#but yeah any recommendations will be highly appreciated :D
Hii I am currently looking for some new comics to read so I was hoping Tumblr could perhaps have some recommendations?
I am very open to different genres etc, pretty art is definitely a big bonus :D
(For reference besides Ttlotfk and Tua I have read and quite enjoyed Blacksad, all the Witcher comics, Cyberpunk 2077 Comics, Doom Patrol, modern Venom comics, also quite a bit of shounen manga and I am currently reading Paper Girls so yeah a lot of different stuff lol)
Also since many comic books are hard to get in Czech Republic I would definitely prefer ones that are not divided into issues (or that are but a collected version has been released) and that do not have too many parts, sorryyy
And thank you greatly for any recommendations, I really appreciate it
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clarionglass · 5 months
so i have been bitten by the sam reich!master bug courtesy of some phenomenal art by @northernfireart and uh. as is too often the case i had to write something otherwise if i didn't get it out of my brain i would go absolutely insane
(there may be more vignettes coming if i have ideas..... there are definitely other episodes i'd like to give the Treatment to, plus with the new dw series coming out on the weekend i may have ideas for how to incorporate the dw gang! however, i promise neither more writing or no more writing. that said, this was a lot of fun so there'll probably be more at some stage :D )
this has full spoilers for the game changer ep "escape the greenroom", but hey that's been out for a while now so,,,, if you haven't seen it i'd highly recommend it as an episode!
so, without further ado:
Samuel Dalton was a complete fiction, of course, but that didn't mean that when Sam Reich snuck back upstairs to get tied up in the “out of order” bathroom, the Sam that remained on the monitor, laughing at the contestants, was a pre-recording. And if Brennan, Siobhan and Lou had snorted at the idea of a time-travelling evil magician great-grandfather (for good reason), going in with the actual truth of the matter would have sounded like jumping the shark.
It sounded bizarre, but the time travel bit was the only part about his new partner in crime that was confirmably real. Admittedly, the jury was still out on “evil”—he gave off a weird vibe at times, but so far, no lines had been crossed, and it had all been funny as hell—so for now, Sam was willing to roll with it. But perhaps most surprisingly, there wasn’t even the possibility of blood relation between Samuel Dalton Reich and the guy who had shown up out of the blue one day with his exact face and a plan to really fuck around with things on Game Changer.
Yeah, the whole alien thing had really ruled out that particular prospect.
There had been various bits and pieces of confirmation that this guy wasn’t human through the time Sam had known him, but the final nail in the coffin for that one was when his doppelganger had looked him dead in the eye and tried on one of the heart rate monitors—sorry, “range extenders”—for As a Cucumber. The damn thing had literally sparked up, then died completely. Trying to process input from two separate heartbeats at once would do that, apparently. 
His doppelganger was a Time Lord, or so he had nonchalantly said one afternoon in casual conversation, though Sam still wasn’t sure if that one was a joke or not. It was hard to tell, sometimes, because he said the wildest things with the straightest face, and so far, most of them had turned out to be one hundred percent certifiably true. The time travel, the space travel, even the changing faces thing—it sounded objectively insane, but the proof was undeniable. 
There were some notable exceptions, though. Saying he’d been trapped for aeons inside Neil Patrick Harris’s gold tooth went just that bit too far to be believable, though Sam did appreciate his double’s slightly warped sense of humour.
It was that offbeat line of thinking that lent itself well to game design, as it turned out. He had a knack for coming up with ideas for Game Changer episodes, albeit with the occasional suggestion that went way beyond the bounds of good taste, and, as in the case of Escape the Greenroom, had devised some blinding twists on concepts Sam had already half-formed. The letter puzzle unlocking the secret door? It was perfect.
Understandably, Sam’s doppelganger had wanted to observe the fruits of their labours in real time, rather than watching the recording later. It happened, sometimes, particularly when it was one of his ideas that had made it through to the episode list—they’d swap places for a session, with nobody being any the wiser. Watching those edits back always felt a bit weird—it was uncanny how flawless the mimicry was—but hey, the guy was right. It was always fun.
Escape the Greenroom, specifically, with its “Samuel Dalton” conceit, provided them with a unique opportunity. Instead of swapping out the camera feed for a recording when the cast piled into the tiny secret room behind the wall, as per the original plan to get Sam in position to be discovered in the bathroom, they could just swap out the people. Sam would go upstairs, and his double would take his place at the podium, ducking out of sight when everyone came back to the main stage to “defuse the bomb”.
Sam was keen—hell, if their situations had been reversed, he’d want to be there to watch, too—but caution raised a flag. “You don’t think it’s too risky?” he’d asked when the subject was first raised. “Both of us being in the same place?”
His doppelganger had shrugged one shoulder with supreme unconcern. “The crew won't notice.”
At the time, Sam had shot him a sceptical look, but right now, Sam-Reich-in-a-purple-tie and Sam-Reich-in-an-orange-tie were standing backstage post-record, clearly visible and and calmly chatting, and not a single member of the crew had given them so much as a second glance. 
…Hardly even a first glance, come to think about it. If anyone looked over their way, their eyes seemed to… not exactly go through them, but slide over the two of them like water. He was tempted to wave to Nico or Ash or someone, just out of pure curiosity, but something in the back of his mind told him that wouldn’t be the world’s greatest idea. He had a funny feeling he wouldn’t like to see what would happen next.
(He’d given the prop bomb back to the crew once the cameras stopped rolling, and though it looked the same as the one he remembered from before he’d headed upstairs, it felt different in his hands. Heavier, more… serious, somehow. He was sure nothing would have happened—but at the same time, he was suddenly very glad that the cast had cut the correct wire with no less than a minute fifteen to go.)
(The jury was still out on evil, after all.)
“Worth coming in for?” he asked instead.
“Absolutely,” his double replied with relish. “Locking those three in a small room for an hour? Brilliant, fantastic. Inspired. It was absolute chaos.”
“Have you seen up there?” Sam asked, a smile starting to spread across his face. “They messed up the set real bad.”
His doppelganger smirked at him. “You know it took literally two seconds from you telling them to escape the greenroom for Lou to smash that guitar?”
Sam shook his head. “Oh my god. Yeah, they were stressed.” 
“Mmm. Some real panic in that room,” his doppelganger agreed, and Sam chose to ignore the faint note of satisfaction in his voice.
He shifted his weight, settling back to lean against the table behind the set, in the exact instant his double decided to do the same thing. It really was freaky how similar they were, down to the smallest mannerism—like looking in a mirror, only weirder, because the face that looked back at him was truly his own face, not mirror-reversed. Even now, it still caught Sam off guard from time to time, but at least it had faded into a more comfortable kind of strange. He had an exact lookalike who was an actual time-travelling alien. Cool. Doesn’t everyone?
The pair shared a companionable silence for a few moments, before a thought Sam had been turning over for a while rose to the top of his mind. He shifted again, this time on his own, and he felt his double’s regard swing up to fix on him like a magnet. 
“Okay, real talk,” he started, and his doppelganger frowned back in an approximation of confused innocence. “What’s all this for?”
“Who says it has to be for anything? Aren't we just having fun?”
Sam hummed, considering. “Yeah. No, I'd believe that, if I didn't sometimes walk into production meetings and find out I'd apparently been very specific about the people I wanted for certain episodes.”
“Point for Sam,” his doppelganger acknowledged with a grin. “You got me. Wasn’t hard to make a few phone calls on our joint behalf.”
“Yeah, but why?” Sam pressed. “I mean, Siobhan, Brennan and Lou are always great comedy value when you put them together, and it was awesome to have them for this, but I get the feeling you’re thinking of something other than making good content.”
“Who, me?”
With that, his double gave him a look of such overdone pantomime innocence that Sam suddenly and thoroughly understood why, not half an hour earlier, Brennan had very seriously threatened to push him down the stairs. 
He rolled his eyes, which earned him a smirk for his troubles.
Dropping the act, his doppelganger continued. “I’m expecting an… old friend, I guess, to show up at some point, and—well, I’d like to put on a really special show for them. I thought it would be a good opportunity to try a few things out, you know?”
Ominous pause aside, that was actually kind of sweet. Sweeter than he’d been expecting, that’s for sure—he was half anticipating the revelation that he and his cast were subjects in some weird experiment. Hey, that still couldn’t fully be ruled out, but still.
“Okay,” he acquiesced. “Well… just let me know, next time? Before you start ordering in my cast like takeout?”
“Who says they’re your cast?” his double shot back with a twinkle in his eye, and Sam snorted.
“Fine. Our cast, then. But seriously, let me know?”
His doppelganger nodded, which, if not quite fully convincing, was good enough. 
“Oh, and do you know when your friend might be arriving?” Sam asked. “Because if you wanted to plan something, we can—”
“I don’t know,” his doppelganger interrupted. “So yeah, we’ll have to move fast when they do get here. But I’ve got it under control.”
He broke off, then shot Sam a mischievous grin. “In the meantime, though, I’ve had this fun thought about time loops…”
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haedraulics · 4 months
Do you know some fics about sherlock holmes that are not the BBC version that you would recommend?
yeah i've got a whole ton! i'm still working through bookmarking everything i've read, but you can find some of the fics i've enjoyed on my ao3 bookmarks tab. overall i've been really impressed by the quality and creativity of ACD holmes/watson writers!
in particular i've been captivated by Since First I Saw Your Face, which is one of the most heart-wrenching, technically astounding fic projects i've ever had the pleasure of reading from any fandom. the scope and depth of this series elevates it so much so that i consider it a full-on holmes adaptation, especially with the human depth it brings to both holmes and watson as characters. highly recommend!
another notable shout-out is One Week (rated E) which does a magnificent job of drawing out the tension between h/w while being witty, in-character, and shamelessly horny. speaking of shamelessly horny, an eternity in three weeks, An Unconventional Treatment, and His True Gift are all brilliant and their authors each have more lovely work on their accounts.
there are so many various scenes from ACD h/w fics that i want to sketch out or something because they're so tender and well-written, i appreciate the skill it takes to write prose and dialogue and old man sex in a victorian pastiche style! very excited to read more! :D
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writinandcrying · 9 months
TMNT HEADCANON - Turtle of choice x reader (GN)
Reader’s Birthday
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the first slice goes to.. / showing love through cake lol
It’s a tradition in my country to give the first slice to the person you love the most during your birthday, so here a tiny Headcanon for how the turtles would react to it!
Here a demonstration of this wholesome act, TW cute kids
Reader and TOC (turtle of choice) are still on the “crush stage”, doing with the 2003 boys cuz I’ve recently started watching the show! (I only remember bits it cuz I was pretty young when it aired lol, I love how the very beginning shows how they found out a new lair, how they met april, how they barely got any human contact before meeting her, it’s super cool and has some fresh concepts comparing to most canon narratives, if you haven’t watched the 2003 series I highly recommend it)
Anyways, let me know if you would like me to do other versions as well :) hope you guys like it, feedback is welcomed 🫶
English is not my first language so I apologize for any grammar mistakes !!
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🛹 He’s deadass behaving like this after you tell him the meaning behind giving the first slice (i love this gif lol)
🛹 “AWW !! ANGELCAKES!!” Hugs you so tightly you barely have time to move the tiny slice to the nearest surface you can find, one second later the cake would have gotten smushed between you two
🛹 good luck if you have labyrinthitis, he WILL spin you around a few (at least 5) times to show how appreciative he is of the gesture
🛹 he’s not letting you go for a hot second
🛹 Sees this as an opportunity to finally kiss your cheeks, he has always wanted to but never really had a “reason” to without making things awkward, this is his perfect chance!
🛹will randomly give you kisses through out your stay
🛹 Gets addicted to it, your skin are much softer and smoother than theirs, does a mental note to give more attention to this area from now on
🛹 If you blush to his antics tho? Oh he is DONE for
🛹if you placed a microfone to his chest it would def broadcast the sickest beat
🛹 boom boom boom boom 💥
🛹Actually he will cling to you, will do anything you want or ask for, it’s your princess / prince / royalty day!
🛹 Pls confess to the poor boy lol he’s actually anticipating it now
🛹 Literally vibrating with joy, expect lots of hugs from him
🛹 Your bday will become his favorite “holiday” (yes for him it’s a holiday now )
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🔬”Cake time! “ Mikey sings out loud as he has been patiently waiting for your arrival to sing happy birthday
🔬you insist that Donnie gets the first slice tho, and he definitely reads into why you are persistent of him instead of younger brother
🔬he of course accepts it, but D keeps it quiet most of the evening, doesn’t want to put you on the spot, but he can swear he saw a faint blush adore your cheeks when you looked towards him
🔬 will ask to speak in private with you, hopefully when the “birthday commotion” dies down a bit, he definitely doesn’t want to deal with Raph’s and Mikey’s “oooooh” and “get it Donnie!” Teasing remarks
🔬He still deals with it tho, cuz I mean, brothers.
🔬 Donnie shows the reason why he pulled you over, a PowerPoint complication of several different birthday traditions around the globe he has read some before setting up the party earlier
🔬 “Isn’t it interesting?? “Totally trying to cover up his main question, did you or did you not give him the first slice? aka just said in front of EVERYONE that HE is your favorite person in the entire world?????
🔬 “one of the most wholesome ones I’ve fond was this one, apparently, I mean, if you wish to, you give the first cake slice to your- erm, to the person it means the world to you…”
🔬 “that one is pretty cute, yeah” you chuckle, looking down as his nervous hands, fidgeting with a random prototype he decided to hold it for moral support while showing of his presentation
🔬”were you.. aware of such tradition? “ Donnie finally looks towards you, searching for any indication of you confirming his suspicions, eyes shining with anticipation
🔬 “I was- I am aware of it Donnie” you smooth your hand on top of his as you caress it tenderly
🔬 literally let’s out the dorkiest giggle you have ever heard in your entire life
🔬 the “school girl / Kicking my feet” kinda giggle
🔬 cover his mouth right after he lets it out. Don is mortified, embarrassed as hell, deadass wants to crawl in a hole and die after he lets it out
🔬 Relaxes a bit after he sees you giggling as well
🔬 asks more about your birthday traditions, past birthdays memories you had to break the ice (that’s his way is being smooth)
🔬 please be noted, He does not let go of your hand, man is making his moves
🔬 but just a heads up; this moment will live rent free in his mind for MONTHS on end, for his sake (and his brothers sake as well) confess as soon as you can
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🧨 says he doesn’t want it right off the bat
🧨 It’s not that he doesn’t want to accept your feelings, he actually has no ideia about this tradition whatsoever, if you have ever told him before, he definitely forgot it
🧨 Plus, I’m a firm believer most Raph’s aren’t really into sweet treats, they doesn’t want to mess with his diet or can’t handle much sugar (gym rat tendencies)
🧨 You try to empathize how special it would be for you if he accept it
🧨 you really don’t wanna say why tho, like, this is already really embarrassing as it is
🧨 just take the cake man, damn
🧨 mikey for the rescue! literally shoves the cake down his throat after Raph guarantees he doesn’t want it
🧨 Things get a bit awkward after that, you really don’t want to showcase that such a small thing had an affect on you
🧨 But there’s a tiny part of you that feels rejected, unconsciously start to shut down
🧨 Raph is extremely perspective of this, much the second youngest, he start to analyses what could have gone wrong, did something happen before you came to celebrate your birthday? Is someone bothering you? Should he teach them a lesson?
🧨 Will antagonize Donnie to check cameras around your area and work place
🧨 But it’s donn who comments about the birthday tradition
🧨 Will literally get so mad when he finds out lol
🧨 Feels SO stupid, Jesus Christ
🧨Will bark at mikey to spill the cake out, that was his slice
🧨”Dude, that was a week ago!
🧨 “I don’t care. Spill. it. out.”
🧨 “Raph, he probably already, uh- processed it out? “
🧨 “you guys are freaking disgusting, do we really have to discuss this at the dinner table?”
🧨 Will randomly show up at your place with a tiny red cake, a bit messy, but still pretty cute
🧨 “my birthday was last week, im pretty sure you were there to witness” you let out a chuckle, trying to ease out the undeniable tension in the air
🧨” this is my cake “
🧨 “ok..?”
🧨” …and I want you to have the first slice “
🧨 Oh.
🧨 OH.
🧨 oh.
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🎏 Unlike his brother, Leo could never forget it
🎏He literally has a folder in his brain just for stuff you tell him
🎏Stores it like the most precious piece of information anyone has ever given him
🎏 It took him a really long time to process his feelings for you, but once he does it, he treasures every single moment he has with you
🎏 you don’t even have to say anything when he sees you holding the plate to his direction, holding a mix of surprise and yet seriousness look on his face
🎏it’s like eveything it’s suddenly in slow motion, The determination behind his eyes makes you concerned a bit
🎏”Thank you, y/n”
🎏He bows to you
🎏 His brothers have no ideia what that was but they are def crackling up a storm
🎏 “what was that????”
🎏 “Tone it down, splinter junior, it’s just a cake”
🎏 what the boys don’t see it’s you being absolutely speechless and looking like a tomato as Leo takes his slice
🎏 you are the one over-analyzing the situation here
🎏What did he meant by that bow? does he remember what you told him ages ago? He wouldnt simply just bow for a slice of cake, would he?
🎏It fuels a fire inside of you and him, both extremely aware of each others lingering touches and thoughtful gestures from now on
🎏This goes on for a while, this whole… mutual pining stage can be tricky, but when reciprocated, it’s so nice to navigate through, and honestly quite addicting
🎏 a confession won’t even be necessary, leo and you get together over thoughtful acts, your first kiss was under the mistletoe on Christmas was an easy feat, yes, it was barely a brush over eachother lips, but still just felt natural, like it was supposed to be
🎏the midnight kiss in new years was a whole other thing, hands gripping on each other, his hand holding the nape of your neck like his life depended on it, you two couldn’t get enough of each other, waiting for so long to actually make a move after the cake incident
🎏 you finally make it official on his birthday, gracing you a smile and a light peck as he gently places the slice right in front of you
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melloneah · 2 months
this is all for the writer ask!!! :3 hope it's not too much >_<" answer the ones you're comfortable answering and don't force yourself to answer all of them if you don't want to! <3
🌵🥤🌻🍄📚 🍬🔪🥐🏜🦋🐝🧩
EHEHEHEHEHHE NEVER TOO MUCH THANK U SMMMMMM 🌵 ⇢ share the link to a playlist you love
i dont really listen to premade playlists, so ill link mine >:333 this is a playlist i made for a roadtrip to berlin, including all the songs i was listening to at the time, and ive since been adding new ones actively, so it's literally just a huge list of everything i love :D 🥤 ⇢ recommend an author or fanfic you love
first of all gonna plug my besties ofc @levi-dayne writes sick ass fics for death note @uriekukistan writes amazing itafushi angst (and not only :33) SENDING BOTH OF THEM SMOOCHES GO READ THEIR STUFF! and a fic that id read recently and LOVEDDD was all about love by fullvoid (@casgore on here :3) the yuuji characterisation broke my heart - it was a gutwrenchingly real way of depicting mental illness, and i loved seeing how different he acted around people vs alone. and it was super cool seeing a healed megumi helping yuuji rather than the other way around!!! HIGHLY RECOMMEND!!!!
🌻 ⇢ tag someone you appreciate but don't talk to on a regular basis FIRST OF ALL U!!!!!! i love the mutual interactions THANK U FOR BEING HERE!!!! @alonelystargazer is very sweet and i interact with her pretty regularly i feel :3 THANK U FOR INTERACTING WINNIE!!!!<3 cant think of anymore rn but if i do i WILL edit this post TRUST 🍄 ⇢ share a head canon for one of your favourite ships or pairings
megumi likes penne but yuuji hates it so they always disagree over pasta shape if theyre making it for dinner. yuuji always wins bc his favourite is spaghetti and obviously everyone likes spaghetti so megumi doesnt bother fighting him on it 📚 ⇢ what's the last thing you wrote down in your notes app? 
HEHEHEHEH nervous. lets see "what kinda gay shit goes on around here when im not around" LMAO the choso x todo wip in action. what a quote thank u past me. you'll find out the context once i post it sjdhfgsjhfks
🔪 ⇢ what's the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project?
hmmmmm from random shit i think like. 1980s window designs in england lmaooo
🥐 ⇢ name one internet reference that will always make you laugh 
answered here :333
🏜️ ⇢ what's your favourite type of comment to receive on your work?
ARRGRHRG ANY COMMENT. i get so excited u cant even imagine. i sometimes type 'AO3' in my gmail just to delude myself that i got a comment and get that little pang of joy seeing the notif 😭 my favvvv must be ones that quote certain lines tho bc then im like HEY!!!! I WROTE THAT!!!! U LIKED THAT??? DUDE UR NOT GONNA BELIEVE THIS I WROTE IT
🦋 ⇢ share something that has been on your heart and mind lately
i feel like an everpresent topic ive had on my mind especially often for the last year is kindness. there's a multitude of things i could say, whether that's bashing people for lacking it, or get all teary over how beautiful it is (which!! it is!!!) but i think what ive recently discovered is that it's my only constant :3 when everything else goes wrong, that's all i have, and im really happy it's second nature to me (altho im still actively working on making myself better!!!!)
yeah, maybe everything sucks right now, but i know i can make someone else's day better :3 and often it makes things a little more okay to me too
🐝 ⇢ tag your biggest supporter(s) and say one nice thing about them
RAHHGHG BESTIES. question for the bestiessss
@levi-dayne is so dear to my heart!!! such a sweet and kind person, who truly and deeply cares about others!!!! makes music, writes well AND ALSO DRAWS??!!! amazing and super talented person with super high ambitions too!!! SO SLAYFUL. what did i do to deserve such a slayful friend<333
@uriekukistan is one of the most naturally talented ppl i know!!!!! they write amazing fics, can DANCE super well, and took up drawing like 3 seconds ago and are already churning out really cool stuff on a fucking TOUCHPAD. ON THEIR LAPTOP. gofundme for rin graphic art kit when?? also ofc. a really good friend and very kind person :3333 <333
🧩 ⇢ what will make you click away from a fanfiction immediately?
from a writing style perspective: first person and tense switches
from a content perspective: anything fucked up like noncon or incest....how tf are they often not tagged like??? or putting that at the bottom of the warnings list 😭 oh yea im far more concerned about swearing and underage drinking......
something im picky abt that sometimes annoys me enough to click off but i feel like it's just a weird personal preference is the overuse of alternatives to a characters name. so using "the brunette" like 5 times. just say his name!!!!! it's ok!!!!!
RAHHHHHH i usually reread my answers before i post but not this time. adios fuckers i dont remember what bullshit i wrote here but ur left with the consequences. if u wanna deal with even more of my terrible takes ASK ME STUFF
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dayseternal-blog · 2 years
Heya! I think I may have mentioned this to you before years ago, but I love your stories! (Pardon me if I gush) White Lilies absolutely killed me with the angst, but it fits so well with canon, particularly Naruto realizing he's in love with Hinata because he's jealous of another man showing interest in her (since that's literally what happened in The Last, and was confirmed in the movie's official databook). I also love how you don't have Hinata stuttering over her lines in your stories, since in canon she stopped doing that in the Invasion of Pain arc, yet a lot of other fanfic writers, including fellow NH fans, still like to write her as a stutterer, which just regresses her. Please keep up the good work! I can't wait to see what else you'll write! 🥰
I'm starting to think about making my own AO3 account because FF seems to be dying out as of late (my FF moniker is the same as my Tumblr one, although I haven't updated either of my two stories nor my bio in years). I was wondering if you could maybe give me advice or the pros/cons of having an AO3 account? Any help is appreciated as I think about this! 👍🙏
💗💗💗 I'm so glad that you enjoyed White Lilies!!!! About Hinata stuttering, I do write her like that sometimes... Uhhh it depends on how old she is in my fics, but if she's high school age or younger, she sometimes stutters, like in "Last Chance" and "Little Samurai." But yeah, if she's older, I like to think that she is a stronger communicator. Thank you for your enthusiastic support 🥺💖
So about AO3!!!!!!!! ✨I love AO3.✨ I'm so happy with AO3, I don't feel the need to post my fics anywhere else, besides here on Tumblr. I highly recommend getting an account for these reasons:
name familiarity & building community - I love being able to recognize readers. I've been thinking about how writing is a fairly "lonely" type of activity. When I first started writing, I began to recognize the usernames of people who regularly commented or left kudos on my fics, and I just loved those people to pieces. It's just nice to have a sense of familiarity on AO3.
Bookmarking - If you want to save a fic for later, you can bookmark it and make a note of the chapter you left off on. It's a nice feature, especially if you're the type to keep tabs of fics you haven't read yet open. I use Bookmarking as like my personal favorites recommendation list because it's right on my AO3 profile. I also use other people's Bookmarks list to find good fics, and I've read a lot of random pairings in fandoms I'm not a part of due to Bookmarks.
Subscriptions - You can subscribe to a fic so that you get an email when a fic updates. You can also subscribe to users so that you can get an email every single time that writer updates or posts anything.
Archiving - You might want to consider migrating your old fics over to AO3 because it has a whole legal team and successful fundraising efforts to preserve your work, even if you might think your old fics aren't worth reposting. AO3 has so much strong, passionate support, there's very little chance of AO3 disappearing.
Preferences - You can customize AO3. So you can turn off the warning banners that always pop up on mature-rated fics and control what you receive email notifs for. You can also set a Site Skin from the AO3 options and the user-created ones, like the rainbow pink one I'm currently using. It just makes life that much happier. You can use all sorts of Site Skins that change the color of the background, change the text font to be easier to read, or hide your hit counts and other stats to protect your sanity as a writer.
History - Your account will keep track of all the fics you've read, so if you're looking for something you can find it again. Also, it's just interesting, but it will also tell you how many times you've visited that particular fic. Uhh apparently I've visited "21 Days" by BunnyHoodlum 455 times :D That must be partially because I've recommended it so many times.
Mark for Later - Besides subscribing or bookmarking, you can click a button that marks the fic for later. You would find this list on your History page. It tells you when you last visited the fic and whether there's been any changes to the fic since you last read it. So this is another cool way to keep track of all of the fics you're reading.
I've never posted on any other fanfiction site, so I can't compare, but I love how organized AO3 feels. The tagging system is to-die-for.
I love the posting features, like posting under different Pseudonyms, setting a fic as part of a series, linking in an inspired-by work, or gifting a fic to someone. I feel like AO3 put a lot into consideration so that it is user-friendly.
Another thing that writers can do is post challenges/claim challenges. I've never done this, but Sessakag has recently written for VulgarAssassin's prompts! This is one way that AO3 encourages community.
Another amazing thing that AO3 has is the ability to distance yourself from your own fics. You can orphan your own fic so that it is no longer linked to your page but will still be on AO3. The only problem is that you can't get it back. You can also add your fic to an anonymous collection, and I think if you ever wanted to, you could take off the anonymous hat and reveal yourself as the writer. I've never done this.
When I was considering cross-posting on ffnet and wattpad, people told me that I would reach way more people because people use those sites more. I mostly decided not to cross-post because I can't rationalize the extra work to upkeep multiple accounts and respond to comments. So perhaps the only downside to creating an AO3 account is that you'd have more accounts to manage and the platform has a smaller audience.
I hope you create an AO3 account!!!!!! I hope everyone makes an AO3 account!!! It's such a well-run site!!
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icharchivist · 2 years
i haven't started summer troupe act 2 yet (come to think of it, i actually need to get to one day princess first!) but. ive been periodically listening to a3 music lately and i swear every time i check the music page on the wiki to see song credits im reminded that i can literally never stray too far away from my vocaloid roots haha... i mean ig it makes sense its like. people who make music also work on. other music. but its still sooo funn to see! like wow. yuyoyuppe's done some of my favorite tracks on a3 and produces for babymetal AND is the originator of some of my fav vocaloid tracks... sasakure.uk worked on hisoka's character song! (that one i didnt even have to look up, i heard the first five seconds and went oh this is so much like little cry of the abyss aka one of my favorite songs of all time. highly recommend if u liked traumerei and void) anyways. its just. its nice. i was reminiscing abt the music i liked today and wanted to check the lyrics of MKDR since it's one of my fav deco27 songs and then boom credited for arrangement is emon(tes.) chikage and homare's chara songs are written by the guy who did the gsnk opening. hes credited on other a3 stuff too. i think what i'm realizing by this is just like. ...huh, i listen to a lot of j-music. still! every time i recognize another name or something clicks its so fun for me. like im carrying my own secret web of music
first of all, take your time as always, there's no rush, the archive isn't going anywhere ;D you'll get there
But as for the music, first of all, i feel you, bc the music is banger, which i don't need to tell you since you know it in way better details than i do
it's incredible that you could find this much references to things you've been into in the discography holy shit. Like yeah sure it makes sense music maker also made for good music producers but it's still two words that collide!! that's wild. I listened to a few Vocaloid when i was younger but their songs has always been good!! and it's funny bc when i was younger, saying of any J-music "it reminds me of Vocaloid" used to get you the stinky eye on the assumption people would make that just "yeah so you just think J-music is the same", which is! absolutely never what i would mean by that, but therefore i've kept for myself all this time "Hisoka's first solo really sounds like a Vocaloid's song" and the fact you, a pro, comes and tell me not only exactly that it's because it was composed by a Vocaloid composer, but that their musical style is shining through, is really gratifying. I'll definitely need to check out the Vocaloid songs he worked on, i really love traumerei and i would love to hear more by this artist.
And i'm losing my mind over the fact Chikage and Homare's songs were written by the guy who did the gnsk's opening???? I LOVE this song, it's been in my banger playlists in forever, and you're telling me the guy went to a3 and decided to write two others bangers? (two of my most listened solos at that??) that's so damn cool, worlds collide hard but in such a fun way.
Thank you so much for sharing a bit of your little secret with me, it was like opening the door to a whole lot of possibilities. It's one thing to know that most of the composers/arrangers worked on Vocaloid or various songs, it's another to point out to those specific songs and get a blast once you connect the two, and i appreciate you sharing that with me.
It's really so nice, thank you so much for sharing <33
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cervidame · 3 months
Hi I’m the person you released the sneak peek for thank you so much!!!! It absolutely did NOT lower my excitement LMAO I’m still super hyped for next chapter!! I just wanted to say thank you, I really wasn’t expecting you to release a snippet, I really appreciate it!!!! I can’t wait for the entire story to be finished so I can reread it over and over again!! Have a great day, I hope you’re having as much fun writing as I am reading your writing!! (Ps one of my fav things is how detailed your research is, you’ve opened my eyes to so many interesting facts abt the regency era & really made me want to do my own research!! Do you have any websites/books you’d recommend?)
I'm having a lot of fun yeah like I'm kind of unhinged about it levels of fun... as you can see.. really putting that English degree to work gotta get as much value out of it as I can right?? Anyways for the reading list!! Where possible I've put links :D
Essays - A Vindication of the Rights of Woman (1792)* - Political Register (weekly newspaper, started in 1802) available on the newspaper archive - An Address to the Public Particularly to the Members of the Legislature of New-York Proposing a Plan for Improving Female Education (1819 - you can find it here) - The Necessity of Atheism, Shelley (essay, 1811) *This is highly likely to be something women like Eloise would have read. Mary Wollstonecraft is also the mother of Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley. Mary Shelley wrote Frankenstein and was married to Percy Shelley who is also on this list for his interesting essay on Atheism, but he was also a writer, poet (of the Romantic poets) and essayist. Nonfiction - Georgette Heyer's Regency World (2005) - Jane Austen's Town & Country Style (1990) - The Georgians (2022) - The Making of the English Working Class (1963) - The Reading Nation in The Romantic Period (2004) Novels - North and South (1854) - basically like Pride and Prejudice romance with more social commentary. Also adapted to TV by the BBC. A bit later to the time but I think you'll see why I like it lol - The Wanderer: or, Female Difficulties (1814) - The Romance of the Forest (1791) - Northanger Abbey, Austen (1817) or anything by Austen really! Poetry - She Walks in Beauty (1814) - Lord Byron was a very important poet of this era. - The Rights of Women (1792) - Examples of poetry on the Napoleonic war (here) Videos & blogs - BBC doc series Elegance and Decadence: The Age of the Regency (episodes available on Youtube, here's episode 1) - Workhouses in the 19th Century (blog post) - Wedgwood: An Introduction (V&A Museum post) - How 5 English Poets Became Revered Across Europe (youtube) - The Society Lady Who Brought Ancient Greek Fashion to 18th Century Europe (atlas obscura post on Lady Hamilton) Genesis bits & bobs None of this is essential to the reading of the fic as when it comes up I'll mention it in the author's notes. But for reference this is some of the world building behind it. The imaginary Stafford Hall in Genesis is greatly inspired by Biddulph Grange and the Trentham Estate. The Baron occupies Stafford Hall but he still has Stafford Castle within his possession as Daron mentioned. I've previously brought up some Greek myths like the Baron implies he is Anchises. The Georgian era loved Greek stuff - so Genesis also brings in that Neoclassicism plus the Romantic style of love of nature with the Baron in particular fashioned as a Romantic hero. Finally, the Red Haired Stokie blog is good if you want extra context on Stoke-on-Trent where the fic is set.
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bravernificationbeam · 3 months
It's halfway through the year! Got any favorite albums/books/tv shows/whatever to recommend?
BRIANA!!!!! this is such a fun and sweet little 'project' and i'm so flattered you included me!!! thank you so much :D
when i do recs i alwaaayyysss do it based on what i think the person asking wld enjoy BUT i'm also reading this ask as kind of just an invitation to do the *sped up guy talking and writing on a whiteboard* meme SO disclaimer for you specifically i wld actually recommend the games, movies, and (some of the) music i'm gonna talk abt. the rest of the stuff probably not but knock urself out i guess! (also some of this stuff i watched based on your recs anyway lol!)
Freaks (1932)
I did not expect this movie to be like....as empathetic and timeless as it is. this movie is a masterpiece, highly recommend--the story is great, its treatment of ability is very compelling, and the camerawork is some of the best i've ever seen PERIOD
Gold Diggers of 1933 (1933)
this movie is a lot of fun! the humor in it feels very modern and the characters are enjoyable in a way i don't really expect of movies from this era (yes, even pre-code movies like this one). also there's some jabs in here abt the depression that relate to food that are very funny retroactively ("who eats meat anymore?" and re: them stealing a bottle of cow's milk 'they already stole it from the cow')
Lisa Frankenstein (2024)
this movie is SO indulgent of the weird girl fantasy and i LOVE IT FOR THAT!!!!!! i do love a movie that says "you know that thing you cannot and SHOULD NOT have in the real world that other movies make a point of reiterating??? NOT US!!!!" yeah lisa have ur zombie boyfriend and kill everyone. go nuts
Monkey Man (2024)
this movie was just like...overall not my style but i did enjoy it! i think dev patel did a great job with it and picked a really important story to tell. also kid is a great character
Saving Face (2004)
I really liked the interconnection of plots here! I think this movie could have been EITHER abt Wil being gay or Hwei-Lan being pregnant but putting it all together makes something really special. felt like an ode to the messiness of being human and the joy of that messiness
LAUGHINGFISH by Black Dresses (2024)
you know me I love black dresses! not my favorite album of theirs ever but a very chilled out record that i appreciate right abt this point in my life. i love the sounds in cat cup ALSO these sort of sighing panicky sounds accompanied w the mantra "I can't do it/I'm too scared/what if people think I'm weird" said in just this heartbreaking earnestness? LOVE. also i love the story in if you find me gone a lot
LUBE by Adam Lambert (2024)
this fucks adam good on you for branching out into being raunchy!
Slut Pop Miami by Kim Petras (2024)
this album is just so fucking funny above it all. I'm a penis genius I'M A SEMEN JESUS????? like not just hilarious things to say but also hilarious things that are kind of hard to say and subvert your expectations (i.e., the phrase "semen demon") okay kim i see you! get fucked also goes super hard
Super Over by Leah Kate (2023)
fun, exactly what it sets out to be, love super over and space
In My Room by Julia Wolf (2024)
Off With Her Tits by Allie X (2024)
oh my GOD this song is up there w/ i must increase my bust lords of acid crazy fucking robot body snowblood and plastic slayyyter for making me Feel Gender Things
Finger by Scene Queen (2024)
scene queen never stop making gay sex bops PLEASE
Flyana Boss
these two just make bops that's all i can say. shout out to yeaaa and skateboard
Kind of Stuck, Poser, and Feel My Feelings by Girli (2024)
kind of stuck is the soundtrack of me being 25 :P
KILLDOZER by Kim Dracula (2021)
okay look. raised eyebrows @ plvtinum's whole shtick but i do find the hyperpopy sound + brooding straight man (i presume?) premise fascinating. and i do like music and media that excites me. and it sounds good!
Alter Ego by Doechii (2024)
ABRACADABRA by Borgore x CupcaKke x Chase Icon (2023)
KISS THE RING by Riotgrrrldarko (2023)
THERE'S SOMETHING HERE OKAY. definitely rgd's sound TECHNICALLY could be refined a lot but i think if she keeps in on this we're going to get some really awesome music out of her
Hazer by Lauren Bousfield feat. Ada Rook (2023)
yes this song fucks but also i just love the "face the hurt that ya carry inside!" goofy sample in the beginning so hard
Jennifer's Body by Nxdia (2024)
i've also generally been enjoying what Ayesha Erotica, ODETARI, and 6arelyhuman are doing (together or otherwise) :)
Bravern (2024)
BRAVEEEERRRNNNNNN!!!!!!!!! this show is the absolute love of my life. this show surprised me, made me FEEL THINGS in ways that i haven't felt from a piece of media in years. it's audiacious, it loves being audacious, it just makes me fucking smile!!!!! i love u bravern!!!!!!
Sasaki and Miyano (2022-2023)
this is cute :)
My Time at Sandrock
this game is fun AND oh my GOD the story is so intricately constructed? you wouldn't expect it to be but it totally is
I Was a Teenage Exocolonist
i don't have too much to say just yet bc i haven't done as many playthroughs as i'd like but like. there are some Choices re: this game's story and also like. polyamory that are. eh. but overall i've been having a lot of fun w this game and i do really appreciate the complexity the game adds into the history and dynamics of the settlers AND the gardners
as for books i'm not actually sure i've read any fiction this year LOLLLLLL i DO love theory at heart and also i read all day for work and love analyzing literature much more than reading it anyway so
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rhyske · 2 years
Ah! I wish I had a PC because there are so many more games I would be able to play TT_TT ….well I actually do have a PC, but I gave it to my brother cause I am too kind and I love him too much lol. I started on PS (1 or 2 I can't remember which) when I was a kid (I say I but it was more or less my brother and he just gave me the second controller unplugged TT_TT younger sibling struggles) but then I got an Xbox 360 back in those days, I've just stayed committed since then even though they have been lacking, to say the least
I saw that you posted your request rule thingy and noticed we seem to like lots of the same things! final fantasy XIII and XV are very dear to me. XIII was my first in the franchise so it holds a special place in my heart and I was so excited for XV and I appreciate what they did with it even though it's not what I expected haha. don't get me wrong I love it!
Critical Role is amazing and campaign 2 is my absolute favourite, so excited to see the animated show! I know you haven't finished it so I won't spoil it, but if you ever wanna talk about it I'll be here!~
I do like Mass effect but I never quite got into it… I played the first one and got lost in the citadel forever cause I am a dumbass TT_TT and I never played it again. I watched my older brother play it instead haha, I am thinking about giving it another shot though. Got some other games I am working through at the moment.
You get along with your brother, then? i'm actually the youngest of three, though my dad is different from theirs so I didn't actually grow up with them. Grew up as an only child in the household! I wonder if my brothers did the same thing with the unplugged controller and I just don't remember! Are you planning to save up for another PC? Yeah, I've never been super interested in XBox's catalogue, sadly. I love the steps they're taking for game preservation too, which makes it even more unfortunate.
Final Fantasy XIII is my absolute favorite Final Fantasy! I could go on for hours over how much I adore XIII. I will be the first to say Final Fantasy XV sucks 😆 It had so much wasted potential it's painful. The only thing that made it memorable are the Chocobros, cause they were written beautifully. If only it hadn't been in development hell, they could've made the game the team wanted to make.
I gave Critical Role a shot when I got furloughed in 2020 and it was such a good decision! I started with Mighty Nein and I dread the day I finish. I cried when I saw they were making an animation! I didn't think it would be a thing until after Vox Machina's animation was done! Which is also a really good show! Oh definitely! I don't actually know anyone who has seen Mighty Nein in any capacity aside from roommates passively watching it when I have it on 😆
Oh I feel you on that. I got lucky that I had a friend direct me where to go the first time so I didn't get lost. In my opinion, Mass Effect 1 is the most confusing in regards to the Citadel or navigating the map in general. There's only a few places you gotta go to in the beginning and you never have to go back if you don't want to, so if you want directions, I can write them down. I highly recommend giving Mass Effect another shot, especially with the Legendary Edition out now. I no longer get motion sick in 1, which is such a wonderful thing! :'D What games are you playing right now?
Oh no worries! :D It makes me happy you're excited to chat and comfortable to share your thoughts!
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fangtastic-bastard · 2 years
What were things that helped you decide on orthodoxy (or any tenets of it) vs other movements?
Im really struggling to pick, any advice is appreciated!!
Hi there!
Hmm this is a really good question! When I was first learning about Judaism, I had no idea what movement I wanted to be part of. I had started out reading Essential Judaism by George Robinson, which if I remember right gives a bit of a window into each movement's view of various topics (but it might have leant a certain way? IDK it's been a while).
I visited a few different synagogues in my town (I'm blessed to have more than one option!) to get a feel for services, admittedly Conservative first because I needed to write a paper for a uni class. I'm personally a person drawn toward ritual and tradition in the religious sense, so I at first gravitated toward Conservative because I saw it as a kind of median choice (not the perfect way to say what I mean, hmm) between Reform and Orthodox. Also, I'm bi and trans, and I figured the Conservative movement is alright with that so, yeah?
It was reading about halakha and different approaches to it that got me veering off that course, that and the fact that the conservative shul near me is a long bus ride from anywhere plus a long walk and I don't drive. The halakha bit though was most important, because I intend to drive someday anyway. I read about different movements and what their approach is to "why is the Torah important?" and what makes halakha binding (or sometimes not? again, I'm not expressing myself well sorry!) I honestly just found out that I agreed with Orthodox approaches to halakha most, personally?
And so I decided to test that out and I wrote to a local Hasidic rabbi that was near me, had a nice exchange, went to a Saturday service a few times. I figured out somewhere along the way I couldn't shove down being trans forever, freaked out, and went exploring again bc I was afraid to tell that rabbi. I can't say he'd have been unkind!!! I just don't know and I had no knowledge of what to expect. So I reached out to the Modern Orthodox rabbi I'm conversion studying with now, and went to services on and off for a while during my MA, and just asked all the hard questions. I asked about so many things, especially LGBTQ things, and I was delighted to learn he's actually super chill about such things? I'm happy and grateful this is the case.
The idea of the Torah being from G-d is something he and I both find really important, so if that is an issue you feel strongly about in some way I highly recommend researching approaches to that in different movements. I'm not sure I'm being coherent or helpful here sorry! But yeah I am part of a Modern Orthodox community in my town that is warm and lively and my rabbi is like, amazing. And that's a good part of it! Just finding a movement whose services resonate with me and whose community I can see myself being a part of. I love the services at my shul, and I love talking to people after services, and I love the books I've been reading to learn about Jewish belief and practice.
I guess in the end I could have picked a different movement, but I would in the end I think find myself practicing like an Orthodox person anyway because I find the practices so meaningful. The second I found out my (Orthodox) rabbi was delighted to help me convert knowing about me being a trans guy I knew for sure where and how I want to convert.
So yeah TL;DR is I studied how different movements approach halakha and Torah study and that helped me a great deal in sorting out my own feelings on the matter. It's not that other movements don't have great things about them. I just happened to fall for Orthodoxy in a big way and then find out it's possible for me, so...yeah! I hope this helps and if it's too much a ramble send me a clarification question ask if you want!
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seesaw (demo ver), m | myg
pairing(s): yoongi x reader
summary: Just you and Min Yoongi. Sitting in a car. Rain crashes down. The dark sky turns darker, giving way to the night. He asks you to listen to his sound.
warnings: rated M (18+) for language; friends-with-benefits; mild angst; using sex as a coping mechanism; mentions of past D/s smut (sub!Yoongi including forced orgasms, anal vibrator usage, choking); fluff honestly romantic ew; smut (fem reader, car sex in a rest stop parking lot, biting / scratching / marking teeny bit of Yoongi ass appreciation, nipple play, handjob, fingering, cumming onto your stomach, cum eating, f-receiving oral); non-idol!AU - long-black-haired, music producer!Yoongi
highly recommended to listen to seesaw (demo ver) while reading this, it makes everything so much better.
“It’s really coming down, huh.”
A bolt of white lightning cracked through the black sky, eating through the darkness, only to dissipate into the clap of thunder. It wasn’t fully dark yet but it seemed like it was with the heavy clouds swollen with nature’s tears. A torrential downpour, soaking anything and anyone underneath.
“Maybe you should pull over for a bit.”
“It’s not that bad.”
“You can barely see. It’s just a flash thunderstorm. Couple minutes and it’ll die down.”
He was reluctant to do so. You could tell by the furrow of his brow and the small sigh, but he relented, pulling into a rest stop. Filled up on gas, frowning under the awing with his hands shoved in his olive parka pockets. You caught his eye and he smiled a little, the curved line blurred through the glass covered in droplets.
You stuck your tongue out at him.
He raised an eyebrow.
You extended the muscle as far out as it would go, practically to the bottom of your chin.
Min Yoongi narrowed his eyes, unamused.
The pump clicked, indicating it was done. He turned and put it back. Pressed the final buttons to complete the transaction. Screwed the tank cap on and closed the cover, wringing his hand and flicking off the excess water. Yanked the car door open and scattered rain over his seat, falling down and snapping the door closed, one word under his breath.
“I like yours and you like mine. Equivalent exchange.”
“Ready to go?” he asked, ignoring your true statement.
“Just pull into the lot and we’ll wait a little.”
He did so, peering at the closed doors and dark lights of the diner next to the gas station. Clearly nobody there. The start of a zombie film, probably, except there were other cars getting gas and someone attempting to change their tire in the rain.
“Man, I would wait…” you muttered.
Yoongi shrugged. “Maybe they’re in a hurry.”
The sound of rain, falling down, down, down. It created a drumming rhythm with the thick, fat drops hitting the car roof and across the windows, blurring everything. Yoongi reached over and turned the key, turning the car off instead of leaving it on idle. It wasn’t too cold.
Just a lot of water.
Yoongi frowned, his long black hair looking damp and hanging by his eyes, staring up at the black clouds.
“Doesn’t look like it’s gonna let up.”
“Water doesn’t boil any faster if you’re staring at it.”
He turned his head to face you but you had already leaned in close, anticipating his annoyed expression. Flashed a smile. Gave him a quick kiss and Yoongi kept his face neutral, struggling not to react.
You gazed into his dark brown eyes, not saying anything.
The rain fell down, down, showering the world around you, and you listened to his breath. Slow, steady, his pink lips parted. Admiring all of him, every curve, line, even the stray strands of black hair slipping down, creating shadows over his cheekbones. The shape of his face, eyes, lips. The way the dark world made his face seem like it was glowing, the contrast making his fair skin stand out.
“At this rate, we don’t need to go see the ocean. It’s being dumped down on our heads.”
Yoongi half-smiled. “It’s pretty much the same thing, mhm.”
You wondered if he was afraid.
Searched his eyes and there was a distance there. Hah. On one hand, unsurprised. On another, slightly annoyed. You backed up, not wanting him to notice your observations. He shifted. You felt it in the air, his unease, his silence, his inward struggle, but you pretended not to notice, settling back into the passenger’s seat and watching the rain, leaving a small smile on your lips.
Rain or shine, push or pull, up or down, anything or everything.
You couldn’t wait forever, but you could wait a little longer.
You waited.
“Do you want to hear the latest track I composed? It’s only a rough draft. No lyrics yet.”
I’m sorry, he was going to say. But you were tired of hearing I’m sorry and Yoongi knew that. He was tired of saying it. But saying I’m sorry was a lot easier than saying I’ve figured out how to patch my torn-up heart.
You turned back to him, nodding.
“I want to listen to it.”
He looked back, looking for the lie, and you held his gaze, letting him see there was none. And now you could see it yourself, see that this wasn’t any old track that Yoongi wanted you to hear, his teeth gnawing at his lower lip, slowly reaching back to get his phone in his pocket. Taking his time. You noticed his hands, brushing them against his black pants and reaching over to turn the screen on. His lock screen was him with his dog sleeping on top of his chest. It had changed from the sunset landscape that he had for the longest time.
That sunset landscape photo that he had taken a long time ago, with someone else by his side.
Yoongi unlocked his phone with his thumbprint.
You looked away, not wanting to invade any longer. Chewed on your lower lip. Pushed your hopes down, because there was no reason to place stakes on uncertainties and assumptions. And besides, you too were playing around to some extent. Everything just for fun, for sport, not believing in anything.
He said he wasn’t that serious and you agreed to that.
It only became hard because you were beginning to think Yoongi was more than casual, more than a silent player, more than the shallow pool of emotions he let on. Just friends, but friends don’t know the way you taste. You thought you could wade through. There was no reason to get too deep into such a shallow pool of water.
The rain fell down, down.
You heard the sound of soft rain on greenery emitting from his phone speaker.
Friends don’t feel the things you let me feel.
Your eyes shifted and you found Yoongi leaning over to set his smartphone into the cupholder to aid the acoustics. Black hair hanging down, pulling his hand back and rubbing them together. Not quite looking at you, ticking his chin to his phone. Outside, the rain barreled down, but inside it was soft, slipping into piano notes and dreams, blending with the hum of crickets during a summer night, and you could see it, the shadow of Yoongi’s profile diligently leaning over the keyboard, working late to turn his emotions into music, bleeding them out to patch up his torn-up heart.
You listened to his words, each one trapped in the melancholy melody.
Piano, synth, strings.
Wishes, uncertainty, begging for decisiveness.
It faded out and then began to play again.
“I leave the default on loop,” Yoongi murmured, reaching forward. “Just to test the replay value of it. See if it’s catchy enough to listen to over and over.”
You stopped his hand, closing your fingers around his.
Cold in your warm hold.
“Let me listen again.”
The sky darkened, day rapidly slipping into night, but you didn’t pay attention, instead holding Yoongi’s hand and listening to this individual track. The storm only deepened it, the strike of light across the clouds and the harsh bass of thunder, and you held his hand, sliding your fingers down, your palm to the back of his hand, your fingertips caressing his, smiling as you felt the calluses caused by his guitar.
Yoongi didn’t pull his hand away.
He curled his fingers inward to cover yours, stealing your warmth.
You let him.
You weren’t a music producer like Yoongi. Just an avid listener and attentive to details, especially his. You listened to the song and to his body, humming with nervousness, trying not to show it, his hand still but his muscles on edge, and you turned your head, raising it, finding his movement mirroring yours, his long bangs sliding back and revealing those dark brown orbs.
Wary curiosity, afraid of what he might see.
You let go of his hand.
His breathing stilled; exhale trapped.
You reached up and tucked half of his black hair behind his right ear, the rest falling over his left eye. Pale skin from late nights, the shadows of insomnia in the form of dark circles. His olive jacket rumpled. White shirt underneath wrinkled. Simple black athletic pants in a half-assed attempt to look somewhat decent. Clean at least.
“What do you think?” Yoongi asked, his low voice turning his whisper into waning smoke.
He tried not to show his scars, but his music was giving him away.
You leaned forward and kissed him.
Lips to lips, inhaling softly. Stealing his breath, and he gasped involuntarily as your fingers traced his jaw, pulling him to you, sliding your tongue between his soft lips. Slow, finding his tongue, warm, glossing your fingertips over his cheek, passionate, layering the moment. Tongue, lips, touch. Breathe, sigh, tilt of your head. Deeper, detailed, varying pressure and lustful murmurs accented by falling rain and Yoongi’s melody purring below your bodies.
You felt his hand reach out and reach between the flaps of your oversized charcoal gray hoodie, clutching your dress, his long fingers curling into red plaid with buttons down the center, tracing the circle shape with his fingernail.
A beat to catch your breath, his taste lingering.
“Your sound,” you whispered between his lips and yours, faint in the dripping darkness, lashes lifting to see his half-lidded gaze back at you, both of you trapped in this buoyant bliss. “In all forms, speaks to me.”
His voice like faded stars, barely breathing and coursing with scars.
“What do you hear?” Yoongi asked.
The tips of his hair brushed against your cheek, his head leaning against yours and yours leaning against his, wishes, uncertainty, begging for decisiveness. A delicate shiver as your lips touched once more.
“Possibilities,” you breathed.
And neither of you could bear to discuss what that could mean, for then it would be too real and too revealing, wrapping yourself instead in his lips and the sound of rain, your hands on his chest and his on yours, kiss after kiss, the storm coming down, down, piano keys and trembling synth, tongues curling and his scent in your nose, pushing him and he pushed back, his hair against your face, shaking exhale that you drank with greed, running your fingers over his chest, only thin jersey fabric separating his nipples from your nails.
You toyed with them, savoring his swallowed moan.
Haunted by the up and down, the never-ending seesaw of not wanting to be the one that ruins it all, and when it came crashing down, Yoongi and his torn-up heart wandered into your path, looking for it to be ripped out so he didn’t have to feel anything anymore.
You assured him, I can do that.
You pushed his parka down his shoulders, splaying your hands over his collarbones as he undid the first button of your dress.
Everyone thought Min Yoongi didn’t feel anything. Thought he didn’t care, thought he didn’t have anything to say because he was so quiet, thought he was comfortable in his silence, but they just weren’t listening o his voice, because his voice wasn’t in words.
But in body.
Music notes.
He gasped into your mouth as you let one hand slide up into his hair, curling your fingers into the soft, thick waves of black, a comforting darkness, trailing your other hand down, following the rain, trickling your caress, soft lips and tilting your head to extend your tongue farther, thrusting into his mouth as his tongue pressed against yours, savoring your insistence, open-mouthed smirk pressed to your kiss.
The first, yeah, okay, wild and rough but no big deal, so the next time, be rougher, I know you can be, seemed out of character for him, but you obliged, grabbing his right arm and pressing it into the small of his back, pinning him down to your mattress, your other hand in his hair, fistful of black locks as you slammed his face down into the sheets, his squirming hips in between your thighs, his hard, leaking cock smearing pre-cum all over your sheets as the anal vibrator assaulted his ass, pressed deep to hit the spot that ruined him the most. Lifted his head, pushed it back down. Took his breath away and gave it back, surfacing from suffering only to be thrown down into the inescapable pleasure once more until it was over.
I thought you were gonna fuck me.
That was way more frustrating and rougher, wasn’t it?
Yoongi clenched his jaw then, relenting in his mess of pooled cum soaked into your sheets.
You figured, that’s enough, he’s not gonna come back, but you were wrong.
It must have been a very bad night, because he was trying to hide the alcohol on his breath and shielding his torn-up heart with a tough exterior, what? I’m not thrown off because of last time. You’ll need to do more than that. It was bad to think of doing things like holding him and asking him what was wrong. He was using you as surely as you were using him, siting on his dick, rolling your hips defiantly slow, pussy clenching his entire length, keeping him at the cusp of pleasure with your hand around his neck.
Yoongi looked back at you then, glassy eyes and biting back his whimpers.
Wishing for help.
You looked back, wordless, helping him by shattering the memories with pain and pleasure, working him from above and then from below, ramming your hips up into his and constricting him with your tightness until his knees gave out and, even then, you smacked your hand into his heaving chest, holding him up and fucking him until he came.
Uncertainty as you held him then, him accidentally falling asleep in the middle of cleaning up.
You let him sleep, because it seemed like he hadn’t slept for days.
You didn’t push his hair out of his eyes though. This wasn’t that kind of moment. This wasn’t what he wanted. What he wanted was his torn-up heart to be ripped out, so you let him be, leaving the distance between you and him, leaving those faded stars for eyes, letting him go when he wanted to be let go, stumbling out your door with his apologies.
Stop with the I’m sorry. You don’t have to say that to me, you know.
Back and forth, push and pull, up and down.
Yeah… Okay. I get it.
Rain cascading down, and now Yoongi slipped his fingers into the space created by opened buttons, stroking your skin underneath, teasing you by flicking the band of your bra, chuckling as you bit his lower lip, sucking on it harshly to get your message across.
The next time. And the next. Each time, you held him a little closer, a little tighter, a little longer. Between clenched jaws and your hand over his mouth, those dark brown eyes like faded stars that seemed to flicker with brightness every time you pushed him to the edge, the countless barrage of sensations shattering old memories.
I started making music again.
They were few and far between, these types of conversations. Oh? That’s good. You are music.
Was does that mean?
Your relationship with music is precious, you had told him. You belong with music and music belongs with you.
You broke the kiss and yanked his head back by his hair, shooting his low moan up to the ceiling of the car, tasting the vibration with your tongue against his Adam’s apple, his cool fingers slipping under your bra, pushing it up and wrapping his fingers over the curve of your breasts, a fingertip on your nipple, pushing it in a circle. You pulled down the collar of his shirt, pressing your lips to the bone, licking the pocket in between connected muscle, soft on flesh, sharp on skin, alternating kisses and biting, sharp sucks to mark his delicate fairness.
This was his idea, driving to the ocean, staying for a couple days. Random shit like that, going here or there, fucking in remote places or semi-public places, whatever he was feeling, trying to convince you with his calm demeanor that he was feeling nothing.
Then you would touch him and listen to his body.
You used to think, it’ll be quick, it’s just a person, people get over people, but it was not people or a person Yoongi was trying to get over. You realized between kisses, between gasps, between moans.
He was running.
He pinched your nipple and you sucked in a breath. Moment of hesitation and Yoongi swooped in, his other hand in your hair and pulling your head back, the sting of pain while your fingers remained tangled, but he didn’t seem to care, his head dipping down, mirroring bites and kisses, running his tongue over your throbbing skin, blood pumping strong under his agile tongue. Rain pouring down, blending with piano and the sounds of visceral sensuality, catching the gasps in your throat as Yoongi rolled your nipple between the rough pads of his fingers, squeezing, rubbing, manipulating the angle of your head.
It was hard to run from yourself, but Yoongi had help in your touch.
His hand slipped from your hair and he pinched both nipples, tugging up and making you hiss.
“It’s awkward,” you got out between gritted teeth. “With the seats.”
He let go and nudged you even though you were already moving, climbing over the center.
“Nice ass.”
Yoongi smacked his palm on your ass cheek and squeezed, satisfied at the way his fingers sank into the softness. You snapped your hips to the side, falling into the backseat and glaring.
“Get yours back here.”
The side of his mouth was quirked upward and, even in the rain and the blurred lights of the gas station, you could see the arrogance in it, climbing over the center as he shed his jacket, throwing it into the driver’s seat. His phone continued playing the instrumental track continuously on loop, the sound filling up the car as the outside remained a sea of pelting rain.
You shrugged out of your hoodie, no longer cold in the heat that was you and Yoongi.
He lowered himself, halfway on top of you.
You pulled up his shirt, carefully untangling him from the confines in the tight space.
It was unfair to put expectations on something that was clear from the beginning, so you did not, but there were still those nights, humid nights accompanied by open windows, and you looked out, bed empty, wondering if he looked up into the darkness too during those late sessions in his studio, his hands poised on his keyboard, trapped in his emotions so he bled them out over the keys and into melodies.
You would place your hands on the windowsill, looking up at the moon, the playful mirror of the sun, toying with its rays even as the sun hid on the other side of the earth.
You wondered if Yoongi looked for that light too.
You knew it was bad to think it, but.
You and him.
It could be so good.
Wishes, uncertainty, but you pushed it all away, wondering when would be that last time you would hold that hand scarred by music, wondering about that heart torn-up by others abusing his kindness, letting him hide behind an unfeeling shell and harsh words. You weren’t bothered by it because you understood it. Instead, you focused your energy on each time being worthwhile, knowing it might be the last time.
But you saw it, the way music patched up his torn-up heart.
Yoongi leaned down, black hair ghosting over your temples. You tipped your chin up, blowing a thin, steady stream of breath into his open lips, sensing his shoulders stiffening, low moan bubbling in his chest. Piano, synth, strings. Your fingers trailing along the elastic waistband, tugging down, tangling his knees in his pants and his boxer briefs. Falling rain, whispering darkness, barely any cars now. He sucked in a tight breath, your fingers spreading over his ass, sinking your nails into his flesh and dragging down, down the sides of his thighs, blossoming pain and thin pink lines, barely visible in the low light.
It was an addictive melody.
Your crept your fingers back up, one by one, dancing on his skin. Stroking it over the curve, tracing his hip, v-line, waist, breathing in his staggering exhales. Dug your nails in again. Dragged down. Pain in his hitched breath, but refusing to jerk his hips forward, resistant to giving in.
A drifting, delicate soundwave of a whisper, calling him as much as it was intoxicating him, his erratic breathing exposing him despite his calm response.
“Touch my cock.”
His knees were ensnared by his pants and underwear.
You curved your hands inward, splaying them on the insides of his thighs.
“Not yet.”
You scratched him there too, harsh in the sensitive area, hearing Yoongi hiss and then an unwilling groan break out between gritted teeth, his knees hitting the backseat.
“F… Fuck…”
You pushed his clothes down more and he slid forward, his hard length hitting the inside of your thigh, smearing pre-cum onto your skin. His hand sank down between your bodies, unbuttoning more buttons, before attempting to slide his hand under the fabric.
You snatched his hand, stopping him.
“Unbutton it all.”
Yoongi growled, eyes flashing in the darkness, catching the blurred lights of the gas station, the reed-like synth murmuring through the cabin of the car. You shifted, moving your body horizontally, your head against the car window. Cocked your chin, still not letting go of his wrist.
He made a displeased noise.
You let him go and Yoongi unbuttoned the last three buttons.
Against the glass, you could hear the rain better. Softer now, steady. The lightning and thunder were long gone. You rolled your shoulders, tucking your bra under you and leaving your dress on the seat, lifting your hand to run your fingers through Yoongi’s hair again. Thick, soft waves of black, pushing it away from his face, sharp brows and dark eyes, his skin glistening in the blurs of low light.
You didn’t say anything.
The music continued, and Yoongi spoke to you.
Your name in his voice, weighted.
You smiled, listening to his sound.
You imagined him, illuminated by his computer monitor, furrowing his brows as he listened back to his creations. Each note a moment in his life, an exposé of his emotions. The melody the purple prose, contrasting his lyrics, candid, simple, clear.
You wondered what the words to this song were.
You pulled Yoongi down to you, into a maze of tongue and kisses, soft lips and gentle savagery, running your other hand down his torso, your nails against his chest. Past racing heartbeat, flicking his nipple and making him flinch, down his quivering core, feeling the heat rise, and you closed your fingers around him, his tremor slipping through your lips. Thick, hard, pulsing, working him slowly, rubbing your thumb along taut skin, hooking your index and middle finger, coiling the long length of your digits over his balls, constricting them.
Stroking his cock as you squeezed his balls.
He thrust his tongue into your mouth, fucking it.
The fingers of his left hand traced down your shoulder, his right holding him up. Sucking on his tongue and opening your eyes to his squeezed shut, his strong brows furrowed, his touch outlining your collarbones, the curve of your breast, stopping at your nipple and rubbing the hard nub, pinching it, flicking it, making your shallow breaths even shorter, his pace stuttering as you gripped him a little tighter, pumping him strongly.
His fingers let go, falling down, down.
You broke the kiss, turning your head to the side and releasing him from your hold for a split second. Drenched your hand in your own spit, tongue over fingers and in between them, a thick layer on your palm and you extended it back down, dripping onto his stiff cock, gripping him tight, two wet fingers around his balls.
“S-Shit…” he swore under his breath, swearing again as his fingers dipped in between your legs, feeling the slick and the mess.
“Put it on the head,” you murmured.
Yoongi didn’t even bother to refute you.
He coated his fingers all over with your pussy juices and lifted his hand, hissing in pleasure as he smeared the sweet stickiness over the head of his cock, previously neglected, but not anymore, his fingers now joining yours as you moved your hand up and down, teasing himself while you kept your steady pace.
His eyes flickered to yours.
You looked back, lifting a brow at half of his face covered by his hair.
The rain sang along with the melody echoing from the cupholder, blurred lights of the gas station catching his dark eyes, the car windows misted with heat and clinging droplets.
Yoongi watched your face as you jacked him off, slick and wet, squeezing his balls with every stroke, his own two fingers rubbing over the slit and along the underside of the head, breathing hard, lust thundering through his shoulders, flinching involuntarily at the overwhelming sensations. You didn’t stop, a bit faster, his head trembling a little, shaky pants, holding out for as long as he could, the muscles in his neck tense, the skin dotted with hickeys, your mark on him.
He removed his fingers from his cock and pushed them into your pussy.
You gasped, your stroke suddenly unexpectedly longer.
You stared into Yoongi’s eyes and not even the black curtain of hair could hide the fire in them, lit up by reflected light in the droplets of nature’s tears.
You raised your hips, rolling them into his thrusting fingers. A corner of his lips quirked upwards, the peek of white teeth and pink gums, inhale a struggle but driven by pleasure, bringing himself closer to your face, forcing you to remove your fingers from his balls and only focus on pumping him, directing the pressure at the base of the head. Ricocheting ecstasy shooting up your spine, to your head, to your breath sucked into his lungs, sparking oxygen into his blood rushing down to his throbbing cock coated in your spit and your juices, mixing onto your palm and fingers, sticky, slick, messy, listening to the wet, squelching sound of Yoongi’s fingers pushing into your dripping pussy.
Falling rain.
Piano and synth.
The rhythm of breathing, his sound just enough, hitched gasp to urge you to go faster, extended moan as your hand tightened, approving of the roughness, driving his fingers in, over and over, following the pace that you built through the haze of need, your right elbow holding you up as his left hand clutched the edge of the seat, the muscles from his neck, shoulder, and arm flexed, your name in a wanton hiss.
“Cum for me.”
You let out a puff of defiance.
“You first.”
Yoongi seemed amused at your response. Perhaps even expecting it, because you clenched your jaw as he slid another finger in, pushing your arm to move faster, more controlled, just under the head, and you could see his jaw was tense too, his forearm rippling with movement, building, building, layer on layer, scattered rain, crickets and strings, holding your breath as Yoongi held his, listening to the dirty noises blending with the rain and his own melody.
You pressed your hips up into his hand, all the way to his knuckles, and clenched around his three fingers.
“Fuck, Yoongi…”
He screwed his eyes shut, swearing under his breath.
The waved crashed through you, igniting ripple across your torso and throb coursing through your hips as you came, hot, slick, pulsating around his fingers, uncontrollable shiver as his hips dipped and thick cum shot over your stomach, painting downwards, warmth cascading out onto your heated skin, covering you in his heady, strong scent, the head of his cock pressed to your abdomen, spreading it more. His black hair feathered over your shaking collarbones as he pressed his forehead to your shoulder, keeping his body hovering over yours. His pants washed over your neck, echoing in your ear.
Whisper of your name, husky and low, the sound melding with the rain.
You leaned your head against the window, cool to your heated scalp, gazing up at the black sky, the moon being the only break to the blackness, but today it couldn’t play with you, caged by sobbing clouds.
Each breath high, intense, the hum of pleasure slipping away slowly.
Yoongi lifted his head from your shoulder.
You didn’t look down yet, not really prepared for the cooling mess on your stomach.
Then you hissed and snapped your head down, seeing and feeling Yoongi’s tongue pressed to your skin, licking up the dripping trickles of milky white. He knew you were watching. A single blink and those dark brown orbs observed you under a shadow of black as he drank up his own orgasm.
You saw the twinkle of pleased amusement in those eyes despite him keeping his blank expression, tilting his head and running his tongue across your abdomen, leaving lines of tingling desire.
He lapped up the last bit, pressing his lips to your waist, wordless.
His words were each kiss, sprinkling them down your hips.
The strings thrilled with the falling rain and recorded crickets, fading out to the real rainfall.
His body slid down, slightly crammed in the small space, but you scooted up a little and then his mouth was on you, swirling tongue and dipping between your folds, your slick coating his lips, sweet vicious juices joining the salty strength of his orgasm. You felt him collect it into his mouth, painting your pussy with his tongue and grazing the tip over your engorged clit.
You whined and bit down on it, trying to shut it up.
Yoongi closed his lips around your clit and began a steady, firm pace, the previous orgasm compounding the sensation, your nerves singing with familiarity, craving that tongue and its precise movement, just rough enough to make your blood sing and those lips keeping you at the cusp of inescapable pleasure, his hands clutching your ass to support you to his mouth.
You moaned to the ceiling, leaking into his mouth in a twitching waterfall, painting your cum onto his chin. Grinding your hips to his face and throbbing against his still lips, wet muscle pressed flat to your quivering clit, the faint friction enough to prolong the high a little longer, a little stronger, a little death at the work of his masterful tongue.
Yoongi drank that up too, slowly and carefully.
The rain shimmered down, down.
He lowered you. Crawled back up, his breath a mix of you and him, and you breathed it in, savoring it.
“We’re still a couple hours from our destination,” Yoongi mumbled.
“Want me to drive?” you murmured.
“No. I’ll do it.”
You stared into his eyes. Yoongi reached up and pushed back his hair, a display of the stark contrast of his skin to the darkness. His black hair swooped to one side, tumbling down in a wave and cradling the left side of his face.
His eyes were clear, looking back into yours.
“You’re not alone, you know,” you reminded him softly.
He smiled faintly.
Steady and musical, the rain tapped against the car, blending with recorded crickets fading in and out.
“I know. I want you to be with me.”
You searched his eyes, looking for the familiar distance that he kept between you and him, but it wasn’t there. Washed away. You reached up and traced his jaw, remembering the familiar shape of his lips. The taste of many nights and honesty, clear in his intentions from day one. You said nothing, wondering if it was real, and Yoongi held your gaze, letting you see that it was.
You could hear it.
His words.
In his breath, in the melody he had created, in his touch as he mirrored your hold, grazing your cheekbone with callused fingertips marked by his guitar.
Piano, synth, strings.
Wishes, uncertainty, decisiveness.
You kissed him again, in the darkness, surrounded by rain and his music.
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mick-mundy · 2 years
self-indulgent tf2 punk headcanons (kind of modern au)
scout, sniper, and demo are all punk fans. you can’t convince me that they don’t all dress up and go to dingy venues together to see shitty bands play. besties 4 life
- loves pop punk, skate punk, anarcho, oi!, and ska. really just the anti-establishment and angsty young adult my-dad-and-girlfriend-suck shit.
- he likes most other subgenres as well but the previously mentioned bullshit is his go-to. definitely a huge reel big fish, less than jake, and blink-182 fan.
- despite his favorites being super fuckin popular (nothing wrong with that!), he has a plethora of knowledge about underrated bands?? he could literally spout off facts about the most random of groups at any given moment if asked.
- “oh yeah, the fartz? fuckin’ wicked seattle-based hardcore band from ‘81, they were one of the city’s first well-known blah blah blah-“
- also loves talking about and listening to boston bands such as gang green, the mighty mighty bosstones, street dogs, and negative fx. he’s a proud bostonian, of course he’s gonna hype up the hometown gigs.
- if you want to get into punk, he’s your guy to talk to :]
- this fuckin guy.
- ugh i love him so much he’s just like me i wont him so bad
- ever the professional, he listens to that sweet, sweet hardcore shit. i’m talking thrashcore, crust punk, d-beat, noise punk, and grindcore. hard. core. shit.
- he likes the noisiest garbage (affectionate, i love that shit, too) because it’s sort of an outlet for his anger that isn’t shooting people in the head or slashing them to bits. most of the time you can’t understand what hardcore punks are saying in their music and sniper appreciates that.
- he’s not the most verbal person already and he’s especially stunted when it comes to talking about his emotions. when he’s alone in his camper, driving down the endless desert roads to wherever the hell he’s going, he can scream his heart out and nobody will tell him to quit it. he’s looked up a lot of the lyrics to the songs he likes so he knows what they’re about, but also so he can make a playlist specifically for when he needs to go yell off some steam.
- some bands he likes are negative approach, anti cimex, wolfpack, discharge, disarm, minor threat, and crass. crusty bands for a crusty man <333
- he’s definitely got an… acquired taste. he’d absolutely love to have someone, whether a romantic partner or just a close friend, ride along with him on one of his emotional screaming sessions. that’s one of the most intimate things to him <333
- god what a man
- he’s really down for any kind of punk. part of the charm of going to punk shows is getting drunk on cheap beer, but you KNOW this guy is smuggling that good scrumpy into the venue (ask him nice enough and MAYBE he’ll share.) punk means alcohol, alcohol means a good fuckin time for demo.
- huge celtic punk fan. street dogs, flogging molly, the pogues, blood or whiskey, roaring jack, dropkick murphys; you name it, he’s fuckin into it.
- he likes to make fun of pop punk lyrics but he gets it, y’know? especially scout’s love for it. i think all the mercs except scout know that spy is his dad, so that definitely influences demo’s perception. yeah, the kid’s dad left him and he never knew why, of course he’s gonna be into shitty “punk”, it’s all good. demo sticks up for scout’s choices when it’s somehow his turn to control the stereo. sometimes.
thank you for reading <333 i highly recommend listening to punk, there’s so many different subgenres, i’m sure there’s one for everybody :]]] nothing is more freeing than screaming at the top of your lungs to some low quality bullshit ^ ^
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littleoddwriter · 2 years
Oh!! :00 Didn't know you had an ask game going, sorry! </3. I'd love to hear more from AnderPerry from you cause they mean so much to me 😥 (should give the movie a rewatch but :( yk) Also I didn't know you fancy Ethan Hawke, so do I lol :P I would highly recommend the Before Sunrise trilogy <3 if you haven't seen it already <3
🌙, 🍂 and💟.
Ah, hey there! No worries! :') <3 Awesome!!! (Yeah, I understand, I currently re-watch it in steps, like 20 minutes every day, fjkdhfksj, idk what to do about the end, to be honest. Part of me wants to skip it, but also watch it-) Noice, love our taste in men being similar. ;') Oh, totally! My dad already told me. It's just not available to me right now, so I gotta wait until I have money again. :/ Thank you!!! <3 Now, also, thank you for sending something in, I appreciate it. :'D <3 Take care, dear! <3
OTP/Ship Ask Game
🌙 How do they comfort each other when they are helpless to do anything about the situation?
First of all, physical contact is important. Cuddling, holding hands, holding onto one another in any way. It grounds both of them, no matter who of them is in that situation. And then for Todd it's important to have Neil walk him through it rationally, to give him an outside perspective and assure him that while he's helpless now, he won't always be. Not every situation is hopeless to get out of. And Todd is strong enough to get through this. Maybe reciting some of his favourite poetry at the end also helps, but only occasionally because it's merely a distraction. In Neil's case it's more complicated. He feels helpless about his situation all the time. And in a way he is. It's a fact and he knows it and Todd knows he can't say or do anything to tell him it's not so. What helps then is the mere fact that Todd is there and his boyfriend and that he's not going anywhere. Cuddling helps, words of reassurance, little love confessions and small, shy kisses. The truth that they are working out, despite it all. And that's what helps Neil calm down and to feel lighter eventually.
🍂 What is an inside joke they have?
I feel like the "I'm being chased by Walt Whitman" stuck with them; especially after Todd's improvisational poem in class and even more so after they got together. Sometimes Neil will call Todd that in front of others, you know, Walt Whitman (any variation of it). No one really questions it, either. It's certainly not the strangest thing to witness in this group. In fact, it slowly catches on within the entire group, becoming an inside joke that is intimate between Todd and Neil, and nothing but a silly thing for their friend group.
💟 What do you think makes them perfect for one another?
The fact that they bring out the best in each other. Simple, but very powerful and meaningful, in my opinion. Neil allows Todd to really be himself and be free around him. Todd allows Neil to pursue his passions and to feel carefree about them for a while, experiencing true happiness and freedom with him.
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the mad hatter — g. w. (chapter 4)
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Summary: Due to your direct relations with George Weasley, you were prohibited from leading the case anymore. But you were given a chance to interrogate him, and the tension between the married couple thickens. 
Words: 2,861 words
Warnings ⚠: TW murder, TW blood, TW injuries, angst, thriller, husband!george, sadistic!george, fem!reader, arguments, mentions of sadism
Disclaimer: hey yall <3 welcome back to another chapter of ‘syaf simping for sadistic george!’, I haven’t been able to be active in this site because of work, so I’m really sorry! I’m making it up for yall though, I have some fics ready in no time so wait for it! Reblogs and Comments are highly Appreciated! Enjoy!
the mad hatter masterlist!
masterlist! | general taglist! | buy me a coffee!
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“... What do you mean?” Your voice was slow, yet it was menacing. “You heard me,” He said, sighing. “So you’re saying I can’t have this case anymore?” Your tone was quivering, trying your hardest to control your anger. The man in front of you, Remus Lupin is the A. D. A of the case. He’s going to be the one to put The Mad Hatter— no, George Weasley to jail.
But he’s pulling on your strings at the moment. Tightly.
“It’s inevitable, Y/N—” “Bullshit!” You slammed your hands on your desk, the pain of your palms didn’t sting, the adrenaline coursing through your veins were much stronger. You’re now breathing through your mouth, huffing slowly like a predator towards its prey. You’re angry, very angry. 
He’s telling you to back off from your own case. 
“You recommended me for this case to the higher ups. And now you want to take it back?” You scoffed, glaring at Remus with the deadliest look you can muster, “Who the fuck do you think you are?” 
“This is my case. I’ve spent a month of my time and my co-workers’ time investigating this prick,” You spat, huffing a cynical smile, “You have no right to take away this case from me.”
“As this case’s attorney, I actually do, in fact, have the right to take this case away from you, Weasley,” Remus spat out as venomously, “Need I remind you that prick is your own husband. You have direct relations to the suspect, therefore you are now ineligible to either investigate him or take any part of this case.”
You two were in your office at the headquarters, door closed shut yet everyone dares not to knock on the room containing two wolves. 
“I don’t bloody care that he’s my husband, he’s a mass murderer and should be treated as such, therefore your reasoning to kick me out of this case is utter bollocks!” 
“You’re a fucking witness now, Y/N! You’re his wife!” Remus finally matched the tone of your voice, the veins bulging on his neck showed the severe control he had on himself to not explode. He sighed heavily, slightly massaging his temples, “How do I make this clear so you can understand, Y/N,” He muttered loud enough for you to hear, before looking at you straight to the eye.
“You have feelings for your suspect. You married him for seven bloody years so don’t give me that bullshit that it doesn’t matter and you won’t get emotional in that room!” He shouted, hand flinging to the direction of the investigation room, where George was waiting. 
“You know this would happen the moment you put him in cuffs. You know already. What do you even want to ask him anyway?” Remus’s tone deflated as his shoulders dropped. You clenched your jaw, hard enough to feel the veins at your temple to bulge. Remus was right, what do you even want to ask him anyway? Why would he do this to you? Why would he lie to you? Why would he play you like this?
Does he even love you?
‘Get a grip on yourself, woman. He’s no longer your husband, he’s The Mad Hatter,’ the voice in your head sternly said, snapping you out from your train of thoughts. You took a deep breath, calming down your temper as you spoke, “I want to ask him why would he target former sexual assaulters, and record himself talking about them.”
Remus shrugged his eyebrows, “Good questions indeed, but what makes you think he’s going to tell you?” 
You huffed a smirk, “What makes you think he won’t? I’m his wife, like you said and the mother of his child. I have the leverage that he doesn’t,” You said, feeling your confidence coming back and your professionalism finally resurfacing after what seems like hours of self-wallowing of ‘where did it all go wrong?’
Remus mirrored your smirk, “He fooled you blind for 7 years. What makes you think he won’t try again for the next 30 minutes?” He questioned, and you nonchalantly shrugged with a lazy smile on your lips, “Guess you just have to sit back and watch me do my job.”
The smile on your lips vanished, your grim expression had slightly intimidated Remus, “Let me in that room, and I’ll get him to confess that he’s The Mad Hatter.”
He knew you would come.
George smiled as he watched you walk in the room with the case’s file. “I knew you would come,” he watched as you slightly froze at his voice, before a hard look settled on your face, “Yeah, well, I need answers.”
George painted a small smile on his lips, “I’ll try my best to answer you then, my love.” “Don’t call me that.”  He tilted his head  to you,not quiet catching what you said, “Hm?”
You couldn’t look at him in the eye before, but now you’re standing in front of him, hands placed on the glass table, your fiery gaze straight into his somber ones, “Don’t call me ‘my love’. Or Darling, or Love, or anything. You call me Chief Detective, you hear me?” Your voice was low and dangerous, yet George only smiled at your attempt of intimidating him.
“Now why should I do that?” He asked, and you gave him a cynical smile as you sat across him, “You have no reason not to.”
“Why, haven’t you changed,” George muttered slowly, a smile on his lips. You looked different, and he likes it. Not that he doesn’t like you before, but this version of you; it impressed him. 
It excites him.
“Listen, Weasley,” You leaned forward, glancing at the shackles that held George’s hand on the table, “You’re in my house now. So you better start talking before I force words out of that deceitful mouth,” You said slowly, looking at him straight in the eye, smirking in amusement at his lack of fear.
“How funny,” He leaned forward as well, slightly shaking his cuffed hands to hear the rattle of the iron, a playful smile on his lips, “Was I not in your house this whole entire time?” His smirk widened at the clenched jaw you did, amused at how easy he had you wrapped around his finger.
“Keep talking like that and I’ll have your tongue strangling your own neck,” You spat, leaning back on the chair to get away from him for a moment. The man in front of you isn’t the George you knew. It’s not the real George. Or, it is the real George, only he fooled you all this time.
Only thinking about it made your heart boil.
George chuckled coldly, his chuckles echoed through the room. “I’d love to see you try,” His voice was delightful, yet there was something poisonous about it as he smiled at you, “I want to share that thrill with my wife too.”
“The thrill of what?” You asked, and George chuckled again, “Now, my love, you know I’m not as gullible as you think I am to fall for that. Nice try, though,” he winked. You sighed, getting irritated by his play of words, “Let’s cut off the bullshit now, shall we? Let’s start the investigation.”
He shrugged, “I gave you my word. Let’s start then.”
You took a deep breath, closing your eyes. No matter what you do, you can’t help but to feel flutters in your heart when he smiles, or call you ‘my love’. The flutters felt like knives, though. 
“Lights out,” you suddenly said. George tilted his head, “What?” “Shut up, I wasn’t talking to you,” You quickly cut him, you faced the one way mirror, “Lights out.”
“You have 15 minutes before Lupin knows, so make it quick,” Zabini’s voice rang out from the speaker, and the lights went out. A while later, the emergency light was on, a red glow looms the entire room, giving the space an eerier vibe.
George looked at you curiously, “What is this, Y/N?” You sat silent. You hated it that you had to plan a secret mission with your team just to have time to talk to your husband. You need answers. No matter what.
So, it was no wonder that you looked up to him with your lips quivering and your eyes weak, “Why did you lie to me?” Baffled with your sudden change of demeanor, George furrowed his eyebrows, “Wha—” “I got Blaise to cut off the electricity here for a few minutes, so the surveillance camera won’t work,” You explained. 
“Not even Blaise can hear us, so tell me,” you looked at him again, “Why did you lie to me?” 
Watching the vulnerability in your expression, George’s smug facade faltered. He knew you like the back of his hand, you were telling the truth. Yet, George wasn’t stupid. He didn’t know how you act in your work, so he had to be cautious. He put up his wall again as he smirked, “But I didn’t. I didn’t lie about anything.”
His smirk washed off as you closed your eyes, “George, please…” He watched as you wiped away the tears welling in your eyes, this was the Y/N that he knew, the Y/N that he protected for the past 7 years from his truth.  
George clenched his jaw, “What do you even want me to say, Y/N?”  His voice now lacked the tinge of amusement, you realized he’s serious now. You looked at him, “What happened to you?”
“Whatever do you mean?” He said, and you gritted your teeth, “What happened to you, George? What caused you to be like this?” “This?” He repeated your words. He scoffed, “I’ve always been this, Y/N. I’m just good at hiding it from you and Rafa.”
“Don’t lie to me. You’ve been lying to me for 7 years straight, I deserve the truth,” You voiced out, and George shook his head, “No, you deserve to be away from me. The truth will only make you resent me more.”
“What fucking difference does it make now, George?! You lied to me! You hide yourself from me! Do you even love me?!” You were standing now, slamming your hands on the table. George clenched his jaw, fighting to stay silent. 
“Tell me the truth! Do you even love me?!”
“You want the truth? Here is my truth,” he snarled, “I am that sick bastard you always talk about. I am The Mad Hatter!” 
“Of course I fucking do!” He stood up abruptly, startling you. The handcuffs rattled more as he tried to yank his wrists away from the table. “If I don’t love you, then I would have drowned you that night we met! I wouldn’t have Rafael with you! I would have killed you!” His voice was loud and clear, yet his feelings inside couldn't exactly say the same thing.
George Weasley had lost control of his composure.
“No, no…” You muttered, shaking your head slowly, “But you’re an angel to me! You’re an angel to me and Rafa, George!” You said, desperation clinging onto your voice tightly. 
“If I am one,” He breathed heavily, “If I am an angel, then let me rip off my wings and break apart my halo because I have killed!” He shouted, “And I don’t fucking resent it! Not one fucking bit.”
You were silent in shock from his outburst, while George huffed heavily. His heart was racing with adrenaline, but he hated this one. He looked at you who was still in shock, “Is that what an angel is to you?” he asked cynically.
“Someone that kills for the thrill? If I wanted to, I would have killed you that day you walked into the shop, Y/N,” he said. “But I’d rather kill someone else then kill you and Rafa,” He continued with a small voice. You furrowed your eyebrows, “What?”
You snapped out from your state of shock and began to shake your head in confusion, “What the fuck are you talking about, George? You mean to tell me that you killed 7 people because you didn’t want to kill us?”
“Yes, Y/N, that’s exactly what I meant,” He spat, looking at you with a snarl, “Who do you think killed my whole family except Fred?” George started to laugh maniacally, “And I’ve only spared him all this time because he’s my twin brother and I need a partner for my business.”
“You… You killed your family?” You breathed out, horrified. George looked at you and smiled eerily, “Who else?” His expression grimmed. “I’ve always been this, Y/N. A monster; who craves for the thrill of the kill, and the stench of blood, and the screams of pain and burn. That’s who I am, that’s who I truly am.”
“... I never understood love. Not even when I married you. But when Rafa came along, he taught me what love is. He taught me how to love. And when I realized I love you both, I realized that I loved my family too. But in the end,” He chuckled again, “I killed them,” He whispered dreamily. 
There was a shadow of pain in his eyes, you could sense it. When he looked at you, you found the tenderness he always had in his eyes when he looked at you. For a moment, you wondered if he’s really saying the truth; about him being in love with you. Being in love with your family.
“You,” You watched him look away from you for a moment, pursing his lips, “You gave me a happy life. And I forgot what it’s like to kill. You made me into a new man,” He said slowly. There was silence for a while, it was only you and him, staring into each other. But something clicked inside him that caused him to look away. 
He continued in a cold voice, “But I remembered what I did to my family. I remembered how I felt. I loved it, no matter how much guilt weighed on me for years. I loved seeing their terrified faces when I killed them slowly one by one. Mum, Dad, Bill, Charlie, Percy, Ron and, and little Ginny. They’re in my dreams every single day after that, haunting me, taunting me to kill you and Rafa next. Because that’s who I am,” He slowly shook his head, “But I don’t want to.”
His head turned to you, “I don’t want to kill you. I don’t want to kill Rafa. If I ever do, I— I—” He scoffed, his eyes wandering around the table wildly, “I don’t know if I can forgive myself for it.”
“For killing us?”
“No, for enjoying it,” George confessed. You let out a shaky breath, trying your best to digest it right. Looking at you being quite shaken by the truth, George smiled to himself, “This is also why I didn’t want to tell you the truth.”
“You’re looking at me like a monster,” He said softly, lips etching that gentle smile you always adored. He sat back down on his seat, his hands playing with the metallic chain that held him down. “I’m not saying that I’m not one, I just feel better when you look at me with love because I’m your husband, not a sick bastard who kills for fun.”
“It feels nice not to be a monster sometimes.” 
“George... “ You didn’t know what else to say, but his name. “T-then… Why did you target former sexual assaulters? A-and why would you record them?” You asked slowly.
George looked at you for a moment, blinked and he only smiled. That’s when you realized that he had put up his walls again. That George who had confessed his love to you, and had confessed his crimes to you was gone, this is The Mad Hatter now. 
“I told you the truth, I answered your questions. I gave you my word, didn’t I?” He spoke, as if nothing happened a few minutes ago. You took a deep breath to recollect yourself again. You felt confused, angry, scared, and everything else.
 But you’re also hurt.
“... But you did kill me, George.” Your words caused him to look up to you. You were looking down on your hands before standing up straight, sighing as you looked at him, “You hurt me, you lied to me, you deceived me, you played me like I’m no less than a rag doll. Even if you didn’t kill me physically, you killed me in there,” You pointed to his chest, slightly scoffing at the tears welling up your eyes.
And the lights went back up again. 
You took a deep breath, pretending everything was fine. “Nott and Zabini will interrogate you. I’m off the case because of you, so I hope you can work with them, and tell them what you just told me,” You said nonchalantly, forcing the lump on your throat to swallow itself back down. 
George chuckled, shaking his head, “Nah, I don’t think I will.” You furrowed your eyebrows, “What?”
At that moment, the door opened and someone came into the room, “This interrogation is over now that I'm here, please leave,” The man said coolly and you widened your eyes as you recognized him instantly as soon as he walked in the room, “...  Fred?”
“Ah, brilliant.”
The glint of mischief in his eyes had returned, and you realized that the two brothers in front of you are up to no good.
“My lawyer’s here.”
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luvspence · 4 years
contact names
spencer reid x reader
synopsis: a love story told through contact names
word count: 1.5k 
“hi dr. reid, or u-um spencer? is that all right? can i call you by your first name? i was wondering if i could get your number, so we could have a line of communication and all”
you stood in front of him, smiling brightly. this was your first jet ride of your first case. you believed first impressions were important, and a little more important when that first impression was with him
you’d gone to the same college as him, given you went around 12 years after he did, and his name was always brought up. when you were a criminal justice major and cal tech, spencer reid was a name that was hard to not know. you studied his analysis, you read his doctoral papers, and you admired him from a far. just an alumni, smart one, cute one at that, but just an alumni, someone to learn from
okay so maybe you had a crush on him, but of course you didn’t that was ridiculously, you’d never even met the man
but there you were, somehow you fought your way through school, the academy, and the baus hiring process, and you went from admiring learner, to colleague
he was beautifully perched on the edge of the jet seat, staring down at the chess set, playing against himself
“oh hello, and spencer is quite fine. just appreciative to be called anything other than morgan’s chosen nick name of ‘pretty boy’. i mean i guess it is a compliment? well it feels degrading in a sense, i digress,,”
he chuckled awkwardly
when he was nervous, he rambled, and you made him nervous
he and garcia had thoroughly researched you before you had joined
you were top of your class at cal-tech, top of your class at the academy, your published work was astonishing for someone your age, you had numerous letters of recommendation from highly regarded professors
you were nothing short of excellent, and nothing short of beautiful
long hair with bangs that perfectly framed your face, dimples on both of your cheeks, a smile that could light up any room you walked into
so needless to say, spencer already had a crush on you before you walked through the bau doors
“ and oh i’m regarding that phone number, let me...”
he shuffled through his satchel, files, books, tea bags and granola bar wrapper being pushed a side in search of his business card
“shoot, i can’t find it, here”
he pulled his phone out
“why don’t your enter your number, and i’ll text you so that you can save the contact as well?”
“oh perfect!”
you grabbed his phone typing in your number, and handing it back
“t-thank you!”
you turned to walk away
“oh wait! could you spell your last name for me? i wouldn’t want to get it wrong”
you spelled it out, he typed in the letters into his phone
now you were officially in his phone as plainly
“y/n l/n”
you guys quickly went from colleagues to friends
ever since that first text that spencer sent to share his number, you two were inseparable
carpooled to work and back
sat next to each other on the jet
office spaces next to each other
coffee “dates”
hotel slumber parties during cases
friday night game night traditions
endless conversations
book recommendations
and of course
a blinding amount of romantic tension
a couple months into you working at the bau you were sitting on spencer’s desk, him reclined in his chair
“i’m telling you! i’m amazing at gin rummy”
“mhm okay”
you hit him playfully with a file
“mhm? what is that supposed to mean? do you doubt my skills?”
“no not at all, i just know i’d crush you”
you raised an eyebrow
“okay dr reid? you wanna go?”
he pulled a deck of cards out of his drawer
“i’ll deal”
he said, shuffling the cards
7 rounds later, you had beat him by 27 points
he looked down in defeat
“HA HA HA!!!!”
“i let you win”
“UNTRUE UNTRUE! you knocked and were so confident that you had won, but guess what? I HAD GIN” you laughed un controllably while spenxer rolled his eyes
“they don’t call me y/n “gin rummy god” l/n for nothing!”
he perched his face in his hands, staring up at your giggly face that still remained seated on his desk
“who calls you that”
“everyone! and now you have to!”
he laughed, pulled out his phone went to his contacts
he typed in
“y/n “pretty okay at gin rummy” l/n”
he showed you the screen
you squinted in to read it
it didn’t take very much longer until you and spencer were dating
it happened one day on the jet, you were flying home and while sitting next to spencer instinctually laid your head on his shoulder
that wasn’t too abnormal, but spencer bent his neck down to kiss you softly on the forehead
you looked at him
he looked at you
finally an action that couldn’t be written off as platonic
with scared eyes he looked at you, looking like he had just committed a grave crime
as he had forgotten that you two were not dating, you had forgotten that the entire team was also on that jet
so you grabbed his face and kissed him, kissed him long, gently wrapping your arms around his neck, until you heard an “ahem” from derek
he laughed, you and spencer just stared at each other an also burst into laughter, and from then on, you were his girl, his love, his object of adoration, his lady
3 months into your relationship, spencer had gotten a concussion
he was okay, just unable to fly
you were about to board the jet, face buried in spencers shoulder
“i don’t have to go spencer”
“yes, yes you do”
“i don’t want to leave you”
“y/n i will survive, and it’s not like i’m gonna be alone in the office, i’ll be consulting virtually through garcia”
you pressed a kiss to his lips
“okay, i’ll miss you”
“miss you too”
you let go of his hand and jogged up to emily who was boarding the plane
“you two are vile” she said laughing
“not funny!”
the case was tough, even tougher with spencer not around
though he and garcia made quite the duo
“hey spencer could you call y/n for me? i’m on this line with derek”
“yeah of course”
he pressed your contact on his favorite list
your name saved as “m’lady”
garcia noticed immediately
“m’lady?! M’LADY??? if you two aren’t the cutest pair of 18th century literature nerds i don’t know what is”
he giggled, you picked up the phone
garcia started shouting
you started to laugh
“garcia do you have that list of names i asked for?”
4 years, 1 built in library, and 3 cats later
spencer knew he wanted to spend the rest of his life with you
it was a warm saturday, and you and spencer went to the museum of natural sciences
you were standing in front of the aquatic birds exhibit
you were reading the swan description
“swan, largest waterfowl species of the subfamily anserinae, family anatidae. most swans are classified in the genus cygnus. swans are gracefully long-necked, heavy-bodied, big-footed birds that glide majestically when swimming and fly with slow wingbeats and with necks outstretched. swans mate for life, and can actually die from heart break if their partner dies, interesting”
“yeah, swans are usually a symbol of love and marriage”
“how sweet, such romantic birds”
spencer took your hand
“i’m gonna love you forever, just like these swans”
he kissed your forehead
“forever and ever spence?”
he got down on one knee
“forever and ever”
you wanted to wait until the perfect moment to tell the team, refraining from wearing your ring until you two could figure it out, but by an unfortunate accident, they secret was out
“hey y/n, i didn’t get a chance to save your number earlier, would you mind?”
an officer at the local precinct was asking you, as to have a more direct way of contact
the entire team was sitting around a table as you typed your number into the officers phone
“oh and y/n i’m sorry how do you spell your last name”
“r-e-i-d, reid”
you froze
in most of your circles you already started going by spencer’s last name, this detail slipped your mind
derek was the first to say something
then emily
you and spencer looked at each other
“okay, we’re in engaged”
the entire team started hugging and cheering, the rest of the precinct joining in
“so when were you planning to tell us?” hotch asked with a raised eyebrow
you laughed
“would you believe me if i said that contact name incident was planned?”
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