couldn't mention the other audition scenes because they're 7B spoilers
He had phantom pain in his arm from the stick. They sent him to London to have a mold made of his arm
He has no piano in his flat but would go to the Edinburgh train station and use the public piano
Dream role: anything - "I love employment" but likes characters that exist between good and evil
Superstitions: not for acting but the supernatural - hasn't used a Ouija board because he doesn't know if they work but what if they do??
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William is "a bit of a shit" and a "brat" when we first meet him in 7A
They did audition someone else for William for S6 (those episodes would have been late in 6) but he would have been too young. Since they shortened 6, they didn't cast William until later.
Someone asked whether he was intimidated by S&C. The audience member then went on telling a story how Caitlin before she got to set, was told S&C were a "power couple" and together in real life. Then when she got there she was told opposite (you could hear people gasp when she said that)
While Charles really didn't answered above, he later on was asked what his favourite movie is, he didn't really have one but said he really loved Ford vs Ferrari, so when he met Caitriona he thought "Whoa"
Mom had watched the show but he binged it in 2 weeks when he got the audition - didn't have the part yet
Felt imposter syndrome and a lot of pressure - do I want to take on being Jamie Fraser's son?
Ultimately LJG is William's dad but important for him to find out who is he to learn about himself
This convention is "so fun" because they couldn't answer any questions during the strike and all they were asked were things like "what's your favourite colour"
Scenes that stuck out when he binged: Claire and BJR in Garrison Commander; the shinty scene
Doesn't have a go-to karaoke song - has never done karaoke. But he would do something like Tequila so all he has to say is 1 word (then they played it when he was leaving the stage)
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Sophie, Richard & David
Sophie is apparently a favourite "on the internet" to play Harry Potter's mom in the HBO series. She says "I'm working on it" (ie she'd like to do it).
Their favourite locations to film - Sophie Lallybroch (inside and what they created on set); Richard - University of Glasgow; David - Hopetoun House
David making fun of the questions they always get asked (what would you take from set; what other characters would you like to play) - everyone laughs
If they could play another character, Sophie would play Rollo
Certain scene they were really proud of - Sophie birthing scene "broke some blood vessels"; David never thinks he does well - could have done it differently especially the scene where Jamie offers his body;
What cocktail would your character be: Sophie - Spicy margarita; Richard - Old Fashioned; David Pina Colada because he likes the song (doesn't know any cocktails - people were shouting them out to him)
What would you like to learn how to do: David - Magic the Gathering - watched them play last night and wants them to teach him before wrap; Richard is learning to fly
Which time period do you prefer - Brianna 50/50 - Sophie 1700s "corsets aside" especially since they're all filming together. Richard agrees. David: Lord John in modern times is living in the West Village in NYC running an art gallery called Fraser's 🤣🤣
Karaoke songs: Richard's - Piano Man; David - To be With You (Mr Big): Sophie - Party in the USA
Favourite costume - Richard "from this year" but didn't say which one (didn't want to spoil anything); David - Governor of Jamaica (Sophie says you've had some really good costumes and David said you just realized that???)
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Favourite scene to film: Richard - driving around the Highlands (felt like our own little "side Outlander"); Sophie - when she confronts Bonnett in the jail (felt very empowered); David - first day, first scene he filmed dragging Sam on the horse "was a highlight on reflection"
Everyone is treated the same by production
Sophie used to be the makeup trailer DJ but Wendy has taken over
The first scene with Roger & Jamie was fun to shoot but he felt Jamie had "a bit of an overreaction"
What are you obsessed with? Richard - Magic the Gathering; David - his son; Sophie - music
Any scenes that you were intimidated by: David one coming up in 7B (we should all know what it is); Richard - intimate scenes; Sophie - ones that are emotionally challenging and you "take with you"
Question about what you're proud of. Sophie tells the story of when she potty-trained her dog. The dog became so excited he jumped on her, split her lip and she ended up in the emergency room. David then says "do you know what proud means??" • Richard - passing his driving test because he failed 3x; David - when he finished his first block of OL
Character you haven't worked with you would like to - Richard & David said each other. Richard: maybe in the next block then Sophie says "but you're in the 80s", someone mentioned Jemmy and the stones and it just went downhill from there 😅; Sophie - Black Jack
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During closing ceremonies everyone is taking photos and Cree (of course) says "go on take your photos like we're animals in a zoo". Then he says something about a "gaggle of lusty women" and Sean says "there is if your name is Sam Heughan"
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Sean had organized other fan events then started watching Outlander. He wanted to do an event and learned the person to contact is Steve Himber as he "represents" Sam and Caitriona to get it started. Then Steve says he's "not responsible for Steven Cree"
All credits including pics to my friend at the con (who wishes to remain anonymous) Thank you so much for keeping notes for us (and for me to post!) Great Job, well done! 🧡🧡🧡
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billthedrake · 10 months
Another story idea given by @maturedadsandmen
Cole Walker was about two blocks from his destination when his phone rang. He normally wouldn't answer it, but it was his sorta-kinda boyfriend/fuckbuddy John. Cole still made fun of John for still preferring to call instead of just text, but that's what you get sometimes for dating a man much older.
"Hey," the 24 year old answered. DC weather had moved from cold to brisk and his cheeks were flush.
"Hiya sexy," the said. John's voice was a craggy tenor, with an upstate New York accent. "Just wanted to hear your voice."
Cole smiled. The whole arrangement with John was weird, to say the least. The congressional staffer didn't even know the guy's last name. John was an FBI agent who was VERY closeted. In a town like DC, that wasn't unusual, and Cole himself had only told a couple of close friends that he was gay. But John seemed to want the boyfriend stuff as much as the sex. Cuddling, long talks, dates. All while being crazy protective of his privacy.
"Tough day?" Cole asked. He wished he didn't feel so eager to talk to the man, but it wasn't like he was ready for an open boyfriend either. The fact the federal agent was 47 made something real and public seem impossible to the younger man. He, too, enjoyed the play-pretend nature of their dating if he was honest with himself.
"And how," John breathed. "I'm about to meet a buddy for dinner, but I wanted to call... we still on for date night Saturday? I'll take you somewhere nice." It was only then that Cole could tell the man was in a public place and talking a little quieter than normal.
"Yeah," Cole replied. "And you don't have to go all out. I just enjoy seeing you."
There was a contrite pause on the other end. "I know I've not been good at things lately.. but would it be pushing my luck to have you stay over this time?"
Cole's heart pounded. It was hard to hold a grudge. "No, not at all."
John's volume got lower. "Damn, studly," he hissed. "That's gonna help me get through this week all right."
"Yeah," the younger man chimed in.
"Listen... I gotta go. But see you Saturday?"
"Yep," Cole replied. "Looking forward to it."
After they hung up, Cole felt guilty. It wasn't like he and John were boyfriends, really, not in the conventional sense, and they'd never said anything about being exclusive. If the agent ever asked, Cole would very likely agree to be a one-man guy but until then...
But the real reason he felt guilty is that Paul Ricciardi pushed his buttons in a different way than John. Cole dubbed him the "Head Honcho" is his mind, and while Ricciardi wasn't the number one guy at the Bureau, he wasn't that far down the org chart. In a lot of ways, he was the opposite of John - married and addicted to down-low sex, more dominant in bed, and confident in hooking up with a recently graduated dude despite his high-profile position. He knew Cole Walker was after dick and wasn't gonna blab to anyone.
Paul was just wrapping up a phone call when he heard the buzzer of the apartment. The rental was justified as a place to crash for late nights, but certainly his wife knew her 53-year-old husband kept on an affair, maybe more than one. They just never talked about it. The dont-ask-dont-tell approach worked for the law man.
Ricciardi's gruff face cracked a smile when he opened the door to see Cole. Dudes like this were dime a dozen in DC... congressional staffer, needy bottom, daddy issues galore. But this Walker kid was exceptional: he'd played soccer at Georgetown and his bulking up since graduation had interfered with that youthful jock look. The real deal. No two ways about, Cole was gorgeous. Just the right amount of masculine, the right amount of cute, total boy-next-door who still carried that jock gain as he walked in.
"Hey," Cole's voice said, quietly as he walked in. He respected Paul's need for discretion, it was almost intuitive.
"Hey," the career law enforcement man whispered in a soft growl, shutting the door. "You look hot as fuck."
Cole's eyes swept up Ricciardi's build. Mid-50s and fit as ever, the toned daddy beef filling out Paul's conservative but expensive suit and the short-cropped gray hair setting off the intensity of the man's brown eyes. The tie was loosened but other wise he was a poster boy for Bureau leadership. "You too," he gulped.
Paul grinned and reached up to cup the back of Cole's neck, yanking the younger man into a hot kiss.
Cole moaned into Paul's mouth as that thick tongue conquered him. He could taste scotch and smell the man's cologne. Reflexes kicked in as he reached forward to hold the man's suited waist, enjoying the feel of the Head Honcho's hard body beneath.
The kiss was over as quickly as it started. Ricciardi stepped back and reached down to unzip his suit trousers. The man wasn't overly hung - like John, his cock was meaty, even fat. "Gonna suck Daddy's cock, kid?" Paul roughly growled.
"Fuck yes," Cole said. He's been with only six men since first becoming sexually active at 21. But he quickly realized he was all bottom - orally and anally. He was still surprised he'd bagged two FBI men over the last year and a half. Luck, for sure, but it was also clear the ex-soccer jock had a type. Both Paul and John were strong, silent daddy personalities. His own father was a PA state trooper, and one day Cole would have to analyze the fucked-up part of his head that got turned on by that. Or not. Maybe it was something that could never fully be explained - it's just something about a law enforcement man pushed his buttons big time.
Paul Ricciardi was careful about who he fucked. He had a one-at-a-time rule, for the sake of discretion. By now, he'd had his share of hot young men. He'd met some real sluts and a couple of ex-jocks like Cole. But no one had combined that effortless masculinity with a real bottom eagerness like this kid.
"Fuck yeah," he growled as Cole began deep throating that fat hog. "Swallow Daddy."
More than he realized Cole was worked up that evening. He would have chalked it up to missing this cock, but actually Paul had reached out to him more frequently lately, no longer the once a month booty call. Maybe the more he had it, the more he wanted it.
That hand now clasped the back of Cole's neck and held tight as Paul's hips went into overdrive. Fast hard jabs battered the back of Cole's gullet. It was too much, and Cole coughed some on it, which made Paul pause before starting a gentler, if no less deep, thrusting.
Finally he pulled out, that dick spit wet and rock hard. It was beautiful to Cole. Like with John, he decided he liked the extra girth more than he craved extra length. For as bottomy as he was, the young stud wasn't a size queen. He'd prefer a tool that could use him without too much discomfort.
"To the bedroom, kid," Paul hissed, a hint of a smile cracking on the stern face. He was used to being in charge in every aspect of his life. He was in charge now. But something about this jock stud made him feel a little less in control.
Cole scrambled up. He'd learned to come over to Paul's prepared. Sometimes the two took their time, sometimes the married man seeded him in two minutes flat and sent him back home. As they entered the spare bedroom for the apartment, Cole quickly peeled off his sweatshirt and T in one move and just as quickly kicked off his sneakers and peeled down the jeans. There was nothing underneath and his own hardon stood up erect and excited. Cole may not have had the girth of his boyfriend or this man, but he was hung longer and the sparser crotch hair made his jock bone look even longer.
Paul was taking off his suit and laying it on a chair. He'd hang it up later. For now, his ravenous eyes were on Cole as he got onto the bed, on all fours. They didn't always mate this way but it was Ricciardi's favorite position, and Cole's too, thought they'd never talked about it. They just fucked.
Then watched the Head Honcho step toward the bed, his body tightly dense from dedicated workouts. The chest fur wasn't as silver as his hair, but it was getting there, and it got denser the closer toward that magic cock, which was already dripping.
"Damn, when was the last time you got off?" Cole asked.
Paul climbed on the bed and ran his hand over the ex-jock's dusty haired but half smooth rump. "Fucked the wife yesterday," he hissed. "I'm just a horny guy."
"I'll say," Cole replied. He didn't know what he thought about fooling around with a married man. It probably wasn't the moral thing to do. At least John was single, or said he was single. Maybe the man lied, hence the lack of a last name.
Then Cole felt the nuzzling of the man's face in his clean crack and the contact of that thick tongue. John was actually better at rimming, or at least liked to go longer, but something about Paul's intensity drove him wild. "Yes," he hissed backing his ass back against the man's munching face. A hard slap hit his cheek as the Head Honcho dove in more eagerly. It was gonna be a quick one, but Ricciardi was a grade-A ass man and could rarely resist a taste of Cole's jock hole.
"Goddamn," the FBI man finally said as he leaned up. Cole could feel that hard beef press against his back as Paul reached over for some lube. Just a squirt, not too much... Ricciardi liked a snug ride.
The man quickly fingere Cole and almost as quickly lined up that fat prick to press in.
Cole's deflowering, the night after his 21st birthday, had been by a very patient man, and he'd lucked out to find a couple of tops who knew how to go slow at first. Paul Ricciardi was the first man to show Cole he didn't always need slow.
That dick popped in now, snapping open the elasticity of the young man's pucker.
"Fuck yes!" Paul growled. He leaned forward again, covering Cole's smooth back with his own meaty furry one. "You feel that kid?"
"God yes," Cole hissed. Maybe it was the rank or the badge, but everything about Paul turned him on and made this FAR easier than he'd ever imagine. He even enjoyed the crude way Ricciardi's bone just barreled in further, past his internal tightness. "Fuck me, man."
That was Paul's cue, his green light. Wrapping an arm around Cole's shoulder and neck, he held on tightly and thrust all the way into the hot stud. Barely taking a rest, he began fucking, hard.
"Oh fuck!" Cole whimpered. He wished he could keep his normally deep voice low, but the pitch rose once Paul reamed him like this. "Oh god, oh fuck!"
A hand clasped over his mouth. Paul wasn't overly verbal today, though he could be. Instead he gripped the kid close and rode him hard. It had been a tough week and he needed a fuck like this to channel his stress.
Each mating like this made Cole wonder if it could get better. His prick was now leaking like crazy on Paul's bedsheets and his muscles flexed involuntarily in the man's strong grip.
THIS is what made him feel about going around behind John's back. Cole wished to god that John could fuck like this, or would fuck like this. The Head Honcho was even less available a man than John, but he outmanned Cole's boyfriend in the sack.
BAM, BAM, BAM. Paul's fat cock was relentless now. Some guys couldn't take it. Cole could, and would. The very knowledge had the FBI big-wig's prick getting slick with his own precum.
Cole concentrated and forced himself to quiet his moans. The hand unclasped from his mouth and moved to feel up more of the ex-soccer jock's lean body.
"You're close," he heard. Paul wasn't asking a question.
Cole forced his voice back to its deeper register. "Yah." He felt light headed now. Before Paul he thought hands-free cums were a myth. They weren't though, and he was about to offer proof again now.
"Oh shit," he breathed in a whisper. His dick jerked and the first spray of precum jetted out, matching what Paul was pushing deeper and deep into his guts with each hard jab.
BAM, BAM, BAM. The fucking was harder and faster, if possible, only Ricciardi was starting to lose his cadence. The man was orgasming now.
Cole's dick now jerked again, and the cum flew out. Seven heavy ropes of young cum being pressed out from within. Cole didn't pass out exactly, but he lost focus, like he'd sucked too many poppers at once.
Paul's body slowed and now rested immobile on his back. A light kiss was the one gesture of affection Ricciardi offered him, ever, but the simple act was more powerful for it. Cole wished he could have experienced his partner's cum more vividly, but the payoff of the simultaneous orgasm made up for it. He and John had done that once.
Paul rolled his muscular, FBI-fit body off his sexual conquest and lazily plopped onto the mattress. He was sweaty and handsome as fuck and his prick still twitched in its wetness, semen oozing out of the tip.
Just as lazily Ricciardi reached over to stroke Cole's side as the younger stud gingerly stretched his legs and lay on his back. "Remind me to thank your boyfriend for the hall pass," he hissed.
Cole had told the Head Honcho that he was seeing someone. He's admitted it to put Paul at ease for a discreet hookup, but he regretted sharing that info now. "He doesn't know, actually."
Paul chuckled. "I thought you said you had an arrangement... but that's cool, kid."
Cole felt embarrassed. "I mean, we don't have an exclusive thing, but I guess I haven't gone into details with him."
Normally the Head Honcho would be getting up, going to piss, showering off, or just slipping on some sweat pants in a clear signal it was Cole's time to go. Instead the man's eyes seemed not to get enough of the 24-year old and his hand moved up to gingerly stroke Cole's cute-handsome face.
"Well, I'm glad this works out for you," Ricciardi said. "I know I come on strong, but you're really fucking hot."
"I know," Cole smiled. He knew his worth, but it was also a joke.
Paul got it, chuckling. "As you can tell, I'm a busy man... but I'd love to see you a little more often. If it works out with you and your boyfriend." For a take-charge man, he seemed surprisingly shy in his request.
"That's be hot," Cole said. Paul Ricciardi didn't kiss as much as Cole would like, almost never after the act itself. But it was hard to give up the man's harder approach in bed and his overall sexiness. "You're really fucking hot, too."
"I know," Paul repeated Cole's joke back to him in perfect timing. "Am I hotter than your boyfriend?" he asked with a wink, then patted Cole's chest. "Sorry, that was my male competitiveness kicking in."
Cole nodded. He wasn't going to give Paul the satisfaction of an answer. Besides he didn't know how he would answer. John was sexy as fuck, too, and reminded Cole a lot of Paul in his stature, build, and appearance. "Maybe I shouldn't admit this but he works for the bureau, too."
"Yeah?" he smirked.
"Yeah," Cole nodded. He was glad to see Paul's laid back side. Maybe being married, the man wasn't bothered by hearing about another man. Lazily, the man's fingers caressed Cole's chest muscle. "John. A field agent," Cole said, opening up. He'd not been able to tell a single other soul about the most important development of his life over the last year. It turns out this DL hookup with a DC big shot gave him the only opportunity. He blushed as he added, "Funny thing is I don't even know his last name. He's super closeted. Always going on about how he's married to the Bureau and doesn't have time for anything else."
"Sounds like my brother Jo..." Paul stopped, his face growing beet red and his fingers pausing in their motion on Cole's naked body. "Jesus Christ, you're not fucking my brother are you?"
Cole was taken aback. The idea was crazy and yet once Paul said, he knew it was possible, even likely. The resemblance wasn't dead-on, but it wasn't far apart either. "I dunno," he stammered. "Fuck."
Paul got out of bed and Cole felt bad. Ashamed but also pissed. This guy was probably overreacting. There had to be a thousand Johns in the Bureau. But judging from the Head Honcho's reaction, Cole worried he'd fucked up a good thing.
Only Paul's expression wasn't anger as he walked back in. He had his phone in his hand. He slid back into bed and held it up. There was a photo of John already, probably taken a year ago at the beach, the agent in chino shorts and a casual polo, barefoot in the sand at sunset.
"Is that him?" Paul asked, like he was interrogating a suspect.
Cole nodded, tears welling at the edge of his eyes. "Sorry, Paul," he muttered. "Fuck, I didn't know."
Paul gave a grimace which was strangely comforting as he set down his phone. "I know you didn't, kiddo." He gave Cole a good look, like he was still trying to process things. "Confirmed bachelor, my ass," he laughed cynically.
"I don't know... he's kept things casual with us. Sometimes I think it's more a fuck buddy thing, you know?" Cole was trying to make it sound better, but the more he talked the more he realized it was sounding worse.
Paul had one last shake of the head. "Well, my brother had good fucking taste... I'll give him that." Then, "maybe you should go, OK?"
His tone was surprisingly empathetic, not mean. Cole could tell Paul was feeling concern that he'd encroached in onto his brother's guy and was processing the fact John was very probably full-on gay. And maybe the Head Honcho was worried how Cole was processing all this.
"Yeah," the ex-jock said, quickly gathering his clothes to put back on.
"Don't worry, kid," Paul said, leaning up in his bed, still naked and hunky looking. "This shit happens. Well, maybe not very often, but it's nothing to get freaked over."
"I'm OK," Cole said gamely. A million thoughts were racing in his mind but one worry in particular.
"But what?" Ricciairdi prompted, able to tell something was bugging the young guy.
"I shouldn't admit this," Cole said. "But I'm gonna miss the sex we've had."
Paul's brown eyes sought his and it was like their connection was a spark of energy. "Me, too, kid, me too."
Cole Walker thought about those words the whole walk back to his apartment.
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angelsdean · 4 months
I know it's a bitter pill to swallow in this fandom for many reasons but, the phrase "open to interpretation" IS inherently a positive phrase that good creators use to affirm to their audiences that stories and art belong to the fans, and that every fan is able to find their own meaning through their own interpretive lens. It's not up to creators or actors to tell people what something--especially ambiguous or subtextual moments--mean. Everyone will come to a different understanding, some views might be more supported by canon than others, but it's still within every viewer's right to see things how they see them.
All "open to interpretation" means is: you get to interpret it! And you! And you! This is a key tenant of any creative work. It can be interpreted. And that is what literary analysis is all about. You build a case for your interpretation. You go into the text and find supporting evidence for your view, your thesis. And some interpretations are argued better than others. But everyone's still allowed to have their interpretation. (Also, literary analysis is fun).
I say all this because I've seen posts about Jensen going from "open to interpretation" to "clear text" as if he's now against the fact that things can and will be interpreted by fans. In terms of Cas's declaration of love? Yes, that is "clear text." It's romantic in nature, that's not up for debate, and Dean processed and understood it as romantic on the dungeon floor. But for stuff that is still ambiguous, still subtextual in some ways, like Dean's own feelings? Those are still open to interpretation by all sides, whether we like it or not. Until we get to see more of Dean and Cas's story in the basically guaranteed reboot, Jensen is not going to speculate about Dean's feelings or Destiel's reunion. He's never going to word-of-god confirm anything about this on stage at a convention. We have to wait to see it play out on screen.
As an actor, it's also not his place to confirm or deny these things. He leaves it up to the fans to read into his performance whatever they want. And yes, that sentiment IS affirming to a Destiel interpretation. We can read reciprocation into his performance. We can read romantic love into his words about Dean wishing he'd said "I love you back." We can look back on the years of queercoding and subtext and Jacting Joices and read Dean as being in love with Cas for years. And, well, the other side can read what they want into it, and we don't need to care what they think, tbqh.
This, IMO, is also part of the reason Jensen tends to give "vague" answers or use language that can be perceived in different ways by either side. As an actor, at a fan convention where fans of all sides of the fandom have paid to be there to have a good time, it's not his job to personally validate specific headcanons and interpretations. Jensen may have his own personal beliefs about Dean's feelings, but he's not going to divulge them in full if they close off one side's interpretation. So he will weave his way through answers. He will use terms like "brother in arms" which one side will hear as simply "brother" and think "platonic" and Destiel shippers will hear as the full meaning, a strong bond between men, and see the queer history associated with these warrior bonds.
He does this, IMO, to keep all lanes open for every fan, because first and foremost he's an actor at a convention being paid to entertain. He's also not a writer, he's not someone who can definitively say what was intended. Personally, I feel that his metaphor about being in an art gallery that he gave back in 2020 is incredibly apt. People come to the gallery and look at the art and find their own meaning. And the artist isn't standing there beside them confirming or denying their interpretations. That's not the artist's job. Once it's out there, it's for others to find meaning in what the artist made.
And again, it's not his place to speculate or write fanfiction for anyone on stage and personally confirm or deny headcanons. He's pretty adamant about the reboot, so I think for some things we'll just have to wait and see.
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today is Iida's birthday !!!! maybe some drabbles/headcannons about what it would be like to celebrate with him :3?
headcannons and drabbles 😜
for everyone else who has requested stuff and I haven't replied, I'm so sorry 😭 I just moved 4 states away from home by myself and I've been busy ASFFF but I'm finally starting to get some free time again so pls be patient with me, I appreciate it 🙏
Okay so this first one is oddly specific, but every time I go on my own personal Tenya Iida bend, I alwaaayyyss think of this. My fav "perfect gift for him" idea is a pair of glasses (stick with my now), but not just any pair, a pair with his hero name
engraved in the side‼️ It may seem kinda dumb cause hes got like, idk a bagillion pairs of glasses, but these are perfect for special occasions and we all know he prefers the finer things in life so I think he's love this 😌😌 (possibly sheds tears bc he loves his brother like it's nobody's business and he feels the weight of this gift in his soul, ong)
My favorite gag gift ideas all come down to one thing, oranges. (ifykyk but de I will still explain) So, as a lot of Tenya fans know, his quirk uses oranges/orange juice as the fuel for his engines (no I'm not lying, it's random ik, his family has so many random traditions and small details thrown into the show, I love them sm 💞)
Like many people, I love gag gifts, and I would have a field day with this. I'm talking sunglasses shaped like oranges, bottles upon bottles of assorted orange juice, Sunny D merch, the whole nine yards. While this HC is made to be a gag gift, I think he would actually lose his shit over this, like best gift he's ever received type shit. He'd keep a specific shelf on his bookshelf for all things orange you get him (like a shrine or sm shi 💀) It def weirds ppl out when they don't know the story behind the shelf, but he loves it 😌👍
Another gag gift idea I love 😋 (okay so rq)
fun fact Abt me: I'm in mechanics and I js know bro would eat up auto mechanics related gag gifts Soo much 😭😭
Like cleaner for his mufflers, car oil (strictly for shits and giggles) js dumb shit like that 😭 Again, definitely has a stash/shrine for all this stuff, everytime you tell him he can get rid of it
"it was just a joke tenya, you know you don't have to keep it right?"
"well dear, it could come in handy one day! You never know ☺️"
Spending the Day Together 💞
Bros prim and proper, if your lucky, you wake up before him. It's no secret that appreciates the finer things in life (and the small things, atp he appreciates literally everything. Tenya is an angel sent from heaven and don't you forget it ✋) But if you decide to wake this man up to some bomb ass breakfast, I'm talking bacon, eggs, possibly pancakes, and ofc a big ass glass of orange juice he WILL tear up. I know deep in my soul he's an emotional (or at least dramatic) gift reciever.
I feel like his birthday would actually be a pretty average day, other than the morning and night. He ofc wants to have breakfast with you, whether it's cooking or the two of you going out, but he makes a NIIGHT out of his birthday. Y'all are doing it all don't even play ✋ Anything he could think of that you would also enjoy, is going on the list. (ofc there's a list, this is Teny Iida were talking Abt 🙄🙄)
There happens to be a festival near by? ✅
Oh your in a town known for it's street foods? Take a wild guess where your going. ✅
Open Business Shack street strip? You're walking that thing about 50 times. ✅
Art Museums. Movies. Live Music. Wining and Dining. Walks in a Park. Walks on the beach. Hero conventions. Literally any event near or on his birthday y'all are going to. You can try to plan all you want for him but he's got things mapped out before you ever thought possible. Something to be grateful for though, he doesn't mind it. He doesn't mind planning all of these things for HIS birthday because making you happy in the process is more than enough for him to get by (selfless baddie).
At the End of the Day 🌆
As much as I'd like to think, and we'd all like to think, that Tenya gets in a good amount of alone time with you at the end of his birthday, it just doesn't happen (ikik trust the process 😔)
After a long day of walking around the town, eating great food, spending way to much money on entrance fees to museums, gift shops, and that great food I mentioned, bros pooped (sry guys I'm js a girl and idk how else to word that with equal humor to that phrase 😔)
The second you walk through that door bags are crashing into the ground, shoes are being thrown across the room (not rly tho cuz u leave ur shoes by the front door 👍), clothes are being scattered across the living and bedroom. All bro wants to do is crash into his bed. He barely has time to out his night cap on 😔😔
It's slightly mundane but sweet because trust me ✋ After a day like the one he has planned y'all's bed sounds like heaven. I mean you can swear you hear the angels themselves singing to you once y'all slink into bed together, and honestly he wouldn't have it any other way. Spending an amazing day with his amazing partner, then getting into an even more amazing bed with said partner at the end of his lil adventure 💞
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this is kinda on the short side, but it's late ash where I'm at and I'm tired asff BUT I FINALLY WROTE SMT AGAIN 😍😍 (praise God life was getting so boring) I hope y'all enjoy! I haven't been an iida girlie for awhile now but y'all are bringing it back 😜 (not to mention that one scene from the anime where it's class 1-A vs Deku and bros looking extra yummy) (slay) (pls don't come for me I'm 18 and have been watching this show since I was 12)(I'm also asexual so I'm not being weird I swear)(ik some of my reposts say otherwise but guys good writing is good writing what can I say 😭🙏)
Hope y'all have a wonderful night!
Lots of love 💞
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meruz · 11 months
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Lightbox Expo 2023 is over!! Thank you to everyone who stopped by the table. I can't believe I sold out of both my sketchbooks AND my digimon fanbook... (multiple prints too?!)! I'm incredibly grateful... I will have a 2nd print run of both sketchbooks and online orders for the digimon book up in the next couple weeks so please keep an eye out for that!
More gushing abt the weekend under the cut
I sell at an average of idk... 3-4 events a year? So I would consider myself a frequent congoer though not necessarily full time lol. I'm a little jaded like it's not that I don't enjoy going to cons but theres definitely a bunch that feel like just-another-con-weekend to me lol, sometimes it's more work than play I guess. But this con felt really different! For the first time in a while I left a convention feeling really thrilled and giddy that I had been there. The kind of feeling I used to get when I would table at anime cons in highschool! And I think a lot of that is the people I met and talked to and the overall vibes at the event. Oh also I literally just had surgery and going to this con is like the only thing ive done this week besides lay in bed and play Story of Seasons on the nintendo switch and I thought I would be in pain and miserable but actually I HAD SO MUCH FUN...!!!! even when i skipped after-hours socializing every night to go home early and sleep 12 hours lol. SO ANYWAYS. YEAH. IT'S CORNY. BUT I wanna say thank you again to everyone who stopped by the table. Especially all the coworkers and long time mutuals who I met in person for the first time this weekend!! And the long time followers who told me they have been following me since homestuck or naruto or whenever. And college classmates who I haven't seen since graduation, crazy talented underclassmen who I'd never met but stopped by to say hi... So many people who absolutely made my day. SPECIAL thank you to my table partner Emi who is the best and such a good sport and accommodating to the point that I feel ridiculous when she thanks me for anything. And um also thank you to the artists who were cool and nice when I went up to their tables and blurted out 24917596 compliments in rapid succession. or only got one really awkward compliment out to LMAO... I felt so inspired and awe struck by everyone's work! God it was just so cool to be there. I LOVE ART....
Ok yeah thats it. its been a while since ive written a post-con blog post so earnestly lol.. here's my obscene haul photo I was buying stuff at this con like I was dying and couldn't take it with me LMAO.
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I'm not gonna go tag everyone because I don't think everyones on tumblr but if you dont mind doing a little google search legwork: big x-men prints from chase conley, prints from jacki li/bguavas, azusa tojo, xanthe bouma, nicodaboy, susan yung, hormstuck, nessa tweneboah, linda liu, ash tahilan, zines also from jason dwyer, ash tahilan, aprilyn cunanan, veggiecakeface, deb lee, dune5and, uhh yoichi nishikawa art book and parakid calendar, stickers again from ash, marie lum, hormstuck, chiou, and emi hartana/crowlets OKAY I THINK I COVERED EVERYTHING THANKS FOR READING
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rayventoodles · 2 months
i said it once and i'll say it again, the first season of the tokyo ghoul anime is just fine if you completely remove it from the manga and look at it as its own thing. kaneki does still come off as this standard shonen protagonist (i think Pierrot forgot it was supposed to be seinen), the action is still enjoyable for the most part.
as for Root A, as awful as that shitshow was, still had a few moments that again, in a vacuum, were kinda okay. for example, i forgot which episode but the moment where ayato sees shinohara welding arata. that could've been GREAT if there were proper foreshowing and buildup to it (which something that the anime lacks). i also appreciate that it took its time to slow down and breathe at times, like when the snow begins to fall and we see everyone's reaction. i will admit that i kinda liked that after a long day at anteiku, roma proudly boasts to nishiki that she only managed to break two plates that day.
i think that sums up why Root A fell so flat. it just feels like multiple character-based episodes awkwardly stitched together. i will admit i cried during the last episode, not because of what was happening, but because of the song that was playing, but that's probably just the autism speaking
as for re, well, saiko is the only redeeming quality. she literally STOLE every scene she was in lmao
tl;dr the tokyo ghoul anime kinda sucks and i'm still holding on to the vauge hope that one day we'll get a proper adaptation, but if there's one thing that this month and the pandemic has taught me, it's to never get your hopes up for anything, ever.
fun fact: my coping mechanism for watching a bad piece of media is to not take it seriously. the whole time i could only imagine the characters spouting dialogue from the ghost stories english dub (which Pierrot also produced, they're also partially responsible for how the dub turned out) also the noises kaneki made whenever he was getting his shit kicked in was and Austin Tindle's annunciation made things unintentionally funny at times
not to say that he's a bad voice actor but i couldn't watch it properly because of the time i said something really cringy to him at a convention once hehehehehehe
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pomplalamoose · 10 months
DILF Luke headcanons / story draft pt. 4
🌿modern day AU🌿
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A/N: you know, I actually have a collection of ideas and notes I keep wanting to integrate into my Dilf Luke posts and yet I completely ignored it AGAIN in order to go off the rails with something else (this has been going on for several posts) anywaysssss I hope you have fun, mwuah <33
part 1, part 2, part 3, part 5
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• as it turns out Luke isn't as unaffected by the night you spent together as he unintentionally makes you believe 
• and how could he ever be?
• he might be able to pretend like nothing happened but inwardly has to deal with a lot of conflicting feelings
• first and foremost he's afraid he scared you away with his intense behavior and stern orders, his loud voice and the demand you stay with him
• after all you haven't been over to visit his child ever since, maybe you fear to be around him?
• he could never judge you for it either, you, who always are so gentle and timid around him
• he simply overdid it this time, overstepped a line and it's in your right to act accordingly
• thinking back on it now he's only able to shake his head at himself and at the way he treated you 
• in the heat of the moment it all seemed so strangely justified, every action he took only with your best interest and well being in mind
• but since a little time has passed he sees that a calmer, more conventional approach probably wouldn't have you avoiding him presently
• left to his own devices he's helplessly replaying how he dragged you into the bathroom and made you strip in front of him, even intervening by ripping off your clothes himself when you took too long for his liking 
• he completely disregarded how you might have felt in the moment, that quite possibly you did not want to undress in front of your best friend's father 
• let alone be undressed by him
• it would've been better to drive you home afterwards too, what went on in his mind to deny you?
• you are an adult, he doesn't own you, who did he think he was to forbid you from leaving?
• Luke doesn't know, of course, that the complete opposite is the case
• you very much wish for him to acknowledge his actions that night 
• and neither are you actively avoiding him, your friend is making you stay away for research purposes 
• "let him stew for a while", they said, "and we'll see how long it takes him to ask for your whereabouts again"
• your friend still isn't exactly thrilled about the situation, but it definitely piqued their interest 
• they want to know what's going on
• why is their father playing hot and cold with you?
• they are not amused he's towing you along like this, they really expected better from him
• meanwhile Luke is doing his best to deny that, if he'd listen closely to himself, he'd have to admit what else upsets him so badly 
• to him, even worse than his brashness is the secret knowledge that he enjoyed himself 
• very much 
• finally, he felt, could he rake control, do what needed to be done 
• and you followed him so nicely too, looking at him for guidance, never questioning, never contradicting anything he said
• your blind, even naive obedience touched him deeply
• he felt so needed
• oh and the way you looked at him; if he had a say you'd never be allowed to look at any other man ever again
• he wishes for your eyes to be only on him
• only for him
• but to confront all of this would also mean confessing to himself how he, in turn, looks at you
• how he thinks of you
• the feeling isn't unknown, nothing new, but still comes as a surprise after all this time
• so he's not ready yet to admit how much he wants you all to himself 
• and how could he?
• you're his child's best friend, it's not his place to swoop in and take you away
• he knows how much you mean to them
• and yet he can't help himself despite how ashamed he is 
• again and again he touches himself to the thought of you
• to all the things he could do to you and make you do in return 
• the thoughts come so easily and just won't stop, never leaving him alone 
• would you follow his orders as eagerly as you did so far?
• or would you take on a different approach, maybe turn into a little brat? 
• someone he'd need to teach a lesson to first?
• of course for that you'd need to learn how to be less shy in his vicinity first, could he make that work?
• mmh, he's not sure how he likes you better anyways 
• maybe you'd be open for a little game?
• though no matter in which direction his imagination takes him, always it returns to the picture you made on the floor in front of him, tears running over your soft cheeks, a pleading look in your eyes
• he could do without the tears, but, truth to be told, you are remarkably pretty when you cry 
• so they stay and all that changes are your surroundings
• he wants you to be comfortable of course, you're not supposed to shiver in the cold or sit on hard stone floor 
• you'd be much better off kneeling on a nice cushion in the living room, or on the plush carpet in his office 
• meanwhile his child is watching him like a hawk, intentionally not bringing you up in conversation even once 
• sooner or later he just HAS to do something, mention something, ask even the littlest of questions
• so their theory, at least 
• and they are right, they know their father well after all
• Luke folds after not even two weeks to comment on your prolonged absence from their house 
• he's so busy playing it cool he doesn't realize the way his kid can barely suppress a giggle 
• "and what did you say???", you immediately want to know when they tell you about it the next day
• "nothing", says your friend and laughs at your face "I want him going wild"
• a few days later he asks whether you fell ill after getting caught in the storm 
• like seriously, is everything okay?
• don't they want to go check on you, make sure nothing's wrong?
• are you struggling mentally again?
• did you guys have a falling out?
• are you on vacation?
• your friend keeps a successful poker face through it all, again and again telling him in a noncholant way how busy you are
• and why is he asking about you so much anyways?
• it's not like you're coming over to visit HIM...right?
• Luke retreats at that immediately and it takes him a while to come out of his shell again
• though only barely does he keep himself from grabbing and shaking the answers out of his child 
• "he's sooooo dramatic" your friend tells you "one could think he's a teenager with how he's acting"
• soon they start contemplating and scheming on what they could say about you to unsettle him a bit
• at this point you beg them to stop interfering, to stop putting themselves between the fronts like this 
• it's okay, you assure them, you can let their father go
• but they're not having it
• this isn't about playing matchmaker 
• you are their friend and they'll make sure you're getting treated right even if they have to go up against their dad for it 
• he's a grown man and he needs to start acting like it!
• your protests fall on deaf ears 
• "No, you listen to ME. I refuse to stand by and watch while my dad is playing hard to get. He's either going to tell you to your face he's not interested or, if that's the case, admit he feels drawn to you! He didn't have a problem with that all the many other times it happened."
• you can't deny they have a point and since they know him better than you do, what else is there left to say?
• the next you hear of them is when you receive a quick text with no context whatsoever 
• "listen I think I overdid it a little bit"
• you blankly blink at your phone, no idea what's going on, though you have the sinking feeling it's somehow related to their father 
• the next messages is just as unnerving but proves you right 
• "yeah uhhh sorry about that but he's coming to pick you up"
• "no way", is your immediate thought just before you get a call that makes you nearly drop your phone
• of course it's Luke, of course 
• where did he get your number?
• and what in the hell did your friend tell him?
• you pick up and before you can even finish saying hello he demands to know where you are
• judging by the sounds in the background he's already in the car and most definitely not in a good mood
• accordingly quick comes your answer and your heart unclenches with relief when his voice somewhat softens 
• "be a good girl and wait for me outside then"
• you're so caught off guard it takes you a while to pack your things and search for your jacket and when you step out into the cold he's already waiting for you, leaning against his car
• judging by the way he's dressed he's either coming straight from work or originally planned to go there before God knows what made him change his plans 
• he doesn't look amused and as your heart speeds up so do your steps 
• so eager to make up for the time lost, you nearly bumb into him as you struggle to come to a stop before him 
• if he's annoyed he doesn't show it and nevertheless opens the passenger side's door for you, waiting patiently for you to climb in 
• you're horribly embarrassed when you spot your reflection in the rearview mirror 
• your hair is tousled beyond repair, your cheeks a flaming red from running 
• desperately holding on to your bag like it's an anchor you watch as he slides in beside you 
• but instead of starting the motor and driving off, he turns to properly look at you, his right hand holding on to your head rest 
• you swear you can feel yourself shrinking into the seat as his eyes bore into yours 
• shyly you greet him 
• you don't know what else to do
• a brief smile flits across his face before it grows stern again 
• "who is it?"
• "just tell me and I'll take care of it"
• to say you're confused would be an understatement but as he continues, it slowly dawns on you 
• your friend made up a toxic relationship for you to be in 
• and their father is furious 
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ellaenchanting · 10 months
Hypnovember 2023 Master Post.
This year was my 5th Hypnovember! To be honest, it felt particularly hard-fought since I had a lot of life stuff happening in the background this month. (Nothing traumatic, don't worry.) Still, I managed to write about 10,803 words, record almost 50 minutes of audio, and pay tribute to a lovely friend. I'm likely not doing daily prompts next year but I'm glad I ran this marathon one more time. 5 years is a respectable amount of time to do anything so- I'm proud of myself.
Everything I wrote/created is below! Use these icons to find what looks interesting to you:
Icons- 📰- story 🔊- audio ✅-recommendation list ⭐-Ella's favorites 😍- romantic 🌈- queer 😴- regular ole’ hypnosis 🛀- brainwashing and/or hypnotist in a tub 👻- spooky ❓- bad or reeeally questionable consent  👨‍🔬 -science! 🤪 -crackfic #-#sceneideas 😭-feeeels  🦄 -mythological creatures   🔥 -explicitly sexy  🔁 switchy switches 😵‍ -intelligence play  🫥-amnesia 🏴‍☠️- Our Flag Means Death fanfic ☕- comfort 🤏-tiny fic 💌-poem 🚫- denial or teasing 🪞-autobiographical or contains autobiographical elements 🧲 old timey mesmerism
Day 1: Dazed 🔊⭐😴
File description: One Take Wonder induction designed to remind you that going into trance isn't difficult at all.
It's OK.
Just drift.
Day 2: Brain Drain M/m(/m) 📰 😴 🌈😍 🔁🏴‍☠️☕
Choice quote: "Izzy grinned too, feeling oddly proud to be trusted with this quiet moment. He and Ed had never been conventional. Maybe it was OK that Ed and Stede weren't either."
Day 3: Coils (Author/you) 📰 😴 🤏☕
Choice quote: "When I say 'my words coil around you', it IMPLIES control but what it really gives is permission. "
Day 4: Denial 🔊😴🔥🚫
File description: "Denial. That's it. That's all the description you get."
Fun fact: Unless you want spoilers- then head over here
Day 5: Maid (The author/you) 📰 🤏🛀
Choice Quote: "What if you could clean your home and clean your mind at the same time? "
Day 6: Soul Contract (Being/supplicant) 📰 🤏🦄🤪
Choice quote: "So- you say you'll give me your free will?"
Fun fact: This is secretly Good Omens fanfic about Aziraphale (with the serial numbers filed off).
Day 7: Repetition is Hypnotic 🔊👨‍🔬
File description: "Repetition is Hypnotic- what it says on the tin"
Day 8: Addicted (M/f) 📰 ⭐❓😭🛀🪞
Choice quote: "It felt like being owned. It felt like love. Then just as surely as the flood started- it stopped."
Fun fact: This was NOT a fun story to write, partially because it dug up some of my and my friends' worst experiences. I'm glad it's been helpful for some people who have been in some really bad situations, though- I'm hope I did you all justice. You (and we all) deserve so much more than this.
Day 9: Erased (?/f) 💌🛀
Choice quote: "That had all been/Erased"
Day 10: Confidence (F/f) 📰😴🌈🫥❓😍🤪🧲
Choice quote: "'No,' interrupted the young mesmerist. 'I mean- I know this is quite unusual but- I find myself quite fond of you, Harriet.'
Day 11: Attitude Adjustment/IQ Reduced (M/f) 📰⭐😴😍😵‍#🔥
Choice quote: "'That's good, honey,' he encouraged. 'You don't need to think right now. I've got all your bigger thoughts for safekeeping.'"
Day 12: Hyperfocus (The author/you) 📰😴🤏👨‍🔬
Choice quote: "I know you can focus, but can you HYPERfocus?"
Day 13: Smile (Being/f) 📰🤏👻🦄
Choice quote: "It made her smile."
Day 14: Impossibly Deep (Person/person) 📰🤏❓🛀🫥#
Choice quote: "'Not possible to be this deep, isn't that right?'
'Mmmm not possible. Too deep.'"
Day 15: Shatter 🔊👨‍🔬🛀
File description: Just a quick loopable file with a nice "shatter" mantra
Day 16: Sex Obsessed ✅🌈
Fun fact: Recommendation list of my favorite content from my friend @sex-obsessed-lesbian
Day 17: Corrupted (M/f) 📰⭐🤏❓🔥#
Choice quote: "'I can give you what you want," he said, silkily. "All the submission. All the pleasure. Everything you've been dreaming of...All you need to give me in return,' he continued, 'is your 'no'".
Day 18: Pet 🔊☕😴
File description: I'm a bit sick so- did some nice self hypnosis around the idea of being pet.
Day 19: Elevator (F/f) 📰😴🔁#
Choice quote: "Have you ever ridden the Tower of Terror at Disney World?" Ivy asked.
Day 20: Transformation 🪞⭐
Choice quote: "She didn't know that something could be both campy playacting and extremely real at the same time-the feelings, the bonding, the lingering effects-all of it."
Day 21: Forget 🔊🤪🫥👨‍🔬
File description: "Similar to the style of Samsung's website that helps you forget TV series you've watched, this file is designed to help you forget all of my Hypnovember content for this year- so you can experience it again for the first time!"
Day 22: Hypnotic Hands (F/f) 📰😴#🌈
Choice quote: "But mistress could make anything hypnotic. And today she had made HER hands hypnotic too."
Day 23: ...And Back Down 💌😴😭
Choice quote: "...And back down"
Day 24: Ready to Play (F/m) 📰😴#🪞🛀🚫
Choice quote: "The slight curve of her lip indicated she had something in mind but- had it started?"
Day 25: At Peace (Being/f) 📰🤏👻🦄
Choice quote: "It was useless to fight against it- although in the beginning she had tried."
Day 26: Shadows (F/f) 📰🌈🚫🛀
Choice quote: "Those shadows of her former self were still there- they helped make her who she was now. Who she was now, though, was happy."
Day 27: Shiny (F/m)📰🤏#😴🛀
Choice quote: "The leather boots weren't 'shiny, shiny' like in the song, but it didn't matter. "
Day 28: Workout (F/f) 📰⭐🛀🚫🔥🌈#
Choice quote: "'I'm going to challenge you a bit today, ok?' she says. 'Are you ready for that?'"
Day 29: Wholesome (The author/you) 📰⭐😂😴☕🪞
Choice quote: "It means something to us, and thus it has meaning"
Day 30: You Win (F/nb)📰😂😍😴☕
Choice quote: "'Hmph,' they responded, grumpily. 'I know what you're doing.'"
I'm entirely a hobbyist content creator and work primarily for feedback and belly rubs. :) (I do take tips on Ko-fi though if you're feeling generous!) If you liked anything I made this month, I'd be really really delighted to hear about it. Hell, I'm delighted to hear constructive criticism as well- anything to know this isn't all going to into a void somewhere. Reblogs are also very much appreciated.
That being said- here are a few people in particular I want to thank for your encouragement, your inspiration, your cheerleading, or just generally for helping get me through the month- @thekinkycocktailclub @mentat101posts @jam-and-stuff @linnybeenaughty @sex-obsessed-lesbian @theleeallure @tennfan2 @spiralturquoise @daja-the-hypnokitten @misscammiedawn @royb8772 @hypno-potion @hypno-sandwich @wellgnawed @redriotwest @egur19 @mozart32 @mys-oleander @sleepwithgiggli @telephonetrance @dommestic @subbypuppy (I know I'm leaving a bunch of people off so- I apologize if I am and know I still appreciate you a lot.)
Extra special shoutout to @emptyofbrains2 who has not only given me lots of great feedback but has also written a lot of her own great stuff this past month. Check out her Tumblr if you haven't already!
Stay tuned to this space for- whatever it is the future holds. :) I'm excited- I hope you are too.
Thanks y'all :)
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gladdygirl18 · 28 days
New tickle tea story incoming, and it's a really good one
Blue me, orange NEW BOYFRIEND
Yes u read that right! Wanna find out how this came to be? Read under cut (it's gonna be pretty long cuz this is covering 2 days)
So on sunday was my university's annual carnival to usher in new freshmen (so much fun 😁🫶🏾) and I was meeting up with my some friends.
My soon-to-be boyfriend (still a friend at this time) had sent me on a scavenger hunt to look for him, and ofc I eventually found him. After that, I gave him a small gift (some things I picked up from an anime convention) and he loved them
And throughout the day, after meeting up with our mutual friend, I would always poke and tickle him and ofc, he'd tickle me back
He is a firm believer of "equivalent exchange" (whatever I do to him, he does to me, and vise versa)
So while the carnival is going on, the 3 of us find and empty classroom to watch funny videos together. I started to lay across the table with my hat over my face (this happened like twice or thrice) and my soon-to-be at the time starts tickling me (revenge he called it 🤭💖)
When our mutual friend leaves the room, the 2 of us cuddled up to each other in the corner of the room and.... we started making out and the rest is history ☺️💖
We then went out to the courtyard late at night and just sat on the ground and just stayed there for a long while; it was bliss. We cuddled and kissed, and ofc tickled each other here and there. OMG he is such a tease
"Tickle tickle tickle~" "Where else are you ticklish?" "You're ticklish here too?" "You're just ticklish all over, aren't you baby?" "Coochie cochie coo~"
Next day (Monday) after classes, we were in my room just cuddling and kissing. Ofc, me being a little sneak, I start tickling. OMG he is so cute when tickled! 😍🥰💖😆 He has a very airy laugh and its cute
"No, not the tickles! Hahaha!" and once I tickle him, he tickles me back (firm believer in equivalent exchange) "That's it! C'mere you!" "Where's that bellybutton?"
While cuddling, we did something that I never thought I would ever think I'd do (i'd only ever read this dhit in fics) WE PLAYED A TICKLE GAME
The rules were simple: whoever lasts longer without putting their arms down wins. He lasted about 1:03. I was already so fucking nervous, but the fun nervous. Now, if yall know me, I can turn off my ticklishness, but when he started digging into my armpits and sides, I lost it. and this boy starts teasing me saying: "Come on baby! You're doing great" "I caahahahahan't" "You're almost there!" "It tihihihihickles!" "I know, babe, but you're doing great! Only a few more seconds!"
I lasted 1:04, a second longer than him (did not think i'd last that long tbh) Side note: he also has a small little obsession with my bellybutton and omgg he finds it so cute! He will tickle it, kiss it; I'm dying every time he plays with it 🥰😆💖
and ofc when I'm being bratty, he always says "Alright, that's it? Where's your bellybutton?" But if anything, he often aims for my armpits cuz i can't stand my armpits being tickled i literally start bucking like a bull (but it is so much fucking fun! 🥰)
Just yesterday, we did the same tickle game again. I had asked him if he could help me (cuz i wanted to see if i could last longer than 1:04) and he happily agreed. He then said, "However, if you lose, I get to tickle you more~"
When tickling me, he kept teasing me and encouraging me throughout, and it made it worse. And, purposefully ofc, I shot my arms down.
"Oh nooo.. Baby you didn't make it. You know what that means?"
This 6'2 guy straddles me, pins an arm above my head while locking the other underneath his knee and starts torturing the fuck outta my armpit!!! I wanted to fucking scream (i mean i did ofc but you know what I mean) and omggg he was so fucking sadistic with it too and it make the tickling worse. I then told him that I lost on purpose and he just gave me this smug ass look and said, "You don't think I knew? You wanted this all along didn't you sugar~? Having my hands lightly explore your tickle spots while you thrash around? Hearing you laughter and cute little giggles... it's like music to my ears~"
And omg he is so fucking considerate and compassionate. "The safeword is Grapefruit" (literally for no particular reason, just a random he came up with) Also pointing out when tickling me like that, he did tell me that, but I was having the time of my life that I didn't use it; I was having so much fun! "If you want me to stop, just say that word and my movements will freeze in an instant." "Is this okay for you, baby?" "I don't want to move too fast, so just let me know when you wanna take a step backward" that's all he was saying throughout while he was tickling me, and when I was calling out his name, he would say "What's wrong my little sugar? Are you having fun? Well, of course you are cuz if you weren't you would've said the safeword ages ago~" Such a fucking tease i love him 💖
But really tho, he be making me wanna cry... He's so fcking sweet omggg. One time, I started tearing up when I was hugging him and I said, "Thank you.... thank you so much" "I don't know what you're thanking me for" "...For making me feel wanted, loved, safe... and beautiful..." "Aww, you're welcome my little sugar dragon. You deserve to feel that way, and I'll do whatever I can to ensure that" (he calls me sugar dragon cuz A) I am very sweet and B) our favorite fantasical creature is a dragon, and to me, he's my little chaos dragon 🥰🧡🐲) He also says "She's sugar cuz she's sweet, too much of her will kill me, and too little of her will kill me" (iykyk)
but yeah! This is an incredible comeback to TTS's! I love my boyfriend so much; such a teasy tickle monster, even tho he calls me the tickle monster cuz i always iniciate the tickle fights we have 😋💖😋 But yeah, expect a lot more TTS very soon!
tagging the fwends: @giggly-squiggily @sunstone-smiles @cutesmokes @burningablaze @otomiyaa @ticklishfanart
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mari-writes · 4 months
My thoughts on Haikyuu!! The Dumpster Battle
⚠️ Warning: Spoilers for the film (and portions of the manga) ahead!
Two days ago, I went to see Haikyuu: The Dumpster Battle. I've been a fan of this series since 2015, and I started the manga within a month of the anime. So going to this film was a huge deal for me. (The only other time I've experienced a HQ screening was at the 2018 Crunchyroll convention!) It was awesome being at the theater with fellow fans wearing jerseys of our favorite teams, all excited to see our boys on the big screen. 🥰❤️
I absolutely LOVED how the film began, showing us Kenma and Hinata's first meeting but in a different way than in season 1, with the cat and crow staring each other down, and Kuroo overhearing their conversation from nearby. It really set the mood, especially with the incredible score (honestly the soundtrack is one of my favorite aspects of the movie).
However, I was upset that they left out the backstory of Nekomata and Ukai Sr. These flashbacks are so important to give the rivalry context and depth. The fact that these two characters met in middle school, and then had this battle decades later as elders, was so impactful. Not showing the history of their relationship affected the film's emotional impact. In my opinion, THIS was the biggest flaw in the script.
While we're on the negatives: I do think the film relied a lot on prior knowledge of the story. Which is to be expected, it's basically the 5th season of a show, but I don't think even casual fans would be able to keep up with how many characters and plot points quickly came and went. I recall being perplexed at certain things they chose to keep in, some of which were fun, but not necessary and just muddled the viewing experience.
Also: the subtitles. I've always had a beef with how Crunchyroll does subs. Not the translators themselves (I LOVE YOU GUYS YOU'RE AMAZING) but how they place the text. It was hard to distinguish between the primary and secondary dialogue. They were often stacked onto each other, with the barest hint of italics to differentiate. Honestly, while some background dialogue was great, I would've rather gone without to avoid confusion.
There were some other weakness, like the pacing and important character moments they cut. Obviously, as a MASSIVE fan, I would want everything to be adapted fully and perfectly. But that was never going to happen with a 1.5 hour film. 🤷‍♀️ The screenwriters did a really impressive job considering what they were tasked with accomplishing. Major kudos to them!
Now, on to the things I loved about the movie:
The animation. Gods, the animation was fantastic, such a breath of fresh air after season 4. I could tell how much care the artists put into this project. Some scenes literally had me speechless, sitting there frozen with my mouth hanging open. The final rally was animated ENTIRELY in Kenma's POV. The music faded out; you could here his heavy breathing and the team calling to each other. It made you feel like you were on the court. I've never seen anything like it before.
I mentioned the score earlier, but special shout out to the musicians, composers, and everyone involved in the soundtrack. 👏 I literally had goosebumps multiple times. And having a track by SPYAIR playing during the end credits gave me so much fuzzy nostalgia!
The voice acting was amazing. Kenma's actor, Yuki Kaji, absolutely hit it out of the park. He's always been one of my faves from the cast, but he went above and beyond in this film. But everyone did, really. It was so important for me to see the Japanese version FIRST to hear this wonderful cast who I've been following for the past 9 years.
Kuroo Testsuro. Good lord, did I come out of the theater having fallen completely in love with Kuroo. 😍❤️ His character is just SO GOOD, full of passion and love for his friends and the sport itself. I think the movie really highlighted this. (And it made me so emotional, knowing where he ended up in the future!)
BOKUTO AND AKAASHI. Thank you, movie team for letting them have their cute little moments. Especially the one with Yachi. I love these two so much. I'm very scared that their biggest arc, aka the Mujinazaka match, won't be animated. But I'm so grateful we got them in this film.
The after credits scene. REMEMBER TO STAY AFTER THE FIRST CREDITS YOU GUYS! They included the hilarious exchange between Kuroo and Daishou after the match, which was a really fun way to end things. 😆 Mika's little "You ready?" to her silly snake boyfriend was perfect. It made me giggle.
Okay, those are my initial thoughts! If I see the film again I might update this. For now, let me just say I really enjoyed it overall and it was such a special experience seeing these beloved characters on the silver screen. I still mourn the loss of a 5th season, and I'm nervous about what will be cut from the final movie... but that's future Mari's problem... 😅
Thanks for reading! 💕
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ironwoman18 · 2 months
Rather Be - Part 14
Chapter 14: The Manga Con
Anya and Yor went out to walk Bond while Loid cooked dinner. They already have some friends at the dogs’ park and while Anya played with Bond and other dogs, Yor was chatting with the owners.
“Mrs. Forger. I heard Anya loves Bondman so maybe this will be something she would like to go to” said a nice man to Yor, offering a brochure.
“Manga Con?” She read the paper “a convention full of activities, meet and greet with the writers of your favorite manga and even the actors of the most famous TV shows. From Thursday to Sunday” Yor finished reading and looked at her daughter and smiled “thank you very much. I will talk to my husband” 
Then they left and Yor made the wise decision of not telling her, if Anya were a normal child, but sadly she read her mind and knew about the convention and that there might be the voice actor of Bondman and the writer but, as always, she will need to act normal, as normal as she can, to not reveal her power.
Anya bit her tongue all the way to their house and thankfully the food was ready. Loid sent them to wash their hands then started to eat.
Yor was waiting to speak with him without Anya so the pink haired girl had to keep the secret. Bond could tell she was hiding something but maybe he will know later 
The dinner went by as normal as ever and while she brushed her teeth and changed Yor washed the dishes. Then Loid went to read her a story and he joined Yor in the living room.
There Yor made her move. She got out of her purse the brochure.
“Loid, look at this” she handed it to him. “one of the dogs' owners gave it to me when Anya and I walked Bond today” he started to read and with his quick reading ability hw finished in seconds but faked to read a bit longer.
“Manga Con?” He asked, confused “what's that?”
“It's a convention where fans of the manga and anime go to interact, buy stuffs from their favorite manga and there will be events like dressing up as their favorite character and win something” he nodded showing her that he understood, Yor continued “Anya had been a good girl all this month, doing her homework and getting better with her handwriting so maybe we can take her there” she said  looking at his face for any sign of disapproval but he just smiles.
“That's an excellent idea, Yor. I noticed that she is putting an extra effort in her homework and with Grandpa Siggy’s help she's getting better so I like your idea and we can let it clear that we are doing it because of her effort so you understand that, if she works hard then she will have a reward” 
“Exactly! That's what I thought. Like what I did with Yuri. He was doing all his homework and passing his exams so I brought him a new encyclopedia or something he liked” she smiled big remembering her brother's face when she did.
“Amazing, tomorrow we will tell her” he promised and they remained in the living room a bit longer just reading. Yor was happy because of her idea and Loid was proud that she was acting like an actual mom, which was excellent for his mission. That way everyone will never doubt her as a mother.
They went to sleep at eleven and the next morning while having breakfast, they told Anya who had to fake that she didn't know about it but her excitement was real.
At school she told Becky who doesn't seem excited but still was happy about her best friend having fun. Damian was a bit jealous because he knew that his father or mother would never take him to those events. They could say ‘it is too dangerous’ or ‘you should be more mature’. 
He didn't say anything but Anya could read his mind and felt bad for him, she looked at him in a way like saying ‘I’m sorry you have such strict parents’ which made him blush and stopped looking at him.
He still has in his mind what she told him about reading minds. Was she really doing it?... No, she must be faking it.
The days passed and Anya continued her good job so her dad didn't change his mind and Saturday morning arrived.
They had breakfast and left for the convention. The place was full of people wearing costumes or something from their favorite character.
Anya got excited and asked her mom for photos next to Bondman cosplayers, there other shows she liked but Bondman was her main show.
They stopped by a stand and bought a shirt and a pair of Bondman socks. She also got a color book and the manga she couldn't find which were the hotel saga, one that they haven't shown on the anime yet but maybe will be next season, there was also his past before turning into a spy so Anya bought both volumes.
There was a band playing anime covers and she was ready excited when they played her Bondman’s favorite opening.
Yor was happy for Anya and enjoyed it with her, Loid smiled as he watched her so happy. Operation Strix was important but these moments were worth having because those two were his team in order to complete the mission and keeping them happy was a must on his list.
The day finished with a cosplay contest and some words from the voice actor of Bondman which meant the world for Anya who nearly passed out.
They returned back home holding two bags of merchandise and a little girl sleeping in Loid’s arms.
Short and nice. Hope you liked this. I might skip to Halloween or jump straight to New Year’s Eve but I want Yor and Loid to have their first real kiss before that. Maybe an event in between also I might do an AU in the Modern Time using the song Lover as an inspiration. I’m open to suggestions.
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dwreader · 1 year
How do you go about figuring out what references the show is making (besides the ones they just say directly)??
Ohh ykw on this show I think they hit you over the head with so many both allusions and direct callouts that its almost more like trying to figure out which ones are true thematic references and which are just fun little namedrops. For example Daniel mentioning Kevin Durant imo is just a pop culture/worldbuilding namedrop to show that he's a ~cool guy~ from brooklyn and goes to basketball games (and to further establish these characters live in OUR world with the same celebrities). We're not meant to read Kevin Durant's bio on wikipedia and think of all the deep parallels. On the other hand, my pal blueiight has brought up that Basquiat paintings hanging around the penthouse could be read more deeply about the two men's biographies but maybe you don't necessarily HAVE to get the reference to understand the show. It's like an easter egg.
Also some references are simply bc modern tropes all stem from some origin and not the show deliberately making the connection, like yk the gothic romance tropes are abounding in this story and its not necessarily the show directly being like hey guys this is just like Jane Eyre! imma right? rather the conventions are so ingrained in our culture now that they bleed into everything. Or like my My Fair Lady posts it's like is this really a My Fair Lady specific thing or is it cause all professor/student or mentor/mentee romantic fiction all kind of stems from Pygmalion?? Anyways I'm gonna put the rest under a read more cause it's gonna be long af. sorry.
The ones I tend to take really seriously are books, plays, etc where the show goes out of its way to give you a bit of plot summary like Iolanta (blind princess who doesn't know she's a princess) where Louis crying at the opera kinda like Julia Roberts crying at La Traviata in Pretty Woman signals a thematic parallel between the characters (shoutout to slaygentford for that post that changed the world). Whereas they don't for Don Pasquale so while that's like a little funny joke cause its heheh its also about an old ass man looking for a wife that's like less serious to me than Iolanta. Louis casually reading Madame Bovary as his voiceover says he was "neglecting the duties of the role Claudia mocked me for the unhappy housewife" is a clear HELLO LOOK HERE moment, as well as Louis reading Edward Carpenter's book about marriage trying to regain his sight after his beating. Whereas I think him reading the Origin of Species is just like aww he's so cute and intellectual trying to find a scientific reason for his eating disorder.
A Doll's House is the biggest one imo cause it's both a direct callout in ep2 (Lestat mentions not wanting to miss the opening scene of Nora and the Christmas tree) and an allusion in ep7 (Louis shown decorating a Christmas tree), AND the "doll" theme runs throughout most of the show so even if you know nothing about that play, there's like hints being thrown at you with Louis bringing paper dolls to the twins bday party, decorating Claudia's room full of dolls and Lestat designing his Mardi Gras outfit like he's a doll. Maybe you've never read or heard Nora's monologue where she says all her life she's been treated like a doll and now she treats her children like dolls too cause she doesn't know anything else but you can literally SEE the dolls on the shelf in Claudia's room.
Streetcar is also the other one that the show is so so soooo obviously Leonardo Dicaprio pointing meme at itself. Even if you've never read the play or seen the movie, the image every fucking person on earth recognizes is Marlon Brando in a wifebeater cause that quite literally changed the course of pop culture history and male sex symbols AND you probably know STELLLAAAAA!!!!! These are both referenced quite directly by the show with Lestat wearing wifebeaters in ep5,6 and 7 and in Lestat's attempts to get Louis back after the DV as that's literally the context of STELLAAA he's screaming her name after he got kicked out for beating her btw if you even care. Plus they are riding an actual streetcar in ep7 even though they have a car??? and they're way too rich to be taking public transportation like what's that about.. unless!
Then you have things that Rolin has brought up himself in interviews like Bogie & Bacall (famously massive age gap hehe), John Cassavettes films (I would say Faces and A Woman Under the Influence as the primary sources of that comp), Francis Bacon art that you can definitely pick out from the show as well! So this show is chock full of cool references and inspirations and its very cool that people are being introduced to some of these older pieces of media through the show!!
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scramble-crossing · 8 months
2 3 10 12 13 for the ask game!
2. A headcanon you weren't sure about at first but have come to like! Ok this is hard to answer because I forget what's canon and what's intricately-woven-into-my-brain headcanon but I'll say the "Kariya was an Angel" theory! I never disliked it, but I never liked it more than the simpler explanation of "Oh he's just been around the block a couple of times, that's why he knows more than the average Reaper but still couldn't pick out Joshua as the Composer-that stuff's above his paygrade." Even now it's not "canon to me" level of headcanon, but I can see the appeal and really I appreciate anything that inspires people to look a littler closer at characters like Kariya or Uzuki. Also it's really good when played for comedy. His ass is showing up at the Angel convention, stealing as many appetizers as he can, and bouncing before anyone can point out that he got fired 30 years ago for skipping meetings to go play Tin Pin with random Wall Reapers.
3. A character that fandom has helped you appreciate It's too easy to say Coco so Beat! It's embarrassing to admit but I kinda had a bone to pick with him when I was first getting into the series for sorta "replacing Sho" in neo. I didn't think he was as interesting (and to be fair he really isn't in neo until you take his relation to Rindo's arc into consideration; he works wonderfully as a back for Rindo to hide behind even if his own story was very much concluded by the end of the first game. Then there's also his dynamic with Neku, which is very very good, but he didn't need to be a player character for that. Anyways). Beat analysis posting made me actually pay attention to him while replaying the games and realize how much I'd missed skimming over him in W2 (the poor guy's really gotta try to compete with fan darling Joshua and Sho, aka the loudest fucking man alive, for screen time). His stint as a Reaper is incredibly fascinating. I forget who, but I always distinctly remember someone talking about Beat getting prepped to try and deaden his heart and become as brutal and merciless as a Reaper is supposed to be before ultimately choosing kindness in both his siding with Neku and sparing Kariya and Uzuki in W3 and man.....yeah. He's just such a good guy. He's easily in the top 10 favs now, if not the top 5
10. A blog (mutual or one you follow) that has made your fandom experience brighter Well....yknow....
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There are a LOT of others and I'm too shy to tag but goldensunset (incredible analysis) playtwewy (fav fics ever) sho-minamimoto (awesome art + sho headcanons) dj-of-the-coven (made me love beat) purplelea (also incredible analysis) bitternami (very kind and wow I read a fic of yours once and it blew me away...I will remember to find it and leave a comment soon) leonvilasi (always leaves fun and interesting comments in my notes) off the top of my head and a whole bunch of people who aren't as active in the twewy fandom anymore or whose art I love and the people I always see leaving funny tags in my notes you're all awesome <3
12. Compliment someone else in your fandom AUGH HELL ON EARTH!!! dandelion2302 I absolutely adore the way you draw Sho your art is amazing.................
13. Your favorite type of fandom event (gift exchange, ship week, secret santa, prompt meme, etc) Yknow I've never actually done any fandom events before twewy! I had a blast during the twewybang and while I probably won't participate again for a while (I'd rather finish the fic I wrote for the 23 one first) it was a wonderful first experience with this sort of thing :]
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thislovintime · 2 years
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(Photo 1) Michael Nesmith, Davy Jones, and Peter Tork onstage in August 1967, photo by Tom Morton; (photos 4, 6 & 7) Peter taking photographs of Michael and Davy, published in Flip magazine, March 1968; (photo 5) Peter and Michael at the 2014 Monkees Convention, photo by Bobby Bank/WireImage.
“I have a great deal of respect for Mike as a musician and a songwriter. He’s very good. He could make it on his own easily. Also he’s one of the funniest people I’ve ever met. [...] Davy has a lot of guts. Internal fortitude if you prefer.” - Peter Tork, Flip, August 1967
“The first time I met Peter was at the Troubadour where he performed, long before the auditions. I’ve always liked his warmth and honesty. And he’s always been very kind to me. Both Davy and Peter have lived with us and Peter was always very considerate, helping with the dishes and all. [...] Christian liked all of them right from the first. He’s always so happy when any of the Monkees drops over. When Davy and Peter lived with us it was kind of a family atmosphere. They just all kind of pitched in — and even babysat for us!” - Phyllis Nesmith, Fave magazine, January 1968
“I remember staying at Mike’s house in Hollywood when we first started filming the series. It was the upper story of a two-story building on a little hillside. Mike’s wife, Phyllis, was wonderful. Mike and I laughed a lot and played music together. I remember that time very fondly.” - Peter Tork, When The Music Mattered (1984) (x)
“Looking back I have to say that Davy was the one I had the most feeling for, Micky was the one I had the most fun with, and Mike was the one I had the most respect for.” - Peter Tork, Monkeemania: The True Story of The Monkees (1997)
“The man was unique and a huge, huge talent. We’re not going to replace him. [...] [Davy] was such a little heartthrob. I don’t think people knew how bright and talented and gifted he was in all things. I’ve come to believe he was, in his own way, the smartest, most musically talented and best actor among us.” - Peter Tork, Boston Globe, May 16, 2013
“Basically with Michael we don’t ask [about touring with The Monkees]. If he says that he doesn’t want to do it, then he doesn’t want to do it. Nobody has very much influence on Michael in any case so there is hardly any point is us trying to cajole him into anything that he doesn’t want to do. We will miss Tex.” - Peter Tork, UK Music Reviews, May 28, 2015
“We dearly miss our dear departed brother; our brother in arms; the small one, now what’s his name, it will come to me in a minute (laughter). We called him the Manchester Cowboy. Davy had a love affair; a brief flirtation with country music for a little while and we called him the Manchester Cowboy from that, and it stuck. It’s all fond memories.” - Peter Tork, UK Music Reviews, May 28, 2015
“The first time I heard that [’Me and Magdalena’] I heard just Michael’s lead vocal without Micky’s harmony part, and I was really struck. Michael has tapped some new, personal emotional depth within himself that I never expected to hear on record. [...] I only now have, in the last couple of years, come to understand how smart and good-hearted Davy Jones could be. I did not have the skills to notice that, even though I was drawn to it without knowing exactly why. But I certainly did not have the first clue of how to encourage all of the good stuff from Davy that I loved. I wish I could have known how to do it — and he might still be with us, even.” - Peter Tork, Las Vegas Weekly, September 14, 2016
“Mike and I have been back and forth with the emails […] I bore him no ill-will. I have a lot of respect and admiration and some affection for Mike. And I’m glad to be back in touch with him.” - Peter Tork, interview with Iain Lee, 2012
"What I made the decision to do [in the last year or so of Peter’s life] was to stand by his side, be a friend and give him as good a send-off as I know how to give from this plane of existence.” - Michael Nesmith, The Courier Mail, April 10, 2019
"I will miss [Peter] — a brother in arms. Take flight my Brother.” - Michael Nesmith, Facebook, February 2019 (x)
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