#<- maybe? kinda sorta? yeah he can take the credit for this one. hahahaha.
squidyyy23 · 2 years
gallacrafts: wearable crafts
nothing like an little 🍬edible jockstrap🍬 for a delayed @gallacrafts on a wednesday! 😂
this one really didn't turn out as expected. much harder to melt candies into underwear shape than youtube made it look? i made this on saturday and snapped some quick picks to laugh about with the pals. then when i went to pick them up later to get some nice photos, they broke! 😭 said okay okay, i'll repair them when i have some time on monday. and broke them even more!
so fuck it. here is my most half-assed gallacrafts yet. was still a good laugh though! 😂
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killian-whump · 6 years
OUAT 3x05: Rewatch Liveblog
Hello, my friends! It is I, Killian-Whump, here with another Rewatch Liveblog.
This one's for episode 3x05, "Good Form" - and let me tell you right now, it might be awhile before you see another one, because it will probably take me 15 years to GIF all of the whump, angst and sexy faces that appear in this episode.
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I gotta watch the episode. So let's settle in, click the link below... and do just that.
Looks like we’re starting off this episode with Neal getting thrown in a cage, for all of you who are into that kind of thing.
Normally, I would be one of those people, but I'm not really into Neal... and what the hell is up with these camera angles? Meh. Could be better.
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OH GUYS! GUYS! This is the Lost Boy whose face annoys me. I thought he was in S6, but here he is here. Is he maybe in both seasons? I'll have to keep an eye out for him when I get to S6 in my rewatch and spontaneously combust.
Aww, my baby’s having some unexpected feels over there while Emma's talking about her days in the foster system.
Aww, look at him trying to share his feels and connect with another human being on more than a superficial level. Bless him.
Look at him getting shot down because Emma assumes it's just an attempt to get in her pants.
Aaaaaand look at Dave telling him he's nothing but a pirate.
Like I said, I'll be GIFing this shit until sometime in the 2030s.
Oh, look! It's Navy men! What kind of flashback could this be?
Why, that looks like a Naval Officer, someone of good standing, with a jaunty little ponytail and a spry bounce in his step. Who could it-
"Perhaps you mean younger brother." 'I MEANT WHAT I SAID, BITCH'
Ummm.... So... 'Only YOU can navigate us on this hero's journey!' 'Where are we going?' 'BITCH, I CAN'T TELL YOU'
OH GOD, GUYS, THAT BRIGHT SHINING SMILE FULL OF HOPE AND PROMISE T_T It kills me every time I see it. Colin could literally light up a city block in a blackout with that smile of his. We rarely get to see Colin's smile on Hook's face, but he uses it to such great effect right here. Bless.
...and here we are back to angsty, lusty, almost downright creepy staring at Emma XD
WHY IS HE FUCKING LIKE THIS (that’s what she said)
Hahahahaha, Snow. "Thanks for the advice." Like, she literally could not sound less dismissive if she tried. She gives so few fucks about Hook's thoughts, she might as well have walked over there and taken all of his OWN fucks away, as well. 'Nope, sorry, now NO ONE has any fucks for you. Not even you.'
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My fucks... Now I have none T_T
I wish someone at the camp had answered WHY Hook had to go with David for more rope with, "You're freaking us all out, actually." XD
"What would you like to yell at me about now, Dave?" I love it when Hook calls him Dave, haha :D
Dave: "But if I do die-" Hook: "WHEN" Hahahahaha, you little shit <3
Aaaaaaaaand a swing and a miss. Dave, that was the absolute lamest attempt at whumping Hook that I have ever seen, AND I HAVE SEEN THEM ALL. Multiple times.
"Mate? Mate!" Umm, try his name? We know you know it. You used it thirty seconds ago.
LOL, I like to think Hook was, like, pouring Rum on Dave's mouth like a five year old trying to feed a sleeping parent or something.
Aww, he plays David so well. Hook: "No, it's too dangerous." Dave: 'Well, now I HAVE to do it.'
Liam, you ass. "Haha! That was close!"
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Liam: "Employ the Pegasus!" And all the sailors, who obviously know what the Pegasus is, all spring into action, repeating the order and following it. So they all KNOW what the Pegasus Sail is and how to use it, while Killian, the LIEUTENANT and second in command here, has no fucking clue what's going on, what the Pegasus is, that the ship can fly, or where they’re going.
Regina: "How do we know you're not lying?" Hook: "Oh, you don't." Aaaaaaaaand he is. Hook: "But I'm not." Yes, he is.
Dave's TOTALLY OBVIOUS "goodbye forever beloved family" goodbyes XD
Ah, Liam, you stubborn arse. Listen to the strange demon child. Listen to your brother. Spoiler Alert: He never listens.
Oh, look. It's time for "Conversations with Pan That Are Somehow the Most Homoerotic Thing Ever Put on Television That Aren't Overtly Gay OR Sexual at All."  FYI: If sexual innuendos about Captain Pan bother you, you’re gonna want to skip to the next line break. I’m just saying.
Creepy silhouettes. Darkness. Pan: "Come back and work for me." Work? Is that what we're calling it now? Pan: "Like the old days." TELL US MORE ABOUT THE OLD DAYS. Hook: "I don't miss the old days." Great, but TELL US ABOUT THEM ANYWAY.
BLIP! Sudden Closeness Alert.
"We've known each other a very long time, Killian. We've done business before." TELL US ABOUT IT IN GREAT DETAIL OR ISTG
Pan: "You know me." Pan: *whoooosh* Pan: *appears directly behind Killian* Pan: "I like action." Hook: *closes his eyes* Hook: *licks his lips* Hook: *hangs his head* HE LIKES ACTION BACK THERE. BEHIND YOU. BUTT ACTION. I FUCKING SAID IT. I ain’t taking it back.
Hook: *turns to face Pan* Pan: *moves around to be behind him again* That's... I mean... I don't even have to make the innuendos myself here, do I? IT'S BUTT STUFF. I'M THINKING ABOUT BUTT STUFF.
Pan: "I want to see your hook inside his body." WHY DOES HE FUCKING SAY IT LIKE THAT?!?! Like he's a fucking expert at things he wants to see inside people's bodies.
Get a little closer there, Pan. If you even can.
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Oh, sorry. There is literally no way you could possibly get any closer to him without putting your SELF inside his BODY.
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JFC even though I've seen this scene a frankly very embarrassing number of times, EVERY time Pan grabs Killian's flask, I always think he's grabbing something else with that sudden jerking motion. And then he pulls the flask up into the shot and I'm like. "Oh. Oh, that's right."
Pan: "Have a drink." Hook's reaction. GODS ABOVE... Pan: "You know it always helps you think."
AHHHHHHHH and then we see why Pan was whispering, and why he put the flask in Killian's hand just then, because Pan knew Dave was approaching and he wanted Hook to look bad in front of him.
...and for butt reasons. FIGHT ME, BITCHES. You know I’m right.
Yeah, sure.
That fucking plant dripping black shit ominously looks like medicine.
"You choose to believe that boy over our King?" Well, to be fair, that boy fucking LIVES there.
Oh, Liam. Liam, listen to your brother. Liam, don't. Liam...
Every. Fucking. Time. I. Watch. This. Episode. He never listens.
Annoying face time again. I wish Regina would just rip his fucking hear-
Oh, there we go. Thanks, boo.
Snow: "The cost can't be this family." Emma: "It won't be." As long as you stop being a judgmental stick in the mud, MOM.
Aww... My baby, giving as wide a berth to the Dreamshade as he can. I love how afraid of it he is. He's so precious.
Ooooh... Swordpoint. This is a much better attempt at whumping our pirate, Dave. I commend you for not giving up after the first try went so poorly.
AHHHHHH and Dave backs him up against the Dreamshade he's so afraid of. LOVE IT.
Oooh, suckerpunch. And Dave's out for the count.
Pan: "Maybe you shouldn't have goaded him into it." LISTEN, YOU JUMPED UP LITTLE SHIT... And Killian just falls right into the trap, just accepting that he's to blame and trying to explain why he did such an awful thing... Oh, my pretty pirate baby T_T
Pan: "Don't leave the island unless you're willing to pay it." Ahhhh, you tricky little devil. You TOLD him, but you didn’t tell him.
Also, remember how Pan said to Baelfire last episode that all the pieces were where he wanted them... I wonder what his purpose was for bringing Killian to the island and setting all this up. He likely knew the resulting cascade of dominoes would bring Killian back... and back again. But why?
(Hint: It's butt stuff.)
Awwww!!! They got the message to Henry!!! :D Yay!!! Success!!!
And they only had to rip a young annoying-faced kid's heart out to do it :)
And now the show would like to rip all of OUR hearts out with a touching scene of brotherly love and agonizing death and beautiful crying faces.
"I will follow you... to the ends of the earth, brother." T_T STOP IT
Damn show.
AWWWWWWWW. He's so cute, suiting up and "bloody hell"ing and pulling a bandana over his face for the task ahead.
Sweet peanut, facing his fears and hacking away at the Dreamshade.
Awww, the way he looks himself over afterwards, and looks soooo relieved that he's emerged unscathed. Such a fraidy cat. I fucking love it <3
"I didn't do it for you, mate." <3
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Regina's so sorry she turned to see what was going on back there, lol.
Snow: "I'm not complaining, but what was that-" Snowing: *more kissing* Emma: "Okay, I'M complaining." :D Regina: "What I wouldn't give for another sleeping curse." HAHAHAHA <3
Awwww, Dave giving his future bro and maybe kinda sorta mate some credit. ...and Hook looking so shy and embarrassed by the attention. Bless <3
Oh. Ohhh. Ohoh!!
CS Kiss Time. As kisses go, this is a damn good one, because it has Colin O'Donoghue in it and Hook in it and Killian Jones in it and... it also has Emma grabbing him by his lapels and yanking him to her forcefully and keeping him there until she's damn good and ready to let him go and that speaks to me on a deep, primal level and did I mention that Colin's in this scene?
...and the way he looks so fucking BLOWN AWAY afterwards. Like, that boy's brain is SAUCE right now and I love every second of it. THAT... That is a man who has been kissed within an inch of his life and that is how a man should always look when a Domme lady is done with him :)
"A one-handed pirate with a drinking problem." LISTEN, YOU WALKING COAT HANGER...
By the way, this "Neal's alive and in Neverland!" cliff hanger here goes down in history as one of the lamest ones ever, seeing as Hook ends up telling the secret, like, literally 30 seconds later in show-time.
More Neal in a cage.
Pan: "Hang him up, over there. Next to the other one." Oh, how ominous...
WHO COULD BE IN THE OTHER CAGE?!??! We'll have to wait to find out!!!
Although, thankfully, you all already know... considering it'll be over a decade before I finish GIFing this episode and actually watch the next one... T_T
Pew Pew Pew Peeeeeeeeeeeew
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