#????do thry have a ship tag
kayotic-catgirl · 5 months
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the demons (being autistic) got me. here's a small tiny thing of celia being cursed with bisexuality !! :33
(reblogs encouraged!!/nf)
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thegamingcatmom · 4 months
Helloo its the same anon from before xD I read your reply and I just wanted to let you know that I, who eats Fanfictions for breakfast, did read the tags and I know what I was getting into when I opened the link to the story so do not worry because I am not giving up the story, I love your writing style and I am honestly curious so I am excited for it, is just yk questions come to mind and odl what to do with them so... I ask them.
I am grateful you don't see them as heartless etc and I guess I feared they would be this kind of soulless monsters. Truth be told despite not knowing shit about poly relationships and never really been in one I sometimes get confused and curious about how this ships works and stuff is always interesting. A little of backstory on my part is I came obsessed with the sisters in a very bad period in my life, really struggling and yk they became my comfort characters, thry have a special place in my heart. That is what i meant everyone sees the characters differently.
I see them as loving, soft gfs etc because back then when I wrote stuff its what I needed so that is why I am sad when in stories they come out as this toxic people because it is not what I have in my mind but yet again everyone is free to do and write what they want and how they want so is totally fine, we all have different opinions and points of view.
ANYWAY I am rambling and repeating myself sorry! 🫣
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Then you´re living a very healthy and nutritious life indeed. ;3
Tysm, love to hear it. ♥ ♥
I absolutely don´t see them as heart- or soulless - on the contrary. They´re complex creatures and very layered. Just not with someone they consider food. 🙃
(MC gets to experience the mere tip of the iceberg in the next chapter.)
To be honest, I don´t know a lot about poly relationships either. I´ve read about them ofc, but never written about it or experienced it myself. I´m going based on what we´ve seen on screen and my own HCs ofc. No matter whether you´ve experienced it or not, or have any kind of knowledge about it, in the end it comes down to how you see them and how you´d like for them to handle this complex dynamic. I just go with what feels natural with them. ^^
Ah, I totally get the part with comfort characters. They can do wonders for your mind and soul. I´m glad they helped you through trying times and I hope you´re doing just great now. ❤️
I won´t lie: The sisters will have toxic traits. I mean, they´re kidnapping you, lol. But they´re defo not gonna be cruel to MC in any way. Not in a physical way, at least. (I´d watch out for Irina though. Just in case. 👀)
I guess you could call them...mean? In a very haughty and hot way. xD
Think of it this way: This is them at their (morally) worst. 😈
Oh and about seeing them as loving, well...they will have some "tame" moments. Especially Tanya has lots of love to give. 💋 😉
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She´s gonna eat you up. If only you´d let her.
Thanks again for your ask and for reaching out once more! ❤️🫶
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bernlcastel · 1 year
Should i make an opinion piece post when im really sick? No.
Ami gonna do it?
I think this may get me in trouble with some pwople but i think ita important i get my current beliefs out here since i have not specified it since i have had some changes to it.
Proship/antiship is dumb and really simplifies the debate down to something 'palatable'. To be completely clear: yes i am one of those freaks who has trauma that has reintegrated into kinks. Yes i also have trauma that is triggering and seeing sexualization of it will cause me flashbacks. [Yes we exist lol]
I think some things need to be talked about in fiction. I think people are allowed to do whatever the hell they want in their spaces. I think rpf of incest/pedophilia/etc is weird and creepy [if it isnt you and another person that consented to it. Stop shipping real people you dont know holy fucking shit]
I think anyone is allowed to avoid whatever thry need to to stay safe. I think everything should be tagged accordingly with clear and concise tags.
I believe that the only time it is genuinely harmful is when you are using it to hurt someone in a way they do not consent to, and/or when you are doing it to a minor. I do not report incest blogs, i block them. I do report minors with nsfw blogs. Showing pedophilia/incest/etc to minors is disgusting and wrong. Being in a sexual relationship with a minor is disgusting and wrong. Outside of that do whatever the fuck you want. I avoid people and sometimes i make posts about it but my triggers doesnt mean someone is inherently bad.
I think that romanticization of trauma should be done in specific tags with specific minors dni things attached to them, or completely in private. I personally feel like ao3 specifically should have disclaimers on certain tags that specify that the actions shown in certain kinks should only be done with 2 consenting adults.
Thats myyyyy opinionnnnnn idc if you disagreeee i think we should stop sending each other death threats for the way we cope with trauma
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solardick · 8 months
Oh you mean the rape fantasies they gave me for a covid inoculation the one where i get raped by a couple guys. Is great ol’fun. Mmaybe if this new age apocaalyptic, peace and love bs. Stoped raping my existance since my first memory id actually have a life. But no. I get fucked since the begining of time and there isnt even a lesson in it.
Fags are like women all they’re good for is causing you pain and suffering. The only difference is one is dellusion and ugly and the other is pretty and spychotic.
When have in the thiudands of tome where other oit themselves over me had it resulted in anything good? Never. Fuck off. And ket me die.
At least with woman the famtasy is healthy and proactive. And supportive. Where the toaster pligs inyo a wall and not a toilet. But im only on this earth for one reasin and thats to he property and used and shipped around and raped like since my first memiru. Nothing gas changed.
Accirding to reality. The hermit gas nothinv to do with wisdom. Its lonely and mesery. Tgere are no positive tarot cards. I dint get why they are popular. But hey
MYbe i can get dised worh done more anti-spychotics myself and be dised back into being a braindead retard afain.
I winder hiw far away from reality i can get where i dont lose my sanity. Its great fun being franed into sonething your not.
Alcohols hits harder during the day than the night. That one beer felt like three. I m going to start drinking. Hopefullyni womt get raped by my own spyche for a while more. And i need to remind myself to go get my hunting permit.
Inhope that girl isnt in love with me. If rather save the hardship. Im not worth it. Im not worth anything. Im just a marionette. I just do what they make me do. And look at how well that plays out. Maybe my life with have meaning after im gone. Thats usually the case with “artists”. no one cares. They just take your stuff after your gine and put a orice tag on iy
As for tarot as it stands after reading it. It’s complete trash. Take everyone of those “archetypes” and flip its gender. You’ll see a big difference. But none of that really matters. Its just a copy paste on what’s already on circulation. Ehats in circulation will have dominance or priority of way. Anyway.
And alm obtainable information on whatever that obscure. Isn’t trustworthy. If it makes sense good for you. There all little bodies of meaning. And for some as the person the pur led their being into and became immortalized as a result. Thry reach out and cover over what’s there.
Not mych difference between that and hearing old songs from the piblic radio stations being covered by the opposite gender. And it clicks, because its never in mind, it was meant to be that gender singing it the whole time. Take the song. So popularized as “creep.” Its even queerer than “we are the champions” or bohemian rhapsody or how ever its spelt…. Music? ….. uh.
My heart sinks a bit everytime a crowd of “heteros” from a sports team or something sings aloud. Ugh.
Ive been “studying” media all my life. Not much else to do. And by others intent. I hate this. Theyve been doing it to me long before they ever started trying. My brain is nothing but, brainwashing.
Guess im not allowed seeing the world as not a hostile place to be in. 30 years of one thing. And then you twist it and transfer it to another. Nope. Cant not be. The world is t a fucken circle. Jessus.
Nothing but negative venus, plenty of womanly men. Plenty of drug connections. And stupid bs. Plenty of violence and negativity. Still with the knowing smirks. Making all this affects during “my personal transits” replacing what my act would do for your own i tent i stea dof mine.
Its never going to end. Its all its ever been. Just stupid bs and violence.
And i dont understand why. One of the reasons i went to astrology. An dit gave me a bit of comfort and a bit of security. Everytime id look at somethign spychological my mother went put me down. It the inly way i can understand. It’s always been. I cant keep going anymore. Im breaking down. Again. How can someone live like this? There’s nothing there. At this magnitude? Why do you keep me alive?
And why sisnt you just kill me 30 years ago? Ive been wanting to doe for the last 25 years. And all upu do is abuse me.
Now what? What to do. The tv saps my energy. Maybe i should go back out to the bar. Its getting late.
Wheres the loving conversation? Oh, yeah ,right. Im not allowed to have any. Even though im all moon and saturn. Im not allowed having that responsibility. Bah breeding is for the imvompetant and the malvolent.
Well guessni aint breeding. And theres nothign else to accomplish that has any meaning or significance doen the line. Being alive is pointless. Its just a waste of time. Abusive time. Thtas all there is.
Now eccuse me i have to rety and get more than 4 hours of sleep and then go hang out woth a bunch of people that irritate and frustrate me with stupidity and violence. Or girly man crap. And me having no RnR from the consistency of the bs. Its always like that. There aint no rest for the abusive. I said you had a good singing voice. I dosnt say i wanted to listen to you sing female pop artist hits. Jesus. Wahts next you gonna start singing me britney spears, join a brothel and beat on men.
My sense are heightwned. Doibt im sleeping tomight. Oh well no work tomorow. Whoopy do.
Probably got driggrd with speed or something again. They like to drug me.
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Hahahahha. Ywah ok.
Hey everyone. Theres this thing called astrology that lets anyone on thr planets to fuck woth yout life. Os fantastic. But if yiur not into that sort of thing you can go blow jesus.
Yay. Back to normal again. But venus transits comjng to a close in congruence to the unatural weather? +2? Frequent rain in january? Temperature drops 10°s. Happens. When ever the weather is fucked its with a “personal” transit. Been this way for the last few years that ive picked up.
Its like im so “collectivized” i control nature.
Hey look, i made a joke. Time for y’all to take it seriously. And cause me pain. And during that whole time y’all removed my latest sexual harrasser from being around me. I atarted global warning because i smoke ciggarettes. Sorry i took y’alls pure white loving christmas. Nows its a wet, green christmas. Where i dont need wearing a hacket until jahuary. Your welcome i destroy outdoor winter sports. Nature is ny obly social constant. Gice me more power. I want to cintrol the planet with my justice. Maybe i am developing into a nazi. Shitty life circumstances cause “hitler” to rape the environment right back. 7 fold. It says so in the bible. So i other words they dont want ke walking away from this girl. I dont know man…. But thays ok. They atent a venus figure abyway. Theur a pluonic mats figure. E
Where im given to the fantasy to “dominate”. Oouuu
Its all pickle and pineapples today…. Good fortune. And giving. Never mind it was just a freak 5 min period tgat just seens out if place. Good fortune?! Fuck iff.
Ok, ok. Everything is alright now. I see. And i want to be convinced. But i still ain’t. Still afraid. Or whatnot. Interference to others plans. Resistance And diligence and all that stuff. So even if whatever happens as i go through it. Then atleast ive kept what matters inside not to be bound to the effects. The next scene comes along.
I never got the whole trans thing. Kept bringing it back, like it bothered me. I may have experimented with underwear at one point. And you know what? A man thong can be pretty comfortable. In the sense that it keeps your balls up while feeling like you aint wearing nothing at all. And then you butt cheeks are frotting agaisnt your pants and not cuchoned from the sensation. Not very practical though.
And of course im always going to have a peace of cherry inside me. Love that persona. Not to crackpot bs she gave me. Thats too bad. Sometimes she reads right along with me. Its mine. I own it.
What i did love was find the purest most innocent part of you i saw. And i pulled on it. Your all demon on top. To the point of tattooing it on you. But naw. I went way back. To the beginning. Pieced it together with what i already knew. What little social wisdom i had to the opposite sex. And pleaded to it. Didnt care what games you played. Because i wasnt talking to that other you. And i didnt give much attention to anything you posted. Didnt care. I think your poetry is trash. You couldnt poet your way into any society.
Come now girl. You know you want to hit me. 😜
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I dont ship lunter but i think its funny the attempt to resort to "the age gap" because its so unproblematic otherwise and the writer (a bisexual latina) did such a good job of giving them chemistry
(Good god, how problematic it is to say its a ship for straight people when thr main character is a bi latina written by a bi latina, who specifically said shes always wanted to write a character like her)
Especially since
1) shipping children is usually pretty innocent. Usually involves them just being friends and at most hand holding and a kiss on the cheek
2) most media gets around the age difference by having them go off and do their own thing for a few years and then meet again in college or something. So really they WOULD be just friends and anything shippy is just groundwork for the past theyd share when thry are ADULTS
3) regarding "the power dynamic" Amity has also tried to kill and get rid of luz and luz and hunter both could have easily killed the other and can kill each other at pretty much any moment
Juat calm down watch the show and block the tags u dont like. Stop trying to police how other ppl enjoy the show
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afritan-blog · 7 years
TAGGED BY: @immortalaccursed TAGGING: @tiiamate, @croceos, @daemonmade
Anything goes, really! Just, stick to what’s on the tin (ala, in my rules] and there won’t be any problem. Well, okay--not smut (b/c asexual Ifrit hecka yah], pedophilia, sexual triggers, etc. Again, da rules my guy--thry’s neat.
Okay, no muses under 20 (or physically/mentally so if immortal] because I just...I can’t go any lower. No siree bub.
Well, I am dual-ship so--yes? Thing is, I’m easy to approach and pretty agreeable when someone proposes it first, but if you’re expecting me to say something first...boy do I have news for you. Usually, when it falls on me, I tend to wait for MONTHS even after us muns have become friends & we’ve threaded a lot with clear chemistry--I don’t handle rejection all that well, hence the extreme biding.
He’s too ace for that lmao
 There’s literally one other person Ifrit’s admittedly crushing on, but since it’s ME, watch it take five million years to happen if at all. Otherwise? I will famship Ifrit with Ardyn & Izunia to my GRAVE.
Honestly, yes. Please validate me.
Chemistry man...chemistry...
EH--it vascillates a stupid lot. Some days it’s all I want to write, others I want nothing to do with it.
Aside from Eos/Ifrit, I ship Nyx with Noctis something BAD.
Approach me first my guy. Or if we do this my way, build an OOC friendship, thread/plot with me tons, and wait until it’s so sure we’re like those annoying friends who know who our muses are crushing on from OUTER SPACE.
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