#>mfw the map worked
mood2you · 2 years
all dialogue in FireRed
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voltagesmutter · 4 years
Thanks for answering my question about your Fic. I just wanted to know if you always complete a character, i.e. several chapters about one and only then the next? How many chapters do you plan per character? Did you plan to take one of the mlqc guys? I wondered how the first meeting between Bella and Gavin or Victor would turn out, since at least Victor loves his privacy...
Heya Nonny,
So what I’ve found is as I progress more with expanding into new stories and fictions: E.g. When I started it was only KBTBB, then I added MLQC, then MFW, and so on, and because I that I’ve found more one-shot and drabbles are more suit to write with. However I do plan on closing requests and getting back to other stories I’m in the midst of doing, my WIP list is huge and I keep avoiding it!
But I’ve found I tend to write more for the characters I really enjoy or feel involved in which is why in the KBTBB series, there is very little Ota as I find myself struggling to write for him and therefore I enjoy it less working on his pieces (Which is why I have like 5 of them in WIP folder). But I do plan to get back into the route of adding more chapters for different stories and such in different fictions.
So with Once Upon An Us, I have everything mapped out and will be continuing to work on all of them, they all be different lengths. So she’s currently in the piece with Saeki, so I’m working of two endings atm because I’m torn, she will either go and live happily with him and therefore being a one-shot in the series. Meaning the next guy to enter into the series will be the first guy she is with, replacing Saeki for the first guy she meets (So the whole Saeki experience will be a separate series). Or her and Saeki leaving in separate ways and then rolling into the new character (I hope that makes sense, I struggled to find the words to use there aahah). 
So I have plans for example Victor along the lines he’s being pushed into an arranged marriage for business so he’s trying to take some control of the situation therefore he tries to find love with ‘The Pods’.  I hope this answered some of your questions, if you have any more please feel free to ask away!
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ditto · 4 years
wi rehab week 3 review: the Week™. i KNOW this post is long but god please read about my misfortune if yall want a Saga
current status on raccoons: clement
number of monster energy drinks consumed: 2
number of buns directly killed: 1
Days Since Last Diarrhead on: 1
Baby Raccoon Count: 150ish? probably 130 that need to be bottle fed 
new tasks performed:
baby opossum cage maintenance
baby waterfowl cage maintenance
SQ fluid administration on raccoons
SQ vaccine administration on raccoons
What To Do When Your Tire Goes Flat 101
oral medication administration on possums
CHRONOLOGICAL TALE OF MISFORTUNE: i’m not going to do this regularly but the sheer amount of bad shit that happened this week was COMICAL so let me break down everything that happened to me this work week
got diarrhead on during 6am raccoon feeding
straight up killed a baby rabbit during bun feeding. they stress real easily and i’m bad at tubing so i had him out for a while and he just fuckin. died. from stress. in my hands. directly because of me being bad at my job. so you know that was uhhhhhhhhhhhhh
shovelled out wet dirty woodchips out of a walk-in enclosure with like 8 goslings using a snowshovel w/ another baby intern. you can’t put a ton of woodchips into one trash bag so we had to keep changing out the trash bag and it was like 92 degrees out and we were both wearing cloth masks and on god i really thought we were gonna die in there
during the pm feeding i get peed on by the EXACT SAME RACCOON that diarrhead on me during the am feeding 
TUESDAY 6/9: the Day(tm)
i have a therapy appointment scheduled at 2pm. my shift is 6am-2pm. i’ll need to leave at 1:30pm to get to it. i tell my supervisors this. it’s chill. i still feel bad about it, because i have anxiety.
right off the bat, i get scolded by my Actual Boss for doing something i watched one of the supervising interns do 
6am raccoon feeding: get diarrhead on again. 
a rac RIPS the fucking nipple off of the baby bottle we’re feeding them with and formula gets fucking everywhere. i say out loud at this moment “IM HAVING A GREAT WEEK”. one of my supervising interns feels bad for me and keeps trying to cheer me up throughout the day. she does make me feel better.
i get dishes which is fine bc i dont mind dishes for real but my hands turn into sandpaper the day after doing dishes for 2 hours so this is more :| than :/. i make jokes about how bad my week is going. the mood is, generally, looking up.
next raccoon feeding is scheduled for noon. raccoons are housed in a separate building, so it’s about a 5 minute drive to get there from the main area. we get ready to leave around 1pm. recap: i need to leave at 1:30pm for a therapy appointment. i’m planning on driving my own car down there so i can do this. it’s chill.
on my way down there, i start hearing the most godawful screeching of metal. i am, quote, “like uhhh.” when i open the gate to turn onto the highway, i stick my head out the window to look
my tire is flat.
i have a flat tire.
my fucking tire is FLAT dude.
pull over after gate
tell the staff member following me “hey i have a flat tire so im probably not going to make it down to feed today” and shes like flkdjsalfksd okay
call the ONE supervising intern whose number i have, who is the one who heard me say IM HAVING A GREAT WEEK, like GUESS WHICH BITCH HAS A FLAT TIRE LMFAOOOOOOO. just making that one call was the funniest fucking thing that’s ever happened in my entire life
to quote her verbatim: “i guess you are having a bad week”
call my dad, who as it turns out was actively teaching a class when i called, so i am well and truly facked and am DEFINITELY not making this therapy appointment
ok. take a deep breath. check my car. i have a donut in my car. i have not changed a tire in three years, and have never changed one in the scenario of I Have A Flat Tire. fack. relay this to the one supervising intern whos number i know (i’m going to call her supervising intern 1 going forward here). ask her if anyone knows how to change a tire. 
supervising intern 1 calls back. apparently there’s a guy who lives on the same property we’re on named donnie. donnie is a maintenance worker who helps out a lot around the rehab place. donnie can help me change my tire. apparently someone currently down feeding raccoons is going to come pick me up and bring me over there so i can continue to feed raccoons until donnie can fix my tire. 
get call from supervising intern 2, whose number i did not have, apparently it got relayed. i ask her if anyone down there can change a tire. she says she can change a tire. she will help me change my tire she finishes on raccoon feeding. ok sounds good. someone is still going to come pick me up.
get call back 10 minutes later. apparently donnie is in the middle of a field right now and it is unlikely that he can fix my tire. someone is still going to come get me to feed raccoons, maybe. i tell her supervising intern 2 can help me change my tire after we finish our shift. she says thats fine. ok cool sick.
try to call therapist. i have no signal. send email which is, verbatim: “Hey! I'm currently on the the side of of the the road in [TOWN 30 MILES AWAY] with a flat tire, so I'm not going to make our appointment today. If we could reschedule for sometime soon, that would be great.” signal is bad, so this ends up being sent at 3pm.
one of the other baby interns comes to pick me up and bring me down to racs. i walk in like AYYYYYYY and start feeding raccoons.
i get diarrhead on again.
i get diarrhead on again again. 
apparently 3 in one day is a record.
my shift is supposed to end at 2pm. we usually end up staying until 2:15-2:30ish, because that’s usually when the other team gets down here. since supervising intern 2 is currently my savior, she is going to drive me back over when the other team gets here and she leaves. other baby interns leave at 2:15ish, i think. 
the other team is, apparently, running late. they get here at 3pm.
supervising intern 2 drives me back over at 3pm. we get to my car.
the donut is on.
the tire is in the trunk.
apparently donnie was, in fact, able to come change my tire. no one told me this. 
im like ok. this is fine. i tell supervising intern 2 thank u for my life. i leave.
my donut has a 50mph max speed limit. i tell google maps to avoid highways on my way home. this turns my 30 minute drive home into a 50 minute one, and still ends up with me being terrifyingly tailgated by trucks for going 10 miles under the speed limit. i almost, but do not, run out of gas on the way home.
i get home around 4:10pm. i call the auto shop across the street from me and tell them i have a flat tire, but i need the car by 6am tomorrow. do they think they can have it fixed by then. they tell me to bring it over and they’ll let me know.
i bring the car over. i give them my keys. i say thank you and leave.
i realize that my garage door opener is in my car, which is now locked. i have no other way into the house, because our garage door keypad has been broken for 2 years. the sliding glass door in the backyard is locked.
i walk back into the auto shop 5 minutes later and ask in the Polite But Obviously Having A Day tone if i can have my keys back so i can get it. i get my garage door opener out of my car. i give the keys back.
i enter my home. i lay spread-eagled on my bed for one hour.
auto place calls back and tells me they fixed the tire. im like did you replace it or did u fix it. theyre like we fixed it come on over. i almost cry on the phone.
go back over. guy is like “ya u ran over a screw LOL”. gives me my keys back. i wait to pay
after a bit hes like “you dont have to pay anything. this is on the house.”
almost cry
thank him
get car
go home
go to bed at 8pm 
everyone at work is immediately like AYYY and in general just very nice about the whole thing. i thank everyone involved for helping. its chill
dont get diarrhead on this feeding but i do get bit for like NO got dam reason what the fack
next up is cleaning juvenile cages and i swear to god i get the nastiest. fucking. raccoon cage i have ever seen in my entire life. there was an...i wanna say eigth-of-an-inch thick layer of raccoon diarrhea across this 2 foot x 4 foot cage
like on GOD the smell was so bad i was gagging through a goddamn cloth mask just. oh my god. i had to just go stand outside and stare into the abyss afterwards for a few minutes it was so NASTY IT WAS SO NASTY
mercifully, i am spared from further misfortune for the rest of the day. i come home. i am so tired.
notes and observations
anyone who is anti-euthanasia in animal shelters and any other large-scale animal welfare places in general can absolutely suck my dick
most other baby animals will generally have various stages of “baby x”, but opossums look like Adults Except Tiny from a very early age. they have stolen my heart.
birds are poopy little creatures
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hudders-and-hiddles · 7 years
even though i made a new post-it wall to-do list system for work, the past few days i have just been studiously avoiding looking at that wall. (if i can’t see it, that means i don’t have any work to do, right? that’s totally how that works...) i really gotta get my ass back on track today though, so i’m making a list here of all the shit i need to get done today so y’all can yell at me if you see me fucking around on here too much
mfw deposit [report - deposit form - print both - sign - send - file receipt] (6)
reply to ao3 comments (1)
update last year’s guidebook for this year’s event [this will take longer than you think it will. set aside at least two hours.] (1)
email morgan links to website and tooc (1)
buy new parking pass (1)
update bb classes for mid-year [assessments - math scores - remove pr mention from 3 & 4 - fix whatever mike has managed to fuck up] (4)
order manilla envelopes from staples (1)
update mfw printables [schedule - map] (2)
submit po’s for mfw [building rental - tent rental] (2)
update employee schedule for next week [update - email - print] (3)
upload even attendance data from august (install program? - pull data - format - upload] (4)
reply to tom about computer install (1)
fill out self-eval (1)
follow-up with todd??? why isn’t he replying to shit? is he even in the office? (1)
complete po process from august building rental [download - receive - send invoice] (3)
have mark do inventory [wristbands - pr guides - calendars] (3)
have cori work more on eng score spreadsheet (1)
finish confirmation packet [edits - send to vz] (2)
write more! (1)
leave feedback on ebay for new leggings (1)
catch up on week 2′s reading of hound of the baskervilles [ch 5 - ch 6 - ch 7 - ch 8] (4)
edit pics from skagway/yukon [there’s a lot, so set aside a good chunk of time for this tonight] (1)
dishes (1)
trash (1)
put everything back in the shower now that it’s clean (1)
dinner (1)
look at lease renewal bullshit (1)
7 of 50
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sage-nebula · 7 years
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I’ve been taking a lot of screenshots as I’ve played through Splatoon 2, but I’ve neglected to upload them because it’s difficult to stop playing long enough to do so (whoops). However, I’m going to do so now in order to get caught up, and hopefully be better about posting screencaps of cool things in the future.
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So, first, as per usual, the game starts off with a broadcast. In Splatoon, the Squid Sisters were the ones who always handled the broadcasts. But now, in the sequel---and I have little doubt this has a lot to do with the story mode, as well as just wanting to introduce new characters (and it wouldn’t surprise me if Marina being Octarian played into it), the broadcasts are handled by a pop duo known as Off the Hook, starring Pearl and Marina.
Anyway, the introductory broadcast to the game introduces the single-player campaign, of course, and I love how Pearl references the fact that the Octarians stealing the Great Zapfish is the exact same plot from the first game’s single-player campaign. However . . .
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. . . there is a twist this time around, since Callie is “missing” as well. Hmmm . . .
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Pearl gets over it pretty quickly, though, lmao. (And really, the fact that Pearl doesn’t care about the Great Zapfish is, I feel, another clue that Inkopolis doesn’t necessarily need it, at least not more than the Octarians might . . .)
Once the broadcast ends, the game decides to show you all the different features of Inkopolis Square, just in case you’re not bright enough to explore the place yourself. In so doing, it introduces the new Salmon Run part of the game . . .
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I love how they keep hammering home that this is sketchy and shady and not that great, hahaha. That said, I get the feeling that the Salmonids, like the Octarians, are more victims than villains, despite how they’re being painted. I especially feel that way in this case, since we’re stealing their eggs for some sketchy dude’s profit. :/ Man . . .
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Rude af. I can’t believe I have to already have a job and work experience to get a job to get work experience in Splatoon 2 as well. Art imitates life.
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When you have more experience you can work, though, and like I said, I really love how they keep hammering home that this is not a good job, you are making a poor life choice.
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Inklings can’t swim, though. Tf are you trying to say to me?
Anyway, after I did Salmon Run a couple of times, I went and played some (more) multiplayer, and . . .
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I tried, OK. I did my best. I have no regrets. (Especially since I scored more points than anyone on the winning team, because remember: The winning team gets an extra 1000 points. The highest score anyone on the winning team had before the bonus was 729. I was better than that. Sadly, with two teammates disconnecting partway trhough the match, there was not a whole lot I could do . . .)
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tfw you win a match by .3%.
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And once again, I was the highest scoring person on my team, even if the highest scorer on the losing team had a slightly better score than I did. (Only slightly, though.) I’m still not as consistently good as I was in the first game, but I’m getting there. Once I have better gear / better weapons, I’m sure I’ll be back on top form, especially once I get used to all the new maps. (Though they better add Kelp Dome in an update at some point or so help me . . .)
Anyway, it soon became time for some story mode / single-player campaign playthrough, and once I realized I could unlock Hero Dualies this way, that’s all I’ve been doing. That said . . .
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When you go to talk to her, Marie explains about how she wants to go get the Great Zapfish back from the Octarians after they stole it, but that she can’t leave her post because that would mean leaving it defenseless, and so she needs someone else to go get it back and thinks you’d be perfect for the job. She also drops not-subtle hints about Callie, but those, I think, were supposed to be under her breath or in her inner thoughts. Regardless, she recruits you as Agent 4 (Callie was Agent 1, Marie is Agent 2, and you were Agent 3 in the first game) and sends you to go fight the Octarians. You may remember that I mentioned in an earlier post about how Marie is particularly savage toward the Octarians, and, well---
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I was not kidding.
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This really leads me to believe that Marie thinks that the Octarians kidnapped Callie as well as the Great Zapfish. Of course, I now think that Callie took the Great Zapfish when she defected to the Octarians, but Marie doesn’t seem to know / realize that’s what happened.
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Rude af. I am Agent 3! (I can’t believe it’s already been two years since the first game came out, though, omfg.)
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I can’t believe Marie betrayed me like this. (I looked it up and apparently the pineapple pizza debate was a Splatfest topic in the EU for the first game, and Marie was anti-pineapple, and they won . . . but I still feel so betrayed she’d take that stance in the first place. How could you Marie? I know you’ve betrayed me other times, with other Splatfest topics (the Red Version vs. Blue Version debate comes to mind---Callie was right there, too, and you know it), but still!
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The win screen for whenever you clear a level is really cute, though.
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. . . as is the screen when you clear it for the second time and rescue a Zapfish plushie instead, hahaha.
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I can’t believe they dragged Spyke like this. (This is from the book you fill in as you find the pages in the levels. They’re similar to the sea scrolls from the first game, but are more current. ... Pun not intended.)
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SHE’S INVESTED IN ME. ♥ Ily, Marie, even if you don’t know what good pizza is.
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YES, YES IT WAS. (I’m sorry, no offense to Off the Hook, but their catchphrase is just so stupid . . .)
Anyway, at the end of every section you have a boss battle, and there are wireless transmissions at the end of each boss battle. And at the end of the second boss battle . . .
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I have the same reaction whenever Sheldon starts talking, tbh.
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This was the second time I was forced to use a godforsaken charger in one of the maps, and I just
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UNFORTUNATELY, despite it being a “request”, you don’t have the option to say no. You have to play through the level with the assigned weapon at least once. I already complained about this enough yesterday, so I won’t do it again, but god, I hate it so much, particularly since it means I have to play through most levels twice since you have to clear every level with your desired Hero weapon in order to unlock it for multiplayer, and I want the Hero Dualies. Ugh.
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Hahaha, I didn’t grab a screenshot of it, but in an earlier level after making a particularly risky jump, she asks if I consider myself to be “the reckless type”, and that she sure does consider me to be the reckless type. I mean, I am, I won’t deny it.
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I love her.
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It was for a boss fight, too. I FELT SO #BLESSED. Oh, and here was the boss:
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And then I destroyed him and his sweet new coat. Sorry, bro. :/ (Oh, and if you’re wondering, he was a boss from the first game, hence why he was “back”.)
But since this was a boss, that means that we had a post-battle wireless transmission, so . . .
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She loves Callie so much. ;__; And I say this, because look at the word choice: “Even more than the Great Zapfish, I want to find my cousin Callie.” Marie is sending Agent Four after the Great Zapfish because she views it as a duty. This is a necessity, it’s something (and anyone she can recruit to help) must due because Inkopolis (supposedly) needs it. But she wants to find Callie, and she wants to find Callie even more than the Great Zapfish. Callie means that much to her. Callie is her best friend. Biologically, Callie might be her cousin, but in her heart, Callie is her sister. And something tells me she’s going to be in for a lot of emotional pain when she learns the truth . . . poor, poor Marie. ;__;
Anyway, she goes on to explain about how she’s Agent 2 and Callie was Agent 1, and---
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OH, so THAT’S the excuse for why your inkling from the first game is just mysteriously out of the picture, haha. Though that begs the question . . . what is your inkling from the first game doing with Cap’n Cuttlefish? Why is your inkling from the first game with Cap’n Cuttlefish? Things aren’t safe with him! He’s not wise! He gets captured because he’s distracted by crabby cakes! Like, bruh! Have some sense!!
Anyway, then the transmission was interrupted again---
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I mean, I guess there’s still a chance that Callie hasn’t defected. Maybe she’s telling Marie to leave because she’s worried Marie will get hurt, or maybe she was kidnapped and is now brainwashed. Her eyes are red in that icon, after all (but so are the Octolings’, so that could just be because of some fancy goggles). Either way, that’s very obviously Callie, and if she’s helping the Octarians decorate their bases, something tells me she isn’t here unwillingly. Right now, I’m sticking by the theory that she is the one who stole the Great Zapfish (and all the other Zapfish) for the benefit of the Octarians, and that she has defected willingly because she has come to see that they aren’t all evil and that peace should be made between the two races. (Though why she isn’t working to actually make that peace doesn’t make sense. You’d think she’d come forward and talk to Marie (and Cap’n Cuttlefish) about it, rather than letting Marie think she had been kidnapped and is in serious danger, but . . . well. The plot has to happen some way, I guess.)
Anyway, I’ll post more as I can get to it. Stay tuned, and as always . . . stay fresh. ;D
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