#>buy it. it was so cute. looked like a kombi i think. one of them beetle cars. top half was white and bottom half was a desaturated green
dexaroth · 1 year
the weirdcore sanrio girlies would love my hello kitty mini candy dispenser that i filled with my antidepressant pills after trying to overdose on them to a comical failure degree
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okaybutlikeimagine · 5 years
What if Joyce and her kids and Hop and his (including Max if you want cus I can’t get enough how you write her and Billy’s relationship) all went on a road trip together?!
(okay i know i have other asks before this that i need to respond to but) I LOVE THIS SO MUCH AND I’M!!!! CRYIN!! (also thanks so much for the lovely compliment ohmydear♥i love writing them too it’s so fun)
Okay so i read this and i was like: ohman they’d have to take 2 cars or something bc there’s Joyce + Will and Jonathan and then Hop + El and Billy and then Max?? That’s 7 of them! But tHEN
Joyce is a hippie in my headcanon bc I love that shit and she could show the boys hippie music and help them through life w/ it and so anyway I’d like to think she’s aLWAYS wanted a VW bus. they’re just… cute as hell and so damn cool and she could decorate the inside w/ cute curtains and i just love that so much. so now imagine Billy and Jonathan knowing she’s always wanted one and Jonathan never having seen one but Billy having seen them everywhere in Cali and knowing exactly what Joyce is talking about and they both save up a SHIT. TON. of money (bc i dunno how expensive they were back then but they’re pretty cool cars that a lot of people wanted and they’re big, so) and Will and El even help out by mowing lawns for people or picking up a paper route (Jonathan doesn’t like the idea of them working but they insist) and they buy a used 1968 Kombi VW bus and Billy fixes it up a bit and it’s a faded light blue color and it’s definitely not pristine, it definitely looks a little loved, but it’s perfect and they all help fix up the interior and it’s??? The most beautiful thing. And they give it to her for her birthday or Christmas or something and Joyce cries an absolute RIVER and would hug them all for hours if Hop hadn’t torn her away to let them breathe
So anyway, when Billy and Jonathan graduate from high school in 1986 (i don’t wanna do all the math on when Billy’s birthday would have to be and when school cut offs are but Jonathan and Billy were both born in ‘67 sooooo) Joyce wants to go on a road trip w/ everyone!!!!! Bc how exciting!! and really it’s Joyce’s idea bc Jim doesn’t really like dealing w/ lots of people in one place but Joyce knows all the kids love Disney movies and she’s also always wanted to go to Disney World so they go! And they bring Max along bc El begs and pleads and Billy thinks it’d be good for her to get out of the house and Joyce 100% agrees bc even though Neil hasn’t done anything, the energy is negative and that shit affects a kid, y’know?? Plus they all love Max and would so adopt her if they could so she’s able to convince her mom and she goes w/ them and! just!
Imagine them all packed into a big VW bus w/ little floral curtains and funky retro seat covers, on the road at 7:30am and Joyce agreeing to drive the first few hours bc Hop is useless in the morning and conks out immediately once they get in. El and Will do too, El on Max’s shoulder and Will on Jonathan’s as Jonathan and Billy and Max start arguing for like, a good half hour about what music they should listen to on the trip down until there’s a lull in the fight and Joyce says she only brought her tapes of 60s and 70s music. so they all get educated on good hippie music.
and Billy and Max love each other, they do. they had a bumpy relationship when Billy was living at home before but they’re a lot closer now and they’ve been siblings for years now. but they’re just both such fiery personalities that they bicker more than half the time down. It’s a 16 hour drive (maybe even more??? If there are more roads now than in 1986) so it takes them 2 days and they’re so bratty towards each other.
So  they’re all trying to explain what Disney World is to El who is still rather confused.
“We’re going to…. Another world?”
“What’s a… roller… coaster?”
“You mean Mickey Mouse is real??”
And that one makes Max giggle and shake her head. 
“It’s like… Santa. People dress up as him and other characters and you can take pictures and stuff.” she gives a dangerous smirk then, turning around to look at Billy. “Billy’s afraid of them.”
“I am not.” He growls, kicking at her seat but trying not to kick too hard bc they worked too hard to get this van looking nice.
“You totally used to cry at anyone in a costume. We barely got to go trick or treating that one year because you were so freaked out.”
“Because our asshole neighbor was dressed as Jason and chased me down the fucking street!”
“Language!” Hop yells at the same time as Jonathan snorts. Billy reaches over Will to pinch Jonathan hard.
“Is that why you were shaking when we saw Mickey Mouse that one time?”
“That was on the Walk of Fame. Everyone is afraid of those guys because they’re all a bunch of coke addicts!”
“Coke… addicts?” El asks and everyone pauses, Jonathan letting out another snort.
“Like Coke and Pepsi?” El asks, and everyone immediately agrees while Jonathan laughs a bit.
“Yeah! Coke and Pepsi!” Joyce agrees, while Hop turns and gives them a harsh look to stop this conversation.
Joyce asks what character El is most excited to see. Joyce says that she herself hopes that they have Winnie the Pooh bc he’s her absolute favorite.
“I like Alice.” she says with a smile. It had kind of scared El when she first saw it, but she thought the colors were cool and Alice is just as curious as El is.
“I hope they have Peter Pan.” Max says a little dreamily.
“You just like him because he’s a ginger like you.” Billy snarks, to which Max sends him a harsh look.
“You like him too! We used to watch that movie all the time when we were little.”
And she’s right, they did. It makes him smile. Maybe there’s some psychological reason- the idea of a cute boy coming by to take him away from his terrible life and whisk him away to a magical world is pretty fucking nice -but he’s not about to overanalyze himself. And if anyone were to ask what he’s most excited for, he definitely wouldn’t admit that it’s Peter Pan.
“I like Peter Pan too.” Will admits, to which Max turns to look at him.
“Isn’t he cute?”
Will nods with a slight blush.
“Who’s Peter Pan?”
Max is distraught at El’s question.
“You haven’t seen Peter Pan???” She turns to Jonathan. “What are you guys doing depriving her of Peter Pan?”
“She’s with you more often than us!” Billy is indignant. “What have you been doing, not showing her Peter Pan?”
Max sticks her tongue out. Jonathan says he’s looking forward to Tomorrow Land and all of the parade floats. When Billy is asked, he mumbles something about wanting to ride all the big rides like Space Mountain and Thunder Mountain.
“What about you, Dad?” El asks happily.
“I’m just excited for the food.” Hopper grunts.
So yes, lots of bickering with the occasional break to listen to whatever song is playing. And you fuckin bet they bicker over where to stop to eat, too, until Hop decides for them all. 
And i was trying to look up different, more obscure theme parks or attractions for them to go to but I just… couldn’t get over the idea of all of them getting matching Mickey Mouse ears. bc just… think about it. Think about a picture of all of them gathered in front of the castle wearing their Mickey Mouse hats, Hop and Joyce w/ an arm around the other, Joyce leaning up against Hop, El and Will smiling the biggest and cheesiest smiles with El’s arm around Will’s shoulder, Jonathan giving a little shy smile bc he feels pretty dumb, Max getting the biggest kick out of Billy freaking out over ruining his hair but giving him an expectant look until he puts the hat on, Billy yanking a strand of her hair out right before the photo is taken and Max shrieking so they have to take another one and when they do Billy rests his arm on Max’s head and max is stepping on Billy’s foot but they chuckle about it afterwards, giving irritated looks that break into smiles.
And i just?????? Jonathan buys Nancy a little bracelet with a Minnie Mouse charm on it and a stuffed version of Piglet from Winnie the Pooh and Billy gets Steve a little stuffed Bambi and a shirt that says “Princess” in big letters and gets himself a matching one that says “Prince Charming”. Steve pretends to be less than impressed but he blushes when Billy mumbles something about how he couldn’t stop looking at the castle and thinking of his princess back home and i just??? I have so many ideas about this Hopper Family Vacation to Disney World AUGH i love this.
(and if you want their Road Trip Playlist just ask me bc i just?? imagine their little van driving back up to Indiana on a calm road through a little patch of tall trees while Harvest Moon plays and its golden hour and Jim is driving and Joyce has her head leaning back against the seat, humming along and the sun is making it look like she’s glowing and Jim is a little worried about swerving bc he just wants to look at her. And Billy is leaning back in his seat all the way in the back, arm out the open window next to him as he waves it around in the soft air. Will and Jonathan are asleep on each other next to him and Max turns around from where she’s sitting in front of Billy to ask him something and sees her brother looking so damn calm. Just so serene and happy, a content smile on his face and golden sun hitting his blond hair gracefully as he blinks slowly. And she can’t think of what she was going to say bc it feels surreal to have this kind of moment w/ a family that feels so oddly whole. And Billy notices her staring and turns to her and she just sticks her tongue out and makes a funny face. Billy swipes gently at the air in front of her a few times w/ his left hand, chuckling a bit. She tries to kick him but she can’t reach and he just huffs a big, sharp breath in her face and she reaches to smack him as they both start giggling. then a soft click comes from their left and they see El has taken a picture of them on her little disposable camera she got on the way there and Max turns back around to talk to El and ask about how many pictures she thinks she’s taken and Billy turns back to look out the window, watching farms pass by in a haze, colored by the soft orange light of the sun, as he hugs the little Bambi plushie he bought for Steve and thinks about how comfortable happiness feels.)
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theolivechickken · 6 years
The wheels on the bus go up and down
May 3
We found ourselves on a few dirt roads today. We hopped off the paved freeway and headed to the Milwane Wildlife Sanctuary to buy tickets for our safari. We saw some zebras roaming the roads as we drove past, and I learned that miniature pineapples grow up from the ground :)  We also visited the arts and textiles market in Malkerns. There were some cute handmade candle shops and hot sauce trucks, and naturally I love both so those were an easy buy. There were also a handful of individuals selling their handmade works like carved wooden figurines, carefully crafted earrings and bracelets, soft flowy pants, and yards of vibrantly colored woven textiles.
It was quite an adventure at the grocery store later that day. There was a storm a-brewing as we were walking to the shopping center, and while we were inside we heard the rain crash down. The power (and backup generator too??) went out 3 times during that 5 minute storm and for a hot minute we were in complete darkness in the store. Luckily they got things back up and running pretty quickly. We also dropped by the liquor store and I got 2 bottles of wine to share for 80 rand (less than $6 total WHAT).
There was still a light drizzle when we got back to Bethel Court, but that didn’t stop us from hanging out at the pool and catching some strange looks from hotel employees since it’s technically their winter. Nothing warms the soul more than hot food on a cold night, and Claire whipped up some peanut butter curry stew for dinner (a little heavy on the peanut butter in my opinion).
May 4
I woke up at a whopping 6am WOOO. One super bumpy kombi ride through the foggy mountains and we arrived at the store for the Youth Education Farm. I saw some more chickens, donkeys, kittens, and cows hanging out.
We had a great task to accomplish today. The eating area of the restaurant/store needed a new paint job and we were here to provide. I probably got high off some paint fumes since we didn’t have masks (rip our lungs) but I think we did a pretty good job! We were rewarded with a delicious heaping of barbecued meat for lunch, pap, spicyyyy hot sauce, and some soda.
May 5
We returned to the YEF Store to continue painting and to begin tiling the floor. It was interesting to notice the very established beliefs surrounding gender roles: Men don’t belong in the kitchen and women don’t engage in a “man’s” work like tiling. I’m sure it was entertaining to watch our group try to mix cement and lay the tiles (since there were 9 girls in our group) but the male volunteer workers showed us some tricks and let us help out anyways. We ate a pile of meat 2.0 for lunch before heading back to Bethel Court. Some passed out on the bus ride, and others found ways to stay entertained. Eric was looking out the window pretty dramatically, so I joked that he was about to drop his mixtape. We also started a group game of hangman and MASH to pass tie time.
It was time to do some laundry. But I wasn’t about to pay a specific fee for each article of clothing machine washed. Instead, I got swollen from hand washing and wringing out my clothes. I left them to dry out on the clotheslines in the backyard. It definitely makes you appreciate having machines wash your clothes, but it’s really not the end of the world to hand wash them.
Dinner notes: Alex and Hoolie served us some grilled cheeses and tomato soup, and Hannah made chili (soup?)
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