#<- new tag for me making posts abt character's families lmfao
karmirage · 8 months
y'know, it's kind of sad/weird that even tho Dani has the best relationship with her parents of any of the new mutants, neither will nor peg have appeared since like. the 90s
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punkrockinchairs · 7 years
smallspaceplant replied to your photo “me doing the absolute goddamn MOST when making up new d&d characters”
OK IM GONNA TELL U ABT MY DAUGHTER VADANIA BC SHE IS CLOSE TO MY HEART (there’s only one other post in her tag rn bc she’s a brand new baby but it’s fine let’s move on)
the setting is of my own creation bc i’M MY OWN DM, GODDAMN IT, so it’s very much based on the real world. also her party is in a more modern setting w/ guns & tech & shit bc i love the modern magic unearthed arcana more than my own life
ok sO vadania is a tiefling (but one of the variant ones; she doesn’t have horns & shit altho she does have pink hair) bard and a bi trans girl. she was born in a traveling circus and had an affinity for music from a veeeery young age, but she also was FASCINATED by the sword-swallowers & knife throwers in her troupe and would always follow them around & mimic them etc (she’s fucking adorable). her mother is from a region basically equivalent to the appalachians (lol) & taught her how to play the mountain dulcimer, and she also plays viol, the lyre, and the drum. after like 10/15 years of travelling, her troupe eventually makes its way to the city of Minéti (essentially Athens lmfao) in the country of Meddi, and her mom & dad decide that they’re getting a bit old to be in the circus so they decide to settle down there. Minéti is a huge center of worship for the goddess Minétha (Athena; i’m not all that clever honestly), with the city centered around this GIGANTIC FUCKING SPIRE called the Citadel. Minétha is a goddess of civilization and knowledge and teaches her devotees that knowledge is essential to life, and that no one should be denied access to education (kind of a radical stance in the setting of the “””campaign””” such as it were), so there’s a HUUUGE (free) college connected to the Citadel. vadania and her parents are more-or-less uneducated since they all basically grew up in the circus, so her family gets really into the religion & starts attending the classes that are offered--vadania & her mom especially love the classes about music & music theory, and her mom gets rly into math too for some reason while her dad basically gets a technical degree in construction and architecture.
ANYWAY one day while she’s at the college vadania meets a girl named Selêne, who she finds out was raised in the temple & is a cleric and one of Minétha’s chosen (made obvious by the giant owl tattoo-like symbol that spans her chest from shoulder to shoulder, wings splayed across her collarbone). vadania is IMMEDIATELY SUPER GAY for selêne & they start hanging out a bunch, & eventually selêne introduces vadania to a VERY unusual being that seems to be a living suit of armor, which selêne explains is one of Minétha’s Warforged: living constructs from a bygone era of war and famine, when the gods themselves had to take sides in order to decide the fate of the world. this one is seemingly the last of them all, and selêne calls him Pally due to the fact that....he’s a paladin. lmfao. pally remembers very little of his life before selêne woke him back up, but one thing he does remember is that Minétha Herself crafted a magical item known as “the Heart of the Warforged”, and that that item has since been stolen--or at least hidden away. selêne has promised pally that she’ll do anything she can to help him find it again, and vadania........... well, like i said, vadania is SUPER GONE on this girl so she immediately is like “I HAVE NO OTHER PLANS, I’LL HELP YOU FIND IT, LET’S GO NOW” bc she has NO CONCEPT OF CHILL lmfao
and that’s basically where the adventure starts!!!! i haven’t figured out anything past the starting point since i’m still crafting backstories & histories for all the characters but...yeah!!!
ur turn!!!!!!! also sorry this got so long lmao!!!
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