#<sorry ik it is unrelated but it feels like you guys definitely will have some cool recs
Hii I am currently looking for some new comics to read so I was hoping Tumblr could perhaps have some recommendations?
I am very open to different genres etc, pretty art is definitely a big bonus :D
(For reference besides Ttlotfk and Tua I have read and quite enjoyed Blacksad, all the Witcher comics, Cyberpunk 2077 Comics, Doom Patrol, modern Venom comics, also quite a bit of shounen manga and I am currently reading Paper Girls so yeah a lot of different stuff lol)
Also since many comic books are hard to get in Czech Republic I would definitely prefer ones that are not divided into issues (or that are but a collected version has been released) and that do not have too many parts, sorryyy
And thank you greatly for any recommendations, I really appreciate it
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mammons-tax-returns · 4 years
"for one muse to kiss the other's scar" w satan pls? 👉🏻👈🏻
masterlist / 600+ followers event
Thank you for your request, anon! No pronouns were specified so I hope you don’t mind masc mc :’)
I kept getting scared that this was getting too lengthy (i have a short ass attention span so ik i cant read long stuff LMAO) so I redid a bunch of parts, i hope it’s not too apparent!
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Anything with history is an eye-catcher to Satan.
Just like a good novel, things with meaning and origins deeper than surface level are so much more enjoyable and genuine than things that simply are there. Who says an Avatar of Wrath can’t be poetic?
But it’s often that things with such overwhelming sentiment that Satan feels become an eye sore much quicker than anything else. Some things of personal importance are meant to be remembered, but not belabored to the point of ruin.
He is forced to face this fact today when Lucifer pushes a boundary that may not have even existed before. At any rate, it does now. Skipping past the point of negotiation entirely, Satan now finds himself pacing his room, cursing his brothers name under his hissing breath.
MC patiently watches as Satan goes through his breathing exercises on his own, knowing that if Satan has learned to calm down on his own before, he can do it again. Just being in his room with him is enough.
On the other hand, Satan isn’t too keen on that idea.
Things have become enstranged between him and Lucifer— Even more so. At this point, it’s hard to tell that MC’s help had brought them any closer at all.
The recent fights and arguments continuously end in Satan peering at the long, winding scar wrapping around his wrist and forearm like a ravenous snake. Just its faded presence is enough to make him conflicted.
He received this scar long ago, at least thousands of years ago. From a day that Lucifer got a bit too close to Satan when he was angry.
Maybe that was the day that set the precedent. The precedent that stated that no matter how smart or calm he presents, there will always be some turmoil within him brewing like a storm.
The disappointment and weariness that shows in his own family’s faces when he gets worked up is so evident he wishes he could be anyone else than who he is. Even if just for a day. But isn’t it unfair to only expect chaos from him? Certainly he’s been doing better to keep his anger in check... Right?
Besides... It’s just his nature to be angry. So, maybe... No, he still is held accountable for his actions. He definitely should just—
“Satan? Are you... Are you okay?” MC quietly calls his name from his bed. Perhaps he should have called Satan’s name a little earlier? The demon stood staring at his clothed arm in absolute silence for a number of minutes until now.
Satan’s eyes open a little wider. “Huh..? Oh, I’m sorry. I must have spaced out... How uncharacteristic of me.” He can’t find it in himself to smile, and instead uses his left hand to hold onto his scarred forearm, pushing it aside in hopes to shake off his intrusive thoughts.
“Moreover... I feel like I have calmed down significantly. Thank you for being here MC, but perhaps you’ve been bored out of your mind here.” He gives a firm smile and quickly looks away. “You may leave if you’d like.”
MC doesn’t quite listen to his offer. Satan seemed more tensed than normal when he would have “calmed down”. If he were a danger to be around at that moment, he would have said so, anyways. And if there was any chance of being able to help him before he does something risky, MC would take it.
“Well... It wouldn’t hurt to stay just a bit more, would it?” MC gave him a small smile, in which Satan seemed to become a bit flustered upon seeing.
Satan wonders how to respond. MC was right. And it may just hurt more if Satan is alone with his thoughts. “Oh, MC.” He sighs with unsaid appreciation, then makes his way into bed beside the human, who is still sitting on the edge. “Sometimes I wonder who truly are the angels of the exchange program.”
MC giggles, rolling over so that the two males lay side by side. “I’m no angel, but humans aren’t so bad... Occasionally.”
Satan smiles to let him know that the response was well received. Lord knows how grim his expression was while he was subconsciously considering his past just moments ago.
“But, that aside...” MC turns his head to look at the blonde. “What’s wrong, Satan? I’m not forcing anything out, but I’m thinking I should start to worry.”
Satan could almost laugh at those words. Worry? For him? A demon who embodies fury and unrelenting rage? It’s... A little odd to picture.
“Hmph. Well... Now that I have to put it in words, it seems a bit silly when it really shouldn’t be...”
MC raised a brow. “Based off of how you were glaring at your hands earlier, I doubt that this is about it being silly, and more about you trying to downplay it. But I’d say that’s a rather common coping mechanism.”
Satan felt as if he were see through. A mere glass pane. How could someone see into his mind so well? He had barely gotten into his explanation at all. “Er. I guess you could say that...
“It would appear that the tension... Between Lucifer and I has caused some rather distasteful memories to surface.” Satan mumbles the words as if they would reflect his character poorly. As if they were something to be ashamed of.
MC picks up on this, and a frown deepens his features. “Satan...” He pauses to think about what to say next, “You see, this is the part where I have no idea what to add because you guys have thousands of years of age on me.”
Satan ruffles the male’s hair when he sees the small pout on his lips. “You’ll come to learn that most demons are petty, shallow creatures with personalities about as deep as a puddle,”
Coming to a stop, the Avater of Wrath subconsciously began to pull up his sleeve to reveal the very edge of his scar. However, he hesitates, and his throat tightens just barely.
What in the hell was he doing?
“...” MC can’t look away from Satan’s hands, and it seems that time has stopped for a moment. Even the air that previously entered and exited MC’s nose seized.
Satan suddenly relaxes. It’s just MC. A human that knows all too well that this household could be dangerous and frightening. So he continues to pull up the bit of cloth covering peach skin.
“And sometimes, we tend to give into vainglorious temptations that only end up hurting someone, or everyone.” Satan finishes, voice barely breaking the border between a whisper and mutter. “I suppose I could have gone about pushing Lucifer’s buttons in a smarter way... But I didn’t, unfortunately. So I’m left with this loving scar from my brother.”
MC supresses a gasp, and gently takes hold of Satan’s arm. “It looks like it was super deep... I’m sorry this happened to you Satan.”
Satan watches MC trail his fingers calmingly along the edge of his river-like line along his arm. He rotates his forearm so that he can follow its path all around his arm.
“I appreciate that, MC... But I’m ‘over it’, for lack of better words. You see here, the scars actually make the silhouette of a cat on the untouched skin. It’s rather cute.”
MC laughs at the revelation. It was cute. But as much as he could admire Satan’s turning of an unfortunate event into a moment of entertainment for the two of them, he couldn’t ignore the weary look on Satan’s face.
“Awh... That’s adorable.” MC lightly mocks a babyish tone, and rubs his finger on the head of this imaginary feline. “It’s like a mini Satan cat.” He feels Satan’s shoulder move as he chuckles breathily.
“I value your adoration for my unsightly skin, MC. But if you’re so affectionate to this mere imagery of ‘mini Satan’ , perhaps you could spare a moment or two paying more attention to me.” He’s not sure if Satan means to sound dismayed rather than playful, even through the smile on his lips.
So he decides to gently grab onto Satan’s arm and press his lips against the indented skin on his forearm.
“M-MC-..!” Satan jumps, free hand freezing mid-air. His body heat is rising, and he’s sure MC can feel it.
“You’d better not be talking about Mini Satan like that, Satan.” MC mumbles against his skin. “He’s not unsightly. He’s wonderful and handsome, just like you.”
Satan can’t find a way to respond. Was he supposed to feel his heart squeeze? This seemed too menial of a response from MC for his heart to be racing like this. He simply smiles and shakes his head helplessly.
“Thank you, MC...” He lets out the breath he had been holding in.
Perhaps he could afford to be transparent every once in a while.
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shiro-0197 · 4 years
I'm so sorry for the late reply 😭😭😭 I was so busy yesterday and then when I was finally free I was so tired and just ready to collapse somewhere— and I woke up with the worst cramps so I was just grouchy this whole morning and afternoon 😣😭😭 I'm sorry!! But I'm feeling better now, so don't worry!!
Gloves are handy haha. Unrelated, but do you like fingerless gloves?
You're such a great friend, honestly. Also, I meant to ask, do you two share a birthday too?
AKDJSKJSKS ‼️‼️‼️😿😿😿😿😿 hmm okay fine🥺🥺🥺🥺, bUT IT'S SO FUN :DDDD
your mom is literally superwoman, she's such a strong, brave, person, I can see where you get all your good traits from, now. 💖💖 And I'm really glad you told me about her. 😆
🥺🥺🥺🥺Uno reverse tho, you're way cuter 👉👈
that's understandable tho hahahah, I think it's an acquired taste. Crabs probably do taste good :D I should try, in the future. But I'm allergic to shrimp, so that's also why I stay away from seafood in general. Are you allergic to anything?
yes please omg I'm melting 😭😭 something specially made by you?? Perfection ‼️‼️‼️✨
oh I see!! I love using chopsticks because they're so compact and easy to keep. Plus most people use them the wrong way, but my grandma is Chinese, so she always made sure I used them the right way, and like, knew lots of stuff about our Chinese culture xD sorry for going offtopic!! How about you, are your grandparent big on stuff like that?
thank you so much bae. The fact that you understand me, even if I'm a bit salty at times means the world, and I hope you know I'm here for you if you ever wanna cuss at the world too >:) always ✨
I definitely did smile :D I saw fireworks last night, with a friend. My brothers called a couple of their friends over— and I ended the year with a smile, and started one with a smile too!! I hope you did as well? And I can't wait to see what memories we'll make this year 😼😼💖 do you have any plans for the first day of the year? Abigail is coming in a few minutes to pick me up, but she won't tell me where we're going, so I'm excited about that! What about you?
I love you Shiro. I really am so glad I met you. And even though 2020 had it's ups and downs, it was precious because we found each other :)
It's alright!! I've been busy (and asleep till 12, ahem) too, so it's fine hehe. I'm glad you're feeling better but I'm vv sorry your morning was like that:(( Not the best start of the year😭
I do! I think they're badass, and even though I usually forget about thei existence, I get an aesthetically pleased feeling whenever I look at them :D
Yeah, that's basically how we found each other, tho he had a different insta page at the time. It was on someone else's post, where it said "comment your birthday and find your twin" and I took a look at his posts and stories and I was like "we are one", that's basically it. Now I'm his dog or something😭
Sunshine I know it's fun but breaking your spine or getting a bruise if were talking no exaggerations isn't, so better be careful😡😡
She totally is and I always feel like an absolute asshole when I dont appreciate her or raise my voice at her because of my anger issues LIKE SIR YOURE THE WORST hopefully I'll learn to be calm😭
Nonononsense, you're the cutest there is, no comebacks🤭
Ohhh, I've never tried shrimp😭😭 Someone told me it feels like moist fishy cake which sounds bad on it's own but they love it so ehh XD I'll try it if I can, hopefully I don't waste my money when I do.
Well, not that I'm aware of? I havent tried everything in the world yet, so I dont know, but I dont think im allergic to anything~
Ohh, that's so cool! I havent really met any of my grandparents in a while, but as much as I've visited them, none of them were really into culture or anything😔 all they knew is to curse at their exes and children qkdkwkkd Dont worry about going offtopic!! It's actually nice to know something about your family and etc, it's pretty cool !!
Theres no need to thank me!!! That's what friends are for, ay? I'll surely keep that in mind, and I'll totally message you if I wanna rant^з^
Ik so glad to hear that!! I did as well, I had some very nice snacks during the countdown and it was wonderful xD I also had some random guy message me saying happy new year, and were probably never gonna talk to each other again but it was fun knowing him.
I dont really have any plans for today, just a walk, a call with Kuro and another sandwich XD
I'm looking forward to our new year with each other as well! Im so glad I got to meet you<33 I love you lots, hope your day is going well!❤❤
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